УМК Spotlight

Григорьева Ольга Сергеевна

На странице предложены дополнительные материалы для учителей, работающих по УМК Spotlight: карточки, тесты, подборки упражнений по модулям, тематическое планирование.



Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight – 2. Test 1                    

Задание 1. Перепиши слова в алфавитном порядке.

House, chair, bed, window, lamp, table, radio, rabbit, yacht, yes.



Задание 2. Прочитай слова. Распредели их в 2 столбика в зависимости от правила чтения выделенных букв и буквосочетаний.

Tree, see, egg, cheese, bedroom, red, Pete, he, green, nest, please, elephant.

[ iː ]

[ e ]






Задание 3. Соедини стрелками звук и буквосочетание в словах.


[ k ]


[ ŋ ]


[ tʃ ]

living room

[ f ]


[ ʃ ]


[ θ ]


[ ð ]

Задание 4. Обведи лишнее слово в каждой строчке.

  1. Table, chair, dog, bed
  2. Black, radio, yellow, brown
  3. Kitchen, bathroom, garden, living room
  4. Grandma, sister, daddy, queen

Задание 5. Подбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Соедини стрелками.

  1. What’s this?
  1. Fine, thanks!
  1. Where’s mummy?
  1. Yes, it is.
  1. What’s your name?
  1. I’m Larry.
  1. How are you?

  1. She’s in the kitchen.
  1. Is it a yellow book?
  1. It’s a box.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 2

Variant 1

1. Read and match.

  1. [ˈsænwɪʤɪz]
  1. bananas
  1. [ˈʧɒkəlɪt]
  1. pizza
  1. [bəˈnɑːnəz]
  1. chocolate
  1. [ˈbɜːgəz]
  1. burgers
  1. [ˈpiːtsə]
  1. sandwiches

2. Read and match.

  1. orange juice
  1. шоколад
  1. favourite
  1. печенье
  1. chocolate
  1. молоко
  1. apples
  1. любимый
  1. biscuit
  1. яблоки
  1. chocolate cake
  1. еда
  1. milk
  1. апельсиновый сок
  1. food
  1. шоколадный торт

3. Write the plurals as in the example:

one orange (4) – four oranges

  1. one cake


  1. one candle


  1. one apple


  1. one banana


  1. one birthday


  1. one burger


  1. one egg


  1. one house


4. Look, read and write as in the example.





















I don’t like burgers.

I like burgers.

5. Read and complete the table.

I like apples and bananas. I like apple juice but I don’t like orange juice. I like milk and chocolate. My favourite food is chocolate cake, yummy! I don’t like burgers and sandwiches. I don’t like pizza.http://www.clipartlab.com/clipart_preview/art_zoom2/bbfitness1.png



chocolate cake

apple juice





orange juice


Test 2

Variant 2

1. Read and match.

  1. [ˈbɜːgəz]
  1. sandwiches
  1. [ˈpiːtsə]
  1. chocolate
  1. [bəˈnɑːnəz]
  1. burgers
  1. [ˈʧɒkəlɪt]
  1. pizza
  1. [ˈsænwɪʤɪz]
  1. bananas

2. Read and match.

  1. food
  1. яблоки
  1. milk
  1. шоколадный торт
  1. biscuit
  1. еда
  1. favourite
  1. апельсиновый сок
  1. orange juice
  1. молоко
  1. apples
  1. шоколад
  1. chocolate cake
  1. печенье
  1. chocolate
  1. любимый

3. Write the plurals as in the example:

one orange (4) – four oranges

  1. one house


  1. one candle


  1. one burger


  1. one cake


  1. one birthday


  1. one egg


  1. one banana


  1. one apple


4. Look, read and write as in the example.





















I like burgers.

I don’t like burgers.

5. Read and complete the table.

I like bananas and apples. I like orange juice but I don’t like apple juice. I don’t like milk, chocolate and chocolate cakes. My favourite food is pizza, yummy! I don’t like burgers and sandwiches. http://www.clipartlab.com/clipart_preview/art_zoom2/bbfitness1.png



chocolate cake

apple juice





orange juice


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-2. Test 3

Task 1. Расшифруй слова и запиши их в тетрадь.

1) c a g i m i n a

2) y l f

3) n o l c w

4) y n f u n

5) r u c i s c

6) w i s g n

Task 2. Ответь на вопросы. Запиши ответы в тетрадь.

  1. Can you swim?
  2. Can you sing?
  3. Can you dance like a ballerina?
  4. Can you speak English?
  5. Can you climb like a panda?

Task 3. Напиши 3 предложения о том, что умеет делать Алекс и 3 предложения о том, что не умеет делать Мэри.



Jump like a frog









swing like a chimp



climb a tree



fly like a bird



swim like a fish



Task 4. Напиши, что НЕ умеют делать животные.

  1.  A fish ____________________________ .
  2. A horse ___________________________ .
  3. A bird _____________________________ .
  4. A dog _____________________________ .
  5. A mouse ___________________________ .

Task 5. Выбери и запиши предложение с правильным вариантом.

  1. She can dance like a frog/a ballerina.
  2. He can climb like a fish/a monkey.
  3. Lulu   can jump like a bird/a frog.
  4. Larry can swim like a horse//a fish.
  5. Nanny Shine can sing like a bird/a rabbit.
  6. He can swing like a monkey/an elephant.

Task 6. Тебе сообщают удивительные факты о животных. Переспроси как в образце.

Образец: A fish can fly. – Can a fish fly?

  1. A dog can climb a tree. - _____________________?
  2. A parrot can speak. - _______________________?
  3. A horse can swim. - ________________________ ?
  4. A kangaroo can swing. - _____________________?

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-2. Test 4.

Task 1. Расшифруй слова и найди значение. Запиши слова правильно.

1.blalrinae ______

2.tdeyd brea ______

3. shfel _______

4. tyo sldireo ________

5. odll _______

6. tyo xbo _______

7.  pnki ______

а) кукла

б) коробка для игрушек

в) балерина

г) игрушечный солдатик

д) розовый

е) плюшевый мишка

ж) полка

Task 2. Найди правильный перевод. Запиши соответствующую букву рядом с английским предложением.

  1. The ballerina is on the shelf. ______
  2. The ballerina is under the shelf.______
  3. The teddy bear is on the bed. _______
  4. The teddy bear is under the bed. ______
  5. The toy soldier is in the toy box. _______
  6. The toy soldier is on the toy box. _______

  1. Солдатик в коробке с игрушками.
  2. Плюшевый мишка под кроватью.
  3. Балерина на полке.
  4. Солдатик на коробке с игрушками.
  5. Балерина под полкой.
  6. Плюшевый мишка на кровати.

Task 3. Пользуясь подсказками, ответь на вопросы.

Образец: Is the teddy bear under the bed? (-) – No, it isn’t.

                  Is the teddy bear on the bed? (+) – Yes, it is.

  1. Is the toy soldier in the toy box? (+)
  2. Is the rabbit under the table? (-)
  3. Is the ballerina on the shelf? (+)
  4. Is the doll on the chair? (+)
  5. Is the horse under the bed? (-)

Task 4. Переведи, используя слова: big, small, green, fair, dark, clever, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair. Запиши получившиеся словосочетания.

  1. Умные глаза
  2. Светлые волосы
  3. Маленький нос
  4. Большие уши
  5. Маленький рот
  6. Зелёные глаза
  7. Тёмные волосы

Task 5. Cкажи, что это не так.

Образец: I’ve got six sisters. – I haven’t got six sisters.

                  She’s got a brother. – She hasn’t got a brother.

  1. I’ve got ten little puppets.
  2. She’s got blue eyes.
  3. Nanny Shine’s got dark hair.
  4. I’ve got a nice tree house.
  5. He’s got fair hair.

Следующие задания – дополнительные. Могут быть использованы учителем на тесте или отдельно, для формирования навыков чтения и письма.        


Task 6. Прочти текст и письменно ответь на вопросы.

       Larry and Lulu have got a lot of different toys: big and small and of all colours. Larry has got a toy soldier, a ball and a jack-in-the-box. Lulu has got a puppet, a ballerina and a doll.

       Larry’s favourite toy is a toy soldier. It has got dark hair and brown eyes. Where’s the toy soldier? It’s on the shelf.

       Lulu’s favourite toy is a ballerina. It has got blue eyes, fair hair, a small nose, small ears and a pink mouth. It’s very pretty. Where’s ballerina? It’s in the toy box.


