Мои элективные курсы

Медведева Татьяна Анатольевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия№1      

  г. Светлограда Петровского района Ставропольского края

Рассмотрено:                                               Принято                               Утверждено:

на заседании МО учителей                       научно-методическим         Приказом МБОУГ №1

иностранных языков                                  советом                                 от 30. 08. 2017г.

протокол №1 от 26.08.2017 г.                  протокол № 1 от             ________/В.А Бородаенко/  

Руководитель МО ________                     29.08.2017 г.



Авторская программа курса внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку «Современная грамматика английского языка для подготовки к сдаче ГИА»

для 5 классов основного общего образования (базовый уровень)

35 часов (один год по одному часу в неделю)

2018 -2019 учебный год

Программа разработана на основе авторской программы курса внеурочной деятельности «Современная грамматика английского языка для подготовки к ГИА» для 5 классов

 М. «Просвещение», 2016 г


Медведева Т. А., учитель английского языка

квалификационная категория:

высшая по должности «учитель»

г. Светлоград, 2018 г.


1. Введение………………………………………………………………………… 3

2. Личностные, метапредметные, предметные результаты ……………………. 5

3. Содержание курса ……………………………………………………………… 7

4. Календарно-тематическое планирование …………………………………….. 8


Становление глобальной мирохозяйственной системы с присущим ей  усилением межнационального взаимодействия в социокультурной, политической и деловой сферах предопределяет возрастающее значение владения иностранным языком для ведения полноценной жизни. Знание английского языка сегодня становится неизбежным условием развития успешной карьеры, достижения высоких академического и научных степеней, а также просто получения высокого уровня общего образования.  Владение иностранным языком, а в еще большей степени именно английский языком имеет большое прикладное значение. Мы все чаще выезжаем за рубеж и принимаем в нашей стране все большее число иностранных туристов. Возможность беспрепятственного общения с людьми из других стран открывает новые горизонты для развития человека. Английский язык, окончательно зарекомендовавший себя в качестве международного языка, позволяет преодолеть последние препятствия для взаимодействия индивидов из разных точек мира.   Все вместе это требует не столько корректировки, сколько дополнения академических подходов к изучению английского языка программами и методиками, способствующими развитию навыков и умений в письменной и устной речи.

Предлагаемая программа направлена на усовершенствование грамматической и лексической сторон речевой компетентности учащихся 5 классов. Особое внимание уделяется прикладной стороне внедрения грамматического материала, которое проходит в тесной связи с развитием основных видов коммуникации: устной (монологической, диалогической, описательной и т.п.) и письменной (повествовательной, описательной,  и т.п.). Применение данной методики дает возможность закрепить пройденный материал каждого модуля с учетом требуемой в нем лексики и грамматики. В конце каждого модуля предлагается вариант для самостоятельной работы, составленный по образцу экзаменационного шаблона, что позволит сделать процесс выполнения подобных задания вполне естественным и непринужденным для учащихся начиная уже с пятого класса. В программе соблюдается чередование устных и письменных упражнений для развития основных грамматических и лексических навыков. Данный элективный курс составлен на основе учебника “Spotlight” для 5 класса. Кроме того, учитель может проверить степень усвоения учащимися пройденного материала, поскольку есть возможность дать домашнее задание.

Применяемый комплексный подход к закреплению изученной грамматики и лексики позволит получить хорошие результаты в процессе параллельного учебному процессу повторения уже изученной лексики и грамматики за данный учебный год.

Благодаря большому количеству разнообразных по содержанию упражнений, представляется возможным сделать процесс повторения для одних учащихся и усвоения другими, более слабыми и медлительными по характеру учащимися, значительно легче и доступнее. Самостоятельные работы в формате ОГЭ, предлагаемые в конце каждого модуля, позволяют проверить уровень усвоения пройденной темы ребятами и определить, кто из них все еще не усвоил данное грамматическое правило лексический минимум. Задания данного учебного пособия построены таким образом, что сначала учащиеся должны повторить лексику каждого раздела модуля, а только потом приступить к работе с грамматической частью раздела модуля.

        К пособию также прилагается дополнительное пособие «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК.

ПОДГОТОВКА К ОГЭ начинается с 5 класса» 10 вариантов, которое следует использовать для самостоятельной проверки учащихся в формате ОГЭ. 

Использование в изучении английского языка предлагаемых пособий представляется целесообразным именно в разрезе решения задач, стоящих сегодня перед преподавателями средних школ.

Данную программу можно рекомендовать в качестве дополнительного элективного курса или как программу внеурочной деятельности, направленных на то, чтобы помочь будущим выпускникам подготовиться к сдаче ГИА. Данные пособия подходят для того, чтобы их можно было использовать в качестве сопровождающего материала для подготовки к сдаче Государственной Итоговой Аттестации.

Программа рассчитана на 35 часов по одному часу в неделю продолжительностью 1 год и предполагается быть реализованной в 5 классах общеобразовательных учебных учреждениях.

Новизна данной программы заключается в следующем:

  1. Применение в процессе повторения лексики и грамматических структур иностранного языка творческого подхода (написание небольших рассказов о себе, о своей семье, рабочем дне и т.д. на основе имеющегося образца) позволяет развить умения прямой грамотной письменной и устной коммуникации, без посредства постоянного обращения к правилам грамматики, иными словами - способствовать естественности лексически и грамматически верной коммуникации;
  2. Использование максимально адаптированных к повседневной жизни форм письменной коммуникации, а также тем, по которым предлагается их отработка;
  3. Активное использование вариантов для самостоятельной работы, направленных на закрепление уже изученного материала и развития и совершенствования необходимых при сдаче ОГЭ навыков и умений;

Основной целью программы является сформировать у учащихся навык правильного и свободного употребления изучаемых лексики и грамматических структур в письменной и устной речи.

Для достижения поставленной цели выдвинуты следующие задачи:

  • Основательно повторить и проработать лексику и грамматику, которые изучаются в течение данного учебного года
  • Подобрать такие упражнения, которые помогут учащимся в достаточно простой и доступной форме овладеть нужными знаниями и научиться применять на практике в соответствии со своим уровнем усвоения повторяемого материала
  • Связать грамматику с устной речью, чтобы перевести полученные знания из теоретической базы в практическую.


В соответствии с установленными требования к результатам освоения обучающимися основной образовательной программы основного общего образования, рабочая программа по английскому языку для 5 классов отражает личностные, метапредметные и предметные результаты.

Личностные результаты:

  • Формировать осознание важности изучения английского языка как средства общения и познания современного мира;
  • Воспитывать у учащихся потребность изучения английского языка как средства самореализации и социальной адаптации в поликультурном и полиэтническом мире в условиях глобализации.

Предметные результаты:

  • Применять правила написания и произношения слов, изученных в основной школе; соблюдать правила ударения в словах и фразах;
  • Использовать предложения различных коммуникативных типов (утвердительное, вопросительное, отрицательное, повелительное);
  • Распознавать и употреблять в устной и письменной речи основные значения изученных лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, реплик-клише речевого этикета);
  • Знать основные способы словообразования (аффиксации);
  • уметь употреблять в речи видо-временные формы глаголов, модальные глаголы, артикли, существительные, местоимения, числительные, предлоги.

Предметные результаты

  • Развить навыки быстрой письменной и устной коммуникации в условиях международного информационного пространства путем ознакомления с основными устойчивыми словосочетаниями, употребляемыми в устной и письменной речи.

Формы проведения занятий

  • Групповые занятия под руководством учителя (обучение в сотрудничестве).
  •       Работа в парах.
  •       Индивидуальные консультации.
  •      Самостоятельная работа.

Формы контроля и подведения итогов реализации дополнительной образовательной программы

  • Фронтальная и индивидуальная проверка выполненной работы.
  •       Индивидуальные работы по основным формам письменной коммуникации      (письмо, написание небольшого сообщения по теме и т. д.).
  •      Тестовые задания.


5 класс

  1. Повелительное наклонение
  2. Местоимения (личные и притяжательные)
  3. Существительные: множественное число
  4. Артикли
  5. Глаголы to be и have got
  6. Указательные местоимения this-these, that-those
  7. Оборот There is/are
  8. Предлоги места
  9. Модальные глаголы (can, must)
  10. Притяжательный падеж
  11. Настоящее простое время: все типы предложений
  12. Предлоги времени
  13. Настоящее длительное время: все типы предложений
  14. Разница употребления настоящего простого и настоящего длительного времен
  15. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные
  16. Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no
  17. Простое прошедшее время: типы предложение.
  18. Правильные и неправильные глаголы в простом прошедшем времени
  19. Будущее простое время: все типы предложений
  20. Числительные

Календарно-тематическое планирование

5 класс

№ п/п

Тема занятия

Кол-во часов


Закрепляющее повторение английского алфавита: буквы, звуки. Правила чтения гласных букв и буквосочетаний. Фразы этика при встрече и знакомстве.



Числительные: 1-10. Простые арифметические операции. Глаголы движения. Нахождение в тексте запрашиваемой информации в процессе чтения и составление подобного сообщения о себе с использованием предложенного образца и изученной лексики.



Лексика по тебе «Школьные предметы».



Личные местоимения. Использование в речи глагола-связки to be.



Типы предложений с глаголом-связкой to be. Нахождение в тексте запрашиваемой информации в процессе чтения.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 1 (вариант 1)



Употребление глагола have got в различных типах предложений.



Множественное число имен существительных. Правила орфографии. Указательные местоимения this-these, that-those.



Числительные 11-100.



Викторина по странам изучаемого языка.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 2 (вариант 2)



Порядковые числительные. Употребление оборота There is /are.



Употребление оборота There is /are. Предлоги места.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 3 (вариант 3)



Модальный глагол must.



Притяжательный падеж имен существительных. Нахождение в тексте запрашиваемой информации в процессе чтения.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 4 (вариант 4)



Употребление настоящего простого времени Present Simple в утвердительных предложениях.



Употребление настоящего простого времени Present Simple в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 5 (вариант 5)



Обозначение времени на часах.



Употребление настоящего длительного времени Present Continuous Tense.



Нахождение в тексте запрашиваемой информации в процессе чтения.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 6 (вариант 6)



Обобщающее повторение лексики по теме «Погода»



Разница в употреблении Present Simple и Present Continuous.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 7 (вариант 7)



Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.



Употребление неопределенных местоимений some, any, no.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 8 (вариант 8)



Употребление артиклей a/an, the. Прошедшая форма глагола-связки to be.



Прошедшее простое время: утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 9 (вариант 9)



Употребление модального глагола can.



Проверочная работа в формате ОГЭ по темам модуля 10 (вариант 10)




Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 9 (Module 9)

Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию)

     Вы услышите диалог. В заданиях 1)-6) в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильному ответу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1 The event is taking place in a ________ .

     1) art gallery

     2) museum

     3)  toy shop

2  On the ground floor there are ______ .

  1. cars and planes
  2.  computer games and Lego
  3. computer games and dolls

3 On the first floor you can see _____ .

  1. computer games
  2. board games
  3. toys for little kids

4  On the second floor you will find _____ .

  1. toys for boys
  2. toys for girls
  3. toys for little kids

5  The price of a special magazine is _____.

  1. £ 5
  2. £ 55
  3. £ 15

6 The shop closes at ______ .

  1. 5:30
  2. 7:30
  3. 8:30

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению)

  1. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-E, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-5. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
  1. films
  2. sporting events
  3. a play
  4. collections of important things
  5. paintings and sculptures
  6. going shopping

  1. Hi! My name is James Brown. I work at the National Gallery in London which has one of the finest collections of paintings in the world. I’m proud of Constable’s works of art. As you know, Constable is one of the most famous British artists.
  2. The British museum is one of the world’s largest and most important museums of human history and culture. Now it is home to 70 million objects from all continents and has 94 exhibition galleries.
  3. Cinema is very popular but less than it was at the beginning of the 20th century. Several years ago people in England often went to the cinema but now many of them try to stay at home. They want to spend a quiet evening reading books and watching TV or videos.
  4. I’ll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre. I remember the actors and actresses, their perfect costumes, the scenery which was fantastic and, of course, the fine music and dancing.
  5. Englishmen have a funny game. They take a large ball and begin to kick (пинать) the ball and run after it. Some players kick the ball quickly, others kick it slowly. Those, who cannot kick the ball, kick the legs of the other players. During the whole game a man runs on the field and blows a whistle (свистит в свисток) from time to time.








Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 3-7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), а какие не соответствуют (2 – False). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.


For breakfast English people often have porridge with milk and sugar but never with meat. They don’t eat much bread. They usually have toasts. They usually drink strong tea. They like to have it with milk.

At one o’clock English people have lunch. They have lunch in a canteen (столовая), a restaurant or a café.

On a warm sunny day you can see people under the trees on the grass eating their sandwiches.

English people don’t eat much soup. There is usually one kind of soup on the menu: onion, tomato or mushroom (грибной).

For the main course (главное блюдо) one can have fish, steak or roast beef with vegetables: carrots, cabbage, beans and potatoes.

Five o’clock tea is a national habit. English people can have cheese and biscuits, apple pie, fruit or fruit salad, sandwiches and a lot of tea.

At about seven or eight o’clock they have dinner or supper. It can be soup, sometimes meat and vegetables, macaroni and cheese, eggs or tinned food (консервированная еда). They drink little coffee and much tea. The tea is always good.  

3. For breakfast English people have porridge with bread.

    1 True     2 False

4. English people usually have lunch at home.

      1 True     2 False

5. One can have vegetables, fish or meat for the main course.

      1 True     2 False

6. English people drink a lot of tea and little coffee.

      1 True     2 False

          Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике)        

Прочитайте ниже приведенный текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 7-14, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 7 -14.

A Crocodile And A Monkey

      7   Once (однажды) an ugly crocodile _____ a monkey. He        SEE

 8   _____ to eat                                                                             WANT

           9  ____ . But the monkey                                                             SHE

           10  ____ very clever. She thought, “I’ll try to make friends         BE

                 with this crocodile”. She began to make funny faces and

           11  do tricks. The crocodile ______ at the monkey and laughed.   LOOK

           12  He _____ , “You are funnier than all the monkeys in our        SAY

           13  forest.” He forgot about _____ wish to eat the monkey.          HE  

            14  So they became friends and ______ together.                         PLAY


Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 15-17, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 15-17.

15    My friend Julia and I often go to the ______ centre.                  SHOP                                  

  1.   The British Museum has a lot of interesting ______ .             EXHIBIT

17   When I want to buy a new book, I always read a lot

  of ____ about it in the Internet.                                       RECOMMEND


          Раздел 4 (задания по письму)

        18  You have 30 minutes to do this task.

                You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Kate.

               …Today my mom and I are going to the shopping centre. My mom wants to buy me some new clothes for school. I hope I will have some time to visit a book shop. I want to buy an interesting book to read. I like our shopping centre very much!

                    What shops do like go to? What do you usually buy there? Who do you go shopping with?...

              Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

              Write 50-80 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Раздел 5 (говорение)

Task 1. You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

Last week I was on an excursion there. First we listened to a lecture on the history of our region which was very interesting. Then a guide showed us the exposition of the museum. We walked through its halls looking at different stands with exhibits. There were ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls, tools and arms.
The next hall was even more interesting. There we saw stuffed animals and birds. It was a small zoo of the region nature. There was also an aquarium full of different fish, tortoises and shells. The collection of minerals was interesting, too.

Task 2. You have six questions. Give full answers to the questions.

Electronic assistant: What places for visiting are there in your town?

Student: ________________________________

Electronic assistant: Where do you like to go to most of all and why?

Student: ___________________________________

Electronic assistant: Who do you usually go there with?

Student: _______________________________________________________

Electronic assistant: How often do you visit this place?

Student: ______________________________________________________

Electronic assistant: What do you usually buy there?

Student: _______________________________________________

Electronic assistant: Do you like visiting museums?

Student: ________________________________________________

Task 3. Tell about a classroom in this photo using the plan below. Begin your answer with the words “I want to tell you about …” and finish it with “That’s all I’d like to tell you about”. (Можно использовать опоры, представленные в скобках после каждого вопроса).

3 - 0005

Remember to say:

  • Who can you see? (In the picture I can see …)
  • Where are these people? (They are in …)
  • What do they look like? (They have got…/They look …/ They are …)
  • Do you like this photo or not? Why? (I like/dislike this photo because …)

You should talk non-stop.

Вариант 10 (Module)

Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию)

  1. Прослушайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), а какие не соответствуют (2 – False). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

  1.  Sally is from the USA.

    1 True     2 False

  1.  Sally is in New York now.

      1 True     2 False

  1.  The girls are going to visit a lot of places in Moscow.

      1 True     2 False

  1. Sally can speak some Russian.

      1 True     2 False

  1.  Ann and Sally are going to read some Russian books.

      1 True     2 False

  1.   Next summer Ann wants to go to the USA.

      1 True     2 False

  1.  Ann wants to travel about the USA with Sally.

      1 True     2 False

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению)

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 2-10 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not Stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

Peter is ten years old. He loves holidays. Summer holidays are his favorite because they are the longest. He usually visits his grandparents on their farm. But next summer Peter won’t go there. He is going to France. He will go there with his two brothers who are sixteen years old. They will visit Paris and Disneyland.

Peter’s brothers were in Paris last summer. They have some friends there. Their friends invited them to come to Paris again. Peter and his brothers will live with them. They decided to see a lot of interesting and wonderful places in Paris and meet some French people.

Peter and his brothers will travel by plane to France but they are going to travel by train about the country.

2. Peter likes summer holidays most of all.

    1 True     2 False     3 – Not Stated

3. Last year Peter was on the farm.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

4. Next summer Peter will travel.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

5. Peter decided to go to France with his brothers.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

6. Peter is older than his brothers.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

7. Peter is going to live in a hotel.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

8. Peter will try to meet some French people.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

9. The boys are going to travel to France by ship.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

10. The boys are going to travel about France.

      1 True     2 False      3 – Not Stated

          Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике)        

Прочитайте ниже приведенный текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 11-20, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 11-20.

11. Nick was driving a new Toyota when I  ________                            SEE

     12. ______ yesterday. But it                                                                     HE

     13  ______ Nick’s car. It belonged to his dad.                                   NOT BE

     14 Paul is one of the most popular _______ all over the         FOOTBALLER

     15 world. But he _____ any longer.                                               NOT PLAY

     16 These two _____ are much more interesting than the ones I            BOOK

          read last month.

     17 – How many ______ are there in your family? – There                   CHILD

     18  ______ four of us.                                                                                   BE

     19  My friend ______ TV every day. Tomorrow he                           WATCH

     20   ______ an interesting and funny comedy.                                    WATCH


Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 21-24, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 21-24.

21    Jane doesn’t like this film. It’s very _______ .             BORE                                     

22    The travel to Paris was _______ for Mark.                   ENJOY

23    I want to eat something tasty. I’m _______ .                HUNGER

24    Today we went hiking. So now I’m ________ .           TIRE


          Раздел 4 (задания по письму)

        25  You have 30 minutes to do this task.

              You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Kate.

               …We’re having a family holiday at the Black Sea coast. We swim in the sea and sunbathe every day. Sometimes my dad and my elder brother sail or jet ski. Once they even tried scuba diving. That was terrific!

                   Where are you planning to spend this summer? Who will you go with? How long will you stay there?...

              Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

              Write 50-80 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Раздел 5 (говорение)

Task 1. You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

I like summer holidays very much. In summer it is warm and I have a lot of free time in the open air. I usually spend June at the seaside.

In June I usually go to a camp. I like spending time there. We play sports, swim in the river and go to different clubs. There is a forest near the camp and we always make a campfire once a week.

