хобби, досуг. Увлечения и интересы
учебно-методическое пособие

Валерия Викторовна Панова

учебное пособие


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Предварительный просмотр:

Правительство Санкт-Петербурга

Комитет по образованию

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Колледж метрополитена»

Hobby, leisure.

Хобби, досуг.





Правительство Санкт-Петербурга

Комитет по образованию

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Колледж метрополитена»

Автор-составитель: Панова В.В., преподаватель высшей категории

Рецензент: Мельникова Е.В., заместитель директора по УПР

Hobby, leisure.

Хобби, досуг.

Учебное пособие

Данное пособие предназначено для практических занятий обучающихся всех профессий и специальностей 1 курса.

Целью данного пособия является формирование навыков изучающего чтения, которое предусматривает максимально полное и точное понимание всей содержащейся в тексте информации и ее критическое осмысление, предполагающее целенаправленный анализ содержания с опорой на языковые и логические связи текста; а также формирование навыков перевода, конспектирования и составления монологических высказываний на основе текстов нейтральной тематики и овладение новой лексикой, необходимой для последующей самостоятельной работы с оригинальными текстами.

Пособие формирует базовые знания английского языка, достаточные для дальнейшего совершенствования в сфере языковой коммуникации.


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Text 1

My daily routine. Part 1

Our life changes all the time. Next year I will finish school and I don’t know how I will spend time in future. There are so many opportunities to use, so many spheres of science to study, people to get acquainted with, places to visit. I am looking forward to interesting and happy future. But at the present moment I am just a schoolgirl. Now I will tell you what my daily life is like.

I wake up at seven o’clock in the morning. I use an alarm clock, which plays my favorite song for a pleasant beginning of the day. Sometimes it is difficult to break away from the pillow, especially in winter period, when days are so short and it is completely dark behind the window. Three times a week I begin my day with physical exercises – with running. I put on my sneakers and a sports suit, stick headphones into my ears and run to the park. There I make three circles around the pond and turn back home. Then I have breakfast. I make breakfast by myself. It always consists of toasts, eggs and coffee, and when my mom is at home I eat porridge. After breakfast I have a contrast shower, put on my school uniform, comb hair, brush teeth and go to school.

At 8 o’clock I meet my friend who lives in the neighboring house and we continue our trip together. On the way we discuss current events, laugh and tell stories to each other. Meeting my friend in the morning cheers me up and makes my school routine better. The route to our school is not very long but we like not to hurry and to enjoy morning.

My classes at school start at half past eight. As a rule, my class has six or seven lessons. Each lesson lasts forty five minutes. There is a big break after the fourth lesson when we are able to visit our school canteen and have a quick snack. I study in a medical grade so I have a great number of biology and chemistry lessons. I have to strain my brains, so at the end of the school day I feel very tired. I go home at half past three. There I have dinner. I usually eat food that my mother made for me the day before. I eat soup and meat with vegetables. After dinner I feel energetic again. I do my homework as quick as possible and finally I am free. The most exciting part of the day begins.

There are several options of my further day activities. The thing that never changes is that everything I do, I do with my friends. When it is warm we like to ride bicycles or go to the park. When it is cloudy or rainy we go to the cinema, or to the entertainment center, where we play bowling and pool. Sometimes we visit each other’s homes. In winter we have an interesting pastime too. There is a huge skating rink in our block with music and lights. We enjoy skating and boys are fond of playing hockey. On the hills near the park we ride snow skates and ski. Also we like to play snowballs.

Text 2

My daily routine. Part 2

At 5 o clock I go to the dancing school. I’ve been attending dances since my childhood and I do it very well. I can dance using several styles and my trainer sometimes allows me to teach little children. This activity doesn’t take me more than an hour and a half.

Once a week I have a chemistry lesson with my private teacher. She works in the university that I am going to enter, but I meet with her at her flat. She lives far from me, so I go there by trolleybus or by bus. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to my teacher’s house. During the lesson she gives me various tests, and when I make mistakes, we learn the topic which is my weak point.

