3.3 Учет индивидуальных особенностей учащихся в построении образовательного процесса, выборе образовательных технологий, методик обучения

Сафарова Вилия Абдулловна

Учет индивидуальных особенностей учащихся в построении образовательного процесса, выборе образовательных технологий, методик обучения


Предварительный просмотр:

Депобразования и молодежи Югры

бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования

Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры

«Мегионский политехнический колледж»

(БУ «Мегионский политехнический колледж»)

Эмблема колледжа новая 2014




Мегион, 2020

Учебное пособие по дисциплине Иностранный язык разработано в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом среднего профессионального образования (далее – ФГОС СПО) по специальности  44.02.01 Дошкольное образованиеи специфики ППССЗ.


Сафарова Вилия Абдулловна, преподаватель иностранных языков

Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании цикловой методической комиссией филологических дисциплин, протокол № 10 от «21» мая 2020 г.


















Методические указания предназначены для студентов и служат пособием при выполнении практических работ, предусмотренных рабочими учебными планами специальностей СПО в рабочих программах и содержит: аудиторной учебной работы обучающегося (обязательных учебных занятий) -117 часов; внеаудиторной (самостоятельной) учебной работы обучающегося –53часа.        

Содержание и объем практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» соответствует требованиям ФГОС СОО, ФГОС СПО по специальности 44.02.01 Дошкольное образование и специфики ППССЗ.

Самостоятельная внеаудиторная работа по иностранному языку проводится с целью:

  • систематизации и закрепления полученных теоретических знаний студентов;
  • углубления и расширения теоретических знаний;
  • развития познавательных способностей и активности студентов, самостоятельности, ответственности и организованности;
  • формирования самостоятельности мышления, способностей к саморазвитию, самосовершенствованию и самореализации. Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа выполняется студентом по заданию преподавателя, но без его непосредственного участия.

Виды самостоятельной работы:

  • устная проверка грамматических и лексико-грамматических заданий на занятиях;
  • выборочная проверка заданий на доске;
  • проверка письменных заданий в тетрадях преподавателем / студентами;
  • самостоятельная работа в аудитории по определенной теме с последующей проверкой;
  • самостоятельная работа.


Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе с грамматическим материалом

  1. Внимательно изучите грамматическое правило, рассмотрите примеры.
  2. Выполните рекомендуемые тренировочные упражнения.
  3. Выпишите из упражнения все предложения, содержащие новую грамматическую структуру.
  4. Внимательно изучите способ трансформации утвердительного предложения в вопросительное и отрицательное.
  5. Проконтролируйте с помощью словаря правильность произношения данной структуры.
  6. Придумайте несколько предложений, содержащих новую грамматическую структуру.

Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе с лексикой

  1. При составлении списка слов и словосочетаний по какой-либо теме (тексту), при оформлении лексической картотеки или личной тетради-словаря необходимо выписать из англо-русского словаря лексические единицы в их исходной форме, то есть:

        имена существительные – в именительном падеже единственного числа (целесообразно также указать форму множественного числа, например: shelf - shelves, man - men, text – texts;

        глаголы – винфинитиве (целесообразноуказатьидругиеосновныеформыглагола – PastиPastParticiple, например: teach – taught – taught, read – read – readит.д.).

  1. Заучивать лексику рекомендуется с помощью двустороннего перевода (с английского языка – на русский, с русского языка – на английский) с использованием разных способов оформления лексики (списка слов, тетради-словаря, картотеки).
  2. Для закрепления лексики целесообразно использовать примеры употребления слов и словосочетаний в предложениях, а также словообразовательные и семантические связи заучиваемых слов (однокоренные слова, синонимы, антонимы).
  3. Для формирования активного и пассивного словаря необходимо освоение наиболее продуктивных словообразовательных моделей английского языка.

Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе со словарем

  1. При поиске слова в словаре необходимо следить за точным совпадением графического оформления искомого и найденного слова, в противном случае перевод будет неправильны (ср. plague - бедствие, plaque - тарелка; beside – рядом, besides – кроме того; desert – пустыня, dessert – десерт; personal – личный, personnel – персонал).
  2. Многие слова являются многозначными, т.е. имеют несколько значений, поэтому при поиске значения слова в словаре необходимо читать всю словарную статью и выбирать для перевода то значение, которое подходит в контекст предложения (текста).


a) Red Square is one of the biggest squares in Europe.

б) You must bring this number to a square.  13

в) If you want to get to this supermarket you must pass two squares.

г) Hebrokesquares.

Изучение всей словарной статьи о существительном square и сопоставление данных словаря с переводимыми предложениями показывает, что в предложении а) существительное Square имеет значение «площадь» («Красная площадь - одна из самых больших площадей в Европе»), в предложении б) – «квадрат» («Вы должны возвести это число в квадрат»), а в предложении в) - «квартал» - («Если Вы хотите добраться до этого супермаркета, Вам нужно пройти два квартала»); в предложении

г) употребляется выражение “brakesquares” – «нарушать установленный порядок» («Он нарушил установленный порядок»).

  1. При поиске в словаре значения слова в ряде случаев следует принимать во внимание грамматическую функцию слова в предложении, так как некоторые слова выполняют различные грамматические функции и в зависимости от этого переводятся по-разному.


а) Theworkisdone = Работа сделана (work выполняет функцию подлежащего);

б) Theyworkin a bigcompany = Они работают в большой компании (work – выполняет функцию сказуемого).

  1. При поиске значения глагола в словаре следует иметь в виду, что глаголы указаны в словаре в неопределенной форме (Infinitive) – sleep, choose, like, bring, в то время как в предложении (тексте) они функционируют в разных временах, в разных грамматических конструкциях. Алгоритм поиска глагола зависит от его принадлежности к классу правильных или неправильных глаголов. Отличие правильных глаголов от неправильных заключается в том, что правильные глаголы образуют форму Past Indefinite и Past Participle при помощи прибавления окончания -ed к инфинитиву.

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Past Participle

to look looked looked           to smile smiled smiled

        Неправильные глаголы образуют Past Indefinite и Past Participle другими способами:  - путем изменения корневых гласных формы инфинитива Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Past Participle

to begin began begun to speak spoke spoken

- путёмизменениякорневыхгласныхиприбавленияокончаниякформеинфинитиваPresent Indefinite Past Indefinite Past Participle

to write wrote written to give gave given

- путёмизмененияконечныхсогласныхформыинфинитиваPresent Indefinite Past Indefinite Past Participle

to send sent sentto build built built

- унекоторыхнеправильныхглаголоввсетриформысовпадаютс PresentIndefinitePastIndefinitePastParticiple

to cut cutcutto put putput

Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе с текстом

1.  Прочтите заголовок текста.

2.  Выпишите незнакомые слова.

3.  Определите  по  формальным  признакам  синтаксическую  функцию  как известных, так и неизвестных вам слов.

4.  Сделайте  предварительный  перевод  заглавия,  заменяя  незнакомые слова неопределенно - личными местоимениями.

5.  Прочтите текст, определите его тему двумя - тремя словами.

6.  Прочтите еще раз первый абзац.

7.  Подумайте, встречаются ли в первом абзаце слова заглавия. Помните, что  известные  слова  могут  быть  представлены  синонимами  или описательно.

8.  Посмотрите,  есть  ли  в  абзаце  слова,  близкие  по  форме  неизвестному  слову.

9.  Определите,  одинаковы  ли  подлежащее  абзаца  и  подлежащее заголовка.

10.  Определите,  одинаковы  ли  сказуемые  (дополнения)  в  абзаце  заголовке.

11. Читайте  следующие  абзацы,  выписывая  из  них  законченные  в смысловом плане отрезки, содержащие слова заглавия.

12.  Преобразуйте,  если  необходимо,  полученные  отрезки  в  двух-  или трехсоставные  предложения  так,  чтобы  известные  слова  выполнялодну и ту же синтаксическую функцию.

13.  Сравните  главные  члены  и  дополнения  в  полученных  предложения. Убедитесь  в  том,  что  в  заглавии  было  выражено  незнакомым  вам словом,  а  в  полученных  предложениях  в  роли  сказуемого  появились слова, известные вам. То же относится к подлежащему и дополнению

Методические рекомендации по переводу текста

  1. Текст, предназначенный для перевода, следует рассматривать как единое смысловое целое.
  2. Начинай перевод с заглавия, которое, как правило, выражает основную тему данного текста.
  3. Постарайся понять содержание всего текста, прочитай его целиком или большую его часть, а затем приступай к отдельным его предложениям.
  4. Старайся понять основную мысль предложения, опираясь на знакомые слова и выражения, а также на слова, схожие с родным языком или о значении которых можно догадаться из содержания.
  5. Выполни перевод всех неизвестных тебе слов.
  6. Отредактируй переведенные предложения так, чтобы они были построены на русском языке грамматически и стилистически верно.
  7. Когда текст переведен полностью, прочитай его весь целиком и внеси необходимые стилистические поправки.

Методические рекомендации по подготовке пересказа текста

  1. Реши, что является в содержании текста главным.
  2. Составь план пересказа.
  3. Предложения, необходимые для пересказа, сделай более краткими, простыми по грамматической структуре.
  4. Отработай произношение необходимых для пересказа слов и словосочетаний. Обрати внимание на произношение трудных иностранных слов и имен собственных.
  5. При пересказе придерживайся составленного тобой плана.

Как адаптировать (пересказать) прочитанный английский текст.

  1. Прочитайте внимательно текст.
  2. Выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их перевод.
  3. Переведите текст.
  4. Разбейте текст на смысловые группы.
  5. Выделите главные предложения в каждой группе.
  6. Попробуйте рассказать о том, что прочитали на русском языке, обратив внимание на выделенные вами основные предложения в английском тексте.
  7. Попробуйте перевести самостоятельно эти предложения на АЯ.
  8. Сверьте их с текстом.
  9. Проделайте пункты 6,7,8 несколько раз.

Методические рекомендации по написанию сочинения

  1. Подумай о том, что ты хочешь написать.
  2. Реши, что является главным, а что второстепенным.
  3. Составь план сочинения.
  4. Повтори необходимые для написания слова и словосочетания.
  5. Прочти тексты на данную тему и используй их.

Пиши сочинение, придерживаясь составленного плана.

Методические рекомендации по созданию презентации на иностранном языке

  1. Подумай, о чем ты хочешь рассказать в своей презентации. Составь план презентации.
  2. Проанализируй необходимую литературу. Подбери цитаты, иллюстративный материал.
  3. Повтори слова, необходимые для составления комментария к презентации.
  4. Текст слайда должен состоять из кратких и простых по грамматической структуре предложений.
  5. Иллюстрации должны отражать содержащуюся на слайде информацию.
  6. Слайды должны быть логически последовательными.
  7. Не забывай, что при представлении презентации комментарии к слайдам должны содержать больший объем информации, чем отражено на самом слайде.
  8. Дизайн слайдов должен быть выдержан в едином стиле и не мешать восприятию содержащейся на нем информации.

Методические рекомендации по подготовке реферата:

Реферат – это письменный доклад на определённую тему, обобщающий информацию из различных источников. Кроме того, так называют краткое содержание научной работы.Для получения высокой оценки за работу, важно не только раскрыть тему, но и правильно её оформить.

Реферат должен иметь:

  • Титульный лист;
  • Содержание;
  • Введение;
  • Основную часть;
  • Заключение;
  • Список литературы.

Титульный лист

Первую страницу реферативной работы называют титульным листом – здесь должна быть отражена следующая информация:

  • Наименование вышестоящей организации (его нужно писать сразу после верхнего поля, прописными буквами);
  • Следующая строка – название учебного заведения, которая оформляется так же;
  • Чуть выше середины страницы, прописными буквами и жирным или полужирным шрифтом, необходимо написать слово «РЕФЕРАТ»;
  • Затем, строкой ниже, с большой буквы пишут тему работы;
  • После этого следует отразить данные об исполнителе (их принято печатать со смещением вправо);
  • Строкой ниже должны идти данные о руководителе – их оформляют так же, как и в предыдущем пункте;
  • Далее на предпоследней строке листа пишут название города;
  • И последний пункт титульного листа – год выполнения работы.


На второй странице реферата требуется оформить содержание работы, в котором должны быть указаны названия глав и номера страниц, на которых они находятся.


Прежде чем начать раскрывать тему реферата, необходимо сделать небольшое вступление (обычно пишут об актуальности проблемы, методах исследования и задачах, которые ставит перед собой автор).

Основная часть

В основной части реферата нужно логично и последовательно раскрыть тему, используя специальную литературу.


В заключительной части обобщают обработанную информацию и пишут краткие выводы.

Список литературы

На последней странице необходимо в алфавитном порядке оформить пронумерованный список использованной литературы, содержащий следующие данные:

  • Фамилия и инициалы автора;
  • Название работы (его пишут без кавычек, с большой буквы);
  • Выходные данные книги в следующем порядке: город издания, название издательства, год и количество страниц;

Для удобства восприятия, текст реферата принято писать на одной стороне листа 12-м шрифтом через полуторный интервал. Обязательно нужно делать абзацные отступы, а новые главы и части начинать на следующей странице. Заголовки и подзаголовки выделяются жирным или полужирным текстом, при этом точку в конце ставить не нужно. Нумерация страниц обязательна – она должна быть сквозная (титульный лист не нумеруется, но считается).


Критериями оценки результатов внеаудиторной самостоятельной деятельности обучающихся являются:

-уровень усвоения учебного материала

-умение обучающегося использовать теоретические знания при выполнении практических задач

- обоснованность и четкость изложения ответа

- оформление материала в соответствии с требованиями

Критерии оценивания говорения

Отметка «5»ставится в том случае, если общение осуществилось, высказывания обучающихся соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной, задаче и при этом их устная речь полностью соответствовала нормам иностранного языка в пределах программных требований для данного курса.

Отметка «4»ставится в том случае, если общение осуществилось, высказывания обучающихся соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче и при этом обучающиеся выразили свои мысли на иностранном языке с незначительными отклонениями от языковых норм, а в остальном их устная речь соответствовала нормам иностранного языка в пределах программных требований для данного курса.

Отметка «3»ставится в том случае, если общение осуществилось, высказывания обучающихся соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче и при этом обучающиеся выразили свои мысли на иностранном языке с отклонениями от языковых норм, не мешающими, однако, понять содержание сказанного.

Отметка «2»ставится в том случае, если общение не осуществилось или высказывания обучающихся не соответствовали поставленной коммуникативной задаче, обучающиеся слабо усвоили пройденный материал и выразили свои мысли на иностранном языке с такими отклонениями от языковых норм, которые не позволяют понять содержание большей части сказанного.

Критерии оценивания чтения

Отметка «5»ставится в том случае, если коммуникативная задача решена и при этом обучающиеся полностью поняли и осмыслили содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста в объёме, предусмотренном заданием, чтение обучающихся соответствовало программным требованиям для данного курса.

Отметка «4ставится в том случае, если коммуникативная задача решена и при этом  обучающиеся полностью поняли и осмыслили содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста за исключением деталей и частностей, не влияющих на  понимание  этого  текста,   в  объёме,   предусмотренном  заданием,  чтение обучающихся   соответствовало   программным   требованиям   для   данного  класса.

Отметка «3»ставится в том случае, если коммуникативная задача решена и при этом обучающиеся поняли, осмыслили главную идею прочитанного иноязычного текста в объёме, предусмотренном заданием, чтение обучающихся в основном соответствует программным требованиям для данного класса.

Отметка «2»ставится в том случае, если коммуникативная задача не решена, обучающиеся не поняли прочитанного иноязычного текста в объёме, предусмотренном заданием, чтение обучающихся соответствовало программным требованиям для данного класса

Критерии оценивания выполнения фонетических, грамматических упражнений

Отметка «5»   Задания выполнены  на 90-100%

Отметка «4»   Задания выполнены  на 75-89%

Отметка «3»   Задания выполнены  на 50-74%

Отметка «2»   Задания выполнены  менее чем на 50%

Критерии оценки письменных развернутых ответов

Отметка«5» Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи

Отметка «4» Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и/или лексических ошибок.

Отметка«3» Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.

Отметка«2» Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объема текста.

Критерии и показатели, используемые при оценивании учебного реферата



1.Новизна реферированного текста

Макс. - 20 баллов

- актуальность проблемы и темы;
- новизна и самостоятельность в постановке проблемы, в формулировании нового аспекта выбранной для анализа проблемы;
- наличие авторской позиции, самостоятельность суждений.

2. Степень раскрытия сущности проблемы
Макс. - 30 баллов

- соответствие плана теме реферата;
- соответствие содержания теме и плану реферата;
- полнота и глубина раскрытия основных понятий проблемы;
- обоснованность способов и методов работы с материалом;
- умение работать с литературой, систематизировать и структурировать материал;
- умение обобщать, сопоставлять различные точки зрения по рассматриваемому вопросу, аргументировать основные положения и выводы.

3. Обоснованность выбора источников
Макс. - 20 баллов

- круг, полнота использования литературных источников по проблеме;
- привлечение новейших работ по проблеме (журнальные публикации, материалы сборников научных трудов и т.д.).

4. Соблюдение требований к оформлению Макс. - 15 баллов

- правильное оформление ссылок на используемую литературу;
- грамотность и культура изложения;
- владение терминологией и понятийным аппаратом проблемы;
- соблюдение требований к объему реферата;
- культура оформления: выделение абзацев.

5. Грамотность

Макс. - 15 баллов

- отсутствие орфографических и синтаксических ошибок, стилистических погрешностей;
- отсутствие опечаток, сокращений слов, кроме общепринятых;
- литературный стиль.

Оценивание реферата

Реферат оценивается по 100 балльной шкале, балы переводятся в оценки успеваемости следующим образом:

• 86 – 100 баллов – «отлично»;

• 70 – 75 баллов – «хорошо»;

• 51 – 69 баллов – «удовлетворительно;

• мене 51 балла – «неудовлетворительно».

