Олимпиадная группа

Кайдаракова Елена Гавриловна

Данная страница посвящена работе с одаренными детьми. Использую следующие важные (!) подходы к работе с одаренными детьми:

1) ускорение процесса обучение;

2) обогащение содержания;

3) постановка новых целей.

Олимпиады, рекомендованные МОиН РФ 


Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Types of listening tasks Multiple choice Gap filling / Note completion True / False Matching

Слайд 3

Multiple choice Strategy reminder: Usually the questions appear in the order the recording plays. Read the instruction carefully (more than one answer is possible). Underline the key-words. Do not panic if you missed this or that question. Move on! Do not leave unanswered questions!

Слайд 4

Multiple choice Problems: It seems you hear all options. ( Solution: Do not rush into answering!) All options are similar to each other. ( Solution: Concentrate on the question and define what exactly you are asked about) You hear the exact words from the options but the answer is not correct ( Solution : Try to hear the meaning, not the exact words. A paraphrased answer can be correct).

Слайд 5

Multiple choice Tasks: You will hear a conversation between two neighbors involved in a quarrel. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. You will hear people talking in eight different situations . For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.

Слайд 6

Multiple choice Example: You turn on TV and hear an introduction. You are watching A a program about wild animals B an interview with a film star C a travel program

Слайд 7

Multiple choice Example: What does Mr. Stuart want to speak about? A an incident on Park Lane B a fight at school C an amusing event near the shop

Слайд 8

Multiple choice Example: Which company website has the following features ? A Hills Cycles website B Wheels Unlimited website C both websites bicycle catalogues …………… p rice list ……………. bicycle accessories …………… online ordering ………………

Слайд 9

Gap filling / Note completion Task: You will hear part of a radio report about a successful business woman. For questions 1-8, complete the notes which summarize what the speakers say. You will need to write a word or a short phrase . You will hear three people speaking about their professions. For questions 1-8, fill in the gaps with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS .

Слайд 10

Gap filling / Note completion Example: Mary was offered a financial help by …………………………………………………………………………. In the end, Mary managed to buy ………………………………………………………………………….

Слайд 11

Gap filling / Note completion

Слайд 12

True / False Task: You will hear a story. For items 1-10 decide whether the statements marked 1-10 are True (A) or False (B) according to the text you hear. You will hear the text only ONCE . 1. “Family ” is the speaker’s favourite classroom topic. A. True B. False

Слайд 13

Matching Example: What does Jack tell his tutor about each of the following course options? A He'll definitely do it. B He may or may not do it. C He won't do it Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions 1- 5. You may choose any letter more than once . Media Studies Culture and Society Introduction to Cultural Theory Identity and Popular Culture Women and Power

Слайд 14

*Integrated listening and reading task Read the text about an unusual house and then listen to the monologue on the same topic. Answer questions 1-10 by choosing (A) if the idea is expressed in both materials, (B) if it can be found only in the audio - recording , (C) if it can be found only in the reading text, and (D) if neither of the materials expresses the idea.

Слайд 15

Resources of listening files www.ted.com www.learningenglish.voanews.com www.esl-library.com → ESL-Library Podcasts www.learnenglish.britishcouncil.org

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Use of English Tests Vocabulary and Grammar

Слайд 2

Multiple-choice cloze test Sentence level or Text level Goal : complete 1 gap/space with one of the 4 choices ( A , B , C , or D ). Task : Read the text below and decide which word A , B , C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning ( 0 ). Write your answers in the box provided.

Слайд 3

Multiple-choice cloze test What is tested? Vocabulary set expressions phrasal verbs / idioms collocations linking words synonyms

Слайд 4

Multiple-choice cloze test Tips: Read a complete text first. Look at the words around each gap. Eliminate obvious incorrect choices. In case you do not know the answer, do not leave blank gaps. Guess! You may be lucky.

Слайд 5

Multiple-choice cloze test Examples: Carolyn James is an artist, poet, writer and great cook. In 1991 she was (1) … Woman of the Year in Britain . A told B awarded C named D said

Слайд 6

Multiple-choice cloze test The answer: C

Слайд 7

Multiple-choice cloze test Example 2: (1)…. the city spent over $1 billion on its museums and stadium, it failed to look after its schools. A Whereas B Moreover C But D So

Слайд 8

Multiple-choice cloze test Answer: A

Слайд 9

Multiple-choice cloze test Example 3: We're going to the disco. - …. A Help yourself. B Really fun. C Have fun. D Do it again.

Слайд 10

Multiple-choice cloze test Answer: C

Слайд 11

Multiple-choice cloze test Example 4: Who is talking? How do you like your steak? Medium, well done or rare? A Bus driver B Waiter C Carpenter D Chef

Слайд 12

Multiple-choice cloze test The answer: B

Слайд 13

Multiple-choice cloze test Example 5: Where do you here it? I'd like five hundred pounds worth of Japanese yen, please. A estate agent’s B clothes shop C travel agent’s D bank

Слайд 14

Multiple-choice cloze test Answer: D

Слайд 15

Key word transformations 8 sentences to be done within 10-15 minutes. Task: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the given key word. Do not change it. Use other words to complete the sentence. You must use between two and five words. There is an example at the beginning. Write only the missing words in the answer boxes provided.