  1. What toys has Larry got? ________________________________________________
  2. What’s his favourite toy?________________________________________________
  3. What toys has Lulu got? _________________________________________________
  4. What’s her favourite toy? ________________________________________________
  5. Where’s the toy soldier? _________________________________________________
  6. Where’s the ballerina? ___________________________________________________


Task 7. Представь, что ты получил письмо от Ларри. Прочитай его и напиши ответ. Не забудь ответить на его вопросы и рассказать о себе. Используй письмо Ларри в качестве образца.

Dear _______________,

My name is Larry. I'm nine. I've got dark hair and brown eyes. I can run and swim well but I can't speak Russian. My favourite food is ice cream. My favourite toy is a toy soldier. I've got a sister, Lulu. She is five. She's got red hair and green eyes.

What can you do? What's your favourite food? What's your favourite toy? Have you got a brother or a sister?



Твой ответ:

______________________ ,

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-3. Test 3.


Spotlight-3. Test 3.


1. Write the words.

  1. olemaden
  2. klim
  3. zipaz
  4. isitsbuc
  5. saguseas

3. Read and choose.

  1. I like/likes milk.
  2. My little brother don’t/doesn’t like soup.
  3. We don’t/doesn’t like vegetables.
  4. Do/Does you like ice cream?
  5. Do/Does your cat like fish?

2. Answer the questions.

  1. Does he like biscuits? – Yes, … … .
  2. Does it like bananas? – Yes, … … .
  3. Do they like pasta? –No, … … .
  4. Do you like potatoes? – No, … … .
  5. Does she like pizza? – Yes, … … .

4. Fill in ANY or SOME.

  1. Have they got … apple juice?
  2. I have got … biscuits.
  3. We haven’t got … Coke.
  4. Can I have … water, please?
  5. He’s got … chicken.

1. Write the words.

  1. wetar
  2. cocohalte
  3. rberug
  4. totesapo
  5. cire

3. Read and choose.

  1. They doesn’t/don’t like orange juice.
  2. My cat like/likes meat.
  3. Do/Does she like eggs?
  4. I like/likes sandwiches.
  5. Do/Does you like fruit?

2. Answer the questions.

  1. Do they like popcorn? – Yes, … … .
  2. Do you like cakes? – Yes, … … .
  3. Does she like meat? –No, … … .
  4. Does it like milk? – No, … … .
  5. Does he like carrots? – Yes, … … .

4. Fill in ANY or SOME.

  1. She’s got … sausages.
  2. Can I have … water, please?
  3. They’ve got … cheese.
  4. Have you got … potatoes?
  5. I haven’t got … chocolate.

5. Read and complete the shopping list for Amy.

6. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

Картинки по запросу ice cream cafe clipart

In an Ice cream Café

A: Hello! Can I 1) … you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like an ice cream.

A: What 2) …? We have 3) …, fruit and chocolate.

B: Vanilla, please.

A: Here 4) … are. It’s 50 rubles.

B: 5) … you. Bye.

A: Goodbye.

5. Read and complete the shopping list for Sue.

6. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

Картинки по запросу ice cream cafe clipart

In an Ice cream Café

A: 1) …! Can I help you?

B: Yes, 2) …. I’d like an ice cream.

A: What flavour? We have vanilla, fruit and 3) ….

B: Chocolate, please.

A: 4) … you are. It’s 50 rubles.

B: Thank you. 5) ….

A: Goodbye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-3. Test 4.


1. Complete the words.

1) m _ si _ al bo _

2) t _ a s _ t

3) a _ r _ pl _ ne

4) b _ ll

5) b _ d

2. Read ad complete: A or AN.

1) _ train

2) _ animal

3) _ lamp

4) _ elephant

5) _ desk

3. Look, read and complete: This, That, These, Those.

1. _______________ are my dolls.

2. _______________ is my radio.

3. _______________ is my lamp.

4. _______________ are my chairs.

4. Read and choose.

1) Whose is this?

a) Donna’s.

b) Donna.

2) What’s this?

a) It’s a rocking horse.

b) They are rocking horses.

3) Whose is this radio?

a) It’s Danny.

b) It’s Danny’s.

4) What are these?

a) A train.

b) Trains.

5. Put the words in the correct order.

1) my / is / This / bedroom.

2) are / Whose / these / pencils?

3) Look / yellow / my / at / train!

4) is / Kate’s / That / radio.

5) very / It / funny / is.

6. Complete the text.

This 1) ___ my room. This is my 2) ___ and 3) ___ is my radio. Look 4) ___ my new bed. It’s 5) ___.

1) a) has

b) are

c) is

2) a) yellow

b) his

c) computer

3) a) that

b) those

c) these

4) a) in

b) the

c) at

5) a) brown

b) chair

c) this

Spotlight-3. Test 4.


1. Complete the words.

1) ro _ _ ing h _ rse

2) arm  _ h _ ir

3) _ le _ _ ant

4) d _ ll

5) c _ mputer

2. Read ad complete: A or AN.

1) _ radio

2) _ chair

3) _ umbrella

4) _ apple

5) _ table

3. Look, read and complete: This, That, These, Those.

1. _______________ is my desk.

2. _______________ are my balls.

3. _______________ is my armchair.

4. _______________ is my TV.

4. Read and choose.

1) What’s this?

a) It’s a rubber.

b) These are rubbers.

2) Whose is this?

a) Ken’s.

b) Ken.

3) Whose is this car?

a) It’s Bob.

b) It’s Bob’s.

4) What are these?

a) A ball.

b) Balls.

5. Put the words in the correct order.

1) very /is /It / nice.

2) chairs? / Whose / these / are.

3) desk. / This / my / is

4) funny / at / elephant / Look / my!

5) are / Those / toys / Mark’s.

6. Complete the text.

Look 1) ___ my room. This is my 2) ___ and 3) ___ is my chair. This is 4) ___ new computer. It’s 5) ___.

1) a) at

b) the

c) is

2) a) a

b) desk

c) these

3) a) that

b) those

c) these

4) a) his

b) that

c) my

5) a) the

b) it

c) black

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-3. Test 5.

Variant 1.

1. Read and complete.

1) a l _ z _ rd

2) a p_ rr _ t

3) a r _ bb _t

4) a d _ l_ hin

5) an el _ _ _ ant

2. Read and correct.

1.Big set of various cartoon animals and birds  Stock Photo - 11213542

2. Big set of various cartoon animals and birds  Stock Photo - 11213542

3. Big set of various cartoon animals and birds  Stock Photo - 11213542   

1 .It has got a thin body.

2. It has got a small nose.

3. It has got a short neck (шея).

3. Write the numbers in words. 

1) 48

2) 24

3) 60

4) 13

5) 87

6) 93

7) 32

8) 11

9) 76

10) 55

4. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

1) The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse are funny … (mouse).

2) Baby Betsy has got three small … (tooth).

3) This … (man) is my uncle. His name is Peter.Картинки по запросу seahorse png

4) Those … (woman) are from Russia.

5) Look at this … (child)! It is very cute.

5. Fill in: has got, hasn’t got, can, can’t.

A seahorse lives in the water. It … a long body. It …

any legs. It … swim, but it … walk or run.

6. Read and answer about yourself.

1) How old are you?

2) Can you draw?

3) Do you like fruit?

4) Have you got a pet?

5) What is your favourite animal?

Spotlight-3. Test 5.

Variant 2.

1. Read and complete.

1) a t _ rt _ _se

2) a b _ rd

3) a w _ _ le

4) a sp _ d _ r

5) a s _ _ ho _ se

2. Read and correct.

1. Big set of various cartoon animals and birds  Stock Photo - 11213542

2.Big set of various cartoon animals and birds  Stock Photo - 11213542

3. Big set of various cartoon animals and birds  Stock Photo - 11213542

1. It has got a small tail.

2. It has got short ears.

3. It has got a thin body.

3. Write the numbers in words. 

1) 58

2) 12

3) 81

4) 96

5) 23

6) 70

7) 69

8) 37

9) 44

10) 15

4. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

1) Lulu has got two nice white … (tooth).

2) Look! There is a … (mouse) in the kitchen!

3) These … (man) are from the USA.

4) Is that … (woman) your teacher?

5) How many … (child) have they got?

Картинки по запросу monkey png

5. Fill in: has got, hasn’t got, can, can’t.

A monkey lives in the jungle. It … big ears and a long

tail. It … any wings (крылья). It … climb and swing,

but it … fly.

6. Read and answer about yourself.

1) How old are you?

2) Can you play tennis?

3) Do you like animals?

4) Have you got a sister?

5) What is your favourite number?

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-4.Test 3

Variant 1

 1. Listening task.

2. Complete the words.

3. Translate into Russian.

  1. l _ mon
  1. банка мёда;
  1. b _ _ ns
  1. килограмм помидоров;
  1. c _ c _ n _ t
  1. пакет апельсинового сока;
  1. _ ugar
  1. батон хлеба;
  1. fl _ _ r

  1. бутылка лимонада.