In July my parents have a vacation and we go to the seaside. Usually we go to the Black Sea. I like to swim in the sea and spend time on the beach.

Task 2. You have six questions. Give full answers to the questions.

Electronic assistant: Do you like summer holidays?

Student: ________________________________

Electronic assistant: With whom do you usually spend your summer holidays?

Student: ___________________________________

Electronic assistant: Where do you usually go for your summer holidays?

Student: _______________________________________________________

Electronic assistant: What do you usually do on summer holidays?

Student: ______________________________________________________

Electronic assistant: What are you going to do this summer?

Student: _______________________________________________

Electronic assistant: How will you travel to this place?

Student: ________________________________________________

Task 3. Tell about a classroom in this photo using the plan below. Begin your answer with the words “I want to tell you about …” and finish it with “That’s all I’d like to tell you about”. (Можно использовать опоры, представленные в скобках после каждого вопроса).


Remember to say:

  • Who can you see? (In the picture I can see …)
  • Where are these children? (They are in …)
  • What do they look like? (They have got…/They look …/ They are …)
  • Do you like this photo or not? Why? (I like/dislike this photo because …)

You should talk non-stop.


Вариант 1

Номер задания


Номер задания





















the tallest



































Вариант 2

Номер задания


Номер задания










































Вариант 3

Номер задания


Номер задания


















































Вариант 4

Номер задания


Номер задания





















Them, me
















Me, you
















Dancing, painting

Вариант 5

Номер задания


Номер задания










































Вариант 6

Номер задания


Номер задания









Is working




Am helping




Is watering




Is planting








Are playing





















Вариант 7

Номер задания


Номер задания













Am having
















Do not like




Am having




Are going




Вариант 8

Номер задания


Номер задания





























Do not have





















Вариант 9

Номер задания


Номер задания




































Вариант 10

Номер задания


Номер задания





Was not








Does not play




















Will watch

















Тексты для аудирования

Вариант 1

Задание 1.

  1. Which Room is the English lesson in?
  • Is the English lesson in Room E?
  • Are you new here?
  • Yes, it’s my first day here.
  • The English lesson is in Room 1C.

  1. What is the boy’s favorite subject?
  • What lesson is next?
  • Let’s look at the timetable!
  • Um, Geography.
  • Oh, no. I don’t like Geography much.
  • My favourite subject is History.
  • Mine is Maths.

  1. When is the Art class?
  • What’s that on the board?
  • It’s a note from the art teacher.
  • Oh, it says the Art lesson is on Tuesday and Thursday this week.
  • Well, usually it must be on Mondays and Wednesday then.

Задание 2.

  • Good morning, class! Welcome to secondary Hill School!. Here are your teachers’ names and their classrooms. Write them in your notebooks, please. Let’s begin with Mrs Cook. Mrs Cook is your Maths teacher. She is in Room D. write it down.

Next is Miss Brown. She is your Science teacher. She is in Room F. Your English teacher is Mr Hunt. Mr Hunt’s in Room B.

  • Did you say Room E, Miss?
  • No, Room B.
  • Thank you.
  • So, Mr Marks’s your History teacher. He teaches in Room C. next to Mr Hunt’s Room.
  • Mr Hunt teaches English and Mr Marks teaches History?
  • Yes, that’s right. We, Miss Simms teaches Music in Room A and Mr Clark teaches Art in Room E.
  • What about IT, Miss?
  • Information Technology. I teach that leson in Room G. any more questions?

Вариант 2

Задание 1.

Speaker 1

My bedroom is great. I have got a bed, a desk and a cupboard with all my sports medals and awards inside. On the walls there are lots of posters of famous footballers, like David Beckham, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Speaker 2

In my bedroom I have got a desk, a wardrobe, a bed and a bookcase. On the bookcase there aren’t many books but there are a lot of CDs! Net to the bookcase there are two guitars. On the wall there is a poster of my favourite rock band, “The Ramones”.

Speaker 3

My room is nice. The walls are bright blue and there are photos of my friends on them. The problem with my room is that it is very small. There is only space for a bed and a small cupboard.

Speaker 4

My room is fantastic. I’ve got a sofa, a TV and a DVD player so I can watch DVDs in my room. Above my bed there is a poster of jonny Depp. He’s an amazing actor.

Speaker 5

I’ve got a room at my university. I’ve got two bookcases for all my university books. And I’ve also got a big desk with a computer so I can study. My room is perfect for a student.

Вариант 3

Задание 1.

Speaker 1

My parents and I live in a flat in Glasgow I don’t like it because it is small. Every weekend I go to the countryside to visit my grandmother. She lives in a cottage and I love it. It is comfortable and cosy. She has a big garden in front of the house. I like to play there in summer. My grandmother has a lot of beautiful pictures on the walls in the living room and she often shows them to me. She also has an old sofa. We often sit on it and read books.

Speaker 2

My bedroom is upstairs. My bed is in front of the window and my desk is next to it. I have two bookcases behind the desk and a computer on it. I usually do my homework and play video games in my bedroom. I have a lot of great disks and interesting books there, too. I don’t have a carpet but I have a comfortable armchair by the door. I usually read books in this armchair. I am not very tidy, I am afraid. So my bedroom is often messy!

Speaker 3

I love our kitchen. It is on the ground floor of our cottage. We have a big table in the middle and four chairs around it. Our kitchen is very cosy and modern. By the window you can  see a lot of small cupboards and on the left we have shelves. My mother cooks for us there. In the evenings all our family have dinner in the kitchen and I love it!

Вариант 4

Задание 1.

  • Hello, Sam! Did you buy the souvenir you were looking for?
  • Hi, Anna! Yes, I did. I found a great key ring that I use for my house keys. This way I’ll never lose them again. What did you buy?
  • Well, since it does get chilly in the winter, I bought a scarf to keep warm. I also bought a small sized red London bus for my dressing table.
  • Good choices, Anna!

  • Hi, Ben and John! What are you doing?
  • Well, Ben and I want to buy some souvenirs to always remember our trip.
  • Yes, but we can’t decide on what we want to buy.
  • Hm, I bought a T-short for my dad, gloves for my mom and a doll for myself.
  • Wow! You bought a lot of things! I think I’ll get a hat to keep my head cool when I’m out in the sun.
  • Good idea, John! I’m going to buy some British coins for my collection back home. Those ones really come in handy.
  • Great, boys! See, how easy that was?

Задание 2.

Hi! I’m Sue. I’m from Kent, England. I live in a big house together with my parents and two brothers. My father’s name is Kevin. He is a dentist. My mother’s name is Louise. She doesn’t go to work. My brothers’ names are John and max. I love them very much. We always go to school together. After school they usually play video games. But I don’t like video games. I like to watch programmes about wild animals on television. In the evening I sometimes play the piano and my brothers listen to my music. I love my family very much!

Вариант 5

Задание 1.

  • Pets are great, aren’t they, Vicky?
  • Oh, yes. I love my dog. It’s really friendly! Have you got a pet, Nathan?
  • Yes, I’ve got a goldfish. It’s easy to take care of.
  • My friend George has got a tortoise for a pet. They’re easy to take care of, too.
  • Hasn’t Maggie got a nice guinea pig?
  • No, she has got a cat now.
  • Oh, I see.
  • My little sister Susan has got a rabbit. But it doesn’t like my dog.
  • Oh, no.
  • Yeah, she really wants a budgie but they are too noisy.
  • And I think they can eat goldfish, too.

Вариант 6

Задание 1.

Dialogue 1

  • Hi, Pete. How are you?
  • I’m fine, thanks. And how are you?
  • Fine, thank you. How is your sister Jane?
  • She is OK. She is running in the park.
  • Does she often run in the park?
  • Yes, she does. She runs in the park every day.

Dialogue 2

  • Tom, where is your mother? Is she washing the dishes?
  • No, Mrs Jones, she isn’t. She is cooking lunch.
  • And where is Mary?
  • She is helping her. Mary always helps mom to cook lunch.

Dialogue 3

  • What do you usually do after school, Penny?
  • I sometimes swim in the swimming pool.
  • And what are you doing now?
  • I’m playing the piano. I love to play the piano in the evening.

Вариант 7

Задание 1.

Paul. Last spring I was in Paris. It was rainy and windy there. There were dark and low clouds in the sky. The sun wasn’t shining. There was some snow one day!

Nick. Last summer the weather in Moscow was good. The sky was always clear and blue. There were no clouds in it. It wasn’t windy or rainy. It was warm and dry.

John. I’m in Rome now. It is very dry and hot here. The sun always shines in the clear blue sky. The wind isn’t blowing now. I want to go and swim in the sea but I can’t. I want some cloudy and rainy weather! I’m tired of the sun!

Вариант 8

Задание 1.

Speaker 1.

It’s 7 o’clock in the morning. I’m making tea for breakfast. My parents have their tea strong but I don’t. I’m making some sandwiches too. There is some ham, cheese and butter on the table in front of me. Where is the bread?

Speaker 2.

I usually have lunch at school. It starts at 12 o’clock. It’s 12 o’clock now so I’m going downstairs to the lunch room. Today we are having fish soup and chicken with rice for lunch. I like chicken but I don’t think fish soup is tasty.

Speaker 3.

I’m hungry. I would like some potatoes for dinner but there are no potatoes in the fridge. I would like some bacon with rice but there is no bacon in the fridge. What is there in the fridge? There are only tomatoes and cucumbers. I would like tomato and cucumber salad!

Вариант 9

Задание 1.

Terrific Toys!

Good afternoon, everybody! We welcome you to our toy shop to celebrate its tenth birthday. Before you go and have some fun, I’d like to tell you about interesting toys we have for you.

On the ground floor we have lots of computer games and Lego. You can make anything you like out of Lego. We have the latest computer games and they are very exciting.

On the first floor there are the board games. You can play with these for hours with your friends. On the second floor there are all the toys for young children. Come and buy something for your baby brother or sister.

We have a special magazine. This costs £5. You can look at the toys when you go home. We are open until 8:30 today. So you have lots of time. Enjoy your visit!

Вариант 10

Задание 1.

Hi! I’m Ann. I have a friend from New York. Her name is Sally. She is living with me in Moscow now for her summer holidays. I’m going to take Sally to see a lot of interesting places – the Kremlin, Moscow museums Moscow Zoo.

Sally decided to learn some Russian and I’m going to teach her. We will watch some Russian films. We will meet with some of my friends and Sally will try to speak Russian with them.

I think that Sally will have a good time in Moscow. I want to visit her next summer and travel about the USA together with her.

Список используемой литературы

  1. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 5 класс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе./Ю.Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс. – М.: Express Publishing, Просвещение, 2015. - 88 с.: ил. – (Английский в фокусе).
  2. Английский язык. Диагностические работы. 5 кл.: учебно-методическое пособие к учебнику О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой/О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Е.А.Колесникова. – 2-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Дрофа, 2016. – 80 с.: ил. – (Rainbow English).
  3. Тематические тесты по английскому языку: к учебникам В.П.Кузовлева и др. «Английский язык. 5 класс», М.З.Биболетовой и др. «Английский с удовольствием. 5 класс»: 5-й кл./О.В.Терентьева, Л.М.Гудкова. – М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2010. – 127, [1] с. – (Новый учебно-методический комплект)
  4. Английский язык. Диагностические работы. 4 кл.: учебно-методическое пособие к учебнику О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой/О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Е.Ю.Фроликова. – 2-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Дрофа, 2016. – 126 с.: ил. – (Rainbow English).
  5. Английский язык. Контрольные задания. 5 кл.: учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка к учебнику «Звездный английский» К.М.Барановой, Д.Дули, В.В.Копыловой, Р.П.Мильруд и В.Эванс. -4-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. – 41 с.
  6. Английский язык: Итоговая аттестация в начальной школе: Базовый уровень. 4 класс: учебное пособие / Е.Н.Соловова, А.Б.Година, А.М.Демченко: 2-е изд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2018. – 56 с.: ил.
  7. Английский язык: Итоговая аттестация в начальной школе: Повышенный уровень. 4 класс: учебное пособие / Е.Н.Соловова, А.Б.Година, А.М.Демченко: 2-е изд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2017. – 56 с.: ил.
  8. Английский язык. Тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА). 5 класс: учеб. Пособие для образоват. Организаций и шк. С углубл. Изучением англ. Яз..К.В.Комиссаров, О.И.Кирдяева. – 4-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. – 111 с. – (Звёздный английский). – ISBN 978-5-09-046126-9.
  9. Английский язык. 4 класс. Материалы к итоговой аттестации. Базовый уровень. Учебное пособие / С.А.Юнёва. – Москва: Интеллект-Центр, 2012. – 104 с. - ISBN 978-5-89790-909-4.
  10. https://s-english.ru/topics/klass-5/my-daily-routine
  11. https://infourok.ru/urok-angliyskogo-yazika-na-temu-eda-klass-428609.html
  12. http://englishinn.ru/topiki-tematicheskie-tekstyi-dlya-shkolnikov-5-6-klass-chast-2.html#5

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:


Present Simple (Настоящее простое время) …………………… 4

Past Simple (Простое прошедшее время) ……………………… 6

Чтение окончания –ed. Графические изменения у глаголов

при добавлении окончания –ed ………………...……………… 9

Разница в употреблении времен Present Simple и

Present Progressive …………………………………………..… 11

Разница употребления времен Present Perfect и

Past Simple ……………………………………………………...13

Образование числительных 13-19 и 30-90 ……….………..... 15

To be or not to be? …………………………………………….. 17

Типы вопросов .………………………………………………. 18

Чтение окончания –s у английский существительных во множественном числе …………………...…………………… 22

Данная брошюра предназначена для того, чтобы упростить понимание некоторых не совсем простых правил английской грамматики.

Разработанные мною способы объяснения того или иного правила помогают усвоить описанные здесь грамматические аспекты английской грамматики более полно. Процент усвоения правил при такой подаче объяснения увеличивается намного больше по сравнению с обычным в учебниках.

Present Simple (Настоящее простое время)

Present Simple показывает, что действие происходит вообще в настоящем.

Маячки данного времени: always, never, sometimes, seldom, usually, often, from time to time.

  1. Для построения отрицательного и вопросительного предложений в Present Simple при наличии смыслового глагола необходим вспомогательный глагол do.

В вопросе do ставится перед подлежащим, а в отрицании do употребляется в паре с отрицательной частичкой not  и ставится между подлежащим и сказуемым:

(+)  They like apples.

(?)  Do they like apples?

(-)  They don’t like apples.

Если у смыслового глагола есть окончание –s (т.е. подлежащее выражено местоимениями he/she/it), то мы используем не do, а  does, т.к. время мы всегда показываем на самом первом глаголе. Окончание –s всегда перетягивает на себя первый глагол ( в нашем случае вспомогательный do, который превращается в  does):

(+)  Ben likes apples.

(?)  Does Ben like_  apples?

(-)  Ben doesn’t like_  apples.

2. Если в паре со смысловым глаголом идет модальный глагол (can, may, must, should), то вспомогательный  do/does не требуется вообще, т.к. модальные глаголы – сильные  в отличие от смысловых (они берут на себя все функции do/does) и могут самостоятельно образовывать отрицание и вопрос:

(+)   They can speak English very well.

(?)   Can they speak English very well?

(-)    They can’t speak English very well.

  1. Если в предложении используется глагол-связка to be (am, is, are), то опять нам не требуется вспомогательный глагол do/does, связка берет на себя все функции вспомогательного глагола и всегда действует самостоятельно:

(+)  Ben is a good pupil.

(?)  Is Ben a good pupil?

(-)   Ben isn’t a good pupil.

Past Simple (Простое прошедшее время)

Past Simple – время, которое показывает, что действие происходило в прошлом ВООБЩЕ.

Слова-указатели (“маячки”), по которым при их наличии в предложении можно сразу сказать, что это именно Past Simple:

… ago - … назад

5 days ago – 5 дней назад

a week ago – неделю назад

a month ago – месяц назад

a year ago – год назад

last Sunday – в прошлое воскресенье

yesterday – вчера

В предложениях с Past Simple могут также использоваться и “маячки” времени Present Simple (см. правило “Present Simple”, с. 3-4)

В английском языке существует два типа глаголов: правильные и неправильные.

Правильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени при помощи окончания ed:

play – played, like – liked.

Неправильные глаголы – глаголы, которые не подчиняются этому правилу. Форму прошедшего времени они образуют следующим образом: они либо частично (чередование букв в глаголе) либо полностью изменяют форму слова в Past Simple:

run – ran, build – built, go – went.

Их можно найти во второй колонке таблицы неправильных глаголов. Колонка может носить название “Past Simple” или “Past Indefinite”.

Для образование вопросительных и отрицательных предложений нам необходимо воспользоваться вспомогательным глаголом did в предложении при наличии смыслового (основного) глагола. В вопросительном предложении он (вспомогательный глагол) ставится перед подлежащим, а в отрицательном он идет в паре с отрицательной частицей not (did not) и ставится между подлежащим и сказуемым. Вспомогательный глагол did на русский язык не переводится; он только указывает на тип предложения: вопрос или отрицание. В паре “did not” переводится только частица: did not = “не”.

(+)   Ben liked jam.

(?)   Did Ben like jam?

(-)    Ben didn’t like jam.

Обратите внимание, что время мы показываем только на самом первом глаголе в сказуемом, а второй глагол уже употребляется без окончания. Именно поэтому в вопросительном и отрицательных предложениях (см. выше) у смыслового глагола “like” отсутствует окончание –ed. Прошедшее время ярко выражено вспомогательным глаголом did.

То же самое правило действует и в отношении неправильных глаголов:

(+)  Jim spoke English well.

(?)  Did Jim speak English well?

(-)   Jim didn’t speak English well.

Чтение окончания –ed. Графические изменения у глаголов при добавлении окончания –ed.

Существует три варианта прочтения окончания –ed в зависимости от предшествующей ему буквы.

Если окончание –ed стоит после звонкой согласной или гласной, то оно читается как звук [d]:

banned [bᴂnd], played  [pleɩd]

Если окончание –ed стоит после глухой согласной, то оно читается как звук [t]:

  walked  [wɔ:kt], talked   [tɔ:kt], danced  [da:nst], balanced  [׳bᴂlənst]

Если окончание –ed стоит после звонкой согласной d или глухой согласной t, то оно читается как звук [ɩd]:

planted  [pla:ntɩd], minded  [maɩndɩd], limited   [׳lɪmɩtɩd]

studied   [׳stᴧdɩd]

Но, заметьте!!!, само окончание не влияет на прочтение слова нисколько!  Оно оглушается или озвончается в зависимости от конечного звука глагола.

Иногда при образовании прошедшего времени у правильных глаголов могут произойти некоторые орфографические изменения.

  1. если глагол оканчивается на согласную букву, то мы просто добавляем окончание –ed: walk – walked;
  2. если у глагола уже имеется окончание (это “немое” окончание “e”), тогда мы заменяем его на окончание прошедшего времени: like – liked, phone – phoned;
  3. если глагол оканчивается на букву “y”, то при добавлении окончания –ed она заменяется на букву “i”: study – studied, rely – relied;
  4. иногда можно увидеть удвоение согласной буквы. Но происходит это только в том случае, если в слоге стоящая гласная является ударной и передает краткий звук. Слог является закрытым. Именно с целью сохранения закрытости слога и происходит удвоение согласной буквы: stop – stopped, clap – clapped.

Разница в употреблении времен Present Simple и Present Progressive

Нам, носителям русского языка, очень непросто уловить тонкую грань между употреблением времен Present Simple и Present Progressive при изучении английского языка.

