рассмотрение проблемы англицизмов в современной молодежной среде
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англицизмы в современной молодежной среде | 2.32 МБ |
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей №3 им. П.А .Столыпина г . Ртищево Саратовской области» ПРОЕКТ Англицизмы в современной молодежной среде Проект выполнила Никушина Алина, ученица 6 «В» класса Руководитель проекта Куликова О.А., учитель английского языка г. Ртищево 2014-2015 учебный годСлайд 2
The subject of my research work is to study the problem of borrowing the words in the modern Russian language. The object of my work is the anglicisms in Russian language. Therefore the purpose of my work is to find information about borrowing words which occurred in Russian language from English and make an analysis of the problem of loanwords . The research tasks are: 1. to present historical review of the problem of borrowing, 2. to find different types of anglicisms and suggest the appropriate reasons for borrowings. 3. to hold an experiment and answer the question: “What types of anglicisms are used more often by teenagers?”
Слайд 3
Why are there so many English loanwords in the modern Russian language? Why do Russian speakers choose to use English loanwords, when there are perfectly good native counterparts already present in the Russian language? What affects the process of lexical borrowing and why do some loanwords survive and others fade into obscurity?
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Borrowings are the way of enrichment the language.
Слайд 5
Reasons for using anglicsms . The first reason is the lack of corresponding concepts in the language. For example, these are words “Scanner”, “Touchpad”, “Laptop”. The translation is “ сканер ”, “ тачпэд ”, “ ноутбук ”. The second reason is the lack of appropriate or more exact name in the language. There’re simple examples – “spray”, “virtual” which translation are “ спрей ” and “ виртуальный ”. A need for a name of a new object or an item. Once again, we could easily find the example. Now it’s the word “printer”, “scanner”, “journalist” and others. A need to discriminate related but different meanings. For example it’s a “killer”. English killer is an any murder. But Russian killer is a hired murder.
Слайд 6
Употребляете ли Вы англицизмы в повседневной речи? а) часто б) редко в) никогда Все ли окружающие понимают, о чем Вы говорите, используя англицизмы? а) все б) большинство в) совсем не понимают Знаете ли Вы точный перевод употребляемых Вами англицизмов? а) знаю б) не всегда в) не знаю 4. Как Вы понимаете смысл приведенных ниже слов: boyfriend - show - girl - crazy - party - face - lunch - forever - respect - by - game - hi - online - cool - sorry - no problem - “ What types of anglicisms are the most popular today with teenagers?”
Слайд 12
Language – it is alive mechanism, it is constantly evolving, anglicisms are an important part of the language that enriches it. Foreign language terminology is a very interesting linguistic phenomenon whose role in the Russian language is essential. Anglo-Russian linguistic interaction consistently attracted research attention directed to the study of the total inflow of foreign vocabulary in Russian. The practical value of this work is that this material can be used in the teaching of English and Russian languages in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. These institutions need to conduct systematic work to promote students' cultural treatment of foreign words, a good taste of the language. A good taste is the main condition for the correct and appropriate use of linguistic resources, as loanwords. Conclusion
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