Критерии оценивания мультимедийных презентаций

        Критерии оценивания мультимедийных презентаций, выполненных младшими школьниками, разработаны с учётом того, что дети впервые знакомятся с программой Microsoft Power Point или являются не опытными пользователями.

Параметры оценивания презентации

Критерии оценивания

Максимальное количество баллов


- Содержание раскрывает цель и задачи исследования.

- Использование коротких слов и предложений

- Заголовки привлекают внимание.






- В презентации есть фотографии, рисунки или диаграммы.

- Текст легко читается на фоне презентации.

- Используются анимационные эффекты.

- Все ссылки работают.







- Нет орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок.

- Используются научные понятия (термины).

- Информация дается точная, полезная и интересная.

- Есть ссылки на источники информации.






40-55 баллов оценивается как «5»

25-40 баллов оценивается как «4»



Тема: 1.1 Введение в курс

Время для выполнения задания:  1 час

Содержание работы

1.Прочитайте следующие слова, отрабатывая звучание долгих и кратких гласных:


[i:] – we [wi:] мы, he [hi:] он, she [ʃi:] она, eat [i:t] питаться, seat [si:t] место для сиденья, be [bi:]  быть, see [si:] видеть, three [θri:] три, people [pi:pl] люди, peace [pi:s] мир, free [fri:] свободный, teach [ti:tʃ] обучать, speak [spi:k] говорить, queen [kwi:n] королева.

[ɪ] – it [ɪt] оно, это, this [ðɪs] этот, sit [sɪt] сидеть, if [ɪf] если, live [lɪv] жить, begin [bɪʹɡɪn] начинать, invest [ɪnʹvest] вкладывать (капитал), Britain [ʹbrɪt(ə)n] Британия, English [ʹɪŋɡlɪʃ] английский язык, different [dɪfr(ə)nt] различный, king [kɪŋ] король.

[e] – men [men] люди, when [wen] когда, end [end] конец, health [helθ] здоровье, guest [ɡest] гость, ten [ten] десять, Wednesday [ʹwenzdɪ] среда, spend [spend] проводить, every [ʹevrɪ] каждый.

[æ] – man [mæn] человек, can [kæn] мочь, map [mæp] карта, land [lænd] земля, that [ðæt] тот, travel [ʹtrævəl] путешествие, Saturday [ʹsætədɪ] суббота, manners [ʹmænəz] (хорошие) манеры.

[ɑ:] – car [kɑ:] автомобиль, far [fɑ:] далеко, France [frɑ:ns] Франция, chance [tʃɑ:ns] шанс, father [ʹfɑ:ðə] отец, after [ʹɑ:ftə] после.

[ʌ] – one [wʌn] один, but [bʌt] но, must [mʌst] должен, London [ʹlʌndən] Лондон, come [kʌm] приходить, mother [ʹmʌðə] мать, above [əʹbʌv] выше, Sunday [ʹsʌndɪ] воскресенье, Monday [ʹmʌndɪ] понедельник, some [sʌm] некоторые, country [ʹkʌntrɪ] страна.

[ɔ:] – sport [spɔ:t] спорт, or [ɔ:] или, daughter [ʹdɔ:tə] дочь, four [fɔ:] четыре, for [fɔ:] для, horse [hɔ:s] лошадь, before [bəʹfɔ:] перед, all [ɔ:l] все, formal [ʹfɔ:ml] официальный, North [nɔ:θ] север.

[ɔ] – spot [spɔt] пятно, from [frɔm] из, от, was [wɔz] был, sorry [sɔrɪ] сожалеющий, hot [hɔt] горячий, shock [ʃɔk] шок, what [wɔt] что, clock [klɔk] часы, watch [wɔtʃ] часы, Scotland [ʹskɔtlənd] Шотландия.

[u:] – you [ju:] ты, do делать [du:], too [tu:] также, two [tu:] два, group [gru:p] группа, who [hu:] кто, soon [su:] скоро, choose [tʃu:z] выбирать, Tuesday [ʹtju:zdɪ] вторник, school [sku:l] школа.

[u] – full[ ful] полный, put [put] класть, good [gud] хорошо, push[puʃ] толкать, pull [pul] тянуть, book [buk] книга, look [luk] смотреть, foot [fut] нога.

[ə:] – girl [ɡə:l] девочка, work [wə:k] работа, world [wə:ld] мир, term [tə:m] семестр, learn [lə:n] изучать, Thursday [ʹθə:zdɪ] четверг, earth [ə:θ] земля, Sir [sə:] сэр.

[ə] – sister [ʹsɪstə] сестра, teacher [ʹti:tʃə] учитель, Russia [ʹrʌʃə] Россия, attend [əʹtend] посещать, surprise [səʹpraɪz] удивляться, сюрприз, America [əʹmerɪkə] Америка, England [ʹɪŋɡlənd] Англия, kingdom [kiŋdəm] королевство.

2. Прочитайте слова, отрабатывая звучание дифтонгов (двугласных), которые представляют собой как бы два слитно произнесенных гласных с ударением на первом элементе:

[eɪ] – they [ðeɪ] они, way [weɪ] путь, дорога, способ, day [deɪ] день, name [neɪm] имя, называть, stage [steɪdʒ] стадия, сцена, face [feɪs] лицо, aim [eɪm] цель, paper [ʹpeɪpə] бумага, газета, stay [steɪ] оставаться, say [seɪ] говорить, сказать, same [seɪm] тот же самый, Wales [weɪlz] Уэльс, great [greɪt] большой, огромный.

 [aɪ] – I [aɪ] я, my [maɪ] мой, myself [maɪʹself] сам, eye [aɪ] глаз, guide [ɡaɪd] гид, проводник, die [daɪ] умирать, Friday [ʹfraɪdɪ] пятница, child [tʃaɪld] ребенок, why [waɪ] почему, primary [ʹpraɪmərɪ] первостепенный, начальный, private [praɪvɪt] частный.

[au] – now [nau] сейчас, how [hau] как, out [aut] вне, из, about [əʹbaut] около, down [daun] вниз, house [haus] дом, ground [ɡraund] земля, town [taun] город, South [sauθ] Юг.

[ɔɪ] – boy [bɔɪ] мальчик, oil [ɔɪl] масло, toilet [tɔɪlɪt] туалет, choice [tʃɔɪs] выбор, join [dʒɔɪn] соединять(ся), employ [ɪmʹplɔɪ] нанимать на работу, использовать.

[əu] – no [əu] нет, home [həum] дом, know [nəu] знать, cold [kəuld] холодный, road [rəud] дорога, low [ləu] низкий, only [ʹəunlɪ] только, nobody [ʹnəubodɪ] никто.

[ɪə] – ear [ɪə] ухо, near [nɪə] близко, clear [klɪə] ясный, чистый, theatre [ʹθɪətə] театр, real [rɪəl] реальный, ideal [aɪʹdɪəl] идеальный, zero [ʹzɪərou] ноль.

[ɛə] – air [ɛə] воздух, chair [tʃɛə] стул, there [ðɛə] там, their [ðɛə] их, where [wɛə] где, куда, parents [ʹpɛərənts] родители.

[uə] – tour [tuə] тур, путешествие, sure [ʃuə] уверенный, poor [puə] бедный, pure [pjuə] чистый, cure [kjuə] лечение, лекарство, during [ʹduərɪŋ] во время, mutual [ʹmju:tʃuəl] взаимный, usual [ʹju:ʒuəl] обычный, plural [ʹpluərəl] множественный.

3.Прочитайте слова, отрабатывая звучание трифтонгов, т.е. сочетаний дифтонгов с нейтральной гласной фонемой [ə]:3.

[eɪə] – player [pleɪə] игрок, layer [leɪə] слой, пласт, prayer [preɪə] проситель, молящийся.

[aɪə] – fire [faɪə] огонь, iron [aɪən] железо, утюг, society [səʹsaɪətɪ] общество, dialogue [ʹdaɪəlɔɡ] диалог, shire [ʃaɪə] графство, higher [haɪə] выше, via [vaɪə] через, Ireland [ʹaɪələnd] Ирландия, science [ʹsaɪəns] наука, variety [vəʹraɪətɪ] разнообразие.

[auə] – our [auə] наш, hour [auə] час, flower [flauə] цветок, tower [tauə] башня, towel [tauəl] полотенце, shower [ʃauə] душ, nowadays [nauədeɪz] сейчас, сегодня, power [pauə] сила, власть.

[əuə] – slower [sləuə] медленнее, ower [əuə] должник, goer [gəuə] ходок, follower [ʹfɔləuə] последователь, поклонник.

[ɔɪə] – employer [ɪmʹplɔɪə] работодатель, royal [rɔɪəl] королевский, roalist [ʹrɔɪəlɪst] роялист, destroyer [dɪʹstrɔɪə] разрушитель.

Правила чтения гласных в разных типах чтения

Чтение гласной буквы в ударном  слоге зависит от типа слога. Принято делить 4 типа слога:

I тип – открытый слог (т.е. слог, оканчивающийся на гласную букву);

II тип – закрытый слог (т.е. слог, оканчивающийся на согласную букву);

III тип – слог с буквой r (т.е. ударная гласная + r);

IV тип – слог с сочетанием re(т.е. ударная гласная + re).

Типы слога

Безударный слог






A a











O o









[ə] [əu]

confer, metro

E e









[ə] [ɪ]

absent, darkness

I i/ Y y














music, city

U u









[ə] [ju:]

success, unite

4. Прочитайте следующие слова по вертикали, а затем по горизонтали, отрабатывая правила чтения гласных в различных типах слога.


[eɪ]                             [æ]                               [ɑ:][ɛə] [ə]
































[əu]                              [ɔ]                              [ɔ:]                               [ɔ:][ə] [əu]
































[i:] [e]                                 [ɜ:]                              [ɪə] [ə] [ɪ]
































[aɪ] [ɪ]                                [ɜ:][aɪə] [ɪ]
































[ju:]                             [ʌ]                              [ɜ:]                               [juə][ə] [ju:]































5. Прочитайте следующие слова и сгруппируйте их в 4 колонки по правилам чтения гласных букв в ударном слоге.

Rome, summer, China, art, spring, duty, try, well, bore, time, severe, term, spoke, store, parents, enter, tired, winter, whole, spire, plane, short, be, atmosphere, hard, supper, smoke, alert, fond, plan, burst, wish, farm, compare, came, corn, dirt, tree, human, hurt, fell, miss, North, fare, hope, satire.

Тема 1.2  Знакомство. Описание человека

Время для выполнения задания:  2 часа

1. Прочитайте и переведи тетекст.

First of all I want to tell you that my best friend's name is Irina and she is 15. She is the best person I have ever met.

A few words about her appearance. Her height is nearly 149 cm. But she'd like to be a bit taller. Well, she is not slim but she is not fat either.

Irina has a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerful grey eyes. Her skin is a bit pale but she likes this fact, she doesn't like ruddy faces. She has no freckles as my friend Nina has. Her forehead is open. I think Irina has a charming smile.

Her hair isn't very short but it's not long either. It is straight and black. Irina has rich hair.

I think that she looks like her father.

Irina is very active and creative, cheerful and curious. But the best thing is that she is reliable. We spend much time together. We go for a walk, we play tennis, watch TV, do things which we like.

I love my friend.


body build - телосложение

figure - фигура

slim - стройная

little, small - маленькая

thin – худая

tall - высокий

short - низкого роста.

fat - тучный, толстый

large, big - большая

stooping - сутулая

beautiful - красивое (о женщине)

handsome - красивое (о мужчине)

face –лицо

oval - овальное,

round - круглое

square- квадратными

freckles - веснушки.

wrinkles– морщины

ruddy-  румяное

pale - бледное

pretty, nice - приятное, симпатичное

plain - некрасивое

ugly - уродливое

horrible - ужасное

thin- худое

hair- волосы

black - черные

red - рыжие

grey - седые.

blond(e) блондин

fair - белокурые

brown - шатен  

brunette - брюнет .

long - длинные,

short- короткие,

shoulder-lenght - доплечей,

bald - лысый, с лысиной

straight - прямые,

curly - кудрявые, вьющиеся.

rich,thick - густые волосы

thin - редкие

nose - нос

straight - прямой

snub - курносый

aquiline - орлиный

flat - приплюснутый

.eyes - глаза

narrow - узкими

big - большие

brown - карие

green - зеленые

blue - голубые,

dark - черные.

lips - губы

thin - тонкими


chin- подбородок

dimpled -  с ямочкой (подбородок),

flat - плоский ,

pointed - острый,

square - квадратный,

protruded - выступающий.

forehead- лоб

high - высокий

open - открытый

narrow - узкий

low - низкий

broad - широкий

skin – кожа

cream-white - белоснежная

sunburnt / tanned - загорелая

sluggish – дряблой

features of character – черты характера

clever - умный

bright – сообразительный

talented – талантливый

stupid / foolish – глупый


pessimistic – пессимист

nervous – нервный

weak – слабый

strong - сильный

gregarious – общительный

cruel - злой

polite - вежливый

rude – грубый

reliable - надежный

kind - добрый

amiable - любезный

considerate - внимательный

shy - застенчивый,

jolly - весёлый

serious - серьёзные

2.  Прочитайте и переведите текст.

As you know people from different countries do not look the same. For example, people from countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden are usually tall. They have fair hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion.

Most people in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece are rather short. They have usually got black or dark brown wavy hair, brown eyes and light brown skin.

Most people from central and southern parts of Africa have got black curly hair and very dark skin. They have also got dark brown eyes, full lips and a wide, flattish nose.

People from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya have usually got dark hair and dark brown eyes. They have also got dark skin.

The northern Chinese are quite short, with thick black hair and dark, slanting eyes. They have got a small nose and a yellowish complexion.

Those who live in hot countries wear light clothes like shorts, T-shirts and slippers. People from northern countries such as Canada, Russia and Finland wear too much clothes in winter – coats, hats, scarves, winter boots and other warm things.

In my opinion character does not depend on appearance. So, a very beautiful girl can be angry, nervous person who hates everybody and everything. But an ugly plump person can be really nice and friendly. It can be a good friend, who can always help you. So I advice everybody not to judge people by their appearance.

3. Темы для устного сообщения.

  1. Describe your mother/father.
  2. Describe the portrait of any star.
  3. You met a wonderful man on the street. Tell about him.
  4. You have never met your uncle before. Your father tells you about him.
  5. Tell about your pet’s (cat, dog) character.

Тема 1.3 Семья

Время для выполнения задания:  3 часа

1.      Прочитайте текст, выполните упражнения

Relationship between parents and children

Everyone says that youth is probably the best time of our life. Being young means love, friendship and romance, new discoveries and so on. But we must know that for teenagers it is the most difficult time. That`s why parents must help their children solve youth problems. It can really help construct good relationship between parents and children.

But in our modern life there is often a lack of communication between parents and their children. Lack of the love and attention to children can make them unhappy.

As for me, I get on very well with my parents. Whenever I have problems with my friends or with my schoolwork, I know they are always there to listen and give advice. They have taught me a lot. They have got a lot of experience and they have always happy to share their knowledge with me. But sometimes my Mum and Dad seem to think I`m still a kid. When I go out with friends, I always have to be back home by ten o`clock and they call me on my mobile to check where I am. I have to ask permission for almost everything I do. It doesn`t seem fair sometimes but I anyway love my parents very much and I think they are the kindest in the whole world.

In conclusion, the ability to solve or avoid family problems depends on children and parents. If the relationship between parents and children is based on love, mutual respect, and kindness, the family will be happy.

2. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

Being young means, solve youth problems, a lack of communication, attention to children, get on with smb, advice, to have got a lot of experience, to share knowledge, avoid problems.

3. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний::

молодежь, дружба, подросток, взаимоотношения между родителями и детьми, современная жизнь, разрешение, умение, зависеть, взаимоуважение, доброта.

4. Согласен или не согласен:

  1. Youth is probably the best time of our life.
  2. For teenagers it is the most difficult time.
  3. Parents mustn’t help their children solve youth problems.
  4. There is often a lack of communication between parents and their children.
  5. Teenagers don’t get on well with their parents.
  6. Parents must check their children all time.
  7. The ability to solve or avoid family problems depends on children and parents.

Тема 1.4 Описание зданий и обстановки

Время для выполнения задания: 3 часа


Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором:

  1. flat                                                                квартира
  2. three-room flat                                                        трехкомнатная квартира
  3. house                                                                дом
  4. high-storied house                                                многоэтажный дом
  5. to wove                                                                (зд.) переезжать
  6. floor                                                                этаж, пол
  7. to face (the park, the square)                                (зд.) выходитьна (парк,


  1. ground floor                                                        первый этаж (брит.)
  2. first floor                                                        второй этаж (брит.)
  3. elevator                                                                лифт
  4. modern conveniences                                        современные удобства
  5. gas                                                                газ
  6. central heating                                                        центральное отопление
  7. running water                                                        водопровод
  8. pretty                                                                миленький
  9. cozy                                                                уютный
  10. roomy                                                                просторный
  11. living-room                                                        гостиная
  12. carpet                                                                ковер
  13. arm chair                                                        кресло
  14. furniture                                                                мебель
  15. bedroom                                                        спальня
  16. double bed                                                        двухместная кровать
  17. single bed                                                        одноместная кровать
  18. wardrobe                                                        шкаф для одежды
  19. dressing table                                                        туалетный столик
  20. bedside stand                                                        прикроватная тумбочка
  21. shelf                                                                полка
  22. sunny side                                                        солнечная сторона
  23. kitchen                                                                кухня
  24. electric appliance                                                электроприбор
  25. refrigerator                                                        холодильник
  26. microwave oven                                                микроволновая печь
  27. stove                                                                плита
  28.  mixer                                                                миксер
  29. mincer                                                                мясорубка
  30. coffee-maker                                                        кофеварка
  31. dish washer                                                        посудомоечная машина
  32. bathroom                                                        ванная
  33. washing machine                                                стиральная машина
  34. sink                                                                раковина
  35. glass shelf                                                        стеклянная полка
  36. toilet articles                                                        туалетные


  1. mirror                                                                зеркало
  2.  hot whirlpool                                                        джакузи
  3. ceramic                                                                керамический
  4. hall                                                                (зд.) прихожая
  5. rack                                                                крючок
  6. key rack                                                                крючок для ключей
  7. hall stand                                                         вешалка для одежды
  8. umbrella stand                                                        стойка для зонтов
  9. corner                                                                угол
  10. pleasant                                                                приятный
  11. atmosphere                                                        атмосфера
  12. friendship                                                        дружба
  13. mutual                                                                взаимный
  14. understanding                                                        понимание
  15. to move                                                                переезжать
  16. to face                                                                выходить фасадом на
  17. that is why                                                        поэтому

Задание 2. Запомните употребление предлогов в следующих выражениях:

on the first floor                                                        - на втором этаже

onthesunnyside                                                        - на солнечной стороне

in the middle of smth                                                - по средине чего-либо

in the corner                                                        - в углу

on the left                                                                - налево

on the right                                                        - направо

on the wall                                                                - на стене

at the window                                                        - у окна

to the left of                                                        - налево от …

in front of the door                                                - перед дверью

around the table                                                        - вокруг стола

above the table                                                        - над столом

Задание 3. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание.