Предложение “Бэн читает” при переводе на английский язык создает проблему: какое же из времен использовать?

Все дело в том, что поскольку в русском языке одно настоящее время в отличие от английского языка, то соответственно и форма глаголов одна для настоящего времени. Мы обозначаем различные моменты времени в предложении при помощи так называемых “маячков”:

  • Бэн читает всегда по вечерам.
  • Бэн читает сейчас.

Что же делать?

Когда перед вами встает подобная проблема, я предлагаю воспользоваться простой методикой различения времен.

Вы уже знаете, что Present Simple обозначает действие, происходящее ВООБЩЕ, а Present Progressive описывает действие, происходящее В ДАННЫЙ МОМЕНТ.

Поэтому, чтобы верно определить грамматическое время, нам необходимо задать вопросы “СЕЙЧАС?” или “ВООБЩЕ?”

Если предложение (ситуация) отвечает на вопрос “СЕЙЧАС?”, значит это Present Progressive. Если предложение (ситуация) отвечает на вопрос “ВООБЩЕ?”, то это Present Simple.

                         вообще?          Ben reads.

Бэн читает.

                       сейчас?              Ben is reading.

Такой подход значительно упрощает понимание подобных грамматических моментов английского языка, которые отсутствуют в русском языке.

Разница употребления времен Present Perfect и Past Simple

Уловить разницу в употреблении грамматических времен Present Perfect и Past Simple также иногда бывает сложно, как и в случае с грамматическими временами, описанными в предыдущем правиле.

Оба времени, Present Perfect и Past Simple, переводятся на русский язык прошедшем временем. Но в русском языке у нас существует только одно прошедшее время в отличие от английского языка.

Единственное, что выручает – вид русского глагола. Русский глагол бывает совершенного и несовершенного видов.

Таким образом, Past Simple переводится на русский язык глаголом несовершенного вида (что делал?), а Present Perfect – глаголом совершенного вида (что сделал?).

Можно воспользоваться и таким приемом: если ситуация отвечает на вопрос “ВООБЩЕ?”, то это - Past Simple, а если на вопрос “УЖЕ”, - тогда Present Perfect.

  • Джэйн пекла вкусные пироги.
  • Джэйн испекла вкусный пирог.

“ВООБЩЕ?”  - пекла (что делала?)

“УЖЕ”  - испекла (что сделала?)

  • Jane baked tasty pies. (ВООБЩЕ?)
  • Jane has baked a tasty pie. (УЖЕ?)

Образование числительных 13-19 и 30-90

Есть очень легкий способ выучить быстро числительные от 13 до 19 и от 30 до 90. Малышам я представляю его как “фокус”.

Я использую простую формулу, чтобы научить считать от 13 до 19 и от 30 до 90:

            13-19 = цифра + -ти:н

14 = 4 + ˊ-ти:н        (фо:ˊти:н)

Пояснение: при образовании числительных от 13 до 19, мы берем любую цифру от 3 до 9 и добавляем к ней суффикс  -ти:н (-teen). Ударение падает на этот суффикс. Иными словами, мы можем образно сравнить этот суффикс с числом “10”, которое мы добавляем к нужной цифре для получения нужного числа.

Единственное, на что я обращаю внимание малышей – произношение числительных 13 и 15, которое разительно отличается от произношения цифр 3 и 5.

30-90 = цифра +  -ти

40 = 4 +  -ти       (ˊфо:ти)

Пояснение: для образования числительных от 30 до 90, мы берем любую цифру и добавляем к ней суффикс  -ти (-ty). Ударение падает на первый слог.

И опять я обращаю Ваше внимание на произношение числительных 30 и 50, в которых происходит чередование гласных в сравнении с исходной используемой цифрой (3, 5).

Используя этот простой прием вы уже к концу своего урока научите всех или большую часть своих учащихся считать от 13 до 19 и от 30 до 90. И совершенно не обязательно заучивать каждое числительное отдельно. Достаточно просто использовать эти две формулы.


To be or not to be?

Изучающим английский язык часто бывает непонятно, когда же в английском предложении должен быть употреблен глагол-связка to be.

Давайте сразу исключим случаи употребления смыслового глагола (основного) глагола в предложении:

 I like apples.

He watches TV in the evening.

Для любого английского предложения неизменно действует “железное правило”: в предложении всегда должен быть глагол, неважно какой (смысловой, связка, вспомогательный или же модальный).

Поэтому, если в русском предложении отсутствует глагол, значит на его месте в английском предложении будет стоять to be в нужной форме:

Бэн – ученик.                          Ben is a pupil.


           нет глагола                          глагол-связка


           Мне   10.                                   I am 10.

          Он    в Бостоне.                          He is in Boston.

Типы вопросов

В английском языке существует пять типов вопросов.

  1. Общий вопрос.

Этот вопрос является самым главным и основополагающим на мой взгляд, т.к. на его основе строятся практически все остальные вопросы. И от того, насколько хорошо вы усвоите структуру его построения и научитесь его задавать в речи, будет зависеть и успех в построении других вопросов.

Общий вопрос может начинаться со вспомогательного, модального глаголов или глагола-связки (см. правило “Present Simple”, с. 3-4).

Do you like jam?

Can he speak English?

Is Ben 10?

  1. Специальный вопрос.

Специальный вопрос – это вопрос, начинающийся со специального вопросительного местоимения (what, why, where, when, how long, etc.). Он образуется согласно следующей формуле:

специальный вопрос = специальное вопросительное местоимение + общий вопрос

При этом не забывайте, что слово, к которому задается специальный вопрос, в самом вопросе уже отсутствует.

(+)   Ben reads newspapers in the evening.

(?)   What does Ben read in the evening?

(+)   Ben reads newspapers in the evening.

(?)   When does Ben read newspapers?

  1. Альтернативный вопрос.

Альтернативный вопрос – это тот же самый общий вопрос, только в самом предложении мы вводим альтернативу (выбор) при помощи союза or:

Does Ben read newspapers or magazines in the evening?

Does Ben read newspapers in the evening or in the morning?

Does Ben or Peter read newspapers or magazines in the evening?

Обратите внимание, что альтернативу (выбор) можно вводить в любой части предложения, в зависимости от того, что вы хотите уточнить.

  1. Разделительный вопрос.

Я называю этот вопрос “батареечкой”, т.к. обе части этого вопроса разные по полярности своего заряда (“+” или “-”). Другими словами, если первая часть предложения-вопроса – утверждение, то вторая – отрицание.

Первая часть вопроса – это обычное утверждение, после которого мы ставим запятую и достраиваем “хвостик”.

“Хвостик” состоит только из подлежащего первой части предложения, всегда выраженного местоимением, и неглавного (вспомогательного, связки, модального) глагола. Причем порядок слов в этой части вопроса как и полагается вопросительному предложению – обратный: глагол + местоимение.

                               “+”                               “—“

Ben reads newspapers in the evening, ׀ doesn’t he?

                                     “--”                               “+”

Ben doesn’t read newspapers in the evening, ׀ does he?

  1. Вопрос к подлежащему.

Этот вопрос – обычное утвердительное предложение. Только вместо подлежащего мы ставим вопросительное местоимение “who”. А если предложение стоит во времени Present Simple, то у глагола появляется окончание –s, т.к. who приравнивается к личным местоимениям 3 лица единственного числа he, she, it:

(+) Ben reads newspapers in the evening.

(?) Who reads newspapers in the evening?

Чтение окончания –s у английский существительных во множественном числе

Существует три варианта прочтения окончания –s в зависимости от предшествующей ему буквы. Но, заметьте!!!, само оно не влияет на прочтение слова нисколько!  

Если окончание –s стоит после гласного или звонкого согласного звука, то оно читается как звук [z]:

beds  [bedz]

cabs [kᴂbz]

dads [dᴂdz]

moms  [mᴧmz]

toes  [təʊz]

pins  [pɪnz]

Если окончание –s стоит после глухого согласного звука, то оно читается как звук [s]:

maps  [mᴂps]

hats    [hᴂts]

rats     [rᴂts]

pets    [pets]

nuts    [nᴧts]

pots    [pɒts]

Если окончание –s стоит после таких согласных, как s, ss, sh, ch, x, т.е. после глухих шипящих звуков [s], [ʧ], [ʃ], то оно читается как звук [ɩz]. При этом между ним и словом появляется соединительная гласная е для удобства произношения, которая дает звук [ɩ]. Вот откуда вы будете читать окончание множественного числа в данном случае как [ɩz]:

foxes  [ ׳ fɒksɩz]

buses  [ ׳ bᴧsɩz]

bushes  [ ׳ bʊʃɩz]  

benches  [ ׳ benʧɩz]

bosses  [ ׳ bɒsɩz]

Предварительный просмотр:



«Современная грамматика английского языка для подготовки к сдаче ГИА»



Модуль 1 ……………………………………………………………………… 3

Модуль 2 ……………………………………………………………………… 19

Модуль 3 ……………………………………………………………………… 28

Модуль 4 ……………………………………………………………………… 36

Модуль 5 ……………………………………………………………………… 46

Модуль 6 ……………………………………………………………………… 54

Модуль 7 ……………………………………………………………………… 60

Модуль 8 ……………………………………………………………………… 72

Модуль 9 ……………………………………………………………………… 80

Модуль 10 …………………………………………………………………….. 88

Используемая литература ……………………………………………………. 96

! Данное пособие лучше использовать в сопровождении дополнительного пособия «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. ПОДГОТОВКА К ОГЭ начинается с 7 класса», которое после каждого пройденного модуля предлагает на его основе проверочную работу в формате ОГЭ


1 a “A city mouse or a country mouse?”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Barn, quiet, facilities, lonely, happy, lovely, noisy, stressed, worried, close at hand, convenient public transport, heavy traffic, landscape, free, feed, interesting.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Подавленный, расслабленный, изолированный, менять, уставший, тихий, скучать, переполненные улицы, толчея и суета, тишина и спокойствие, гость, оборудование, шумный, тоскующий по дому, родной город.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Farmyard, homesick, hometown, interesting, isolated, landscape, lonely, lovely, noisy, relaxed, stressed, tired, worried, unhealthy.

Exercise 4. Recollect everything about Present Simple. Name the formula for this grammatical tense.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense.

  1. She (to learn) English.
  2. I (to like) music.
  3. My brother (to be) a school-boy. He (to go) to school.
  4. Michael (to do) his lessons every day.
  5. She (to live) in this house.
  6. After supper my sister (to go) for a walk.
  7. We (to visit) our grandparents very often.
  8. The girl (to sing) very well.
  9. My gather (to work) at school.
  10. Usually I (to have) dinner at 6 o’clock.
  11. He (to want) to become a doctor.
  12. Our mother (to come) home very late.
  13. His brother (to go) in for sports.
  14. She (to like) reading very much.
  15. They often (to take) a bus.

Exercise 6. Make negative and interrogative sentences.

  1. He goes to school every day.
  2. My sister works late.
  3. They eat a lot.
  4. We work every day.
  5. I come from Spain.
  6. He comes from Sweden.
  7. They live in the USA.
  8. He plays football every day.
  9. I visit my parents very often.
  10. His father works at an office.
  11. She gets up at 7 o’clock.
  12. They play tennis very often.
  13. We go to the cinema on Saturdays.
  14. He wants to become a pilot.
  15. My brother watches TV every night.
  16. I read newspapers every day.
  17. Her father finishes his work at 6 o’clock.
  18. Nick goes to bed at nine.
  19. He goes to school by bus.
  20. We skate once a week in winter.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense.

  1. I (not to walk) to work every morning.
  2. She (to wash) her car once a week.
  3. We (to spend) our holidays in the country.
  4. He (not to hope) to go there.
  5. She (to go) to the theatre twice a month.
  6. Mary (not to live) near the station.
  7. You (to take) your dog for a walk?
  8. She always (to invite) her friends to her birthday party.
  9. He (to drink) coffee every morning.
  10. Her brother (to study) in London?
  11. I (to go shopping) every day.
  12. He (to speak) Spanish?
  13. I (to visit) my friend every week.
  14. Helen (not to read) a lot.
  15. He (to sleep) till 9 o’clock.

Exercise 8. Translate into English using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense.

  1. Я изучаю английский язык.
  2. Его младший брат – ученик.
  3. Она не работает.
  4. Он всегда очень занят.
  5. Он разговаривает по-немецки?
  6. Моя мама любит классическую музыку.
  7. Они не хотят идти в кино.
  8. Где ваши родители?
  9. Она не играет в шахматы.
  10. Он никогда не просыпается рано.
  11. Она делает зарядку каждый день?
  12. Они ходят в театр раз в месяц.
  13. Я помогаю маме по хозяйству очень часто.
  14. Вы пьете кофе утром?
  15. Она редко ходит в кино.
  16. Она не читает газет.
  17. Эти девочки не работают, они учатся.

Exercise 9. Make negative and interrogative sentences.

  1. My friend lives in London.
  2. Her uncle speaks French badly.
  3. It often snows in winter.
  4. He is my best friend.
  5. His parents get up very early.
  6. They listen to the news every evening.
  7. We usually spend our holiday in the country.
  8. They are our relatives.
  9. My sister wants to become a teacher.
  10. Her child likes to read the fairy-tales.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense.

  1. Что вы делаете вечером?
  2. Где живет ваш брат? – Он живет в Лондоне.
  3. Чья сестра учится в университете? – Моя сестра учится там.
  4. Твой брат ходит в школу? – Да, он школьник.
  5. Она любит играть в шахматы? – Нет, не любит.
  6. Его друг ходит в театр? – Да, он ходит в театр два раза в месяц.
  7. Ее муж разговаривает по-английски? – Нет, не разговаривает.
  8. Когда она убирает в комнате? – Она убирает каждый день.
  9. Эта девочка любит сказки? – Нет, она их не любит.
  10. Как часто вы моете машину? – Я мою ее каждую неделю.
  11. Когда твой возвращается домой? – Он возвращается домой в семь.
  12. Какого цвета твоя ручка? – она красная.
  13. Кто живет в этом доме? – Тут живет моя бабушка.
  14. Он любит свою работу? – Да, он ее любит.
  15. Кто из вас плавает лучше? – Мой брат.

Exercise 11. Recollect everything about Present Continuous. Name the formula for this grammatical tense.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. He (to read) a book now.
  2. She (to do) her home work.
  3. My mother (to sit) at the table now.
  4. I still (to write) a letter.
  5. They (to play0 football.
  6. It (to snow) now.
  7. She (to explain) a grammar rule.
  8. We (to have) dinner now.
  9. Who (to speak) with you?
  10. It still (to rain).
  11. Why you (to talk)?
  12. They (to eat) soup.
  13. The girl (to draw) a picture.
  14. My son (to swim) to the shore.
  15. Her daughter (to play) chess at the moment.

Exercise 13. Make negative and interrogative sentences.

  1. She is watching television at the moment.
  2. They are playing football now.
  3. My sister is writing a letter.
  4. We are listening to the stereo.
  5. They are talking to my friend.
  6. Mary is sleeping.
  7. You are listening to the radio.
  8. He is having breakfast at the moment.
  9. They are working now.
  10. I am studying.
  11. You are drinking coffee.
  12. Michael is holding a book in his hand.
  13. I am planting trees.

Exercise 14. Translate into English using the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. Твои родители спят? – Нет, они смотрят телевизор.
  2. Что она делает? – Она спит.
  3. Он обедает? – Нет, он разговаривает по телефону.
  4. Посмотри в окно! Идет дождь.
  5. Моя сестра примеряет новое платье.
  6. Что вы читаете?
  7. Он работает над своим докладом.
  8. Дедушка сидит в кресле и слушает новости.
  9. Послушай! Как хорошо она играет на рояле!
  10. Куда они идут? – Они идут в школу.
  11. Что она учит? – Она учит стихотворение.
  12. Во что играют дети? – Они играют в футбол.
  13. Почему ты не несешь его сумку?
  14. Моя семья сидит за столом.
  15. На каком языке они сейчас говорят? – На немецком.
  16. Сейчас они едут в поезде.
  17. Куда вы спешите? – Я спешу на работу.
  18. Моя мама не готовит обед сейчас.
  19. Что ты делаешь? – Я режу овощи.
  20. С кем ты разговариваешь? – Со своим братом.

Exercise 15. Can you explain the difference in using Present Simple and Present Continuous?

Exercise 16. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense or the Present Continuous Tense and explain the difference in each example.

  1. I (to rest) now.                            I (to rest) every day.
  2. They (to talk) now.                     They (to talk) every day.
  3. He (to drink) coffee now.           He (to drink) coffee every morning.
  4. She (to go) to school now.         She (to go) to school every day.
  5. My baby (to sleep) at the moment.      My baby (to sleep) every day.
  6. Her son (to make) noise now.    Her son (to make) noise every day.
  7. Jane (not to cook) now.              Jane (not to cook) every day.
  8. We (not to eat) now.                  We (not to eat) at work.
  9. Nick (not to skate) now.            Nick (not to skate) once a week.
  10. You (not to work) at the moment.     You (not to work) on Sundays.
  11. She (to play) now?                     She (to play) in the evening.
  12. They (to have) dinner now?       They always (to have) dinner at 6 o’clock?
  13. Bill (to laugh) loudly now?        Bill often (to laugh) loudly?
  14. What she (write) now?               What she (to write) every evening?
  15. What he (to do) now?                 What he (to do) every Sunday?

Exercise 17. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense or the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. She (to read) at the moment.
  2. You (to go) to work by car?
  3. He (to drink) coffee in the morning.
  4. They (to have) breakfast now,.
  5. I (not to watch) television every night.
  6. Look! She (to dance).
  7. He (to have) breakfast every morning.
  8. You (listen) to the radio now?
  9. We (to look) for our things now.
  10. He (not to watch) TV at the moment.
  11. I (not to get up) at seven o’clock every morning.
  12. Don’t (to make) so much noise: mother to sleep.
  13. She (not to drink) coffee in the morning.
  14. Peter (to talk) to Susan at the moment.
  15. Where (to be) your mother? – She (cook) dinner now.
  16. Listen! They (to discuss) an interesting problem now.
  17. She (to listen) to the radio in her room now?
  18. He (not to ride) a bicycle every evening.
  19. Jane (to work) in Paris at the moment?
  20. They (to be) in the garden now?

Exercise 18. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense or the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. Her baby always (to sleep) after breakfast.
  2. He can’t talk to you now. He (to go) out.
  3. The programme (to start) at nine o’clock every night.
  4. I am sorry but my friend (to wait) for me.
  5. They (to go) to the beach now.
  6. She never (to want) to go to the cinema.
  7. Look at my daughter! She (to read).
  8. Your grandmother (to sit0 in the garden now?
  9. She (to cook) dinner now?
  10. They (to go to the cinema very often.
  11. It’s nine o’clock. Jane still (to play) chess with her father.
  12. Mary (to drive) to her office every day?
  13. He (to be) in the library now?
  14. I (not to study) at the moment.
  15. Nick and Jane (to be) in their room. They (to speak).
  16. He (to leave) the office every day at five.
  17. What magazine you (to read) now?
  18. Wait a minute! I (to put) my coat on.
  19. Listen to Helen! She (to sing) a new song.
  20. Where (to be) your husband? – He (to fish) now?

