традиционная еда и здоровье человека
методическая разработка на тему

Артамонова Валентина Сергеевна

традиционная еда и здоровье человека


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Предварительный просмотр:

Традиционная еда и здоровье человека

Traditional food and people’s health

Столярова Евгения Викторовна

ГОУ НПО ТО «Профессиональный лицей №42»

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Группа № 104: 

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Английский язык

Цель урока: 

активизировать и систематизировать лексику по теме, совершенствовать устную речь, формировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме

Тип урока: 

Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 


Используемое оборудование: 

компьютер, проектор

Используемые ЦОР: 


Краткое описание: 

1.Организационный момент 1.1 Сообщение целей урока 1.2 Определение задач урока 2. Речевая зарядка 3. Активизация лексики по теме 4. Систематизация лексики и развитие навыков просмотрового чтения 5. Практика в чтении текста 6. Формирование навыков диалогической речи 7. Развитие навыков диалогической речи 8. Развитие навыков аудирования. Беседа по прослушанному тексту 9. Снятие интеллектуальной усталости с использованием учебного материала 10.Подведение итого урока 11. Объяснение домашнего задания 12. Комментирование оценок

I.     Organization

T. Good morning, everyone! Glad to see you.  Welcome to our lesson

Dear students, let me introduce myself. My name is Evgeniya Victorovna.  I am an English  teacher. How do you feel? I hope you are fine today. On your desks you can see  a paper with pictures of different moods. You can choose one which really shows you are feelings  at the moment. Please, put a tick in front one of  them. What picture have you chosen ? How do you feel?

T. We have a lot of work to do  for  today. We have to reach the aim of  the lesson step by step. We begin with translation, we are reading, look at the screen and  help me please what is the next step of our lesson, of course it is speaking, the next step – listening, and what is the next step of the lesson it is writing. Today we are going to translate, read, speak, listen, and write. You can see the aim of our lesson. It is to activate your vocabulary, to improve your speech on the topic.


             The aim of our lesson is to activate your vocabulary,

                                          to improve your speech on the topic







 Introduction of the Theme


T. Today we’ll speak about things that people of different countries usually  like to eat. First I want you to answer my question.  Is  the problem of food   very important for  the healthy way of life?

P. Yes, it is. The problem of food is very important for the healthy way of life because our health depends on the food we eat.

T.  We can buy many things but we can’t buy health. And the topic of our lesson is “Traditional Food and People’s Health. ‘’ Please , write down the theme.


2. Речевая зарядка

T. You have a clean piece  of paper.  Draw food you usually have for breakfast, dinner and supper. I give you a minute.  So, let’s see.

T.  Do you have breakfast every day? 

P. Yes, I do. I have breakfast every day .

T. And you?

P. As for me, I have breakfast every day too.

T. What do you have for breakfast ?  And what kind of  food do you have for breakfast?

P. As for me,  I like to eat porridge and a cup of tea for breakfast.

P. I have cereal with cold milk and tea.

T. I see  that  your  tastes differ.  There is a proverb : Tastes differ. Do you agree with the proverb?

P. I agree with the statement and  I am sure it is very important to be healthy.

T. I think people can buy different things but we can’t buy our health and you must eat only healthy food.


3. Активизация лексики по темеT. That’s right, but thousands of children in the UK  leave their houses and  go to school without breakfast.

T. What do you know about Russian and American  children?  Look at the results of a survey that is carried out in Great Britain, America and Russia. I want you to read this information.

In Russia 15 per cent of youngsters say they have  nothing to eat at home in the morning.

In Great Britain  10 per cent of  all say they  eat sweets, chips and even pizza – on the way to school.

In America 6 per cent enjoy a full cooked breakfast. Do you always eat  in  the morning?


 T. You are at school until 2 or 3 o’clock every day and that’s why you have lunch at school. What do you have for lunch at school?

P. We have  lunch at school and we have  milk porridge, fish, vegetables, milk for lunch.

T. I think it is the right kind of food.  Слайд   Scientists believe that some foods such as fish,  eggs, fruit, vegetables help us think better.  This kind of food  influence our brain. Do you agree with me? And I want to add that  breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


4. Систематизация лексики и развитие навыков  просмотрового чтения


T.  We have spoken anough about healthy food  and we go on.  If we go to another country, e.g. to America we ‘ll need to know something about traditions, ways of behavior and about food which they like to eat. And we must know what  the traditional food for American people is  friends, these phrases аnd words help you to  answer this question . Look at the screen,  first of all read after me .



Snack - закуска

Fast food – restaurant food that is quickly produced and served – «быстрая еда»

It does not cost much - она не стоит дорого

Old fashioned -  несовременный, старомодный

To save trouble – избавить от хлопот

Ground beef- говяжий фарш

Sandwich –бутерброд, сэндвич

French fries – French fried potatoes – чипсы жаренной картошки

Taco –мексиканское блюдо из мяса, завернутое в кукурузную лепешку

Tortillа – плоская маисовая лепешка ( заменяющая в Мексике хлеб)

Spaghetti – спагетти,  длинные тонкие макароны

Sweet and sour pork – свинина в кисло – сладком соусе ( китайская кухня)

Turkey – индейка

Beans – фасоль

Maize -кукуруза

Salmon –лосось

“ Grease spoons  - « сальные тарелки»


5. Практика в чтении текста


T. Now  read the  text and choose  the phrases from the text which help you to answer  the question . Insert the main phrases to the web which help you for the further work.