My family lives in a large town. There are many modern high-storied buildings in it. Recently we moved into a new flat of the eight-floor house. Our flat is on the seventh floor. It faces the park. There is an elevator and all conveniences in our house. We have gas, central heating, hot and cold running water. They make our life more comfortable.

We live in a three-room flat. It is not very large but pretty, comfortable and roomy. Our flat is on the sunny side of the house and each room has a wide window. That is why all rooms of it are light.

The living-room is the largest in our flat. The walls of it are light-green. There is a big red-and-green carpet on the floor in the middle of the room. To the right of the window there is a sofa and two armchairs. The furniture in the living-room is very comfortable. In front of the sofa there is a TV set and a DVD recorder. On the window there are nice stripped red and green curtains.

In my parents’ bedroom there is a double bed with bedside stands, a wardrobe and a dressing table with a mirror above it. On the walls of coral colour there are some pictures of flowers. There are two lamps on the wall above the bed. The curtains on the window are white.

My own room is very cozy. There is a single bed and a desk in it. The wall papers of it are coloured. The ceiling is blue with many single lamps. I like music very much, that is why I have a CD player. There is a computer to the left of the desk. On the wall behind the computer there are two shelves with books on them. On other walls there are many photos of my friends, my family, and me.

Our kitchen is modern equipped, too. There is a refrigerator, microwave oven, stove, mixer, mincer, coffee-maker, and dish washer in it. Of course, all these electric appliances make our life easier and more comfortable. To the right of the door there is a table and six chairs around it.

In the bathroom there is a washing machine. To the right of the washing machine there is a sink and a glass shelf for toilet articles with a mirror above it. To the right of the door there is a big hot whirlpool. The floor and the walls of the bathroom are ceramic.

Our hall is not large. In the hall there is a hall stand for coats. An umbrella stand is in the left corner and a key rack is on the left wall.

I like my flat very much. It is so pleasant to come home, when working day has gone. Of course, for me my home is not only a flat or a house, but also it is people who live there and the atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

Задание 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Where does your family live?
  2. How many floors does your house have?
  3. Where does your house face?
  4. What floor is your flat on?
  5. What is there in your house?
  6. What conveniences do you have in your house?
  7. What makes your life more comfortable?
  8. How many rooms are there in your flat?
  9. Why are all rooms of your flat light?
  10. What is there in your living-room?
  11. What curtains are there at the window?
  12. What is the bedroom of your parents?
  13. What furniture is there in the parents’ bedroom?
  14. Have you got your own room in the flat?
  15. What is your room?
  16. What furniture is there in your room?
  17. What electric appliances are there in the kitchen?
  18. What is there in your bathroom?
  19. What is there in your hall?
  20. What is your house for you?

Задание 2. Вставьте необходимые предлоги:

  1. My family lives … a large town.
  2. Recently we moved … a new flat.
  3. Our flat is … the seventh floor.
  4. Our flat is … the sunny side of the house.
  5. There is a big red-and-green carpet … the floor.
  6. To the right … the window there is a sofa and two armchairs.
  7. … the bedroom of my parents there is a double bed.
  8. There is a dressing table with a mirror … it.
  9. There are two lamps … the wall … the bed.
  10. There is a computer … the left … the desk.
  11. There are many photos … my friends.
  12. To the right there is a table and six chairs … it.

Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и ответьте на них.

  1. My family lives in a large town.
  2. There are many modern high-storied buildings in this town.
  3. Recently we moved into a new flat.
  4. Our house has eight floors and faces the park.
  5. Our flat is on the seventh floor.
  6. In our house there is an elevator, and all modern conveniences.
  7. They make our life more comfortable.
  8. Our three-room flat is pretty and roomy.
  9. Our flat is on the sunny side of the house.
  10. There is a big red-and-green carpet on the floor in the middle of the room.
  11. To the right of the window there is a sofa and two armchairs.
  12. In the bedroom of my parents there is a double bed with bedside stands, a wardrobe and a dressing table.
  13. My own room is very cozy.
  14. The wall papers of it are coloured.
  15. On the wall behind the computer there are two shelves with books on them.
  16. There is the refrigerator, microwave oven, stove and dish washer in our kitchen.
  17. In the bathroom there is a washig mashine.
  18. In the hall there is a hall stand for coats to the right of the door.
  19. An umbrella stand is in the left corner and a key rack is on the left wall.

Задание 4. Составьте специальные вопросы.

Ask your friend

where he lives.

if he lives in a modern high-stored building.

what house he (she) has.

what floor the flat is.

what conveniences the house has.

what side of the house the flat is.

what her living-room is.

if there is a sofa in it.

what his own room is.

if he likes music.

where there is a refrigerator.

Задание 5.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Моя семья живет в современном многоэтажном доме.
  2. Наш дом выходит фасадом в парк.
  3. Наша квартира имеет все современные удобства.
  4. У нас есть газ, электричество и водопроводная вода.
  5. В комнате на полу большой ковер.
  6. В правом углу гостиной – телевизор и видео.
  7. В спальне моих родителей есть двуспальная кровать.
  8. У меня есть моя собственная квартира.
  9. На столе у окна вы можете видеть компьютер.
  10. Занавески в этой комнате светлые.
  11. Зеркало висит над маленьким столиком в спальне родителей.
  12. Стиральная машина находится в углу ванной комнаты.
  13. На кухне находятся современные электроприборы.

Тема 1.5 Распорядок дня студента колледжа

Время для выполнения задания:  3 часа


        My working day begins about seven o’clock. I put on my dressing gown and slippers and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I take a shower and go back to the bedroom to dress.

        I have breakfast at a quarter to eight. I always cook breakfast myself and try to make something special. I like bacon and eggs, sausages and cheese and a cup of tea or coffee. I wish mother wouldn’t worry about me.

        After breakfast I go to the Academy by bus. It takes me half an hour to get to the Academy. I never arrive late. I can say that my study at the Academy is very interesting. Every day I have one lecture and two practical classes which are delivered by our qualified teachers (assistants) and professors. They are very good specialists. My dream is to become a good doctor and I hope it will come true.

        At 13 o’clock we have a break for lunch. I usually have lunch with a friend of mine. I take stewed meat or beefsteak or chops with salad and a cup of coffee or tea. My friend likes a proper meal. He has soup, steak, or fish with vegetables and juice. We have a chat before beginning our lessons again.

        Sometimes after classes I go to the library where I read additional literature on Anatomy, Biology, History and other subjects. Twice a week I go to the dissecting-room. Here I prepare for my Anatomy classes.

        Sometimes I help my mother to do some shopping. I prefer to buy vegetables and fruit, milk, butter and cheese, bread and sugar. I help her to clean the flat.

At half past seven we have supper. I like this time best of all. Sometimes we talk, listen to music or watch television. But usually I have a lot of work to do. I have to prepare for my classes. I go to bed at 12 o’clock.

        I like swimming and once a week I go to the swimming pool.

Задание 3. Изложите основное содержание текста на русском языке.

Задание 4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:1. At what time do you usually get up?

2. Do you take a shower, brush your teeth?

3. At what time do you generally have breakfast?

4. What do you like for breakfast?

5. How long does it take you to get to the Academy?

6. How do you get there?

7. What classes do you have at the Academy?

8. When do you have a break for lunch?

9. What do you have for lunch?

10. Where do you go after classes?

11. What do you prepare at the dissecting-room?

12. What are your hobbies?

13. Do you help your mother?

14. What do you usually do when you stay at home in the evening?

15. Do you often meet with your friends?

16. What do you do in your days off?

Задание 5. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. I wake up…

2. I have breakfast at…

3. For my breakfast I always have…

4. I always get to the academy…

5. My dream is…

6. For my dinner I prefer…

7. After classes I go to the…

8. It takes me 4 hours to…

9. In the evening I usually…

10. Usually I go to bed at…

Задание 6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Мой рабочий день начинается в 8 часов утра. Я встаю обычно в 6 часов, а в воскресенье я встаю немного позже. 2. А когда вы встаете? 3. Мы завтракаем и ужинаем дома, а обедаем в столовой. 4. Где вы обычно проводите свой выходной день? 5. Как он добирается в академию? 6. Я трачу на домашнее задание 4 часа каждый день. 7. Он делает по утрам зарядку. 8. Мы всегда помогаем маме по дому. 8. У нас 4 занятия каждый день. 9. Когда ты возвращаешься из академии домой? 10. По вечерам я обычно смотрю телевизор или общаюсь с друзьями. 11. Когда ты обычно ложишься спать?

Тема 1.6 Описание учебного заведения

Время для выполнения задания:  3 часа

My college

I would like to tell you about my college.

It is a fine two-storeyed building in the centre of the city. It is not very new, but it is nice and comfortable. I study here for the first year.

On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director's office, computer classes and laboratories, a big concert hall, a library and a reading-room. I like it.

When I come to college, I wipe my feet, take off my coat and go to the cloak-room. After that I go to the timetable which is also in the hall. It's good to come to the classroom before the bell rings.

After a few classes I go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don't like our canteen very much, that's why I take some food with myself too.

My favourite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. During the breaks I like to talk with my friends, read the college newspaper.

Our college is not only the place where we study, it's also the place where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green: there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When my friends, who study in other colleges, come to this place they are surprised when they see that everything is in great order. But I'll reveal the secret: this is the merit of not only the board of the college but also of the students — because it's our second home and we must take care of it.

College life is difficult but I know it's rewarding! That's why I know that tomorrow I'll come here again!

  1. Fill the gaps with the words in the box.

a large screen, multimedia tools, laptops and multimedia projectors, presentations, online, an information friend, equipment and design


The classroom…of the 2000s differs from that of the 90s. More and more classrooms are equipped with …which the teachers and students can use at the lessons. It is possible to get information … and use it during your lessons or show the pictures on … . Now the computer becomes … to the teacher as well as to the student. It is easier for the teachers to show … To give a good lesson a teacher has now all … besides his knowledge.


2.Translate into Russian; make 10 sentences with following words:

Laptop, exercise book, marker, CD, magnetic board, backpack, chart, projector, screens, laser pointer.

3.Complete 10-15 sentences about your college. Use the following phrases.

My college is a (modern, old) . . .-storied building.

In front of the college building we can see ...

There is/are ... behind it.

The college is equipped with . . .

The teachers use ... at the lessons.

There are ... on the ground floor;... on the first floor . When we enter the .. . classroom, we can see .. .

Our students try to take good care of ...

1 think our college .. .


4.Complete the following text with the words and phrases from the box.

DVD player, swimming pool, to take care, gymnasium, library, book, laptop, DVD discs, books, potted plants, window sills

Our technical school is very modem. There is a … on the second floor and a …on the ground floor where we swim a lot. We have a large …with a lot of in it. We can take any we need. At the Maths or Physics lessons the teacher uses a… to explain a new theme to us. In our English classroom we have a … and we use… with films, texts and exercises. Our classroom is full of … which stand on the… .My groupmates like … of them.


5.Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning.

1) a place where you can leave coats and bags while you are visiting a building

2) a list of the times when school lessons take place

3) a place equipped for gymnastics

4) a room equipped for scientific work

5) pleasant to use; free from worry

6) something that is studied

7) a group of people who meet together because they are interested in the same thing

8) a short rest from work


6. Give English equivalents for the following words:

Двухэтажный, удобный, любимый, чистый, читальный зал, столовая, лаборатория, спортивный зал, перемена, предмет, расписание, подоконник, составлять, разговаривать.


7.Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1. When the …rings, the lesson is over and the begins.

2. In the morning I go to the … to learn in what room we have


3. English was my favourite… at school.

4. I like… .They are so bright and beautiful. I have many in my room

on the ...

5. I like sport and I go to the… , and my brother likes literature, and

he goes to the… after classes.

  8.a) Draw a plan of your college. Write all the names of the rooms in English. b) Write your timetable for this week in English. Ask your classmates the following questions:

1. What is the easiest subject?

2. What is the most difficult subject in your opinion?

3. What is the most interesting subject?

4. What is the most boring subject for you?

5. Is there a day of the week when you have four classes?


Самостоятельная работа 4

Тема 1.7Досуг

Время для выполнения задания: 4 часа

1. Выпишите из теста незнакомые для вас слова и переведите их с помощью словаря.


Hobby can be any type of activity, which people do during their leisure time. Most people choose a hobby for relaxation, pleasure, or for development of new interests. People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies. A hobby offers a way to relax after periods of hard work. Almost any kind of leisure activity can become a hobby. Most hobbies are divided into four general categories, which may overlap. They are the arts, collecting, handicrafts, games and sports.

There are such art forms, as dancing, drama, painting, graphic arts, and music. Each art form has many possibilities for a hobby. For example, music may include singing, playing an instrument, collecting records and tapes, learning ballet, or attending concerts or operas. Painting offers the hobbyist a wide choice of materials, such as oil paints or water colours.

Collecting is probably the most widespread kind of hobby, because almost anything can be collected. Stamps and coins are the most popular items. Hobbyists also collect such things as autographs, books, dolls, buttons, etc.

Handicrafts attract a hobbyist who can work skillfully with their hands. Many of them are engaged in needlework activities, crocheting, knitting, and sewing. Some use kits to make model aeroplanes, boats, and trains. Other handicrafts include ceramics, metalworking, jewellery making, etc.

Games and sports are popular with many hobbyists who enjoy competition, physical activity, and exercise. Thousands of hobbyists take part in sports, such as bowling, fishing, mountain climbing, skiing, and tennis. Popular indoor games include card games, chess. Nowadays, electronics-related hobbies are becoming increasingly popular. Many people, especially children, play computer games.

2. Ответьте на вопросы и заполните таблицу


The Arts



Games and Sports


Is it a popular kind of



Can people of any age enjoy this hobby?


What does this hobby include?


What do people need for

such a hobby?


Do people enjoy this hobby indoors or outdoors?


Do people enjoy this hobby alone or together with their friends or other hobbyists?


Can hobbyists enjoy this kind of hobby only on weekends?


Where can hobbyists enjoy this kind of hobby?


Why do hobbyists enjoy this kind of hobby?


Do you enjoy this kind of hobby?


Do your friends enjoy this kind of hobby?

3. Вопросы для составления монологического высказывания:

  1. Do you have a hobby?
  2. Is it a popular kind of hobby?
  3. Can people of any age enjoy this hobby?
  4. What does this hobby include?
  5. What do people need for such a hobby?

4.  Прочитайте текст, выполните задания к нему

Leisure time

Everybody sometimes has a free time. Somebody prefers only to sleep in their leisure time, but most of us prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It may be reading, various types of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and so on. If we have a few days or a week we prefer to go to the attractive places. Many people think that pupils and students have too much leisure time, but in my opinion, they are wrong. We are very busy. Many pupils have six or seven lessons a day and go to school five or six days a week. Even during weekend we learn our lessons. And we just have no time to go somewhere. Some of us work after school or institute. As for me my free time is devoted to reading. I like to read books about other countries, another times and another worlds. Also I read books about history of our country. Besides reading I like to do physical exercises. I and my school friends often gather after lessons and play basketball, football or other active games. But my favourite hobby is travelling. Usually I travel in summer and often it is a trip to the south, to the warm sea. I think all people must have other occupations besides their basic work, because it extends the boundaries of the familiar world and teaches us something new about people and things.

1) Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний

Free time, leisure time, to prefer, to do things, weekend, gather, favourite hobby, occupation, boundary, to be devoted to, to the south, familiar world.

2)Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What do people prefer to do in their free time?

2) Do pupils and students have much leisure time?

3) Why are they very busy?

4) How do you spend your free time?

