ВПР английский язык

Давыдова Анастасия Михайловна

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 класс (Spotlight).




1) Запиши данные слова в алфавитном порядке:

dance, kangaroo, chimp, orange, grandma, kitchen, ballerina, under, apple, sandwich, climb, mouse.



2) Распредели слова в соответствии со звуками:

name, music, cat, pink, nose, frog, run, bee, student, and, home, cake, chimp, tree, but, on.

[æ] - ……………………………………………..              [ju:] - …………………………………………

[ei] - ……………………………………………..              [Λ] - …………………………………………..        

[i] - ………………………………………………              [əu] - ………………………………………….  

[i:] - ……………………………………………...              [ɔ] - …………………………………………...        

3) Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Запиши полученные предложения.

1. like, don't, I, sandwiches. - …………………………………………………………………………

2. eight, I'm. - ………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. got, I've, eyes, green. - ………………………………………………………………………………

4. can, he, swing. - ……………………………………………………………………………………..

5. name, is, my, Jim. - ………………………………………………………………………………….

6. cat, my, black, is. - …………………………………………………………………………………...

4) Подчеркни лишнее слово в каждой строке:

1. a table, a chair, a chimp, a lamp, a bath.

2. two, three, four, five, he.

3. a horse, a kangaroo, a mouse, a ballerina, a snake.

4. yellow, white, sad, brown, orange.

5. a toy soldier, a girl, a teddy bear, a ballerina.

5) Вставь пропущенные слова в текст. Картинки-подсказки помогут тебе.

Hello!    My name is Tom.    I'm …………..….. 9.

I can ………………..           .       But I can't …………………         .        

I like ……………….            .      But I don't like ………..…………          .

My favourite toy is my …………………...............             .        

6) Прочитай и раскрась цветными карандашами:

 a yellow bed

a red toy soldier

a brown dog

a white mouse

a grey and black cat

a green table

a pink chair

* 7) Ответь на вопросы о себе:

1. What is your name? - _______________________________________________________________

2. How old are you? - _________________________________________________________________

3. Can you jump? - ___________________________________________________________________

4. Can you fly? - _____________________________________________________________________

5. Do you like ice-cream? - _____________________________________________________________

6. Do you like chips? - _________________________________________________________________

7. Have you got two eyes? - _____________________________________________________________

8. Have you got big ears? - _____________________________________________________________

9. What's your favourite toy? - ___________________________________________________________

10. Are you happy? - __________________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс (Spotlight).



1. Прочитай письмо и выполни задания.

Dear pen friend,

My name is John. I am a boy. I am nine. I am from

the USA. I live with my mum, dad and two sisters Betty and Kate. They are five. The girls like fairy tales. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother?

My birthday is on the 18th of August. Summer is my favourite season. In summer I roller skate, ride my bike and swim. I can swim very well. I like to play football and tennis. When is your birthday? What is your favourite season? What do you like to do? What can you do well?

I have got a grey rabbit Harry. Harry is nice and funny. He likes to skip and play. Harry likes carrots, cabbage and bread. I like my rabbit but I would like to have a dog and a big parrot. Have you got a pet? Is it funny?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

John Smith

1)        Закончипредложение.

  1. mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry.
  2. mum, dad and two sisters.
  3. mum, grandpa and two sisters.

2)        Найди и прочитай правильный ответ на вопрос:

a) in spring    b) in summer    c) in autumn

3)        Найди и прочитай предложение, которое не соответствует тексту.

  1. John is from the USA.
  2. He has got a rabbit.
  3. John likes to read fairy tales.
  4. He would like to have a big parrot and a dog.

4)        Соедини начало и конец предложения.

John        likes carrots, cabbage and bread.

Harry        like fairy tales.

Betty and Kate                               likes football and tennis.

2.        Выбери нужное слово. Прочитай предложение.

  1. Where ... the children?

a) am       b) is      c) are

  1. John ... got a grey rabbit,

 a) have    b) has

  1. My little sister doesn't .....a bike,

 a) have     b) has

  1. Ann ... her beautiful flowers every day

 a) water   b) waters

  1. Does Tiny ... letters and postcards?

 a) get       b) gets

  1. When do the friends ... to bed?

 a) go        b) goes

3.        Прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова:

home, his, gets up, breakfast, face, usually, watches

Andrew lives with his mum, dad and little sister Rose. Andrew is a pupil. He goes to school every day. He______ at seven o'clock. He washes his _____ and hands, cleans his teeth. Andrew and his dad have_____ at 7.45 am.

Andrew comes_______ at 2 pm. After lunch he does ... homework and plays with Rose. In the evening Andrew_______TV or reads books. He... goes to bed at 9 pm.

4. Ответь на письмо Джона. Закончи предложения.

... May

Dear John,

My name is ……....... I am from Russia. I am ………. . I live with …………….. . My birthday is on the …….. . I like... ………..1 can................. I have got…………..….

Please write back.

Your pen friend,………… .


5. Допишите слова, подчеркните правило чтения.

  1. H__ __ se                      6. __ __ en
  2. G __ __ den                  7.  __ __ ere
  3. P __ __k                        8.  __ __ ank  you
  4. F __ __ mer
  5. C __ __ n

  1. Переведитеслова






Плюшевый мишка









  1. Переведите на английский язык.
  1. Ты не должен бегать.
  2. Ты должен идти спать.
  3. Можно войти?
  4. Ты любишь рыбу?
  5. Она любит кукурузу?
  6. Мое день рождение 5 февраля.
  7. Где ты живешь?
  8. Как тебя зовут?

Задание № 8: What time is it?

  1.   2.  3.     4.

Задание № 9 *: Поставьте глаголы (am, is или are):

  1. There ... two pictures on the wall.
  2. The book ... on the table.
  3. There ... a telephone in the hall.
  4. My dog ... in the bedroom.
  5. I ... a pupil.
  6. Jack and Jill ... my friends. 1) ... there eggs in the fridge?
  1. ... there milk in the jar?
  2. There ... people in the street.

10)        ... apolicemaninthecar

10. Напишите существительные во множественном числе

A star, a tree, a king, the queen, a man, a woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, a tomato.

11*****. Напишите три степени сравнения прилагательных.

Hot, long, short, clever, bad, silly, great, red, black, interesting, white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, old, good.

Предварительный просмотр:


A Listen to Nick talking to a friend about his birthday presents. What present did each person give him?