On Friday, when I have no homework, I like to visit my granny. She always gives me something tasty. We drink tea and eat pancakes or donuts. I can spend a lot of time at my granny’s. She has a dog, so after the tea we go for a walk with it. The dog’s name is Grey. It is very clever and executes various commands.

At 7 o’clock I have supper at home with my family. My mother and my father return home from their offices and my little brother is taken away from kindergarten. We enjoy being together again. We speak about the day events; give each other advice and so on. After the supper I usually help my mother with the housework: wash dishes, wipe dust and take the trash out.

At 8 o’clock I begin to prepare for bed. I read an interesting book, watch movies or surf the Internet. When it is necessary I repeat my lessons. Then, at nine o clock I go to bed. Sometimes, before I fall asleep I like to listen to my Walkman. That makes my dreams more pleasant. That is what my common day looks like.

Of course all days are different. Moreover, weekends and holidays are always unique and unrepeatable. On birthday parties I usually go to bed later. I like holidays because it is always very boring to live using the same schedule. By the way, my family likes to travel twice a year. During these periods we have many adventures, see interesting sites and relax from our routine.

Text 3

As a rule, I get up at half past six. I put on my dressing-gown, go into bathroom and turn on the bath taps. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises. I get breakfast at seven-thirty and listen to the news over the radio.

I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one. For breakfast I usually have hard-boiled eggs or an omelette, bread and butter, tea or coffee; I read my newspaper with my last cup of coffee before I leave home.

Then, I say "Good-bye" to my mother, take my school-bag and go to school. I don't live far from my school, so it doesn't take me long to get there. The lessons start at half past eight. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes. The classes are over at two o'clock.

I come back home, have dinner, wash up and go shopping. I buy foodstuffs for the family. Coming back I begin to clean the house and get the vegetables ready for supper. We have supper at seven. I do my homework for the next day. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lessons.

In the evening, I always try to spend at least an hour at the piano. As a rule my parents and I sit and talk, watch a film on TV, read newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, we go to the cinema or to the theatre. Once or twice a month, I visit exhibitions in my home town.

I go to bed at about eleven o'clock, but my parents like to sit up late and write letters or read.

Text 4

As a rule, I get up at half past six. I put on my dressing-gown, go into bathroom and turn on the bath taps. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises. I get breakfast at seven-thirty and listen to the news over the radio.

I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one. For breakfast I usually have hard-boiled eggs or an omelette, bread and butter, tea or coffee; I read my newspaper with my last cup of coffee before I leave home.

Then, I say "Good-bye" to my mother, take my school-bag and go to school. I don't live far from my school, so it doesn't take me long to get there. The lessons start at half past eight. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes. The classes are over at two o'clock.

I come back home, have dinner, wash up and go shopping. I buy foodstuffs for the family. Coming back I begin to clean the house and get the vegetables ready for supper. We have supper at seven. I do my homework for the next day. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lessons.

In the evening, I always try to spend at least an hour at the piano. As a rule my parents and I sit and talk, watch a film on TV, read newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, we go to the cinema or to the theatre. Once or twice a month, I visit exhibitions in my home town.

I go to bed at about eleven o'clock, but my parents like to sit up late and write letters or read.

*Ответь на вопросы:

1. When do you get up as a rule?

2. Why do you do your morning exercises?

3. What do you have for breakfast?

4. How long does each lesson last?

5. When do you begin to clean the house?

Text 5

Some people call their life a ground-hug day; others think it is what stability is supposed to be. Anyway, it is all about our daily routine. It is difficult to define it as a good or a bad thing, as it is a part of our life and we should just accept it.

 As all other people I have a daily routine. It may differ from other people’s routine but it is still a routine. My daily routine consists of waking up at a certain time, having breakfast, walking to the university and many other everyday “rites”. Even the fact that I always listen to music on my way to and from the university can be called a routine.