1. leisure

2. spare time

3. go out

4. stay-at-home

5. favourite occupation

6. hobby

7. entertain

8. entertainment

9. enjoy oneself (have a good time)

10. enjoysmth.

a. свободное время

b. хобби

c. развлекать

d. получить удовольствие от…

e. досуг

f. любимое занятие

g. развлечение, увеселение, представление

h. хорошо провести время

i. домосед

j. бывать в обществе, проводить время вне дома

3) Соедините слова

II. Подготовка учебно-контрольного файла «Увлечения подростков».Работа над проектом 1.

Тема 1.8 Описание местоположения объекта

Время для выполнения задания:2 часа

1.Прочитайте слова при помощи транскрипции:

Слова на английском языке по теме: На улице города (звук, транскрипция)

town[taun] - город

square[skweə] - площадь

building['bɪldɪŋ] - здание

car[kɑː] - автомобиль

traffic light(s)[ˈtrafɪklʌɪts] - светофор

street[striːt] - улица

road[rəud] - дорога

underground['ʌndəgraund] – метро


Слова на английском языке по теме: Общественные места и учреждения (звук, транскрипция)

park[pɑːk] - парк

restaurant['restərɔnt] - ресторан

cafe['kæfeɪ] - кафе

shop[ʃɔp] - магазин

pharmacy['fɑːməsɪ] - аптека

grocery(= groceryshop/store) ['grəus(ə)rɪ] – бакалейный магазин supermarket['s(j)uːpəˌmɑːkɪt] - универсамbank[bæŋk] - банк

post office [pəust 'ɔfɪs] - почта

cinema['sɪnəmə] - кинотеатр

library['laɪbr(ə)rɪ] – библиотека


Некоторые особенности употребления слов, обозначающих улицы, в английском языке

Названия улиц, площадей употребляются без артикля: Oxford Street, Red Square.

Слова в городских адресах не отделяются запятой: 115 Oxford Street.

2.Составьте предложения о своём городе при помощи следующей схемы:


My town is ..


not very large


on the streets

You can see..


trolley buses

people on the



There are


in the centre of the city


long streets

On the one side



a hospital

a theatre

On the other side



a library



3.Составьте маршрут движения от одного отделения колледжа до другого с опорой на выражения:

If you want to go to…Если вы хотите доехать до..

You can take bus… Вы можете воспользоваться автобусом номер… To take a taxi… взять такси.

To get off at stop..выйти на остановке

To take bus.. пересесть на автобус…

4.  Контрольные вопросы:

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ... ?

How do I get to … ?

Excuse me, do you know where ... is?

Can you show me on the map?

Are you from around here?

Is it far (from here)?

Тема 1.9 Традиции питания

  1. Выполнение домашних заданий  по теме

Задание 1. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

jam                                                        варенье; джем

honey                                                        мед

ham                                                        ветчина, окорок

sausage                                                        колбаса

friedeggs                                                яичница

porridge                                                (овсяная) каша

scrambledeggs                                        омлет, яичница-болтунья

break                                                        перерыв

canteen                                                        столовая

roast                                                         жареный

cutlets                                                         отбивная котлета

abundant                                                 обильный

dessert                                                         десерт

beet                                                         свёкла

mushroom                                                 гриб

meat                                                         мясо

vegetables                                                 овощи

pork                                                         свинина

veal                                                         телятина

chop                                                         небольшой кусок мяса, отбивная


chicken                                                         цыплёнок

meal                                                         приём пищи; еда

sugar                                                         сахар

boiled                                                         вареный

fried                                                         жареный

marmalade                                                 джем, конфитюр; повидло

instead of                                                 вместо

juice                                                         сок

biscuit                                                         сухое печенье

poultry                                                         домашняя птица

carrot                                                         морковь

bean                                                         боб; фасоль

pudding                                                         пудинг, запеканка

cream                                                         сливки

cabbage                                                         капуста

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


People in different countries have different ideas about what is good to eat and what is the best diet for them. So, we live in a country where breakfast is a very rich meal. We have not only a roll with butter, jam or honey, but ham or sausage and fried eggs or porridge for breakfast.

In the morning I have my typical breakfast. It may be a cup of tea with some sandwiches or scrambled eggs with milk.

Lunch is not very popular in our country but when we have some breaks at the University called “windows” we have lunch in our University canteen. We may take fried fish, roast meat, cutlets, beefsteak with potatoes and different salads. For dessert we may take compote, tea with lemon, ice-cream or fruit.

The main and the most abundant meal of the day is dinner, but as we are students it’s better to call it supper. A full typical dinner consists of soup, a main course and a dessert. My favourite soups are: red beet and mushroom soups. For the main course I usually have some meat or fish, potatoes and vegetables. The most typical meat is a pork or veal chop or chicken. Some other dishes are different kinds of salads.

As for the British, there are four meals a day in an English home: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and consists of porridge with milk and salt or sugar, eggs – boiled or fried, bread and butter with marmalade or jam. Some people like to drink tea, but others prefer coffee. Instead of porridge they may have fruit juice, or they may prefer biscuits.

The usual time for lunch is 1 o'clock. This meal starts with soup or fruit juice. Then they have some meat or poultry with potatoes, carrots and beans. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer cheese and biscuits. Last of all is coffee – black or white. Some prefer juice or lemonade.

Tea is the third meal of the day. It is between 4 or 5 o'clock, the so-called 5 o'clock tea. On the table there is tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam. Friends and visitors are often present at tea. Dinner is the fourth meal of the day. The usual time is about 7 o'clock, and all the members of the family sit down together. Dinner usually consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables – potatoes, green beans, carrot and cabbage, sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese and biscuits. Then after a talk they have black or white coffee.

This is the order of meals among English families. But the greater part of the people in the towns and nearly all country-people have dinner in the middle of the day instead of lunch. They have tea a little later – between 5 and 6 o'clock, and then in the evening, before going to bed, they have supper.

Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ в правой колонке:

1. What do we call a meal-time?        1. One of the several parts of a meal.

2. What do we call a sandwich?        2. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper

3. What do we call a course?        3. Two pieces of buttered bread with

        something between them.

4. What do we call meals?        4. Usual time for taking a meal.

5. What do you say if you want to have        5. I am hungry as a hunter.

another cup of tea?

6. What do you say when you are very         6. Pass me the salt, please.


7. What do you say if there is not enough        7. May I ask you for another cup of

salt in the soup?        tea?

Задание 2. Закончите следующие предложения:

  1. Students may have dinner at … .
  2. Dinner consists of … .
  3. For dessert we may have … .
  4. I'm hungry as … .
  5. The salt is too far from me, … .
  6. May I ask you for…?

Задание 3. Начните следующие вопросы с вопросительных слов “why”, “where”, “when”, “who”, “what”, так чтобы они соответствовали предложенному ответу:

        1. … do you have dinner? – I have dinner in the canteen. 2. … do you usually have dinner? – I usually have dinner at two o'clock. 3. … do you usually have for dinner? – I usually have chipped potatoes and a cup of coffee. 4. … do you do after dinner? – I go to the reading hall. 5. … do you have dinner in the canteen? – I have no time to go home. 6. … can you have dinner at home? – I can have dinner at home on Sundays. 7. … is coming to the canteen? – I am.

Задание 4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When do you have breakfast?
  2. What do you have for breakfast?
  3. When do you have dinner?
  4. Where do you have dinner?
  5. What do you usually have for dinner?
  6. What kind of soup do you prefer?
  7. What do you usually have for the main course?
  8. What do you like to have for dessert?
  9. What kind of vegetables do you like?
  10. Do the English keep to their meal times?
  11. How many meals a day do the English usually have?
  12. What are these meals?
  13. What is the usual English breakfast?
  14. At what time do the English have lunch?
  15. What do they usually have for lunch?
  16. Where do they have their lunch?
  17. At what time do the English have dinner?
  18. What do they usually have for dinner?

Задание 5. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание:


When a man and a woman want to get to know each other better, they often go out to a restaurant together. After all, it's easier to talk in a quiet atmosphere with soft music, wine and good food. Most British families go to restaurants only on special occasions, like birthdays or wedding anniversaries. The restaurants' best customers are business people, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone. They can eat what they like because the company pays the bill.

For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. But if you want that special feeling of London, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. And you'll see that the prices are very high. Then you can try England's favourite food – fish and chips. Take it away and eat where you like — in the park, on the bus or while you walk down the street.

British restaurants have not always been famous for their good food. Too often, they offered only fried food and chips with everything. But now healthy food is in fashion.

get to know                                         узнавать, знакомиться

restaurant                                        ресторан

occasion                                        случай, событие

wedding                                        свадьба

anniversary                                         годовщина; юбилей; празднование

customer                                         клиент

relaxed atmosphere                                 непринужденная обстановка

eating out                                         еда вне дома

feeling of London                                 ощущение Лондона

the Ritz                                                 «Риц» (название ресторана)

to be in fashion                                 быть в моде

Задание 6.Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where do the British men and women go when they want to get to know each other better?
  2. When do British families go to a restaurant?
  3. Why do businessmen prefer to go to restaurants?
  4. Do the businessmen pay the bill?
  5. Are the British restaurants famous for their food?
  6. What do they often offer a customer?
  7. What can you tell about the Ritz?
  8. What is the Englishmen's favourite food and where can you eat it?
  9. Is healthy food in fashion now?

Задание 7. Работа с диалогами


Mother:        Glad to see you, Pete. We are going to have dinner. Will you join us?

Pete:                Thank you, very much. I'm not hungry as I've had a late breakfast.

Mother:        What did you have for breakfast?

Pete:                Boiled eggs, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea.

Mother:        Dinner is ready. Take your seat, please. For the first course I'll give you cabbage soup.

Pete:                Oh, it is to my taste.

Mother:        Help yourself, Pete. Do you want a piece of ham? I think it is tender today. Here is a very nice piece.

Pete:        Oh, it is so delicious. Thank you very much, Mother. I think I'll help you to wash up the dishes.


Nick:                Is this table free, waiter?

Waiter:        Yes, sir. The menu, please.

Nick:                Well, Mary, are you hungry?

Mary:        I'm not very hungry. I think I'll have some meat with vegetables and something for a sweet.

Waiter:        What do you wish, sir?

Nick:        Please, give us roast beef, salad, mushrooms, two coffees and ice-cream.

Waiter:        Will you have anything to drink?

Mary:        Mineral water and a bottle of wine, please.

Nick:                What have we to pay, waiter?

Waiter:        Here is the bill.

Nick:                Thank you very much.

Задание 2. Составьте предложения, пользуясь образцами:

1) A. : - I want some coffee, please.

B. : - I haven't got any coffee. Would you like some tea instead?

: - Yes, please. I'll have some tea.

Используйте слова: tea, milk, lemonade, beer.

2) A. : - Shall I bring you some tea now?

B. : - No, bring me some coffee instead.

Используйте слова: orange juice, cornflakes, wheat flakes, bacon and eggs, sausages and eggs.

3) A. : - I  want some bananas, please.

B. : - I haven't got any bananas. Would you like some apples instead?

: - Yes, please. I'll have some apples.

Используйте слова: plums, oranges, pears, apricots, peaches.

Задание 3. Составьте диалог, используя следующие слова и выражения:

a menu, what would you like to start with?, will you have …, the main course, let me see…, to hate, I'd rather, for a change I'll start with … and have …, to have the same, what will you have to follow?, can I have the bill?

Задание 4. Выучите следующие пословицы:

  1. Hungry as a hunter. – Голодный как волк.
  2. The fat is in the fire. – Дело уже сделано.
  3. The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh. – Чем ближе к кости, тем слаще мясо

II. Подготовка рецепта любимого блюда. Работа над проектом 2.

Тема 1.10 Магазины, товары, совершение покупок

Время для выполнения задания:  3 часа

1.Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

  1. shopping                                                посещение магазина с целью


  1. supermarket                                                супермаркет
  2. department                                                отдел
  3. department store                                        универсальный магазин
  4. baker’s                                                булочная
  5. butcher’s                                                мясной магазин
  6. chemist’s                                                аптека
  7. fishmonger’s                                        рыбный магазин
  8. grocer’s                                                бакалея
  9. greengrocer’s                                        овощной магазин
  10. dairy                                                        молочный магазин
  11. pet shop                                                зоомагазин
  12. counter                                                прилавок
  13. brand                                                        марка (одежды, продукта)
  14. customer                                                покупатель
  15. cheap                                                        дешевый
  16. expensive                                                дорогой
  17. clothes                                                одежда
  18. cash-desk                                                касса
  19. purchase                                                покупка
  20. present                                                подарок
  21. retail                                                        розничнаяпродажа, врозницу
  22. taste                                                        вкус
  23. sour cream                                                сметана
  24. grapes                                                виноград
  25. berry                                                        ягода
  26. tangerine                                                мандарин
  27. pineapple                                                ананас
  28. banana                                                банан
  29. plum                                                        слива
  30. pear                                                        груша
  31. peach                                                        персик
  32. grapefruit                                                грейпфрут
  33. watermelon                                                арбуз
  34. carrot                                                        морковь
  35. cucumber                                                огурец
  36. ring                                                        бублик
  37. rusk                                                        сухарь
  38. bun                                                        булочка с изюмом
  39. curds                                                        творог
  40. ham                                                        окорок, ветчина
  41. pork                                                        свинина
  42. veal                                                        телятина
  43. mutton                                                баранина
  44. smoked fish                                                копчёная рыба

2.Запомните значение следующих словосочетаний и выражений:

  1. to go shopping on weekdays                идти делать покупки среди недели
  2. to do the shopping at weekends                делать покупки в выходные
  3. for the whole week                        на целую неделю
  4. to have a choice                                иметь выбор
  5. with a good taste                                 с хорошим вкусом
  6. to feel grown-up                                чувствовать себя взрослым человеком
  7. to be at one’s disposal                        быть в чьем-то распоряжении

3. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания к ним


Shopping takes much time in everybody’s life. It means going to some place to buy things. For some people it is a hobby. They go shopping in their free time. Some people go shopping on weekdays to buy food.

My family and I do the shopping at weekends. My family is not very big, but my parents work hard and they have no time to go to buy things during a week. On Sunday we usually go to a large supermarket and buy food for the whole week. I don’t like going there, because there are usually many people.

The supermarket has a lot of departments: a food department, a grocer’s, a butcher’s, a fishmonger’s, and even a chemist’s department. Sometimes my mother goes to the cosmetics department while my father and my brother go to the pet shop, which is situated there. My father likes to do the shopping in the butcher’s and in the fishmonger’s. The meat counters look very attractive. Chicken, ham, pork, bacon, beef, veal and mutton are at your disposal there. You will find a variety of sausages in this section, too.

In the fishmonger’s a special counter handles frozen and fresh fish; smoked and dry fish is also offered to the customers. Besides, the counter is full of sea products, quite exotic and unseen before.

There is a wide network of department stores and specialized shops in every town or city. Some of them are expensive, others are cheap and you have a choice. I don’t understand those people who go to some specialized shops to buy things of a certain brand. Such things are rather expensive.

I prefer going to a department store to buy things. A department store has many departments: ready-made clothes, shoes, sports goods, toys, linen, etc. You can buy everything you like there. The things for sale are on the counters so they can be easily seen.

In the women’s clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats and many other things.

In the men’s clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, shirts, socks, etc.

I prefer doing the shopping alone when I need clothes or books. My favorite bookshop is in the centre of our town. I can spend hours there looking at different books and choosing the most interesting ones to read. I like to go shopping when I need to buy present for my family or friends. Sometimes my friend helps me to choose a present. She is a very nice girl with a good taste and she knows what things are good.

I also like to buy fruit and vegetables. They smell good and you feel as if you are in an exotic country. The section where fruit and vegetables are for sale is called a greengrocery. It always attracts a lot of customers because irrespective of the season the counters are full of fresh fruit and vegetables grown in Russia or brought from other countries. When you enter a greengrocery you feel you would eat everything they sell: grapes, berries, tangerines, oranges, pineapples, bananas, plums, pears, peaches, grapefruits, watermelons, carrot, cucumbers, etc.

Sometimes I have to go to the baker’s to buy bread, buns, rolls, rings, rusks, pies and to a dairy shop to buy cheese, curds, milk or sour cream.

The method of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter, selects and puts into a basket everything what he wishes to buy. At the cash-desk he pays money for purchases. It is not a self-service shop where the shop assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

  1. What does shopping mean?
  2. When does your family go shopping?
  3. Do you like to do shopping?
  4. When do you do shopping?
  5. What shops do you usually go to if you need anything?
  6. What can we buy in the supermarket?
  7. What department do you prefer to visit?
  8. Where do we go to buy fish? (fruit, meat, bread)
  9. Where one can buy clothes?
  10. Do you prefer to buy presents alone?
  11. What methods of shopping do you know?

5.  Выразите свое мнение, отвечая на следующие вопросы:

Используйте фразы: I think…, To my mind…, In my opinion…, I consider… .

  1. Are apples, pears, oranges and other fruit sold by the kilo, the dozen or by tons in our country?
  2. What do you prefer: fat pork, chicken, beef mutton or turkey?
  3. What do you usually buy for: breakfast, dinner, supper, a birthday party?
  4. What are the advantages of selling foods ready-packed or ready-bottled?
  5. Do you like exotic foodstuffs? Where can you buy them?
  6. Is the price for foodstuffs at the supermarket higher than that in small shops or in the market?

6. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

Покупать вещь; делать покупку; выходные дни; нет времени для того, чтобы ходить покупать вещи; покупать продукты на целую неделю; бакалея; мясной отдел; рыбный отдел; дорогой; дешевый; специализированный магазин; конкретная марка; одежда; виноград; мандарины; сливы; груши; персики; арбуз; ананас; магазин самообслуживания; прилавок; покупка; продавец; касса.

7. Закончите следующие предложения, используя информацию, содержащуюся в тексте.

  1. On Sunday we usually go to a large supermarket…
  2. The supermarket has a lot of departments…
  3. There is a wide network of …
  4. I don’t understand those people …
  5. The things for sale are …
  6. I can spend hours there …
  7. When you enter a greengrocery…
  8. It may be a self-service shop …
  9. It is not a self-service shop …

8.Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов и словосочетаний:

  1. to buy something
  2. goods        
  3. the days when we work
  4. products
  5. crowd
  6. to be not cheap
  7. a check out counter
  8. a section of the shop

9.Выберите ответы, соответствующие следующим вопросам:

1. What is shopping?

a) This is an academic discipline, studying where, how and why people do shopping.

b) This is an all-new business in which salespeople phone up familiar people and read them a prepared script promising some free goods if they buy a certain product or service.

c) It means going to some place to buy things.

