Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе. Учебная ситуация: Gadgets
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Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе. Учебная ситуация: Gadgets


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Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе

Учебная ситуация: Gadgets

Цель урока: Развитие лексических навыков


Обучающие: Повторить лексические единицы и речевые конструкции по указанной теме

 Развивать фонетические и лексические навыки

Развивающие: Развивать умения строить самостоятельные устные высказывания на основе первичного усвоения учебного материала, логическое мышление.

Воспитательные: Воспитывать чувство уважения к собеседнику, индивидуальную культуру общения.

Организационная структура урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

1. Орг. момент

Взаимное приветствие

  • Good morning!
  • How are you?
  • I’m OK. Thank you.


-Good morning!

We’re fine. Thank you. How are you?


2. Мотивационный

  • Look at the board, please. I have some letters, but I can’t make a word. Help me please.  Guess a word.
  • Gadgets

What will we talk about today?

What gadgets do you have?

How can you use them?

Right you are.

Look at the blackboard.

What’s this?

На доске изображения гаджетов и слова

Well done.



I have a ….

I can listen to music, play computer games,

watch films


This is a….


MP3 player


GPS receiver

Video games console

Tablet computer

3. Актуализация знаний и снятие языковых трудностей. Фонетическая отработка ЛЕ.

4. Систематизация полученных знаний

- Look at the blackboard. (карточки с фразами)

Listen, say and translate

  • Text friends
  • Instant message someone
  • Send an email
  • Share photos
  • Write a blog
  • Chat online
  • Play video games
  • Look up maps
  • Listen to music
  • Download music or films
  • Browse web pages
  • Use a social networking site
  • Use a search engine

You have a piece of paper on the desk where can you see these phrases. Listen, point, say and translate in writing for.


(повторное прослушивание)

Now match the phrases to the Gadgets. Work with your partner.

(работа в парах)

-Now let’s check. Read the example.

How can we use a GPS receiver?

  • Video games console
  • …..

Let’s do the same task but in your copybooks.

Open your copybooks and write the date.

What’s the day today?

You should write three sentences about different gadgets.


Are you ready? Read to each other your sentences.

Well done.

We can text friends on a Smartphone.

We can look up maps on GPS receiver.

We can play video games on a video games console.

We can listen to music with (on) an MP3 player.

We can share photos on a tablet computer.


Let’s play now.

One student chooses one picture whith a gadget. And she/he should show how she/he usually uses this gadget. Other students guess what the student has and what she/ne does.


Are you listening to music on an MP3 player?

5.Предтекстовый этап (чтение)

- What do you think are Gadgets useful things?

Look at these pictures. What can you see?

In the first picture?


Now we will listen to two stories about Gadgets.

But before listening look at ex.3. You can see some words and their transcriptions. Match these transcriptions to the words. They will help you to understand these stories.

Are you ready?

Look at the screen and let’s cheek.

Now Listen and choose two pictures for the stories.

  1. Which picture is right for the text?

What is the first story about?

 Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing sentences.

  1. Which picture is right for the text?

What is the second story about?

Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing sentences. There is one extra sentence.

I think they help people.

I can see…..












Учащиеся используют распечатки.

6. Послетекстовый этап

Do you like stories? Which story do you like the most?

7.информация о д.з

At home you should

Do ex 3b. Read. Is it clear?

9. Подготовка к монологическому высказыванию

You  have read two stories. Now you will make your stories about gadgets.

You will work in two groups.

(you have green or yellow circus on the desks, so you are in a green or in a yellow team)

You have some pictures, some phrases to complete sentences about gadgets how they can help you. Then you should read your topic. You have 5 minutes.


Are you ready?

Read please your stories.

We  want to speak about ________ . we think it can help us with our homework. We can use a search engine to find different information. When we have some free time we can listen to music, play computer games, ….

10. Информация о домашнем задании

SB p104 №3, WB …

11. Подведение итогов, рефлексия

  • What did we speak about?
  • Do you like the lesson?
  • You have a yellow circle on the desk. Draw  an emoji about our lesson and show me them.
  • Spend me emoji

Thank you for your work and see you tomorrow. Goodbye.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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