However, my routine is not always the same. It may change depending on the period of the year and the place where I stay in. Nevertheless, daily routine always plays its usual role rarely giving place to something new and unusal.

 Frankly speaking, I do love my daily routine. I feel more confident and balanced. It goes without saying, I do not do exactly the same things every single day and at the same time. However, I have some responsibilites, chores and hobbies I usually do and they fill my life with harmony.

 Moreover, the shifts from stable and unstable periods make us value life in all of its aspects. That’s why I believe we should not complain about the things we have to do every day, such as work. It is better to enjoy everything in our life.

Text 6

Just an ordinary day?

In 1990, Dr Ron Parise was one of a team of astronauts who went on a nine-day mission that took them round the Earth 143 times. Dr.Parise describes life on board the space shuttle Columbia.

‘Living and working in zero gravity is OK. It’s quite nice floating around, but you have to fix your feet into position while you are working so you don’t float off. But it wasn’t all work. There was lots of time for serious things like standing on the ceiling and holding each other up with one finger. One of our favourite games was throwing and catching sweets and blowing water at each other.

There are some problems with living in space. For example, it’s pretty difficult to eat chips or spaghetti. Food is freeze-dried and kept in sealed boxes. It is not bad, but you know you are not going into space to eat gourmet meals. It’s also a bit like hospital because you have to choose all your meals beforehand.

Cleaning your teeth is a problem. You can’t brush your teeth with your mouth open because it’s a very messy job. If you spill anything in the shuttle, you have to catch it in a cloth otherwise it just keeps floating around.

Astronauts have twelve hours of hard work and then twelve hours off. You have to rest in your bed even if you don’t sleep. Each sleeping compartment is very narrow and closed like a long cupboard. It’s also vertical – horizontal depending on which way you decide is up!’

* Определите, правдивыми или ложными являются следующие утверждения, исходя из содержания текста:

Astronauts work a usual working day – from 9 am till 5 pm.

Astronauts rest in bed even if they don’t sleep.

Astronauts cook gourmet meals for themselves.

They have some problems while eating some kinds of food.

Text 7

My daily routine starts pretty early, at 6 a.m. I get up and go outside to do some exercise or ride a bike. When I finish I go home, have a shower and get dressed. My clothes and my bag are always ready from the night before.

Then I generally make a cup of coffee, check my e-mail inbox and have a look at the news in the Internet. I eat my breakfast. Sometimes I oversleep and if so – I skip my breakfast and rush to the university. I leave my home at half past 8, take a bus and normally get to the university at 8.50 as there are no traffic jams on my way.The lectures start at 9 in the morning, so I have some time to talk to my fellow-students. I like the atmosphere at my college: the teachers are cool and I meet my friends there. We go for lunch to our university canteen at 2 o’clock. I usually finish my studies at about 4 p.m. Though sometimes we need to stay late to do some laboratory research or work in the library. Then I go home, make myself some dinner, switch my laptop on and surf the net. I do my homework if I didn’t manage to do that during my free periods at the university. I also try to read for a bit every evening. I go to bed at about midnight. That’s my typical day.

The best part of my day is the evening when I eat my dinner, watch TV, play computer games or go out with my friends, watch football at a sports bar and just relax after a busy day. That’s my favourite time of the day.

Text 8

From Monday to Friday I think about weekends OR how I will spend Saturday and Sunday. I don’t have many friends, that’s why I have to come up with the entertaining ideas for me on my own. I’m not a couch potato and hate spending my time only beside the TV-set. I’m likely to go somewhere on foot just to have a walk if I have no other plans. Active life captivates me most of all.

On Saturday morning I never wake up too late. I’d rather wake me up at dawn than lie slugging in a bed till midday. After drinking a cup of coffee, I spend 15 minutes on reading the news about politics. As always they promise to give people high salary and pension but their words speak louder than actions and not the reverse. I don’t get upset, drink another cup of coffee and prepare for a journey to the movies.