4. Read and choose.

5. Mark the nouns C (countable) or U (uncountable). Write the plurals if possible.

e.g. apple (C) – apples

water (U)

1. There is _____ milk in the glass

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

2.  Are there any apples? – Yes, but not _____.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

3. There isn’t _____ salt left.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. mango

4. How _____ bread it there?

  1. butter

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. pineapple

5. Is there any pepper in the cupboard? – Yes, _____.

  1. salt

a) a lot

b) much

c) many

  1. pepper

6. Correct the mistakes.

  1. How many oranges are there are in the salad?
  2. There isn’t much of olive oil in the bottle.
  3. We’ve got a lot of much jam.
  4. Can I have a bar of a chocolate, please?
  5. This is a tin jar of beans.

7. Read and match.

  1. May I have a cup of tea?
  1. May I go to the cinema?
  1. May I come in?
  1. May I eat some ice cream?
  1. May I use your phone?

  1. Yes, you may. But don’t be late next time!
  1. Of course, not! It’s cold!
  1. Sure, here you are.
  1. Sorry, no, I need it now.
  1. Yes, you may. What’s the name of the film?

Spotlight-4.Test 3

Variant 2

 1. Listening task.

2. Complete the words.

3. Translate into Russian.

  1. m _ ngo
  1. пакет молока;
  1. b _ t_ er
  1. бутылка воды;
  1. p _ n _ app _ e
  1. плитка шоколада;
  1. s _ lt
  1. килограмм картошки;
  1. pe _ _ er

  1. банка яблочного варенья.

4. Read and choose.

5. Mark the nouns C (countable) or U (uncountable). Write the plurals if possible.

e.g. apple (C) – apples

water (U)

1. There are _____ oranges in the fridge.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

2. Are there any biscuits on the shelf? – Yes, _____.

a) a lot

b) much

c) many

3. Is there any butter? – Yes, but not _____.

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. lemon

4. There isn’t _____ water left.

  1. beans

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. coconut

5. How _____ bananas are there?

  1. sugar

a) a lot of

b) much

c) many

  1. flour

6. Correct the mistakes.

  1. This is a loaf bar of bread.
  2. There aren’t many of tomatoes in the box.
  3. How much sugar is there is in the tea?
  4. Can I have a packet of a crisps, please?
  5. They’ve got a lot of many lemons.

7. Read and match.

  1. May I use your pencil?
  1. May I have some cake?
  1. May I go swimming?
  1. May I go out?
  1. May I read in my room?

  1. Yes, you may. But don’t be long!
  1. Of course, not! It’s cold!
  1. Sure, here you are.
  1. Sorry, no, I need it now.
  1. Yes, you may. What’s the name of the book?

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 4

1. Look and label the animals.

e.g. 1) ostrich

1) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/c/7/9/1/clipart-ostrich-c791.png

2) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/7/1/0/f/clipart-seal-710f.png

3) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/2/a/5/7/clipart-giraffe-2a57.png


5) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/7/1/e/7/clipart-gecko-71e7.png

6) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/b/5/0/d/clipart-grey-elephant-b50d.png

7) http://www.illustrationsof.com/royalty-free-whale-clipart-illustration-38078.jpg

8) http://thumbs.gograph.com/gg4467234.jpg


10) http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/f/4/9/7/clipart-hippo-f497.png

2. Read and complete. Then put the months in the right order.

Jan _ _ _ _, J _ _y, N_ _ e _ _ _ _, Ap _ _ _, Fe _ _ _ _ _ _, M _ _, M _r _ _, J _ _ _, Au _ _ _ _, D _ c _ _ _ _ _, Oc _ _ _ _ _, Sep _ _ _ _ _ _.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous.

1) What _____ (you/do)? – I _____ (watch) TV at the moment.

2) Look! It _____ (rain) now.

3) She _____ (cook) lunch at the moment.

4) They _____ (eat) sweets right now.

5) Listen! My brother _____ (play) the piano.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple.

1) I usually _____ (walk) the dog in the morning.

2) My sister never _____ (go) to school alone (одна).

3) When do they have lunch? – They usually _____ (have) lunch at 2 pm.

4) We sometimes _____ (play) computer games after school.

5) She always _____ (clean) her room on Saturdays.

5. Read and choose.

1) Look! She is feeding/feeds the lions.

2) John never is waking/wakes up late.

3) Monkeys can climb/are climbing trees.

4) Bab and Kelly have/are having a piano lesson every Saturday.

6. Read and complete.

1) Helen is _____ (smart) than Billy.

2) Elephants are _____ (big) than lions.

3) This picture is _____ (small) than that.

4) Today I am _____ (happy) than yesterday (вчера).

5) Tigers are _____ (fast) than dogs.

7. School rules. Read and choose.

1) You must/mustn’t be late (опаздывать) for the lessons.

2) You must/mustn’t be quiet in the library.

3) You must/mustn’t do your homework every day.

4) You must/mustn’t wear a uniform at school.

5) You must/mustn’t eat in the canteen (столовая).


8. Read and complete.

Giraffes are very tall animals. They can be from 4 to 5.5 metres tall. They live in Africa. Giraffes have their babies during (в течение) dry (засушливые) months of July and August. They eat tree leaves and live for about 10-15 years.

Name: e.g. giraffe

lives in: 1) _____

has babies in: 2) _____ and 3) _____

eats: 4) _____

lives for: 5) _____ years

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight -4. Test 5

1. Look and write.

Картинки по запросу hungry emoji

Картинки по запросу scared emoji

Картинки по запросу tired emoji

Картинки по запросу sad emoji

Похожее изображение

2. Find the odd one out.

1) am – is – were – are

2) sad – tired – happy – bored

3) Happy birthday! – Goodbye! – Congratulations! – Bon voyage!

4) sixth – tenth – seven – eleventh

5) always – yesterday – usually – every day

3. Complete the numbers.

1) My birthday is on the (20) of May.

2) Lena’s grandma lives in the (4) house.

3) Did you see the (1) star tonight?

4) It’s my (13) birthday today!

5) She wasn’t at school on the (12) of February.

6) My brother won the (2) prize.

7) Friday is the (5) day of the week.

8) What is on the (8) of March?

9) This cake is for Robbie’s (48) birthday.

10) Mark is the (3) student in the class.

4. Fill in: was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. ___ you at school yesterday? – No, I ___.

2. Where ___ your little sister last night? – She ___ at home with me.

3. My friends ___ at the café yesterday. – And where ___ you?

4. ___ there a theatre in our town 10 years ago? – Yes, there ___.

5. We ____ at school yesterday. We were at home,

5. Fill in: yesterday, ago, last.

1. We were in London ___ April.

2. What was on TV ___?

3. I wasn’t at school ___ week.

4. There was a test in English two days ___.

5. Dave was at the shops ___.

6. Read and correct.

1. Were the shops open yesterday ago?

2. My parents was in France five months ago.

3. She wasn’t not happy yesterday.

4. Was you in Moscow last year?

5. He wasn’t American, he were English.

7. Read and complete.

I was at the petshop 1) ___ days ago. There were a lot of 2) ___ there. There 3) ___ a cat. It was 4) ___. There were parrots, 5) ___! They 6) ___ green, yellow and blue. I saw 7) ___ goldfish, a hamster and three little 8) ___ on the shelf. They were very 9) ___!

I like animals very 8) ___!

  1. a) for

b) four

c) yesterday

  1. a) books

b) shops

c) animals

  1. a) wasn’t

b) were

c) was

  1. a) red

b) rat

c) bad

  1. a) two

b) too

c) second

  1. a) were

b) are

c) was

  1. a) an

b) a

c) am

  1. a) mice

b) mouse

c) a mouse

  1. a) big

b) funny

c) cold

  1. a) many

b) more

c) much

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-4. Module 4. Reading task.


Что делать: Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Согласись, или не согласись с этими утверждениями, исходя из содержания текста. Подчеркни True, если ты согласен с утверждением, и False, если не согласен.

Pandas are mammals (млекопитающие). They look like small bears. Their bodies are black and white. They have got black ears, black arms, legs, and black spots on their eyes. They live in central part of China.                                                              

Pandas spend most of their time eating. They are herbivores. Their favourite food is bamboo leaves. They also eat fruit and vegetables. Pandas can’t see very well that is why they move very slowly. A big panda can be up to 150 kilos. They live for 15 years.  