1 Mum                                                A bike

2 Brother                                        B book

3 Aunt                                                C cinema tickets

4 Uncle                                                D clothes

5 Grandmother                                        E computer game

6 Cousin                                        F mobile phone

                                                G money

                                                H music CD


B Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.

My name (7) … Elisa Valdez. I’m twelve and I live in New Zealand. I (8) … two brothers, Emilio and Mark. They (9) … thirteen and sixteen. My sister, Maria, (10) … ten.  We live in a block of (11) …  on the fourth floor. Our flat (12) … three rooms. There (13) … a table and six chairs,  a wardrobe and a sofa in the living room. There (14) … two armchairs, a bed and a bookshelf in my room.

I want to tell you about (15) … friends. My friend, Helena, (16) … coins and stamps. My friend, Collin, is very (17) … as he makes people laugh. He can (18) … French.  We often (19) … shopping or (20) … basketball together.

7   A am                        B is                         C are

8   A have                B to have                C has

9   A am                        B is                        C are

10   A am                 B is                        C are

11    A rooms                B flats                        C houses

12   A have                B to have                C has

13   A am                B is                        C are

14   A am                B is                        C are

15   A me                B my                        C I

16   A  collect                B to collect                C collects

17   A noisy                B funny                        C friendly

18  A speak                B to speak                C speaks

19   A go                B goes                        C do

20   A play                B plays                        C do

C Read the text and answer the questions.


There are seventeen different types of penguins. They can be from forty centimeters to more than one meter tall. They all live in the south part of the world. In winter, they swim a long way to find warmer weather.

In spring, many penguins come together on the beaches of Antarctica. The female penguins have one or two eggs. While the female penguin is sitting on the eggs, the male penguin brings her food. He also does this when baby penguins are born.

21 How many types of penguins are there? ……………………………………………………………………

22 Where do they live? …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

23 Where do they go in spring? ……………………………………………………………………………………..

24 Who cares of the penguin eggs? …….………………………………………………………………………….

25  Who cares of the food? ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Grammar and Vocabulary

D Choose the correct item.

26 This is … bike.

A a                        B an                        C the

27 The Maths … is in Room C.

A class                        B subject                C lesson

28 I … 12 years old.

A am                        B is                        C are

29 My friends … in the same class.

A am                        B is                        C are

30 That is a … .

A helmet                B helmets                C bikes

31 I … got a black and white schoolbag.

A have                        B has                        C to have

32 Ann’s got … hundred stamps.

A a                        B an                        C the

33 He’s from … .

A Australia                B Australian                C Austrian

34We live on the … floor.

A high                        B down                        C first                

35 My house has … rooms.

A eighth                B eight                        C kitchen

36 Where do you cook? – In the … .

A bedroom                B bathroom                C kitchen

37 I like … new bike.

A your                        B you                        C yours

38 Is … a cooker in the kitchen?

A they                        B there                        C their

39 I’ve got books … my bookcase.

A under                B in                        C behind

40 Peter’s got many pictures … the walls.

A in                        B on                        C in front of

41 Where is the cooker? – It’s … the window.

A next to                B behind                C on

42 Sally’s clever. She … speak three languages.

A can                        B can’t                        C can not

43 That’s my Mum. Look at … !

A she                        B her                        C hers

44 His favourite … is to read books.

A work                        B job                        C hobby

45 Has she got any free time?

A No, she has.                 B No, she hasn’t.                C Yes, she hasn’t.        

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе

Вариант 1

  1. Choose the correct variant:
  1. The hotel is 50$ a night; breakfast is _______ , you should not pay for it.
  1. extinct        B) included        C) influenced        D) endangered
  1. He is a real businessman, wealthy, successful, happy, in other words, rather ______.
  1. prosperous        B) picturesque        C) devoted        D) striking
  1. I agree with you and _____ you in the argument.
  1. support        B) vote                C) judge        D) offer
  1. The professor was famous for his _____. He made clever decisions.
  1. wisdom        B) event        C) measure        D) surprise
  1. There are many words in English _____ from other languages.
  1. encouraged        B) retired        C) borrowed        D) respected
  1. People can hardly live in the _____, because there is no water there.
  1. forest        B) sea                C) field                D) desert

  1. Choose the correct word in the brackets:

1. Scotland is famous for (its / it’s / her) picturesque scenery.

2. (What / How) a great discovery Columbus did!

3. (What / How) touching the story is!

4. The Royal Palace is (so / such) a view!

5. She is airsick especially when the plane takes (away / over / off).

6. - Where have you got these interesting facts? - I looked them (through / up / at) in the encyclopedia.

7. It is raining today. Give me my umbrella (out / away / back). I need it myself.

8. Australia was the (little / less / least) known country.

  1. Translate the words in brackets from English into Russian.

1. This house is very expensive. It is five (миллионов) dollars.

2. The bird (поющая) in the tree isn’t a parrot.

3. The article (написанная) yesterday should be translated immediately.

4. We have got (достаточно денег) to buy a new computer.

5. This boy is (достаточно ленивый) to study well.

  1. Complete the sentence using Complex Object.

I want you to … .

My parents expect … .

We didn’t hear her … .

Let me … .

I saw them … .

The rain made us … .

  1. Open the brackets to complete the sentences.
  1. The teacher said that water (freeze) at zero degrees.
  2. After the doctor (visit) the patient, he felt much better.
  3. (you, work) in the garden at 4 p.m. tomorrow?
  4. While my friend (fish) I was watching the birds.
  5. I (come) home very early yesterday

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе

Вариант 2

  1. Choose the correct variant:

 1. There were a lot of people walking along the _____ of the river.

  1. beach        B) coast        C) bank                D) seaside

 2. It’s a hard work to learn to speak a foreign language ______.

  1. quick        B) fluently        C) in brief        D) in short

 3. I’ve got a lot of ideas and it is very difficult to make a _____.

  1. term        B) decision        C) support        D) forecast

4.  Robin Hood always _____ the arrow into the aim (цель).

  1. threw        B) measured        C) trusted        D) shot

5. At the elections of the president I’ll _____ for that man.

  1. vote                B) judge        C) obey                D) call

6. It’s such a pleasure to spend a holiday on _____ beaches of Thailand.

  1. swampy        B) humid        C) sandy        D) mountain

  1. Choose the correct word in the brackets:

1. The North of England is especially famous for (its / it’s / her) attractions.      

2. (What / How) fresh the air in the mountains is!

3. (What / How) a wonderful crown!

