Тест для курсантов УВД

Разработ для проверки лексических навыков у студентов специальности УВД


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тест, разработанный для контроля знаний по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный авиационный английский язык» у курсантов специальности УВД.

  1. The first aid kit is equipped with splint … .
  1. to put onto cuts b) to treat passengers c) to stabilize limb fracture d) to restart the heart.
  1. An inhaler can help passengers in case of … .
  1. an asthma episode b) an asthma attack c) a heart attack d) a stroke.
  1. You may be … when you have to work more than you are able to.
  1. down b) overworked b) irritable c) worried.
  1. Being anxious about something means to be … .
  1. irritable b) run down c)  worried d) unfocused.
  1. Yaw is controlled by ..
  1. rudder b) ailerons c) elevators ) slats.
  1. Pitch is controlled by …
  1. rudder b) ailerons c) elevators ) slats.
  1. The pilot will experience problems with … in case of problems with rudder.
  1. pitch b) yaw c) roll d) bank.
  1. Problems with … will affect roll.
  1. elevator b) ailerons c) galley d) rudder.
  1. To dive the aircraft means …
  1. to bank the aircraft right b) to pitch up c)  to pitch down d) to bank left.
  1. To pull up  means …
  1. to bank the aircraft right b) to pitch up c)  to pitch down d) to bank left.
  1. Primary control surfaces are …
  1. flaps, rudder, ailerons b) slats, elevators, ailerons c) flaps, slats, airbrakes, spoilers, trim tabs d) rudder, ailerons, elevators.
  1. Secondary control surfaces are …
  1. flaps, rudder, ailerons, slats, trim tabs b) slats, elevators, ailerons, airbrakes, spoilers c) flaps, slats, airbrakes, spoilers, trim tabs d) rudder, ailerons, elevators.
  1. The pilot must … just before landing to touch the ground with main gears, not nose gear.
  1. retract flaps b) flare the aircraft c) align the aircraft d) check the gears.
  1. When the pilot decides to execute missed approach procedure, it means the aircraft …
  1. pitches down b) deviates right or left of track c) diverts to the alternate airport d) goes around.
  1. To contain the fire means …
  1. to put out the fire b) to ignite the fire c) to catch fire d) to explode.
  1. Carrying anything explosive on board is … .
  1. permitted b) required c) allowed d) prohibited.
  1. Perfume may be considered to be … .
  1. corrosive b) flammable liquid c) compressed gas d) acid.
  1. … is a foam-filled container that is used to put out a fire.
  1. A fire-extinguisher b) An oxygen generator c) Flammable liquid d)  A wet-cell battery.
  1. Some … material in the form of black powder was consigned in the cargo hold.
  1. corrosive b) compressed c) explosive d) ignited.
  1. The emergency services sprayed the empanage of the aircraft with … liquid.
  1. flammable b) corrosive c) explosive d) fire-retardant.
  1. Chest pains may be the symptom of … .
  1. dehydration b) heart attack c) limb fracture d) stroke.
  1. A (an) … is often used by asthma sufferers.
  1. inhaler b) insulin pen c) EpiPen d) defibrillator.
  1. Severe cuts are usually accompanied with … .
  1. limb fracture b) bleeding c) contusion d) coughing.
  1. To be extremely tired means to be … .
  1. worried b) down c) irritable d) exhausted.


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