Sometimes I change this plan and go to the exhibition if there’s one in my town. I love visiting operas, theaters and plays too, but last Saturday all tickets were reserved in advance. When I came up to a box-office, a ticket seller told me that it was late – no tickets left.

As a rule, my day off is always full of events. I never get bored and even if there’s no place where I might go to, I make an effort to do my best and spend this day productively. I read books or learn something, do sports and make plans for the next weekends.

Text 9

Every person whether an adult or a teenager cannot work all the time and needs to have a rest. Usually all the people have a little rest during their weekends. I am not an exception. I really enjoy relaxing and having fun with my friends. Starting from Wednesday I begin to look forward to the weekends.

My weekends usually start on Friday afternoon. I come back from school, throw my bag into the corner and go to meet my friends. I haven’t seen them for five days, so I missed them very much.

On Friday we usually go to the city centre. We go to a pizzeria or a café, and then we go to the cinema and watch there a new film. We usually like to watch comedies. But sometimes we go bowling. I like bowling very much and I especially live those colourful bowling shoes and when I score points by bowling strikes.

On Saturday mornings and afternoons I usually help my mother about the house. My mother usually cooks and I clean our flat. I dust, vacuum the carpets, water the plants and wash the clothes.

Saturday evenings I like to spend in a company of my best friend Helen. We can go for a walk in the park or stay at home. We like playing table games such as Monopoly or scrabble. Also we like watching films. Sometimes we can organize a pyjama-party with some other friends.

On Sunday I usually sleep till midday. I can play computer games, surf the Internet or look through the fresh press. Then I get ready for the coming Monday. I do my home tasks, pack my bag, and iron my clothes. The rest of the day I spend with my family. It has become our tradition to have family dinner on Sundays.

So, I have enough emotions after the weekend to spend the working week energetically.

Text 10

My Days Off

I study intensely at school all week long, that is why I look forward to my days off. I always plan in advance what I am going to do on Saturday, Sunday.

I like to sleep, so on weekend I get up later than usually. I make my bed, then wash and make my breakfast: an omelette or some cocoa with a sandwich. If the parents haven’t had breakfast, I can brew them coffee with milk.

Sometimes on Saturday I visit my grandparents. They reside at the far end of my town, and I see them on rare occasions. My grandpa and granny live in a separate house and it is onerous for them to do the housekeeping. When I come there, I try to help them with something: to do some shopping, to clean their house, to wash up etc.

I meet my friends in the evening. We can go to the picture palace or play football. Sometimes we arrange computer game competitions. It is a lot of fun to spend time with my kith.

I come home late, have tasty supper, take a relaxing shower and go to bed.

On Sunday I also like to sleep longer. But I do not get up very late. Although it is a day off, I have a lot to do. I have breakfast with my parents in the morning. Then we go to a store or a market. We always have many purchases on Sunday, and therefore we go by car. My father is always at the wheel. He has been driving a car for more than twenty years and he is sure-footed on the road.

Shopping takes much time and energy. We come home tired. When I need some rest, I turn on a TV-set or a computer and watch an interesting film.

On Sunday evening I gird myself up for a new working week. I do homework, prepare copy-books and textbooks for Monday. I am always in a hurry in the morning, therefore I make everything ready the previous day.

I try to go to bed not late on Sunday as I understand that tomorrow I need to wake up bright and early. Usually last thing at night I listen to tranquil music and only then I fall asleep.

As you see I have much to do on my weekend. Unfortunately, I don’t always manage to cope with everything I have planned. However, I have plenty time for rest, and on Monday I begin studies with renewed vigour.

Text 11

My last weekend was one of the most enjoyable ones. My weekdays are usually monotonous and hard, so I always long for Saturdays and Sundays. Unfortunately my weekend is too short, that is why I do my best to make it really exciting.