Exercise 19. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

  1. Paul is good at tennis. He (plays/is playing) tennis well.
  2. It’s very noisy – Suzy (listens/is listening) to rock music.
  3. Many birds (fly/are flying) south every summer.
  4. Most students (don’t smoke/aren’t smoking) these days.
  5. (Does Mr Black use/Is Mr Black using) the computer at the moment?
  6. Jack usually (goes/is going) to work on Saturdays.
  7. Dick isn’t at home. He (helps/is helping) a student with his project.
  8. (Does it rain?/Is it raining?) – No, look, it’s sunny.
  9. Cats (see/are seeing) very well in the dark.
  10. You look nice, Ann. (Do you wear/Are you wearing) a new dress?
  11. Japan (has/is having) many high mountains.
  12. Every morning John (gets up/is getting up) at 7.00.
  13. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I (wash up/am washing up).
  14. (Do you go/Are you going) to the theatre tonight?
  15. I (have/am having) a pain in my shoulder.
  16. Jerry often (paints/is painting) pictures of different animals.
  17. Derek is good at tennis but he (doesn’t play/isn’t playing) very often.
  18. She’s not ready – she (cooks/is cooking) dinner.
  19. (Do you always wear/Are you always wearing) glasses?
  20. Turn the TV off – no one (watches/is watching) it!

Exercise 20. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

  1. Listen! I (want/am wanting) to ask you a few questions.
  2. “Where’s John?” – “He (has/is having) a smoke in the garden.”
  3. How do you make this cake? It (tastes/is tasting) wonderful.
  4. Those jeans (look/are looking) great on you!
  5. Jane can’t come to the phone because she (washes/is washing) her hair.
  6. I (don’t like/am not liking) football very much.
  7. We usually (go/are going) to the seaside in summer.
  8. I (think/am thinking) of going to university.
  9. (Do you study/Are you studying) for your exams at the moment?
  10. (Do you see/Are you seeing) my problem?
  11. Can you be quiet, please? I (listen/am listening) to the radio.
  12. He (thinks/is thinking) that school is boring.
  13. They (meet/are meeting) for lunch once a month.
  14. John, answer the door, please! I (make/am making) dinner.
  15. I (don’t enjoy/am not enjoying) cooking very much.
  16. It (rains/is raining) a lot in this region in winter.
  17. I (prefer/am preferring) volleyball to basketball.
  18. (Do you know/Are you knowing) what’s happening?
  19. We (have/are having) a house near the beach.

Exercise 21. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

  1. The telephone (ring). Can you answer it?
  2. Be quiet! I (watch) this film.
  3. What he usually (have) for breakfast?
  4. My parents (look) for a new country house now because they (not want) to stay in Moscow in summer.
  5. We usually (take) a bus to get to school.
  6. Why you (smile)? – I (have) no homework today.
  7. Where you (go) on Sundays?
  8. I always (wear) nice clothes at school. Today I (wear) a white blouse and a blue skirt.
  9. Jane! Where are you? What you (do)? – I (clean) my shoes.
  10. Nick (live) in Stockholm. He often (phone us when he (not to be) busy.
  11. Why you (go) to bed? It’s only 10.00. – I always (go) to bed early.
  12. I can’t use the telephone now. It (not work).
  13. It’s late. I (want) to go to sleep.
  14. How many languages she (speak)? – She (speak) six foreign languages.
  15. I (not to think) Ann (like) me very much.
  16. Who is Richard? – He (stand) next to Jane.
  17. My father (work) in a bank but today he is at home. He (write) letters.
  18. Where’s Tom? – He (have) breakfast.
  19. John (not to get) up very early on Sundays.
  20. Oh, dear! This milk (taste) awful.

1 b “Better safe than sorry”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Valuables, leaflet, burglar, crime, peephole, protect, rob, turn on/off, better safe than sorry, run out of, door chain, shoplift, stranger, run after, How about …?

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Устанавливать, листовка, наталкиваться, опасность, взломщик, Тебе стоит/не стоит…, незнакомец, защищать, сигнализация, воровать, включать/выключать, глазок (в двери), преследовать, ценности, воровать.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Identification, peephole, shoplift.

Exercise 4. Explain the principle of building adverbs in English.

Exercise 5. Make adverbs from the following adjectives using the suffix –ly and then use them in the sentences given below.

Loud, bright, slow, quick, sweet, happy, merry

  1. I had to speak very …….. because John was standing far from me.
  2. The squirrels climbed the tree so ……… .
  3. There were no clouds and the moon shone ….. .
  4. The birds sang …… .
  5. Sam and Angela danced ……. round the room.
  6. Some animals are very fast but some move very ….. .
  7. The children had a wonderful time at the party and they were laughing …. .

Exercise 6. Make adverbs from the following adjectives using the suffix –ly and then use them in the sentences given below.

Exact, simple, careless, happy, terrible, easy, beautiful, nice

  1. It can be done quite …… .
  2. The work was done very ….. .
  3. They lived ….. .
  4. It is ………. Hot.
  5. You will ……… understand the book.
  6. She sang …… .
  7. He speaks English ……. .
  8. The shoes are …….. mine.

Exercise 7. Use the adverbs made from the highlighted adjectives in these sentences.

  1. His words were rude. He spoke ……… .
  2. What a sweet voice! - Oh, yes, Mary sings very …… .
  3. Father looked angry. He spoke to his children …….. .
  4. Bob is so slow! He does everything very …… .
  5. Be careful with this stuff. You should do the job …….. .
  6. Your children are so polite. They spoke to me very ………. .
  7. The train is very rapid. It runs ……. .
  8. Her brother is so aggressive. He always behaves ….. .
  9. She is a beautiful dancer. She moves very …… .
  10. Everybody heard a loud sound. It was Bob who coughed ……. .
  11. She heard a soft whisper. Somebody was speaking …… .

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. We should think twice before buying that yacht.
  2. You should have thanked the teacher.
  3. A real lady should be delicate in her words and doings.
  4. Why should I wash their cups?
  5. She shouldn’t be so light-minded.
  6. They should inform the police immediately.
  7. How should I know that?
  8. The secretary should answer the phone-calls.
  9. Your son should take part in this mathematical competition.

Exercise 9. Use should or shouldn’t.

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. It’s midnight. We … go home.
  4. Your little daughter … spend so much money on toys.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The service is awful here. We … complain to the manager.
  7. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  8. The parcel is fragile. You … throw it.

Exercise 10. Write should or shouldn't  in the sentences about travelling.

  1. You __________ take a map.
  2. You __________ make much noise on a train.
  3. You__________ touch wild animals.
  4. You__________ help your friends.
  5. You __________visit museums.
  6. You__________ take your toothbrush.
  7. You__________ be careful.

Exercise 11. Put in should or shouldn’t.

  1. The sun is really strong. He _______ put on some sun cream.
  2. If Meredith’s got a really bad cold, she ______ go to school.
  3. We_______eat in the classroom.
  4. If she's got a headache, she _______take an aspirin.
  5. The weather's very hot. You_______ wear a coat.
  6. They've found some money. They_______ take it to the police.

1 c “Hanging out”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Activity, museum, skating gear, to shop, outdoors, surfing, surf the Net, chat with friends, hang out, attraction, exhibition, choose, spot, visit, do the gardening.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Болтать, выбирать, посещать, место, гулять по торговому центру, бродить по сети интернет, делать покупки, деятельность, сумасшедший, вне дома, популярный, включать в себя, выставка, карусель.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Activity, attraction, exhibition, outdoors, surfing.


2 a “Bookworms”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Amazing? Author, inspire, detective, faithful, crime, biography, history, poem, psychology, loyal, ordinary, fictional, famous, event, companion, appearance, intelligent, mystery, typical, unique, raven, view, mountain, volcano, river.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Башня, вулкан, средневековый, шедевр, автор, внешность, вымышленный, умный, опрятный, одержимость, миф, чрезвычайный, загадочный, смешной, сказка, стихотворение, научная фантастика, великий, драма, опасный.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Amazing, appearance, bookworm, criminal, dangerous, emotional, excitement, extraordinary, faithful, famous, fictional, funny, humorous, imagination, investigation, mysterious, underwater, unusual, writer.

Exercise 4. Recollect everything about Past Simple. Name the formula for this grammatical tense.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Simple Tense.

  1. What your neighbors (to do) yesterday?
  2. Mr Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning.
  3. His wife (to water) her lovely flowers.
  4. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball.
  5. In the evening their boys (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV.
  6. Their little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile.
  7. Her brothers (to shout) at her.
  8. Mrs Smith (to work) in the kitchen.
  9. She (to bake) a delicious apple pie.
  10. She (to cook) a nice dinner.
  11. She (to wash) the dishes and (to look) very tired.
  12. The children (to brush) their teeth, (to yawn) a little and (to go) to bed.
  13. Her husband (to smoke) a cigar and then ( to talk) to his wife.
  14. They (to visit) their friends.
  15. Mr Black (to fix) his car yesterday?

Exercise 6. Rewrite the following text in Past Simple.

On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a “five”. Pete does not get a “five” because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and change my books. Then I go home.

Exercise 7. Make negative and interrogative sentences in Past Simple.

  1. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote this story.
  2. Agatha Christie was a famous writer.
  3. Tom met his sister in a shop yesterday.
  4. Olga lived in England last year.
  5. I lost my key two days ago.
  6. Sam broke my pen yesterday.
  7. She gave up smoking.
  8. His car looked great.
  9. Mr Clark worked in a bank for 15 years.
  10. Chaikovsky was a great Russian composer.
  11. Mary went shopping.
  12. I cut my finger.
  13. My parents got married in a small village.
  14. Agatha Christie wrote 68 novels, 17 plays and more than a hundred stories.
  15. I was very hungry.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple.

1. Yesterday he (to wash)   his face at a quarter past seven.        

2. I (to work)   at school 3 years ago        

3. We (to study)   at university in 1998.        

4. My mother (not to like)   milk in her childhood.        

5. Our children (to play)   football last year        

6. You (to like) your school?          

7. You (to work) at the hospital last week?          

8. We (not to rest)   yesterday        

9. My friend (to live)   in America 2 years ago.        

10. You (to live) in this house last year?          

11. Where you (to study)?          

12. Your mother (to cook) supper yesterday?          

13. I (not to cook)   my breakfast.        

14. You (to prepare ) your homework?          

15. I (to help)   my Granny at the garden.

Exercise 9.  Give the second form of the verbs.

to meet-                                    to play-                           to open-

to go-                                         to say-                           to read-

to be-                                         to write-                        to see-

to take-                                      to like-                           to give-

to live-                                       to count-                        to look-

to get-                                       to bring-                          to tell-

Exercise 10.  Give the first form of the verbs.

took-                         did-                       loved-

were-                         wrote-                   said-

lived-                         skied-                    looked-

answered-                  had-                      came-

gave-                          was-                     saw-

danced-                      skated-                 wanted-

Exercise 11.   Write the forms of the verbs.

















Exercise 12.    Say where you and your family were. Use the table.


Yesterday afternoon

Last year

Three days ago

A week ago

Last Sunday


my mother


my sister ( brother)

my father



at home

at school

at the library

at the cinema

at work

at the theatre

at the club

Exercise 13.    Answer the questions.

a) 1. Where were you at 7 p.m. yesterday?

     2. Where were you in summer?

     3.  Was your father at home in the afternoon yesterday?

     4. Where was your mother yesterday?

     5. Were you at home at this time yesterday?

     6. Where were you born?

 b) 1. Did your parents learn English when they were schoolchildren?

      2. When did you begin to learn English?

      3. What did you do on Sunday?

      4. When did you do your homework yesterday?    

      5. Where did you spend your last summer holidays?

      6. What was the weather like last summer?

      7. When did your parents get married?

Exercise 13.     Translate the words in brackets into English.

1. (Неделю назад) we wrote a dictation in English.

2. (Недавно) the children went to the cinema.

3. The boys played football in the yard (вчера).

4. (Прошлое воскресенье) went to the village to see our grandmother.

5. ( Давно) my grandparents lived in the town of Minsk.

Exercise 14.    Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

1. He (to come) to school after the first lesson yesterday.

2. The weather (to be) cold last week.

3. When I (to be) a little girl I (to spend) summer in the village.

4. Why did you (to return) so late home yesterday?

5. I (to get) two good marks in English two days ago.

6. The children did not (to study) English two days ago.

7. Where (to be) you at three o’clock p.m. yesterday? I (to be) at home.

Exercise 15.    Put the verb in brackets into Past Simple.

 1. I (be) very ill last week.

2. The old woman (fall) as she was crossing the street.

3. When the bell (ring), all the children jumped from their seats and (run) out.

4. She (sleep) well last night.

5. They (choose) cream paint for the floor and apricot for the walls.

6. They(begin) painting but (find) that the walls were too wet.

7. In two minutes Ann (come) back and helped him.

8. Last night my friend and I (have) some free time.

9. A month ago my uncle (build) a new house in the country.

10. He (write) several letters last month.

11. She (go) home an hour ago.

12. We (wake up) late on Sunday.

13. Our students (read) a lot of English books last year.

14. He (take) his son out on Monday evening.

15. The chief (speak) to us about the plan yesterday.

2 b “A classic read”

Exercise 1. Make negative and interrogative sentences using the construction “used to”.

Example: He used to live in France. (Когда-то он жил во Франции.) – He didn’t use to live in France. Did he use to live in France?

  1. People used to make their own cheese and butter. 
  2. My sister used to wear jeans. 
  3. Jill used to eat raw fish. 

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the construction “used to” and what people used to do but now they don’t do it. Translate the sentences into Russian.  

  1. Ann … (buy) white bread, but now she buys brown bread.
  2. Susan … (drink) black coffee, but now she drinks white.
  3. Henry … (smoke) a pipe, but now he doesn’t smoke at all.
  4. My dad … (run) 5 km every day, but now he doesn’t run.
  5. My wife … (spend) much money on clothes, but now she spends it on travelling.


Exercise 3. Open the brackets putting one verb into the Past Simple Tense and use the other with the construction “used to”.

Example: He … (live) in New York before he … (enter) Oxford University. – He used to live in New York before he entered Oxford University. (Когда-то он жил в Нью-Йорке, пока не поступил в Оксфордский университет.)

  1. I … (earn) enough money, but then I … (lose) my job.
  2. Bob … (not like) football, but then he … (change) his mind.
  3. My mum … (drive) a lot before she … (have) that accident.
  4. This telephone … (work) well before my son … (drop) it.
  5. Mary … (work) in a hotel, but then she … (get) married.
  6. He … (play) basketball before he … (break) his leg.


Exercise 4 . Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Моя подруга раньше была полной.

2. Он раньше не изучал английский.

3. Где раньше они работали?

4. Она раньше не любила его.

5. Твой отец путешествовал раньше?

6. Мы раньше были соседями.

7. Вы были лучшими друзьями раньше?

Exercise 5. Put the verbs into the Past Simple. Write interrogative (general question) and negative forms in the Past Simple:

  1. My friend ________ (meet) his father in the street.
  2. Pushkin ______ (be) a famous writer.
  3. I ________ (find) a mysterious message.
  4. Agatha Christie _________ (create) the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.
  5. My mother _______ ( help) me with my homework.
  6. Captain Nemo ______ (travel) in the submarine.
  7. They _________ (catch) a lot of criminals.
  8. My grandpa _________ (smoke) a pipe.
  9. Ann _______ (write) two letters last week.

Exercise 6.  Complete each sentence using who /whose/where.

1. What's the name of the man whose car you borrowed?

2 An orphan is a child ____________ parents are dead.

3 The place ____________ we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

4 This school is only for children ____________ first language is not English.

 5 The woman with ____________ he fell in love left him after a month.

Exercise 7. Make one sentence from two. Use who/that/which.  

Example: A woman lives next door. She is a doctor - The woman that lives next door is a doctor.

1 A girl was injured in the accident. She is in hospital now. 

2 A waitress served us. She was impolite and impatient.

3 A building was destroyed in the fire. lt has been rebuilt now.

4 Some people were arrested. They have been released now.

5 A bus goes to the airport. lt runs every half  an hour.

Exercise 8.  Translate into English:

       1 Торт, который мы купили, был свежий

       2 Макс недавно ездил в Россию, где он родился.

       3 У меня есть друг, чей сын работает в нашем магазине.

       4 Он – человек, которым я горжусь.

       5 Это был год, когда я закончил школу. 

Exercise 9Make your own 5 sentences with who, which, that, whose, when, where, why.

                      Exercise 10Put in the pronouns who, whose or which.

1. Mary don’t know ___ sheet of paper it was.

2. We are talking about the book ___ we bought a week ago.

3. I didn’t know the woman ___ was looking at me yesterday in the shop.

4. Where is the cake ___ he cooked yesterday?

5. Do you know ___ dog it is?

6. I know ___ broke your laptop.

7. They are discussing the girl ___ won the competition.

8. Do you see the cat ___ has a big violet bow?

9. She wonders ___ bike it is. 10. The chocolate ___ I bought is in the fridge.

   Exercise 11Put in the relative adverbs where/why/when.

1. They will visit the castle........​the Princess Diana lived.

2. Winter is the time of the year..........​many people suffer from flu.

3.  Do you know the reason............​she is so upset?

4.  I can’t understand the reason...........​you have been late for work.

5.  This is the place...........​you can find everything.

6.  The university ...........I study is near my house.

7.  This is the reason...........I invite him to the cinema.

8.  I remember the day............I went to school.

Exercise 12Join two sentences using a relative pronoun.

Example: I wrote to the friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote to the friend who/that had a birthday last week.  

1. I bought a phone. It was nice.

2. Ann has got a friend. She sings well.

3. Max has become an actor. You met him last year.  

4. I forgot to print the аarticle. I wrote it yesterday.

5. The boy was sad. His motorcycle was broken.


Exercise 13Put in the relative adverbs who, whose или which.

1. Mary don’t know ___ sheet of paper it was.

2. We are talking about the book ___ we bought a week ago.

3. I didn’t know the woman ___ was looking at me yesterday in the shop.

4. Where is the cake ___ he cooked yesterday?

5. Do you know ___ dog it is?

6. I know ___ broke your laptop.

7. They are discussing the girl ___ won the competition.

8. Do you see the cat ___ has a big violet bow?

9. She wonders ___ bike it is. 10. The chocolate ___ I bought is in the fridge.

Exercise 14Put the relative adverbs where/why/when.

1. They will visit the castle........​the Princess Diana lived.

2. Winter is the time of the year..........​many people suffer from flu.

3. Do you know the reason............​she is so upset?

4. I can’t understand the reason...........​you have been late for work.

5. This is the place...........​you can find everything.

6. The university ...........I study is near my house.

7. This is the reason...........I invite him to the cinema.

8. I remember the day............I went to school.

Exercise 15Join two sentences using a relative pronoun.

Example: I wrote to the friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote to the friend who/that had a birthday last week.  

1. I bought a phone. It was nice.

2. Ann has got a friend. She sings well.

3. Max has become an actor. You met him last year.  

4. I forgot to print the аarticle. I wrote it yesterday.

5. The boy was sad. His motorcycle was broken.


3 a “Lead the way”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Career, enthusiasm, drive, copy, boxing, realistic, football, try out, skateboarding, painting, pay attention to, jealous, fit, chess, artistic, afraid, fencing, creative, detail

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Решительный, жаловаться, мода, музыка, пастель, сочинение песен, соединять, основывать/открывать, разрабатывать, катание на коньках, коллекционировать, вязать, империя, преуспевать, любопытный, награда.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Artistic, athletic, boxing, creative, daring, determined, football, imaginative, painting, realistic, skateboarding, songwriting.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using the relative pronouns (Spotlight 7, ex. 5a, p. 26).

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the relative pronouns WHO or WHICH.