  1. Pandas are not reptiles.                                                        


  1. They are two-coloured animals.


  1. Pandas live all over China.


  1. Most of the time pandas sleep.


  1. They eat only bamboo leaves.


  1. They move very slowly because they are fat.


  1. Pandas are omnivores.


  1. Pandas can weigh more (весить больше) than 100 kg.



Spotlight-4. Module 4. Reading task.


Что делать: Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Согласись, или не согласись с этими утверждениями, исходя из содержания текста. Подчеркни True, если ты согласен с утверждением, и False, если не согласен.

Pandas are mammals (млекопитающие). They look like small bears. Their bodies are black and white. They have got black ears, black arms, legs, and black spots on their eyes. They live in central part of China.                                                              

Pandas spend most of their time eating. They are herbivores. Their favourite food is bamboo leaves. They also eat fruit and vegetables. Pandas can’t see very well that is why they move very slowly. A big panda can be up to 150 kilos. They live for 15 years.  

  1. Pandas are not reptiles.                                                        


  1. They are two-coloured animals.


  1. Pandas live all over China.


  1. Most of the time pandas sleep.


  1. They eat only bamboo leaves.


  1. They move very slowly because they are fat.


  1. Pandas are omnivores.


  1. Pandas can weigh more (весить больше) than 100 kg.


Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиадные задания на уроках

Look at the picture. This is Snow White and her friends in the picture. Choose the correct variant.


1. There are many animals … the picture.             А) in    B) on    C) at

2. How many squirrels are there?                         А) One    В) Two    C) Three

3. The two birds are … branch of the tree.           А) near one   B) in one   C) on one

4. The rabbit has a small white … .                     А) ear    B) tail    C) nose

5. There are many … in the forest.                       А) flowers   B) berries   C) mushrooms

6. Snow … dress is nice.                                      А) White   B) White’s   C) Whites

7. What is Snow White like? She … .                                        А) is blond   B) is kind   C) likes animals

8. Which sentence is wrong? It is … .                  А) night    B) summer    C) warm

9. Which animal mustn’t be in this picture?                 А) a hedgehog   B) a hare    C) a crocodile

10. What is not happening? They are … .            А) walking    B) standing    C) sleeping

Проверь себя. Какие новые слова ты запомнил(а) после выполнения олимпиадного задания? Найди их в задании, выпиши и постарайся запомнить.




на картинке_________________

на ветке дерева_______________

в лесу_______________________










Look at the picture. This is Snow White and her friends in the picture. Choose the correct variant.


1. There are many animals … the picture.            А) in    B) on    C) at

2. How many squirrels are there?                         А) One    В) Two    C) Three

3. The two birds are … branch of the tree.           А) near one   B) in one   C) on one

4. The rabbit has a small white … .                     А) ear    B) tail    C) nose

5. There are many … in the forest.                      А) flowers   B) berries   C) mushrooms

6. Snow … dress is nice.                                      А) White   B) White’s   C) Whites

7. What is Snow White like?  She … .                                       А) is blond   B) is kind   C) likes animals

8. Which sentence is wrong? It is … .                                А) night    B) summer    C) warm

9. Which animal mustn’t be in this picture?          А) a hedgehog   B) a hare    C) a crocodile

10. What is not happening? They are … .              А) walking    B) standing    C) sleeping

Проверь себя. Какие новые слова ты запомнил(а) после выполнения олимпиадного задания? Найди их в задании, выпиши и постарайся запомнить.




на картинке_________________

на ветке дерева_______________

в лесу_______________________










Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What are they doing?

Слайд 2

Choose and read : She is painting a picture. She is painting her face.

Слайд 3

They are playing football. They are playing a game.

Слайд 4

They are reading. They are watching TV.

Слайд 5

She is swimming. She is dancing.

Слайд 6

He is making a sandcastle. He is swimming.

Слайд 7

He is playing a computer game. He is driving a car.

Слайд 8

They are watching TV. They are reading books.

Слайд 9

What is she doing? She is painting a picture.

Слайд 10

They are playing a game. What are they doing?

Слайд 11

What is he doing? He is making a sandcastle.

Слайд 12

What are the dogs doing? They are swimming.

Слайд 13

What is the elephant doing? It is painting a picture.

Слайд 14

What is the rabbit doing? It is reading a book.

Слайд 15

What are they doing? They are dancing.

Слайд 16

What is the girl doing? She is climbing.

Слайд 17

Read the true sentences: The dog isn’t swimming. The dog is running. The dog is driving a car. The dog isn’t dancing. The dog isn’t driving a car.

Слайд 18

You can’t see the picture now, but try to guess what the dog is doing there. Ask questions: Is the dog (running)? The dog is watching TV!

Слайд 19

The dolphin is painting a picture! Now guess what the dolphin is doing. Ask questions: Is the dolphin (swimming)?

Слайд 20


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What animal is it?

Слайд 2

It’s grey. It’s got a big body, big ears and a long nose. It lives in Africa.

Слайд 3

It’s green. Its body is long. It’s got small eyes and short legs. It can swim. It lives in the water.

Слайд 4

It’s got a small head, small eyes and thin legs. It is a bird.

Слайд 5

It‘s white or grey. It’s got long ears and a short tail. It can jump.

Слайд 6

It’s got a fat body and a big mouth. Children like its milk.

Слайд 7

It’s got a long tail, small ears and small eyes. It can climb trees. It’s funny. It likes bananas.

Слайд 8

It’s small. It’s got small ears and small eyes. Its tail is long and thin. It likes cheese. It doesn’t like cats.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-5. Test 4

  1. Read the text. Complete the sentences.

Helen and Nick are married. They have a son, Jack, and a daughter, Sandra. They are twins. Sandra is married to Pete. Sandra and Pete have a daughter, Lisa. They are a very friendly family.

Example: Nick is Helen’s husband.

  1. Sandra is Lisa’s _______.
  2. Helen is ________ wife.
  3. Jack is Sandra’s _______.
  4.  Sandra is Jack’s _________.
  5. Helen is Lisa’s ______________.
  6.  Jack is Helen and Nick’s _______.
  7. Pete is Lisa’s __________.
  8. Lisa is Sandra and Pete’s _________.

2. Complete the chart and then the sentences (11-16).

Subject pronouns


Object pronouns


Possessive pronouns


























  1.  This is my pen friend Sarah. Look at _______.
  2. Mr. Thomson is _____ English teacher from the USA. We love him.
  3. Cats are my favourite animals. I love _______.
  4. Lucy is my best friend. I can tell ______ all my secrets.
  5. Look at that boy. What’s _____ name?
  6. Italian pizza is tasty. I love ______.

3. Make sentences using the imperative. Be polite.

Example: look at me (+) – Look at me, please.

1) close the door (-)

2) play the guitar (+)

3) be quiet (+)

4) listen to music at the lesson (-)

5) describe your friend (+) but tell us his name (-)

4. Read the text and answer the questions about Meryl Streep.

Meryl Streep is a famous American actress. She’s got three Oscars. Now she is sixty-eight years old. She’s got a son and three daughters. Meryl is very beautiful, tall and slim. She has got short grey hair, brown eyes and a lovely smile. Journalists and fans say that she is very kind, caring and clever as well.

  1. Who is Meryl Strip?
  2. How old is she?
  3. Has she got any children?
  4. What does she look like?
  5. What is she like?

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-5. Test 5

  1. Put the animals under the correct heading: peacock, cat, cow, butterfly, sheep, budgie, elephant, tortoise, goose, bee, crocodile, duck, beetle,    guinea pig.


Farm animals:


                Zoo animals:

  1. Circle the odd one out.
  1. Paw-beak-giraffe-wing
  2. Dog-cat-crocodile-guinea pig
  3. Feathers-wings-trunk-beak
  4. Leopard-lion-duck-rhino
  5. Dragonfly-ladybird-beetle-sheep
  6. Tail-mane-cobra-neck

  1. Write the third person singular.

  1. Hunt
  2. Play
  3. Like
  4. Cry
  5. Swim
  1. Wash
  2. Do
  3. Fix
  4. Sleep
  5. say

  1. Make negative and interrogative sentences.
  1. У медведя есть большие лапы. – A bear has got big paws.
  2. Лев умеет бегать. – A lion can run.
  3. Крокодилы живут в Африке. – Crocodiles live in Africa.
  4. Катя всегда гуляет с собакой. – Kate always walks with a dog.
  5. Некоторые насекомые опасны. - Some insects are dangerous.

  1. Write this text without grammar mistakes (7 mistakes, в одном предложении может быть только одна грамматическая ошибка).


My favourite animal are the lion. It are orange in colour. It have got a thick (густой) mane and a long tail. Lions also have got a strong legs and sharp claws. They lives in Africa. The lion hunt big animals like deer.