Nothing extraordinary happened last Saturday because I was at school till 2 p.m. and then just went home to relax with my family. I helped my mum cook dinner, then all of us watched a nice movie. It was a comedy “Meet the parents”. The film didn’t have any visual effects or computer graphics, but it was sweet and funny. At 7 p.m. I had a long foam bath, it was such a pleasure which I can afford only at weekends. Then I spent a couple of hours reading an amazing book. So I fell asleep with the book in my hands.

Sunday was completely different. Of course, I got up later than usual. After breakfast I did some housework while I listened to my favourite music. Then my friend phoned me and invited me and my brother to «The Amusement Park».  The weather was nice and I agreed. So we took a bus and went to the park. We had so much fun. We went on a ferris wheel and all kinds of rides: water rides, train rides, swing rides. We screamed loudly. I think all kids love the rides. Although my little brother didn’t quite like them, he got scared and even cried sometimes. After that we all went shopping as I needed to find a birthday present for my mother. And I found a beautiful scarf for her. I hope she will love it.

In the evening we were extremely tired but very happy. It was a great weekend. I had a lot of fun.

Text 12

I like to go to school during the week as I get to know something new every day. But most of all I like weekends. I do not have to get up early in the morning. I can stay in bed longer. During the weekend I can do everything I want. But this doesn’t mean that I do nothing at all.

Usually I read books and listen to my favorite singers. I meet with my friend and we walk along my town and fancy funny stories about people around us. Sometimes when the weather is good I take a ride on my bicycle to the nearest park. I enjoy being on the fresh air as much as possible. Some of my friends go to the countryside every weekend. It is some kind of a family tradition for them.

In whole the weekend is the great time when all my family gathers together. I have an opportunity to spend more time with my father. He likes to play different active games with me . For example, last week we spent half of the day playing football. We get tired a bit but we were happy. Next weekend we are planning to go fishing. At the end of the weekend we have traditional weekend dinner when my mother cooks something delicious. We sit at the dinner table making jokes and planning our next week. This is the magical moment that gives me an inspiration for the whole future week.

Text 13

I go to school five days a week, so I have two days off — Saturday and Sunday (I'm lucky, because some other pupils have the only one day off). During the week I am very busy, so I like to have a rest on weekend.

I am not an early riser and it is a rare Saturday or Sunday when I get up before 9 o'clock. I enjoy staying in bed, when 1 don't have to hurry anywhere. We have late breakfast at 10 and watch TV.

Usually we have something tasty: meat salad, fried potatoes, chicken, cake or pie. If the weather is fine, I usually do not stay indoors, I and my dog go outside. Often we go to the park and play there. If the weather is rainy and gloomy, I stay at home and watch TV, listen to the music, read, the books.

After dinner we go visit our grandparents or relatives, or just simply take a nap. Sometimes when my friends call me we go roller — blading near the Opera theatre

I like roller — blading very much, I think it is a lot of fun. In the evenings I like to watch video and music programs. There is a big armchair in my room right beside the lamp with blue shade. If it is cold I like to sit there with cup of coffee and read.

Sometimes I do something special on weekends: go to an art exhibition, to the theatre, to the concert. I always go to bed late on Sundays, and Monday morning is the nastiest thing through all the week.

I like weekends very much, because I can rest and gain some energy for the next week.

*Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many day offs do you have?

2. When do you get up on Sunday?

3. What do you usually do during weekends?

4. What do you do if the weather in sunny?

Text 14

When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this.

People use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best. Some people like music. They listen (o various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are the most popular kinds of sports. There are a lot of fans among people. They can also see championships in athletics and other kinds of sports.-Everybody likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. Television helps us to 'visit' different lands, see new plants, animals, unusual birds, fish and insects, mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers, and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and towns and people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. This is what we can do at home.

If we want to go out, there arc a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, Houses of Culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time.

