Внеурочная деятельность по английскому языку

Халикова Диана Фаритовна

Материалы по внеурочной деятельности по английском языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку - 5

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие

T: Good morning, dear friends.  Let us greet each other.

Исполнение песни “Good morning”

T: Do you like travelling?

Well, let us imagine we’re going by train. Where would you like to travel?

(ответы учащихся)

Let’s go!


Let’s divide into two teams: Dogs and Foxes.

 (раздать карточки с названиями)

The first task: Choose the captains of your teams.

Who is your captain, Dogs? –

Who is your captain, Foxes? –

Well, let’s start.

The 1st station of our travelling is  “We are a team!”


You should  introduce your team  and  use the  knowledge of idioms about animals.

But firstly, look at the board to make familiar idioms.

(Работа у доски – Соотнеси части идиомы)

You have three  minutes to prepare for the presentation of your team.

(Ребята представляют команду)

  1. We are ….
  2. We like…. and….
  3. This is ….. He is as … as… He ….

This is ….. She is like a …. She….

And this is our captain…. He/She is …

T: Excellent work! Let us clap your hands.

T: Do you like school?

The next station is “My school”.

You should  remember as many words about school as you know. Work in chain. The first word is yours,  Dogs!

(Игра. Ребята по очереди называют слова по теме School.)

Who is the champion?


And now you will go to the board one by one and write the words  correctly.

If you write without any mistakes, you will get a score.

(Запись слов п теме School у доски)

3.The next station is “Where do you live?”

1. In the room

2. Rooms in the house

Tell about your room

 “My Family”

 1. Family members – МЭШ (Написать слова) – на листочках на время


You should ask as many questions as you can about your opponents. Every correct question is one point.

(Name, surname, age, interests, hobbies, what is he/ she like? What does he/she look like?)

  1. Викторина о Великобритании. – Symbols of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  2. Песня Merry Christmas

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие в 4 А классе

Звучит фоновая музыка. На сцене появляется ведущий.

Дети исполняют песню “Good morning. How are you?”

Вед: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you. How are you today?

Ответы детей.

Вед: Well, let us begin our game.

Today we’ll have two teams:  “Foxes” and “Wolves”. In every team there will be 8 pupils. Who will be the leader of the “Foxes”? (ответ учащихся) Who will be the leader of the “Wolves” (ответ учащихся).

So, we are ready to start.

Do you like travelling?

Then let us travel a little bit. Let us imagine we are sitting in a train and we are going around the world. We must visit some stations and do some tasks. In this way the team will compete.

Do you know the ABC? Let us remember it.  (Исполняют песню про алфавит)

The 1st station is called  “The expert of the ABC”.

You have only 2 minutes to arrange the words in the alphabetical order. Who will be the experts?

Porcupine, forest, pitcher plant, canopy, orchids, brown bear, squirrel, sunflower, insects, robin, blackbird, wolf, fox.


Blackbird, brown bear, canopy, forest, fox, insects, orchids, pitcher plant, porcupine, robin, squirrel, sunflower, wolf

Do you know the words? Read and translate them.

(Ребята читают и переводят слова.)

What is common about the words?  - They are about animals and plants, about flora and fauna.

The 2nd station is called “The experts of the animals”

Who will compete? (Команды представляют своих участников)

The task.

Do you remember the song about a porcupine?

It’s Ex.9 p.27. Let’s sing it.

So the task is. Tell about wild animals of Russia. Who is the best?

The 3rd station is called “The expert of flora”(two experts)

Do you like sunflower seeds?  Let’s sing a song ”Sunflower in the sun” – Ex. 8 p. 37

And now the task: What do you know about topical forest?

Make up the questions and use the following words:

  1. the weather/ is/ What / in/ like/ a / forest/ rain?
  2. grow/ Do/ the trees/ tall/ in/ rain forest/ the/ very?
  3. a canopy/ What/ makes?
  4. Where/ orchids/ do / live?

  1. What is the weather like in a rain forest? – It’s very hot and wet.
  2. Do the trees in the rain forest grow very tall? – Yes, they do.
  3. What makes a canopy? – The leaves at the top of the trees. They are very thick.
  4. Orchids live on the tree trunks in the canopy.

And now you will have a quiz.

  1. Where do pitcher plants grow?
  2. What do pitcher plants eat?
  3. Are there any rain forests in Russia?
  4. Where do brown bears live? (in the Taiga)
  5. Where are there 29 active volcanoes? (in Kamchatka)
  6. How many big cities are there by the side of the Volga? (11)


And the last station. – “What is it?” (Ребята читают загадки соперникам, отвечают на них.)

  1. It grows in gardens. It has beautiful red flowers and green leaves. It can hurt you. You cn see it in Russia and in many other countries. (a rose)
  2. They live in holes in the rain forest floor. They eat leaves and fruit. They have got long spines on their backs. They can run backwards. (porcupines)
  3. It lives in lakes and rivers in Australia. It has short legs and a tail. It can swim underwater and dive but it can’t run on land. (platypus)
  4. It is famous for its volcanoes. There are 29 active volcanoes there. You can see lakes with hot water not far from volcanoes.(Kamchatka)
  5. It is in the south of Russia. It is famous for its beaches, holiday camps and big ports. (the Black sea)
  6. It is the longest river in our country. There are 11 big cities by its side. (the Volga)

And now it’s time to go home. – Ex.7 p.50 Let’s come back home.

What are the results of the game?

Foxes, your score is ….. points.

Wolves, your score is …. Points. ….. You are the champions. Our congratulations. Fantastic job!