Методическая работа

  • Лексика контроль
  • Лексические тесты
  • Грамматические тесты
  • Придаточные условные предложения
  • Определители имени существительного
  • Рекомендации по самостоятельной работе
  • Контрольная работа 3 курс
  • Распространенные выражения с глаголом to be
  • Методическая разработка "Речевые образцы"(Speech Patterns)
  • Тест Reading
  • Тест Yourself
  • Контрольно-оценочные средства
  • 10 причин для изучения английского языка
  • Revision test
  • Чтение(контроль) 1
  • Чтение(контроль) 2
  • Чтение(контроль) 3
  • Чтение(контроль) 4
  • Практика в общении: полезные выражения


Предварительный просмотр:


(Topic “Ecology & Environment”)

  1. Arrange in pairs!

1. to avoid        a.жесткий
2.approximate        b.избегать
3.garbage        c.драгоценный
4.to predict        d.приблизительный
5.hazardous        e.контролировать
6.tough        f.опасный
7.amount        g.предсказать
8.precious         h.причинять
9.to cause        l.количество
10.to monitor        j.отбросы

  1. Fill in necessary words!

1. There are lots of problems concerning the protection of……….. .
2. The air that we breathe is polluted with harmful…………. .
3. Many factories in our country dump chemical………… .
4. Animals, insects, plants can’t live in the atmosphere of ……… .
5. Our planet, Earth, is our home and we mustn’t …….. it !

! (substances; wastes; pollute; chemicals and pesticides; the environment; raw materials )!

  1. Write down in Russian!

1.to protect        9.litter
2.to save        10.earth
3.to disappear        11.acid
4.efficient        12.oxygen
5.harmful        13.to plant
6.nuclear        14.great threat
7.animal        15.urgent measures
8.living thing


  1. Write down in English!

1.перерабатывать        8.землетрясение
2.сажать        9.поколение
3.загрязнение        10.экологическая проблема
5.влияние, влиять
7.окружающая сред

                               Test (Topic “Travelling”)

  1. Write in Russian!
    1.book                        6.catch                        11.pack
    2.train                        7.seat                                12.passenger
    3.promise                8.ship                                13.business
    4.own                        9.pleasant                        14.plan
    5.fly                        10.carrige                        15.railway
  2.   Arrange in pairs!

1. boat                                                1.находить
2.heavy                                                2.удобный
3.agree                                                3.провожать
4.ticket                                                4.порт
5.find                                                5.лодка
6.port                                                6.экскурсия
7.comfortable                                        7.соглашаться
8.possible                                        8.тяжелый
9.see off                                                9.билет
10. excursion                                        10.возможный        

  1. Fill in necessary words!

1. Last summer our family … very much.                                1. trip
2. We had a nice … by car.                                                        2. plane
3. In July we went…to the mountains.                                        3. traveled
4. At the end of summer we were in Sochi We went there                4. enjoyable
by...                                                                                5. hiking
5. Our family had an…holiday in the south.                                6.excursion

  1. Choose the corresponding word from the right column!

  1. A place where we book tickets for a trip is…                        a platform
  2. A large bag where we put our things before                                journey
    traveling is…                                                        a ticket - inspector
  3. The synonym of the words “travel” and “trip” is                        a suitcase
    the word…                                                                a booking-office
  4. A place where you can see many traveling                                 a station
    passengers is…                                                                a railway
  5. A man or a woman who checks up the
    passengers’ tickets

Test Yourself
                                    (Topic: Travelling)

  1. Finish the Sentences:

1)People who travel by train or by plane are called…                air
2) You can find all the information in the …                                passengers
3) The place where we book tickets is called…                        left-luggage office
4) You can leave your luggage in the…                                road
5) To travel by plane means to travel by…                                inquiry-office
                                                                                                  a booking office

  1. Translate into Russian:

1) Hiking makes people healthy.
2) Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains.
3) To travel on board large ships is a very expensive way of travelling.

  1. Translate into English:
    1)Люди путешествуют по делам и ради удовольствия.
    2)Я люблю путешествовать пешком
    3)Как добраться до станции?

  1. Write in Russian:                                        5.Write in English:
    1. Suitcase                                                1. медленный
    2.time-table                                                2.путешествовать на машине
    3.carriage                                                3.электричка
    4.in advance                                                4.турист
    5.enjoy                                                5.высота
    6.fast                                                        6.лодка
    7.flight                                                7.проводник

Предварительный просмотр:

Test Yourself.

English speaking countries: Canada

  1. Write in English!
  1. Климат
  2. Страна озер
  3. Выбирать
  4. Кленовый лист
  5. Температуры
  6. Великие озера
  7. Равнина
  8. Национальный символ
  9. Граничить


 II  .Write in Russian!

  1. to appoint
  2. social security
  3. mountain
  4. House of Commons
  5. the Niagara Falls
  6. population
  7. census
  8. living standard
  9. border

10)to consist of…

III.Fill in:

  1. Canada has several … regions.
  2. There are 4 … seasons in Canada.
  3. Canada has one of the highest …
  4. Canada has a wide … network/ (сеть).
  5. Canada is a … state.

/living standards, welfare, distinct, climatic, census, social security/

VI.Translate the sentences of task III !

Test Yourself.

(Topic: Pastime)

  1. Translate into Russian:
  1. There are many exciting things to do when you are spending your free time.
  2. I am fond of reading books.
  3. We wish our holidays lasted longer.
  4. Every person has his favourite occupation.
  5. My mother is good at cooking.

  1. Translate into English:
  1. Мы всегда проводим свое свободное время интересно.
  2. Мой друг интересуется с компьютерами.
  3. Многие люди предпочитают слушать поп- музыку.
  4. Жаль, что у нас мало свободного времени.
  5. Не трать время (зря)!

  1. Fill in:
  1. Sunday is our …
  2. We have 6 … days a week.
  3. My … is collecting coins.
  4. I … myself when I play the guitar.
  5. Nick … in for Sport.

  1. Arrange sentences:
  1. People can fill their free time.
  2. When my father has spare time.
  3. Being in St. Petersburg.
  4. Children should help.
  5. If a person hasn’t any hobby.

a) always switches on his TV

  1. Parents about the house
  2. With different entertainments
  3. He might be a dull person
  4. We Visited lot of places of interest

Test (Topic: «Mass Media»)

  1. Fill in the gaps:
  1. A newspaper which is published every day is …
  2. We get much information by …
  3. Television is the most popular …
  4. A newspaper which reports local news is …
  5. Reading newspapers and magazines is important …
  6. There are different types of  TV …
  7. All TV channels have a lot of …
  1. Programs                b) tradition                c) a local newspaper        d) mass media                e) entertainment        f) a daily newspaper         g) advertising

  1. Match the two halves:
  1. To report
  2. To pay attention
  3. To have many
  4. To play an important
  5. To advertise
  6. To publish
  7. The television
  8. The source of
  9. To read
  10. To watch
  11. To listen to
  12. To browse
  13. To inform

  1. Channels
  2. Magazines
  3. Information
  4. Newspaper
  5. Screen
  6. Radio
  7. Youth programs
  8. Part
  9. Goods and services
  10. News
  11. The Internet
  12. People
  13. to extraordinary events

Check Yourself.

Topic: The USA

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian:
  1. The USA is a highly developed country.
  2. New York was founded some there hundred years ago.
  3. In the east and in the west oceans was the USA.
  4. The capital was named in honour of the first President.
  5. Hawaii is situated in the Pacific ocean.

  1. Translate into English:
  1. США состоит из 50 штатов.
  2. На севере эта страна граничит с Канадой.
  3. Вашингтон – столица страны.
  4. Территория США – свыше 9 млн. кв. км.

  1. Give Russian equivalents:
  1. River
  2. Lake
  3. Skyscraper
  4. Population
  5. Island
  6. Government
  7. Law
  8. Mountain
  9. Industry
  10. Highland
  11. Language
  12. Lowland
  13. In the south
  14. Valley
  15. That’s why

Check yourself?

Topic: Australia

1)Fill in! (Заполните пропуски!)

  1. Australia is a big … .
  2. It … a whole continent.
  3. Australia is situated in the southern … .
  4. … is the capital of Australia.
  5. The Australian natives are called … .
  6. The … … animals are koala, emu, kangaroo.
  7. The climate in Australia is … &warm.

  1. Give Russian equivalents!

1) nation        3) unique                5) temperate                7) coat of arms        9) to be situated

2) China        4) although                6) wide                8) sight                10) species

  1. Give English equivalents!
  1. Различать(ся)                        2) динго                3) тропический                 4)Азия        

5) вечнозеленое дерево                6) квадратный, площадь                 7) весь, целый

8) Сидней                9) сухой                 10) климат

  1. Answer the questions!
  1. Is Australia the largest island in the world?
  2. Canberra isn’t the biggest city of Australia, is it?
  3. What is the hottest month in Australia?
  4. Who discovered Australia in 1770?
  5. What are the national colours in Australia?
  6. What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms?
  7. Where & when were the Olympic Games held in Australia?

Check yourself

  1. Arrange in pairs.
  1. Love                        a) hall
  2. Science                        b) vampire
  3. Theatre                        c) story
  4. Horror                        d) “Tom and Jerry”
  5. Cartoon                        e) “Chicago”
  6. Musical                         f) fiction

  1. Write in English.                                3. Write in Russian.
  1. Документальный фильм                                1. Horror film
  2. Вестерн                                                        2. Operator
  3. Триллер                                                3. Cinema
  4. Камера                                                        4. Action film
  5. Актер                                                        5. Screen version of a novel
  6. Голливуд                                                6. Feature film
  7. Мелодрама                                                7. adventure
  8. Детектив                                                8. Show

                                                        9. Watch

                                                        10. Producer

  1. Answer the questions.
  1. How often do you go to the cinema?
  2. How often do you watch films on video?
  3. What is your favourite kind of film?
  4. Who is your favourite actor/ actress?
  5. What kind of films don’t you like?
  6. What was the last film you saw?

  1. SOS
  1. Wonderful, there, in, are, actors, theatre, our.
  2. Film, was, the, “Arrival of the Train”, first, the Lumiere brothers, by, made.

  1. Fill in which or who.
  1. My wallet, … was in my handbag, has disappeared.
  2.  Brian, … is still at school, is the captain of our local team.
  3. London, … is the capital of England, attracts many foreign visitors.
  4. This parrot, … comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.
  5. The children … play with my son are coming round for tea.
  6. English weather, … is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.

Test yourself

Topic: Theater/ Cinema

  1. Choose the corresponding word from right column:
  1. A performance in which the actors sing is …                                        1. a bill
  2. A place in the theatre where the performance takes place is …                2. a choir
  3. A break between the parts of the concert is …                                        3. a newsreel
  4. A large paper which gives  the information about the performance is …4. a stage
  5. A group of people singing together is …                                                  5. a box- office
  6. A play where animals  perform is …                                                         6. an opera
  7. A short film shown before a feature films …                                         7. a cloak-room
  8. A performance in which  the actors dance is …                                         8. a circus
  9. A place where the visitors of the theatre take off their clothes is …                 9. a ballet
  10. A place where you can book tickets for the performance is …                 10. an interval

  1. Choose the correct answers from the right column:
  1. Let’s go to the theatre.                                1. I prefer comedy.
  2. Have you got a program?                        2. A. Mironov is.
  3. Is it opera or a ballet?                                3. It’s one of the best comedies I have                                                              ever seen.
  4. What is on this evening?                                4. Yes, I have. Here you are.
  5. What do you think of the play?                        5. With great pleasure.
  6. Who is you favourite actor?                        6. “The Swan Lake”. But the house is sold                                                           out.
  7. Are you fond of music?                                7. Neither this nor that.
  8. Did you enjoy the film?                                8. She wants to be an actress.
  9. Whish do you like better: comedy                9. Of, course, I am!

                or drama?

  1. What is she going to be?                                10. Yes, I did. It made a great impression                                                             on me.
  1. Fill in necessary words:
  1. Lena and her friend spend last winter holidays in the capital of our …        1. cultural
  2. Moscow is the industrial and … centre of Russia.                                2. comfortable
  3. There are many theatres, cinemas, museums,                                        3. gallery

exhibitions and … in Moscow.

  1. During their visit to Moscow they went … every day.                        4. underground
  2. Lena’s aunt … them what to see in Moscow.                                        5. monuments
  3. This city is famous for its beautiful …                                                6. excursion
  4. The friends were in the Kremlin and the Tretyakov …                        7. Motherland
  5. Once they went on an … to Red Square.                                                8. advised
  6. Lena and Tanya enjoyed traveling by the …                                        9. sights
  7. But soon holidays were over and they had to return. They                         10. Sightseeing

 got back by a … train.

Test Paper!

  1. Arrange in pairs! (Подберите пары!)
  1. advice        2. choice        3. to respect                4. fresh        5. screen        6. to influence

7. to announce                8. to cooperate                9. harvest                10. to improve

  1. экран                b) влиять        c) взаимодействовать        d) выбор        e) урожай         

f) уважать                 g) свежий        h) совет        i) улучшать         j)объявлять

  1. Find the wrong word! (Найди неподходящее слово!)
  1. school – semester – sophomore – lyceum – goal
  2. report card – blocker – exercise – sports – rollerskiing
  3. to chat – to say – to speak – to perform – to interview
  4. gymnasium – homeroom – teacher – nutrition – principal
  5. average – exciting – environment – creative – legislative

  1. К данному слову подберите близкое по смыслу слово!
  1. grade                        a) keyboard                b) evaluation        c) effort
  2. feast                        a) holiday                b) destination        c) week
  3. custom                 a) soccer                b) rehearsal                c) tradition
  4. to complete                a) to include                b) to finish                c) to obey
  5. actually                a) satisfactory        b) ancient                c) really
  6. fair                        a) honest                b) creative                c) cheerful
  7. to realize                a) to improve        b) to devote                c) to understand
  8. besides                a) expert                b) definitely                c) quietly
  9. homework                a) intercome                b) assignment        c) seminar
  10. to purchase                a) to include                b) to buy                c) inform

  1. Fill in! (Заполните пропуски!)
  1. We … the agricultural college in Ulyanovo.
  2. Our … begin at 8.00.
  3. I am a full time student of the second …
  4. We study a lot of …
  5. Many students participate in … activities.