4. The Queen reigned for (so / such) a long period.

5. His elder son takes (after / away / down) him, but his younger one doesn’t.

6. If you don’t know the meaning of the words in the text, look them (through / up / at) in the dictionary.

7. This is a crazy idea. You should give it (up / out / back).

8. Australia was the (little / less / least) known country.

  1.  Translate the words in brackets from English into Russian.

 1. It was not a big town. There were only ten (тысяч) people living there.

2. It is wonderful to look at (падающие) snowflakes which are making everything clean and white.

3. Kate wrote the story (рассказанную) by her Granny.

4. You don’t know English (достаточно хорошо) to teach such clever children.

5. Yesterday I didn’t have (достаточно времени) to go shopping.

  1. Complete the sentences using Complex Object.

I want them to … .

My parents expect …  .

We didn’t hear her … .

Let me … .

My friends saw them … .

The rain made us … .

  1. Open the brackets to complete the sentences.
  1. My friend said that Abraham Lincoln (be) the 16th President of the USA.
  2. What you (do) at 8 p.m. tomorrow?
  3. (you, mix) the colours before you started painting?
  4. While my friend (fish) I was watching the birds.
  5. I (come) home very early yesterday


Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе

Вариант 3

  1. Choose the correct variant:

1. In some countries there are many _____ to the Constitution.

  1. votes        B) amendments         C) judges        D) representatives

2. The Russian army ______ the German army during the Great Patriotic War.

  1. touched        B) defeated        C) reminded        D) protected

3. It is very hot. Eat your ice-cream, because it will _____ in your hands.

  1. boil                B) melt                C) fry                D) swim

4. You never tell the truth. I can hardly _____ you.

  1. measure        B) elect                C) trust                D) borrow

5. When people are ill and can’t earn their living they usually live in _____

  1. poor        B) poverty        C) rich                D) retire

6. It rains very often there. The climate is rather _____.

  1. humid        B) dry                C) cold                D) vast

  1. Choose the correct word in the brackets:

1. Britain is an island country and (its / it’s / her) weather is often spoken about.

2. (What / How) an interesting story it was!

3. (What / How) wonderful the Royal crown is!

4. He was (so / such) a brave officer!

5. Where have you put my glasses? I have been looking (after / for / up) them for an hour!

6. We saw the plane taking (away / over / off).

7. Jane, give the test papers (away / out / up) to everybody.

8. Australia was the (little / less / least) known country.

  1. Translate the words in brackets from English into Russian.

1. There are (миллионы) of people who know how to drive a car.

2. The boys (плавающие) in the sea laughed loudly.

3. The Great Wall of China (построенная) in ancient times attracts lots of tourists.

4. Put on your warm coat, it is (достаточно холодно).

5. Yesterday I didn’t have (достаточно времени) to go shopping.

  1. Complete the sentences using Complex Object.

I want them to … .

My parents expect … .

We didn’t hear her … .

Let me … .

My friends saw them … .

The rain made us … .

  1. Open the brackets to complete the sentences.
  1. The teacher said that George Washington (be) born in Virginia.
  2. I (do) my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
  3. (they, read) the letter before they discussed it?
  4. While my friend (fish) I was watching the birds.
  5. I (come) home very early yesterday.

  1. Choose the right item.

1. Great Britain is the … island of the British Isles.

  1. smallest        B) biggest        C) best                

2. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of great … .

  1. Robert Burns        B) Oliver Cromwell        C) William Shakespeare             D) King Henry VIII

3. Most people remember King Henry VIII only because he had six … .

  1. sons                B) daughters        C) wives        D) dogs

4. The capital of Scotland is … .

  1. London                B) Cardiff        C) Belfast             D) Edinburgh

5. This monarch ruled for the longest in the English history, for 64 years!

  1. Henry VIII                B) Victoria        C) Elizabeth I             D) Elizabeth II

6. The capital of the US is … .

  1. Washington, D.C.        B) Washington        C) New York             D) Philadelphia

7. According to the US Constitution, a president must be elected every … years.

  1. 4        B) 6                C) 2                D) 5

8. To become a US president you must be … or older.

  1. 45        B) 25                C) 35                D) 21

9. America is called “a melting pot” because … .

  1. there are no old customs and traditions
  2. all people who live there are called “Americans”
  3. its people are a mixture of different nationalities

10. America is also called … .

  1. the New world                B) the Old world        C) the Wild world



Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Вариант 3


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A


  1. its
  2. What
  3. How
  4. such
  5. off
  6. up
  7. back
  8. least
  1. its
  2. How
  3. What
  4. such
  5. after
  6. up
  7. up
  8. least
  1. its
  2. What
  3. How
  4. such
  5. for
  6. off
  7. out
  8. least


  1. million
  2. singing
  3. written
  4. enough money
  5. lazy enough
  1. thousand
  2. falling
  3. told
  4. well enough
  5. enough time
  1. millions
  2. swimming
  3. built
  4. cold enough
  5. enough time


I want them to V .

My parents expect …  to V.

We didn’t hear her V/Ving .

Let me V.

My friends saw them V/Ving .

The rain made us V.

I want them to V .

My parents expect …  to V.

We didn’t hear her V/Ving .

Let me V.

My friends saw them V/Ving .

The rain made us V.

I want them to V.

My parents expect …  to V.

We didn’t hear her V/Ving .

Let me V.

My friends saw them V/Ving .

The rain made us V.


  1. freezes
  2. had visited
  3. Will you be working
  4. was fishing
  5. came
  1. was
  2. will you be doing
  3. Had you mixed
  4. was fishing
  5. came
  1. was
  2. will be doing
  3. Had they read
  4. was fishing
  5. came


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A

Предварительный просмотр:

Фамилия, имя _____________________________________ Класс   ____________

Итоговая контрольная работа  по английскому языку в 6 классе за 2015-2016 уч.год.


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

  1. Martin … back and forward at the moment. He is nervous about the game.
  1. will walk   b) is walking   c) has walked
  1. My father … a dog in the evening every day.
  1. walked   b) is walking   c) walks
  1. We …fishing with my uncle last month.
  1. don’t go   b) didn’t go   c) haven’t gone
  1. The train to Oxford … already … . The next is in half-an-hour.
  1. has …gone   b) is …going   c) will …go
  1. My sister always … mother to cook our meals.
  1. helped    b) is helping   c) helps
  1. I … all the exercises already.
  1. have done    b) is doing   c) does
  1. My classmates …hiking last week.
  1. went    b) go     c) goes
  1. At summer camp we … on boats, I think.
  1. are sailing    b) have sailed   c) will sail
  1. … you come to my birthday on Saturday?
  1. Do    b) Have    c) Will
  1. He … the leading role in the performance yesterday.
  1. hasn’t got    b) doesn’t get   c) didn’t get

  1. Complete the letter.

Use: world, soon, leading, astronaut, drove.