2. What are sections?

a) They are shops where everything is permanently on sale.

b) These are the parts of supermarket where people can choose and buy certain things or products.

c) These are popular supplies of sporting equipment for yuppies.

3. What can catalogues provide?

a) They provide hours of reading pleasure.

b) They open up a world of possibilities.

c) They not only provide hours of reading pleasure, but open up a world of possibilities, moreover, you can buy everything you want.

10.Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

To do the shopping, for sale, to be sold, a lot of departments, supermarket, to be expensive, to have a choice, specialized shops, to buy things, favorite, to choose, a wide network, to like to buy, a certain brand, the counter, self-service.

11.Закончите предложения переводом слов, данных в скобках.

1. Sugar, salt and matches are sold (в бакалее). 2. Bread is sold (в булочной). 3. We buy meat (в мясном магазине). 4. We go to (в кондитерскую) for cakes, pies and sweets and (в рыбный магазин) for fish. 5. In a dairy shop you can buy (сыр, творог, молоко, сметану). 6. Fruit and vegetables are sold in the (овощной магазин). 7. (Универмаг) has many specialized sections.

12.Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Я куплю баранину, если она не очень жирная, немного ветчины и сосисок.
  2. В рыбном отделе можно купить свежую и замороженную рыбу, там также продаются рыбные консервы.
  3. Где можно купить ягоды? – В том же отделе, где продаются овощи и фрукты.
  4. По дороге домой мне нужно зайти в универсам и купить пачку индийского чая, кофе и буханку белого и черного хлеба.
  5. В этом универсаме продаются экзотические фрукты и овощи. Вы найдете их в шестом ряду.
  6. Мне нужно зайти в сувенирный отдел и купить подарок на день рождения брату.
  7. Я советую вам взять этот костюм; он модный и вам очень подходит.
  8. Очень удобно делать покупки в универмаге: там большой выбор товаров широкого потребления.
  9. Если вы хотите купить дорогую вещь, вы можете приобрести её в кредит.

Тема 1.11  Здоровый образ жизни

Время для выполнения задания: 4 часа

1. Выпишите из текста незнакомые слова и переведите их с помощью словаря

Health and sport

        It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady. It is known that healthy people live longer and their career is more successful. To look well you must follow some simple rules: don’t smoke and take drugs, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat too much chips and sweets, eat more vegetables and fruits, sleep well, do exercises.

        We have two lessons of physical training once a week. We do exercises, run, jump, play basketball and pioneer ball, ski in winter. I think that we must have more lessons of physical training than we have now. For example American pupils have their PT lessons every day.
        I like to play tennis,
to ride a bicycle and to swim. But most of all I like roller-skating. I could hardly wait when snow melted, I put on roller-skates and went outdoors. I spent one or two hours every day skating with my friends and we’ve got a lot of fun! I  don’t smoke (nobody smokes in our family). I know that this very bad habit may cause serious problems in your health. I do my morning exercises, try to eat “healthy” food and think that this is really a good way to live.

2. Для составления презентации, необходимо:

  1. Составить небольшой рассказ по теме "Good and bad habits"используя  лексический словарь
  2. Откройте программу Microsoft PowerPoint Введите текст в каждый слайд
  3. Оформите слайды, используя  образцы фона, шрифты, цветовые схемы и многое другое
  4. Добавьте по желанию иллюстрации, клипы мультимедиа
  5. Установите схему анимации слайдов
  6. Проверьте информацию каждого слайда на наличие ошибок

3. Прочитайте текст, переведите.

Healthy Way of Life

Today we are going to discuss the problems of the healthy way of life and its advantages.

   Before speaking on health problems I'd like to tell you some words about the health services (1) in Russia.

   The public health services in Russia embrace (2) the entire population and are financed by the state budget. The private medical services are steadily expanding (3) and constitute (4) a certain part in medicine in Russia. Unfortunately (5), because of economic problems in Russia the government can't afford (6) to make medicine a major item (7) in the state budget. The network of polyclinics, hospitals and dispensaries are not funding (8) enough to modernize the equipment (9) and develop the medical knowledge. But in spite of this there are a lot of talented and highly educated doctors who are devoted to their work and people.

   Main emphasis (10) in Russia is laid on prevention (11) or prophylactics. The saying has it that 'an ounce (12) of prevention is worth a pound (13) of cure (14).

   There are a lot of problems in Russia but nevertheless medicine is advancing (15) further (16) and is successfully combatting (17) cancer (18), the disease (19) that takes a lot of human lives.

   A lot of diseases are preventable (20) through the healthy way of life. A primary public health goal is to educate the general public about how to prevent a lot of diseases. Public health campaigns teach people about the healthy way of life — the value (21) of avoiding (22) smoking, avoiding foods high in (23) cholesterol and fat (24), having a certain amount (25) of exercise and maintaining (26) a healthy body weight (27).

   Is there anything more important than health? I rather doubt it. If your body suffers (28) from any disorder (29) your mind suffers with the body, too. You can't be good either at work or at studies. Aches (30) and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown (31) and stress. So, the advantages of the healthy way of life are obvious (32). We must remember that laws of the healthy way of life — moderate eating and drinking, regular physical exercises, reasonable hours of work and rest, perfect cleanliness, positive attitude towards people and things around us — lay the foundations (33) for long happy life.


1. health service – служба здравоохранения

2. embrace - охватывать

3. expand - расширяться

4. constitute - составлять

5. unfortunately - увы

6. afford - разрешить

7. item - пункт

8. fund - финансировать

9. equipment - ооснащение

10. emphasis - акцент

11. prevention - профилактика

12. ounce - унция (мера массы)

13. pound - фунт (мера массы)

14. cure - лечение

15. advance - развиваться

16. further - далее

17. combat - бороться

18. cancer - рак

19. disease - болезнь

20. preventable - такие, что можно предотвратить

21. value - ценность, важность

22. avoid - избегать

23. high in - богатые

24. fat - жир

25. amount - количество

26. maintain - сохранять, поддерживать

27. weight - масса

28. suffer - страдать

29. disorder - расстройство, болезнь

30. ache - боль

31. breakdown - удар, расстройство

32. obvious - очевидный

33. foundation - основа

4. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What are the public health services financed by?

2. What can you say about the private medical services?

3. What is main emphasis in Russia laid on?

4. What do you mean under the notion of healthy way of life?

5. What are the laws of healthy way of life?

Тема 1.12  Экскурсии и путешествия

Время для выполнения задания: 3 часа

Задание 2.Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором:

  1. ancient towns                                                        древние города
  2. means of transport                                                транспортные средства
  3. as quickly as possible                                        как можно быстрее
  4. to book in advanсе                                                заказать заранее
  5. single ticket                                                        билет в один конец
  6. return ticket                                                        билет «туда и обратно»
  7. to go through the Customs                                        пройти таможню
  8. to fasten seat belts                                                пристегнуть ремни
  9. advantage                                                        преимущество
  10. It's not boring                                                        нескучно
  11. upperberth                                                        верхнее спальное место
  12. gate                                                                выход на посадку
  13. checking-in                                                        регистрация
  14. you are required                                                вам надлежит
  15. to announce                                                        объявлять
  16. delay on the flight                                                задержка на рейс
  17. to see off                                                        провожать
  18. long distance train                                                поезд дальнего


  1. compartment                                                        купе
  2. carriage                                                                вагон
  3. to get out                                                         выходить
  4. to carry luggage                                                нести багаж
  5. to change the train                                                сделать пересадку

Задание 3. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание:


Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries, modern cities or the ruins of ancient towns.

Some people like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, other people prefer a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains.

There are various means of transport. If you want to get somewhere as quickly as possible, the best way is to travel by plane. It gives you comfort and saves your time. It's better to book tickets in advance. You may book a single, return or open return ticket. When booking a ticket you should mention what class you are going to travel: first, business or economy class. Keep in mind, you have to come to the airport one and a half hour before the flight. Before boarding the plane you should check-in (register) your luggage at a check-in desk. Here you are required to have your luggage weighed and a clerk attaches a special tag to it. There is no need to worry about your luggage any longer.

Then you must go through the security check, passport and Customs control (when you go abroad). Now you may go to the gate, where your flight is boarding.

It often happens that a delay on a flight is announced. In this case you have to wait till you hear the announcement that your flight is boarding.

When the plane is taking off, the passengers fasten their seat belts and listen to the information about the flight. An air-hostess (stewardess) offers you mineral water, juice, or something to eat. You may look down on the earth. It’s like a geographical map. The time passes quickly. The plane usually arrives at the airport on time.

Travelling by railway is slower than by plane but it has its advantages. You can see the countryside around you, read books or magazines, play chess or cards. It's not boring if you have good companions in the compartment. I'm fond of travelling by fast long-distance train. It has got a lot of carriages, a dining-car, and a luggage van. I prefer an upper berth. When the train goes out, I say «Good bye» to my friends and relatives who usually come to see me off. When the train comes in, I get out and ask the porter to carry my luggage. I’m not tired after a long journey by train.

        Travelling by car and hitch-hiking are the cheapest and most popular ways of travelling.

        As for me I like to spend my days off in the country, closer to nature. I can drive a car and enjoy picturesque places with forests, lakes and rivers. I am fond of fishing and hunting that’s why I walk a lot. In summer we often go camping. I think it is a very useful thing for my health.


Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. Do many people spend their holidays travelling?
  2. What means of transport do you know?
  3. Do you often go camping?
  4. To what places do you usually go?
  5. Have you ever travelled by air?
  6. What are the advantages of travelling by plane?
  7. When did you travel by train?
  8. Do you prefer a lower or an upper berth in the compartment?
  9. Was your last journey pleasant?

Задание 2. Составьте вопросы, используя вопросительные слова, данные в скобках:

  1. My friend is fond of hiking. (who)
  2. He often goes camping in spring and summer. (when)
  3. Last year during my winter vacation I travelled by train. (when, how)
  4. I look forward to seeing many interesting places. (who, what)
  5. We had an opportunity to visit many interesting places last year. (who, what)
  6. We spent five days in Riga. (how many)

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами и словосочетаниями:

  1. You may take a single, return or … ticket.
  2. You may travel by … or economy class.
  3. Before boarding the plane you are required … your luggage at a … desk.
  4. There is no need … about your luggage.
  5. … is the cheapest way of travelling.
  6. Some people prefer to take … berth.
  7. I am fond of … and … .
  8. I can drive … .
  9. I think … is a very useful thing for people’s health.
  10. The plane usually arrives at the airport … .

Текст на аудирование

Задание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значение:

  1. cockney                                                        горожанин (простолюдин)
  2. darkness                                                        темнота
  3. slap                                                        шлепок, пощечина
  4. to emerge                                                появиться
  5. a bleeding nose                                        кровотечение из носа
  6. a swollen eye                                                 припухший глаз
  7. to hit                                                        ударить
  8. to play a trick                                                сыграть с кем-либо шутку
  9. the back of the hand                                         тыльная сторона ладони

Задание 2. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание.

What Happened While the Train Was in the Tunnel?

In the compartment of a train travelling through the countryside, there were four people — a young girl, an old lady, an army officer and a young cockney. Suddenly the train went into a tunnel: for half a minute the carriage was in complete darkness and in the darkness came the sound of a large kiss followed almost immediately by a loud slap.

When the train emerged and it was light again, everybody saw the officer with a bleeding nose and a swollen eye. The old lady thought that the young girl hit the officer for stealing a kiss.

The young girl thought it was strange that the officer kissed the old lady and not her. The poor officer thought that the cockney kissed the girl and the girl hit him. And the cockney laughed silently at the trick he had played. «I’m a clever chap,» he thought to himself. «I kissed the back of my hand, hit the officer in the face and nobody said a word».

Задание 3.Найдите предложения, не соответствующие содержанию прослушанного текста:

1. Which of the following is not true?

  1. Both the kiss and the slap were in complete darkness.
  1. As soon as the train left the tunnel there was a kiss and then a slap.
  1. The kiss was followed by the slap.
  2. The slap followed the kiss.

2.        What actually happened in the tunnel?

  1. The young lady hit the officer because he dared to kiss her.
  2. The officer kissed the old lady and she hit him.
  3. The cockney kissed the girl and the girl hit the officer.
  4. The cockney kissed the back of his hand and hit the officer in the face.

3.        Why did the cockney hit the officer?

  1. He hated officers.
  2. He wanted to kill the officer.
  1. Не accidentally hit the officer.
  2. He wanted to play a joke.

4.        How did the four passengers react to what happened in the tunnel?

  1. Everybody except the cockney was at a loss — they didn't really know what had happened.
  2. Nobody noticed it.
  3. There was a scandal as soon as the train emerged out of the tunnel.
  4. Everybody liked the situation.

5.        Who was surprised at the thought that the officer kissed the old lady?

a) The cockney.

b) The old lady.

c) The young lady.

d) Everybody.

The Dialogues

Задание 1. Прослушайте диалоги. Воспроизведите их в парах:

In the plane

Stewardess:–May I have your seat number? It’s given in your boarding pass.

Passenger: – Here you are.

Stewardess: – This way, please. Your seat is over there third row on the right, next to the porthole. You may put your hat and raincoat on the rack.

Stewardess: (to passengers) Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts and refrain from smoking.

(Some hours later)

Stewardess: – How are you? Quite comfortable? Enjoying the flight?

Passenger: – Yes, thanks. When do we get to London?

Stewardess: – We should touch down shortly after 3, very soon.

At the booking office

  • I want a ticket to Moscow, please. Which train must I take?
  • If I were you, I should take the 9 a.m. train.
  • Do I have to change anywhere?
  • No, no change, it’s a through train.
  • Thank you. A ticket to Moscow, please.
  • Here it is.

Задание 2. Запомните следующие фразы:

  1. What’sit?                                        В чём дело?
  2. I’m a stranger here                        Я здесь приезжий
  3. I’m completely lost                        Я совсем заблудился
  4. Can you direct me to…?                        Вы можете указать мне дорогу к…
  5. How can I get to…        ?                Как мне добраться до …
  6. Could I get there by bus?                 Могу я доехать (добраться) туда на


  1. You’d better ask a policeman                Лучше спрoсите полицейского
  2. You’d bettertake…                        Вам лучше сесть на …
  3. Keep straight on                                Продолжайте идти прямо
  4. Go straight along this road                Идите прямо по этой дороге
  5. Go past (the church)                        Идите мимо (церкви)
  6. Take this road                                Идите по этой дороге
  7. Take the next turning                        Сверните на следующем повороте
  8. Take this bus                                Садитесь на этот автобус
  9. Go straight across the square                Идите прямо через площадь
  10. Turn (to the) right (left)                        Сверните направо (налево)
  11. Get on                                        Садитесь (в транспорт)
  12. Get off                                        Выходите
  13. Fares, please!                                Платите за проезд!
  14. Do you think I’ll make it?                Вы думаете, я успею?
  15. How long will it take?                        Сколько это займёт времени?
  16. It’ll take you some (10) minutes        На это уйдёт окoло (10) минут
  17. It’s within walking distance                Туда можно дойти пешком
  18. You don’t have to change                 Вам не надо пересаживаться

Задание 3. Прослушайте следующие диалоги. Воспроизведите их в парах.

In the street

Foreigner: – Excuse me…

Londoner: – Yes, what’s it?

F.: – I’m a stranger here and I’m completely lost. Could you please tell me the way to the Paddington Railway Station?

L.: – I’m going in that direction myself. So I might show you the way.

F.: – Oh, don’t bother… Just explain me the nearest way there, please.

L.: – Well, then you must go down this street, and turn right at the second corner.

F.: – Can I see the station from there?

L.: – Yes, you can. It’s that large three-storied building right across the square.

F.: – Thank you so much. I’m sure I’ll find it now.

Asking the way

Foreigner: – Could you tell me the way to the Paddington Station, please? The underground station, I mean.

Passer-by: – Yes, certainly. Go straight along this road, past the traffic lights and the church…

F.: – Yes.

P.: – And then turn to the right, and keep straight on until you come to more traffic lights…

F.: – Yes.

P.:– Turn left there, and you’ll see the station a little way along on the right hand side of the road.

F.: – I see. I go straight along this road, past the church and the traffic lights.

P.: – Yes.

F.: – And then I turn to the right, I think you said?

P.: – Yes, that’s it. And after that you take the next turning to the left.

F.: – Is it very far?

P.: – No, not really. It’s about a ten minutes’ walk from here.

F.: – Oh, dear. Could I get there by bus?

P.: – Yes, but in this case you must go back a little way. Keep on this side of the road until you come to the bus stop. All the buses from there pass the station.

F.: – Thank you very much.

Задание 4. Составьте диалоги на английском языке по следующим ситуациям:

  • Извинившись, обратитесь к прохожему. Скажите, что вы приезжий, спросите, как проехать к Гайд-парку.
  • Извинившись, спросите у прохожего, можно ли доехать автобусом до вокзала Виктория.
  • Извинившись, спросите у прохожего, сколько займёт времени доехать автобусом до Трафальгарской площади.
  • Извинившись, попросите прохожего указать вам ближайший путь до станции метро.

Тема 1.13 Россия

Время для выполнения задания: 5 часов

I. 1. Выпишите из теста незнакомые для вас слова и переведите их с помощью словаря.

The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation (Russia) is the world's largest country in area. It extends from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, and from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. It is located in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million «square kilometers. Russia borders many countries, such as Finland, the Ukraine, the Baltic States, China, Mongolia, and others.

The surface of Russia is various. You can see lowlands and highlands, forests and wide grasslands on its territory. The Russian Federation is situated on two plains. The longest mountain chains are the Urals, which separate Europe and Asia, the Caucasus, the Altai. There are many rivers and lakes in our country Major rivers include the Volga in Europe, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Lena in Asia. Lake Baikal in Siberia is the world's deepest lake.