In big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. Newspapers tell us what is on at cinemas and theatres. If you are a theatre-goer, you will choose a play you want to see. If you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. When new interesting plays are on. it is not easy to get tickets, because the theatres play to full houses every night. Then you must book tickets.

In small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a big town or a city to show plays. Everyone likes to see the plays. Schools usually get tickets for their pupils. They go to the theatre with their teachers and have talks about the play they have seen.

The cinema has really become the most popular kind of art. Films are shown in cinemas, clubs. Houses of Culture and even schools in villages. Young and old people like to see films very much, and when a good film is on, the house is usually full.

In small towns and villages both Houses of Culture and clubs are the centres of cultural activities which are carried out through different sections. Those who like to dance join a dancing section. Those who are interested in music join a musical section where they are taught to play different musical instruments. People who are fond of sports can join sport sections, such as football, skiing, boating, chess, and others. The art section is one of the most popular with the people, because they can learn to create beautiful things there. Some members are taught to paint, and they organize local exhibitions of their paintings. Some do cutting work, others grow flowers and take part in town and region flower-shows.

Old traditions are coming to life. In some villages they build 'Huts on hen's legs', taverns in the old Russian style such as 'Lubava' on the way from Moscow to Novgorod, where people can meet their friends, have pleasant talks, eat Russian food and listen to Russian music.

So you can see how interesting are the ways in which leisure time can be spent.

Text 15

Nearly everyone needs some time for relaxing and doing what he or she likes. Hobbies or leisure time activities are perfect for that. Unfortunately, I don’t have much free time during the week, but when I do I try to spend it most usefully. My hobbies are tennis and swimming. Twice a week I go to the nearest indoor swimming-pool. In summer, I can swim with my friends at the lake, although the water is rather chilly in it. Speaking of tennis, I attend regular training since I’ve been seven. I have a talented coach who tells me I can be rather successful in tennis when I’m older. I especially like training at the outdoor court. One of my friends is also fond of tennis, so he joined me a year ago. Other than that, when I have free time I invite my friends over. We can play board games or have a pizza together. I’m always happy to have them around. On Friday night my parents take me and my younger sister to some restaurant. Last week, for example, we were at the Chinese place, where we ate noodles and fortune cookies. At weekends we visit some of our relatives and spend time with them. My uncle has two sons, who are a good company for me to play different games. My aunt has a three-year-old daughter and we sometimes babysit her. My leisure time somehow depends on the time of the year. For example, in summer I like attending the city museums and galleries. When we go to the seaside, of course, I spend most of the time swimming and playing beach basketball. In winter I prefer sledding and skiing with my classmates. From time to time, I go fishing with my father and uncle. It’s also one of my favourite pastimes. All in all, I’d like to say that people should have leisure time. Otherwise life would be boring.

Text 16

What do old and young do in their leisure time ? What do young people in different countries prefer to do ?

Leisure is time spent in non-compulsory activities. Because leisure time is free from compulsory activities such as work, study, household duties, eating and sleeping, it is often referred to as 'free time'. The ideas of leisure and leisure time are thought to have emerged in the late 19th century with the rise of mechanized industry, when the increase in productivity of labour resulted in the fact that workers had some time to spend on themselves.

They started doing sports and visiting theatres. Since then the idea of leisure time and relaxation has been popular with all the age groups and social classes. Old and young, rich and poor have been using their free time for rest and entertainment. The ways people spend their leisure time normally differ according to the age group: middle-aged and old people normally prefer more passive kind of rest like watching TV or going to the theatre, or sometimes gardening, younger people enjoy more active pastimes like doing extreme sports, visiting night clubs and discos or travelling. However, the idea of active leisure like doing sports or travelling is gaining popularity with the older people, too.