  1. extracurricular        b) daily activities                 c) subjects                 d) attend        
  1. lyceum        f) course        g) go

Test yourself

  1. Choose the correct word from a, b, c.
  1. They agreed that their trip had been rather _____
  1. enjoyable
  2. comfortable
  3. possible
  1. Our city is ___ an industrial and economic centre in the region.
  1. besides
  2. whole
  3. both
  1. My friends came to ___ to the railway station.
  1. see me off
  2. see me to
  3. see me over
  1. In our town you can find many historical ___.
  2. sights
  3. seats
  1. My dream is to ___ all over the world.
  1. travel
  2. belong
  3. consist
  1. Define the following words correctly.
  1. Folk music                        1. A musical entertainment
  2. Opera house                2. A play, a ballet, an opera
  3. A concert                        3. The theatre where opera and ballets are staged
  4. An actor                        4. A person performing on the stage or starring on films
  5. An actor                        5. Music, songs composed by people
  1. Country study.
  1. The oldest part of  London is called…                1. the residence of the British Queen
  2. London, the British capital consists of …        2. famous street Broadway is the centre of                                                                  culture and entertainments.
  3. New York is the main seaport                        3. the City, which is small but very                                                                          important.
  4. In Harlem, where usually Black                        4. the oldest university cities in Great

        Americans live…                                        Britain.

  1. Washington has been the …                        5. 3 parts: the City, the West End and the                                                                East End.
  2. Buckingham Place is …                                6. are situated along the banks of the                                                                 Thames
  3. The White House is …                                7. and the financial, political and cultural                                                                 centre of the USA
  4. The Houses of Parliament …                        8. life is the most difficult
  5. Cambridge and Oxford are …                        9. the place where the American                                                                         President lives and works
  6. The financial world is concentrated                10. seat of the American Government

        In Wall Street, while another                        since 1800

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (Passive Voice)

І.         Choose the suitable grammar form:

1. Yesterday we (invited) to the cinema by Tom Jenkins.

A) are invited

B) were invited

C) invited

2. Look! The bridge (repair)

A) is being repaired

B) is been repaired

C) have been repaired

3.The letter (post) tomorrow.

A) will be post
B) will have been posted
C) will be posted

4. Margaret (know) to be a very good student.

A) has been known
B) is known
C) is been know

5. This book (publish) by the end of February.

A) would been published

B) will have been published

C) will been published

6.  I (bear) in a small Russian town.

A) was borne

B) am born

C) was born

7. This poem (write) by A. Pushkin.

A) is written

B) have been written

C) was written

8. The Olympic Games (hold) once in four years.

A) were held

B) are being held

C) are held

9. English is worth learning. It is (speak) in a lot of countries.

A) has been spoken

B) is spoken

C) was being spoken

10. The new hospital (open) in our town next year.

A) are built

B) has been built

C) will be built

Grammar: Complex Object.


                                            1. Choose the correct item.

1.  Did you hear Sally … at the party?

a) to sing                b) sing                c) sang

2. Mother watched the children … in the garden.

a) playing                b) played                c) to play

3. John was never allowed … .

a) to smoke                b) smoking                 c) smoke

4. The doctor made the nurse … the patient’s blood pressure again.

a) to test                b) testing                c) test 

5. The law forbids teenagers … alcohol.

a) drink                b) to drink                c) drinking 

6.  Father doesn’t want me … an actor. 

a) become                b) became                c) to become

7. We expect the bus … on time. 

a) to arrive                b) arriving                c) arrive 

8. I wouldn’t like you … late.

a) returned                b) to return                c) return 


II. Translate into English:

  1. Я не хотела, чтобы вы меня  подождали.
  2. Родители желают, чтобы я стала экономистом.
  3. Она не хотела бы, чтобы её подруга уехала в Москву.
  4. Мы не ожидали, что он напишет такие прекрасные стихи.
  5. Наташа рассчитывает, что мы ей поможем.
  6. Дождь заставил нас вернуться домой.
  7. Почему вы не запретили своему сыну курить?

III. Translate into Russian:

  1. We saw them jump with parachutes.
  2. The old woman felt her heart beat with joy.
  3. She heard somebody walk up to her door.
  4. The people living in the north do not see the sun come out for months.
  5. I expected you to join our excursion.
  6. I don’t like him to repeat this nonsense.
  7. The student didn’t expect the teacher to ask him.


I. Из английских грамматических форм глагола выберите ту, которую вы употребили бы при переводе русских предложений.

Образец: 1. Мы сдаем экзамен 1 раз в год        a)  take b) are taking c) shall take

                           Ответ: 1 а

  1. Я учусь в техникуме        a) am studying

        b) study

        c) have studied

     2. В прошлом году я была студенткой первого курса         a) is

        b) have been

        c) was

     3. Сейчас я пишу тест по английскому языку        a) was writing

        b) write

        c) am writing

    4. Я только что сделала первое задание         a) have done

        b) has done

        c) did

    5. На следующем уроке английского языка мы будем        a) will read

     читать текст        b) shall read

                c) read

II. Определите, какой английской форме глагола соответствует русский перевод:

  1. write                a) написал (только что)
  2. am writing        b) писал (вчера)
  3. have written        c) пишу (сейчас)
  4. wrote        d) пишется (кем- то)
  5. shall write        e) пишу (регулярно)
  6. was writing        f) была написана (кем-то)
  7. is written        g) напишу (завтра)
  8. wan written        h) писал (вчера, когда пришёл друг)

III. Определите видовременную форму глаголов!

  1. were done        a) Present Simple
  2. sleeps        b) Present Continuous
  3. shall do        c) Present Perfect
  4. player        d) Present Simple Passive
  5. were reading        e) Future Simple
  6. have visited        f) Past Simple
  7. is working        g) Past Continuous
  8. is cleaned        h) Past Simple Passive

Предварительный просмотр:

Test yourself

(Conditional sentences)

1. Choose the correct forms.

  1. If she (comes/came) late again, she will lose her job.
  2. I’ll let you know if I (find/found) out what’s happening. 
  3. If we (live/lived) in a town life would be easier.
  4. It (will/would) be a pity if she married Fred.
  5. If you (ask/had asked) me for help it would have been better.
  6. You would have passed your exam if you (worked/had worked) harder.
  7. The team (win/will win) if John plays better.

2. Complete these sentences any way you like.

  1. I’ll be surprised if…
  2. Mum will be sorry if…
  3. They would be happy if…
  4. If I were you I…
  5. If they had spoken English every day …

3. Translate into Russian.

  1. If you say that again I will go away.
  2. I would tell you her name if I knew it.
  3. What would you do if you didn’t pass your exam?
  4. Ann will be sorry if Helen doesn’t come.
  5. If we had known you were in hospital, we would have visited you.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test Yourself

  1. Вставьте some, any, no, the, a или оставьте пропуски незаполненными:

1. We use 1… pencils or 2… pens when we write.

      2. He was reading 3… book
                when I came into 4… room.

      3. Give me 5… water to drink, please.

      4. What time will 6… meeting begin?

      5. Do you find 7… English difficult?

      6. We bought 8… cucumbers at 9… market, they were very expensive.

      7. I showed him 10… way to 11… station.

8. I want to say 12… words to your sister.

9. We saw 13… houses in the distance.

10. 14… house must have 15… windows.

       11. 16…sun was high in 17… sky.

       12. I drank 18… cup of 19… coffee after dinner.

13. Pass me 20… piece of 21… bread, please

14. 22… men saw 23… boat on 24… river.

15. Can you give me 25… matсh?

Предварительный просмотр:

The role of technical progress

        The scientific and technical revolution has changed our life very much. The computers, the mobile phones and other digital devices have entered our everyday life.

The atomic, space and energy age was followed by the age of computers. The tasks which had seemed eternal before have been solved one by one by computers. During the last decade many fundamental changes occurred because of electronic devices.  It is even difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences of the microelectronic revolution.

The large use of computers has influenced our life in such a way that it was difficult to imagine 15 or 20 years ago. On the one hand, computers have simplified our life greatly.  If you typed a text on the typewriter and made a mistake you had to type the whole page again. Making several copies of the same document used to be a difficult job too. But now it’s quite different. Correcting mistakes is easy. Computer also helps us to buy goods, find information, book tickets, make presentations and annual reports, and make difficult calculations. Time is saved for leisure.

Leisure time is also influenced by computer and other periphery devices. You no longer go to the music shops – many things are available on the internet. You needn’t write letters to your relatives or friends – you can send an e-mail. And your photo albums are on computer too.

 Computer games are probably also a part of your free time. They became more and more realistic and complicated, and for many people it becomes impossible to tear themselves away. This means that electronic devices, such as computer and TV set are used mostly for entertainment and consume most of the time that could be spent on work, going for a walk and sleeping. Man becomes a slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger.

Is there a way out? In fact, there is, but many people don’t know it and are still slaves. The best decision is not to give these equipment’s place in your heart. They should do their work. And when you have a rest, prefer real communication to virtual one and living an active life to watching films about crime. Then electronics will be not our lord or enemy but our friend!

Active Vocabulary

 age [eɪʤ] век

annual [ˈænjuəl] ежегодный


available [əˈveɪləbəl] доступный

consequence [ˈkɑnsəkwəns] следствие

copy - копия

correct[ kəˈrɛkt] исправлять

crime [kraɪm] преступление

decade[ dɛˈkeɪd] десятиление

document [ˈdɑkjəmɛnt] документ

e-mail [i-meɪl] эллектронная почта

enemy [ˈɛnəmi] враг

enter [ˈɛntər] вводить,входить

impossible [ɪmˈpɑsəbəl] невозможный

lord [lɔrd ] господин

occur  [əˈkɜr] возникать

periphery  [pəˈrɪfəri] периферия

realistic  [ˌriəˈlɪstɪk] реалистичный

relative  [ˌriəˈlɪstɪk] родственник

simplify [ˈsɪmpləˌfaɪ] облегчить

slave  [sleɪv] раб

social   [ˈsoʊʃəl] социальный

tear  [tɛr] оторвать(ся)

type [ taɪp] печатать

typewriter [ ˈtaɪˌpraɪtər] печатная машинка

virtual [ˈvɜrʧuəl] виртуальный


  1. Answer the following questions to the text.
  1. The technical revolution has changed our life very much, hasn’t it?
  2. What were the predecessors of computer age?
  3. Do computers make our life easier and simmer? In what way?
  4. Computers influence our free time too, don’t they?
  5. Can you get music and video on the internet? What other information can you get there?
  6. What devices became compatible with computer during the last years?
  7. Can you communicate with your friends on the internet? Do you like such communication or you prefer real one?
  8. In what way do computer games influence the people?
  9. Do electronic devices take all our free time?
  10. Is man a slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger?
  11. Does the author suggest a way out?
  12. What is the way out in your opinion?

  1. Study the Active vocabulary. Insert the missing words.
  1. ____ helps you to send letters quickly.
  2. If there is an interesting program on TV, it’s difficult for a person to ____.
  3. During the last two____ scientific progress and digitization took place.
  4. For some people a computer is an equivalent of a ___: a device for printing and editing documents.
  5. Do you have many___? – Yes, I have parents, grandparents, two sisters and three brothers.
  6. I don’t buy ____ any more, all my photos are on my computer.
  7. Computer is a multifunctional device. So the___ is that it can be used both for work and for leisure.
  8. ____age was followed by a microelectronic one.

  1. Continue the following statements.
  1. The atomic, space and energy age was following by…
  2. It’s difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences…
  3. Computers have simplified…
  4. Computer helps us to buy goods, find information…
  5. Leisure time is also influenced…
  6. You no longer go to the music shops…
  7. You needn’t write letters to your relatives…
  8. Computer and TV set are used mostly for entertainment…
  9. The best decision is not to give these equipment’s…
  10. When you have a rest, prefer real communication…

Предварительный просмотр:

ГБОУ  СПО «Лукояновский сельскохозяйственный техникум»

Методическая разработка: Речевые стандарты (Speech Patterns)

(для студентов всех специальностей)


Составила: Автаева О. Я.,

                                                   преподаватель  английского  языка,

                                               высшей квалификационной категории

г. Лукоянов 2013г.

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК общеобразовательных дисциплин

Председатель ПЦК _________ (Голубева О.М.)


преподаватель         _________ (Автаева О.Я.)

Рецензент                 _________ (Кочетова Е.В., к.п.н., учитель русского языка и литературы МБОУ Лукояновская СОШ №1 высшая квалификационная категория)

Одобрено методическим советом ГБОУ СПО «Лукояновский сельскохозяйственный техникум»

Протокол № __________

от «____» _______ 2013г.

Председатель ________ ( _________ )


Целевой установкой подбора данных речевых образцов является развитие навыков устной речи для бытового и делового общения. Эти речевые образцы могут быть результативно  использованы в условиях учебного процесса в учебном заведении, а также для самостоятельного использования в быту. При этом расширяется словарный запас студентов и повышается скорость речи. Комплект речевых образцов состоит из 10 блоков речевых формул, имеющих коммуникативно направленный характер. Объём каждого блока в среднем включает от 60 до 130 лексических единиц и основы грамматики. За каждой речевой формулой следует перевод.

  Методическая разработка  предназначается для студентов всех специальностей.

Speech Patterns – 1



Good morning/ night.

Доброе утро/Спокойной ночи.

How are you?

Как поживаете?