  1. Reading

Что делать: Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Согласись, или не согласись с этими утверждениями, исходя из содержания текста. Подчеркни True, если ты согласен с утверждением, и False, если не согласен. Будьте внимательны.

      Pandas are mammals. They look like small bears. Their bodies are black and white. They have got black ears, black arms, legs and black spots on their eyes. They live in central part of China.                                                              

     Pandas spend most of their time eating. They are herbivores (травоядные). Their favourite food is bamboo leaves. They also eat fruit and vegetables. Pandas can’t see very well that is why they move very slowly. A big panda can be up to 150 kilos. They live for 15 years.  

  1. Pandas are not reptiles.                                                        


  1. They are two-coloured animals.


  1. Pandas live all over China.


  1. Most of the time pandas sleep.


  1. They eat only bamboo leaves.


  1. They move very slowly because they are fat.


  1. Pandas are omnivores.


  1. Pandas can weigh more (весить больше) than 100 kg.


  1. Listening. Fill in the gaps:

  1. Tom’s favourite animals are …
  2. His cat’s name is …
  3. Tom’s cat is white and … in color.
  4. She has got … ears and small …
  5. Betty’s tail is … in color.
  6. She likes to eat … and to …

Текст аудирования:

Hi guys! My name’s Tom. There are many types of animals in the world: pets, zoo and farm animals. My favourite animals are cats. They are so cute and smart. My cat’s name is Betty. She is white and red in color. She has got small ears and a small nose. Her head is white but her tail is red. Betty likes to eat fish and to sleep. What about you? Do you have a pet?

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-5. Test 6

  1. Write the time in numbers:
  1. It’s half past four p.m. – __________________
  2. It’s twenty to three. – _________________
  3. It’s five to eleven. – _________________
  4. It’s a quarter to ten. – _________________
  5. It’s twelve o’clock. – _________________
  6. It’s a quarter past nine. – _________________

2. Match the words to make word expressions. Write the expressions in your notebooks.

1) go

2) get

3) do

4) deliver

5) have

6) work

7) eat

8) catch

the bus




the shopping

on computer


a cup of tea

  1. Insert the correct preposition of time (in/on/at).
  1. Mum is usually works on computer ____ the evening.
  2. In summer I play football ____ Sundays.
  3. The film starts ____ 4 p.m.
  4. He often plays tennis ____ the afternoon.
  5. My sister’s birthday is ____ winter.
  6. My dad never goes to bed early. He works ____ night.
  7. My birthday is ____ the 16th of March.
  8. My classmates and I go to school ____ Saturdays.

  1. Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences.

  1. usually/ We/ wash/ on/ dog/ the/ Fridays.
  2. at/ He/ makes/ phone/ never/ night/ calls.
  3. Grandma/ always/ the garden/ works/ in/ 5 o’clock/ at.
  4. in/ often/ coffee/ Samantha/ drinks/ the morning.
  5. is/ sometimes/ She/ sad.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous.

It’s Sunday morning. All the family are at the park. It is a lovely day and the sun ______ 1(shine). I _____ 2(lie) on the rug and ______ 3(read) a magazine. John ______ 4(eat) ice cream and Sally _____5 (run) after the dog. Mother ______ 6(sit) under a tree and Father _____ 7(walk) by the river. We____8(have) a lovely time!

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-5. Test 7

  1. Describe the weather in the following cities on March 5:
  1. London
  1. Alaska
  1. Canberra



G:\Лицей  15 материалы\15 Лицей\5 класс\Иллюстрации\облачно и дождливо.jpg


G:\Лицей  15 материалы\15 Лицей\5 класс\Иллюстрации\солнце.jpgG:\Лицей  15 материалы\15 Лицей\5 класс\Иллюстрации\облачно и снежно.jpg



G:\Лицей  15 материалы\15 Лицей\5 класс\Иллюстрации\гроза.jpgG:\Лицей  15 материалы\15 Лицей\5 класс\Иллюстрации\облачно и дождливо.jpg

  1. Put the words in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous tense.
  1. My sister always (pick) up flowers when we have a picnic.
  2. Look! The children (play) in the snow in the yard!
  3. Tony (write) a postcard to his friend at the moment.
  4. It often (freeze) in winter.
  5. It sometimes (rain) in spring.
  6. The weather is great in Moscow! The sun (shine) right now.
  7. What do you think of my jacket? – It (suit) you perfectly.
  8. I usually (wear) a warm sweater in autumn, but today I (wear) a T-shirt.
  9. We (have) a great time in Australia!
  10. How can I help you? – I (look) for sunglasses.

  1. Transform into negative sentences and questions:
  1. Kate is cooking a cake now.
  2. Birds fly to the south in autumn.
  3. They are making a snowman at the moment.
  4. Jack goes to school by bus.

  1. Translate into English. Use the Present Simple tense.
  1. Я ношу шорты, футболку и кроссовки летом.
  2. Я ношу куртку, шапку, шарф и перчатки зимой.
  3. Я ношу плащ, джинсы, джемпер и туфли весной.
  4. Она носит юбку, блузку и туфли на каблуке в школе (at school).
  5. Он носит рубашку, брюки и галстук в школе.

  1. Read the letter and answer the questions according to the text.

Dear Mary,

H! My name’s Jane and I live in Moscow. I’m 10 years old and I live with my family: parents and my little sister Kate. We like sport: we often go skating and skiing. Winters are beautiful in Russia. It’s usually frosty and snowy. In summer all my family like to go camping, swimming and fishing. The weather in summer is different. It’s sometimes cool but it’s usually warm and sunny.

What do you like doing in winter and summer? Write back soon.



  1. How old is Jane?
  2. Where does she live?
  3. What does Jane do in winter?
  4. What is the weather like in winter?
  5. What is the weather like in summer?
  6. What does Jane’s family do in summer?

Предварительный просмотр:



Variant 1

  1. Write in English
  1. рост
  2. светлые волосы
  3. черты лица
  4. худой
  5. высокий
  6. чудесные глаза
  7. рот
  8. молодой
  1. Describe the appearance of the person on the photo.

Похожее изображение



Variant 2

  1. Write in English
  1. черты лица
  2. телосложение
  3. усы
  4. стройный
  5. низкий
  6. кудрявые волосы
  7. уши
  8. полный
  1. Describe the appearance of the person on the photo.




Variant 1

1.        Write in English

1)        рост

2)        светлые волосы

3)        черты лица

4)        худой

5)        высокий

6)        чудесные глаза

7)        рот

8)        молодой

2.        Describe the appearance of the person on the photo.

Похожее изображение



Variant 2

1.        Write in English

1)        черты лица

2)        телосложение

3)        усы

4)        стройный

5)        низкий

6)        кудрявые волосы

7)        уши

8)        полный

2.        Describe the appearance of the person on the photo.


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-5. Проверочная работа по Plurals.


Variant 1 (тренировочный)

  1. Make the nouns plural. Put the sound of the endings.

Example: a sandwich – sandwiches [iz]

  1. A lemon –
  2. A brush –
  3. A baby –
  4. A boy –
  5. A bench –
  6. A shelf –

  1. Make the sentences plural.

Example: It is a sheep. – They are sheep.

  1. His goose is black.
  2. This is my sheep.
  3. That fish is exotic.
  4. It is my diary.
  5. She is a house wife.
  6. He is a nice man.
  1. Запишите все известные вам исключения из правила образования форм множественного числа существительных.


Variant 2 (тренировочный)

  1. Make the nouns plural. Put the sound of the endings.

Example: a sandwich – sandwiches [iz]

  1. A magazine –
  2. A match –
  3. A fly–
  4. A toy–
  5. A patch–
  6. A scarf–

  1. Make the sentences plural.

Example: It is a sheep. – They are sheep.

  1. His goose is black.
  2. This is my sheep.
  3. That fish is exotic.
  4. It is my diary.
  5. She is a house wife.
  6. He is a nice man.
  1. Запишите все известные вам исключения из правила образования форм множественного числа существительных.


Variant 1

  1. Make the nouns plural. Put the sound of the endings.

Example: a sandwich – sandwiches [iz]

  1. A hotel–
  2. A wish–
  3. A lorry–
  4. A day–
  5. A plane–
  6. A half–

  1. Make the sentences plural.

Example: It is a sheep. – They are sheep.

  1. His child is nice.
  2. This is my goose.
  3. That deer is wild.
  4. It is my iPad.
  5. He is a policeman.
  6. She is a beautiful woman.

  1. Запишите все известные вам исключения из правила образования форм множественного числа существительных.


Variant 2

  1. Make the nouns plural. Put the sound of the endings.

Example: a sandwich – sandwiches [iz]

  1. A table–
  2. A boss–
  3. A copy–
  4. A monkey -  
  5. A watch–
  6. A life–

  1.  Make the sentences plural.

Example: It is a sheep. – They are sheep.