Dear Nelly,

Your last letter was exciting. I’m so glad that you won a school swimming competition. Congratulations! Maybe, one day, you will get a _________________ record.

My class and I went to the sports center last week. I ___________________ a fast kart! It is a small car. I wore a helmet and a special uniform. It was fantastic!

By the way, you remember Billy, my younger brother, don’t you? He’s so funny. He wanted to become an ________________ and travel in space last year. And this year he has a_____________

role in our school theatre play!

Would you like to visit us? It would be lovely.

Take care of yourself.

Write to me __________.


  1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Britain consists of _________________________________________________________________
  2. The capitals ______________________________________________________________________
  3. The official name _________________________________________________________________
  4. The climate ______________________________________________________________________
  5. The English language _____________________________________________________________

Фамилия, имя _____________________________________           Класс   ____________

Итоговая контрольная работа  по английскому языку в 6 классе за 2015-2016 уч.год.

II вариант

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1)We …fishing with my uncle last month.

  1. don’t go   b) didn’t go   c) haven’t gone

2)The train to Oxford … already … . The next is in half-an-hour.

  1. has …gone   b) is …going   c) will …go

3)My sister always … mother to cook our meals.

  1. helped    b) is helping   c) helps

4)Martin … back and forward at the moment. He is nervous about the game.

 a)    will walk   b) is walking   c) has walked

5)My father … a dog in the evening every day.

a)  walked   b) is walking   c) walks

6)I … all the exercises already.

  1. have done   b) is doing   c) does
  1. My classmates … hiking last week.
  1. went    b) go     c) goes
  1. At summer camp we … on boats, I think.
  1. are sailing    b) have sailed   c) will sail
  1. … you come to my birthday on Saturday?
  1. Do    b) Have    c) Will
  1. He … the leading role in the performance yesterday.
  1. hasn’t got    b) doesn’t get   c) didn’t get

  1. Complete the letter.

Use: world, soon, leading, astronaut, drove.

Dear Ann,

Your last letter was exciting. I’m so glad that you won a school swimming competition. Congratulations! Maybe, one day, you will get a _________________ record.

My class and I went to the sports center last week. I ___________________ a fast kart! It is a small car. I wore a helmet and a special uniform. It was fantastic!

By the way, you remember Billy, my younger brother, don’t you? He’s so funny. He wanted to become an ________________ and travel in space last year. And this year he has a_____________

role in our school theatre play!

Would you like to visit us? It would be lovely.

Take care of yourself.

Write to me __________.


  1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Great Britain contains____________________________________________________________
  2. The capitals ______________________________________________________________________
  3. The official name _________________________________________________________________
  4. The climate ______________________________________________________________________
  5. The official  language _____________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговые контрольные работы к УМК Биболетовой М.З.  «Английскийс удовольствием» 6 класс

F-6, Unit 5

Test 1

  1. Listen to the text “York” and find out if the information below is true (T) or false (F).

  1. York was the capital of the UK.
  2. It was a city if businessmen.
  3. York is rich in museums.
  4. Viking Centre is the most famous museums of York.
  5. Visitors Viking Centre can see how York looked thousand years ago.

  1. Read the text.  Complete the sentences

     Robert Burns, a Scotland’s national poet, was born in 1759. He was born in a poor farming family. There were seven children in it. Robert was the eldest. Robert read a lot. He was fond of reading. His favourite writer was Shakespeare. At the age of fifteen he began to write poems. He wrote about people and everyday things .His  first love song was dedicated to the girl who helped him on the farm. He published some of his poems. The success was great and Robert became well-known and popular. Robert Burns wrote the words of the song “Auld Lang Syne”. Scottish people sing this song when they celebrate the 1-st of January, New Year’s Day.

     Robert Burns died in 1796. People all over the world know and love his poems. The Scots are proud of him.

  1. Robert Burns is … a) a famous American writer.

                                b) a well-known Scottish poet.

              2.  He was born in the family … a) of an engineer

                                                                      b) of a poor farmer.

             3. He wrote his first poem at the age of …  a) 13

                                                                                         b) 15.

             4. He wrote …  a) fantastic stories.

                                       b) about people and everyday things.

            5. When the Scots celebrate New Year’s Day they sing … a) “Auld Lang Syne”.

                                                                                                                 b) “My Bonny”



F-6 (U-   )                  

Reading Comprehension

  1. Read the text

The Ravenmaster

     There are a lot of different jobs in the world, but Derrick Coyle’s job is very unusual. He is the only raven master at the Tower of London.

      The raven master is the person who takes care of the ravens that live in the Tower of London. Derrick lives there with his wife. His day starts at 5 o’clock in the morning. He lets the ravens out of the cages, he feeds them, gives them water and clean their cages. He does all that before he has breakfast. During the day he feeds the birds and looks after them until he puts them ,back in the cages at about 9 o’clock in the evening.

    Derrick works seven days a week but he doesn’t mind. “It’s a lot of fun, and gives me a lot of pleasure,” he says. “The ravens are part of our family.”

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text.
  1. He feeds the ravens.
  2. He cleans the cages.
  3. He lets the ravens out of the cages in the morning.
  4. He puts the ravens back in the cages in the evening.
  5. He gives water to the ravens.

  1. True or false
  1. He lives in the Tower of London.
  2. He starts his work at 9 o’clock in the morning.
  3. He takes care of ravens.
  4. He works  five days a week.
  5. He lives with his friends.
  6. He loves his job.

  1. Complete the graphic organizer with information from the text.

NAME: _1) ____________________________________________

JOB:       2) ____________________________________________

PLACE OF WORK:  3) ____________________________________

WORK ROUTINE:  4) ____________________________________

  1. Think:  Why is Derrick’s job is special?

Derrick’s job is special because _________________________________

F-6 (Unit 6)  

Listening Comprehension

  1. True or false

  1. The zoo is closed.
  2. The zookeepers may sleep.
  3. They should feed monkeys and a panda.
  4. They should fill the pond with fresh water for the dolphins.
  5. The zookeepers have already repaired the bears’ cage.

Reading Comprehension

  1. Read the text and finish the sentences.  Choose the right answer (ex. 37a, p. 115)

  1. Diamond is a …  a) dog  

                              b) cat

                               c) panda.