Fine, thanks.

Спасибо, прекрасно.

She is very well, thank you.

Она хорошо себя чувствует, спасибо.

Glad to hear it.

Рад это слышать.

Glad to see you.

Рад вас видеть.

I see.

Понятно./ Вот как.

Well, good-bye.

Ну, до свидания.

See you tomorrow.

До завтра.

So long.


All right.

Хорошо / Ладно.

How are you this morning?

Как вы чувствуете себя сегодня утром?

I’m O. K.


See you this afternoon / tonight/ soon / later.

Встретимся сегодня днём/ вечером./До скорой встречи./ Увидимся позже.

Let’s talk / begin the lesson / read the text.

Давайте поговорим. / Начнём урок./ Почитаем текст.

I’m sorry.

Мне жаль. / Сожалею.

Read the text, please.

Прочитайте текст, пожалуйста.

Open the book.

Откройте книгу.

Repeat the sentence.

Повторите предложение.

Write down the homework.

Запишите домашнее задание.

Sit down, please.

Садитесь, пожалуйста.

Listen to me.

Слушайте меня.

Don’t talk/ read/ write.

Не разговаривайте. /Не читайте. / Не пишите.

Best regards to Mr. Green.

( Передайте) привет г-ну Грину.

Do you understand/ follow  me?

Вы понимаете меня?

I don’t understand it ( the text)

Я его (текст ) не понимаю.


Хорошо!  (одобрение)

Come in, please.

Входите, пожалуйста.

What’s your job? / What are you?

Кем вы работаете?

Let me introduce my colleague to you.

Позволь представить тебе моего коллегу.

How do you do.

Здравствуйте. (при знакомстве)

Here you are.

Вот, пожалуйста. / Возьмите.

Who’s that man?

Кто тот человек (мужчина)?

Nice / Glad to meet you.

Рад с вами познакомиться.

What’s your son’s name?

Как зовут вашего сына?

What’s the matter?

В чём дело?

Are you tired?

Вы устали?

It’s time to have a break.

Пора сделать перерыв.

Shall I open the window?

Открыть окно?

Shall we go?


Yes, please.

Да, пожалуйста.



I think…

Я думаю…/ Мне кажется…



I’m glad for your son.

Рад за вашего сына.

It’s late.

Уже поздно.

I’m late.

Я опоздал.

This way, please.

Сюда, пожалуйста.

Excuse me.

Извините меня.

With pleasure.

С удовольствием.

Speech Patterns -2

I wonder…

Интересно/ Хотелось бы знать…

It’s over there.

Вон там.

What colour is it?

Какого она (блузка ) цвета?

By the way

Между прочим

What can I do for you?

Чем могу быть полезен ?

I’d like to buy a shirt.

Я хотел бы купить рубашку.

What’s your size?

Какой у вас размер?

Mine is size 14.

Мой размер -14.

It’s not your size.

Не ваш размер.

It’s too big for you

Она вам велика.

Here is a smaller size

Вот поменьше размер.

I like it.

Она мне нравится.

How much is it?

Сколько это стоит?

Of course.


What a nice watch!

Какие красивые часы!

Do you like…?

Тебе нравится …?

Excuse me…


You are right.

Вы правы.

I’m afraid…

Боюсь, что…

This dress is all right for me.

Это платье мне подходит (по размеру)

What a pity!

Какая жалость!

What sort of man is he?

Что он за человек?

Speech Patterns - 3

How do you like…?

I like it very much.

Where do you work?

I work at a joint-stock company.

I work at a joint-venture company

In the sales /production / accounts department.

Are there many employees in your office?

I hear…

You are wrong, I am afraid.

How many children have you got?

Let me see…

That’s right.

The room is light and cosy.


What country are you from?

Thank you very much.

Not at all.

On the right / left.

I’m sure.

How is life?

You know…

What about a lift?

Come and see my flat.

I’d like to tell you about…

Is Mr. Green in?

No, he is out. / at the conference / on business /on holiday

At the production meeting / at the meeting of shareholders.

You see…

Как тебе нравится…?

Мне…очень нравится.

Где вы работаете?

Я работаю в акционерной компании.

Я работаю на совместном предприятии.

В отделе сбыта / в производственном отделе / в бухгалтерии.

Много ли сотрудников в вашем офисе?

Я слышал…

Боюсь, вы ошибаетесь. / Вы неправы.

Сколько у вас детей?

Дайте (мне) подумать…

Правильно. / Верно.

Комната светлая и уютная.

А что?

Откуда вы родом? / Из какой вы страны?

Большое спасибо.

Не стоит благодарности.

Справа / слева

Я уверен.

Как жизнь?

Знаешь ли…./ Видишь ли…

Как насчет лифта?

Приходите посмотреть мою квартиру.

Я хочу рассказать вам о…

Г-н Грин у себя? / в офисе?

Нет, он вышел.

На конференции / в командировке / в отпуске.

На производственном  собрании / на собрании акционеров

Видите ли…

Speech Patterns – 4

What day of the week is it (today)?

It’s Monday.

What month is it? / What date is it?

How many days are there in December?

There are thirty-one days in December.

I’m going on holiday in June.

What’s the weather like today?

What was the weather like there?

I live in a new block of flats.

You are quite right.

What’s the climate like in…?


How can I get there?

How old are you / is he, she?

She was born in…


If I am not mistaken.

I was lucky.

How is it outside?

What’s the temperature today?

(It’s) 7 degrees below / above zero.

What are summers like in your country?


Let’s go for a walk.

It’s going to rain.

For  example.

Let’s get down to business.

Какой сегодня день недели?


Какой месяц?/Какое число?

Сколько дней в декабре?

В декабре 31 день.

В июне я собираюсь в отпуск.

Какая сегодня погода?

Какая там была погода?

Я живу в новом многоквартирном доме.

Вы совершенно правы.

Какой климат в …?


Как мне туда добраться?

Сколько вам/ ему, ей лет?

Она родилась в … (год/место)


Если я не ошибаюсь.

Мне повезло.

Как на улице?

Какая сегодня температура?

7 градусов ниже / выше нуля.

Какое в вашей стране лето?

Простите (не расслышал).

Пойдем, погуляем.

Собирается дождь.


Давай приступим к делу

Speech Patterns - 5

What time do you get up in the morning?

What do you usually have for breakfast?

How long does it take you to (get to your work)?

I think so too.

How well does he speak English?

Can you help me with the contract?

You are welcome.

How do you like it here?

As a rule.

It’s good / nice to hear it.

Can I have…,  please.

Just a minute

That’s a good idea.

The matter can wait.

As soon as possible

In fact

How is business?

Not bad.

I must say…

I can show you round Moscow.

I wish you (good) luck.

Когда вы встаете по утрам?

Что вы обычно едите на завтрак?

Сколько времени у вас уходит  …?

Я тоже так думаю (считаю).

Как он говорит по-английски?

Не можете ли вы помочь мне с контрактом?

Добро пожаловать.

Как вам здесь нравится?

Как правило.

Приятно это слышать.

Дайте мне …, пожалуйста.


Это прекрасная идея.

Дело может подождать.

Как можно скорее.

В действительности, на самом деле

Как дела? Как бизнес?


Должен сказать…

Я могу показать вам Москву.

Желаю (вам) удачи.

Speech Patterns - 6

What’s the time? / What time is it?

Can you tell me the exact time?

My watch is 10 minutes slow / fast.

I haven’t got a watch.

It is 6 (o’clock). / a m. / p. m.

It is ten minutes past six.

I must be going.


Who is calling?

Is it all right with you?

I’ll call back.

What time do they show the program?

Come on!

Hurry up!

Happy birthday!

Have a good holiday!

What’s on?

They say…

I’m fond of skiing.

What point shall we take up?

If  you don’t mind.

No objection.

Take a number 4 bus. /Take bus 4.

You’ve got the wrong number.

It’s a small world.

May I introduce…?

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Is the President available?

He is on another line.

Can you hold on?

What do you think of our offer?

Your prices are too high.

I have a business appointment with…

Сколько времени? / Который час?

Скажите мне точное время, пожалуйста.

Мои часы отстают /спешат на 10 минут.

У меня нет часов.

6 часов / утра / вечера.

10 минут седьмого.

Мне надо идти.

Слушаю ( букв.: говорю)

Кто говорит?

Вас это устраивает?

Я перезвоню.

Когда показывают эту программу?

Ну, давай!


С днем рождения!

Желаю хорошо провести отпуск!

Что идёт ( в кино, в театре)?


Я люблю кататься на лыжах.

Какой вопрос будем обсуждать?

Если не возражаете.

Не возражаю.

Садитесь на автобус № 4

Вы ошиблись номером.

Мир тесен.

Могу я представить вам…?

Приятно с вами познакомиться.

Можно ли поговорить с президентом?

Он говорит по другому телефону.

Не кладите трубку.

Каково ваше мнение о нашем предложении?

Ваши цены слишком высокие.

У меня деловая встреча с…

Speech Patterns -7

No wonder.


It was great.

Could you tell me the time, please?

I couldn’t get you on the phone.

It seems to me…

I’m all for it.

I’ve run out of petrol.

What kind of petrol would you like?

Grade 93,  30 liters, please.

Where is the nearest camping site?

Keep straight along the road.

You can’t miss…

As far as I remember…

I wish you a good holiday.

That will be very kind of you.

How long did it take you to…?

What was the matter with you yesterday?

I was running a high temperature the whole day.



Это было великолепно.

Не могли бы вы сказать мне, который час?

Я не мог дозвониться до тебя.

Мне кажется…

Я- за.

У меня закончился бензин.

Какой бензин вы хотели бы?

93, 30 литров, пожалуйста.

Где самый ближний кемпинг?

Поезжайте прямо по дороге.

Вы не пропустите (не проедете мимо)

Насколько я помню…

Я желаю вам хорошо провести отпуск.

Очень любезно с вашей стороны.

Сколько времени у вас ушло на…?

Что случилось вчера с вами?

У меня весь день была высокая температура.

Speech Patterns - 8

It’s quite a long way.

Это довольно далеко.

That’s nice to hear that.

Приятно слышать это.

I haven’t seen much of the city.

Я не успел хорошо осмотреть город.

Take the underground.

Садитесь на метро.

I haven’t seen them for ages.

Я их не видел целую вечность

You look younger.

Вы выглядите моложе.

You do look well.

Вы прекрасно выглядите.

I fully agree with you.

Я с вами полностью согласен.

Turn left.

Поверните налево.

Take the second turning.

Сверните во второй переулок.

I do hope you soon get well.

Надеюсь, что вы скоро снова будете чувствовать себя хорошо.

We’ll see what we can do.

Мы посмотрим, что мы сможем сделать.

I would like to apply for the position of the Chief Accountant.

Я хотела бы получить место / должность главного бухгалтера.

A letter of introduction

Рекомендательное / сопроводительное письмо

A letter of application

Письмо /заявление о приёме на работу

CV-curriculum vitae

Автобиография / резюме

They considered the buyer’s enquiry.

Они рассмотрели запрос / заявку покупателя.

It’s a very urgent matter.

Это очень срочное дело.

The latest model of their cars is of great demand.

Последняя модель их автомобилей пользуется большим спросом.

This equipment fully meets our requirements.

Это оборудование полностью отвечает нашим требованиям.

I have never done it.

Я никогда этого не делала / этим  не занималась.

To change for the better / the worse.

Измениться к лучшему / к худшему

Speech Patterns - 9

Awfully good of you to meet me.

Очень любезно с вашей стороны, что вы меня встретили.

He is expecting you.

Он вас ожидает.

After you…

Я после вас…(пропуская вперёд гостя)

First of all…

Прежде всего…

That’s just what we would like you to do.

Это как раз то, что мы хотели бы, чтобы вы сделали.

Do you mind if…

Не возражаете, если…

He is welcome.

(зд.) Мы будем рады.



Any time you say.

В любое время, которое вы назовёте.

I personally…

Лично я…

Make yourself comfortable.

Устраивайтесь поудобнее.

That’s our usual practice.

Это наша обычная практика.

Yes and no.

И да, и нет.


Совершенно верно.

Now things are changing.

Сейчас положение меняется.

Be sure to lock the door. = Don’t forget to lock the door.

Не забудьте запереть дверь.

The delivery dates are acceptable.

Сроки поставки приемлемы.

Speech Patterns - 10

Stop smoking.

Прекратите курить.

Fasten your seat belts.

Пристегните ремни безопасности.

Have you got anything to declare?

У вас есть вещи, на ввоз которых имеются ограничения?

Have you got any things liable to duty?

Имеете ли вы вещи, облагаемые пошлиной?

They (cigarettes) are duty free.

Они (сигареты) провозятся беспошлинно.

To tell the truth…

По правде говоря…

I have my ticket registered.

Я зарегистрировал свой билет.

Fill in the declaration form, please.

Пожалуйста, заполните декларацию.

Write in block letters, please.

Пишите, пожалуйста, печатными буквами.

How are you feeling after the flight?

Как вы себя чувствуете после полёта?

I have a terrible headache. It’s my blood pressure, I think.

У меня сильно болит голова. Это давление, думаю.

You should see a doctor right away.

Вам следует немедленно показаться врачу.

Don’t worry.

Не беспокойтесь.

Let’s get down to work without delay.

Давайте приступим к работе без промедления.

The porter will help you with the luggage.

Носильщик поможет вам с багажом.

You’ve been very helpful.

Вы мне очень помогли.

Take care.

Берегите себя. (До свидания)

Can I get you anything?

Вам что-нибудь принести?

A cup of coffee will do.

Достаточно чашки кофе.

I didn’t quite catch you.

Я не совсем вас расслышал / понял.

I’d rather keep the room.

Я бы, пожалуй, оставил за собой номер.

Sorry to trouble you.

Простите за беспокойство.

Would you pass me …, please?

Передайте, пожалуйста….