  1. A bus driver is a person …… drives a bus.
  2. Mr Blake is catching Flight BE 050 ……. Leaves at 10.30.
  3. This is a pullover ……. I bought in the United States of America.
  4. Mrs Shell is the reporter …. wrote interesting articles about sports.
  5. Steve Martin, ……… 35, is unemployed.
  6. They have already read the magazine … I bought them yesterday.
  7. This is the Lincoln Memorial …… is in Washington.
  8. Jack is the man ….. who will you whenever you require help.
  9. Look at the old woman …….. is standing near the window. Do you recognize her?

Exercise 6. Use the relative pronouns who, whose, whom, which, that, what in the following sentences.

1. The story ... Sam told us was very interesting.

2. There is something ... I must tell you in confidence.

3. This is the largest mushroom ... I have ever seen.

4. This car has a very good engine ... is very reliable.

5. Someone appeared: a man ... we had never seen before.

6. The man ... told me this, refused to give me his name.

7. Her book ... was published in 1990 was a great success.

8. He was a man ... knew no fear.

9. In Scotland, ... is a small country, there is much fine scenery.

10. I’m sorry we have nothing ... suits you.

11. Please, fetch my coat ... is hanging in the hall.

12. The football team ... has won the international championship will return


Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the relative pronouns who, which, whose, that.

1. Graham Green was a writer ... wrote The Quiet American.

2. That is the dog ... bit me.

3. She is the woman ... husband is Greek.

4. Where is the book ... I left on the table?

5. He is the man ... I met in Sydney.

6. This is the man ... I met yesterday.

7. That is the film ... won first prize at Cannes.

8. That is the dog ... barks all night.

9. Sally, ... is English, lives in France.

10. The trains, ... are always late, are very slow.

11. The exam, ... is easy, is held every December.

12. I know a man ... house is near yours.

13. My wife has a friend ... daughter lives in London.

14. It is sad to see a man ... life is unhappy.

 Exercise 8. Fill in the necessary relative pronouns who, which, that, when, why, where или whose.

  1. His sister, … name is Lara, works at the library.
  2. Her last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success.
  3. Give him something … will take away the pain.
  4. I work in the town … my son lives.
  5. We’ll show you the poem … changed my life.
  6. Doctors, … claim money, are shameless.
  7. Is there a shop near here … sells milk?
  8. That’s the main reason … I came to you.
  9. I’ll never forget my childhood … I was so happy.
  10. People … live in flats shouldn’t have animals.
  11. The car … he bought last month is fantastic.
  12. This is the most beautiful waterfall … we have ever seen!

3 b “Who’s who?”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Beard, blonde. Elderly, pretty, wavy, young, short, plump, old, heavily built, fair, child, baby, fat, moustache, dark, cute, curly, grey, middle-aged, brown, freckle, red, straight, pigtail, shoulder-length, round, skinny, ugly, thin.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Симпатичный, хорошо сложенный, среднего роста, длинный, ребенок, лысый, малыш, толстый, колючий, средних лет, круглый, подросток, стройный, привлекательный, молодой, шрам, старый, пожилой, шатен.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Elderly, heavily, middle-aged, pigtail, shoulder-length, skinny, spiky, wavy.

Exercise 4. Recollect everything about Participles and the way we build them.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences with Participle I into Russian.

  1. The girl standing at the window is my sister.
  2. We looked at the playing children.
  3. Entering the room he dropped his keys.
  4. He sat in the armchair thinking.
  5. The hall was full of laughing people.
  6. The boy smiled showing his teeth.
  7. The singing girl was about fourteen.
  8. Mother put eggs into the boiling water.
  9. Writing letters is a waste of time.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences with Participle II into Russian.

  1. He doesn’t like boiled milk.
  2. A broken cup lies on the floor.
  3. The books written by this author are very interesting.
  4. I remember his words told at the meeting.
  5. I don’t like the book bought last week.
  6. We are interested in the goods produced by this factory.
  7. This is the house built many years ago.

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the translation of Participle I and Participle II.

  1. A person taking a bath is our patient.
  2. The person taken to the hospital was his brother.
  3. The letter written by him was very long.
  4. Don’t make mistakes writing a letter.
  5. The questions put to the professor were important.
  6. While putting the flowers into the vase he broke it.
  7. I saw my friend saying good bye to his girl-friend.
  8. She didn’t understand the word said by him.
  9. He didn’t see the things kept in her box.
  10. Ann entered the room keeping a book in her hand.

Exercise 8. Choose the necessary form of the Participle.

  1. Who is the girl (doing/done) her task on the blackboard?
  2. The book (writing/written) by him is not interesting.
  3. The translation (doing/done) by me was very easy.
  4. The (losing/lost) keys were not found.
  5. The (losing/lost) team will not get the prize.
  6. I don’t like the video (buying/bought) yesterday.
  7. Do you know the boy (coming/come) towards us?
  8. We like the songs (singing/sung) by this singer.
  9. The woman (singing/sung) is his wife.
  10. The question (discussing/discussed) at the meeting was very important.

Exercise 9. Choose the necessary form of the Participle.

  1. The girl (writing/written) on the blackboard is our best pupil. – Everything (writing/written) here is quite right.
  2. We listened to the girls (singing/sung) Russian folk songs. – We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing/sung) by the girls.
  3. The girl (washing/washed) the dishes is my sister. – The dishes (washing/washed) by Kate looked very clean.
  4. Who is that boy (doing/done) his homework at that table? – The exercises (doing/done) by the pupils are very easy.
  5. The house (surrounding/surrounded) by tall trees is lovely. – The wall (surrounding/surrounded) was very high.
  6. Read the (translating/translated) sentences once more.
  7. Name the places (visiting/visited) by you last year.
  8. She was reading a very interesting book (buying/bought) a week ago.
  9. Do you know the girl (playing/played) in the garden?
  10. Translate the words (writing/written) on the blackboard.

Exercise 10. Revise the order of using adjectives before nouns.


Exercise 11.  Divide the following adjectives into the groups according to their meaning:

Bad, zigzag, round, Floridian, youthful, big, teenage, red, black, concrete, free, great, cotton, flat, antique, brown, international, large, oceanic, ceramic, dance, spherical, transparent, local, Irish, sleeping, military, political, French, recent, triangular, swinging, strong, white, young, glass, Spanish, wooden, ancient, walking, small, racing, mature, yellowish, infantile, Australian, blue, fabric, straight, cooking, plastic, equatorial, leather, old-fashioned, metal, tiny, steel, circular, square, huge, oval, pink, little, orange, northern, polar, American, work

General characterization: ____________________________

Size: _____________________________________________

Age: _____________________________________________

Shape: ___________________________________________

Color: ____________________________________________

Purpose: __________________________________________

Origin: ____________________________________________

Material: __________________________________________

Exercise 12.  Put the following into the correct order:

1) suede / French / blue / soft / shoes

2) young / tall / Englishman

3) oval / Venetian / antique / valuable / glass

4) expensive / shiny / large / yellow / leather / case

5) oval / wooden / modern / nice / table

6) large / stone / beautiful / cottage

7) porcelain / tea / blue / thin  / cup

8) tall / handsome / young / blonde / man

9) English / old / several / beautiful / castles

10) young / pretty / a lot of / French / girls

11) dark blue / best / silk / my / shirt

Exercise 13.  Put the adjectives in the correct order to describe the musical instruments:

1) a / old / yellow / big / contrabass

2) a / new / yellow and brown / electric guitar

3) a / golden / big / saxophone

4) new / big / drums

5) a / old / big / black piano

Exercise 14.  Determine the correct order of adjectives:

  1. (red / long / cheap) dress
  2. (wooden / new / huge) table
  3. (beautiful / brick / new) house
  4. (Japanese / green / fantastic) car
  5. (Russian / silver / round) coin
  6. (Nicе / blue / wooden) wall
  7. (American / sentimental / long) song
  8. (fair / curly / short) hair


4 a “News stories”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Interview, national news, local news, cartoon strip, newspaper, weather report, TV guide, safety, music, score, magazine, chat show, scorpion, mobile phone, porridge

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Местные новости, прогноз погоды, паника, гороскоп, комикс, реклама, выздоравливать, ТВ-программа, безопасность, музыка, международные новости, электронная почта, журнал, газета.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Advertisement, international, newspaper, recover, safety.

Exercise 4. Recollect everything about Past Continuous. Name the formula for this grammatical tense.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Continuous.

1. I (to read) a book at two o’clock.

2. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday.

3. He (to work) in the garden from two till five o’clock.

4. We (to watch) television the whole evening.

5. You (to play) football at six o’clock?

6. You (to drink) tea at seven o’clock?

7. He (to draw) from three till four o’clock?

8. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time?

9. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

10. They (to skate) at three o’clock?

11. You (not to sleep) at nine o’clock last night.

12. I (not to write) a letter to my granny at eight o’clock.

13. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till six.

14. George (to do) his lessons the whole evening?

15. He (to speak) in a low voice.

Exercise 6.  Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Continuous.

1. Yesterday at 9 o’clock Kate (to have) breakfast.

2. Yesterday at 9.45 Kate (to read) a magazine.

3. Yesterday at 11 o’clock Kate (to clean) her room.

4. Yesterday at 12.30 Kate (to have) lunch.

5. Yesterday at 3 o’clock Kate (to wash) the dishes.

6. Yesterday at 6 o’clock Kate (to watch) television.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions according to the model using Past Continuous.

Model: Why didn’t you come yesterday? I didn’t come yesterday because I was working

1. Why didn’t she go out last Saturday?

2. Why didn’t Pete go to the club yesterday?

3. Why did Sam turn off the radio?

4. Why didn’t the inspector leave the room?

5. Why did her mother ask her to stay at home?

6. Why didn’t Mike give Alice the article?

Exercise 8.  Make up sentences in the Past Continuous Tense.

  1.  I/to go home/at 4 o’clock yesterday.
  2.  We/to play basketball/at 6 o’clock last Sunday.
  3.  She/to talk with her friend/for forty minutes yesterday.
  4. You/to wash the window/in the afternoon yesterday.
  5.  Nick/to ride his bike/all the evening.
  6. Sheila and Dora/to wait for a bus/for half an hour.
  7.  They/to prepare for the party/all day yesterday.
  8.  I/to learn the poem/for an hour.
  9. Dick/to paint the walls in his room/from 2 to 6 o’clock last Wednesday.
  10.  Eve and Tony/to skate/all day last Saturday.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

  1. Alison … (to have) lunch at two o’clock yesterday.
  2. Edward and Henry … (to play) the guitar all the evening.
  3. Ben … (to run) in the park in the morning yesterday.
  4. I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.
  5. My grandparents … (to drive) to Poltava at this time yesterday.
  6. Lucy … (to iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock last Saturday.
  7. You … (to sleep) for three hours in the afternoon.
  8. Julia … (to listen) to news at this time yesterday.
  9. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday.
  10. We … (to play) on the playground all day last Sunday.

Exercise 10. Make up negative and interrogative sentences in Past Continuous.

  1.  The teacher was explaining the exercise to the pupils.
  2.  Amanda was travelling around Africa at that time.
  3.  We were having a Music lesson at ten o’clock yesterday.
  4.  I was doing the shopping yesterday.
  5.  Martin was visiting his aunt at this time yesterday.
  6.  The girls were preparing for the concert.
  7. They were flying to Wales at 6 o’clock yesterday.
  8. It was raining hard all day last Tuesday.
  9.  Mike and Jess were walking in the park last evening.
  10.  He was choosing the books in the library then.

Exercise 11. Make up sentences using the words in brackets in Past Continuous.

Example: He wasn’t reading the newspaper, (magazine) +
He wasn’t reading the newspaper, he was reading a magazine.
We were looking for apples, (bananas) — We were looking for apples, we weren’t looking for bananas.

  1. Angela wasn’t singing a song, (dance) +
  2. I was cooking potatoes, (fish) —
  3. The boys were watching a film, (the news) —
  4. My mother wasn’t washing the dishes, (iron the clothes) +
  5. He was building the house, (garage) —
  6. They were gathering berries, (mushrooms) —
  7. You weren’t listening to music, (read the book) +
  8. Ben was repairing his bike, (his car) —

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

  1. … you … (to wash) the clothes at 4 o’clock yesterday? — No, I …. I … (to tidy) my room at that time.
  2.  … Lucy … (to do) the shopping when you met her? — Yes, she … .
  3.  … they … (to translate) the text in the afternoon? — No, they …. They … (to prepare) for the Maths test.
  4.  … Alison and Rita … (to sit) in a cafe at three o’clock? — Yes, they … . They … (to eat) ice cream.
  5.  … Steve … (to play) computer games all the evening? — No, he …. He … (to do) his homework.
  6. … Barbara … (to sunbathe) in the morning yesterday? — Yes, she ….
  7. … the children … (to help) their grandparents yesterday? — Yes, they … . They … (to gather) fruit in the garden.
  8.  … you … (to sleep) at four o’clock yesterday? — Yes, I … .
  9.  … Phil … (to speak) to the receptionist when you came into the hall of the hotel? — No, he …. He … (to have) breakfast in the cafe.
  10. … you (to pack) your luggage when the taxi arrived? — No, I … .

P.S.: Указатели времени, которые используются с прошедшим длительным временем: when, while, as.

         While используется, когда два действия происходит одновременно: While he was playing computer games his sister was speaking on the phone. Когда он играл в компьютерные игры, его сестра  разговаривала по телефону.

         When и as употребляются, если одно действие в предложении было прервано другим действием:

          The children were singing when (as) their parents entered the classroom. Дети пели, когда их родители вошли в класс.

Exercise 13. Choose the right variant.

  1.  I was brushing my teeth when/while my sister was making tea.
  2.  He was riding a horse when/while the car drove to the stable.
  3. Sue was walking along the path as/while it started to rain.
  4. You were washing the dishes as/while I was drying them.
  5. Kate was speaking to the doctor when/while her mobile telephone rang.
  6.  We were discussing the film as/while Mary was looking through some magazines.
  7.  The waiter was carrying the tray when/while he dropped a glass.
  8.  Sam was crossing the road when/while he saw his friend at the bus stop.
  9.  Lin and Wendy were preparing for the test as/while the postman knocked at the door.
  10.  The child was eating soup when/while his mother was making salad.

Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with when or while.

  1. The boys were playing football… the ball flew into the window.
  2.  Ronny was painting the fence … the bucket of paint turned over.
  3. Denny was putting a tent… the girls were gathering wood for fire.
  4.  Rita was sleeping … the alarm-clock rang.
  5.  Nelly was peeling potatoes … her sister was cutting chicken into pieces.
  6.  Nigel was skiing … he fell down and broke his leg.
  7.  They were arguing … Mrs Elliot entered the room.
  8. … my mother was watching her favourite show on TV, father was making coffee.
  9.  She was typing a letter … she found some mistakes.
  10.  They were driving towards the village … it started to snow.

4 b “Did you hear about…?”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Excited, marvelous, awful, interested, sad, surprised, worried, go on, go with, shocked, go off, terrible, scary.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Продолжаться, невероятный, озабоченный, устрашающий, грустный, ужасный, удивленный, взволнованный, удивительный, чудесный.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Amazing, excited, interested, marvelous, scary, shocked, surprised, unbelievable, worried.

Exercise 4. Recollect the difference of using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. She (to cook) yesterday.

2. She (to cook) at three o’clock yesterday.

3. She (to cook) from two till four yesterday.

4. I (to read) a lot last month.

5. I (not to read) at five o’clock.

6. I (not to read) when you came in.

7. Susan (to pass) her exam two days ago.

8. Susan (to pass) her exam at this time yesterday.

9. What he (to do) when I came?

10. What he (to do)' the whole day yesterday?

11. Pete (to work) in the garden yesterday.

12. Pete (to work) in the garden at five o’clock yesterday.

13. Where Pete (to work) when I came to see him?

14. My sister (to wash) the dishes after dinner yesterday.

15. Му sister (to wash) the dishes at eight o’clock yesterday.

16. What your sister (to wash) when I entered the kitchen?

17. Why your child (not to sleep) at ten o’clock yesterday?

18. They (to play) tennis two days ago.

19. They (to play) tennis from two till three yesterday.

20. They (not to discuss) this question last evening.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. The pupils (to discuss) this problem yesterday.

2. The pupils (to discuss) this problem the whole evening yesterday.

3. They (discuss) this problem from three till five o’clock.

4. They (discuss) this problem at four o’clock yesterday.

5. They (discuss) this problem when I came in.

6. She (to learn) a poem yesterday.

7. She (to learn) a poem at five o’clock yesterday.

8. She (to learn) a poem from five till six o’clock yesterday.

9. She (to learn) a poem when mother opened the door.

10. She (to learn) a poem the whole day yesterday.

11. I (not to see) him yesterday. I (to see) him two days ago.

12. She (not to write) a letter at seven o’clock yesterday. She (to write) it two days  ago.

13. Jane (to read) the magazine from five till six o’clock last evening.

14. He (to study) a rule in the morning last Monday.

15. Last month our team (to lose) the game.

16. What she (to do) when the telephone rang?

17. Whom they (to speak) to when I met them at the station?

18. They (to have) lunch when the telephone rang.

19. Nick (to make) a report at three o’clock yesterday.

20. Mike (to write) on the blackboard when I came into the classroom.

21. She (not to sleep) the whole night yesterday.

22. Who entered the room when you (to watch) television?

23. What you (to think) about when I asked you a question?

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. When my father (to come) home, I (to have) dinner.

2. When Alice (to return), I (to listen) to the radio.

3. When mother (to enter) his room, he (to draw) a picture.

4. When my sister (to come) in, I (to do) my lessons.

6. When her aunt (to air) the room, she (to catch) cold.

6. The telephone (to ring) when I (to leave) the house.-

7. When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.

8. He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.

9. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.

10. When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.

11. When I (to ring) him, he (to learn) a rule.

12. When she (to play) in the yard, she (to see) her mother.

13. Her son (to fall) when he (to climb) up the tree.

14. When they (to see) their children, they (to play).

15. When I (to enter) the bar, I (to see) that they (to drink) coffee.

16. When he (to do) his homework, he (to make) a lot of mistakes.

17.When the teacher (to come) into the classroom, all the pupils (to sit) at their desks.

18. When I (to watch) television, the phone rang.

19. When she (to drive) her car, she (to feel) a headache.

20. We (to make) the beds when Jane (to open) the door.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. Why you (to be) angry with me yesterday? — I (not to be).

2. Where you (to be) last night? — We (to be) at the theatre.

3. When I (to come) to the bus stop, I (to see) a boy who (to play) with a dog.

4. It (to be) eleven o’clock, when I (to decide) to go to bed.

5. What time they (to have) supper yesterday? - They (to have) supper from seven till eight.

6. When she (to see) him a year ago she (not to recognize) him.

7. You (to prepare) for your lessons last night?

8. He (to like) the last show he (to see).

9. I (to be) very busy yesterday. I (to prepare) for my exam the whole day.

10. Му brother (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.

11. When Beth (to hurry) to the institute, she (to see) her friend.

12. Why you (not to see) a doctor yesterday?

13. Why he (not to pass) his exam yesterday? — He (to feel) ill.

14. I (to give) him a good advice when he (to meet) me in the street.

15. You (to make) your report yesterday? — No, I (to be) ill. I (to have) a temperature.

16. It (to rain) heavily when he (to go) out.

17. My mother (to cook) dinner while we (to watch) TV yesterday.

18. You (to go) to see your friend, When she (to be) ill?

19. I (to close) the window because it (to start) raining.

20. My brother (to open) the d.oor and (to take) a book yesterday.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. Что ты делал, когда пришли твои родители? Я делал уроки.

2. Когда он смотрел телевизор, зазвонил телефон.