So the basic leisure time activities of the young are travelling, doing sports including extreme sports, visiting discos and night clubs or more passive ways of recreation like listening to music or watching TV and videos, and surfing the Internet. Teenagers normally prefer to do extreme sports, that is sports featuring speed, height and danger as they lead to the so-called 'adrenaline rush9 in participants. They wish to push themselves to the limits of their physical ability and fear, and push the boundaries of a particular sport, such as bungee jumping, climbing, white-water rafting, surfing, windsurfing and many others. Their tastes in music are normally different kinds of popular music associated with youth subcultures, such as hard rock, hip-hop or rap, punk rock, psychedelic rock and the like. In watching TV and videos or going to the cinema, they prefer film genres which are full of action, movement, colour, cinema effects and have a good soundtrack. They normally like action films, comedies, musicals, thrillers and cartoons.

Sometimes the ways young people spend their free time varies according to the country, as they sometimes depend on national traditions. For example, in the USA young people normally like different types of popular culture which originated in their country like blues, different kinds of rock, country music and hip hop in music and pop art in fine arts. The sports they are doing are more often than not those which originated in America like baseball, auto-racing, basketball, and board-based recreational sports — surfboarding, skateboarding and snowboarding. American youngsters are fond of eating out and eat a lot of junk food like hambuigers and cheeseburgers and drink Coca-cola or Pepsi. British youngsters are really fond of watching football matches and sorts of races such as horse-racing, boat-racing and even dog-racing, as well as playing football, rugby and golf and taking part in races. They are really fond of pets and often spend some time in the evening taking their dog for a walk. In going out for the evening, they still prefer pubs to restaurants, bars and cafes. In music, their tastes are nearly the same as those of their American peers. In Germany young people prefer drinking beer when meeting their friends and spending much time doing various sports. In Spain many youngsters, as well as older people, are fond of watching bullfighting. In France they like listening to French chanson.

Text 17

They say that the way people spend their leisure time reflects their character. I can agree with it. Speaking about my personality, I am an easy-going and open-minded person, and I feel elated when I am with my friends. That is why I adore spending my leisure hours with my nearest and dearest. I cannot imagine my weekends without long heart-to-hearts conversation with my close friend in the nearest coffee house. I spend a huge chunk of time with my friends, because I love a company of interesting people and I feel perfectly well when I am out with my soul mates. We like to spend days on end in the open air – we find bliss in the contemplating nature. We also take pleasure from riding bikes, playing different outdoor games like tennis or volleyball, going for long walks, or just doing things on the spur of a moment.

As I am an all-rounder I am interested in many things — I love to visit different festivals, exhibitions, concerts. I always try to do something and my leisure time is never eaten into by gazing at the television. I have never been a television watcher – I find it incredibly boring. When the weather is terrible, I prefer to stay at big shopping malls all day long. There are an awful lot of interesting and exciting things to do there. My friends and I like to play bowling, to roller skate, to watch 5D movies and of course to go shopping.

It must be mentioned that my leisure activities also depend on the season of the year. In summer, I usually spend much time on the beach or near the pool. My summer holidays are pretty long so I have an opportunity to travel with my parents. Travelling is an essential part of my life and I believe that in the foreseeable future I will get my driver’s license and will be able to travel by car with my friends. In winter, I can spend hours on end skating in the city park or play snowballs with my little nephews.

I hate to stay at home and laze about. I am sure a fun has to be shared. Even when I stay home, my friends often come to my place. We usually watch new films, listen to music, play our favourite computer games or just talking about nothing. It makes me feel great. The way I spend my free time helps me to restore my mental strength and recharge my batteries.

Text 18

Everybody sometimes has a free time. Somebody prefers only to sleep intheir leisure time, but most of us prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It may bereading, various types of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and so on. If we have a few day or a week we prefer to go to the attractiveplaces. Many people think that pupils and studients have too muchliesure time, but in my opinion, they are wrong. We are very busy. Manypupils have six or seven lessons a day and go to school five or six days a week. Even during weekend we learn our lessons. Andwe just have no time to go somewhere. Oldest of us are working after school or institute. As for me, a large part of my free time is devoted to reading. I like to readbooks about another countries, another times and another worlds. Also Iread books about history of our country. Besides reading I like to dophysical exercises. Me and my school friends often gather after schooland play basketball, football or other active games. But my favoritehobby is travelling. Usually I travel in summer and often it is a tripto the south, to the warm sea. I think all people must have otheroccupations besides their basic work, because it extends the bounduriesof the familar world and teaches us something new about people and things.