Have a good journey.

Желаю вам хорошей поездки.

Thank you for calling.

Спасибо, что позвонили.


1 Arbekova  T. I.  “Correct  English  for Everybody Use”,  Москва  «Высшая Школа», 2001 г.

2 Любимцева С. И. ,Б. М. Тарковская «Деловой английский для начинающих», Москва «ГИС»,  2004 г.

3 E. S. Orlova  “Stretch your language skills”, Nizhny Novgorod,  2002 г.

4 Plyukhina  Z. A. “The Way  the British Communicate”, Москва  «Высшая школа»,2005 г.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test yourself

I. Reading

A) Read the text:


1. Accounting shows a financial picture of the firm.An accounting department records & measures the activity of a business. It reports on the effects of the transactions on the firm’s financial conditions. 2. Accounting records give a very important data. It is used by managers, stockholders, creditors, independent analysis, banks & government. 3. Most businesses prepare regularly the two types of records. That is the income statement & balance sheet. 4. These statements show how money was received & spent by the company. One major tool for the analysis of accounting records is ratio analysis. 5. A ratio analysis is the relationship of two figures. 6. In finance we operate with three main categories of ratio. One ratio deals with profitability, for example, the Return on Investment Ratio. It is used as a measure of a firm’s operating efficiency. The second set of rations deals with assets & liabilities. It helps a company to evaluate its current financial position. The third set of rations deals with the overall financial structure of the company. It analyses the value of the ownership of the firm.


1) What is the purpose of accounting?

2) Who uses the data provided by accounting firms?

3) What are the two types of records which most businesses prepare?

4) What can you know analyzing the income statement & balance sheet of a company?

5) What is the purpose of the ratio analysis?

6) What categories of rations in finance do you know?

B) Answer any 3 questions in writing.

C) Translate sentences 1-4 into Russian.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary:

А)  Сhoose & put in the necessary word!

1. An accounting helps … the activity of a business.

2. Accounting records provide … for stockholders.

3. The … of the company includes real estate in California.

4. I am sure of the … of this transaction.

5. Our company’s current ... is very high.

6. … is one the two main records prepared regularly.

7. They … from the association with that corporation._______________

a) ownership  b) to measure  c) data  d) profit  e) transaction f)  to profit

 g) income  h) efficiency

В) SOS-Save Our sentences!

1.The UK ranks among the top industrial countries …

2.The price paid for the use of labour is …

3.Natural resources are the things …

4.Direct investment abroad by US firms is …

5.The price paid for the use of land …

6.An economic system is the way in which …

a) called wages

b) in growth rates, productive and competitivence.

c) a dominant factor in the economics of many other countries

d) a country uses its available resources

e) provided by nature

f) is called rent


Предварительный просмотр:

Test yourself

I. Reading

A) Read the text:

World Bank

1. The World Bank is the world's foremost intergovernmental organization concerned with the external financing of the economic growth of developing countries. The official title of the Institution is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

 2. Before recommending a Bank loan, the staff of the Bank must be reasonably satisfied that the productivity of the borrowing country will be increased and that the prospects for repayment are good. 3. А country must be judged creditworthy Engineering investigations are frequently carried out to determine the probable relation of a proposed project to benefits and costs. 4. The Bank has shifted somewhat away from project lending (i.e. for a dam or a highway or a port); it has become concerned with education and other human services, the environment, and, through structural adjustment loans, the modification of governmental policies that are thought to have impeded long-run growth. 5. The Bank has also paid increasing attention to the evaluation previous lending. 6. Recently it has acceded to the requests of the American secretary of the treasury to help to ease the huge, outstanding, largely commercial-bank debt.

7. Voting power in the Bank is determined by the size of each member nation's subscription. Subscriptions are based on a formula that takes into account such variables as the value of each nation's foreign trade and its total output. 8. Ultimate power rests with the Board of Governors of the Bank. The governors meet annually in September. 9. The day-today affairs of the Bank are determined by executive directors who live permanently in Washington, D.C. They hire a president, who hires a staff. 10. By tradition, rather than law, the President of the Bank is an American, usually a banker, proposed by the President of the United States.


1. What is the World Bank?

2. What is procedure of getting a loan from the World Bank?

3. What are the latest trends in the policy of the World Bank?

4. How is the voting power determined?

5. What are the largest subscribes of the World Bank?

B) Answer any 3 questions in writing.

C) Translate sentences: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary:

A) Underline the suffixes and translate these Worlds.

annually –

financier –

simplify –

financial –

cheapen –

stockholder –

realize –

fifteenth –

statement –

formulate –

transaction –

hopeless –

remittance –

careful -

B) SOS – Save Our Sentences

1. The UK ranks among the top industrial countries …

2. The price paid for the use of labour …

3. Natural resources are the things …

4. Direct investment abroad by US firms is …

5. The price paid for the use of land is …

6. An economic system is the way in which …

a) is called wages

b) in growth rates, productive and competitiveness

c) a dominant factor in the economic of many other countries

d) a country uses its available resources

e) provided by nature

f) called rent


Предварительный просмотр:


(Use of English)

I. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Present Perfect.

I (0) …met… (meet) Carmela two years ago when I (1) …… (be) in Madrid on a business trip. I (2) …… (sit) in a cafe with some business partners when a beautiful young waitress (3) …… (come up) to us to take the order. I (4) …… (speak) to her in my broken Spanish and we (5) …… (fall) 'n love with each other at first sight. This year she (6) …… (visit) me in Poland twice.

II. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

0. My aunt lives in London, south of Thames/ the Thames.

1. He saw an accident when he was driving/ drove home.

2. I haven't done my homework yet/ already.

3. I need to have a bath/ the bath first.

4. I didn't see/ haven’t seen my friend recently.

5. When my mother heard the news she was beginning/ began to cry.

6. I won/ have won three table-tennis tournaments when I was at school.

7. Fiona is very talented. She plays the piano/ piano very well.

8. How many times have you traveled/ did you travel by plane?

9. I don't like going to a cinema/ the cinema.

10. What did you do/ were you doing when you got to school yesterday?

III. Arrange in pairs:

  1. customs
  2. pollution
  3. action film
  4. library
  5. vegetables
  1. библиотека
  2. боевик
  3. овощи
  4. таможня
  5. загрязнение

IV. Use the most suitable modal verb:

1. Birds _____ fly.

a) can

b) would

c) mustn’t

d) needn’t

2. Teenagers ________ smoke.

a) need

b) have to

c) mustn’t

d) can

3. We ______ learn new words regularly

a) ought

b) has to

c) are not allowed to

d) have to


I. 1. was

2. was sitting

3. came up

4. spoke

5. fell

6. has visited

II. 1. was driving

2. yet

3. a bath

4. haven’t seen

5. began

6. won

7. the piano

8. have you traveled

9. to the cinema

10. were you doing

III. 1 – c

2 – e

3 – b

4 – a

5 – c

IV. 1 – a

2 – c

3 - d


Revision Test

Out of the given versions choose the right ones!

1. He is …

a) the actor        b) an actor        c) actors

2) His aunt lives in … .

a) Moscow        b) The Moscow        c) a Moscow

3) It is not my … .

a) ticket        b) the ticket        c) a ticket

4) We have … lessons today.

a) a six        b) the six        c) six

5) … is the longest river in our country.

a) Volga        b) The Volga        c) A Volga

6) Here is … you look for.

 a) a book        b) the book        c) book

7) My friend’s uncle is … .

a) the engineer        b) a engineer        c) an engineer

8) It is dark here. Will you switch on …, please?

a) a light        b) the light        c) light

9) These are … .

a) an apple        b) the apple        c) apples

10) There are seven … in the room.

a) man                b) men                c) mans

11) May I have two cups of tea with … , please?

a) a milk        b) milks        c) milk

12) There are many … in Moscow.

a) museum        b) museums        c) a museum

13) No news … good news.

a) are                b) is                c) be

14) All my books are … my bag.

a) into                b) to                c) in

15) The guests are sitting … the table now.

a) on                b) at                c) behind

16) We shall go … the cinema next Sunday.

a) to                b) in                c) at

17) Jane was fond of playing … .

a) on the piano        b) the piano        c) in the piano

18) They like to travel … train.

a) on                        b) with                c) by

19) Usually I go … after the lessons.

a) home        b) to home        c) at home

20) Her birthday is … the 3rd of January.

a) in                b) at                c) on

21) Is there … paper on the desk?

a) any                b) some        c) no

22) Mike has … friends in Canada.

a) Some        b) no                c) any

23) We have … lessons on Sunday.

a) some        b) any                c) no

24) … happened and he couldn’t come.

a) something        b) anything        c) nothing

25) Can … speak English here?

a) somebody        b) nobody        c) anybody

26) What a nice girl she … !

a) be                b) am                c) is

27) … they there too?

a) was                b) be                c) were

28) It … a splendid play.

a) am                b) was                c) be

29) I … reading an interesting novel now.

a) is                b) are                c) am

30) Everybody asks if you … an actor.

a) are                b) am                c) is

31) They always … English books with great interest.

a) read                b) have read        c) reads

32) My friend … the performance a week ago.

a) sees                b) saw                c) seed

33) Who … you my new phone number?

a) given        b) has given        c) gives

34) Last summer I … to the seaside.

a) goed        b) went        c) go

35) We … have examinations in June.

a) –                 b) shall        c) are

36) The boy went to walk after he … his homework.

a) had done                b) have done        c) did

37) What … he … now?

a) does … read        b) is … reading        c) did … read

38) She … already … this exercise at school today.

a) had written        b) have written        c) has written

39) … Natasha to school tomorrow?

a) does                b) shall        c) is going

40) What … you … at 10 o’clock yesterday?

a) were … doing        b) have … done        c) did … do


1. b

2. a

3. a

4. c

5. b

6. b

7. c

8. b

9. c

10. b

11. c

12. b

13. b

14. c

15. b

16. a

17. b

18. c

19. a

20. c

21. a

22. a/b

23. c

24. a

25. c

26. c

27. c

28. b

29. c

30. a

31. a

32. b

33. b

34. b

35. b

36. a

37. b

38. c

39. c

40. a


(Use of English)

I. Circle the correct alternative in each sentence. 

All my friends are (0) fascinating/fascinated people. One of them, Bob, is very (1) interesting/interested in the cinema. He goes to the cinema four times a week and never gets (2) boring/bored. It is (3) amazing/'amazed how he can remember all the movies after seeing so many of them. Before the Oscar ceremony he gets very (4) exciting/excited and stays up all night to watch it. He believes it is one of the most (5) fascinating/fascinated programmes on TV. When there is nothing to see he gets (6) depressing/depressed. His parents sometimes get (7) worrying/worried about him because he spends too much time at the cinema. However, I think watching films is only a (8) relaxing/relaxed activity for Bob and he will soon find a different hobby.

II. Определите, какой английской форме глагола соответствует русский перевод:

  1. write
  2. am writing
  3. have written
  4. wrote
  5. shall write
  6. was writing
  7. is writing
  8. was written
  1. написал (только что)
  2. писал (вчера)
  3. пишу (сейчас)
  4. пишется (кем-то)
  5. пишу (регулярно)
  6. была написана (кем-то)
  7. напишу (завтра)
  8. писал (вчера, когда пришел друг)

III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given.

(10 points)

I have a very good job at Computer Electronics. I like (0) …what… I'm doing there and I (1) e……        about $4,000 a month. My (2) s…… is much higher than my husband's. But the problem is that I'm not very (3) с…… with money. I usually go to an antique shop at the beginning of the month and (4) s…… most of my money on an old table or some other piece of furniture. Many of these things are very (5) e……; a small chair may cost up to $2000. Of course I try to (6) b…… for a lower price but I'm not very good at it. My husband doesn't buy many things but he is a very generous man and he tries to (7) g…… some money to the poor every week. The result is that at the end of the month we can't pay the bills or buy food. So I usually ask my friends to (8) l…… us some money. I never (9) b…… more than $300 from one person and try to give the money back as soon as possible. My husband says we should open a bank account and (10) s…… some money every month. I guess he is right.


I. 1. interested

2. bored

3. amazing

4. excited

5. fascinating

6. depressed

7. worried

8. relaxing

II. 1- e

2 – c

3 – a

4 – b

5 – g

6 – h

7 – d

8 – f

III. 1. earn

2. salary

3. careful

4. spend

5. expensive

6. bargain

7. give

8. lend

9. borrow

10. save



Pubs in Great Britain

People say that pubs are as important as museums in Great Britain. Their long history has played a big role in shaping the customs and culture of "his country but they have also become very popular in other European countries and all over the world.

English public houses or pubs are one of the characteristic features of British life. They are visited by members of every social class, both young and old, men and women. In London alone, there are nearly seven thousand pubs. Going to a different one every night for a 'pint of beer" would take you around twenty years.

The most popular name for a pub is 'The Red Lion'. You can find several types of beer, .gin, rum and other drinks. .You can eat a little, play darts, billiards or discuss events of the day. In many pubs you can even watch TV sports programmes. Some pubs offer live music to listen to.

At present, there are about seventy-three thousand pubs in Great Britain. Many of them date sack to the seventeenth or eighteenth century. All of them offer new guests a warm welcome and a nice, friendly atmosphere. There are, however, a few rules which you must follow. For example, you should always order a drink in a pub. You should also knew when to leave. There are always two bells to warn you to finish your drink - at 10.50 p.m. and 12.00 p.m. You must leave the pub by 11.20 p.m.

Task I.

Read the text about pubs in Great Britain and then decide which answer is correct - a, b or с. Circle the correct letter in each example below.