3. Он спал, когда к нему пришли друзья.

4. Ты нашел грибы, когда гулял в лесу?

5. Когда она шла на работу, она встретила свою подругу.

6. Кто помогал тебе убирать в комнате?

7. Он рассказал тебе эту историю? — Да, он рассказал ее мне в три часа.

8. Когда мы вышли из дома, шел сильный дождь.

9. Я думал над очень трудным вопросом, когда вдруг зазвонил телефон.-

10. Когда я встретил ее, она спешила на работу.

11. Что он делал вчера в семь? — Он работал над докладом.

12. Мы видели белку, когда гуляли в лесу.

13. Она была больна и лежала в кровати, когда мы пришли навестить ее.

14. Он управлял автомобилем, когда почувствовал боль в сердце.

15. Дети переходили дорогу в неположенном месте, когда милиционер остановил их.

16. Я чистил зубы, когда зазвонил телефон.

17. Вчера в шесть часов я делал уроки, а мама читала газеты.

18. Когда он пришел домой, его семья обедала.

19. Бабушка выглянула в окно и увидела, что внук играет во дворе.

20. Вчера а семь мы обсуждали этот вопрос.

Module 5

5 a “Predictions”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Creature, robotic housemaid, cause, believe, online school, fuel, mini-submarine, traffic jam, look forward to, look after, planet, petrol, exist, housework, look up.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Планета, искать, искать что-либо в справочнике, бензин, стеклянный купол, топливо, существовать, верить, служить причиной, затор, заботиться о к-л.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Creature, housework, underwater.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using Future Simple (Spotlight 7, ex. 3a, p. 47).

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in Future Simple.

1. I (to see) them next Saturday.

2. They (to be) here tomorrow.

3. We (to have) the test in a week.

4. She (to spend), holidays in the country.

5. The journey (to take) three hours.

6. I (to open) the door for you.

7. I (to go) to school tomorrow?

8. They (to come) back next week?

9. We (to leave) Kyiv this evening?

10. You (to wait) for me?

11. Nick (to finish) school next year?

12. She (to agree) with you?

13. I (not to swim) tomorrow.

14. He (not to play) in the garden.

15. The weather (not to be) fine on Sunday.

16. We (not to be) busy in the evening.

17. Sheila (not to get) passport next year.

18. Why your father (to help) you?

19. When she (to study) English?

20. How we (to get) there?

21. How long the journey (to take)?

22. How many people (to arrive) today?

23. When you (to go) to the cinema?

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets in Future Simple.

  1. I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy)
  2. Kate  ___________ ten tomorrow. (to be)
  3. My aunt  ___________ to Canada next summer. (to go)
  4. I  _____________ you in the evening. (to phone)
  5. I'm sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000 roubles. (to cost)

Exercise 7. Fill in ‘ll or won’t.

  1. Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be 12.
  2. It's sunny today. It ________ rain.
  3. Kelly is eleven today. She ___________ be twelve until next year.
  4. Rob is nine. He __________ be ten on his next birthday.
  5. This month is May. It________ be June next month.
  6. Jenny: 'Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until eight o'clock.
  7. It's 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow.
  8. I sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until tomorrow.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using the verbs in Future Simple.

  1. I (to be) at school tomorrow
  2. They (to go) to Paris next week
  3. Mike (to phone) you later
  4. We (to fly) to Paris tomorrow
  5. My father (to drive) a car tomorrow
  6. Ben (to be) late tonight

Exercise 9. Make up sentences in Future Simple.

  1. I/ tomorrow/ to the theater/ go
  2. Peter/ soon/ come
  3. We/ next year/ go/ to England
  4. I/ to do your homework/ help you
  5. Start/ the game/ at 10 o’clock
  6. Next week/ my father/ a new car/ buy

Exercise 10. Make up interrogative and negative sentences to the following sentences.

  1. My friends will go to the zoo next Sunday.
  2. The weather will be good tomorrow.
  3. We will take an exam next week.
  4. You will go to the park today.
  5. Ben will be at school in 10 minutes.
  6. You will call me tomorrow.

P.S.: В Придаточных  предложениях условия и времени вместо будущего времени употребляется настоящее.

Придаточные предложения условия и времени вводятся союзами:

if — если                         after — после

when — когда                  till (untill) — до сих пор

before — до, перед           as soon as — как только

Exercise 11. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. When I (to see) him, I (to phone) you.

2. If he (to decide) not to do it, he (to be) right.

3. Tell me when she (to come) to visit you.

4. I (to give) it to him when he (to visit) us.

5. You (to pass) your exam if you ( to work) hard.

6. We (to go) to the country next week if the weather (to be) fine.

7. As soon as we (to know) results, we (to inform) you.

8. Don’t open the car door before it(to stop).

9. You (not like) this film when you (to see) it.

10. Wait for me till I (to return).

11. As soon as Beth (to phone) me, I (to contact) you.

12. If the weather (to be) fine, my family (to go) on a trip.

13.1 (to give) a present if he (to invite) me to his birthday party.

14. Of course we ( to help) you if we (not be) busy.

15. I (to see) my mother before I (to fly) to London.

16. If my daughter (not to come) in time, I (to go) without her.

17. They (to wait) until we (to come).

18. We (not to send) you the money before we (to leave).

19. If Jane (to come) to see me, we (to listen) to the music.

20. When they (to talk) to her, they (to give) her your news.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. If the weather (to be fine), the plane (to leave) in time.

2. They (to visit) their parents next month if they (to get) letter from them.

3. Jack (to miss) the train if he (not to hurry).

4. When he (to feel) better, he (to invite) us.

5. She (to finish) her work when she (to be) at the office.

6. What she (to do) when she (to return) home?

7. I (to take) my child to the Zoo if I (to have) time.

8. Nick (to send) us a postcard when he (to get) to Kyiv.

9. They (not to swim) if the water (to be) cold.

10.1 (not to go) for a walk before my parents (to come) home.

11. We (to phone) our son when we (to come) home.

12. Tell me when they (to arrive).

13. I (to go) to the country if it (not to snow).

14. She usually (to go) for a walk if it (not to rain).

15. He (not to do) anything if you (not to tell) him to.

16. I (to do) my homework if I (not to be) tired.

17. They (to be) very surprised, when they (to meet) him here.

18. We usually (to have) dinner at two o’clock if mother (to come) in time.

19. When my mother (to hear) it, she (to be) glad.

20. We often (to watch) TV if the weather (to be) bad.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English using Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. Когда я приду домой, я позвоню тебе.

2. Если я увижу его завтра, я отдам ему эту книгу.

3. Он обрадуется, если мы скажем ему об этом.

4. Мы поедем в Париж на следующей неделе, поэтому мы покупаем сейчас билеты.

5. Я надеюсь, что они завтра будут дома.

6. Когда он мне позвонит? — Он позвонит, как только у него будет время.

7. Завтра моя сестра пойдет в кино, если купит билеты.

8. Если вы пойдете за покупками, купите мне кофе.

9. Когда она придет в школу, она будет внимательно слушать учителя на уроке.

10. Они согласятся, если мы пригласим их в театр.

5 b “Gadget madness”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Affection, file, hungry, puppy, press, e-book device, digital camera, button, laptop, MP3 music player, clean up, store, robot pet, Definitely, take a picture of, have a point.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Текстовое сообщение, хранить, домашнее животное, голодный, наушники, любовь/привязанность, устройство для чтения электронных книг, нажимать, щенок, компьютеризировать, кнопка, ноутбук, файл.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Computerize, hungry, laptop, definitely.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using Zero and 1st Conditional (Spotlight 7, ex. 5b, p. 49).

Exercise 5. Put the verb in the necessary form to make up sentences of Zero Type. 

1 If you __________ (to drive) along the river bank it _______ (to be) twenty miles out of your way.

2 If you _____ (to take) your mobile phone into class, it __________ (must) be turned off.

3 We ________ (not use) calculators when we ________ (write) tests.

4 If you ________ (to push) this button, the volume __________ (to increase).

5 If you __________ (to close) the door, it _________ (to lock) automatically.

6 I_________ (to wear) my old boots when I ___________ (to work).

7 When I ___________ (to cook) salads, I _________ (to use) only olive oil.

8 When I ___________ (to concentrate), please ____________ (not to make) so much noise.

9 Unless prices ________ (to rise), it_________ (not to be) a good investment.

10 Unless someone_________ (to ask) you politely, ___________ (to refuse) to do anything.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets to make up sentences of 1st Conditional.

1)If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion.

2) She … (help) us if we … (ask)

3) If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year.

4) I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me

5) If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets to make up sentences of 1st Conditional.

1)If you … (not help) me, I … (not pass) the exam tomorrow.

2) We … (buy) this car if you … (give) us a discount.

3 If my dad … (find) his tools, he … (be able) to repair my bike.

4 If David … (not give up) smoking, Liza … (not marry) him.

5 Mary … (meet) her friends from Italy if she … (come) to the party.

6 If you … (lend) me the money, I … (pay) you back next month.

7 They … (not let) you into the cinema if you … (lose) your tickets.

8 If my sister … (travel) to Japan, she … (buy) a kimono for me

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps to make up Conditional sentences.

Model: If you (eat) …………. fruits, you ……….(be) stronger. – If you eat fruits, you will be stronger.

1) If you (not/eat ) ……………………now, you …………….….(be) hungry later.

2) She ……………………….(be) sad if he (leave)……………………..…….

3) If you ……………………(leave) ice in the sun, it (melt)…………………..

4) If we………………………(go) to the show, we (have) ……………………..a lot of fun.

5) If you ………………..(mix) black and white, you ………………..……(get) grey.


Exercise 9. Use the following words to make up Conditional sentences.

Model: you / learn the poem / you / get “5” tomorrow. – If you learn the poem, you will get ‘5” tomorrow.

1) it / rain tomorrow /we not /go to the park - …………………………………….

2) you / heat the water/ it/ boil. - …………………………………………………..

3) water/ freeze/ it/ turn to ice - ……………………………………………………..

4) I / need your help/ I/ phone you - ………………………………………………

5) we / pay for dinner/ you pay for lunch - …………………………………………

Module 6

6 a “The fun starts here!”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Candyfloss, big wheel, trapeze artist, fun fair, circus, theme park, cartoon character, explore, trick, landmark, pirate ship, ride, come out, take a stroll, tiny.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Американские горки, вернуться, покупать сувениры, тематический парк, домашнего приготовления, исследовать, чертово колесо, ярмарка, особняк.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Home-made, shopping.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using Present Perfect.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect.

  1. He _____ (finish) training.
  2. She _____ (score) twenty points in the match.
  3. We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.
  4. That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning!
  5. She _____  (buy)  some really nice rollerblades!
  6. Oh, no! I  _____ (lose) my money!
  7. My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.
  8. Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!
  9. I’m tired. I  _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.
  10. Hurry up! They  _____ (start) the film!
  11. Mary  _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.
  12. Oh no! She  _____  (drop) the plate!
  13. The garden is very green. It  _____ (rain) a lot this month.
  14. These are my favourite trousers. I  _____ (have) them for five years.
  15. Tom's my best friend. I  _____ (know) him for three years.
  16. They _____  (live) in Miami for two years.
  17. Jo has earache. He  _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.
  18. Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.

Exercise 7. Make up negative sentences in Present Perfect.

  1. I _____ (not clean) my football boots.
  2. They _____ (not start) their meal.
  3. I  _____ (not do) my homework.
  4. He _____  (not win)  all his matches this year.
  5. My brother and I _____  (not see) any films this week.
  6. It's my birthday party today. I  _____ (not invite) many people.
  7. He  _____  (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty.
  8. Mum's really angry. We _____  (not tidy) our room!
  9. I can't play with my friends this evening. I  _____ (not finish) my homework.
  10. I  _____  (not visit) New York for three years.
  11. Where's Alison? We  _____  (not see) her since yesterday.
  12. Dad   _____ (not take) a holiday since last August.
  13. John  _____ (not play) the violin since he was at school.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using the following verbs in Present Perfect.

1. I (to be) in London this year.

2. We (to see) this film before.

3. He (not to meet) his parents.

4. She (to hear) this music before.

5. I (to write) a new book this month.

6. They (not to finish) their work yet.

7. Alan (not to have) his breakfast.

8. Cathy (not to get) up yet.

9. Martin (not to wash) up yet.

10. We (not to tell) him the truth.

11. You (to mention) my name?

12. Your mother already (to come)?

13. Where Martin (to go)?

14. Why John (to take) this book?

15. Jane (to be) at the theatre this week?

Exercise 9. Change the form of the verbs for Present Perfect. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She is watering the flowers.

2. He is taking his examination.

3. Beth is opening the window.

4. I am dusting the furniture.

5. John is washing his car.

6. The teacher is explaining the rule.

7. Mary is reading a letter.

8. We are having dinner.

9. I am cleaning my teeth.

10. Jane is translating the article.

11. Little Frank is breaking his toy.

12. He is having breakfast.

13. Nick is drawing a picture.

14. My daughter is having lunch.

15. He is putting on his coat.

Exercise 10. Identify in what sentences ’s is used in Present Perfect and in what sentences it is used as Present Simple. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She’s tired.

2. He’s stopped reading.

3. He’s worried.

4. She’s died.

5. He’s ill.

6. She’s come.

7. He’s angry.

8. He’s had dinner.

9. It’s escaped. . .

10. She’s surprised.

11. She’s stopped working.

12. He’s scared.

13. He’s gone.

14. He’s embarrassed.

15. She’s frightened.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect or Present Continuous.

1. She (to have dinner) now.

2. She just (to have) dinner.

3. They (to talk) now?

4. They already (to talk) about it?

5. He (to have) his English lesson today.

6. He (to have) his English lesson at the moment.

7. What she (to do) now?

8. What she (to do) this week?

9. Beth (to translate) the article now?

10. Who already (to translate) the article?

11. Our teacher (to explain) a new rule now.

12. Your teacher (to explain) you this rule today?

13. She already (to find) her key?

14. He already (to have) his dinner?

Exercise 12. Fill in for or since.

  1. I've lived in Washington _____ 1997.
  2. Ben has studied English _____  three years.
  3. They haven't visited their grandparents  _____ months.
  4. Julie's ill. She's been in bed _____ Tuesday.
  5. My dad has had his car_____  sixteen.
  6. It's been ten years_____ we moved to Oxford.

Exercise 13. Make up sentences using the following words and the prepositions for or since.

  1. Kate/be/in bed/a long time.
  2. She / not eat / anything / this morning.
  3. She / not see / her friends / a week.
  4. She / stay / at home / Tuesday.
  5. She / have / a red nose / three days.
  6. She / not play / basketball / last weekend.
  7.  She / not do / any school work / Monday.

Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into Russian using Present Perfect.

1. Она уже проснулась.

2. Ты уже пообедал.

3. Мама еще не пришла домой.

4. Почему ты не сделал уроки?

5. Мы никогда не были в этом городе.

6. Ты когда-нибудь видел этот фильм?

7. Мой друг еще не вернулся с работы.

8. Дети уже позавтракали?

9. Отец только что пришел домой.

10. Почему ты еще не убрала в комнате?

11. Кто сломал мою ручку?

12. Почему она еще не поужинала?

13. Ученики уже прочитали этот текст?

14. Он никогда не говорил правду.

15. Мой брат только что пошел в школу.

6 b “Teem camps”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Book, teen camp, build a fire, go hiking, web page, survive, go rafting, put up a tent, go swimming, tree house, video game.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Музыкальный инструмент, заказывать, видеоигра, ходить в поход, домик на дереве, лагерь для подростков, выживать, интернет-страница, сплавляться на плотах.

Exercise 3. Recollect the rule of using already, yet, just, ever, never, before in Present Perfect.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect and translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. We just … (meet) an American actor.
  2. Your husband … (sell) the house?
  3. I … (not start) my new job yet.
  4. You … (be) to New York before?
  5. Ann … (not choose) the dessert yet.
  6. They … (do) the shopping today.
  7. Tom … ever (visit) Disneyland?
  8. I just … (see) a horror film.
  9. She … (not find) her coat.
  10. The cat already … (eat up) the fish.

Exercise 5. Make up sentences.

  1. have – Britain – several – I – to – times – been
  2. Spain – since – she – lived – in – 1994 – has
  3. five – married – have – they – years – been – for
  4. I – coffee – made – already – for – have – you
  5. never – Bob – a bike – has – had

Exercise 6. Put the adverb in the correct place in the sentence.

  1. Have you washed your hands? (already)
  2. We have phoned the doctor. (just)
  3. Has she ridden a horse? (ever)
  4. I have danced the tango. (never)
  5. The train hasn’t arrived. (yet)

Module 7

7 a “Walk of fame”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Actor, actress, attractive, opera singer, film director, beautiful, figure skater, model, noisy, proud, performer, expensive, athlete, intelligent, career, funny, smart

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Шумный, красивый (о мужчине), фигурист, быстрый, спортсмен, актер, режиссер, умный, смешной, комик, дорогой, исполнитель, мудрый, талантливый.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Attractive, actor/actress, beautiful, comedian, funny, handsome, noisy, performer, successful, talented.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Exercise 5. Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

1. Shot, long, wide, dirty, clean, dark-, light, thick, thin, cold, dry, silly, weak, tall, strong, heavy, happy, big.

2. Beautiful, old, bad, great, poor, large, good, brave, cheap, hot, pretty, friendly,' careful, stupid, narrow, dangerous, young.

3. Rich, interesting, expensive, comfortable, intelligent, strange, difficult, quick, easy, rude, cheerful, fast, hopeful, lazy.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

старый друг

старший сын

самая длинная дорога

грязный пол

сильнейший спортсмен

более трудный пример

дорогое платье

самый умный ученик

более удобное кресло

самая светлая комната

более теплое пальто

более красивая девушка

младший брат

лучший день

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using the necessary degree of the adjective.

1. The rooms are (clean) than they used to be.

2. It’s (cold) here than in Kyiv.

3. This is (expensive) book of them all.

4. His answer was (bad) than I thought.

5. The Nile is (long) than Dnipro.

6. She thinks this shop is (good) than that one.

7. These people are (polite) than in my town.

8. Who is (old) student in the class?

9. Is Michael (intelligent) than Stephan?

10. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Europe.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using the necessary degree of the adjective.

1. This is ... in our city, (big building)

2. She is ... we have ever met. (strange person)

3. The road becomes ... after some miles, (narrow)

4. Peter is ... of them all. (old)

5. It was ... time of my life, (bad)

6. The weather is much ... than yesterday, (good)

7. Ann was a b it ... than she usually is. (cheerful)

8. Going by train takes twice ... going by plain, (long)

9. He thinks English spelling is ... than Russian, (difficult)

10. This test was ... of all. (easy)

11. She works ... than her sisters (hard).

Exercise 9. Fill in as … as … or not as … as … .

1 .1 ski... well ... my sister.

2. The weather is not ... bad ... I had expected.

3. That chair is ... comfortable ... this one.

4. Peter is ... intelligent ... my friend.

5. This girl is not ... nice ... that.

6. Her child is ... tall ... my.

7. My brother’s French is not ... good ... Nick’s.

8. These houses are ... high ... those.

9. I am not ... lazy ... she.

10. He doesn’t drive ... careful ... she.

11. Her cat is ... old ... my.

12. Peter is ... thin ... his brother.

Exercise 10. Fill in as … as …, not as … as … or than.