There are different climatic zones on the vast area of our country. In the north, it is very cold, even in summer. The central part of the country has a mild climate. In the south, it is warm, even in winter. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold. Russia has abundant natural resources, which, besides large areas of forests, vast fertile soils, and a great water supply, include large deposits of gas, coal, iron ore, and etc. Three quarters of the minerals wealth are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East.

The population of Russia is over 150 million people. Most of Russia's people (over 80 per cent) are ethnic Russians, but more than 100 minority nationalities also live in our country. The European part of the country is densely populated. Most of the people (about 70 per cent) prefer to live in cities, towns, and their outskirts. The official language of the country is Russian.

The head of the state is the President, who is the commander-in- chief of the armed forces. The President appoints the ministers, but they must be approved by the federal Assembly. The head of the government is the Prime Minister.

The Russian flag was adopted in 1991. It has three horizontal stripes which symbolize: white — the earth, blue — the sky, red — the freedom. Besides, the Russian flag, there is another national symbol of Russia — a two-headed eagle.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What territory does the country occupy?

2) What is its total area?

3) What countries does Russia border?

4) What are the specific features of the surface of Russia?

5) What are the longest mountain chains?

6) What are the major rivers of Russia?

7) Where is the world's deepest lake situated?

8) What climatic zones are there in Russia?

9) Where are winters very cold in Russia?

10) What natural resources is Russia rich in?

11) Where is the most of the mineral wealth?

12) Who is the head of the state?

13) Who is the head of the government?

14) When was the Russian flag adopted?

15) What do three stripes on the Russian flag symbolize?

16) What is the capital of our Motherland?

17) Why does Moscow attract tourists from all over the world?

3. Составьте краткий пересказ для составления пересказа используйте ответы на вопросы  

The capital of our country — Moscow

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the main economic, political, educational and cultural centre of our country.

In Moscow there are most important state institutions. The Parliament and the Government of Russia are seated here as well as the President.

Moscow is a modern mega polis. With over 10 million people it is one of the most populated in the world. It is also one of the largest with the surface of 880 sq km.

Moscow has a long history. It was founded over 800 years ago by Grand Duke Yury Dolgoruki in 1147. In the beginning it was a rather unimportant town, but year after year it grew into a significant city when, finally, in the 16th century it became the capital of the country. For the period from 1712 to 1917 the capital was moved to St Petersburg.

Moscow is situated on the Moskva river, which flows through the whole city.  

The heart of the city, the Kremlin, is the city inside the city. It was built in the 12th century. There are many churches and museums inside the Kremlin as well as various governmental institutions. The Kremlin is a real masterpiece of architecture.

On the territory of the Kremlin there are the Tsar-cannon and the Tsar-bell which have never been actually used.

There are also many museums and galleries in Moscow holding masterpieces of fine arts.

In Moscow, there are many theatres of world level.

Moscow is also a scientific city. Moscow State University is the oldest and the most important in Russia. It was founded by famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov in 18th century.

Moscow is a magnificent city.

4.  Ответьте на вопрос:

  1. What is the capital of Russia?
  2. How large is the population of Moscow?
  3. When Moscow was founded?
  4. By whom Moscow was founded?
  5. When the Kremlin was build?
  6. When Moscow did become the capital of Russia?
  7. What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin?

5. Закончите предложения:

  1. Moscow is the main …., …., …. and ….. centre of our country.
  2. Moscow is a modern …..
  3. For the period from …. to ….. the capital was moved to …...
  4. Moscow is situated on the ….
  5. The heart of the city is ……
  6. The Kremlin is a real …. of …...
  7. Moscow State University was founded by …. … in …..

6. Выберите правильный вариант

1. Moscow was founded over ….. years ago.

а. 700        b. 800        c. 600

2. Moscow is also one of the largest with the surface of …. sq km.

а. 790        b. 870c. 880

3. Moscow State University is …. in Russia.

а. the most important        b.       b. more important        c. much important

4. The Parliament and the Government of Russia are seated in Moscow as well as the …...

а. Prime-minister                b. President        c. State Duma

5. The heart of the city, the Kremlin, is the city ….. the city.

а. inside                b. outside                c. round

6. Moscow State University was founded by famous Russian ….

а.  architect         b. scientist                c. engineer

7. Moscow is one of …. in the world.

  1. much populated                b. more populated                c. the most populated

6. Скажите true or false:

  1. In the beginning Moscow was a rather unimportant town.
  2. Moscow stands on the Lena River.
  3. The heart of the city is Moscow State University.
  4. There are many theatres of world level in Moscow.
  5. On the territory of the Kremlin there are many theatres.

II. Подготовка монологического высказывания «Россия».Работа над проектом 3.

Тема 1.14 Англоговорящие страны

Время для выполнения задания: 3 часа

1. Выпишите из теста незнакомые для вас слова и переведите их с помощью словаря.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

        The North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel separate Great Britain from the continent. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

        The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands. The south has beautiful valleys and plains and is called the Lowlands. There are numerous lakes in Scotland. The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest is a vast plain. Mountains are not very high.

        There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river; the Thames is the deepest, busiest, and most important one.

        The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Streаm influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round. It is not too hot in summer or too cold in winter. It often rains in England. Snow falls only in the North and West of the country.

        The U.K. is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is nearly 60 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs.

        The U.K. is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding. The main industrial centers are Sheffield, Birmingham and Manchester. The U.K. has some mineral resources. Coal and oil resources are the most important of them.

        Agriculture is an important sector in economy of the country. The British people grow wheat, fruit, vegetables, and oats. The U.K. buys more goods than sells. It has to import food products and raw materials from many countries of the world. Scotland is famous for its wool industry.

        The U.K. is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the head of the state is the Queen. In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

        There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.

        There are many universities, colleges, libraries, museums and theatres in the country. The most famous universities are Cambridge University, Oxford University, Glasgow University.

        London is the capital of Great Britain. Its population is over 10 million.

2. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:

  1. The U.K. is an island state, isn’t it? Where is it situated?
  2. What countries does the U.K. consist of? What are their capitals?
  3. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?
  4. The surface of the British Isles varies very much, doesn’t it?
  5. What is the north of Scotland called?
  6. What is the south of Scotland called?
  7. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?
  8. Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
  9. Is the U.K. a large country?
  10. What is the U.K.’s population?
  11. The U.K. is a highly developed industrial country. What does it produce and export?
  12. The U.K. is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?
  13. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?
  14. What chambers does the English Parliament consist of?

3. Закончите предложения логически, найдя окончание в правом столбце. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated …
  2. Great Britain consists of four countries: …
  3. The surface of Great Britain …
  4. The north of Scotland is mountainous and …
  5. The Severn is …
  6. The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Stream …
  7. The Queen reigns, but …
  8. One of the chief industries of the country …

…varies very much.

…influence the climate of the British Isles.

…is called the Highlands.

…the longest river.

…on the British Isles.

…is shipbuilding.

…does not rule.

…England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

4.Составьте общий и специальный вопросы к предложениям. Переведите их на русский язык:

        1. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain. 2. The rivers are long. 3. The mountains are not high in Great Britain. 4. Great Britain is very densely populated. 5. It imports a lot of food-stuffs: meat, butter, tea. 6. Great Britain exports motor-cars, aircraft, electrotechnical apparatus and chemicals. 7. Ship-building and motor industry is highly developed. 8. Sheffield is famous for steel and metal goods. 9. Scotland is situated in the north of the country. 10. The British Parliament consists of two chambers.

5. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами. Переведите их на русский язык:

        1. The British Isles … … two large islands. 2. The United Kingdom consists of four countries: …, …, …, and … . 3. The North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel … Great Britain from the … . 4. The surface of the British Isles … very much. 5. The south has beautiful … and … and is called … . 6. There are numerous … in Scotland. 7. The north and west of England are … . 8. The climate is … the whole year round. 9. Its … is over 60 million. 10. One of the chief industries of the country is … .

6.Прочитайте текст, выполните задания к нему.


        London is the capital of Great Britain. Its population is over 10 million. It is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world.

        Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

        The heart of London is the City, its financial and business center. Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there.

        Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London. It has more historic associations than any other building in Britain. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned here.

        Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament, the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as «Big Ben».

        Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

        The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs are situated there.

        Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London.

        The East End is the poorest district of London. There are many factories, workshops and docks there. The streets are narrow, the houses are poor. It is a densely populated district where working-class families live.

        London is the center of Britain's cultural life. There are many museums and art galleries in London.

7. Изложите содержание текста на русском языке.

8.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  2. Into what parts is it divided?
  3. What is the City?
  4. What is Westminster Abbey famous for?
  5. What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
  6. What part of London is a symbol of wealth and luxury?
  7. What is the poorest district of London?
  8. Is London the center of Britain’s cultural life?

9.  Вставьте нужные слова вместо пропусков:

  1. London is … .
  2. It's one of the … and most … cities in the world.
  3. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: …, …, … and … .
  4. The … of London is the City.
  5. Westminster is the …, the … part of London.
  6. Buckingham Palace is the official … of the Queen.
  7. The West End is the … and the most … part of London.
  8. It's the symbol of … and … .
  9. The East End is the … district of London.

10.  Прочитайте текст о государственном устройстве Великобритании и ответьте на вопрос.

The Political System of Great Britain

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. The queen reigns, but does not rule.

The legislative power in the country is exercised by Parliament. Parliament makes the laws of Great Britain. It consists of the queen, the House of Commons, and the House of Lords.

The House of Commons is Britain’s real governing body. It has 650 members, elected by the people. Members of the House of Commons have no fixed terms. They are chosen in a general election, which must be held at least every five years. But an election may be called anytime, and many Parliaments do not last five years. Almost all British citizens 18 years old or older may vote.

The House of Lords is the upper house of Parliament. It was once the stronger house, but today has little power. It can delay – but never defeat – any bill. The House of Lords has about 1170 members. The people do not elect them. The House of Lords is composed of hereditary and life peers and peeresses. Their right to sit in the House passes, with their title, usually to their oldest sons.

The prime minister is usually the leader of the political party that has the most seats in the House of Commons. The monarch appoints the prime minister after each general election. The monarch asks the prime minister to form a Government. The prime minister selects about 100 ministers. From them, he picks a special group to make up the Cabinet.

The Cabinet usually consists of about 20 ministers. The ministers of the more important departments, such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Home Office, are named to every Cabinet.

The government draws up most bills and introduces them in Parliament. The queen must approve all bills passed by Parliament before they can become laws. Although the queen may reject a bill, no monarch has since the 1700’s.

Law courts of Great Britain operate under three separate legal system – one for England and Wales, one for Northern Ireland, and one for Scotland. In all three systems, the House of Lords is the highest court of appeal in civil cases. It is also the highest court of appeal in criminal cases, except in Scotland. The queen appoints all British judges on the advice of the government.

Political parties are necessary to British’s system of government. The chief political parties in Britain today are the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The Conservative Party developed from the Tories, and has been supported by wealthy people as well as professional people and farmers. The Labour Party has been supported by skilled and unskilled workers, especially union members.

The Constitution of Great Britain is not one document. Much of it is not even in writing, and so the country is said to have an unwritten constitution. Some of the written parts of Britain’s Constitution come from laws passed by Parliament. Some – from such old documents as Magna Carta, which limited the king’s power. Other written parts come from common law, a body of laws based on people’s customs and beliefs, and supported in the courts.

1.    Is Great Britain a monarchy?

2.    Who is the head of state in Great Britain?

3.    What body is the legislative power in Great Britain exercised by?

4.    What does the British Parliament consist of?

5.    How many members has the House of Commons?

6.    Has the House of Lords strong power?

7.    Are the members of the House of Lords elected?

8.    Does the monarch or the prime minister form the government?

9.    How many ministers are there in the Cabinet?

10.  What body draws up bills?

11.  What body is the highest court of appeal?

12. What political parties are there in Great Britain today?

Тема 1.15 Обычаи и традиции

Время для выполнения задания: 3 часа

     Прочитайте текст, изучите словарь и ответьте на вопросы

British traditions and customs

British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their weights and measures.

There are many customs and some of them are very old. There is, for example, the Marble Championship, where the British Champion is crowned; he wins a silver cup known among folk dancers as Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing an event where people, worn in beautiful clothes with ribbons and bells, dance with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their hands, while traditional music sounds.

Another example is the Boat Race, which takes place on the river Thames, often on Easter Sunday. A boat with a team from Oxford University and one with a team from Cambridge University hold a race.

British people think that the Grand National horse race is the most exciting horse race in the world. It takes place near Liverpool every year. Sometimes it happens the same day as the Boat Race takes place, sometimes a week later, amateur riders as well as professional jockeys can participate. It is a very famous event.

There are many celebrations in May, especially in the countryside.

Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes. In fact, this holiday has a Celtic origin. The day was originally called All Halloween's Eve, because it happens on October 31, the eve of all Saints Day. The name was later shortened to Halloween. The Celts celebrated the coming of New Year on that day.

 Another tradition is the holiday called Bonfire Night.

On November 5, 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament where the king James 1st was to open Parliament on that day. But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged. The British still remember that Guy Fawkes' Night. It is another name for this holiday. This day one can see children with figures, made of sacks and straw and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on the bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks.

 In the end of the year, there is the most famous New Year celebration. In London, many people go to Trafalgar square on New Year's Eve. There is singing and dancing at 12 o'clock on December 31st. A popular Scottish event is the Edinburgh Festival of music and drama, which takes place every year. A truly Welsh event is the Eisteddfod, a national festival of traditional poetry and music in Welsh.

Вопросы для составления монологического высказывания:        

  1. What nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe?
  2. What are the best examples of their conservatism?        
  3. What are the most popular English traditions?        
  4. What is the original name of Halloween?        
  5. What is a popular Scottish event?
  6. What is the Eisteddfod?


to catch (caught) — схватить, арестовать

ribbon — лента, ленточка; тесьма

to hang (past hung, p.p. hung) — повесить

exciting — возбуждающий, волнующий

straw — солома

amateur — любитель; поклонник; любительский

bonfire — костер

rider — всадник, наездник;

firework —обыкн. мн.фейерверк

countryside — сельская местность

truly — действительно, по-настоящему

Celtic — кельтский

customs — традиции

origin — происхождение; начало

to be considered — считаться, рассматриваться как

competition — соревнование

to attach — уделять

to convince — убеждать, уверять

proud — гордый

Eisteddfod — ежегодный фестиваль бардов (в Уэльсе)

to keep - поддерживать, хранить

Boat Race — лодочные гонки

tocrown — короновать

Easter Sunday — Пасхальное Воскресенье

folk — народный (относящийся к обычаям, традициям простого народа)

All Halloween's Eve — Канун всех святых (сокр. Хэллоуин)

to wear (past wore, p.p. worn) — одевать, носить

BonfireNight — Ночькостров

Тема 1.16 Искусство и культура

Время для выполнения задания: 3 часа

Тема «Музыка»

Задание 1. Ответь письменно на вопросы:

  1. What type of music do you prefer to listen to?
  2. Do you often listen to music?
  3. Whom do you consider the best pianist, opera singer and conductor?
  4. Do you know the outstanding composers of Great Britain and Russia?
  5. Which composer do you like best?
  6. Do you have any CDs at home?
  7. Do you like to do your homework to music?
  8. What role does music play in your life?

Задание 2. Переведи слова






Pop music

Dance music

To listen to



Задание 3. Переведи текст:

Have you ever heard anything about jazz?

Jazz is a type of music and the only art form that was created in the United States.

Many blacks were brought from Africa to America as slaves.

Different native songs were sung by the black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America.

Jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music.

It is made up of the music of West Africa, the work songs of the slaves and religious music.

The first jazz bands were formed at the end of the 19th century.

They played on bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South, especially New Orleans.

Nowadays New Orleans is an international seaport, and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.

Improvisation is an important part of the jazz, it means that jazz music is made up or created on the spot.

Задание 4. найди в таблице перевод 10 слов и обведи:

Популярный, концерт, фестиваль, музыкальный, создавать, песня, звук, петь, играть, направление

































































































































































































































Задание5. Соотнеси:

1) Jazz         a) a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words

2) Country music         b) an American style of music based on variation. Since its beginning in the black community of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA around the turn of the century, it has continuously been involved into many different styles. The constant elements are improvisation and variation.

3) Rock’n’roll        c) a style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but is still played now. It has a strong, loud beat and usually played on electrical instruments.

4) Blues        d) music that is popular in and originated from the southern and western United States. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like

5) Rap         e) a type of music that has its origins in America’s black community. Most songs are about loneliness, sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life’s troubles.

Тема «Живопись»

Задание 1. Переведи слова



To visit



To paint





Задание 2. Переведи текст:

Speaking about art galleries of London, we should first mention the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery and the Tate Gallery.

The National Gallery houses one of the richest and most extensive collections of panting in the world.

It stands to the north of the Trafalgar Square.

The collection covers all schools and periods of painting, but is especially famous for its examples of Rembrandt.  

The National Gallery was founded in 1824 when the government bought the collection of John Angerstein, which included 38 paintings.

The Tate gallery houses the national collection of British painting from the 16th century to the present day.

It is also the national gallery for modern art, including panting and sculpture made in Britain, Europe, America and other countries.

Тема «Литература»

Задание 1. Переведи текст:

The earliest books were written on tablets of wood or pieces of bark.

In Greece and Rome, the tablets of wood were covered with wax, and writing was impressed upon them with a small stick called “stylus”.

These tablets were held together on one side with thin strips of leather or metal rings.

In Assyria and Babylonia clay tablets were used for writing and the words were drawn with a piece of wood.

After baking, the tablets were kept on shelves, just like books are kept today.

Although the clay tablets didn’t look very beautiful, they were long-lasting and some of them survived until the present day.

The earliest books of the ancient world were written on papyrus and skins of young animals.

These books took the form of a long strip, rolled from one cylinder to another.

Though paper has been known in China since the first century, the secret of papermaking came to Europe much later.