1. There are nearly 7,000 pubs

  1. in Great Britain
  2. in Europe
  3. in the capital of England

2. What can't you do in a pub?

  1. have a meal
  2. stay there after midnight
  3. watch a football match

3. What is it important to do when you come to a pub?

  1. order a drink
  2. bring a friend (old or young)
  3. sing to the music you hear

4. How many signals to go home are there?

  1. one
  2. two
  3. seven

5. The Red Lion' is

  1. a name of a pub
  2. a game you can play in a pub
  3. the name of a band which gives live concerts in pubs

Task II.

Read the text again and answer the questions below with 'yes' (Y) or 'no' (N).

  1. Can more than one pub have the same name?
  2. Do some of the pubs have a television set?
  3. Do you have to play games in a pub?
  4. Is it true that a lot of pubs are over 250 years old?
  5. Are there any rules of behaviour in pubs?


I. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence:

1. I advised him … the bus conductor about it.

a) to ask

b) ask

2. We heard them … modern songs.

a) sing

b) to sing

3. You will have … hard in English.

a) to work

b) work

4. I am sorry not … you at the station.

a) meet

b) to meet

5. It will be very difficult for you … tickets.

a) get

b) to get

6. She made us … for hours.

a) to wait

b) wait

II. What do these geographical names stand for? Write the correct information. Add articles where necessary.

  1. … Mississippi         a)  the biggest lake in England
  2. … Pacific Ocean         b) a river in the USA
  3. … Lake Windermere         is        c) the largest ocean in the world
  4. … Mt. McKinley         d) the most popular city in Australia
  5. … Volga         e) the highest mountain in North America
  6. … Sidney         f) the longest river in Europe



I. 1 - c

2 – b

3 – a

4 – b

5 – a

II. 1 – yes

2 – yes

3 – no

4 – yes

5 – yes


I. 1 - a

2 – a

3 – a

4 – b

5 – b

6 – b

II. 1. the / b

2. the / c

3. - / a

4. - / e

5. the / f

6. - / d



I. Which notice (A-F) says this (1-6)? Put it on your answer sheet:

1. You can get a car any time.                                   A.

2. You pay the same price but you get more.        B.

3. In the evening, children may not come in.       C.        

4. There are two prices for tickets.                    D.

5. You can food here on Sunday.                       E.

6. You cannot have a cigarette here.                F.


I. Choose the correct item.

1. Did you hear Sally ... at the party?

a) to sing b) sang c) sing

2. They expect ... at a hotel.

a) John to stay b) that John to stay c) John stay

3. He was made ... the problem immediately.

a) solve b) to solve c) solved

4. Peter always let ... him.

a) me help b) me to help c) me helping

5.I didn't notice ... in.

a) they come b) them to come c) them come

6. Will your parents permit you ...?

a) marry b) married c) to marry

7. The law forbids teenagers ... alcohol.

a) drink b) to drink c) drinking

II. Choose the correct word:

1. What is your place of ... ?

a) birthday b) born; c) birth; d) bum.

2. I was ... in Africa:

a) burn;  b) born; c) birthday; d) birth.

3. Mary ... the picture on the wall.

a) sees; b) watches; c) listens; d) is looking at.

4. Can you speak louder? I can't ... you.

a) listen to; b) hear; c) see; d) look at.

5. In the evening I usually ... the news on television.

a) listen to; b) look at; c) watch; d) hear.



I. 1- D

2 – A

3 – E

4 – B

5 – C

6 – F


I. 1 - c

2 – a

3 – b

4 – a

5 – c

6 – c

7 – b

II. 1 – c

2 – b

3 – d

4 – b

5 - a

Test Yourself


I. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence:

1. I advised him … the bus conductor about it.

a) to ask

b) ask

2. We heard them … modern songs.

a) sing

b) to sing

3. You will have … hard in English.

a) to work

b) work

4. I am sorry not … you at the station.

a) meet

b) to meet

5. It will be very difficult for you … tickets.

a) get

b) to get

6. She made us … for hours.

a) to wait

b) wait

II. Choose the correct word:

1. What is your place of ... ?

a) birthday b) born; c) birth; d) bum.

2. I was ... in Africa:

a) burn;  b) born; c) birthday; d) birth.

3. Mary ... the picture on the wall.

a) sees; b) watches; c) listens; d) is looking at.

4. Can you speak louder? I can't ... you.

a) listen to; b) hear; c) see; d) look at.

5. In the evening I usually ... the news on television.

a) listen to; b) look at; c) watch; d) hear.



I. 1 - a

2 – a

3 – a

4 – b

5 – b

6 – b

II. 1 – c

2 – b

3 – d

4 – b

5 - a


1 – a

2 – c

3 – c

4 – a

5 – b

6 – a


I. Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и их русскими эквивалентами.

1. different

2. deep

3. island

4. sunny

5. desert

a) солнечный

b) пустыня

c) глубокий

d) разнообразный

e) остров

II. Выберите интернациональное слово

1. mouse

2. extract

3. music

4. name

III.  Выбери правильную форму множественного числа

1.        a baby        2. a pencil

A babys        A penciles

В babies        В pencils

3. a man        4. an umbrella

A man        A umbrellaes

В men        В umbrellas

С mans        С umbrells

5. a boy        6. jeans

A boys               А jeans        

В boies               В jeanses

С 6oyes              C jeanss

7. a fox        8. an ox

A fox        A ox

В fbxes        В oxes

С foxs        С oxen

9.money        10. a fish

A moneys        A fish

В -        В fishes

С moneies        С fishs

11. a knife        12. a watch

A knifes        A watches

В knifs        В watchs

С knives                        С watch

13. a potato        14. a photo

A potatoes        A photoes

В potatos        В photos

С potates        С photes

IV. Possessive ’s/s’

(Притяжательный падеж)

1.Liz / the text-book

A Liz's text-book

В the text-book of Liz

С the Liz's text-book

2.the roof/ the house

A the house's roof

В the roof of the house

3.the rabbits / the cage

A the rabbits's cage

В the rabbits' cage

С the cage of the rabbits

4.The Smiths / the car

A the Smiths' car

В the Smiths's car

С the car of the Smiths

5.those men / the umbrellas

A those men' umbrellas

В those men's umbrellas

С the umbrellas of those men

6.my parents / the friends

A the friends of my parents

В my parents's friends

С my parents' friends

V. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.

1) I know (a) him, b) his) very good.

2) Look at the pictures, (a) they, b) it, c) us) are fine.

3) I like (a) its, b) yours, c) your) dog. (d) he, e) it) never barks.

4) Come with (a) me, b) us, d) I).

5) Who is it? It's (a) me, b) I, c) her, d) we, e) us.

VI. Выбери правильный вариант:

1.        I met my (good) friend yesterday.

A. goodest   B. better C. best

2.        Dorothy is (young) in her family.

A. the youngest B. the younger C. young

3.        Henry is not (strong) his elder brother Bob.

A. so strong as B. strong as C. stronger

4.        Today it is (warm) than yesterday.

A. more warm B. warmer C. the warmest

5.        You look (happy) today.

A. more happy B. happier C. happy as

VII Выбери предложение с правильным порядком слов:

1. On Sunday don’t we go to the college.

2. There are 26 students in our group.

3. Who do you go to the college with?



1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F 7F 8T

I. 3 music

II. 1 B

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. A

13. A

14. B


2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. C

IV 1 – a

2 – a

3 – c, e

4 – a / b

5 – a

V. 1. C

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. B

VI. 3

VI. 1b 2a 3b




I. Circle the best answer (a), (b), (c) or (d).

1. I don’t know my … address.

a) cousin

b) cousins

c) cousins’

d) cousin is

2. Are you from Spain?

a) Yes? I am

b) Yes. I are

c) Yes, I is

d) Yes, I can

3. Mr and Mrs Martinelli … got four children

a) has

b) have

c) did

d) can

4. Carlos is a …

a) old

b) news

c) newspaper

d) journalist

5.… Adam work at travel agent’s

a) Do

b) Does

c) Is

d) Was

  1. There … two televisions in the house
  1. Am
  2. Is
  3. Are
  4. Be

  1. … Julia going to the museum?
  1. Do
  2. Does
  3. Is
  4. Are

  1. Ben … swim very well. He never goes swimming
  1. can
  2. can’t
  3. could

  1. We don’t have … sugar in the cupboard
  1. some
  2. any
  3. a
  4. no

10. It was very … last November

a) rain

b) rains

c) rainy

d) raining

II Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений  A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G – лишняя.


I. 1 - c

2 – a

3 – b

4 – d

5 – b

6 – c

7 – c

8 – b

9 – b

10- c

II. 1 E

2. F

3. C

4. D

5. G

6. B

Предварительный просмотр:

Распространённые выражения с глаголом To Be.

To be afraid of something\ somebody

To be busy with something

To be to blame for something\Who is to blame?

To be bored with something

To be (un)comfortable

To be certain of \ about something

To be different from \to something

To be early for something

To be fed up with something

To be fond of something

To be against\ for something

To be good at something

To be hungry

To be in a hurry

To be ill \ healthy

To be impressed by \ with smb.\ smth.

To be interested in something

To be keen on something

To be late for something (I’m 5 minutes late for classes)

To be married (engaged ) to somebody

To be mistaken

To be out of place

To be proud of something \ somebody

To be ready for something

To be responsible for something

To be sure about \ of something

To be sorry about smth.\ for smb.\ for doing smth.

To be thirsty

To be typical of something

To be tired of something

To be short of something

To be aware \ conscious of something

To be nice \ good \ polite \ silly of somebody

To be nice \ good \ cruel \ unfair \ silly \ cruel \ to somebody

To be nice \ difficult \ easy \ impossible to do something

To be pleased \ disappointed \ satisfied \ with something

To be excited \worried \ upset \ nervous \ happy about something

To be angry \ annoyed \ furious about smth. \ with smb. for doing smth.

To be amazed \ astonished \ shocked \ surprised \ at (by) smth.

e. g. I am short of time.

      It’s typical of him to keep everybody waiting.

      I’m impressed with \by her English. It’s very good.

      Your writing is impossible to read.

      It’s silly of Marry to give up her job when she needs money.

      I think your criticism is unfair to him.

      She is upset about not being invited to the party

      Everybody was disappointed with your exam.

To be sure about \ of something

To be sorry about smth.\ for smb.\ for doing smth.

To be thirsty

To be typical of something

To be tired of something

To be short of something

To be aware \ conscious of something

To be nice \ good \ polite \ silly of somebody

To be nice \ good \ cruel \ unfair \ silly \ cruel \ to somebody

To be nice \ difficult \ easy \ impossible to do something

To be pleased \ disappointed \ satisfied \ with something

To be excited \worried \ upset \ nervous \ happy about something

To be angry \ annoyed \ furious about smth. \ with smb. for doing smth.

To be amazed \ astonished \ shocked \ surprised \ at (by) smth.

e. g. I am short of time.

      It’s typical of him to keep everybody waiting.

      I’m impressed with \by her English. It’s very good.

      Your writing is impossible to read.

      It’s silly of Marry to give up her job when she needs money.

      I think your criticism is unfair to him.

      She is upset about not being invited to the party

      Everybody was disappointed with your exam.

Предварительный просмотр:

ГБОУ СПО «Лукояновский сельскохозяйственный техникум»

Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы учащихся и студентов

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Преподаватель: Автаева О.Я.

Лукоянов 2013 г.

Рассмотрены на заседании

предметной (цикловой) комиссии

от ____ марта 2013г.

Председатель: _________________


На методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы учащихся и студентов по дисциплине: «Английский язык»

Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для учащихся и студентов ГБОУ СПО «Лукояновский сельскохозяйственный техникум» и содержат комплекс четко сформулированных в виде памяток-рекомендаций (Памятка №1 Как работать над английским словом; Памятка №2 Правила ударения и т.д.). Эти памятки содержат важные рекомендации по рациональной организации самостоятельной работы учащихся и студентов с языковыми единицами. Также они способствуют не только активизации, но и повышению ее эффективности, что является актуальным в последние годы, когда общество предъявляет новые требования к образованию и соответствуют ведущим тенденциям в методике обучения иностранному языку. Составляя данные рекомендации, преподаватель учитывал методы и приемы обучения иностранному языку и обобщил собственный опыт работы с языковым материалом на английском языке.

Методические рекомендации могут успешно использоваться учащимися и студентами при изучении любого иностранного языка.

Рецензент: ___________ Кочетова Елена Васильевна, учитель русского языка и

литературы, высшая квалификационная категория,

кандидат педагогических наук.

Лукояновская средняя школа №1


  1. Введение..………………………………………………………………………………2
  2. Основная часть ………………………………………………………………...….…...3

- Памятка № 1 Как работать над английским словом …………………………………3

- Памятка № 2 Правила ударения.………………………………………………………3

- Памятка № 3 Общая «стратегия» чтения ………………………………………….….3

- Памятка № 4 Где нужно ставить паузу при чтении ………………………………….3

- Памятка № 5 «Тактика» чтения ……………………………………………………….4

- Памятка № 6 Как читать вслух ………………………………………………………..4

- Памятка № 7 Как описать картину ……………………………………………………5

- Памятка № 8 Как учить грамматический материал ………………………………….5

- Памятка № 9 Как выполнить лексико-грамматическое упражнение ……………….5

- Памятка № 10 Как составить устное монологическое высказывание ………………5

- Памятка № 11 Как работать с диалогам ………………………………………………6

- Памятка №12 Как быстро и правильно выполнить тест ……………………………..6

3. Список литературы ………………………………………………………………………….7

4. Приложение …………………………………………………………………………………..7


Успешное обучение вообще, и иностранным языком в особенности, немыслимо без интенсивной самостоятельной работы учащихся и студентов. Самостоятельная работа является важнейшим компонентом обучения, интегрирующим различные виды индивидуальной и коллективной учебной деятельности, осуществляемых без непосредственного участия учителя и под его руководством. Поэтому рациональная организация и успешное руководство самостоятельной работой обучаемых оказывается непременным условием высокой результативности процента обучения любого учебного заведения. В современных условиях основной целью образования является развитие у обучающихся способность приобретать знания и быстро приспосабливаться к новым сферам деятельности. Данные методические рекомендации-памятки должны помочь учащимся и студентам планировать работу, выбирать целесообразные способы выполнения каждого из ее этапов, систематически проводить самоконтроль за ходом и результатами работы.