Слайд 16

Key word transformations Most Common Types of Questions modal verbs phrasal verbs active / passive transformation verb + preposition + gerund reported speech other (common idioms; linking words; conditionals, synonyms (make/do)

Слайд 17

Key word transformations Examples: He wasn’t allowed to go because of his parents. LET His parents ______________ him go. Answer: … would not let …

Слайд 18

Key word transformations Examples: Pete continued to get up early even after he retired. CARRIED Pete ______________ early even after he retired. Answer: … carried on getting up…

Слайд 19

Key word transformations Examples: They say he eats snakes. SAID He ______________ to eat snakes. Answer: … is said…

Слайд 20

Key word transformations Examples: ‘ Dan, you’ve eaten my chocolate mousse,’ said Sue. ACCUSED Sue ______________ her chocolate mousse. Answer: … accused Dan of eating…

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Types of writ ing tasks letters / e-mails essays (opinion essay; for and against essay) chart/graph description

Слайд 3

Letters Imagine that you are going to visit a shopping center soon. Write an e-mail to your friend and ask her/him to join you. Do not forget to write about: the date and the name of the place you are going to visit why you want to go there the program of your visit You should write about 50-60 words . Time: 15 min.

Слайд 4

Letters Imagine that you cannot come to your friend’s New Year’s party. Write him/her an e-mail with apologies. Do not forget to: - send your wishes; - name the reasons why you cannot come.

Слайд 5

Essays Comment on the following statement: Some people think that computer games are better than life. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement ? Write 100 -120 words. Remember to - make an introduction - express your personal opinion and give reasons for your opinion - make a conclusion.

Слайд 6

Essays General tips: Define the type of an essay (asking for an opinion; asking for solution; evaluation of the existing opinion; evaluation of the solution to the problem). Follow the structure of an essay (introduction, body paragraphs with topic sentences supported by examples / arguments for or against; conclusion). Formal style, academic vocabulary, complex syntax. Cohesion and relevance to the topic

Слайд 7

Essays topics (examples) asking for your ideas/opinion: Which do you feel is more important in your life: security or freedom and independence? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. asking for solution: Some are very shy and cannot make friends easily. What would you advise to such people? evaluation of the existing opinion: Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole day in academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with ? evaluation of the solution to the problem: Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?

Слайд 8

Chart/graph description (task example) There were two surveys conducted in 1990 and in 2010 about the popularity of different means of travelling. Analyze the table showing the participants’ opinion and write a short report on the changes presented in it. Do not forget to: - make an introduction - analyze the changes in participants’ opinion - draw a conclusion You should write about 90-100 words.

Слайд 9

Chart/graph description 1990 2010 Bicycle 3% 4% Car 20% 25% Train 55% 35% Plane 15% 30% Ship 7% 6%

Слайд 10

Chart/graph description G eneral tips: Formal style; paragraphs; cohesive words and phrases (first, second, overall, in total, overall) ; special vocabulary to describe statistics (increase; decrease; rise; fall; reach; level; per cent; gradual; sharp; slight, etc.) Only important and significant features should be included into the description (not all information you see!) No personal information! (avoid: 1 st person narration (We can see…; Look at the table; I think …; In my opinion…) . Do not add information that is not mentioned in the table ( The level of sales is very low in February because people spent all t heir money for the New Year’s Day ).

Слайд 11

Chart/graph description (example)

Слайд 12

Chart/graph description (example) The graph compares the proportion of elderly people in three different countries, USA, Sweden, and Japan. In 1940, the percentage of ageing people in USA was below 10%, while in Japan it was 5%. However , Sweden came between them. In the following years the proportion of elderly in both USA and Sweden increased dramatically and reached a peak of 15% and nearly 13% respectively . But the rate in Japan decreased slightly over the same period.

Слайд 13

Chart/graph description (example) Afterwards , from 2000 , all the countries expect to increase and make a new peak . In the following three decades there will be a significant increase in ageing in each of the three countries. Japan will reach the highest level , which is more than 25%, and USA and Sweden will be below this, at 23% and 25% respectively . Overall , the proportion of elderly citizens in the three countries increases significantly from 1940 to 2040.

Слайд 14

Assessment criteria contents (relevance to the communicative task; style (norms and rules); set-up information included, the necessary number of words); composition (logic structure; paragraphs; cohesion; relevance to the topic) vocabulary, grammar and spelling/punctuation

Слайд 15

*Integrated reading, listening and writing task You will read a passage for three minutes, and then you will hear a lecture related to the topic. Summarize the points in the listening passage and explain how they relate to specific points in the reading passage.

Слайд 16

* Integrated reading, listening and writing task Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading . Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage . Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they support the explanations in the reading passage . (http://rapidsteps.com/topic/447/TOEFL+iBT.+ Introduction+to+the+Writing+Section)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Compare, contrast and Speculate

Слайд 2

Useful language Comparing Both pictures show … In both pictures the people are … Both pictures were taken … The main connection/ similarity between these pictures is that … They look alike because …

Слайд 3

Useful language Contrasting The first picture shows …, whereas the second one … In the picture on the left …, whereas in the other one … The main / most striking difference between the two pictures is … There are several differences between the pictures. Firstly, …

Слайд 4

Useful language Speculating They could / might / may be … They seem / appear to be … I suppose / assume / imagine that … I can’t be sure / certain, but perhaps … Although I can’t be sure , perhaps …