  1. His child is nice.
  2. This is my goose.
  3. That deer is wild.
  4. It is my iPad.
  5. He is a policeman.
  6. She is a beautiful woman.

  1. Запишите все известные вам исключения из правила образования форм множественного числа существительных.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight- 6. Test 1.

  1. Look at the family tree and write the missing words:

                             Peter (60)             Mary (58)

                   Mike (35)           Kate (30)        Alex(34)        Julia (33)    

                      Kaily (7)   Polly&Tim (5)   Sam (10)  Eva (6)

• daughter        • parents         • Kate       • aunt         • Mike’s       •  twins         •grandparents        •Alex        • husband         • cousins

  1. Peter and Mary are Kate and Alex’s … .
  2. Polly and Tim are … .
  3. … is Mike’s wife.
  4. Sam and Eva are Kaily’s … .
  5. … is Polly, Tim and Kaily’s uncle.
  6. Peter and Mary are Sam and Eva’s  … .
  7. Eva is Alex and Julia’s … .
  8. Tim is Kate and … son.
  9. Kate is Sam’s … .
  10.  Alex is Julia’s … .

  1. Write the nationalities:

  1.  Russia –
  2. Brazil –
  3. China –

  1. Germany –
  2. Britain –
  3. Spain –

  1. Look at the card and fill in the correct word:

•Expiry date    •nationality    •home address   •telephone number    •postcode

American identity card

Name: Rachel                                                            

Surname: Thompson

  1. .………: 25, Oxford Street                                      
  2. ……….: DA6 3MP                                    
  3. ……….: American
  4. …. Number: 8920035956
  5. …….....: 02.2021                                            

Картинки по запросу фото девушки лицо

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

• Slim          • capital          • nationality         • twins          • wavy          • late             • driving               • middle          • population           • membership

  1.  Bill’s tall with dark ____ hair.
  2.  Mrs. Simpson is a _____-aged woman.
  3.  To drive a car you must have a _____ license.
  4.  “What _____ are your parents?” – “They are Russian”.
  5.  Have you got a _____ card?
  6.  The UK’s ______ is about 60 million people.
  7. Jane is short and ____ with straight fair hair.
  8.  My grandparents are in their ____ sixties.
  9.  I’ve got two brothers. They are _____ .
  10.  London is the _____ city of England.

  1. Underline the correct item:

e.g. this was her/hers black bag.

  1. Is it yours/your house?
  2. This telephone number isn’t their/theirs.
  3. Whose pencil is this? – This is mine/my.
  4. They are not ours/our relatives!
  5. What is her/hers home address?
  6. Is this computer theirs/their?
  7. This pretty kitten isn’t ours/our.
  8. Is Lisa their/theirs sister?
  9. I’ve got a car. His/My car is sporty.
  10. This credit card is hers/her.

  1.  Choose the correct item.

    e.g. Mike and Kate are … cousins.

               a. Betty’s       b. Bettys

  1.  Stacy is … daughter.
  1. Jane’s and Peter’s    b. Jane and Peter’s
  1.  This telephone isn’t hers. It’s my … .
  1. Parents’                     b. parents
  1.  Is it … camera?
  1. Olga’s                        b. Olgas
  1.  Whose pencil is this? – It’s … .
  1. Our                             b. ours
  1.  These are … gloves.
  1. Max’s                         b. Maxes

  1. Read the text und write the correct word.

Hi, Chris!

How are you? I’m Sue Harrison and I’m 14 years old. Here is a photo of my family and our relatives.

My parents’ names are Julia and Daniel. My dad is tall and slim. My mum is short with long, wavy hair. They are in their late thirties. I’ve got a sister. Her name is Beth. She is 7 years old. Beth has got long, dark hair, blue eyes and a small mouth. My grandparents’ names are Alex and Janet. They are in their early sixties. Alex and Janet are very kind and friendly. They always play with us.

Well, that’s all about my family. Please, write soon and tell me about your family. Send a picture, too.

Bye for now,


  1.  There are 8/6 people in Sue’s family.
  2.  Daniel/Alex is Sue’s dad.
  3.  Julia/Beth is Sue’s mum.
  4.  Daniel is short/tall and slim.
  5. Julia has got long, straight/wavy hair.
  6.  Beth has got green/blue eyes.
  7.  Beth is 17/7.
  8.  Sue’s grandparents are in their late/early sixties.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight – 6. Test 2.

Task 1. Describe the picture using the prepositions of place. Write 6 sentences.

Look! This is my living room. There is a big window. At the window, there is a purple sofa….


 Task 2. Choose the correct word.

  1. There’s a/any coffee table next to the sofa.
  2. There are some/any paintings on the wall.
  3. Is there a/any shelf in the living room?
  4. There aren`t any/some newspapers under the table.
  5. Are there any/some curtains on the window?
  6. There are some/any vases in the room.

Task 3. Complete time expressions with prepositions in, on or at?

1.        ___ ten o'clock, ___ 2.15

2.        ___ Monday, ___ Tuesday afternoon

3.          ____ night, ___ midnight

4.        ___the weekend, ___ weekends

5.        ___ Christmas, ___ Easter

6.        ___ January, ___ February

7.        ___ 1st May, ___ 7th June

8.        ___ 1930, ___ 2001

9.        ___ the summer, ___ the winter

10.      ____ the morning, ____ the afternoon

Task 4.  What time is it? Write the answers. It’s ….

  1. 15:10 , 2) 10:50, 3) 12:30, 4) 8: 45, 5) 18:00 6) 9:35

Task 5. Write the dates as in the example.

Example: 21/10 – The twenty-first of October.

  1. 02/09 2) 03/06 3) 05/11 4) 08/01 5) 09/03 6) 12/08 7) 30/12

Task 6. Read the e-mail and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false).

From: Andy

To: Darren

Subject: My new neighbourhood!

Hi, Darren!

How are you? My neighbourhood is great! There are lots of shops and cafes around. I even have a sports shop right opposite my house! My mum is very happy because there is a supermarket, a shopping centre and a chemist’s in a five- minute walk. There is also a library next to the supermarket. I go there to read books on Sundays.

It’s really nice here. Why don’t you come and stay with me during the autumn holidays?



1) The e-mail is from Darren. ____

2) Andy likes his new neighbourhood. ____

3) There aren’t any shops. ____

4) There is a sports centre near his house. ____

5) There isn’t a chemist’s. ____

6) Darren can stay at Andy’s new house. ____

Task 7. Culture Corner. Answer the questions.

  1. What is Oxford Street famous for?
  2. What is Wall Street a symbol of?
  3. Where can you find handprints and footprints of famous actors?
  4. Which of the streets would you like to visit and why?

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Test 3.

  1. Match the words to make phrases:

  1. yellow
  2. zebra
  3. parking
  4. run onto
  5. talk to
  6. traffic
  7. look
  8. lean out of
  1. warden
  2. the window
  3. the road
  4. the driver
  5. both ways
  6. lines
  7. zone
  8. crossing

  1. Fill in the correct word: pavement, belt, door, lean, lights, plane, parking, ways, pedestrians, ride.
  1. Pilots can fly a ____. It’s a very difficult job.
  2. You can park your car there, at the ____ zone.
  3. It’s necessary to wear a seat ____ while driving.
  4. Parents teach their children to look both ____when they cross the road.
  5. Please, stop at the traffic ____ when the light is red.
  6. You must stand on the ____ near the kerb.
  7. When you ____ your bike make sure it’s in good working condition.
  8. _____ should be very attentive on the road.
  9. Don’t ____ out of the window! It’s dangerous!
  10. It’s not safe to play with the car ____ handles.

  1. Write the correct preposition: on, in or by
  1. It’s necessary to wear a seat belt when you travel ___  a bus.
  2. My favourite way to travel is ___ train because you can move and lay while travelling.
  3. Jack prefers to travel ___ car.
  4. I always get to school ___ foot, but today my dad gave me a lift.
  5. Many students begin to get to school ___ bike in spring.
  6. Daniella is afraid of travelling ___ plane.
  7. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car.
  8. My aunt lives in London. She gets to work _____ tube.

  1. Look at the signs and write what you can do and what you can’t.

  1. Картинки по запросу знаки дорожного движения картинки
  1. Картинки по запросу знаки дорожного движения картинки
  1. Картинки по запросу знаки дорожного движения картинки
  1. Картинки по запросу знаки дорожного движения картинки

5.Картинки по запросу знаки дорожного движения картинки

6.Картинки по запросу знаки дорожного движения картинки

  1. Imagine that a foreigner on Lenina Square asks you the following question: “Excuse me, how can I get to the shopping centre ATOM?” What is your answer? Write it down.

