36 гр. на 18.11.2020

Сидельникова Татьяна Владимировна

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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Cutlery (UK) – приборы, которые используют для сервировки стола и приема пищи (ножи — knives , вилки — forks , ложки — spoons ).

Слайд 3

Crockery – посуда В Англии — это керамическая и фарфоровая посуда на обеденном столе: чашки ( cups ), блюдца ( saucers ), тарелки ( plates ), миски ( bowls ) и т.д.

Слайд 4

Crockery – посуда В Америке, это тоже посуда, но уже больше относящаяся к приготовлению пищи: глиняные горшки для приготовления пищи ( earthenware cooking pots ).

Слайд 5

Silverware – столовое серебро . В Великобритании вся посуда, сделанная из серебра или, покрытая серебром, объединена в понятие Silverware .

Слайд 6

Сервировка английского стола Перед каждым гостем ставится тарелка ( Plate ), слева от нее будет как минимум 2 вилки: Salad fork и Dinner fork . Справа будут располагаться три предмета: dinner knife (нож для основного блюда), teaspoon (чайная ложка), soup spoon (столовая ложка, ложка для супа). Каждую сервировку стола невозможно представить без наличия салфетки ( Napkin ). Этот атрибут обязателен при любой трапезе. Дополняют простую (неформальную) сервировку: — Water glass (стакан/бокал для воды) — Wineglass (бокал для вина)

Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: «В ресторане»

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In the restaurant as well as in the kitchen, there are also different kinds of jobs. The person who
seats the guests is called maitre d'hotel or a hostess
, if a woman . In restaurants with a very formal
style of service, the maitre d’ also takes the guests' orders. The meals are served by waiters or
waitresses. In less formal restaurants, the waiters and waitresses take orders and serve the meals.
Most restaurants also employ busboys, who pour water, clear and set tables, and perform other
similar chores. In some restaurants, however, the waiters and waitresses carry out these tasks. In an
elaborate restaurant, there is often an employee called the wine steward, or sommelier
, who takes
orders for wine and sometimes for other alcoholic drinks. Finally, there are cashiers who receive
payment or signed bills from the guests.

In addition to the restaurant, most hotels also have a bar or cocktail lounge where drinks are served.
Bartenders work behind the bar. They mix drinks and serve them to the customers at the bar.
Additional waiters and waitresses are needed to serve customers who are seated at the tables. The
bartenders usually act as cashiers in addition to their other duties. The bar or cocktail lounge may
also offer food service, although it is usually simpler than the food served in the hotel dining room.
Fast food, such as sandwiches or hamburgers, is customary.
One food and beverage facility that is often not connected with the main hotel kitchen is the snack
bar. The snack bar is a small unit that provides fast-order food and drink service to guests who are
using the hotel's swimming pool or some other recreational facility. Snack bars are a prominent
feature of a resort hotel.
As it was previously mentioned, hotels generally employ a large number of workers in proportion
of the number of guests; this is especially true in the food and beverage department. The restaurant
business as a whole is one of the most labor-intensive of all industries, and this is true whether the
restaurant is in a hotel or not.
Письменно выполните следующие упражнения:
2. Answer the following questions and make them indirect.
1. What are the jobs in the restaurant?
2. What kinds of restaurants are there?
3. Do the maitre'd hotels and do the waiters perform the same duties?
4. Who helps the waiters to clear and set tables?
5. Does the sornmelier take orders for spirits?
6. Who acts as a cashier in a bar?
7. What food is served in a cocktail lounge?
8. Is the snack bar located by the swimming pool?
9. What is a prominent feature of a resort hotel?
10. Why is hotel and restaurant business labor-intensive?
3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian.
1. as well as in the kitchen; 2. who seats the guests; 3. take orders; 4. clear the tables; 5. carry out

these tasks; 6. finally; 7. signed bills; 8, cocktail lounge; 9. mix drinks; 10. additional waiters; 11.

 act as cashiers; 12. to serve customers; 13. usually simpler; 14. customary; 15. main kitchen; 16.

 snack bar; 17. swimming pool; 18. resort hotel; 19. generally employ; 20. a large number.

 4. Find the synonyms of the following words in the text.
official, hire, perform, job, spirits, get, account, require, responsibility, usually, characteristic,

 right, worker, lay, also, a small establishment, important.