План-конспект занятия New York и Past Simple и Present Perfect
план-конспект занятия на тему

Евдокимов Андрей Борисович

Цель первой части занятия: развитие иноязычных компетенций аудирования, чтения, говорения (монологической речи) по теме «Нью Йорк». 

Цель второй части занятия: систематизация и обобщение грамматических навыков по темам "Past Simple и Present Perfect".

Оборудование: учебник «Английский язык», авторы: Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, видеозапись по теме Нью-Йорк, доска, раздаточный материал.


Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока в НППК, 05.02.18. пара, 2 занятия по 45 минут каждый. Провел: Евдокимов Андрей Борисович.

Тема первого занятия: New York.

Тема второго занятия: Past Simple и Present Perfect.

Конспект первого занятия.

Цель урока – развитие иноязычных компетенций аудирования, чтения, говорения (монологической речи) по теме «Нью Йорк».

Формируемые предметные результаты:

усвоение активной лексики по теме, построение высказываний по теме, извлечение основной информации из текста при чтении и аудировании, соблюдение речевого этикета, построение связного высказывания по теме

Формируемые метапредметные результаты:

  • умение самостоятельно определять цели своего обучения, ставить и формулировать для себя новые задачи в учебе, развивать мотивы и интересы своей познавательной деятельности
  • умение самостоятельно планировать пути достижения целей, осознанно выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных и познавательных задач;
  • умение определять понятия, создавать обобщения, устанавливать аналогии, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логические рассуждения и делать выводы.

Формируемые УУД:

  • Регулятивные - умение оценивать правильность учебной задачи; умение работать индивидуально и в группе;
  • Познавательные – поисковое чтение
  • Коммуникативные – умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество со сверстниками и учителем

Задачи урока:


  • ввести ЛЕ по теме Нью-Йорк
  • отработать в устной и письменной речи ЛЕ по теме
  • совершенствовать навыки чтения и аудирования по теме Нью-Йорк
  • учить писать названия достопримечательностей на английском языке
  • повторить информацию о США в виде незаконченных предложений
  • совершенствовать навыки говорения по теме


  • воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка
  • воспитывать умение работать в группе, паре
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу, умение слушать друг друга, учителя


  • развивать память, внимание, мышление, фонематический слух
  • совершенствовать навыки говорения по теме
  • совершенствовать языковую догадку
  • расширять общий кругозор учащихся

Тип урока – урок изучения нового материала

Формы работы учащихся – индивидуальная, парная, групповая

Оборудование: учебник «Английский язык», авторы: Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, видеозапись по теме Нью-Йорк, доска, раздаточный материал.

Конспект 1-ой части занятия

1. Организационный момент. Учитель здоровается со студентами, объявляет цели и задачи занятия.

Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you again. Sit down, please! Let’s start our lesson.
We continue our work on the theme «the USA». Today we are going to speak about one of the biggest America’s city. What city it is, you will get to know a bit later.

Besides, we’ll learn some new interesting facts from the history of America. It is what we’ll do at the lesson today.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

Let’s start with your home task. You were to prepare at home a short story or report about the political divisions (also referred to as administrative divisions) of the United States. Who can do it now?

S1. Рассказывает о США (у доски, использует карту).

You were also to prepare at home a short story or report about the national symbols of the United States. Who can do it now?

S2. Рассказывает о США (у доски, использует карту).

3. Речевая разминка.
Well, at our last lessons we spoke a lot about the USA, it’s political system, it’s capital Washington. On the screen you see the beginnings of the sentences, complete them, please.

  • The capital of America is……..
  • The country consists of…..states.
  • American money is…….
  • The president of the USA is…….
  • The national symbol (bird) is……
  • The 1st president of the USA was……
  • The biggest city of the USA is…. (New York)

4. Просмотр видеоклипа“New York City Vacation Travel Guide - Expedia”. 
This is our theme for the first part of today’s lesson. Open, please, your exercise books and write it into them. Take, please, the script to the video, please. (Студенты получают скрипт видеоклипа (
Приложение 1)

I am sure this video will help you understand and feel the atmosphere of this amazing city.

5. Работа с текстом. Студенты работают со скриптом видеоклипа (Приложение 1).
Answer, please, my question. What is this text about? (New York) What is the Big Apple? (It’s the name people in America call New York). What New York attractions can you name?

Now, please, read this text after the speaker.

6. Знакомство с новыми словами в виде выполнения упражнений.
Студенты получают задание (
Приложение 2) дополнить фразы пропущенными словами или предлогами.

Take these papers, please. You are to complete the phrases with missing words or prepositions. Do it by consulting the text.

Work in a chain. Read your sentences, please.

S1 reads, then S2, etc.