(Useful words: Lenina Avenue, Duhova Street, Silkina Street)

  1. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F),  Not Stated (NS)

Bicycle Helmets

Tom, a friend of mine, a college student, loves riding his bicycle at weekends. He especially enjoys taking long rides through the city. To my surprise, I found he never wears a bicycle helmet.

I began to wonder why a person who spends so much time and money developing his mind doesn’t wear a helmet. Riding a bicycle without a helmet greatly increases his risk of brain injury (черепно-мозговая травма).

Each year, over 50, 000 people in the USA suffer some form of brain injury from a bicycle accident. Unfortunately, many of them have long-lasting effects. Getting medical treatment can cost very big money and can take many years. Compare this waste of time and money with $40 you spend on a bicycle helmet.

It’s not always easy to make a friend to wear a bicycle helmet. Be patient! Invite your friend to take a bicycle ride with you. Without saying anything, put your helmet on. If you stop at a store during your bike ride, keep your helmet on. This will send a message that you are comfortable wearing a helmet on and off your bike. If you remove it too quickly, your friend may think wearing a helmet is not very nice. Buying your friend a helmet as a present may not be such a good idea. Your friend may think you are pushing too hard. Each person needs to reach his or her own conclusions (выводы) about safety and how to protect the body.

  1. Tom goes to college by bike. _______
  2. He loves riding in the country. _______
  3. Riding a bicycle without a helmet is very dangerous. ________
  4. Over 500 bicycle accidents happen in the USA every day. _______
  5. Medical treatment for brain injury is very long and expensive. _______
  6. Bicycle helmets as birthday presents are very popular. _______
  7. If you set an example, it will help your friend start wearing a bicycle helmet. ____
  8. During your bike ride with a friend, never take off your helmet.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight - 6. Test 5.

  1. Fill in the correct word.


special dish









  1. At New Year a lot of people … their houses.
  2. My mum always cooks a … at my birthday.
  3. Can you make a phone … to your teacher?
  4. Men usually … flowers and sweets at Women’s day.
  5. Jane is cooking a cake, so Peter is making … .
  6. Julia likes to watch a … display at Victory Day.
  7. My grandmother has a lot of flowers at home because she likes doing the … .
  8. Can you do the … after the party?
  9. People wear strange … at Halloween.
  10. I think all children love to … their birthday.

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. Please, do/make your homework and you may go for a walk.
  2. Parents are making/doing the shopping at the moment.
  3. It’s exciting to make/do the decorations for the celebration!
  4. I can’t stand doing/making the washing up!
  5. I want to do/make a special dish for my sister’s Birthday.
  6. It’s very dirty in our flat, it’s time to make/do the dusting.

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb.
  1. They is/are watching a film right now.
  2. My cat isn’t/aren’t sleeping on a sofa.
  3. Are/is you cooking a pizza?
  4. Pam is/am doing her homework at the moment.
  5. We is/are playing volleyball at school.
  6. I isn’t/am not doing the gardening.

  1. Make negative and interrogative sentences.
  1. We are decorating our house.
  2. Sam is making a phone call.
  3. I am doing the test.

  1. Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous. Open the brackets.
  1. My parents (lie) on the beach at the moment.
  2. Dmitry (go) to school every day except Sunday.
  3. They (have) a great time in Paris now.
  4. I usually (eat) a sandwich for my breakfast.
  5. She (buy) a new car on Friday.

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Hi, my name’s Mary. This is a picture of my family at New Year. There are my parents, aunt Katherine and her husband Jack, my grandparents and me. You can see that our flat is decorated with garlands and wreaths. All the family is having a great time! My mum cooked a lot of food, but her special dish is French meat. Everybody loves it because it’s very tasty. We like to watch TV and fireworks display, dance and sing at New Year. Every member of our family gets a lot of presents and surprises. We love this celebration!

  1. What people can you see at the picture?
  2. What is flat decorated with?
  3. What is mum’s special dish?
  4. What does the family like to do at New Year?
  5. What does everybody get?

D:\ШКОЛА\картинки\праздники\как отмечают\6.jpg

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Test 6.  

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct board game: dominoes, billiards, Snakes and Ladders, scrabble, Monopoly, chess, Cluedo, marbles, jigsaw puzzle. One game in the list is extra.
  1. _________   is a board game where you are a moneymaker.
  2. _________   is a board game that checks how well you can form words.
  3. In _________ you move men on a board.
  4. In __________ players roll a dice and move counters.
  5. ________   is a game about solving a crime.
  6. _________ is usually a game for two players who kick the balls in turn.
  7. A ________ is a picture cut up into many pieces to be fitted together.
  8. ________ is a set of small flat pieces of wood or plastic with different number of spots on each.


  1. Form compound nouns.
  1. Wind                 a. paper                      
  2. Birth                  b. work
  3. Home                 c. brush
  4. Foot                   d. chair
  5. Arm                    e. surfing    
  6. News                   f. day
  7. Hair                     g. ball

  1. Complete the gaps.

• Keen    • mad     • interested     • good     • fond

  1. Are you _____  in Maths as well?
  2. Jane is really _____ of cats, she draws them every time.
  3. I’m not _____ on opera, you know.
  4. My sister is _____ at singing, she has a beautiful voice.
  5. Why are you so ____ about football, Sam?

 IV. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. _______ (he/like) playing basketball?  - Yes, a lot. (he/play) it twice a week.

2. My sister (study) very hard these days because she (want) to pass English exam.

3. Peter, you (always/leave) your things everywhere! It’s very annoying!

4. Listen! (birds/sing)!

5. Mum (not/cook) at the moment, she (watch/TV) with Tony.

6. What (they/do)? – They (listen) to music.

7. Be quiet! My baby (sleep).

8. What time (the train/come)? – At 8.00.

9. I usually (go) jogging in the morning, but today I (have) a rest.

10. Mary (not/understand) my ideas.

V. Underline the correct time expression.

1. My children are playing chess every day/at the moment.

2. Daniel visits his grandparents now/twice a week.

3. What are you doing next Friday/every day?

4. I have Spanish lessons these days/on Mondays.

5. Susan is not writing a letter at the moment/always.

6. Sometimes/Right now students do listening tasks at the lessons.

  1. Read the text and mark the statements True, False, Not Stated (T, F, NS).

My name is Dima. I am 15 and I’m a computer addict. I’m fond of communication with the other teens. That’s why I have a lot of friends all over the world. We often send e-mails and chat online. I’m a member of a computer club and spend much time there. I think that my hobby will be useful in my future profession.

Besides, I spend my free time in the sport club. I go in for kung fu. Recently films about kung fu have become very popular in Russia. It is a great art, the result of many years of hard work and self-discipline. The man who made kung fu films was a Chinese actor, Bruce Lee. I’m rather good at kung fu now but I never use my skills to hurt anybody. I think it may become a sport of the future because it develops your personality and your will.

  1. Dima enjoys communicating with other teens online.
  2. All day long Dima plays different computer games.
  3. Because of computer club activities, the boy studies badly.
  4. The computer club helps Dima to prepare for his future job.
  5. They learn many new technologies at the computer club.
  6. In his free time, the boy prefers to watch sport on TV but he never does it himself.
  7. The boy is sure kung fu develops the best person’s qualities (качества).
  8. A famous Japanese actor made kung fu popular.

Test 6. Correction

  1. Complete the gaps.

• keen    • mad     • interested     • good     • fond

  1. Are you _____ in politics?
  2. I am really _____ of cars. I have a lot of new and old models in my collection.
  3. I’m not _____ on ballet, you know.
  4. My mum is _____ at singing. She is a famous jazz singer.
  5. My friend is _____ about computer games.

  1. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.
  1. (she, enjoy) dancing? – Yes, she does. She (go) to dance club three times a week.
  2. My classmates and I (study) hard these days. We have an exam next week.
  3. My little sister (always, leave) her toys everywhere! It makes me crazy!
  4. What time (the match, start)? – It starts at 6 pm.
  5. I usually (walk) to school but today I (go) by bus.
  6. My parents (buy) a new car next week.
  7. The baby (want) to drink.
  8. I (think) you are right.
  9. My dad (not, understand) me.
  10. (you, know) the answer?

  1. Which games are the following sentences about?

backgammon, billiards, Snakes and Ladders, scrabble, Monopoly, chess, Cluedo or darts.