Food in America


              People in the States still like to think of some kinds of food as especially American. They like the idea of  sitting all members of the family around the table eating turkey at Thanksgiving Day.

               There’s no time for old- fashioned cooking now and quick snacks saves trouble American people. 

               You probably know what fast food is. It is cooked food that is ready almost as soon as you enter a public eating place. It does not cost much. It is popular with most Americans and with many people around the world.

               Most fast food restaurants offer ground beef sandwiches called hamburgers and potatoes cooked  in   hot oil called French fries. Other fast food places serve fried chickens, pizza or tacos.

             You  can see fast food restaurants almost everywhere in the United States.  In “ Grease spoons” cafes we can see old wooden seats, each table has on it a bottle of brown sauce, tomato ketchup and mustard, and pots of salt and pepper.  

               Fast food industry  began with two brothers from California in the nineteen – forties  Mac and Dick Mc – Donald.


T. Have you done the task?  Are you ready to answer?  Translate from Russian into English .


Фастфуд – это приготовленная пища

 Fast food it is cooked food

Легкая закуска избавляет от хлопот  американцев

Quick snacks saves trouble   American people

Она стоит не дорого

It does not cost much

Еда быстрого приготовления нравится большинству американцев и многим людям во всем мире  

Fast food is popular with  most Americans and with many people around the world.



Большинство ресторанов быстрого питания предлагают сэндвичи с говяжьим фаршем, называемые гамбургерами и картофель, называемый французскими поджарками

Most fast food restaurants offer ground beef sandwiches called hamburgers and potatoes cooked  in  a hot oil called French fries

Такого рода кафе мы можем увидеть на столе соус, томатный кетчуп, перец, соль и горчицу.  In “ Grease spoons” cafes оn the table we can see we can a bottle of brown sauce, tomato ketchup and Mustard, and pots of salt and pepper. 


 Индустрии фастфуда дали начало два брата из штата Калифорния, в сороковых годах.             

Fast food industry  began with two brothers in San Bernardino, California in the nineteen – forties  Mac and Dick Mc – Donald.





T You see  that Americans eat  different kinds  of food: e.g. beans, sandwiches, French fries.

T. Are sandwiches, fried chicken,  taco, French fries  right food?

P. No they are not,  they are not the right food, because fast food makes you fat and they have not any vitamins.

T. What is the right  food?

P.I think  meat, fish, milk , vegetable salad, soup, potatoes  is  the right food which help us to grow.

P. I want to add that we  must eat fruit and vegetables ,they have got a lot of vitamins.

T. What do you like to drink and  would you like to drink?

P. I like to drink apple juice, iced tea.

T. What do you like to drink?

P. As for me I like to drink Coka – Cola.

  T.  Do you know that a can of Coke contains about eight teaspoons of sugar and artificial sweeteners? As a result, many modern kids suffer from such illnesses as diabetes, cancer and tooth decay. And there are more and more children who are extremely overweight or even obese.



T.  Слайд   But if more and more Americans eat fast food, drink Coka – Cola  more and more Americans also worry about it. Fast food makes you fat, and Americans are the fattest people in the world. They are also the most interested in their health, and snack food is not healthy.


   The fattest man in the world is – Т. Д. Альберт Джексон  from Mississippi , his weight is 407 kilograms.

T.   Do you like to eat fast food or food with a lot of vitamins?

P. As for me I like to eat fruit and food with a lot of vitamins.

T. In fact a fat people  have  real problems . It will be hard for them to get a good job, or even to make friends. Thank you  for your  good work .Don’t forget about your web, insert the main ideas from our talk to the web and fill in your mind – map.


6. Развитие навыков диалогической речи


T.    I want you to complete the dialogue .  Work in pairs.



American girl.  I think it is time to have dinner.

Russian girl.  _________4_________________ .

American girl. I don’t like eat much, you know.

Waiter  Welcome! Here is our menu, please. Are you ready_  ___5___ ?

American girl.  I’d   I like hamburger, potato chips.

 Waiter.  _1___  ________  ?

Russian girl. But  i t is not ___2____     ____________    food, because fast food makes you fat and they have not any vitamins.

American girl. And what is the right food?

 Russian girl. Different food. Meat, fish, milk help you to grow. You must eat __6_and _____ .

Waiter. What would you like_ 3_________ ?

American girl. A can of Coka – Cola, please.

Russian girl. Do you know that a can of Coke contains __7___ ________teaspoons__ ___ ____ ___ ___ ? As a result, many modern kids _9__ ___ ___  ____ as diabetes, cancer and tooth decay. And there are more and more children who are extremely _8____ or even obese.