7. Презентация новых слов. (См.Приложение 3)
Now I’d like you to repeat new words after me. Now, please, copy these words into your dictionary. Work in a chain, read new words with the translation.

S1 reads, then S2, etc.

8. Подведение итогов. Перерыв перед вторым занятием.
Our time of the first part of the lesson is over. I think you have known much about New-York and its attractions. Answer my question, please:

What does ‘attraction’ mean? (достопримечательность)

Name one attraction of  New York, please.

S1: Brooklyn

S2: Guggenheim museum

S3: etc.

Write, please, the home task for the next lesson: learn new words (Приложение 7), also page 220, ex.20, 221, ex. 23 in your student’s book.

I thank you for your work at the lesson and give you the following marks (комментируются оценки). Now it’s time to have a break. Thank you for your work.

Конспект 2-ой части занятия

1. Организационный момент. Учитель здоровается со студентами, объявляет цели и задачи занятия.

Good morning again! Sit down, please! Let’s continue our lesson.
We continue our work on the theme Present Perfect and Past Simple. But our today’s theme is “Present Perfect in comparison with Past Simple”. Today we are going to distinguish one tense from another.

It is what we’ll do at the lesson today.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

Let’s start with your home task. You were to learn at home a scheme of formation of Present Perfect Tense. Who can do it now?

S1. Рассказывает о Present Perfect.

You were also to learn at home a list of markers of Present Perfect (words which point at time). Who can tell it now?

S2. Рассказывает.

4. Объявление темы занятия. Просмотр видеоклипа“The Present Perfect Tense_-_With example sentences”. 
Open, please, your exercise books and write the theme of today’s lesson into them. “Present Perfect in comparison with Past Simple”

We are going to revise the formation of Present Perfect Tense by watching the video.

This video will help you brush up your grammar.

Look at screen, please. Copy a short scheme of formation of Present Perfect (Приложение 4) into your exercise books.

5. Работа с текстом. Студенты работают со скриптом видеоклипа (Приложение 1).
Look again at our text “New York”. Take it and circle all the sentcences in Present Perfect Tense (where the main verbs have the auxiliary verb have/has).

Are you ready? Read, please the first sentence.

S1 reads, then S2, etc.

6. Повторение Past Simple и выполнения упражнений.
We are going to revise the formation of Past Simple by watching the video.

This video will help you brush up your grammar.

Look at screen, please. Copy a short scheme of formation of Past Simple (Приложение 4) into your exercise books.

Look at our text “New York” again. Сircle all the sentences in Past Simple Tense (where the main verbs have an “ed” ending or are in Past Simple if they are irregular).

Are you ready? Read, please the sentences in a chain.

S1 reads, S2, S3 etc.

7. Различение Past Simple и Present Perfect.
Now you get papers where you are to name the tense: is the sentence in Past Simple or in Present Perfect (Приложение 5).

Read the sentences and define the tense.
S1 reads, then S2, etc.

Thank you all.

Now you get papers where you are to underline the correct tense: Past Simple or Present Perfect (Приложение 6).

Read the sentences and define the tense.
S1 reads, then S2, etc.

8. Подведение итогов. Задание на следующее занятие.
Our time of the second part of the lesson is over. Answer my questions, please:

How do you form the Present Perfect Tense?

How do you form the Past Simple Tense?

S1: “ed” ending or the second form of the irregular verb.

S2: have/has plus the main verb.

S3: etc.

What markers of time are there in Past Simple?

S1: ago

S2: yesterday

S3: etc.

What markers of time are there in Present  Perfect?

S1: already

S2: yet

S3: etc.

Write, please, the home task for the next lesson: learn the scheme of these two tenses. You are to have a progress check.

I thank you for your work at the lesson and give you the following marks (комментируются оценки). Now it’s time to have a break. Thank you for your work. Goodbye!

Приложение 1


(Script to a Video)

New York is situated in the north-east region of the United States of America. Over eight million people call the Big Apple home and the city attracts up to fifty million visitors a year. Ever since the Colonists arrived in 1624, New York has been continuously shaped by the waves of immigrants drawn here by the promise of hope, and liberty. Every newcomer arrived with a cultural suitcase that contributed to the sounds, tastes and textures of New York.

But it is their dreams which built the city. A city like no other! New York touches not only the heavens with its mythic skyline, its influence radiates to every corner of the globe. Every street corner, it seems, is familiar through documentary movie and song. New York's straightforward grid system makes it an easy city to explore by foot, taxi, or on its subway, which, just like the city - never sleeps! In Manhattan's Midtown, you'll find many of the Big Apple's most iconic symbols. The Art Deco-designed Empire State Building is one of the most impressive and endearing skyscrapers ever created. The skyline may have grown up around it, but the view from the 102nd floor is as breathtaking today as it was when it first opened in 1931.