1. His story isn’t ... long ... yours.

2. Our mother is ... young ... her.

3. This writer isn’t ... famous ... Jack London.

4. My wife is more beautiful ... his.

5. Second class isn’t ... expensive ... first.

6. My friend’s dog is ... clever ... my.

7. This story isn’t ... interesting ... I thought.

8. That furniture is a little bit cheaper ... this.

9. Their flat is nearly ... comfortable ... our.

10. Her room is much cleaner ...his.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets using the necessary degree of the adjective.

1. She is (young) than Ann.

2. This film is much (good).

3. He speaks English (bed) than I do.

4. In spring the weather is (warm) than in winter.

5. I am not so (busy) as my mother is.

6. Is the Arctic Ocean (cold) in the world?

7. Which book is (interesting)?

8. This problem is (difficult) than yours.

9'. My box isn’t (heavy) as yours.

10. These exercises are (easy) than in the book.

11. Which house is (high) in your street?

12. To fly is (quick) than to go by car.

13. Whose child is (old) than my?

14. This example is (simple) of all.

15. He isn’t so (stupid) as your brother is.

16. Which country is (beautiful)?

17. In this town the streets are (narrow) than in mine.

18. Your cat is (fat) I’ve ever seen.

19. Is August (hot) month of the year?

20. She is (attentive) child in her class.

21. My (old) sister is two years (old) than I.

22. What’s (near) station?

Exercise 12. Translate into Russian.

1. Marry is taller than John.

2. He is more helpful than he used to be.

3. The restaurant is more expensive than the cafe.

4. Her son is the youngest pupil in his class.

5. It’s the worst play I’ve ever seen.

6. If you eat a lot — you will get fatter.

7. Не doesn’t work so difficult as I do.

8. It is slowly getting colder and colder.

9. This scientist thinks of a better method.

10. That picture is much cheaper than that one.

11. This town is the smallest in our country.

12. The journey was longer than I had thought before.

13. His English is as good as my.

14. Volvo isn’t the most expensive of all the cars.

15. Nowadays computers are more complicated.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Его машина дешевле, чем моя.

2. Наша комната самая маленькая в квартире.

3. Моя сестра младше меня.

4. Нил короче, чем Днепр?

5. Их дом не такой красивый, как наш.

6. Ее платье хуже моего.

7. Зима холоднее, чем лето.

8. Ее дом выше моего.

9. Его английский лучше, чем мой.

10. Этот вопрос труднее, чем предыдущий.

7 b “DVD frenzy!”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Animation, film review, fantasy, creepy, comedy, thriller, science fiction, turn into, turn on, I don’t mind, suggestion, stunning, turn off, according to, I can’t stand … .

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Мне на самом деле не нравится, предложение, Я ненавижу…, Я не большой поклонник, Отличная идея, приключение, анимация, романтический фильм.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Animation, creep, stun, suggest.

Exercise 4. Recollect the difference of using Present Perfect and Past Simple (Spotlight 7, ex. 7b, p. 69).

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. She (to be) to all the capital cities of Europe this year.

2. John (to travel) around Europe last year.

3. You ever (to live) in a foreign country?

4. My friend knows a lot because he (to read) a lot.

5. She (to go) home two days ago.

6. She is free now. She (to pass) her final exam.

7. David (to start) school in 1990.

8. Look! Somebody (to break) my window.

9. I (to leave) home early last night.

10. Is he still watching this programme? — No, he just (to watch) it.

11. We (not to see) them last week.

12. His family (to build) a new house this year.

13. It (to stop) snowing an hour ago.

14. I (not to decide) where to go tonight.

15. I (to learn) all the new words. Now I can translate this text.

16. When you (to arrive) to Paris?

17. We (not to know) about the disco last night.

18. You (to read) this book before?

19. He (to work) here two months ago?

20. John (to be) to London before?

Exercise 6. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. We just (to come) home but our children (to come) home an hour ago.

2. I already (to come) from school. Now I am having dinner.

3. You (to write) a letter to your friend today?

4. You (to send) him a telegram last week?

5. She never (to drive) a car before.

6. Не (to read) the text and now he can retell it.

7. Jane (not to be) at the cinema this week.

8. Don’t you know who (to open) the door?

9. Five years ago he (to be) a typist.

10. When he (to-see) you? — He (to see) me this week.

11. It’s the best thing he ever (to make).

12. Where I (to put) my beg? I can’t find it.

13. We (to see) her twice today.

14. I am happy. I just (to receive) a telegram from my friend.

16. When they (to move) to a new flat? — They (to move) there last month.

16. Somebody (to telephone) me? — Your mother (to telephone) you three times this morning.

17. They (to live) in France in 1970.

18. When it (to stop) raining? — It (to stop) raining two hours ago.

19. The wind (to stop) blowing and the weather is getting warmer.

20. He (to stop) smoking some years ago.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. It is the first time I (to fly).

2. You ever (to eat) bird’s nest soup?

3. Look! I (to hurt) my arm.

4. He (to work) there for a year.

5. You ever (to try) parachuting? — No, I never (to try) this kind of sport.

6. We (to live) here since 1990.

7. You ever (to be) in the USA? - Yes, I (to go) there last spring.

8. This is the worst meal I ever (to eat).

9. He (to study) English for three years but then he (to stop).

10. We (not to eat) since lunch time.

Exercise 8. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

  1. Tom (didn’t meet/hasn’t met) his sister since he was a child.
  2. Olga (lived/has lived) in England last year.
  3. I (lost/have lost) my key. I can’t find it anywhere.
  4. Look! Somebody (broke/has broken) my pen.
  5. How many plays (did Shakespeare write/has Shakespeare written)?
  6. Do you know about Jane? She (gave up/has given up) smoking.
  7. I’m looking for Mike. (Did you see/Have you seen) him?
  8. Your car looks great. (Did you wash/Have you washed) it?
  9. I don’t know this woman. We (never met/have never met) before.
  10. When (did you write/have you written) this poem?
  11. Chaikovsky (was/has been) a great Russian composer.
  12. Mary isn’t at home. She (went/has gone) shopping.
  13. (Did you see/Have you seen) this film? It’s fantastic!
  14. Oh! I (cut/have cut) my finger. It’s bleeding.
  15. Where (were you/have you been) born?
  16. My parents (got/have got) married in a small village.

17. Agatha Christie (wrote/has written) 68 novels, 17 plays and more than а hundred stories.

18. I’m very hungry! I (didn’t eat/haven’t eaten) anything today.

19. When sending the telegram she (forgot/has forgotten) to write her name.

Exercise 9. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. It (not snow) this week.

2. You (see) the news on television last night?

3. Mike (leave) school in 1999.

4. I don’t know where my brother is. You (see) him?

5. ‘Where is your key?’ ‘I don’t know. I (lose) it.’

6. We (visit) the local museum the other day.

7. Ann is on holiday. She (go) to France.

8. When the last train (leave)?

9. ‘Would you like something to eat?’ ‘No, thanks. I just (have) lunch.’

10. The weather (be) good when you (be) on holiday?

11. We (not see) each other for а long time.

12. It’s the most interesting book I ever (read).

13. He (drink) too much coffee today.

14. What you (do) at the weekend?

15. John is hungry. He (not eat) anything since breakfast.

16. She (not go) to the library three days ago.

17. How long you (know) Bill?

18. Olga always (want) to visit Great Britain.

19. You (hear) from Jack recently?

20. Mark Twain (live) in the state of Missouri.

Exercise 10. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. ‘He ever (be) to London?’ ‘Yes. he _______. Several times.’

2. ‘What’s the news?’ ‘We (win) the tennis competition.’

3. ‘When you (speak) to him?’ ‘We (meet) yesterday.’

4. He (not call) me this month.

5. How long you (be) ill?

6. We (see) an interesting film the other day.

7. I (know) them for 2 years.

8. You (be) happy when you (be) a child?

9. I always (travel) by plane.

10. Where is Tom? You (see) him?

11. It’s the most interesting film I ever (see).

12. The construction (start) in April.

13. She (not call) me since she (arrive) in Moscow.

14. They (not go) to the cinema last week.

15. We (have) too many tests today.

16. What you (do) last Sunday?

17. William Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

18. I (lose) my exercise-book. I can’t find it anywhere.

19. You (go) to the cinema yesterday?

20. You (meet) Ann lately?

Module 8

8 a “Predictions”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Acid rain, cloud, distance, emit, atmosphere, gather, poison, toxic fumes, pollute, industry, harm, harmful, heat, fog, power station, snow, make up, wipe out, lake.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Промышленность, правительство, кислород, естественная среда, отходы производства, сокращать, отравлять, загрязнять, помириться с, истреблять, убивать.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Pollution, breathe, government, harmful.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using Present Perfect Continuous.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I (to do) my homework for half an hour.

2. She (to write) the test for ten minutes.

3. It (to rain) for two hours.

4. They (to wait) for us since seven o’clock.

5. He (to teach) English since 1991.

6. She (to read) a lot lately.

7. How long you (to live) in Kyiv?

8. They (to work) since nine o’clock?

9. What she (to do) here since morning?

10. How many months they (to build) this house?

11. Since when you (to look) for our key?

Exercise 6. Make up the sentences in Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. I/to read/this book/for three days.
  2. We/to play volleyball/ for twenty minutes.
  3. She/to clean/the flat/for more than an hour.
  4. Peter/to swim/for half an hour.
  5. Anna/to speak/on the phone/for an hour now.
  6. You/to wait/for a bus/for ten minutes only.
  7. Nelly and Mary/to do the shopping/since early morning.
  8. It/to snow/since last night.
  9. Jack and his friend/ to ride bikes/for three hours now.
  10. The teacher/to explain/ a grammar rule/since the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Helen … (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes.
  2. My classmates … (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson.
  3. Sam … (to drive) a car for five hours now.
  4. I … (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday.
  5. Molly … (to paint) this picture for three days now.
  6. The tourists … (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock.
  7. You … (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years.
  8. The wind … (to blow) since yesterday.
  9. My grandfather … (to collect) coins since he was a boy.
  10. Andy and Den … (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now.

Exercise 8. Make up negative sentences.

  1. You have been writing a report since morning.
  2. We have been working in the garden for three hours.
  3. I have been typing letters since ten o’clock.
  4. Tom has been running for twenty minutes.
  5. A cat has been sitting in the tree for an hour.
  6. Jane has been studying English for two years.
  7. They have been building this house for more than a year.
  8. My parents have been travelling for a week.
  9. I have been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now.
  10.  They have been walking since afternoon.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

  1. Kevin … (to fish) since early morning.
  2. Kim … (not to pack) her things for so long.
  3. You … (to iron) clothes all day.
  4. Allan … (not to wear) this jacket for three years.
  5. I … (not to walk) a dog since four o’clock.
  6. Monica and Sue …(to paint) the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning.
  7. Mr May … (to read) this article for more than half an hour now.
  8. It … (not to rain) since afternoon.
  9. My neighbours … (to make) a noise since seven o’clock in the morning.
  10. Brad … (to try) to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.

Exercise 10. Make up interrogative sentences.

  1. He has been boating for four hours.
  2. We have been skating since eleven o’clock.
  3. Lucy has been learning this poem for twenty minutes.
  4. You have been writing this article since afternoon.
  5. My parents have been working in the hospital for thirteen years.
  6. The music has been playing for three hours.
  7. We have been speaking since five o’clock.
  8. Beth has been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes.
  9. They have been preparing for the test for two days.
  10. The baby has been crying for half an hour.

8 b “Eco-helpers”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Collect, hammer, rubbish, Can I give you a hand…?, rake, recycle, join, ecology, plant, ladder, spade, watering can, plastic bag, leave, net.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Садовые рукавицы, мусор, лопата, сетка, гвоздь, лестница, оставлять, присоединяться, экология, лопата.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Gardening …, recycle, watering … .

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using tag-questions.

Exercise 5. Add tags to make disjunctive questions.

1.      Tigers are dangerous animals.

2.      They have a wonderful garden.

3.      He bought an expensive TV-set.

4.      You have a terrible toothache.

5.      She has read an interesting book

6.      We gave all possible answers.

7.      I asked a foolish question

8.      It will be a useful exercise.

9.      His speech was boring.

A.      didn't I?

B.      haven't you?

C.      aren't they?

D.     haven't they?

E.      hasn't she?

F.       didn't we?

G.     didn't he?

H.     wasn't it?

I.        won't it?

Exercise 6. Ask tag questions to these sentences.

  1. It’s a fine day, ……..……?
  2. Ann has a new car,………..?
  3. You were in England last year, …………?
  4. He can speak English, ……….…?
  5. You could understand me, …………?
  6. They must do the work, ……….?
  7. You will write to me, …………?
  8. He gives a lesson every day, …………?
  9. You read modern writers, ………..?
  10. They gave her a clock, …………?
  11. You went to the theatre, …………?
  12. I wrote to you, ……….?

Exercise 7. Ask tag questions to these sentences.

  1. He speaks English, ………..…?
  2. Hob must work harder, ………...?
  3. My friend plays football, ………...?
  4. Bob sang a song, …………..?
  5. She doesn’t like coffee, ………..…?
  6. He enjoys reading, ….…….?
  7. You can play the guitar, ………… ?
  8. They travelled a lot last summer, …...…?
  9. Those women are doctors, ………. ?
  10. We can have a party on Sunday, …….. ?
  11. The children are not at home, ……….. ?
  12. Mrs Adams speaks German, …….…. ?
  13. Tom spent his holidays in France, …… ?

Exercise 8. Choose the right ending

1. Ann likes oranges, …?               A) isn’t Ann?          B) does she?  

                                                  C) doesn’t Ann?   D) doesn’t she?

2. Boys can run well, …?               A) can boys?         B) can’t they?

                                                  C) can’t boys?      D) don’t they?


4. Animals don’t fly, …?                A) don’t they?        B) do they?    

                                                   C) do animals?      D) are they?

5. Russian students will visit Britain in April, …?

                                                       A) don’t they?       B) won’t they?

                                                       C) won’t they?      D) do they?

6. Bill  doesn’t like milk, …?            A) isn’t Bill?            B) does he?  

                                                     C) doesn’t Bill?      D) doesn’t he?

7. Girls can sing well, …?               A) can girls?          B) can they?

                                                     C) can’t they?      D) don’t they?

8. Birds swim, …?                            A) don’t they?      B) do they?    

                                                    C) do animals?     D) are they?

9. The British students won’t visit Russia in April, …?

                                                         A) don’t they?      B) will they?

                                                         C) won’t they?     D) do they?

Exercise 9. Finish the questions.

  1. Andrew didn’t write an invitation letter, ……?
  2. Our students like to speak English, ……..?
  3. Girls can dance well, ……….?
  4. Roma isn’t a good pupil,……….?
  5. We won’t have Drama lessons this year, ……….?

6. Yesterday Anna wrote an invitation letter, …………?

7. Our students don’t like to speak English, …………?

8. Boys can run well, ………?

9. Dina is a good pupil,………..?

10.The Russian students won’t have French lessons this year, ………..?

Exercise 10. Finish the questions.

  1. You were playing showballs after the lessons, ___________?
  2. You play snowballs every winter, ___________?
  3. They were doing their homework yesterday after supper, ___________?
  4. You did your homework after school, ___________?
  5. They entered the classroom after the teacher, ___________?
  6. She was writing a letter when you phoned, ___________?
  7. Bob was playing the piano when we came, ___________?

Exercise 11. Finish the questions.

  1. There was something you wanted, ___________?
  2. There was nobody in the room, ___________?
  3. He has never been to Asia, ___________?
  4. You have had the computer for two years, ___________?
  5. They had a good time there, ___________?
  6. I am a great singer, ___________?
  7. They went to Alaska ten years ago, ___________?
  8. They want to go to Siberia, ___________?
  9. This is the Mississippi River, ___________?
  10. These are your photos, ___________?

Exercise 12. Finish the questions.

  1. I'm older than she, ___________?
  2. He has a sister, ___________?
  3. Sally can't speak Chinese, ___________?
  4. Let me call you, ___________?
  5. Tell us about yourself, ___________?
  6. That was an unusual stone, ___________?
  7. She hates onion, ___________?
  8. Dan arrived two hours ago, ___________?
  9. There weren't many students in the hall, ___________?
  10. The Greens have been invited too, ___________?
  11. Don't leave without me, ___________?
  12. Let's watch this film, ___________?
  13. Nothing special happened that day, ___________?
  14. Our parents are leaving for Grodno tomorrow, ___________?
  15. He will pick you up at 4 o'clock, ___________?
  16. This is not her car, ___________?
  17. I'm not dressed as smartly as she is, ___________?
  18. Everyone was shocked by his behaviour, ___________?
  19. Emilie has a shower four times a week, ___________?
  20. She used to fight with her brother, ___________?

Exercise 13. Choose the right variant.

1. Cats drink milk, …?                     A) drink they?       B) don’t they?  

                                                    C) aren’t cats?     D) doesn’t they?

2. Our teacher can speak German, …?              

                                                         A) can’t she?        B) can she?

                                                         C) do she?            D) don’t she?

4. People don’t fly, …?                  A) don’t they?      B) do they?    

                                                       C) do people?      D) are they?

5. The British students will not visit Russia in April, …?

                                                         A) don’t they?      B) won’t they?

                                                         C) won’t they?     D) will they?

6. Misha takes good photos, …?    A) does he?          B) don’t he?  

                                                       C) isn’t he?            D) doesn’t he?

7. Our local football team can play well, …?              

                                                         A) can’t she?        B) can’t it?

                                                         C) do they?           D) don’t she?

8. We are in the 5th form, …?        A) are we?            B) aren’t we?

                                                       C) do we?             D) don’t we?

9. Boys don’t like Art lessons, …?  A) don’t they?      B) do boys?    

                                                         C) do they?           D) are they?

10. Next summer the children will go to the country, …?

                                                         A) don’t they?       B) won’t they?

                                                         C) won’t the children?     D) will not they?

Module 9

9 a “Predictions”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Biscuit, cola, grilled, hamburger, lamb chop, chocolate, beverages, cup, cereal, salad, pepper, packet, olive oil, tuna, take away, take back, spices, sweets, tin, white sugar, pizza, peas, pasta, snack, vegetables, fruit, can, box, bottle, bar,

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Йогурт, тост, помидор, сладости, мед, мороженое, шоколад, кола, крем, консервная банка, картонная коробка, бутылка, сливочное масло, бутерброд, домашняя птица горох, оливковое масло.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Family-sized, grilled, hamburger.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: some, any, no, much, many or a lot of

1. How _________ money have you got?

2. How _________ bottles of juice have you got?

3. There´s not _________ butter in the fridge. We need to buy _________ .

4. I don´t think we´ve got _________ milk left.

5. We need _________ cheese if we want to make a sandwich.

6. Do you want _________ groceries from the shop?

7. My mother doesn´t want _________ kitchen appliances for her birthday.

8. There weren´t _________ people at the concert.

9. There were _________ people at the cinema yesterday.

10. I must go now. I´ve got _________ work to do.

11. I´ve heard _________ interesting news this morning.

12. They don´t want _________ help moving to their new house.

13. Are there _________ problems with your work?

14. There aren´t _________ people in this village.

15. There´s not so _________ work to do this week.

16. There were too _________ people at the concert - we couldn´t see the band.

17. It´s a problem when there are so _________ people.

18. That's _________ reason to rude all the time.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with: little, a little, few or a few.

1. Look at the sky, there is _________ hope for bright and sunny weather tomorrow.

2. Is there? The weather forecast says there is still _________ hope.

3. _________ people attended the meeting. I counted only four.

4. _________ people asked me how to felt. That was nice.

5. I´m glad so many people have passed the test. In fact, there were _________ who haven´t.

6. “I will succeed, with _________ help from my friends”, she said.

