- Восьмиклассникам

Корсакова Марина Георгиевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Dear John,

Thank you for your message. I was glad to get it. In your message you ask me about….Well, I can say, that…

(ответы на три вопроса, полные и точные.                              Используем не мене 3 связок: as for me, I think, in my opinion, on one side, on the other side, to my mind, however, finally, it’s interesting that)

That’s all for now. I have to do my homework.

Write me back. (Write me soon. Hope to hear from you soon)

All the Best, (Best Wishes)


количество слов- 100-120 +-10 % (проверяется от 90 до 132 сл.)

вместо слова  letter- пишем message или e-mail

в электронном письме адрес и дату не пишем

тема письма- см. в условии

Dear John,

Thank you for your message. I was glad to get it. In your message you ask me about….Well, I can say, that…

(ответы на три вопроса, полные и точные.                              Используем не мене 3 связок: as for me, I think, in my opinion, on one side, on the other side, to my mind, however, finally, it’s interesting that)

That’s all for now. I have to do my homework.

Write me back. (Write me soon. Hope to hear from you soon)

All the Best, (Best Wishes)


количество слов- 100-120 +-10 % (проверяется от 90 до 132 сл.)

вместо слова  letter- пишем message или e-mail

в электронном письме адрес и дату не пишем

тема письма- см. в условии

Предварительный просмотр:

8 th Form      The Internet

There are many mass medias now- papers, magazines, radio and TV…

1. It’s interesting, that the Internet is the most popular multifunctional mass media. It’s one of the symbols of the 21st century.

2. On the one hand, the main function of the Internet is a work with information.

3.  We can find, get, collect, keep, use, systemize, sent, share information- verbal, sound and visual.

4. The other function of the Internet is communication. Using the Internet, lots of people keep in touch with friends and relatives, who live  far.

5. Millions of people use a computer for entertainment. They download and listen to music, watch films, play games, read electronic books.

6. It’s interesting, that computer was invented in  ..    by  ..   and was a size of a large house.

7. Speaking personally, I think that the Internet can help  people in their studies: they do homework, make presentations, print texts, look for information and pictures for reports.

8.On the other hand, computer is dangerous for health and eyes, people can be addictive and spend too much time in the Internet.

9. As for me, I enjoy  reading  electronic books via the Internet, playing games and working with photos with the help of Photoshop.

10. As I see it, using the Internet is so popular in everyday life, because it’s interesting to browse the Internet and it saves the people’s time.

10 th form   Computers  (with the words of the 10th form)

  1. Computers simplify the life of people, you should only push buttons and you’ll get whatever you want.
  2. Working on computers people get skills that are necessary  in the information age.
  3. Computers can influence on people not only  in  positive way, but in negative way too.
  4. You should rule your own life, it requires creativity and initiative.
  5. You shouldn’t  rely on technology much.

Предварительный просмотр:

Television- positive and negative points

I am going to give a talk about one mass media, it’s television.     Introduction: There are a lot of mass media now, people can’t live and communicate without them: the Internet, magazines, radio newspapers, television.                                                                                                         1.Television has positive points: It is  informative- you can get information about current events.                                                                                   2.Television is educational. You can watch  films, programmes about famous people, study foreign languages or cooking  from home, learn new skills.                                                                                                          3.Besides, television is entertaining, because   people watch shows and competitions, try their luck, win prizes and awards, travel round the world for free and keep fit, find new friends.                                                                  4-7. But  television has negative points too. When you often watch TV, you have no time to  communicate  with relatives and friends, you have a passive life style. You can  put on weigh you have no time for sport activities. You watch a too many adverbs. TV sets damage your eyes. You have a lack of fresh air. Sometimes it’s a waste of time.                           8.As for me, I enjoy watching  ( films, programmes about…., sport competitions). My favourite TV channals  are….. because.                                   Final: In my opinion,  mass media plays an important role in the life of people.      (10)                                                                                                               That’s all I wanted to say.