New York has always been a place where "when the going got tough, the tough got going". The Rockefeller Center, a visionary city within a city, rose during the darkest days of the Great Depression. Today, it's still a place of creativity, inspiration and even more incredible views of the city. Closer to earth is Grand Central Terminal. Step into the Main Concourse, and feel the echo of every tearful farewell and joyous greeting throughout the station's history.

New York has always been the gateway to the Land of the Free, but it is also the city of the spree – the shopping spree! This city is shopaholic heaven, and Fifth Avenue with its eye-popping window displays is the high temple of the retail world.

Times Square is one of the most visited tourist attractions on the planet. Stand here, on the corner of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, and you stand at the crossroads of the world. It's also the place to snap up a half-price ticket to a Broadway show.

New York has been blessed with generous civic spaces. But there is no greater chill-out space in the Big Apple than Central Park, a beautiful 850-acre network of meadows and lakes. This is the place where New Yorkers come to rest, romance, and express themselves. Over the decades many New Yorkers made it big, and much of that fabulous wealth was reinvested into collecting some of the greatest artworks on the planet.

Nowadays, much of this art is available for everyone to enjoy. A walk through the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a walk through 5000 years of humankind's greatest creative moments.

The Frank Lloyd Wright designed-Guggenheim is a different kind of walk, one which spirals ever-upward through a dizzying collection of 20th and 21st Century masterpieces.

Newcomers to New York spend much of their time looking skyward, but since the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, a new attraction gives locals and visitors a chance to pause and bow their heads. The Reflecting Absence memorial and museum honors the 3000 people who lost their lives on that darkest of September days.

New York resonates with the sounds of over 800 language groups, and nothing epitomizes this diversity like the city's neighborhoods. Little Italy packs all the tastes and flavors of Italy into just a couple of streets, while Soho attracts cool cats and well-heeled bohemians from all over the world.

A few streets away, Greenwich Village proudly retains the cafés and bars where creative residents like Bob Dylan first performed before becoming American icons. And then there are the boroughs. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to the melting pot of Brooklyn. With its own distinctive neighborhoods, museums, open spaces - and who could forget Coney Island!

So welcome to New York City, The Big Apple. We've only just given you a bite-sized taste of what this incredible city has to offer. But if you've got an appetite for the very best things that life has to offer, this is the destination for you - there's enough to feast on here for a lifetime!

Приложение 2

Complete the phrases with missing words. Consult the text:

contributed_________the  sounds…

New York touches not only the heavens ____ its mythic skyline…

when the going got tough, the _________ got going…

the gateway ____ the Land of the Free …

one of the most visited tourist ____________ …

New York has been blessed _____ generous civic spaces…

But there is no greater _________ space in the Big Apple than Central Park…

this art is available ______ everyone…

A walk __________ the Metropolitan Museum of Art -

a new attraction gives ________ and visitors

We've only just given you a _______-______ taste…

With its own _______________ neighborhoods…

Приложение 3

touch with - трогать (с помощью/чем-либо)

blessed with - благословлен (чем-либо)

tough - трудности

attraction - достопримечательность

civic (place) - общественное (место)

to be available for -

a walk through - прогулка через

locals - местные

a bite-sized taste - небольшое представление

distinctive - отличительный, особый, заметный

Empire State Building - Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг

The Rockefeller Center - Рокфеллер Центр

Broadway - Бродвей

the Metropolitan Museum of Art - Музей Искусств Метрополитен

Guggenheim museum - Музей Гуггенхайма

Brooklyn – Бруклин

Приложение 4

D:\Documents and Settings\Андрей\Мои документы\Магистратура\МОЯ ДИССЕРТАЦИЯ\Эксперимент\05-02\all tenses.jpg

Приложение 5

Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1. I have not eaten yet today.

2 I did not eat yesterday.

3.Have you ever been to New York?

4. When did you meet him?

5.I have not seen him for ages.

 6. Where have you put my pen?

7.Mary has not bought a new hat.

8.She saw this film last Sunday .

9.Were you in the Caucasus last year?

10.I have never seen him.

11.When  did you open the  window? I opened  it ten minutes ago .

12.Look at my new dress.I have made  it myself  .

13.She has just gone out .

14.I have never been to Washington.

15.It was very cold yesterday.

Приложение 6

D:\Documents and Settings\Андрей\Мои документы\Магистратура\МОЯ ДИССЕРТАЦИЯ\Эксперимент\05-02\PRESENT Perfect and Past Simple\choose.png

Приложение 7

touch with -

blessed with -

tough -

attraction -

civic place -

to be available for -

a walk through -

locals -

a bite-sized taste -

distinctive -

Empire State Building -

The Rockefeller Center -

Broadway -

the Metropolitan Museum of Art -

Guggenheim museum -

Brooklyn –

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