        2. Prim is a …             a) dog

                                                   b) cat

                                                   c) elephant

       3. The animals became famous because of … a) their friends

                                                                                        b) their masters

                                                                                        c) their parents.

      4. Once Diamond … a) burnt his masters scientific works.

                                          b) fought with Prim.

                                          c) danced at the concert.

     5. Prim’s master … a) fed the dog well.

                                       b) wrote about Prim in his poems

                                       c) slept with him.

F-6 (Unit 6)

Use of English

  1.  Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.    


  1. Do you want to … the Zoological society?
  1. Enjoy     b) go    c) join     d) come
  1. A rhino is a … animal.
  1. Domestic    b) wild     c) fresh     d) natural
  1. What … of people are they?
  1. King      b) character    c) lot     d) kind
  1. There are many animals … in London Zoo.
  1. Domestic  b) endangered  c) enjoyable  d) zoological
  1. The Zoological Society of London … to help save endangered animals all over the world.
  1. Fights    b) watches    c) joins   d) plays

  1. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.

  1. He … already … his homework.
  1. Has done    b) have done   c) will do
  1. The little boy … never … the rhino.
  1. Has seen    b) have seen     c) will see
  1. I … never … to England.
  1. Has been    b) have been     c) will be
  1. The monkey … just … the tree.
  1. Has climbed  b) have climbed  c) will climb

  1. Составьте предложения.

  1. I, Trafalgar, never, been to, Square, have.
  2. Letter, has, Mike, already, that, read.
  3. Has, he, not, aunt, visited, his.
  4. Invited, we, just, have, friends, our.
  5. Have, work, finished, children, already, their.

  1. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.


  1. The scientist has already written his article.
  1. Ученый уже написал статью.
  2. Ученый уже пишет статью.
  1.  The students  have  joined the scientific society.
  1. Студенты вступили в научное общество.
  2. Студенты вступают в научное общество.

F-6 (Unit 7)

Use of English

  1. Найдите слово, которое по своему значению наиболее подходит к выделенному.
  1. Niece
  1. Brother’s daughter    b) neighbor           c) sister’s son.
  1. To relax
  1. To rest          b) to sing       c) to sleep
  1. To get ready
  1. To get up      b) to be ready     c) to stand up

  1. Вставьте слово,  которое наиболее подходит по смыслу вместо пропуска.
  1. I have bought New Year presents for my …
  1. Relatives            b) relations         c) situations.
  1. My … sister is a student.
  1. Older          b) bigger       c) elder
  1. What is your … town? – Moscow.
  1. House         b) home       c) nice
  1. My Mum is going to cook a birthday …
  1. Cake            b) salt           c) pepper
  1. I’m going to get … some old clothes.
  1. Along with  b)rid of         c) up.

  1. Выберите глагол в нужной форме.
  1. My Mum usually … apple pie.
  1. Is cooking         b) cooks              c) has cooked
  1. … you ever … to Scotland?
  1. Have been        b) has been        c) will be
  1. Yesterday my aunt … shopping.
  1. goes       b) went      c) go
  1. We … in the centre of the town.
  1. Are living       b) live    c) lived
  1. Next summer we … to England.
  1. Go      b) have gone      c) will go

F-6 (U-8)

Use of English

  1. Выберите слово, которое по своему значению наиболее подходит к выделенному.
  1. To be famous for
  1. To like          b) to think      c) to be well-known
  1. A soap opera
  1. A serial         b) a show        c) a book
  1. To go by bike
  1. To drive a car  b) to ride a horse    c) to  ride a bike

  1. Выберите слово, подходящее по смыслу.
  1. I’m fond of sport and I always watch… programme.
  1. Political       b) social       c) sport
  1. London … for its places of interest.
  1. Is made        b) is founded       c) is famous
  1. Read the TV … and find out (выясни) what’s on.
  1. Advert         b) programme      c) signal
  1. Two brothers had a lot in … .
  1. Common     b) alike     c) characteristic
  1. If the weather is fine we’ll spend the whole day in the … air.
  1. Open           b) close     c) healthy

  1. Выберите глагол в нужной форме.
  1. The  town … founded in 1368.
  1. Is      b) was     c) were
  1. They … already … Christmas presents for all their relatives. Now they are decorating the house.
  1. Will … buy     b) are going to buy      c) have …bought
  1. What … your sister … at the moment?
  1. Is … doing      b) has … done     c) does … do
  1. Look! She … our pudding.
  1. Is liking           b) likes     c) like
  1. In a month I … in France.
  1. Am     b) will be     c) have been

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  1. I have done this model of the plane myself.
  2. We’ll enjoy ourselves in summer camp.

F-6 (U-8)

Listening Comprehension

  1. Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. Alice’s birthday is in … a) May    b) April   c) August
  2. This year they didn’t have a birthday party because Alice’s mother …
  1. Wasn’t well    b )was well     c) went to London
  1. Her … made a wonderful birthday cake.
  1. Mother  b) father    c) grandmother
  1. They … the whole evening.
  1. Watched TV  b) talked and laughed   c) played football
  1. A)  Alice didn’t get a lot of presents.
  1. Alice got a lot of presents.
  2. Alice didn’t get presents at all.

Reading Comprehension

  1. Read how Carol celebrates Christmas.

     My favourite holiday is Christmas. We decorate the Christmas tree and our house. My little sister writes a letter to Santa Claus asking him for presents. I don’t write letters to Santa Claus. I am big already. I know my parents buy Christmas presents for me and her, our relatives and our friends. I don’t buy presents for my grandparents. I make funny toys for them. My mother cooks a special Christmas dinner. We invite our grandparents to our place. On the 25th of December my sister and I get up early in the morning. There are two stockings full of small presents on our beds. During the Christmas holidays we enjoy ourselves: play, watch TV and video, visit our friends and eat a lot of tasty things.

  1. True or false

  1. Carol’s  favourite holiday is Christmas.
  2. She always writes a letter to Santa Claus.
  3. Carol doesn’t buy presents  for her grandparents, she makes funny toys for them herself.
  4. Carol’s mother cooks a special Christmas dinner.
  5. On the 25th of December Carol and her sister get up early to find presents.

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс (Биболетова М.З.).




I. Reading.

Healthy food.

   Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

A. The vitamins make your bones hard.

B. Tastes differ.

C. You can’t live without food.

D. Vitamins and the ABC.


Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that it gets the things it needs to work properly.


Food helps us to keep warm, gives us the energy to walk, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.


Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the letters of the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.


Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight.  But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills or tablets vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

  Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

5. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

6. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. _______

7. Vitamin C is important for our skin. _______

8. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ________

II. Grammar-lexical test

Choose the right form:

9. During World War II many cities … by the German army.

a) were occupied     b) occupied     c) will be occupied

10. My neighbour is a teacher; she ... German at school.  

a) studies         b) learns                        c) teaches

11. If you stay here a little longer, you … (see) him.

a) visit           b) will visit         c) visited

12. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went           b) go            c) goed

13. Is … Indian Ocean bigger than … Atlantic Ocean?

a)___, the                  b) the, the      c) the, ___      d) ___, ___

14. My brother … his face every morning.

a) washeds       b) wash        c) washes

15. … Moscow is … capital of … Russia.

a) ___, ___,___     b) ___, the, ___      c) the, ___, the

16. I eat too much chocolate. I really … stop.

a) should      b) have to      c) must

17. Hockey … in winter.

a) was played     b) are played     c) is played

18. If I had the money, I … that  car.

a) buy    b) would buy     c) will buy

19. Alex … to Moscow next week.

a) will be sent      b) was sent     c) is sent

20. The CD … you gave me for my birthday is my favourite now.

a) who    b) which    c) why


1 b

2 c

3 d

4 a

5 T

6 F

7 T

8 F

     9 a

    10 с

11 b

12 a

13 b

14 c

15 b

16 c

17 c

18 b

19 a

20 b

Контрольная работа составлена Галайко Т.А.

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс (Биболетова М.З.).




Раздел «Аудирование».

Task 1. Listen to 2 teenagers talking about their jobs. Fill in the table.



Where dose he/she work?

How much is he/she paid?

What do they spend their money on?

Раздел   «Чтение».

Task 2:   Read the text and do the task.

MIKE: I’m going on a camping holiday in Scotland. I like walking and climbing. At night I’ll camp. If it’s raining, I’ll stay in a Youth Hostel. They are cheap, but you must get up early and help with the breakfast.

JOHN: I’m going to a sailing school in the Lake District. I like yachting and canoeing. We’ll stay in a mountain chalet. We’ll have sailing lessons every day.

SALLY: I’m going on archaeological dig in Cornwall. I love history. We’re digging for Camelot at South Cadbury. Camelot was King Arthur’s castle. It’s hard work, but you meet a lot of people.

CHRISTINE: I’m going on a canal holiday. My father steers the boat. I’ll lie on the deck and sunbathe. I hope it doesn’t rain!

TOM: Now we have summer holidays to look forward to. Mark and I are planning to go off with a couple of friends on a bicycling holiday. I think I have persuaded Mum and Dad to let us go. We are planning to go to Ireland for a week. We’ll take the bikes and our camping gear but if it rains I expect we’ll have to stay in hostels. Apparently there are loads of hostels in the part of Ireland we’re planning to visit and they don’t cost a fortune. We’ll go across on the ferry from Wales – it takes all night. Then we will bicycle around the coast. We’ll probably do about 30 miles a day. Let’s hope it doesn’t pour with rain! It should be fun – I hope!

Fill in the table:

Information about the teenagers

The names of the teenagers

  1. This person is fond of history

  1. This person will travel by bike

  1. This person enjoys sailing

  1. This person prefers camping

  1. This person likes sunbathing

Раздел « Лексика и Грамматика».

Task 3. Put in “the” where necessary.

1. We live on  ____(1)__ Earth. 2. Many people dream about traveling in ___(2)____ space. 3. __(3)____Russia is situated in ___(4)____ Europe and ___(5)__ Asia. 4. There are 50 states in ___(6)___ USA. 5. He is going to see ___(7)___ Alps. 6. ____(8)__Volga flows into ___(9)__ Caspian Sea.

Task 4. Open the brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple.

  1. When I (come) home, my mother (cook) dinner.    
  2. Yesterday at 2 o’clock I (prepare) for my English test.

Task 5. Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Simple.

  1. Helen (do) it by 10 o’clock yesterday.
  2. She (translate) the article before the film (begin).

Task 6: Continue the sentences. Use  Conditional II or III :

  1. If we cut down fewer forests, the air (be) clean.                                    
  2. If you ( give)  him the money, he would have spent all of them.                

Task 7 : Write the sentences in reported speech:

  1. Tom said: “The book is worth reading.”
  2. Martin said: “We had a wonderful party yesterday.”
  3. Teacher asked: “Where do you live?”

Task 8 : Fill in “to” if necessary:

  1. We want you … join our organization.
  2. She made her son … read the letter.

Task 9 : Use an appropriate pronoun: some, any, much, many:

  1. I haven’t got some/any  milk.
  2. I met some/any interesting people last night.
  3. How many/much eggs do we need?
  4. How many/much salt do we put in?

Task 10:  Use Gerund or Infinitive:

  1. He enjoys (to watch/ watching) cartoons.
  2. We want (to eat/ eating).
  3. This book is worth (to read/ reading).

Раздел «Письмо».

Task 11.  Write a postcard to your pen friend  from the English-speaking country and send greetings to him /her on a holiday (New year, Christmas, birthday… )


Task 1.  Wendy:   at the baker’s shop;   5 ponds per hour (20 pounds per 4 hours); for a holiday in France

David: do a newspaper round; 30 pounds per week; for a new guitar

Task 2.   1.  Sally  2. Tom  3. John  4.  Mike  5. Christine

Task 3. 1. the  2. -  3. -  4. – 5. -  6. the 7. the 8. the 9. the

Task 4. 1 came, was cooking;      2  was preparing ;  

Task 5. 1 had done;   2 had translated, began ;  3 saw;   4 ha seen, happened.

Task 6. 1. Would be   2. Had given

Task 7: 1. Tom said the book was worth reading.   2. Martin said they had had a wonderful party the day before.  3. Teacher asked where they lived.

Task 8: 1. to  2. –

Task 9: 1. any  2. some   3. many  4. Much

Task 10: 1. watching    2. to eat    3. reading


D: Where do you earn your pocket money?

W: At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.

D: How much do you get?

W: Oh, not much. The owner pays me 5 pounds an hour. So if I work for 4 hours, I get 20 pounds.

D: Well, that’s not bad. I only get 30 pounds a week for working every morning.

W: I didn’t now you work too. What do you do?

D: I do a newspaper round.

W: Don’t you have to get up early before school, to do that?

D: Yes, I get up at half past 6 every morning.

W: That’s why you nearly fell asleep in Maths yesterday. Don’t you have to get up early on Sundays, too?