Text 19

When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this.

People use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best. Some people like music. They listen (o various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are the most popular kinds of sports. There are a lot of fans among people. They can also see championships in athletics and other kinds of sports.-Everybody likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. Television helps us to 'visit' different lands, see new plants, animals, unusual birds, fish and insects, mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers, and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and towns and people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. This is what we can do at home.

If we want to go out, there arc a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, Houses of Culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time.

In big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. Newspapers tell us what is on at cinemas and theatres. If you are a theatre-goer, you will choose a play you want to see. If you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. When new interesting plays are on. it is not easy to get tickets, because the theatres play to full houses every night. Then you must book tickets.

In small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a big town or a city to show plays. Everyone likes to see the plays. Schools usually get tickets for their pupils. They go to the theatre with their teachers and have talks about the play they have seen.

The cinema has really become the most popular kind of art. Films are shown in cinemas, clubs. Houses of Culture and even schools in villages. Young and old people like to see films very much, and when a good film is on, the house is usually full.

In small towns and villages both Houses of Culture and clubs are the centres of cultural activities which are carried out through different sections. Those who like to dance join a dancing section. Those who are interested in music join a musical section where they are taught to play different musical instruments. People who are fond of sports can join sport sections, such as football, skiing, boating, chess, and others. The art section is one of the most popular with the people, because they can learn to create beautiful things there. Some members are taught to paint, and they organize local exhibitions of their paintings. Some do cutting work, others grow flowers and take part in town and region flower-shows.

Old traditions are coming to life. In some villages they build 'Huts on hen's legs', taverns in the old Russian style such as 'Lubava' on the way from Moscow to Novgorod, where people can meet their friends, have pleasant talks, eat Russian food and listen to Russian music.

So you can see how interesting are the ways in which leisure time can be spent.

Text 20

On weekdays I usually go to school, but on my days off I prefer to rest. I think it is important for us to rest. I think it is important for us to rest after hard work. That’s why our weekends are more attractive than weekdays. At our leisure time we go in for sports, read books, go to the library, the cinema, the theatre, the park, the museum, the exhibition. Sometimes we go to the zoo or the circus and enjoy ourselves watching animals.

As a rule, we try to spend most of time outdoors. Some people prefer to go to the country to see their relatives and friends. In winter we like to go to the winter forest to ski and skate. After having such a pleasant rest in the open air, you are always happy to return home and have a rest sitting near the TV-set and watching an interesting an interesting TV programme. In summer and spring picnics are popular with schoolchildren and their parents.

They are fond of picnics chiefly because they have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature, to run on the grass and to play interesting games, to have a bite without observing table manners. But the most exciting event is making a fire. The children are fond of collecting wood in the forest and sitting round the fire. And again, they like to return home after a picnic. And now they think that “there is no place like home” as saying goes.

  Many people like to go to the cinema and theatre on weekends and holidays and enjoy seeing an interesting film or performance.

As for me, my days off are normally like this. I hate getting up early and on weekends I can afford to wake up later than usual. As a rule, I get up at 8 o’clock. Then I do my morning exercises, wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. After having breakfast I relax a little: listen to a lovely music and try to forget about all my problems. Then I can visit my friends and have a chat with them about our life.

Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition. As a rule, my activities on weekends depend on my plans, but in any case I manage to do a lot of things and to have a rest. I always try to do my best to have a really good time. But unfortunately time flies very quickly on weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and I am looking forward to my next days off.

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