Памятка № 1

Как работать над английским словом

1. Слова часто имеют несколько значений в языке. Постарайтесь запомнить все значения слов.

2. Научись правильно произносить слово. Для этого внимательно прочитай это слово по транскрипции.

3. Сочетай это слово с другими знакомыми словами.

4.  Учи любое слово в единственном и множественном числе, глагол – в трех формах, от прилагательного образуй степени сравнения.

5. Тренируй свою память. Запоминай слова активно, используй их в своей речи.

6. Ясно представляй себе что учишь.

Памятка № 2

Правила ударения

1. В английском языке ударения ставятся перед ударным слогом. Например:

musician [mju:zi   n]

respect [rispekt]

2. В большинстве трехсложных слов и во многих четырехсложных ударение падает на третий слог от конца. Ударная гласная читается кратко. Например:

’dominate [’d  mineit]

3. Большинство четырех и пятисложных слов имеют два ударения. Главное ударение ставиться наверху, второстепенное внизу. Например:

delegation [deli’gei   n]

realistic [ri  ’listik]

4. В словах с одинаковым корнем ударение может зависеть от части речи. Например, запоминай такие слова:

’import – существительное

to import - глагол

’rebel - существительное

to rebel – глагол

5. Чтобы правильно поставить ударение в новом для тебя слове, внимательно посмотри транскрипцию.

6. не делай ударение на артикле, предлоге, союзе, вспомогательном глаголе.

Памятка № 3

Общая «стратегия» чтения

1. Вдумайся в заголовок: возможно, он тебе подскажет, о чем текст.

2. Произведи «разведку» вокруг текста: выясни, в частности, кто его написал и возможные сведения об авторе из введения или из лингвострановедческого справочника; рассмотри иллюстрации, вчитайся в пред - и послетекстовые задания - все это поможет предвосхитить содержание.

3. Прочитай бегло весь текст или его законченный отрывок, обходя трудности, чтобы составить себе общее представление о его содержании; это поможет тебе в последующем при чтении преодолеть трудности.

Памятка № 4

Где нужно ставить паузу при чтении

1. Разделяй паузой группу подлежащего и сказуемого. Например:

My friend/studies at the college.

2. Разделяй паузой синтаксические группы предложения. Например:

As a rule / we have six lessons / every day.

3. Никогда не делай паузы:

а) между подлежащим, выраженным личным местоимением и сказуемым. Например:

We are students.

b) после артикля. Например:

The students / a student

c) после предлога. Например:

in the morning;

after that

Памятка № 5

«Тактика» чтения

1. При встрече с незнакомым словом — не останавливайся: дальнейшее изложение может внести ясность в понимание его значения, при этом старайся использовать свои знания фактов, событий действительности, о которых упоминается в тексте.

2. Постарайся догадаться о значении слова; языковая догадка возможна, если данное незнакомое слово:

- напоминает по своему звучанию или графическому образу слово родного языка;

- состоит из знакомых словообразовательных элементов;

- относится к интернациональным словам;

- включено в словосочетание, элемент/элементы которого тебе известны.

3. Слова, значение которых не удалось установить, найди в словаре. Для этого необходимо:

- знать условные обозначения, принятые в словаре (они даются в начале любого словаря), и его структуру;

- усвоить правила расположения слов в словаре, в частности тот факт, что место слова определяется не только первой буквой алфавита, но и последующими;

- уметь придать слову исходную словарную форму, отталкиваясь от его производной контекстной формы;

- выбрать нужное значение из имеющихся, проверить его соответствие тексту.

Памятка № 6

Как читать вслух

1. Прочитай текст про себя, чтобы знать о чем он.

2. Прочитай трудные слова и словосочетания из текста, соблюдая правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний, обращая внимание на ударение в слове и на отсутствие пауз между словами словосочетания.

3. Прослушай чтение всего текста/отрывка диктором, производя разметку текста. Помни, что ударением во фразе выделяются только значимые слова; на служебные слова оно не падает; обрати также внимание на повышение и понижение тона.

4. Прослушай чтение текста еще раз, обращая внимание на средства выразительности.

5. Выполни паузированное упражнение, по возможности подражая диктору.

6. Подготовься к выступлению перед классом с выразительным чтением текста.

7. Читай вслух небольшие, простые тексты, но обязательно читай вслух ежедневно!

Памятка № 7

Как описать картину

  1. Придумай название картины.
  2. Составь план описания картины.
  3. Вспомни слова, словосочетания, нужные для описания картины.
  4. Рассказывай по плану.
  5. Употреби слова: - in the foreground

                                       - in the background

                                       - on the right

                                       - on the left

Памятка № 8

Как учить грамматический материал

1. Внимательно изучи предложение-образец и постарайся самостоятельно вывести правило.

2. Прочти еще раз правило в грамматическом справочнике и проверь себя.

3. По образцу данной модели составь аналогичные предложения.

4. Выполни упражнения, имеющиеся в учебнике, по данной грамматической теме.

5. Найди в тексте предложения, в которых встречается данное грамматическое явление.

Памятка № 9

Как выполнить лексико-грамматическое упражнение

1. Прочитай задание и определи, в чем его суть.

2. Если задание предполагает подстановку или ответ на вопрос, припомни (выясни, уточни) значение требуемого языкового явления.

3. Установи его грамматические формы, обрати внимание на порядок слов. (Если забыл, как образуются грамматические формы, то обратись к словарю и грамматическому справочнику.)

4. Письменно вставь данное языковое явление в предложение (или при ответе на вопрос), придав ему сначала соответствующую производную форму.

5. Прочитай полученное предложение.

Памятка № 10

Как составить устное монологическое высказывание

1. Представь, о чем ты будешь говорить, и составь план своего высказывания.  

2. Вспомни нужные для этого слова, речевые образцы, словосочетания и запиши их на листке.

3. Прочитай текст (тексты) на нужную тебе тему.

4. Выдели из текста (текстов) материал - слова, словосочетания, предложения, нужные для твоего высказывания; соотнеси его с пунктами плана.

5. Вспомни, какой еще языковой материал ты сможешь использовать в своем высказывании, и припиши его.

6. Сделай преобразования, необходимые для передачи твоего замысла.

7.«Прорепетируй» свое высказывание, пользуясь построенной тобой программой.

Памятка № 11

Как работать с диалогам

1 Прослушай диалог, чтобы выяснить, о чем в нем идет речь, выдели его участников, распредели роли между собой.

2. Прочитай диалог, одновременно слушая его и проговаривая за диктором свою речь.

3. Выдели из диалога его характерные особенности: слова, начинающие разговор, помогающие его развивать и закончить; обращения, а также слова, передающие отношение друг к другу его участников и к тому, о чем они говорят.

4. Разыграй диалог, опираясь на текст.

5. Разыграй диалог по памяти.

6. Разыграй диалог в несколько измененной ситуации (ситуация может быть подсказана учителем или описана в учебнике).

Памятка №12

Как быстро и правильно выполнить тест

Как правило, тестирование ограничено по времени. Поэтому помни о рациональной методике выполнения тестов:

1. Из четырех предлагаемых объектов два составлены заведомо неправильно, поэтому их отбрасывай и внимание сосредотачивай на двух оставшихся;

2. Обращай внимание на слова, состоящие до и после пропуска; они помогут тебе определить нужное слово или словосочетание.

3. Если ответ несколько раз изменялся, а неуверенность в варианте остается, целесообразно остановиться на первом пришедшем в голову варианте.

4. Не трать слишком много времени на одно предложение, переходи к следующему (можно вернуться к нерешенному варианту позже).


  1. Артелов В.А. Психология обучения иностранным языком.. – М.: Просвещение 1969.
  2. Данилов М.А. Теоретические основы обучения и проблема воспитания познавательной активности и самостоятельности учащихся –Казань, 1982.
  3. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» - 2006.
  4. Рогова Г.В., Рабинович Ф.М., Сахарова Т.Е. Методика обучения иностранным языком в школе. – М.: Просвещение 1991.
  5. Конышева А.В. Групповой метод обучения при организации самостоятельной работы студентов – Новополоцк, 20003. –С.324-329.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test  Reading


What is the first thing that you think of when you hear the word pirate? In your imagination, you probably see a man with a wooden leg, a black piece of cloth over one eye, dressed in seventeenth-century clothes. On his shoulder, there is a parrot. Most likely, you can picture him standing next to a box full of treasure under a palm tree somewhere on a desert island.

A pirate was a bandit who sailed the seas in search of chips carrying valuable things. It was easy to recognize a pirate ship because almost all of them were flying the famous Jolly Roger which was a black flag with a white skull and two white bones on it.

If a pirate found what he was looking for, he stole everything on the ship and killed the sailors. Then he sold the stolen goods in the nearest port and spent all the money on various forms of entertainment, usually on drinking beer and rum. Later, he returned to his island to wait for new ships. However, the pirates were very disciplined. There was orden and discipline on their ships because they wanted their actions to be successful. Some pirates did not obey the rules and they were punished in a cruel way.

Pirates did not spend all the money they stole. Often, they buried the treasure in some distant place so that it was very difficult to find for many years. Many treasure boxes were never found. Watch out! Maybe the next time you walk along the beach you will step on something big and heavy?

Task 1

Read the text about pirates. Then read the statements below and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F).            (5points)

1 Jolly Roger is the most popular

    name for a pirate.

2 Pirates used parrots to look for

    ships carrying valuable things.

3 Pirates never sold the stolen


4 Pirates were famous for their


5 Pirates often buried the

    treasure under a palm tree on

    a desert island.

Task 2

Read again and answer the questions.

(5 points)

1 What colour was a pirate`s flag? ……………………………………………………

2 What were pirates` favourite drinks? ……………………………………………………

3 Where did pirates usually spend the stolen money?  ……………………………

4 Where did pirates go to wait for a new ships?  ………………………………………...

5 Why did pirates have to obey the rules on their ships?  …………………………………

                                                          Тotal =10


Choose the correct item:

1 My Dad ----- overtime this week.

a)Works       b) work        c) is workin

2 Mag and her sister ------ live in London.

a) Aren’t            b) don’t         c) doesn’t

3 Where ----- Ann study?

a) does           b) is             c) do

4 Granny ----- a cake in the kitchen now.

a) Makes        b) will make        c) is making

5 If I had seen her yesterday, I ------ to her.

a) Would speak   b) would have spoken   c) will speak

6 If pigs ----- wings, they would fly.

a) Have             b) will have            c) had

7 You ---- not worry. All is going to be fine.

a) may              b) need             c) could

8 If you ------ afford this book, buy it.

a) can                 b) must                 c) may

9 My dentist says I ----- eat so many sweets.

a) mustn’t          b) shouldn’t            c) could

10 You ----- not be late for classes.

a) must              b) am            c) migln

Write down exclamatory sentences:

1) Action films are boring.

2) Books enrich our life extremely.

Предварительный просмотр:

10 основных причин для изучения иностранного языка.

Существует множество причин для изучения иностранного языка – от правильного и более глубокого восприятия культурных традиций другой страны в процессе путешествий до новых возможностей в карьере. Таким образом, какой бы из языков Вы не собирались изучить – испанский, французский, арабский, китайский или любой другой – ниже приводится 10 основных причин это сделать.

1. Расширьте горизонты Ваших познаний! Путешествия по миру без достаточных познаний в иностранных языках приводят к тому, что полученные Вами впечатления вряд ли можно назвать полными. Сами того не желая, Вы становитесь заложником ситуации и вынуждены считаться с мнением остальных туристов, входящих в Вашу группу, а также неукоснительно слушаться экскурсовода и переводчика. Знание языка той страны, которую Вы посещаете, поможет легко сориентироваться в любых обстоятельствах, от заказа блюд в ресторане до прямого общения с местными жителями, которые зачастую смогут ответить на Ваш вопрос намного лучше и полнее, чем это сделает экскурсовод.

2. Развивайте Ваши профессиональные навыки! Развитие делового общения между фирмами из разных стран мира приводит к тому, что специалисты, владеющие иностранными языками, изначально обладают преимуществом как в процессе приема на работу, так и при продвижении по карьерной лестнице. Способствуя повышению авторитета Вашей компании у зарубежных партнеров, Вы одновременно заводите новые полезные знакомства, демонстрируете свой уровень профессионализма. Весь мир лежит у Ваших ног, зачастую открывая головокружительные возможности для карьерного и финансового роста!

3. Тренируйте свой ум! В процессе обучения иностранному языку Вы развиваете языковые центры в своем мозгу, тем самым развивая свои способности полиглота. Проще говоря, каждый последующий язык кажется все более и более легким для изучения, и в скором времени Вам уже не хватит места для перечисления известных Вам языков в соответствующей графе Вашей анкеты!

4. Получайте образование! Изучение иностранных языков требует дисциплины и усидчивости – эти качества пригодятся Вам при овладении другими науками, будь то история или математика. Практика показывает, что каждый год обучения языкам неуклонно повышает общий уровень успеваемости студентов по всем остальным предметам.

5. Погружайтесь в мир искусства и культуры других стран! Многие из мировых шедевров и всемирных сокровищ культуры изначально были созданы на иностранных языках. Любой, даже самый хороший и опытный переводчик неминуемо опускает нюансы, некие метафоры, которые могут быть понятны только соотечественникам создателя шедевра. Множество речевых оборотов просто не имеют адекватных аналогов в иностранных языках, и переводчики ничего не могут с этим поделать. К тому же ничто не сможет сравниться с тем чувством собственного превосходства, когда в компании друзей Вы можете сказать, что читали Шекспира в оригинале!