  1. In this game you make money.
  2. The aim of this game is to find a killer, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime.
  3. Playing this board game you get bonus points for using letters like Q or Z.
  4. In this game you move black and white men on a board.
  5. When you land on a square at the bottom of a ladder you go UP to the top of the ladder. When you land on a snake you go DOWN to the tail of the snake.
  6. During this game, the players throw darts at the board.
  7. This game takes place on a green table.
  8. In this game you roll a dice and move round pieces on the board.

Предварительный просмотр:

 Spotlight-6. Test 7.

  1. Fill in the correct word.

●tired       ●bored      ●ruined      ● puzzled      ● rush       ● knock          ● worried        ● weekly      ●introduce     ● naughty         ● loud

e.g. He heard a loud noise and ran.


This was his worst party ever. He was so ................ .


Mum was ............... because Liz didn't come home after school.


There were many......... building in this town that people wanted to rebuild.


Can I............................. myself? My name is Mary Brown.


There are a lot of ............... magazines that give good advice about health.


They don’t need to .......... . They  have got a lot of time.  


The police were .............................. . They had no idea who stole the money.


My  brother  was very ............. . He didn’t  do his homework.


You must ................................        on the door before you enter a room.


My father  worked so hard last week that he feels very ..... now.

  1. Transform into negative sentences and questions.
  1. Hand-made toys developed imagination.
  2. A toy sewing machine taught girls how to run a home.
  3. I was fun to ride a rocking horse.
  4. They were born in the Soviet Union.
  5. Elizabeth did the dusting last weekend.

  1. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.


Be careful! We........................... (pay) a lot of money for that vase.


She ....................(leave)  an hour ago.


David..................................(shout) at his brother this morning.


Sam…..............................(knock) at the door but no one was in.


Mary .................................(spend) €35 on a new book.


My sister  ...................... (not/sing)  at the concert last Saturday.


Our teacher ....................... (say) that the class was very good today.


….......................... (she/walk) to school yesterday?


They ….............................. (meet) on holiday last year.


….............................. (they/do) a project about toys last lesson?


  1. Complete the first speaker.
  1. When ________________________ ?

She saw  a strange creature last night.

  1. What _________________________ ?

I had pasta for lunch.

  1. Where ________________________ ?

We bought it at the toy shop.

  1. Why __________________________ ?

The toy train were useful because they gave an interest in engineering.

  1. Who __________________________ ?

My dad found a puppy on the street.

  1. Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.

Sunday, 7th July

I had a great day! I 1)          up at 8 o’clock and the sky was blue. I met David and Peter at the port 2) .............nine and we left for Round Island. The Sea was calm and the trip only took 3) ............ hour. When we arrived, we went 4)................  and then we had a picnic on the beach.

5)…….. the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found

an empty house on the top of a hill. There were 6)............ strange paintings

on the walls of the house. It was cool!  When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but 7)............. the sea became very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side

 to side. We 8) ...................... afraid but it was also fun. It 9)................ us two

 hours get back but we arrived safely.

When I got home, mum was very 10)............ but I told her that I had a really great day!










a lot of




lot of

























































Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Test 8.

I. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.

• fast food restaurant     • zoo     • gallery     • cottage     • department store

• palace     • swimming pool     • library       • sports centre      • tent

1. The Smiths live in a ___ in the countryside.

2. There are lots of works of art in the ___.

3. This is a really big ___. They sell everything here!

4. My little sister wants to see the animals at the ___.

5. I’m so hungry. Can we go to a ___?

6. The Queen lives in a big luxirious ___.

7. Bob and Roy are staying in a small ___ at the campsite.

8. Tim keeps fit at the ___.

9. I always take books back to the ___.

10. If you want to go to the ___, you’ll need a bathing costume, a cap and watersport goggles.

2. Choose and write out the correct item.

1. Tom lives in a large block of ... (tents, hotels, flats).

2. They are staying in a fantastic ... while they’re on holiday (palace, tent, hotel).

3. Are you ...? I totally disagree with you! (brilliant, strange, serious).

4. There are too many ... about what we can and can’t do (timetables, rules, reasons).

5. We pay the ... for our house every month (ticket, price, rent).

6. He’s going to the International Summer ... in August (house, flat, school).

3. Choose and write out the correct item.

1. You can have a picnic listen to the song watch a film at the cinema.

2. You can relax / do sports / swim at the gym.

3. You can take pictures / go camping / find a book at the library.

4. You can play football / see fish / buy some bread at the aquarium.

5. You can swim / buy a present / see a play at the theatre.

4. Choose the correct modal verb.

1. You mustn’t/can’t/needn’t talk during the test. It’s prohibited.

2. You can’t/have to/mustn’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.

3. We needn’t/can’t/mustn’t hurry. We have a lot of time before the train.

4. You can’t/mustn’t/needn’t have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.

5. You needn’t/must/mustn’t go to the doctor. You look very ill.

5. Complete the sentences and use a comparative and superlative form.

  1. It is the ___________ (old) church in my city.
  2. She is one of the___________ (good) tennis players in the world.
  3. Sarah is _____________(intelligent) than Mike.
  4. He is the____________________ (clever) boy in the class.
  5. My room is _____________ (small) than yours.
  6. She is the____________________ (attractive) in her class.
  7. They are the__________________ (fast) runners of all.
  8. Don is the______________ (lazy) student in the class.
  9. The red dress is the_________________ (expensive) of all.
  10.  Rex is ____________ (aggressive) than Fluffy.

6. Read the text and find good and bad points when you live in a lighthouse.

We’ve moved to a lighthouse. It’s great!

Now we live near the sea and I can go swimming every day. The lighthouse is far from the town. I go to school by bicycle. It takes me an hour to get there. There are only two rooms and a kitchen in the house but they are cosy and romantic. We have electricity and gas but there is no running water and central heating. So it’s difficult to do the washing and to wash the dishes.

I like dreaming about the sea and adventures. I’d like to live there all my life! But my mother thinks it’s better to live in an ordinary house.

Good points

Bad points











6. Read the text and answer the questions.

Dear Kirsten,

Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.

Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want at once.

Visit me soon.

All my love,


1. What kind of home does Kirsten live in?

2. Which home has the biggest rooms?

3. Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?

4. Which home is in the countryside?

5. Which home is peaceful and quiet?

7. Match the questions to the aswers.

1. How about going to the aquarium? A OK. I want to see the monkeys.

2. Shall we go to that new department store? B I’d rather not. I don’t like him.

3. Why don’t we go to the zoo. C I don’t really like fish.

4. How about visiting Paul? D That sounds good. I’m tired.

5. Why don’t we go home? E Brilliant idea! I need some new


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-6. Test 9.

  1. Match the words.

  1. a bottle of
  2. a carton of
  3. a packet of
  4. a piece of
  5. a jar of
  6. a loaf of
  7. a bar of
  1. chocolate
  2. jam
  3. olive oil
  4. milk
  5. crisps
  6. cheese
  7. bread
  1. Fill in the correct word. One word is extra.

bread     dessert    biscuits     recipe     receipt      juice

piece        sour    spices      jam    cuisine

  1. Remember to buy a carton of apple ______ when you are at the supermarket.  
  2. How can you lose weight if you eat a loaf of _______ a day.
  3. How much does a kilo of those chocolate_______ cost?
  4. Would you like a _______ of Banoffee pie?
  5. We like tea with toasts and lemon ______ .
  6. Can you get me the box with_______ from the cupboard. I need some pepper.
  7. Honey is sweet but lemons are ______.
  8. My favourite _______ is Japanese because it mainly consists of seafood.
  9. Mum, can you give me a ______ of apple muffins, please? I want to bake some for my party.
  10. Would you like a trifle for ________ .

3. Complete the sentences.

  1. Finally, ___________ the mixture to the first bowl. (добавь)
  2. Would you like me to _____________ you an egg for your breakfast? (сварить)
  3. You _____________ the bacon and I'll make the toast. (жарить)
  4. Let's ______________ a birthday cake for Jack. (печь)
  5. Can you _____________ the potatoes, please? (чистить)

4. Choose the correct word

  1. There isn't some /any coffee in the jar.
  2. Bob usually has some /any bacon for breakfast.
  3. There aren't much / many eggs left. I'll go buy some.
  4. You put too much / many sugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.
  5. Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, a little/ a few, please.
  6. There’re only a little/ a few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
  7. Can I have some/any orange juice, please?
  8. Would you like  some/any milk in your coffee?

5.Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

  1. I don’t often cook at home but today is my son’s birthday and I _________ (cook) for my his friends.
  2. My dad always _______ (buy) fresh meat at the market.
  3. You ________ (always, leave) your dirty plates on the table!
  4. She usually _______ (have) a glass of milk before she goes to bed.
  5. We _______ (try) a very delicious vegetable soup at Pierre’s restaurant last weekend.
  6. __________ (you/go) to fish and chips shops when you were in London?