Задание 2. Найди в таблице перевод слов по теме и обведи их:

Биография, детектив, драматург, поет, талантливый, современный, скучный, классический, знаменитый, книга


































































































































































































































Задание 3. Ответь на вопросы:

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. How much time do you spend on reading?
  3. What kind of book do you like to read?
  4. Have you got any favorite books?
  5. How old were you when you began reading?
  6. Do you collect books?
  7. Do you use any libraries?
  8. Is reading an important part of your life?
  9. In what way can reading be useful to people?

Задание 4. Заполни пропуски в тексте, используя слова из списка:

Printing, Library, Booksellers, handwritten, copy, read,

Books were quite common in ancient Rome: we know that there were many _________and the first public ________ was founded there about 39 B. C. (Before Christ). Only the rich could buy books or make their slaves ________ books from important libraries. By the time of the Middle Ages all books were ___________and often beautifully decorated. Libraries used to chin books to the shelves so that they could not be removed from the building. But very few people could __________ them. The invention of ________was a really great event in history. The first people to invent printing were the Chinese. In Europe there were several people who can be called inventors of printing. The best-known is Johann Gutenberg from Germany.

Задание 5. Переведи слова:

A novel

A science fiction

A romance

A fairy tale

An adventure story

An author

A writer


A horror story


Тема «Театр»

Задание 1. Переведи слова

A box-office

A stage


A director

An actor

A costume designer

A conductor

A play

A drama

The main role

Задание 2. Соотнеси:

1) Someone who acts in plays is                         a) a dramatist

2) Someone who writes plays is …                        b) a ballet dancer

3) Someone who dances in ballet is …                c) a musician

4) Someone who writes music or plays                 d) actor

a musical instrument is…

5) Someone who paints pictures is …                e) anartist

Задание 3. Переведи текст:

Theatrical drama is based on three things.

First there must be an actor or actors speaking or singing.

Second, there must be some dramatic conflict between actors.

Third, and just as important as the other two, there must be an audience following the progress of the drama.

The first theatrical performance took place in ancient Greece.

The Greek drama developed from hymn to Dionysius, the god of wine and good life.

But it did not become true theatre until such performance included stories of the other gods and actors to represent them.

Тема  «Кино»

Задание 1. Переведи слова


Rows of seats

A screen

A box-office

A feature

A science fiction film

A documentary

A western

A cartoon

A cameraman

Задание 2. Соотнеси:

1. A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.         A) A musical

2. A film about criminals and detectives.                         B) A western

3. A film with lots of music and dance.                         C) A comedy

4. A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West.         D) A science fiction film

5. A funny film with a happy ending.                        E) A crime film

6. A film in which mysterious and frightening                 F) A horror film

Things happen

Задание 3. Ответь на вопросы:

  1. Is cinema a popular art today?
  2. Do you often go to the cinema?
  3. Which of the two arts cinema and theatre is more popular?
  4. What are the most popular cinemas in the place where you live?
  5. What films do you prefer?
  6. What are famous cartoons made in Russia?

Задание 4. Переведи текст:

Cinema is much younger than theatre.

It was born at the end of the 19th century.

The first people who showed the first movies to a paying public were the Lumiere Brothers of France. This was the first cinema show and it was quickly followed by many others in all parts of the world. The first films showed moving people and transport and short comedies.

At first, films were shown anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops.

By 1908, special film theatres were being built to give regular programmes.

At this time cinema rapidly developed all over the world.

Задание 5. Найди в таблице перевод слов и обведи их:

Представление, трагедия, комедия, драма, триллер, актриса, сценарист, дизайнер, звезда,


































































































































































































































  1. Подготовка учебно-контрольного файла «Виды искусства». Работа над проектом 4.


Тема 2.1 Новости и средства массовой информации. Виды рекламы. Этические аспекты рекламы

Время для выполнения задания: 2 часа

I. Kinds of the Media & and General Words:

TV (television) — телевидение

the Radio — радио

the Internet — интернет

the Press (e.g.newspapers &magazines) — пресса (газеты и журналы)

the Advertisement — реклама

Cinema — кинематограф

Pop Music Industry — поп-индустрия

channel — канал

cable TV — кабельное телевидение

TV guide — телепрограмма

watch TV — смотреть по телевизор

be on TV — идти по телевизору

turn on/off — включить/ выключить

switch to another channel — переключить на другой канал

listen to the radio — слушать радио

appear in the papers — появиться в прессе

title of a programme — названии епередачи

news programme — программа новостей

breaking news — экстренное сообщение

weather forecasts — прогноз погоды

current affairs — текущие события

broadcast — транслировать

inform — информировать

entertain — развлекать

broaden our mind — расширять кругозор

ruin our eye-sight — портить зрение

show violence — показывать насилие

intrude opinions upon — навязывать мнение

gossips — сплетни

about celebrities — о знаменитостях

II. Kinds of TV Programmes:

feature film — художественный фильм

documentary — документальный фильм

educational programme — познавательная передача

soap opera — многосерийный сериал

serial [‘sɪərɪəl] / series is [`siəri:z] — сериал

documentary series about — документальный сериал о …

episode — серия

cartoon — мультфильм

game show — игровое шоу

reality show — реалити шоу

chat/ talk show — чат- шоу / ток-шоу

the news — новости

commercial — рекламный ролик

III. Kinds of Newspapers & the Press:

local paper — местная

popular paper — массовая газета (рассчитана на невзыскательного читателя, печатает материалы сенсационного характера)

quality paper — «солидная» газета (рассчитана на осведомлёного читателя; публикует много внутриполитической и экономической информации)

newspaper article — газетная статья

headline [`hedlain] — заголовок

IV. The Internet:

use as source of information — использовать как источник информации

for communication — для общения

for entertainment — для развлечения

chat on line — болтатьон-лайн

send emails / txt messages — отправлять имейл / сообщения

look for information — искать информацию

find info… for studies — находить … для занятий

download info… onto — загрузить … на

addiction — зависимость

computer addict — человек, зависимый от компьютера

Other expressions

- have both advantages and disadvantages — иметь как преимущества, так и недостатки

provide great opportunities for education — предоставлять большие возможности для образования

find info on the Internet — находить информацию в интернете

have a bad effect on — оказывать плохое воздействие на

have less dangerous influence for health than — менее опасно для здоровья, чем…

while doing something — пока я что-то делаю

prefer to listen …. rather than — предпочитать слушать, а не …

the most useful and convenient source — самый полезный и удобный источник информации

the most ancient mass media — самое древнее средство массовой информации

full of wisdom — полный мудрости

The importance of Mass Media

There are many different ways to get knowledge about our big world. It is travelling and going sightseeing, meeting interesting people, reading books, etc. But one of the best ways of getting new information is mass media. We live today in what has been characterized as a mass-mediated culture, a culture in which the mass media play a key role in both shaping and creating cultural perceptions. The mass media do not simply mirror society. They help to create the very world they purport to cover.

The mass media have done and continue doing much to excite an interest in every aspect of the country’s life. The mass media are the various ways by which information and news is given to large numbers of people , especially television, radio, Internet, newspapers and magazines. The mass media now play an important role in shaping our opinion. As a result of these developments mass media eventually emerged and led to the creation of a mass audience, a large collection of people who receive messages that are directed at them not as individuals but rather as a group.

I think it is impossible to imagine our life without newspapers. Millions of copies of them appear every day. Many people subscribe to two or more newspapers: others buy newspapers at the newsstands.

Most newspapers contain news, detailed articles on home and international affairs, reviews of books, art and TV shows. Many of them also cover sports events, give personal advertisements and pieces of advice, and publish horoscopes, weather forecasts, jokes, anecdotes and crossword puzzles.

Most national newspapers express a political opinion, and people choose them according to their political beliefs.

Чтение текста с общим охватом содержания по теме «Newspapers»


News-stand -- газетный киоск

To entertain -- развлекать

To express -- выражать

To suit -- подходить

Broadsheets -- газета на развернутом листе

Tabloids – малоформатная газета, «бульварное издание»

Local newspapers -- местная газета

Post-box -- почтовый ящик

Advertisement -- реклама

To subscribe -- подписываться

Weekly -- еженедельник, еженедельный

Issue -- выпуск, вопрос

Social issues -- общественные проблемы

Trend -- тенденция

Comment -- комментарий

Daily -- ежедневный

Аdvantage -- преимущество

Substitute -- заменять

Supplement -- приложение


In the past people learnt about news from newspapers. Nowadays people usually learn what is happening in the country and in the world from TV or radio news programmes or from the Internet.

We cannot imagine our life without newspapers. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men, for women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening and for those who keep pets.

Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests.

There are two main types of newspaper: “broadsheets” and “tabloids”. Broadsheets are often larger than tabloids, and are “serious” newspapers. They present the newsin detail, and do not have many stories about the private lives of famous people. Tabloids, on the other hand, are much more interested in news and scandals involving stars than they are in serious news. They often have very big headlines, particularly on the front page, and have lots more photographs.

Besides, there are many free local newspapers which are put into your postbox whether you ask for it or not. Probably they are not interesting, because they consist mainly of advertisements, but you can find a lot of useful telephone numbers and addresses there.TV, radio and the Internet have their advantages but nothing can substitute newspapers.


1. Do you read newspapers regularly?

2. What kind of newspapers do you prefer?

3. Does your family subscribe to any newspaper?

4. What are two main types of newspapers?

5. Do you prefer to read broadsheets or tabloids?

6. What “quality”, “broadsheet” newspapers do youknow?

7. What does a “tabloid” mean?

8. Is tabloid press much more popular than the qualitypress?

9. Do you follow sports news in newspapers?

10. Do you read reviews of new films and books?

11. Do you like to read articles on politics and finance?

12. Do you read any newspaper in English?

13. Do you look through your local newspaper?

14. Do some newspapers include “colour supplements”?

1. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.

1.documentary        а) бульварная газета

2. to subscribe        b) книга в бумажной обложке

3. subscription         c) подписываться (на газету и др.)

4. tabloid                d) документальный фильм

5. choice                e) подписка

6. paperbacks         f) колонка (в газете)

7. column              g) выбор

8. channel              h) трансляция, радиовещание

9. broadcast           i) жестокий

10. current             j) спутник

11. TV listings k) зрители

12. satellite       l) доступный

13. violent      m) развлечение

14. viewers      n) реклама

15. available о) текущие события

16. weekly      p) канал (на ТВ)

17. entertainment    q) программа (передач)

18. commercial         r) еженедельный

2. Choose the right word from the given above.

1) The ……… said that there had been an earthquake in Chile.

2) According to the TV ……… there’s a thrilling film on Channel five at ten o’clock.

3) Have you seen the new …….. for soap with that funny dog?

4) Some people pay for …….. TV and they have a kind of dish on their roof to receive the signal from space.

5) You can receive hundreds of TV ……… if you have a …….. dish.

6) Journalists can make mistakes, so don’t believe everything you read in the …….

7) TV companies …….. their programmes across the country or even across the world.

8) Books printed with soft covers are called …….. .

9) I’m quite interested in ……. affairs and watch the news every day.

10) Could you pass me the …….. so I can see what time the film starts?

3. Choose the right word from the given above.

1) My grandmother always gets all the news over the …….. .

2) My favourite radio ……. plays non-stop dance music.

3) Where a sport match has spectators, and radio has listeners, television has…….

4) I don’t agree on having ……. films on in the early evening.

5) The ……. sent his two best reporters out to get the story.

6) You have to have a good voice and look serious to be a …… . Most of them are also trained


7) Wasn’t that actress in a ……. for a bank a year ago?

8) We are thinking of getting ……. TV to receive more programmes.

9) He has made his own ……. for people interested in collecting stamps.

10) There are many free local ……. which are put into your post-box whether you ask for it or not.

4. Choose the right word from the given above.

1) News is _____ at regular intervals and there is discussion of _____ both national and international.

2) The channels of British television keep people informed about current events, the latest achievements in science and culture and offer some programmes which are both informative and ______.

3) Our family ______ to some newspapers and the “Book review” magazine.

4) There is also serious concern about the negative effects of some TV shows in which scenes of ________ are presented.

5) In London people have a choice between a few TV ______: BBC1 , BBC2 and some commercial _______.

6) There is a principal difference between the living theatre and the mass ______ of films, radio and TV.

7) In future there will be some new kinds of _______ much more interesting than TV, radio and newspapers.

8) The companies just “buy time” to advertise their products and the ____ have to watch advertisements for soap, washing machines, petrol and many other items during the programmes.

9) He doesn’t like ____ newspapers because they’re full of gossip and scandal. He prefers more serious papers.

10) Books printed with soft covers are called _______ .

Тема 2.2 Дошкольное образование в России и за рубежом

Время для выполнения задания: 2 часа

Section 1

Preschool   Education in RUSSIA.

The state pre-school education is represented by kindergartens- full day child -care institutions for the children of 3 to 6 years of age. Most state kindergartens have nurseries which children can attend. They usually require a small monthly fee paid by the parents ( 20 per cent of cost). The rest of the fee is compensated by the regional and local authorities that regulate kindergartens. Mass appearance of public kindergartens in Russia was started after the October revolution and in the Soviet times aimed at replacing the family upbringing. In 1990 many kindergartens were closed in light of economic and demographic considerations.

Nowadays as Russia is experiencing the biggest  baby boom since the  Soviet times, Russian parents face a dramatic shortage of public child caring institutions. Almost all kindergartens have waiting lists where parents sign their children as soon as they are born. The increasing demand in child day care and preschool education boosted the appearance of numerous private nurseries and educational facilities for junior children. They are day-care for children aged 18 months to 4 years old and half day preschool for 3-4 year old. Many include meals, transportation, creative learning, arts, dance, chess, multisport activities, therapy, English lessons and even summer camps. The schools use a variety number of methods and innovative like Waldorf or Montessori approach, Zaitsev’s method, etc. They are highly popular.

1.Answer the questions to the text:        

1. What institutions is the preschool education in Russia represented by?

2. How much do the parents pay?

3. How is the rest of the fee compensated?

4. Why were most kindergartens closed in 90-s?

5. What phenomenon is Russia experiencing nowadays?

6. How does it influence child caring institutions of Russia?

7. What are the differences between public and private kindergartens?

2.Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending.

1. Most state kindergartens have

a. preschool education boosted the appearance of numerous private nurseries.

2. The rest of the fee is compensated by the

b. regional and local authorities that regulate kindergartens.

3. Almost all kindergartens have waiting lists

c. of methods and innovative like Waldorf or Montessori approach.

4. The increasing demand in child day care and

d. nurseries which children can attend.

5. Many include meals, transportation, creative learning, arts, dance, chess,

e. where parents sign their children as soon as they are born

6. The schools use a variety number

f. multisport activities, therapy, English lessons and even summer camps.


1.Before reading:

Did you go to the kindergarten when a child? Did you like it or not? ( Why / why not?)

2.Learn the new words and expressions:

to  help to bring a child to first grade-готовить ребенка к 1 классу

to make progress- делать успехи

to learn safe ways of going to and from school- учить правила безопасности движения по дороге в детсад и обратно

to become familiar with- знакомить с…


grows towards greater confidence in himself and in others outside of his family group-  с возрастом у него появляется большое доверие к себе и другим людям

3.Form the nouns from these verbs, translate and write them down:

to educate-

to learn-

to guide-

to understand-

to transit-

2. Read the text.

      Kindergarten is one of the most important school years in child’s total education. In the kindergarten he learns under the guidance of a teacher how to adjust to group living which he will experience throughout his school days. Nursery-school instructor guides his learning in the fields of language, arts, numbers, health and physical education with a carefully planned programme adjusted to his individual needs.

      This programme helps to bring a child to first grade ready for reading, writing and arithmetic.

      The child has many opportunities under a teacher’s supervision to experiment and explore through short trips to places of interest in the school and near-by neighbourhood. He makes progress in learning to clean up after work and play, to think more clearly and in an organized way, to gain an understanding of what reading is about- that words tell a story and that there is a sequence in stories and events.

      In the kindergarten this child learns safe ways of going to and from school. He understands about fire drills. He knows why health habits are important and which he should practice daily. He becomes familiar with the concepts of  “ more, less, large, small, heavy, a part of, bigger than” and many other mathematical concepts.

     The child learns to count and knows his telephone number and his street address.

     He lives in the kind of educational environment in the kindergarten. That provides a smooth transition from home to school, so he grows towards greater confidence in himself and in others outside of his family group. The child who misses the experience of kindergarten is denied the foundational step in the elementary school.

Answer the questions:

  1. Who guides the child’s learning in the kindergarten?
  2. What fields of education does the nursery-school instructor guide?
  3. What does a well- planned programme help to bring a child to?
  4. Does the child have many opportunities under the teacher’s supervision to experiment and explore?
  5. What provides the child’s smooth transition from home to school?

Тема 2.3 Виды искусства. Декоративно-прикладное искусство и народные промыслы

Время для выполнения задания: 2 часа

I. Read and translate the story:


Crafting is a human art that involves an entire gamut of creative activities that relate to making things with your own hands and skills. The art of crafting is probably as old as civilization itself. Several pieces of craft made of mud, clay and metals have been discovered in archaeological excavations around the world.

Crafting usually involves a combination of skills, practice, speed and patience. Just like any other art, the more you practice, the more skill, accuracy and speed you will acquire. It can take years to attain mastery in any craft. Some traditional crafting activities are passed down generations, and there are families that are involved in traditional crafts as a profession or as their means of livelihood.

Crafting is the art of giving an expression to your imagination and creativity. It involves creation of three dimensional objects that are unique and exclusive in character.

There is a whole range of crafting activities that are in practice in many parts of the world.