6. Завоевывайте новые рынки! Изучив иностранный язык, Вы сможете развивать свой бизнес, расширив круг своих интересов и начав активную экспансию в страны Европы, Азии и далее по всему миру. Мировой рынок стремительно расширяется, и любой здравомыслящий бизнесмен стремится этим воспользоваться, развивая дилерские сети, налаживая прямые контакты с поставщиками и потребителями своих товаров или услуг. Общаясь с ними на их родном языке, Вы быстрее достигнете взаимопонимания, а также укрепите свой авторитет. А главное – Вы не будете зависеть от качества услуг переводчика, которому не чуждо ничто человеческое и который вполне может неточно перевести какую-либо фразу, тем самым полностью изменив ее смысл. Случаи, когда переговоры заходили в тупик именно по этой причине, вовсе не являются редкостью.

7. Наслаждайтесь культурой других народов, даже не выезжая за пределы своего родного города! Сегодня во многих городах существуют целые районы, заселенные иностранцами – к примеру, это Чайна-Таун в Нью-Йорке или латиноамериканский квартал Кале Очо в Майами. Обладая познаниями в языках этих народов, Вы сможете легко найти общий язык с обитателями этих мини-анклавов и в полной мере насладиться культурным наследием их родных стран.

8. Расширьте свой кругозор! Владея иностранным языком, Вы получаете дополнительные источники информации, можете взглянуть на мир глазами другого народа. К примеру, изучение испанского языка поможет Вам узнать, как жители Испании или Латинской Америки воспринимают те или иные события в мире, узнать их точку зрения, и – возможно - сделать для себя какие-то выводы. Кроме того, читая иностранную газету или просматривая телепередачу, Вы дополнительно совершенствуете свои познания в языках, слыша и запоминая какие-то достаточно редкие слова или фразы.

9. Протяните руку помощи! Возможно, Вас беспокоят проблемы голода на нашей планете, или глобальное потепление? Вероятно, Вы озабочены ситуацией в бедных и развивающихся странах? Вы всегда сможете помочь другим людям, вступив добровольцем в такие организации, как Корпус Мира или Международный Красный Крест. Свободно владея языком той страны, в которую Вы собираетесь приехать для оказания посильной помощи ее населению, Вы сразу заслужите авторитет среди местных жителей и сможете с успехом выполнить свою миссию.

10. Совершенствуйте себя! Люди тратят множество времени на повышение уровня своего образования, однако во многих случаях полученные дополнительные навыки нужны им лишь сиюминутно, временно, а в будущем больше никогда не пригодятся. При этом время, силы и средства, потраченные на изучение иностранных языков, всегда и полностью оправданы. Это новые возможности в карьере, путешествиях, обучении, видении мира, а главное - чувство уверенности в завтрашнем дне и осознание собственного превосходства над другими людьми, не стремящимися себя совершенствовать.

Предварительный просмотр:


Variant 1

I. Arrange in pairs.

  1. доход
  2. покорность
  3. жестокость
  4. выбор
  5. налог
  6. тюрьма
  7. свидание
  8. терпение
  9. привыкание
  10. защита

a) tax

  1. patience
  2. date
  3. income
  4. violence


  1. addiction
  2. protection
  3. option
  4.  prison
  1. Fill in “the” where necessary.
  1. Last year we visited.. .Canada and.. .United States.
  2. .. .Asia is much larger than.. .Europe.
  3. Next year we are going skiing in.. .Swiss Alps.
  4. .. .Nile is the longest river in...Africa.
  5. .. .Andes is a mountain range in... South America.
  6. ...Sisily is an Italian island.
  7. .. .North Sea is between.. .Britain and.. .Norway.
  1. Fill in like or as.

Terry McCain works 1).. .a pianist in a restaurant in Atlanta. No one in town plays the piano 2).. .well 3).. .he does. He looks a bit 4)... Stevie Wonder, that is why he is known to his friends 5)..."Stevie”. One night he was playing in the restaurant 6).. .usual, when he was approached by the leader of the biggest jazz band in America. He offered Terry a job 7),.. lead pianist in his band. This made him so happy he felt 8).. .dancing on his piano. So he did!

  1. Make new sentences from these questions.
  1. Where is the post office? Could you tell me...?
  2. What does this word mean? Do you know...?
  3. Where did you park your car? Can’t you remember...?
  4. Is Jim coming to the meeting? I wonder...?
  5. What time did he leave? Have you got any idea...?
  1. Use either Present Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences.
  1. George went to the cinema, but he (not to enjoy) the film much.
  2. You ever (to have) any serious illness?
  1. (to come) to school without glasses. I can’t read the text.
  1. Who (to eat) all the apples?
  2. So far we (to have) no troubles.
  3. Jane (to move) to a new flat a month ago.
  4. We (often, to wonder) where he gets his money.

Good luck!


Variant 2

I. Arrange in pairs.

  1. бунтарский        a) development
  2. страхование        b) education
  3. тождественность        с) poverty
  4. развитие        d) rebellious
  5. бесполезный        e) identity
  6. бедность        f) insurance
  7. пособие        g) welfare
  8. образование        h) toughness
  9. благополучие        i) useless
  10. выносливость        j) benefit
  11. Fill in “ the” where necessary.
  1. ...Everest was first climbed in 1953.
  2. .. .Nile is the longest river in .. .Africa.
  3. ...United Kingdom consist of...Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  4. He visited.. .Pyramids while he was in Egypt.
  5. Anna comes from.. .Netherlands but she lives in.. .USA now.
  6. .. .Rocky Mountains are situated in the west of.. .North America.
  1. think...Lake Michigan is very beautiful.
  1. Fill in like or as.

Jill: What do you want to do when you grow up, Ted?

Ted: I’d like to work 1).. .a chef in a big hotel.

Jill: Oh no! I’ve worked in a kitchen before. It’s 2)...working in an oven.

Ted: At least it wouldn’t be 3).. .boring 4).. .working in a bank.

Jill: Don’t you want to be something more interesting, such 5).. .a lawyer, or a doctor?

Ted: No, I’d prefer to do something creative 6)...cooking. I could never see myself 7)...a lawyer or a doctor.

Jill: You’re just 8)...my brother.

  1. Make new sentences from these questions.
  1. Did he see you? Could you tell me...?
  2. When will Frank arrive? Do you know...?
  3. Why were you laughing? I want to know...?
  4. Where can I change some money? I wonder...?
  5. What qualifications do I need? Have you got any idea...?
  1. Use either Present Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences.
  1. Do you know that they (to be bom) on the same day?
  2. How often you (to fall) in love?
  3. I’m delighted to tell you that you (to pass) your exam.
  1. (to use) to swim every day when I was young.

5. Some people think that “The Twelfth Night” (not to be written) by Shakespeare.

  1. (already, to break) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?
  1. I’m not sure we (to meet) before.

Good luck!

Предварительный просмотр:

Test reading

The Great Wall of China

The great Wall of China is the only man-made construction that can be seen from space. It is 6,000 kilometres long. It runs along China`s northern border and has an unusual shape. It looks as if its architects did not have any specific plans. It looks like a snake or a long road. Nobody knows why its snape is like this but legend states that it was built to imitate the movements of a dragon – a popular religious symbol in China.

The section of the Wall visited by most tourists is at Badaling Pass near Peking. Here, the building material is grey granite blocks, six metres high. On both sides of its roof, there are low walls which protect you from falling of the Wall. In the middle there is a road which is wide enough for five horses running side by side. Other section of the Great Wall are built of various materials, often of poor quality, for example, wood or sand, depending on whether the wall crossed desert, plains or the country.

The people who build the Great Wall were often those who could not pay their taxes, prisoners of war and criminals. There were about one million slaves working on the wall. They lived in poor conditions, in places called work camps. They worked without clothes during the summer and they wore only animal skins in the winter. They often died of disease and hunger. Those who died were often buried in its foundation, making the Wall the world`s longest cemetery.

There are still many of the original 25,000 towers left. They are about twelve metres high and the distance between two neighbouring towers is over 200 metres. The army usually lived in these towers. In the period of the Wall`s glory almost one million men stayed there.

Today the Great Wall is one of China`s most popular tourist attractions. Where else in the world can you see something built by man over twenty-two centuries ago?

Task 1

Read the text about the Great Wall of China carefully. Then read the sentences below and decide if they are true (T), false (F) or (NI) if there is n information. Circle  the correct letter.

1 The Great Wall of China was designed to look like a snake.         T/ F/ NI

2 The Great Wall of China was built of one type of material.           T/ F/ NI

3 The Wall`s tower were built to provide room for soldiers.             T/ F/ NI

4 Only five horses run along the Great Wall near Peking.                 T/ F/ NI

5 Among people who built the Wall there were many women.          T/ F/ NI

Task 2

Read the text again and write the answer to the questions in the space provided.

1 What is the length of the Great wall of China?


2 When was the Great Wall of China built?


3 How far are the Wall`s towers from each other?


4 Who lived in the work camps?


5 Why is the Great Wall of China called the world`s longest cemetery?


Test Reading


With the development of technology in the twenty-first century, it would be really difficult to imagine life without computers. They are a source of information, education and entertainment, but today`s world of computers can also be quite frightening and dangerous. This is because of people who use computers for illegal purposes. They are called hackers. Hackers spend their time playing with computer data in all parts of cyberspace. Much of what they do is not dangerous, but sometimes their activities break the law, for example, when they break into websites, take control of computers or create viruses. They are specially interested in breaking through the security of military websites.

Hackers know how to trick people just using their programs. They use a ``Trojan Horse`` a program that looks perfectly safe, but actually contains something destructive. The only way of not getting into trouble is not to open it.

Although they can get serious punishment if they are caught, most hackers still think that what they do is a game. They often meet at festivals to take part in discussions, share their experiences, meet other hackers and generally to have a good time. These meeting are organized in well-known places like Las Vegas or Berlin. However, what the hackers do at such festivals is a secret and often many of their activities take place at night.

Recently, hacking has started to increase. Hackers are getting into computers systems and stealing or destroying information. It is certain that there will be a lot more of this high-tech crime in the twenty-first century.

Task 1

Read the text on the right and circle the correct answer: a,b or c.

1 Hackers are

  1. People who give computer users a lot of entertainment
  2. People who give computer users a lot of stress and problems
  3. People who give computer users useful facts of life

2 Hackers are people who spend their time

  1. Playing computer games
  2. Destroying viruses
  3. Changing computer data

3 A ``Trojan Horse`` is

  1. A popular computer adventure game
  2. A kind of computer virus
  3. A save and attraction program

4 Hackers orgaise festival which are

  1. Held in well-known places
  2. Secret meeting
  3. Open to all computer fans

5 In future years the number of hackers

  1. Will not change
  2. Will be digger
  3. Will decrease

Task 2

Decide in which paragraph in the text you can find information about:

A    criminal activities of hackers

B    the way of avoiding computer viruses

C    hackers social activities

D    types of useful cyberspace information

E    hackers special interests

Предварительный просмотр:




Name some plants that are useful to people. Say how they are useful.

In the 1840s, the Mormons, who are a religious group, traveled west searching for a new home Many Mormons lived in the state of illinois. But they had been badly treated and finally were forced to leave. AS the Mormons traveled through the desert, they became discouraged. Then they saw a strange tree. The trees branches stretched out like arms. The Mormons thought the tree looked like Joshua, a hero from the Bible. The Mormons thought the arms of the tree Were telling them to continue on their way, so they did. They found a new home in what is now the state of Utah. In Utah they saw trees like the one in the desert They called them “Joshua trees”.

 The Joshua tree was very useful. The Native Americans of the West used almost all its parts. They ate not only the fruit of the tree, but also its seeds and white blossoms. They used its leaves for shoes. From its roots they made baskets and got colors for their clothes.

Settlers in the West used the Joshua tree for firewood and fences. Unfortunately, they often needed to cut down the trees. Some of the trees were as tall as fifty feet. These trees were 700 or 800 years old. The Joshua tree grows very slowly. It grows only about one inch a year.

 By the beginning of the 1900s most Joshua trees had been cut down. People were sad that this strange tree had almost disappeared.

In 1936, the Joshua Tree National Monument was established in California. It has many kinds of interesting desert plants, Including of course, many Joshua trees. None of these Joshua trees are fifty feet. But perhaps someday they will be.


Which sentences have the same meaning as the sentences from the reading? Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The Mormons traveled west searching for new home.

a. They were leaving their new home.

b. They were looking for new home.

2. The Mormons had been badly treated in Illinois.

 a. Other people in Illinois acted badly toward the Mormons.

 b. Other people in Illinois gave the Mormons gifts.

3. The Mormons became discouraged as they traveled through the desert.

a. They felt very tired as they traveled through the desert.

b. They didn't have much hope that they would find a new home.

4. They saw a strange tree.

a. The tree they saw was unusual.

b. The tree they saw was useful.

 5. Joshua was a hero from the Bible.

a. There are stories in the Bible about an old man named Joshua.

b. There are stories in the Bible about a great man named Joshua.

6. The Native Americans ate not only the fruit of the tree, but also its seeds and white blossoms.

a. The Native Americans ate the seeds and the flowers, but not the fruit.

b. The Native Americans ate the seeds, flowers, and fruit.


 A. Looking for Main Ideas

Write the questions to these answers.

1. Where         ?

The Mormons traveled west in search of a new home.

2. Who         ?

They thought the tree looked like Joshua, a hero from the Bible.

3. What        ?

 The Native Americans used almost all parts of the tree.

 B. Looking for Details.

One word in each sentence is not correct. Cross out the word and write the correct answer above it.

  1. The Native Americans of the West made shoes from the roots of the Joshua tree.
  2. Some of the trees the settlers cut down were 700 feet tall.
  3. In Illinois the Mormons saw trees like the one in the desert.
  4. The Mormons were asked to leave Illinois.
  5. The Joshua tree grows one foot a year.
  6. In 1936, the Joshua Tree National Monument in Utah was established.