D: Yes, Sunday is the busiest day of all. Everyone has more papers on Sunday because they have more time to read them. But it’s worth it. I’ll be able to buy a new guitar in a month.

W: I’m trying to save for a holiday in France. We want to go there with my friend Jane who walks dogs to earn money.

Предварительный просмотр:

Спецификация материалов

промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в 8х классах

2014 – 2015 учебный год

Цель аттестационной работы: оценить уровень качества подготовки по английскому языку обучающихся 8х классов

Структура и план диагностической работы по английскому языку

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 8х классах проводится письменно в форме комплексной работы. Комплексная работа состоит из 7 частей, которые включают в себя от трех до шести заданий, ориентированных на знание лексики и грамматики за курс 8го класса:

  1. часть – задания на знание лексики (найти синонимы);
  2. часть – задания на знание лексики  (перевести и записать предложения с русского языка на английский язык, направлено на проверку знания и употребление обучающимися безличных предложений в речи);
  3. часть – задание на понимание текста (вставить по смыслу слова);
  4. часть – задания по грамматике:
  • выбрать глагол в нужной форме (проверяет умение употреблять в речи видовременные формы глагола);
  • артикли (проверяет знание и умение употребления обучающимися артиклей с географическими названиями);
  • сложное дополнение (проверяет умение обучающихся использовать в речи сложное дополнение);
  1. часть – задания по грамматике (нацелено на проверку умений употребления условных придаточных предложений);
  2. часть – задания по грамматике (проверяет усвоение учащимися навыков употребления косвенной речи);
  3. часть – задания на знание лексики (нацелено на проверку умений по теме «словообразование», т.е. на знание префиксов и суффиксов разных частей речи и их употребление в предложениях).

Система оценивания заданий.

Максимальное количество баллов, которое может получить обучающийся – 25 баллов.

За верное выполнение каждого задания обучающийся получает 1 балл. За неверный ответ или его отсутствие выставляется 0 баллов.

Исправления, сделанные обучающимися, ошибкой не считается.

Тестовая работа оценивается по пятибалльной системе:

«отлично»  – 23 – 25 баллов;

«хорошо»  –  17 – 22 баллов;

«удовлетворительно»  – 12 – 16 баллов;

«неудовлетворительно»  – 11 и меньше.

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки)

 8 класс 2014-2015 уч. год

1 вариант

  1. Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to destroy

  1. to kill                  b) to break                  c) to fight
  1. tolerant

a) patient              b) kind           c) ambitious

  1. threat

a) bullying            b) argument   c) warning

  1. awful

a) terrible             b) hard            c) exciting.

  1. Translate Russian into English.

1. Тепло и мокро.

2. Прохладно и сыро.

3. Снежно и солнечно.

  1. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.
  1. A modern spaceship was … 3 days ago.
  1. taken                b) flown        c) launched
  1. Where is she doing her research … this serious problem?
  1. of                b) on                c) in
  1. The hurricane did a lot of … to the town.
  1. damage        b) disasters        c) problems
  1. The famous actor was shaking … laugh.

а) with                     b) from        c) to

  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. He … at the table the whole evening yesterday.
  1. was sitting         b) sit                  c)  sat
  1.  I …  my homework the whole evening yesterday.
  1.  did                     b) were doing      c) was doing
  1. He ….his work by that time.
  1. finished        b) was finishing    c) had finished
  1. … Australia is the smallest continent in the world.
  1. -                 b) a                 c) the
  1. … UK is one of the world’s smallest country.
  1.   -                 b) a                 c) the
  1. My parents make me … work hard at school.
  1. to                b) -
  1. Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.
  1. If I … (be) you, I … (visit) the old man.
  2. If the girl… (lay) the table, her aunt …not (be) angry with her.
  3. Ann … (behave) well if you … (take) her to the party.
  1. Use the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.
  2. She was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop”
  3. He said, “I can` t move the piano alone.”
  4. The student apologized: “I’m very sorry for coming so late.”
  1. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
  1. AMBITION   I’m sure that he’ll succeed in politics. He is bright and …
  2. DEPEND       On July 4th, 1776 the American colonies declared their …from Britain.
  3. EXPLORE        Have you read his article about space …?

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки)

8 класс 2014-2015 уч. год

  1. вариант
  1. Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to destroy

  1. to kill          b) to break          c) to fight
  1. to damage

a) to be out of luck b) to hurt       c) to be in trouble

  1. to defend

a) to save                b) to protect  c) to help

  1. tolerant

a) patient                b) kind           c) ambitious

  1. Translate Russian into English.

1. Холодно и снежно.

2. Тепло и солнечно.

3. Дождливо и сыро.

  1. Choose the word which best completes the sentence. Underline the word you have chosen.
  1. I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.
  1. take                b) solve        c) explore
  1. The famous actor was shaking … laugh.
  1. with                b) from        c) to
  1. “Why is the little girl crying?” – “She has dropped her cup and … it”.
  1. broke                b) brought        c) destroyed
  1. He was … hurt during the earthquake.
  1. quickly        b) badly        c) well
  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. He … computer games from two till three yesterday.

a) played              b) playing             c) were playing

  1. When I … into the kitchen, mother was cooking.

a) came                 b) come                 c) was coming

  1. We …  the floor in our flat yesterday.

a)  to wash          b) washed    c) were washed.

  1. The capital of … USA is Washington.

a) the                b) -                c) a

  1. … Tokyo is the largest city in the world.

a) the                b) -                c) a

  1. Why did she asked you … come?

a) to                b) -        

  1. Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.
  1. If the teenager … (collect) his thoughts, he … (win) the competition.
  2. You … (stay) out of trouble, if you … (learn) German,
  3. If she … (ring) me up, I … (tell) her the news.
  1. Use the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.
  1. The mother advised her daughter: “Use less make-up, or you will look silly.”
  2. The son said to his mother: “Yes, unfortunately I have broken your favourite vase.”
  3. The boy invited his friend: “Hey, will you come to my birthday party?”
  1. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
  1. OWN               Now you are the …of this wonderful house.
  2. SUCCESS       Our country is proud of these … people.
  3. NATION         The 4th of July is the … Independence Day of the United States.

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (1 пересдача, май)

  1. класс 2014-2015 уч. год

  1. Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.

       Example: to destroy

  1. to kill                  b) to break                  c) to fight
  1. to argue
  1. to ask        b)  to disagree     c) to trouble
  1. a disaster
  1. danger       b) trouble            c) to trouble
  1. misty
  1. stormy       b) foggy              c) rainy
  1. Translate Russian into English.