The best part about crafting is that almost anyone pursue sit, either as a hobby or even as a profession. In the advanced countries, the art of crafting is gradually fading away as a profession because it entails painstaking amount of hand work and consumes a lot of time to create just one piece of craft. Therefore, primarily crafting as a profession is pursued in developing countries of Asia, where the old and traditional craft skills are still practiced. They are known as “handicrafts” and have a huge demand in the western world as an item of Asian


In the west, nowadays crafting is pursued more as a hobby and a creative pastime than as a profession. Though a few people are able to create niche business opportunities in this line as well. The advantage with crafting is that it does not require a large investment or high technology. The business can be pursued from your home itself.

Another advantage of the art of crafting is that it can use almost any material and turn it into a decorative piece of beauty. The waste materials at home can be recycled beautifully by using your crafting skills. Craft items can be made out of waste textile fabrics, leftover pieces of wood, metal scraps, clay, paper, canvas and even plants and many other materials. All it needs is your imagination and dedicated effort to produce a creative piece of craft.

You can use your crafting skills to save money in various ways, as well as, help the environment at the same time by recycling used materials. Whenever you need to do an attractive packaging for something, you can do it yourself instead of getting it done expensively from a gift store. You can make small gift items yourself that will be highly appreciated when you give them away on occasions. Greeting cards, invitation cards, decorations for parties, toys for children and show pieces for your home can be made using your own art of crafting. That will save you a lot of money each time, and provide you wit hthe unique joy of having created something on your own.

gamut – диапазон, шкала, (зд.) ряд

to relate to – соотноситься с чем-то

mud – грязь

clay – глина

to acquire – приобретать

to attain mastery – достичь мастерства

to be passed down generations – переходить из поколения в


means of livelihood – средства к существованию

imagination– воображение

three-dimensional objects – трехмерные объекты

a whole range – целый ряд

to pursue as a hobby – заниматься в свободное время

to entail painstaking amount of work – требовать огромных


huge demand – большой спрос

to create niche business opportunities – занять свою нишу

на рынке (открыть бизнес)

waste materials – отходы

to recycle – перерабатывать

canvas – холст

environment – окружающая среда

attractive packaging – привлекательная упаковка

to appreciate – ценить

to save money – экономить деньги

joy – радость

II. Answer the questions:

1) When did crafts first appear?

2) What sorts of skills do crafts require?

3) Why does it take so much time to attain mastery in crafts?

4) What makes crafts so popular among all sorts of people?

5) Why is crafting considered as a profession in Asian countries mainly?

6) Can waste materials be applied in crafts?

7) What makes crafts useful in our life?

8) What items can you make with your own hands?

9) What advantages of crafting can you mention?

10) Give your own definition to crafts?

III. True or false:

1) The art of crafting is rather young.

2) Crafts cannot be considered as means to earn money.

3) The art of crafting is fading away in Western countries.

4) Crafting always requires modern appliances.

5) Craft items can be made of any material.

6) Craft items are two-dimensional objects usually.

7) Crafting helps you save your money.

8) Crafts can bring you a lot of money.

9) Crafting is not ecologically friendly.

10) Not everyone can make a craft item.


I. Make up expressions with the following words:

creative, craft, skill, mastery, handicraft, item, piece, fabric, pastime, three-dimensional, to recycle, activity, handwork, gift, imagination, expression.

II. Make up pairs of synonyms:

A) handwork, item, hobby, plus, eye-catching, to adorn, happiness, unique, shop

B) pastime, to decorate, store, attractive, handicraft, joy, piece, exclusive, advantage

III. Make up pairs of antonyms:

A) less, common, import, tiny, profession, drawback, to spend, ugly

B) huge, advantage, more, to save, attractive, export, unique, hobby

IV. Translate the following phrases into Russian:

creative activity, with one’s own hands, a piece of craft, to attain mastery, means of livelihood, advanced countries, developing countries, to consume a lot of time, a piece of beauty, a craft item, creative skills, greeting card, an attractive packaging, a gift store, the western world, a creative pastime.

V. Translate into English:

творческая профессия, делать своими руками, передавать последующим поколениям, традиционные ремесла, ручная работа, творческие способности, переработанный матери-

ал, окружающая среда, привлекательный вид, пригласительная открытка, приносить радость, археологические раскопки, в разных частях света.

VI. Translate the following groups of derivatives:

1) craft – craftsman – craftswoman – crafting – handicraft –craftsmanship;

2) to create – creator – creation – creative – creativity;

3) accuracy – accurate – accurately;

4) to imagine – imagination – imaginative;

5) to invest – investment – invested – investor;

6) to decorate – decoration – decorator – decorative – décor –decorum;

7) to produce – producer – production – productive – product;

8) to consume – consumer – consumption – consuming;

9) patience – patient – impatient – impatience – patiently;

10) effort – effortless – effortlessly.

Тема 2.4 Языки и литература

contribution — вклад

playwright — драматург

acting company — актерская труппа

experience — опыт

stage — сцена

to stage a play — ставить (пьесу)

scenery — декорации сцены

part — роль

gift — дар

to perform — исполнять (пьесу, роль и т. п.)

in detail — подробно.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

The Contribution of the British Literature to the World Culture

British Literature made great contribution to the world culture. Great Britain gave us such poets and writers as William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, and others.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous of English writers, and probably the greatest playwright, was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23, 1564. Little is known about his childhood, but we know that he was educated at the local Grammar School.

At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway of Shottery and lived in Stratford-on-Avon until he was about twenty-one. Then he went to London. We do not know why he left Stratford-on-Avon. There is a story that Shakespeare’s first job in London was holding rich men’s horses at the theatre door. But nobody can be sure that this story is true.

Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of one of the chief acting companies. Soon he began to write plays for this company and in a few years became a well-known author. Many of his plays were staged at a London theatre called The Globe. The theatres of those days were a lot different. No scenery was used; there were no actresses at that time either. All women’s parts were played by boys or men dressed in women’s clothes.

Shakespeare’s experience as an actor helped him greatly in the writing of his plays. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Among them there are deep tragedies, such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, light comedies, such as All’s Well That Ends Well, Twelfth Night, historical dramas, such as Henry TV, Richard III.

Most of Shakespeare’s plays were not published during his life. So some of them may have been lost in the fire when the Globe burned down in 1613.

Shakespeare spent the last years of his life at Stratford, where he died in 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford-on-Avon. In London there is a monument to the memory of the great playwright in the Poets Comer in Westminster Abbey. Shakespeare’s plays, translated into many languages are still performed on the stages of the best theatres of the world.

Walter Scott

He is known as a great master of the historical novel. His novels give a full picture of the history of England and Scotland.

His famous works are: Bob Roy, Ivanhoe, Kenilworth, and many others.

Charles Dickens

He is one of the best English writers of the 19th century. Dickens was 19 years old when he became a reporter. While he was working for his newspaper he began writing sketches of the characters he had observed; and in 1836 they were collected in a book Sketches by Boz.

In 1836 The Pickwick Papers was published and brought him fame. Among his other famous works are Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and others.

William Somerset Maugham

He has written a large number of novels, plays, and short stories. He has a natural gift for telling very interesting stories, which are all written in a simple natural style that has made his works so popular. With the novel The Moon and Sixpence his reputation as a novelist was established. William Somerset Maugham is certainly one of the most talented writers. His language is so simple but at the same time so rich!

It is impossible to tell in detail about all British writers who gave the world wonderful masterpieces. We hope that maybe you would like to read some of the books of the English writers we mentioned. We are sure that you will enjoy them!

Задание 2. Письменно на английском языке ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. In what century was William Shakespeare born?

2. What education did Shakespeare get?

3. Where many of his plays were staged?

4. How many plays did Shakespeare write?

5. Name some of Shakespeare’s comedies and tragedies.

6. Tell in brief about famous English writers Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, and Somerset Maugham


Основные источники

  1. PlanetofEnglish: учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО / Г.Т. Безкоровайная и др. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2017. – 256 с.
  2. Planet of English. Social and Financial Services Practice Book = Английскийязык. Практикум для профессий и специальностей социально-экономического профиля СПО: учебное пособие. / Г.В. Лаврик. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2017. – 96 с.
  3. Голубев А.П. Английский язык. – М.: Издательский дом «Академия», 2016. – 336 с.
  4. Маньковская З.В. Английский язык.- М.:ИНФРА-М, 2020. (ЭБС)


  1. Генапа Л.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь
  1. Жданова И.Ф. Англо-русский словарь сокращений экономических терминов
  1. Ивина Л.В. Современный англо-русский толковый бизнес-словарь
  1. Климова Н.В. Англо-русский   и русско-английский словарь
  1. Коллин Д. Англо-русский,  русско-английский словарь
  1. Кудрявцев А. Русско-английский словарь - разговорник
  1. Лозовский Л.Ш. Русско-английский словарь. Экономика, управление, финансы
  1. Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь
  1. Мюллер В.К. Новый большой русско-английский словарь
  1. Ощепкова В.В. Краткий англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь: Великобритания, США, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия
  1. Романов Д.А. Современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь
  1. Русско-английский и англо-русский словарь (по системе с. Флеминг)
  1. Сорокина А. Школьный англо-русский русско-английский словарь
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. 2000-наиболее употребительных английских слов и выражений. Тематический словарь
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Английские предлоги
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Вопросительные предложения английского языка
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Все времена английского языка
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Все модальные глаголы английского языка
  1. Хатруков Е. Англо-русский словарь по нефтяному бизнесу
  1. Шпаковский В.Ф. Популярный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь


Английские переводные словари.





Английский язык. Грамматика.




Английский язык. Видеоуроки. Уроки он-лайн

https://iloveenglish.ru/ - exercises





Тесты, упражнения  он-лайн для изучающих английский язык.                                                                        





Порталы для изучения английского языка.                                                                                  




Тематически подобранные тексты.                                                                                            




Бесплатный он-лайн курс английского языка.      

https://list-english.ru/audio.html (аудиокурсы)


 Аудио. Аудиокниги.




Бесплатные он-лайн энциклопедии.                                                                                              


Новости зарубежных СМИ.                                                                                                        






Материалы по истории Великобритании и США.                                                                      




Журналы для изучающих английский язык.


Предварительный просмотр:

Индивидуальный график обучения

обучающегося 2 курса ДО-23 группы

очной формы обучения

по специальности

«44.02.01 Дошкольное образование»

на   4 семестр 2021- 2022 учебного года

Цветиковой Кристины

(ФИО обучающегося)

Дисциплина    Иностранный язык

Количество часов по учебному плану

1 семестр

2 семестр

3 семестр

4 семестр

5 семестр

6 семестр

7 семестр

8 семестр


теоретические занятия

практические занятия и лабораторные работы


курсовое проектирование

Форма контроля


№ темы

Тема занятия

№ занятия

Количество часов

Домашнее задание.

Виды самостоятельной работы



Тема 2.

Система дошкольного образования


из учебника № 3


Система образования в России.


Составить предложения используя слова и словосочетания упр.3 стр.242 (уч. №1)


Дошкольное образование в России.


Подготовить сообщение по теме «История развития профессионального образования»


Будущее простое время. Будущее длительное время.


Ответить на вопросы упр. 4 стр. 99 (уч. №2)


Детские дошкольные учреждения.


Прочитать и перевести текст  упр. 4 стр. 12  


Методы и приемы дошкольного образования.


Прочитать текст и опровергнуть или подтвердить утверждения упр. 6 стр. 34


Способы выражения действия в будущем.


Раскрыть скобки, правильно употребив время упр. 9 стр. 114 (уч. №2)


Задачи дошкольного образования.


Прочитайте текст, упр. 5 стр. 39 выполните упр 6.


Будущее завершенное время. Выражение «to be going to»


Раскройте скобки, используя подходящую грам.форму упр. 7 стр. 153 (уч. №2)

Тема 3.

Здоровье и физическое развитие детей дошкольного возраста



Особенности дошкольного возраста.


Выписать слова выражающие эмоции упр.5 стр. 63


Детские болезни и их симптомы.


Прочитать текст и озаглавить  каждую часть текста упр. 4 стр.68


Физическое развитие детей


упр. 7, 8 стр. 70


Игры для дошкольного возраста


упр. 4 стр. 72


Игры на свежем воздухе


упр. 9 стр. 74


Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты 


упр. 12 стр. 79 (уч. №2)


Правила поведения за столом.


подготовить презентацию


Режим питания ребенка.


составить меню


Контрольная работа




  1. Голубев А.П. Английский язык. - М.: Академия, 2016.
  2. Логинова О.В. Английский язык для педагогических специальностей. Учебник. СПО. – М.: Кнорус, 2020. (ЭБС)
  3. Погосян В., Васильева Т., Английский язык для педагогов.- Спб.:  Питер , 2016 (ЭБС)



  1. Генапа Л.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь
  1. Жданова И.Ф. Англо-русский словарь сокращений экономических терминов
  1. Ивина Л.В. Современный англо-русский толковый бизнес-словарь
  1. Климова Н.В. Англо-русский   и русско-английский словарь
  1. Коллин Д. Англо-русский,  русско-английский словарь
  1. Кудрявцев А. Русско-английский словарь - разговорник
  1. Лозовский Л.Ш. Русско-английский словарь. Экономика, управление, финансы
  1. Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь
  1. Мюллер В.К. Новый большой русско-английский словарь
  1. Ощепкова В.В. Краткий англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь: Великобритания, США, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия
  1. Романов Д.А. Современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь
  1. Русско-английский и англо-русский словарь (по системе с. Флеминг)
  1. Сорокина А. Школьный англо-русский русско-английский словарь
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. 2000-наиболее употребительных английских слов и выражений. Тематический словарь
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Английские предлоги
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Вопросительные предложения английского языка
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Все времена английского языка
  1. Угарова Е.В. Английский – это просто. Все модальные глаголы английского языка
  1. Хатруков Е. Англо-русский словарь по нефтяному бизнесу
  1. Шпаковский В.Ф. Популярный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь


Английские переводные словари





Английский язык. Грамматика




Английский язык. Видеоуроки. Уроки он-лайн

https://iloveenglish.ru/ - exercises





Тесты, упражнения  он-лайн для изучающих английский язык                                                                    





Порталы для изучения английского языка                                                                                




Тематически подобранные тексты                                                                                          




Бесплатный он-лайн курс английского языка

https://list-english.ru/audio.html (аудиокурсы)


 Аудио. Аудиокниги




Бесплатные он-лайн энциклопедии                                                                                              


Новости зарубежных СМИ                                                                                                      






Материалы по истории Великобритании и США                                                                    




Журналы для изучающих английский язык


Предварительный просмотр:

Депобразования и молодежи Югры

бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования

Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры

«Мегионский политехнический колледж»


Материал рассмотрен и согласован на заседании ЦМК  гуманитарных дисциплин

Заместитель директора по учебной работе

Протокол № __ от «__» __________  2022г.

_________________________ О. В. Князева

Председатель цикловой методической комиссии: ___________________В.А. Сафарова

«____»____________________2022 г.

План работы по иностранному языку на основе

индивидуальных образовательных траекторий




График индивидуальной работы с обучающимися

ФИО обучающегося

Дни консультаций

Карнотовский Максим


Жуков Иван





Работа представлена полностью и в срок, обучающийся ответил на контрольный вопросы.


Работа представлена достаточно полно и в срок, но с некоторыми недоработками.


Работа сдана со значительным опозданием. Отсутствуют некоторые задания.

Информационный лист

4 семестр

38 часов

Выполните следующие задания

Темы раздела

Что сделать

I семестр


Числительные и даты

упр. 16 стр. 21

Тема 5. Путешествия на транспорте

Учебник № 1


Путешествия на транспорте

упр. 7 стр. 45


Преимущества и недостатки путешествия на машине

написать рассказ по теме



упр. 9 стр.45



упр. 2 стр. 29

Тема 6. Моя будущая профессия, карьера

Учебник № 4


Выбор профессии

упр. 5 стр. 19


Времена группы Simple

упр. 40 стр. 36 (Учебник № 2)


Времена группы Continuous

упр. 37, 38 стр.88 (Учебник № 2)


Обязанности техника

составить рассказ по теме


Профессиональные навыки техника

эссе «хочу быть профессионалом»


Поиски работы

упр. 12 стр. 24


Составление резюме

составить резюме


Работа с текстом “What is to be professional?”

упр. 6 стр.20


Времена группы Perfect

упр. 35 стр. 111 (Учебник № 2)



подготовить 5 вопросов по теме


Заполнение документов

написать заявление на работу

Тема 7. Транспортные средства

Учебник № 1


Транспортные средства

упр.3 стр. 222- пересказ


Виды транспортных средств

Упр. 6 стр 223


Транспортные средства с различными двигателями

упр.21 стр. 238 - ответить на вопросы (Учебник № 2)


Числительные и даты

упр. 16 стр. 21

Тема 5. Путешествия на транспорте

Учебник № 1


Путешествия на транспорте

упр. 7 стр. 45


Преимущества и недостатки путешествия на машине

написать рассказ по теме



упр. 9 стр.45



упр. 2 стр. 29

Информационные источники


  1. Литвинская С. С. Английский язык для технических специальностей -  М.: Издательский центр «ИНФРА -М», 2020. – 252 с.(ЭБС)
  2. Нарочная Е.Б. Английский язык для технических направлений. – М.: Кнорус, 2017.
  3. Маньковская З.В. Английский язык. - М.:ИНФРА-М, 2020. (ЭБС)
  4. Planet of English. Social and Financial Services Practice Book = Английскийязык. Практикум для профессий и специальностей социально-экономического профиля СПО: учебное пособие. / Г.В. Лаврик. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2014. – 96 с.


  1. BBC English Dictionary. – London: BBC English and HarperCollins Publishers Ltd,992. – 1374p.
  2. Dictionary of English Synonyms and Antonyms. – London: Penguin Books,– 442p.
  3. New Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language. College Edition. – Delhi: SurjeetPublications,. – 1824p.
  4. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.  – Смоленск: Русич,– 560 с. («Для школьников и студентов»)
  5. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. – Ростов н/Д: Изд-во «Феникс»,. – 640 с.