Изобретения в области медицины
презентация к уроку

Булавина Елена Вадимовна

Медицинская наука всегда являлась одной из наиболее прогрессивных областей науки. Случившиеся за прошедшие годы прорывы в медицинской науке либо открыли альтернативу неэффективным более ранним процедурам, либо создали решение ранее неизученной медицинской проблемы. Технология также сыграла большую роль в том, чтобы сделать медицинскую науку более эффективной и более незаменимой, чем когда-либо прежде. В этом обзоре исторические изобретения, которые революционизировали медицинскую науку.


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Тема: « Inventions in medicine » Изобретения в медицин е

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In the XXI century it is difficult to keep up with scientific progress. In recent years, we have learned to grow organs in laboratories, artificially control the activity of nerves, invented surgical robots that can do complex operations. Consider several inventions in medicine.

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Abiocor artificial heart Искусственное сердце AbioCor In July 2001, a group of surgeons from Louisville (Kentucky) was able to implant a new generation of artificial heart. The device, called AbioCor , was implanted in a person who suffered from heart failure. Artificial heart developed by Abiomed , Inc.. Although similar devices have been used before, AbioCor is the most advanced of its kind. In previous versions, the patient had to be attached to a huge console through tubes and wires that were implanted into his skin. This meant that the person remained chained to the bed. AbioCor is completely Autonomous inside the human body, and it does not need additional tubes or wires that come out. .

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Москва 2019

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Tablet with camera Таблетка с камерой With the help of such a pill, cancer can be diagnosed at the earliest stages. The device was created in order to obtain high-quality color images in limited spaces. The camera tablet can detect signs of esophageal cancer, its size is approximately equal to the width of an adult's nail and twice its length.

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И зобретения в области медицины Группа : Н15-Л Выполнили: Сирица Дарья, Кёся Людмила Москва 2019

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Bionic contact lenses Бионические контактные линзы Bionic contact lenses developed by researchers at the University of Washington (University of Washington). They were able to connect the elastic contact lenses to the printed electronic circuit. This invention helps the user to see the world by overlaying computerized pictures on top of his own vision. According to the inventors, bionic contact lenses can be useful for drivers and pilots, showing them routes, weather information or vehicles. In addition, these contact lenses can monitor human physical indicators such as cholesterol levels, the presence of bacteria and viruses. The collected data can be sent to the computer via wireless transmission.

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И зобретения в области медицины Группа : Н15-Л Выполнили: Сирица Дарья, Кёся Людмила Москва 2019

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Bionic arm Бионическая рука Created by David Gow in 2007, the bionic arm was the first artificial limb in the world to be equipped with five individually mechanized fingers. Users of the device will be able to take in hand objects of different shapes - for example, Cup handles. It consists of 3 separate parts: 4 fingers, thumb and palm. Each part contains its own control system.

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Robots-assistants during operations Роботы-помощники во время операций Surgeons have been using robotic hands for some time, but now there is a robot that can perform the operation on its own. A group of scientists from Duke University (Duke University) has already tested the robot. They used it on a dead Turkey (because Turkey meat has a similar structure to human). The success of robots is estimated at 93%. Of course, it is too early to talk about Autonomous robotic surgeons, but this invention is a serious step in this direction.

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H eart valve С ердечные клапаны Perhaps the biggest innovation in cardiac surgery over the past ten years has been the emergence of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. This invention is suggested for inoperable patients alternative for valve replacement open heart. Operations on implantation of the pulmonary and mitral valve through the skin also function successfully.

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Источники литературы: https://dislife.ru/articles/view/13568 https://allforclinic.ru/10-velichajshix-medicinskix-izobretenij/ https://yandex.ru/images/search http://www.likar.info/terapiya/article-77786-novejshie-izobreteniya-meditsiny-6-udivitelnyh-otkrytij/ https://interesnosti.com/1360204916793805647/10-meditsinskih-izobretenij-kotorye-kardinalno-izmenili-mir/

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