1. Морозно и солнечно.

2. Облачно и влажно.

3. Ветрено и снежно.

  1. Read the story and fill in the words in the appropriate forms.
  1. The hurricane did a lot of … to the town.
  1. damage                  b) disasters                  c) problems
  1. A National park is a place protected from industrial and urban ….
  1. emblem           b) achievement           c) development

3. A modern spaceship was … 3 days ago.

a) taken                       b) flown                      c) launched

4. The young … has received a small grant to continue his exploration.

 a) researcher             b) exploration             c) nature

  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. He … his work by that time.

a) finished              b) was finishing       c) had finished

  1. What … you … at 7 p.m. yesterday?

a) did …do             b) were …doing       c) had .. done

  1. How many countries … they … by that time?

a) did …visit           b) were … visiting  c) had … visited

  1. The highest mountain in the world is mount  … Everest.

a) the                b) -                 c) a

  1. This unusual town is situated near … Lake Onega.
  1. -         b) a                 c) the
  1. Mother doesn’t want me …  go to the party.
  1. -         b) to
  1. Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.
  1. If we … not (rely) on him, we … not (be) late.
  2. Her aunt … not (be) angry with her, if the girl … (lay) the table in time,
  3. If I … (be) you, I … (continue) the exploration.
  1. Use the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.
  1. He wanted to know: “How did you get here tonight?”
  2. She said: “I phoned you at 5 but you were not at home.”
  3. “We may buy a car next year”, said my grandpa.

  1. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
  1. DANGER        It was a very … journey.
  2. LOVE              It’s a … day, isn’t it?
  3. SUCCESS        Our country is proud of this … people.

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (2я пересдача - сентябрь)

  1. класс 2014-2015 уч. год

  1. Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.

                       Example: to destroy

  1. to kill  b) to break  c) to fight
  1. research
  1. an experiment         b) an achievement          c) an exploration
  1. mad
  1. ambitious                b) clever                     c) crazy
  1. to argue
  1. ask                         b)  to disagree             c) to trouble

  1. Translate Russian into English.

1. Облачно и холодно.

2. Тепло и влажно.

3. Дождливо и ветрено.

  1. Read the story and fill in the words.

defend,  frightened,  threatening,  fight

A boy, a bit younger than Jason, came up to the bridge to cross it.  “Hey! It’s my bridge,” said Jason in a (1) _____voice. “If you want to cross it, give me your pocket money.” He was not a bully, he just wanted to see if the boy would pay.

The boy was (2) _____ . He looked around, but there was nobody to (3) ____ him. He was afraid to (4) ____ with the bully, and turned his pockets inside out. The boy looked hurt and unhappy  and Jason felt uneasy about it  but took the money.

  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. He …troubled yesterday.
  1. looked          b)  is looking        c)  had looked
  1. They … football from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. yesterday.
  1. played           b) were playing    c)  had played
  1. Where … you …your summer holidays?
  1. did… spend  b) were spending  c) had … spent
  1. … Bahamas are a group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

а) -        b) the                 c) a

5.  Mr James lives in country not far from … London.

a) the        b) -                c) a

6.  Julia wanted her parents … allow her to get a Saturday job.

a) to         b) -

  1. Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.
  1. If he … (feel) bad, he … (stay) in bed.
  2. If I … (be) you, I … (visit) the old man.
  3. What … (do) if you … (win) 500 dollars?

  1. Use the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.
  1. The elderly lady thanked the boy: “Thank you very much for helping with my luggage”.
  2. The boy offered to his classmate: “I can help you.”
  3. She asked: “Are you a good reader?”

  1. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
  1. THREAT       He has got the third … letter from the stranger.
  2. PROTECT     The young woman didn’t know where to look for … .
  3. USE             When the young people first came to Ireland, they weren’t … to cold weather.


(Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки). 8 класс)

1 вариант.

  1. 1) a

2) a

3) a

  1. 1) It is warm and wet.

2) It is cool and humid.

3) It is snowy and sunny.

  1. 1) c

2) b

3) a

4) a

  1. 1) a

2) c

3) c

4) a

5) c

6) b

  1. 1) If I were you, I would visit the old man.

2) If the girl had laid the table, her aunt would not have been angry with her.

3) Ann would behave well if you took her to the party.

  1. 1) She surprised that somebody had stolen her bag in the shop.

2) He said that he couldn’t move the piano alone.

            3) The student apologized for coming so late.

  1. 1) ambitious

2) independence

3) exploration


(Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки). 8 класс)

2 вариант.

  1. 1. b

2. b

3. a

  1. 1. It’s cold and snowy

2. It’s  warm and sunny

3. It’s rainy and humid

  1. 1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b

  1. 1. c

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. a

  1. 1. If the teenager had collected his thoughts, he would have won the competition.

2. If you had learned (learnt) German, you would have stayed out of trouble.

3. If she rang me up, I would tell her the news.

  1. 1. The mother advised her daughter to use less make-up.

2. The son said to his mother that he had broken her favourite vase.

3. The boy invited his friend to his birthday party.

  1. 1. owner

2. successful (self-made)

3. national


(Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (1я пересдача). 8 класс)

  1. 1) b

2) b

3) b

  1. 1) It is icy and sunny.

2) It is cloudy and humid.

3) It is windy and snowy.

  1. 1) a

2) c

3) c

4) a

  1. 1) c

2) b

3) c

4) b

5) a

6) b

  1. 1) If we had not relied on him, we would not have been late.

2) Her aunt would not have been angry with her, if the girl had laid the table in time.

3) If I were you, I would continue the exploration.

  1. 1) He wanted to know how I had got there that night.

2) She said (that) she had phoned me at 5, but I had not been at home.

3) My grandpa said (that) we might buy a car the following year.

  1. 1) dangerous

2) lovely

3) successful (self-made).


(Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (2я пересдача). 8 класс)

  1. 1. c

2. c

3. b

  1. 1. It’s cloudy and cold

2. It’s  warm and humid

3. It’s rainy and windy

  1. 1. threatening

2. frightened

3. defend

4. fight

  1. 1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

  1. 1. If he felt bad, he would stay in bed.

2. If I were you, I would visit the old man.

3. What would you do if you won 500 dollars?

  1. 1. The elderly lady thanked the boy for helping with her luggage.

2. The boy offered his help to his classmate.

3. She asked me if I was a good reader?

  1. 1. threatening

2. protection

3. used