задания для 9 класса
методическая разработка

Протасова Татьяна Валерьевна

Прикрепляю задания для 9 класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Choose the correct forms of the adjectives to complete the emails.

Hey Emma,

I’m so exciting/excited. Remember the short story I wrote for English class last month? Well, my teacher sent it to a competition, and guess what? It won first prize! The judges said my story was very interested/interesting. I knew my teacher was pleased/pleasing with my work. She said my story was fascinated/fascinating. But I never thought she would enter it in a competition! I was totally shocking/shocked when she told me. And all my classmates were totally jealous. What’s new and exciting with you?


Hi Ann,

Congratulations! I wish I had exciting/excited news for you, too, but I don’t. Unfortunately, I failed my driver’s test last week. I was really disappointing/disappointed. It’s just so embarrassing/embarrassed – it’s the third time I’ve failed the test. The driving instructor told me to make a right-hand turn, and I turned left instead. I guess I got a little confusing/confused. I could tell the instructor was really annoying/annoyed with me1 My dad told me not to get frustrating/frustrated. He said he failed his driver’s test five times before he finally passed, but I’m starting to get worrying/worried. Well, talk to you later.


Предварительный просмотр:

2.Use Past Simple and Past Continuous

Предварительный просмотр:

Computer problems

Упражнение 1

Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words in the correct grammatical form: virus, to stop, to save, to connect, to delete

  1. The screen has  ……  and is now blue.
  2. I forgot to  ……  the documents.
  3. I think I’ve got a  ……  because my computer is very slow.
  4. I can’t  ……  to the Internet.
  5. I’ve  ……  two files by mistake.

Упражнение 2

Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words in the correct grammatical form: connection, to install, to run out of, to pour, hard

  1. My Internet  ……  is really slow.
  2. I can’t  ……  the application.
  3. The printer has  ……  ink.
  4. I’ve  ……  some juice on the keyboard.
  5. The  ……  disc is full.

Упражнение 3

Match the words from the two columns to make collocations.

  1. to have
  1. Internet provider
  1. to install
  1. disc
  1. to run
  1. an application
  1. to call
  1. a virus
  1. hard
  1. a research

Упражнение 4

Match the words from the two columns to make collocations.

  1. damaged
  1. a file
  1. to identify
  1. files
  1. to delete
  1. computer problems
  1. to reboot
  1. software
  1. temporary
  1. a system

Задание 5

Choose the right words to complete the sentences: reboot, server, hard disc, subscription

  1. Jason can’t connect to the Internet because his computer doesn’t have a(n)  ……  .
  2. John cancelled his monthly  ……  to his Internet Service Provider because the connection always failed.
  3. I’ve run out of  ……  space.
  4. If your monitor turns blue and there are some codes in white, try to  ……  .

Задание 6

Choose the correct item.

1. Can you help with my laptop? - Sure, what’s the problem?/There’s no problem.

2 Let me take a look at that problem with your hard disc. - You’re welcome./That’s so kind of you.

3 Would you like me to fix the printer for you? - Thanks, but I think I can manage myself./I don’t think so.

4 Would you give me a hand with this problem, please? - Sure, why not?/I’m fine, thanks.

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Gradable/non-gradable adjectives

Слайд 2

Прилагательные в английском языке так же могут иметь или НЕ иметь различные оттенки значения. Те прилагательные, которые имеют оттенки, называются gradable adjectives . Пример: rather hot , very hot , hotter , the hottest - прилагательное hot is gradable . Наречия , которые используются только с gradable adjectives My teacher was very happy with my homework . That website is reasonably popular . He said that Holland was a little cold and Denmark was rather cold .

Слайд 3

Другие качества не могут иметь различую степень значения . F or example: freezing , dead are non-gradable . Такие прилагательные не могут быть определены такими наречиями, как very , too или enough . Чаще всего, non-gradable adje с tives используются одиночно. It was freezing outside. The dog was dead .

Слайд 4

Тем не менее существуют non-gradable adverbs, которые можно использовать с non-gradable adjectives, чтобы особенно выделить прилагательное . Her exam results were absolutely awful . He was totally dead . The jar was completely full .

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

ever — вступает в комбинации с who , what , which , where , how , when и придает новообразованным словам новые значения: неопределенность и даже оттенок безразличия. В этом случае можно сравнить ever со словом «угодно», которое используем мы в русском языке. Но переводы, конечно, будут отличаться в зависимости от контекста: Whoever — кто бы ни, кто-угодно Whomever — кого бы ни, кого угодно, кому угодно, кем угодно Whatever — что угодно, что бы ни Whichever — какой-угодно, какой бы ни Wherever — где угодно, где бы ни However — как угодно, как бы ни Whenever — когда угодно, когда бы ни Question word+ever

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 9

Test 6, Variant 1

1.Fill in the correct preposition (7x1=7)

1. If you show kindness _____ an animal, it will be a loving pet.

2. All of us should get involved _____ our community.

3. I can’t think ________anything right now.

4. Have you ever thought _______ taking an animal from the shelter?

5. Well, I started to tell her, and for some reason I just burst ______ tears.

6. Sometimes people can’t take care ________ their pets.

7. Tom’s dog was rescued _____ a bad owner.

2.Fill in: foster, abandoned,  worthwhile,  charity,  staff,  a couple of,  senior, attendant (8x2=16)

8. Our school holds a ____  event every year to raise money for a good cause. 

9. The car was found _________in Bristol.

10. She let the parking _________  park her car.

11. A ________ citizen is someone who is over 60 years old or who is retired.

12. You’ll be all right in ___________  days.

13. The ________ members at the animal clinic are very helpful.

14. After the animals recover, they are placed in _____homes where they are loved and looked after.

15. Helping people or animals in need is certainly a ______cause.

3.Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun. (5x2=10)

16. Ann is sitting on the beach by___________.

17.The children water the flowers_______.

18. Susan is looking at ___________ in the mirror.

19. The children are enjoying ___________.

20. I have painted my face ____________.

4.Fill in: however, whenever, wherever, whichever, whatever (5x2=10)

21. ______________ I meet him he is smiling.

22. If I could, then I would I'll go ___________ you will go.

23. Pass me a pen, ______________ you have!

24. I am right, _______________ they suppose.

25. We have to finish ________________ long it takes.

5.Put the verbs in brackets into the passive. (7x2=14)

26. The washing machine _______every day ( use).

27. A new house _______ ( build)  when I came to Minsk.

28. The books __________ already (pack).

29. Grandma ________ always (invite).

30. Our house _____________ (burgle) last night.

31. The doors ______( close)  now.

32. The dress _______last week. ( buy)

6.Rewrite the sentences into Passive Voice. (3x3=9)

33. Popov invented radio in Russia.

34. Our children will organize the Christmas party next Friday.

35. Frank has packed the suitcase.

7.Write the sentences using Causative form (4x3=12)

36. Tim didn’t clean the windows himself.

37. She isn’t making the curtains herself.

38.Peter hasn’t washed his car himself.

39.My mother won’t check her blood pressure herself.

8. Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading. (5X2=10)

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

1.Тема “conditionals”

2.Составь условные предложения и напиши их тип.


Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1.

Task 2.






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