Предварительный просмотр:

Mass media

I am going to give a talk about  mass media.                                                                Introduction: There are a lot of mass media now, people can’t live and communicate without them.                                                                              1.When you want to listen to your favourite music, watch your favourite film  or show, hear the latest news,- you turn on your television, radio or computer.                                                                                                                      2. They are called mass media.                                                                                 3. Mass media also includes the Internet, films and printed publications: books, magazines, newspapers, tabloids.                                                                        4. On one side mass media  informs and educates and on the other side it entertains people.                                                                                                         5. By definition, mass media is a two way process.                                                                   6. You can not only receive information, but you can also share  your ideas via mass media.                                                                                                Final: In my opinion,  mass media plays an important role in the life of people.        (8)                                                                                                                   That’s all I wanted to say.

Предварительный просмотр:

Radio - pros and cons                                                                                                              I am going to give a talk about one of the mass media, it’s radio.                          Introduction: There are a lot of mass media now, people can’t live and communicate without them: the Internet, magazines, radio newspapers, television.                                                                                                                1. Radio has  advantages: it is informative- you can get information about current events.                                                                                                           2. Radio is educational. You can listen about famous people, study foreign languages.                                                                                                                3.Besides, radio is entertaining, because people  can rest, relax, dance, listen to  songs and music.                                                                                       4-5.But radio has disadvantages too. It can be boring, it’s not so modern and full of advertisement.                                                                                                     6.As for me, I enjoy listening ( good music, programmes about….). My favourite radio programmes  are….., because…                                                 Final: In my opinion,  mass media plays an important role in the life of people.    (8)                                                                                                                           That’s all I wanted to say

Предварительный просмотр:

                                Famous people

  1. There are a lot of  famous people in the world: actors, painters, singers
  2. I am going to give a talk about Leonardo de Vinci
  3. He was a famous painter and engineer, a talented inventor and architect
  4. Leonardo de Vinci was born in 1452 in Florence in Italy.
  5. He spent his childhood in the village not far from the town Vinci
  6. In his childhood he saw the wonders of nature
  7. He watched and liked animals very much
  8. When he was young , he enjoyed reading and drawing the things he saw
  9. Leonardo never went to school
  10. He learned reading, writing and Math at home
  11. He liked listening to the ideas of other people
  12. He also made notes of the things he learned
  13. Some of his notes are published and you can read them today
  14. In his notes we see the drawings of  future inventions
  15. They are : a bicycle, a robot, a parachute, a helicopter, a plane
  16. Leonardo was  a great painter, his most famous painting is

“ Mona Lisa”

  1. This picture is in Louvre in Paris , millions of tourists visit it every year,
  2.  LdV died in 1519
  3. There are monuments to him in Italy, Spain  and  Russia
  4. The people all over the world enjoy his pictures very much
  5. Leonardo was the cleverest person of his time

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Every country has got national, and traditional or religious holidays and festivals.

2. In national holidays the people of Russia have days off.

3.In our country the national festivals are: Defender of Motherland Day, International Women’s Day,  Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day, Russia Day, Day of National Unity.

4. There are also traditional holidays, such as Christmas Day, New Year’s Day,  Easter, Maslenitsa (Shrovetide), Day of Knowledge.

5. Besides, we have family events, for example: jubilee, wedding, birthday party, anniversary.

When we celebrate……., we……..

The most popular holiday in Russia is……….                                                          My favourite holiday is….., because…..

Most of all I enjoy  (like)…….

1. Every country has got national, and traditional or religious holidays and festivals.

2. In national holidays the people of Russia have days off.

3.In our country the national festivals are: Defender of Motherland Day, International Women’s Day,  Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day, Russia Day, Day of National Unity.

4. There are also traditional holidays, such as Christmas Day, New Year’s Day,  Easter, Maslenitsa (Shrovetide), Day of Knowledge.

5. Besides, we have family events, for example: jubilee, wedding, birthday party, anniversary.

When we celebrate……., we……..

The most popular holiday in Russia is……….                                                          My favourite holiday is….., because…..

Most of all I enjoy  (like)…….

1. Every country has got national, and traditional or religious holidays and festivals.

2. In national holidays the people of Russia have days off.

3.In our country the national festivals are: Defender of Motherland Day, International Women’s Day,  Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day, Russia Day, Day of National Unity.

4. There are also traditional holidays, such as Christmas Day, New Year’s Day,  Easter, Maslenitsa (Shrovetide), Day of Knowledge.

5. Besides, we have family events, for example: jubilee, wedding, birthday party, anniversary.

When we celebrate……., we……..

The most popular holiday in Russia is……….                                                          My favourite holiday is….., because…..

Most of all I enjoy  (like)…….