Waiter. Are you ready to order?

American girl..  What do you want to eat?

Russian girl.   OK.__10___________________. They have got a lot of vitamins.

Waiter. What would you like to drink? We have apple juice, iced tea, lemonade.

Russian girl. . I am thirsty. I want tea with lemon Russian people like to drink tea with lemon.

Waiter. Just a minute please.


What  does it cut? Now I check up, it is right.  The next, please.

 1. Anything else

2. …the right food,

3. to drink, 

4. What would you like for dinner?

 5.… to order

 6.… fruit and vegetables

7. about eight teaspoons of sugar and artificial sweeteners

8. overweight

9. ..suffer from such illnesses

10.  Vegetable salad, soup, meat and potatoes.



T.  Imagine that you are  in America . You are going in the McDonald’s restaurant Let’s try to choose healthy food, your task is to make up  the   dialogue  between a waiter, an  American girl, a  Russian girl.  You may use the phrases from the preceding dialogue.  We need an American girl, who wants to be an American girl? We need a  waiter, who wants to be a waiter? We need a Russian girl, who wants to be a Russian girl?


American girl.  I think it is time to have dinner.

Russian girl.  What would you like for dinner, Ann?

American girl I don’t like eat much, you know.

Waiter  Welcome! Here is our menu, please. Are you ready to order?

American girl.  I’d   I like hamburger, potato chips.

Waiter  Anything else?

Russian girl. But  i t is not the right food, because fast food makes you fat and they have not any vitamins.

American girl. And what is the right food?

 Russian girl. Different food. Meat, fish, milk help you to grow. You must eat fruit and vegetables .

Waiter. What would you like to drink?

American girl. A can of Coka – Cola, please.

Russian girl. Do you know that a can of Coke contains about eight teaspoons of sugar and artificial sweeteners? As a result, many modern kids suffer from such illnesses as diabetes, cancer and tooth decay. And there are more and more children who are extremely overweight or even obese.

Waiter. Are you ready to order?

American food.  What do you want to eat?

Russian girl. OK. Vegetable salad, soup, meat and potatoes. They have got a lot of vitamins.

Waiter. What would you like to drink? We have apple juice, iced tea, lemonade.

Russian girl. I want tea with lemon Russian people like to drink tea with lemon.

Waiter. Just a minute please.

Russian girl. I am thirsty.

T. Thank you for a good work, sit down


T. Do you often go to the  places like McDonald’s or Burger King?

P. Personally,  I rarely  go to places like McDonald’s,  maybe I go there once a year.

T. Do you like to eat fast food or food with a lot of vitamins?

P. As for me I like to eat fruit and food with a lot of vitamins.

T. Thank you  for your  good work.

Вывод:Nowadays the food we daily eat can be unhealthy and even dangerous


8.  Развитие навыков  аудирования. Беседа по прослушанному тексту


T. Russian Cuisine is varied and colourful and it depends on our tastes and habits. It  is difficult to describe the Russian’s dinner or supper, it depends on people’s work, money and opportunities.

 I have a very interesting film about ancestors food. Let’s see it. What are the most popular food in Russia?

P. The most popular dishes in Russia are: pelmeni, vinaigrette, shchi, kasha, blini, solynka.

T.What are the most popular drinks in Russia?

P. The most popular drinks in Russia are tea, kvas, kompot, milk, kissel.

T.Try to remember as many  names of Russian cuisine as possible

- It’s Porridge,    it’s   bread kvass, it’s  potato ,they  are dumplings with meat, it’s spinach – шпинат, it’s pelmeni, it’s  onion ,   it’s   shchi,  it’s garlic – чеснок,  it’s  blini, it’s cucumber.

T. I see you know  Russian cuisine, very good. I want to say that food of our ancestors was much healthier than today.

9. Relaxation - снятие интеллектуальной усталости с использованием учебного материала

T.  And what kind of  tea do you prefor?  Would you like a cup of tea with lemon or with milk?



10. Conclusion - подведение  итога урока


T.  How often have we repeated the words food, fast food, health? I think there are many times. Let’s come back to  our pictures about breakfast, dinner and supper. Did everybody draw the right food at the beginning of the lesson? Oh, I see some pupils have mistaken. Today we have spoken about the food components of various nationalities. So your web is completed What may be the  conclusion of our lesson? Let’s once more return to your mind – map  and read the main sentences of our lesson

P.W e agree that our food must be healthy,



P.W e agree that our food must be healthy,



P. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

P.  We must eat only healthy food with a lot of vitamins.

T. The food components of various nationalities are predetermined by eco – geographical features.

Let’s return to our  steps  I think we have overcome all the steps and I am very glad we have reached the aim of the lesson step by step.

I like your good work but how do you feel now? Look at these pictures and choose the pictures of your feeling.  How do you feel? I am very glad that  you are fine and  I am fine too.

T. I like your answers I give you marks. I want to give a five …

Your answers were good.

11. Hometask – объяснение домашнего задания

Prepare a composition “ The Family Traditional food”.

12. Комментирование оценок.




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