7. She's gone already? And I am only _________ minutes late!

Exercise 6.  Choose the correct quantifier.

1. We are going to be late. There is too _________________ (much/many) traffic.

2. He has _________________(a few/ a little) ideas about how to earn money online.

3. I want to save _________________(some/several) money for the future.

4. There are _________________(much/many) students in this school.

5. You should drink _________________(a couple of/ a great deal of) water during the day.

6. He has _________________ (little/few) friends he can count on.

7. They told me there were _________________( a few/ a little) tickets lefts.

8. There were _________________(several/much) people interested in the car.

Exercise 7.  Fill in the blank spaces with some, any, no.

  1. Can you see __________ cars in front of the restaurant? No, __________ cars.
  2. Have you got __________ cold juice in the fridge? Yes, I have got __________.
  3. We’d like __________ crisps. Are there __________?
  4. I’m sorry. There are __________ crisps today.
  5. I’d like __________ chocolate but there isn’t __________.
  6. We’d like __________ bread but there is __________ butter.
  7. We’d like hamburgers. Are there __________?
  8. Is there much cheese on the plate? No, there isn’t __________ cheese.
  9. Have you got __________ CDs? No, I haven’t __________ but I’ve got __________ DVDs.
  10. Have you got __________ money?No, I’ve got __________ money.
  11. There are __________ good films on TV tonight. Shall we listen to the radio?
  12. Have you got ________children? No, they haven’t got ________ but they’ve got _______ nephews.

Exercise 8.  Say if the following sentences are grammatically correct. If they are not, correct them.

  1. We don’t have many food in the house.
  2. I can’t give you many information about the company.
  3. I need much apples for the pie.
  4. How many people are there in your office?
  5. There is much wine in the
  6. She doesn’t have many luggage.
  7. My son earns much money now.
  8. They saw many snow in the mountains.
  9. I have tried diving many times in my life.
  10. John will have much exams next year.

Exercise 9. Use “much” or “many”:

  1. How … days?
  2. How … sugar?
  3. How … cigarettes?
  4. How … work?
  5. How … petrol?
  6. How … children?
  7. How … theatres?
  8. How … juice?

Exercise 10. Rewrite the questions changing some for «a little» or «a few».

  1. Would you like some cheese?
  2. Would you like some mineral water?
  3. Would you like some strawberries?
  4. Can I offer you some black coffee?
  5. Can I offer you some bread?
  6. Shall I bring you some biscuits?
  7. Shall I bring you some plums?
  8. Would you like some meat?

Exercise 11.  Choose the appropriate word from brackets.

  1. There is too … (much/many/a few) salt in the soup.
  2. There are … (much/a little/a few) sky-scrapers in our city.
  3. I’ve got … (much/a few/a little) albums of this singer.
  4. My job allows me to travel … (much/many/a few).
  5. We’ve got … (little/many/few) free time.
  6. I have never seen so … (much/little/many) stars in the sky.
  7. Anna spent … (much/a few/a little) days in Rome.
  8. I’d like just … (much/a few/a little) tea.
  9. There was very … (little/few/many) rain last autumn.
  10. Very … (few/little/much) Russian tourists are staying at our hotel.

9 b “Can I help you?”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Crayon, optician’s, camera, basketball, electronics, cashier, ring, security guard, stationery shop, toy shop, swimsuit, first aid kit, cleaner, diary, manager, socks.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Магазин одежды, свитер с капюшоном, кассир, аптека, магазин спортивных товаров, продавец, фотоаппарат, солнцезащитный крем, звонок, купальный костюм, магазин игрушек, аптечка первой помощи, магазин электроники и бытовой техники.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Basketball, cleaner, manager, phonecard, sunscreen, swimming … , swimsuit.

Exercise 4. Recollect the rule of using Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs either in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. She (to be) ill since last week.

2. He (to know) me since childhood.

3. I (to try) to understand you for half an hour.

4. He (to be) in Kyiv for three years, -

5. She (to look) for her key since she came home.

6. They (to be) here since two o’clock.

7. My sister (to sleep) for ten hours.

8. We (to be) married since 1977.

9. How long Mary and Ann (to know) each other?

10. We (not to see) them for three months.

11. His car is very old. He (to have) it for many years.

12. It (to snow) for four hours.

Exercise 6. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous? Choose the correct verb form.

1. John is reading a book now. He has (read/been reading) it for two hours. He has (read/been reading) 53 pages so far.

2. Ann’s clothes are covered in paint. She has (painted/ been painting) the ceiling. She has not finished it yet.

3. Jane is still doing her homework. She has (done/been doing) it all day long.

4. Have you ever (played/been playing) tennis?

5. Look! Somebody has (broken/been breaking) that window!

6. ‘Sorry I’m late.’ ‘That’s all right. I have not (waited/ been waiting) long.’

7. ‘Is it still raining?’ ‘No, it has (stopped/been stopping) raining.’

8. I have (lost/been losing) my address book. Have you (seen/been seeing) it anywhere?

9. My hands are very dirty. I have (repaired/been repairing) the car for two hours.

10. Mary has (written/been writing) ten letters today.

11. Have you (seen/been seeing) my bag anywhere? I have (looked/been looking) for it for ages.

12. How long have you (written/been writing) this composition?

13. They have (played/been playing) chess since 2 o’clock.

14. I have (known/been knowing) about it for a long time.

15. John has always (lived/been living) in London.

16. I haven’t (seen/been seeing) Tom since Monday.

17. Where have you been? Have you (played/been playing) football?

18. You have (driven/been driving) all day. Let me drive now.

19. Where is Tom? I haven’t (seen/been seeing) him today.

20. The British have (drunk/been drinking) tea since 1650.

Exercise 7. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous? Choose the correct verb form.

1. I have (broken/been breaking) your pen. I am very sorry.

2. ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘I have (read/been reading) in my room for hours, and I have got a headache.’

3. I am very tired! I have (worked/been working) all day, but I have not (finished/been finishing) yet.

4. I have (smoked/been smoking) since I was sixteen.

5. I have (smoked/been smoking) too many cigarettes today.

6. ‘Why are you out of breath?’ ‘I have (run/been running).’

7. I have (lost/been losing) my note-book. Have you (seen/been seeing) it anywhere?

8. Someone has (eaten/been eating) my sweets. They are nearly all gone.

9. I have (waited/been waiting) for you for ages! Where have you been?

10. How many exercises have you (done/been doing) today?

11. This is the best book I have ever (read/been reading).

12. How long have you (known/been knowing) Jane?

13. How long have you (learnt/been learning) to drive?

14. I don’t know what Tom and Jack are doing. They have (argued/been arguing) all day.

15. You are so dirty! What have you (done/been doing)?

16. I have (painted/been painting) the living room for a week. It’ll be finished soon.

17. I have (painted/been painting) the living room. I finished it last night.

18. ‘Why is your hair wet?’ ‘I have (swum/been swimming).’

19. I have (shopped/been shopping) all morning, but I have not (bought/been buying) anything.

20. The streets are all wet. It has (rained/been raining) all day long.

Exercise 8. Choose the right tense form.

  1. Nina has been learning/has learned English for 2 years.
  2. The birds have already flown/have been flying to the South.
  3. They have known /have been knowing him for many years.
  4. Mike has forgotten/has been forgetting to learn the poem.
  5. The children have been watching/have watched cartoons for 2 hours.
  6. The train has just come/has been coming.
  7. We haven’t been having/ haven’t had a holiday for 5 years.
  8. She has been teaching/has taught at this school for twenty years.
  9. David has been painting/has painted in his studio since 10 o’clock.
  10. Mary and Sam have collected/ have been collecting stamps for 3 years.
  11. Their parents have been/have being friends since their childhood.
  12. Dave has been/ has been being a student for 2 years.

Exercise 9. Make sentences using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

Model: She/clean/the flat for four hours. – She has been cleaning the flat for four hours.

  1. I / read/Tolstoy stories/ in the park for two hours.
  2. I /read/three stories.
  3. Granny/knit/in the living room/ since morning.
  4. Helen/travel/round Europe/for 3 weeks.
  5. She/visit/already/3 countries.

Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. I (not to see) him for ages.
  2. He (to do) his lessons since lunch.
  3. I (not to hear) about him for a long time.
  4. I (to drive) since I was 17.
  5. Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn't know how to park.
  6. I think he (make) a lot of improvement.
  7. Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.
  8. She (worry) about this for two months.
  9. She (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day.
  10. She (not/take) another test yet.
  11. I (to have) a headache since I got up.
  12. He is my friend, I (to know) him for a long time.
  13. Ivan has a stomachache. He (to eat) junk food all day.
  14. I (never to hear) that song before.

Exercise 11. Correct mistakes where necessary.

  1. They are discussing the problem for hours, but has not solved it yet.
  2. Somebody has been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.
  3. Is it still raining? No, it have stopped.
  4. John has been winning the championship two times.
  5. The boys have fished for 3 hours.
  6. How many books have you written?
  7. Mike has invited many friends to his birthday party.
  8. He has been hating oranges since his childhood.
  9. They have been taken the dog for a walk.
  10. Irene has left for the airport.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Моя жена рисует уже 5 лет, но ещё не продала ни одной картины.
  2. Я рад, что мы закончили эту работу.
  3. Мои руки грязные. Я работала в саду.
  4. Ник съел все конфеты.
  5. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы?

Module 10

10 a “Stress free”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Co-operate, lose, mute, daily, harmless, argue, valuable, fall apart, Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, rumour, unfair, gossip, snob, sit around, opinion.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Жадный, переезжать, ценный, сдавать экзамены, распускать слухи, устраивать вечеринку, товарищ, сотрудничать, позволять, стрессовый, болезненный, головная боль, несправедливый, мнение, ломаться.

Exercise 3. Explain the process of word-building in the following words and translate them:

Co-operate, daily, disagree, harmless, headache, hurtful, stressful, unfair, valuable, weekly … .

Exercise 4. Should or shouldn’t?

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. It’s midnight. We … go home.
  4. Your little daughter … spend so much money on toys.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The service is awful here. We … complain to the manager.
  7. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  8. The parcel is fragile. You … throw it.

Exercise 5. Match the columns.

  1. He is 10 years younger than Sara.          A. You should go and wash it.
  2. My plants are dying.                              B.  She shouldn’t marry him.
  3. I have put on 5 kilos lately.                    C. You should connect the charger.
  4. Your hair looks greasy.                          D. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets.
  5. My telephone battery is getting low.       E. You should water them regularly.

Exercise 6. Should or shouldn’t?

1.You should / shouldn’t go to bed late.

2. You should / shouldn’t eat healthy food.

3. You should / shouldn’t train every day.

4. You should / shouldn’t wear good sneakers.

5. You should / shouldn’t eat a big meal before you train.

6. You should / shouldn’t wear jewelry when you are playing sport.

Exercise 7. Write questions and short answers. Use should or shouldn’t.

1. She wants to be a doctor. _______ she study medicine? - Yes, _____________.

2. I hurt my ankle. _______ I play tennis? - No, _____________!

3. She’s tired. _______ she go to bed? - Yes, _____________.

4. He has a headache. ______ he listen to loud music? - No, _____________!

5. We want to travel from Poland to Russia. ______ we go by plane? - Yes, _____!

6. It’s 11. p.m., and they have a long drive home. ______ they go home now? - Yes, ______!

7. He has a big test Tomorrow. ______ he watch TV all night? - No, ____!

Exercise 8. Choose the right variant.

1. A: I’m hungry.
B: You 
should / shouldn’t have a sandwich.

2. A: I’m tired.
B: You 
should / shouldn’t watch late night movies.

3. A: I’m very thin.
B: You 
should / shouldn’t go on a diet.

4. A: I’m hot.
B: You 
should / shouldn’t wear a T-shirt.

5. A: I can’t do my homework.
B: You 
should / shouldn’t ask your teacher for help.

6. A: I can’t hit the ball when I play tennis.
B: You 
should / shouldn’t watch the ball carefully.

Exercise 9. Write questions and short answers. Use should or shouldn’t.

1. He wants to learn the piano. _________ he take lessons? - Yes, _____.

2. I want to go traveling. ______ I save my money? - Yes, ____.

3. She can’t do her homework. _________ she give up? - No, ______.

4. I don’t like my clothes. _____ I buy some new clothes? - Yes, _____.

5. They don’t like coffee. _____ they drink it? - No, _____.

6. I have a math exam on Friday. ______ I study? - Yes, ______.

7. I have a terrible headache. _______ I lie down? - Yes, _____.

Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps. Use should or shouldn’t.

Max: You (1) ________________ eat junk food. It’s bad for you. You (2) _______ eat more vegetables.
Ana: (3) ________________ I eat more fruit?
Max: Yes, you (4) _____________, and you (5) ____________ do more exercise.
Ana: (6) ________________ I stop when I’m tired?
Max: No, you (7) ________________. Exercise is hard work.

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps. Use should or shouldn’t.

Eduard: I’m going to go for a run.
Lena: You (1) ______ warm up first. You (2) _________ start your run before you do your warm-up exercises.
Eduard: (3) ________________ I stretch my legs?
Lena: Yes, you (4) ___________. You (5) ____________ stretch your arms, too.
Eduard: (6) ________________ I have lunch before I start?
Lena: No, you (7) ________________. It’s a bad idea to exercise after a meal.

10 b “Accident-prone”

Exercise 1. Translate the following English words into Russian.

Cut one’s finger, ambulance, hurt one’s back. Are you all right?, hurt, bang one’s head, ankle, chip one’s tooth, sprain one’s wrist, twist one’s ankle.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English words into English.

Что случилось?, скорая помощь, сломать ногу, порезать палец, сломать зуб, обернуть, Что случилось?, Что-то не так?

Exercise 3. Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. What will you do with______ this morning?

2. They were whispering among ______.

3. We should seldom speak of ______.

4. I drive the car ______.

5. Did you see the manager ______?

6. I often walk by ______.

7. His grandmother lives by ______.

8. The house______ is not worth much.

9. He has the habit of talking to ______.

10. He cut ______.

11. She told me the news ______.

12. The machine works by ______.

13. He______ told me that story.

14. They are making fools of ______.

15. She stretched______ out on the sofa.

16. She is interested only in ______.

17. She lives by ______.

18. Help______ to coffee.

19. Make______ at home!

20. He______ conducted the interview.

Exercise 4. Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. The girl decorated the room ______.

2. The winner looked very proud of ______.

3. She brought up her children by ______.

4. The cat is washing ______.

5. The children enjoyed______ when they visited Disneyland.

6. She was afraid of spiders, so she didn’t go into the room by ______.

7. She decided to do all the cooking ______.

8. He was asked to behave______ at school.

9. He shouted loudly to make______ understood.

10. Cats are very clean animals: they are always washing ______.

11. Doctors advised us that we have to exercise ______regularly in order to keep healthy.

12. In ______your problem is nothing to worry about.

13. She loves looking at______ in the mirror.

14. If you don’t behave ______, I shall put you all to bed early.

15. The music was so loud that I had to shout to make ______heard.

16. The teacher tried to make______ understood but she failed to get the class to understand.

17. We painted the room ______.

18. She was very pleased with ______when she got such a good job.

19. I think I’d go back to France. We really enjoyed______ there.

20. I don’t feel______ today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Exercise 5. Use the necessary reflexive pronoun.

1. Can you translate these sentences ... ?

2. Don’t help him, he can wash his hands ... .

3. Wash ... ! You are so dirty.

4. Yesterday mother bought a new dress for ... .

5. The children gathered all those berries ... .

6. We can’t give you these things, we need them ... .

7. Ann looked at ... in the mirror.

8. The child hid ... behind the door.

9. She fell down and hurt ... .

10. We all enjoyed ... at the party.

11. Did you enjoy ... in the park, children?

12. We clean our room ... .

13. When mother is busy, I cook dinner ... .

14. Be careful, you will fall and hurt ... .

15. What a nice skirt! Kate made it ... .

16. Look! The kitten is playing with ... . It looks so funny.

17. He bought a ticket to the theatre ... .

18. She will do the work ... .

19. And then they left me to ... .

20. Did you study the English language ... ?

Exercise 6. Use the necessary reflexive pronoun.

1. She can look after ... .

2. Let him speak for ... .

3. She told ... that she would never come there again.

4. He’s old enough to dress ... .

5. She lives by ... .

6. I can ask him ... .

7. They always eat by ... .

8. Peter will speak to her ... .

9. She gave ... a holiday in Venice.

10. Just say to ... that it was bad luck.

11. He was so old and sick he couldn’t dress ... .

12. I often ask ... why I’m living here.

13. Dear guests, make ... comfortable.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

  1. Can you do many things _________?
  2. Does your friend Nick often talk to you about _________?
  3. Did your mother buy anything for _________ last week?
  4. Are you always sure of _________?
  5. Can a little child take care of _________?
  6. Do you believe in _________?
  7. Did the pupils answer all the questions _________?
  8. Did you make the dress ______________ .

Exercise 8. There are mistakes in the use of reflexive pronouns in some of these sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them.

  1. My sister taught himself to swim.
  2. Anna repaired the chair herself.
  3. The children are making themselves something to eat.
  4. I hurt me when I fell down the stairs.
  5. We're meeting ourselves at 8.00 this evening.
  6. We're enjoying ourselves very much.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

  1. Look at_____________! Your face is dirty
  2. How long have Tom and Ann known ______________?
  3. At Christmas friends often give ___________ presents.
  4. I enjoyed ___________ very much at the party.
  5. Jack and Jill are very happy together. They love ___________ very much.
  6. She has no reason to blame ___________
  7. I think this poor dog has hurt ___________

Используемая литература

  1. Барановская Т.В. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: Учеб. пособие. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное. – Язык англ., русский. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 2018. – 384 с. (Серия «Вас ждет успех»).
  2. И.М.Гиндлина. Вся грамматика английского языка с упражнениями. – М.: «Родин и компания», ООО «Фирма «Издательство АСТ», 1999. – 512 с.
  3. https://s-english.ru/uprazhneniya/u-should
  4. http://grammar-tei.com/should-i-ought-to-uprazhneniya-s-otvetami/
  5. https://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2019/01/19/past-simple
  6. https://infourok.ru/proverochnaya-rabota-na-temu-konstrukciya-used-to-klass-2151916.html
  7. http://svetlanady.ru/index.php/uchenikam/exercises/7-klass
  8. https://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2017/04/07/relative-pronouns
  9. http://grammar-tei.com/poryadok-prilagatelnyx-v-anglijskom-predlozhenii/
  10. https://engfairy.com/the-past-continuous-tense-uprazhneniya/
  11. http://grammar-tei.com/uprazhneniya-na-otrabotku-future-simple-indefinite/
  12. https://infoeng.ru/exercises/future-simple-exercises/
  13. https://infourok.ru/trenazhyor-po-teme-uslovnye-predlozheniya-0-i-1-tipa-v-anglijskom-yazyke-7-klass-4038353.html
  14. https://engfairy.com/the-present-perfect-continuous-tense-uprazhneniya/
  15. https://infourok.ru/material.html?mid=68103
  16. http://grammar-tei.com/tail-questions-exercises-uprazhneniya-na-razdelitelnye-voprosy/
  17. https://infourok.ru/uprazhneniya-po-angliyskomu-yaziku-1115220.html
  18. https://s-english.ru/uprazhneniya/much-many-little-few
  19. http://grammar-tei.com/uprazhneniya-na-vremena-present-perfect-i-present-perfect-continuous/
  20. https://s-english.ru/uprazhneniya/u-should
  21. http://grammar-tei.com/vozvratnye-mestoimeniya-v-anglijskom-yazyke-uprazhneniya/

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