The American Gold Rush

 It all started early in 1848 in California James w Marshal was working by the riverside when he found some small pieces of yellow metal in the water He showed them to his boss. It was gold. The two men tried to keep this discovery secret but without success. Soon, the magic word gold was repeated al around the world.

 Everybody wanted to go to California to get rich Thousands of people started to rush to the golden river by horse, by ship and even on foot. Night after night, a few more new towns appeared along the river. Some people brought tents to live in while others built wooden huts. Looking for gold was hard work and many people were disappointed. Only the lucky ones found gold sometimes up to $2000 in one day.

 It is not surprising that many small hotels restaurants and bars opened in the new cities. Their owners made fortunes providing their services to people who arrived in town in search of gold.

 By the end of 1850, the California Gold Rush was over. However, about 47 years later gold was discovered again, this time in Canada. Once more over a thousand people left their homes and families to Look for a better future.

Today, at the original site of the California Gold Rush near Sacramento, visitors can still try their luck with the yellow pieces of metal in the river The old buildings have been redecorated and tourists can experience the life of the old days. Many of them are sure that they can find at least a small bit of gold. 



Read the text about the Gold Rush in the nineteenth century and decide whether the sentences below are true (T) or false (F)

(5 points)

1 James W. Marshall found small pieces of gold in a river near Sacramento.           T/F

2 The first explorers lived in small hotels by the riverside.                                           T/F

3 A thousand people came to look for gold in California by horse.                            T/F

4 The first Gold Rush lasted for about three years.                                                      T/F

5 Today, people can still find many small pieces of gold in California.                   T/F

Task 2

Read the text again. What do the following numbers refer to in the text? 

(5 points)

1 1848

2 1850

3 1897

4 2000

5 2



Test (reading ‘‘Gold Rush’’)

Task 1

 1T 2 F 3F 4T 5F


Task 2

1 first gold rush started in California

2 end of the first gold rush

3 discovery of gold in Canada

4 value of gold (in dollars) found in one day


5 two men who tried to keep the gold discovery in secret

Total 10

Предварительный просмотр:


Robin Hood

The story of Robin Hood, the most popular English folk hero of all times, has reached every corner of the Earth. There are many versions of this well-known tale which is about 600 years old. Everybody knows Robin’s friends (Little John, Brother Tuck, Will Scarlet), and the famous Sherwood Forest — Robin Hood’s home and the place where many of his adventures took place. In other countries there are similar stories, such as William Tell in Switzerland, El Cid in Spain or Janosik in Poland, but only Robin Hood has become an ‘international’ hero.

Unfortunately, there is almost no evidence that Robin Hood really existed. Thirteenth-century ballads, fourteenth-century chronicles, a sixteenth-century History of Great Britain, all talk about Robin Hood. However, none of them tells us about the sources they used. In the 1800s and 1900s, historians found two Robin Hoods who lived in the fourteenth century. One of them was even King Edward II’s servant. Later on, other historians found several different Hoods living in different parts of England – Robin was a popular Christian name and Hood was a fairly common surname. It seems that by 1337, the story of Robin Hood was well established. Most probably, he lived around the year 1200.

Today, the legend of Robin Hood has turned Nottinghamshire into a large tourist attraction. In the centre of Nottingham there is Nottingham Castle. Parts of it still recall the time of Robin Hood. Sherwood Forest has an excellent visitor’s centre with an attractive display and shop, and some very pleasant walks in the nearby forest. Edwinstowe church, in which, according to tradition, Robin Hood and Lady Marion were married, is one of the visitors’ favourite sites.

Task 1                                                                                                                                                                                 Read the previous text and decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

1.   The story of Robin Hood is especially popular in Switzerland, Spain and Poland.                                                  

2.   Sherwood Forest is 600 years old.

3.   Ballads and chronicles do not make us sure that Robin Hood was a real person

4.   Robin Hood was King Edward II’s knight.

5.   You can watch a programme about Robin Hood’s life in the visitors’ centre.    

6.   One of the places most often visited in Nottingham is Edwinstone church.

Task 2                                                                                                                                                                                        Read the text again and decide which answer is correct, a, b or c.

1.    William Tell, El Cid and Janosik are

        a)    international heroes

        b)   Robin Hood’s followers

        c)   people’s heroes

2.    It is probable that Robin Hood lived

        a)   in the thirteenth century

        b)   in the fourteenth century

        c)   in the sixteenth century

3.    Sherwood Forest is

       a)   the place where Robin Hood lived

       b)   the oldest forest in Nottingham

       с)   Robin Hood’s favourite place for walks

4.    Edwinstowe is the place where

       a)   Robin Hood and Lady Marion first kissed

       b)   Robin Hood and Lady Marion first met

       c)   Robin Hood and Lady Marion started a new life


Предварительный просмотр:

Body language

Sometimes people add to what they say even when they don’t talk. Gestures are the “silent language” of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to show what we want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood.

In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet a friend with a hug.

Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they stand two and a half feet away at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me,” or “Excuse me.”

Americans like to look the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it is not polite.

For Americans, thumbs up means yes, very good, or well done. Thumbs down means the opposite. To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger. Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them.

Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.


What is the meaning of the underlined words? Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1.        People greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction.

              a)  in a different or imaginative way                                                                                                                                                               b)  according to a certain custom or rule

2.          The handshake must be firm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a)  strong and hard         

              b)  fast and loose

3.          Some people greet  afriend   with a hug.                                                                a)  putting your hands on a person’s  shoulders                                                        b)  putting yourarms around a person

4.          They stand two and a half feet away at an angle.                                                        a)   turned to the side

              b)   facing straight ahead

5.          But when you stare at someone it is not polite.

              a)  to look at for a long time

        b)  to look at quickly

6.       lt is all right to point at things with the hand and index finger.

          a)  the middle finger

          b)  the finger next to the thumb

7.       Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them.

          a)  call them to their side

          b)  tell them they are doing something wrong

8.       They pat them on the head when they admire them.

          a)  touch lightly with the hand

          b)  move the hand across the head to remove the hair


A. Looking  for Main ldeas

Write complete answers to these questions.

1. What do people use to say more when they don't talk at all?

2.Why is lt important to know the body language of a country?

3. Why must a person not stand too close while talking to an American?

B. Looking for Details

Circle the letter of the best answer.

1.   ln a formal introduction, Americans greet each other __________

a)   with a hug                                                                                                                       b)   with a handshake                                                                                               c)    by placing a hand on each other’s arm

2.   When Americans talk to each other, theydo not __________.

a)    face each other directly

b)    talk loudly

c)     look at each other directly

3.   Americans feel uncomfortable when a person________.

a)     points with the index finger

b)    stands too close

c)     looks them in the eyes

4.   ln the United States, if a person touches another by accident, they _________.

a)move away

b)stare at each other

c)say, “Excuse me”

Предварительный просмотр:

Conversational English

Practice in communication

Addressing people:

1) Mr. Johnson = Mr. + фамилия

2) Mrs. Gordon

3) Miss Smith

4) Ladies & gentlemen! - Дамы и господа! / Телезрители!

5) Collegues! -  Коллеги!

6) Ladies & gentlemen, esteemed collegues! – Уважаемые коллеги!

7) (Dear) Friends! – Друзья!

8) Son! / Sonny! / Boy! -  Сынок!

9) Dear! / Dearie! / Ducky! / Luv (iove)! – Дочка!

10) Mr. + фамилия – Товарищ директор! (Начальник, секретарь)

11) Excuse me,… товарищ кассир!

A. Ways of greeting & saying good - bye:

1)  Hello

2) (Good) morning: + How do you do!

3) How are you?

4) Hi (american)

5)  How are things?

6) How`s life?

7) Good - bye

8) Bye (bay - bye)

9) See you (later, soon)

10) Nice to see you

11) I`ll miss you!

12) I hope to see you again

13) So long! - До встречи!

В. Ways of responding to greeting & farewells:

1) Fine, thanks how are you?

2) Fine/ OK

3) Very well (indeed) / Quite well (really)

4) Not too / so bad

5) So - so

6) (Any of 7 -10 in A)

7) Have a nice evening!

 Gratitude – Благодарность:

  1.  Thanks / Thank you
  2.  Thank you very much! - Большое спасибо
  3.  Thank you so much! - Большое спасибо

3) It was nice of you - Это было любезное с вашей стороны

4) I appreciate your help - Я ценю вашу помощь.

5) I appreciate it - Я ценю это.

6) I` m so grateful to you! Как я вам благодарен!

Response – Ответные реплики

1) You` re welcome - Пожалуйста!

2) I m glad I could help - Рад, что смог помочь!

3) Don` t mention it! - Не стоит!

4) It was nothing! – Не стоит!

5) Not at all - Не за что

6) Think nothing of it - Какие могут быть благодарности

7) Anytime - В любое время

8) The pleasure was mine - Это я вас должен благодарит (Мне это доставило удовольствие)


1) Let me introduce myself - Позвольте мне представиться

2) Let me introduce you to my friends … - Позвольте познакомить Вас с …

3) I`d like you to meet – (Mr. Brown)

4) Have you meet…? - Вы встречались… (знакомы…)?

5) Pleased to meet you / Very nice to meet you - Очень рад с вами познакомиться

6)  How do you do? -  Здравствуйте (при первом знакомстве)

7) This is … (знакомьтесь это…)

Congratulations & wishes:

1) (My) congratulations (to you)! - Поздравляю (Вас)!

2) Congratulate somebody. on something. (on doing something) - Поздравлять кого-либо с чем-либо (с тем, что…)

3) Happy birthday to you! - Поздравлять с днём рождения!

4) Many happy returns (of the day)! - Поздравлять с днём рождения!

5) Mark the occasion - Отмечать торжественное событие

6) Happy New Year!

7) Merry Christmas!

8) Christ is risen! - Христос воскрес!

9) Good luck (to you)! - Хорошо (вам) удачи!

10) Have a good time! - Желаю хорошо провести время!


A. 1) I agree with you.

    2) I think you are right.

    3) (Yes,) certainly / (Yes,) of course

    4) I think so – Думаю, это так

    5) All right / Very well – Хорошо (Ладно)

   6) Looks like that – Похоже, это так

   7) That goes without saying – Само собой разумеется


   1) I don`t (quite) agree with you (here)

   2) On the contrary – Наоборот! (Как раз и наоборот)

   3) Not at all – Отнюдь нет

   4) Far from it – Далеко не так.

   5) I am not sure / I`ve no idea.

   6) I am afraid you are wrong.

   7) Excuse me, but you`re mistaken.

    8) Excuse me, but …

    9) I disagree (with you)

Expressing opinion (Как выразить свое мнение)

1) In opinion … По моему мнению

2) I think … Я думаю

3) I guess … Я полагаю

4) Frankly speaking … Откровенно говоря

5) It seems to me … Мне кажется

6) Fortunately …  К счастью…

7) I’m of the same opinion – Я того же мнения

8) Really – Правда! Действительно

9) That`s just what I was going to say – Это как раз то, что я хотел сказать

10) To begin with … Прежде всего …

11) Sure / Certainly – Бесспорно

12) To tell the truth …Сказать по правде …

13) As far as I can see … На сколько я понимаю

14) All things considered … Учитывая все обстоятельства

15) It must be admitted that … Следует признать, что

16) There is no denying that – Нельзя отрицать того, что

17) This is the way I look at it. / This is the way  I see it. – Таково мое мнение

18) You are free to disagree with – Вы можете не соглашаться.

19) On the one hand – С одной стороны …

      On the other  – C другой стороны…

20) For one thing … for another

A.  Approval (Одобрение)

       1) (That`s) a good idea!

       2) Wonderful! (Excellent, splendid)

       3) Very wise (sensible) of you

       4) Well done!

       5) Good for it!

       6) I`m all for it!

       7)  That`s it!

B. Disapproval (Неодобрение)

      1)  That`s not a (very) good idea!

      2) That`s silly

      3) I`m all against it

      4) I wouldn`t say I like it

      5) Rubbish! – Вздор!



1) I`m (very) sorry.       Простите

2) I beg your pardon.    Простите

 3) Excuse me…            Простите

4) Excuse my back. –  Извините, что сижу (стою) к вам спиной

5) Excuse my disturbing you - Простите, что беспокою,

    (troubling) you -  (утруждаю),

    (interrupting) you  -  (прерываю) вас

6) Sorry, I`ve kept you waiting -  Простите, я заставил вас ждать

7) Apologize to Martin (your brother) for me. – Извинитесь за меня перед   Мартином (вашим братом)

8) I didn`t mean to hurt you. – Я не хотел вас обидеть

    It`s a slip of the pen. – Это описка

    It`s a slip of the tongue. – Это оговорка


1) That`s (quite) all right. – Ничего. Все в (полном) порядке.

2) Never mind. – Ничего. (Пусть это вас не беспокоит)

 3) Not at all. – Нисколько (совсем нет)

4) You are not to blame. – Вы не виноваты.

5) You needn’t apologize. It`s my fault.

6) It isn`t an excuse. Это не оправдание.


  to advise – an advice

1) I advise you to (go to the downtown)

2) I advice you not to …

3) Why don`t you … (Почему бы Вам не …)

4) (I think) you`d better …

5) I don`t think you should …

6) You`d better not …

7) Be sure to see … - Обязательно (непременно, во что бы то ни стало посмотрите …)

8) Be sure not to miss … - Обязательно (непременно) не пропустите

9) If I were you, I would … - Я бы на вашем месте

Invitations = (offers)

1) Would you like to… Вы не хотели бы… (join me for a lunch)

2) How (what) about going to … Как насчет того, чтобы найти …?

3) Do you what to… (come and see me)

4) How about coming with us (to the club)?

5) How about a (game of tennis)

6)  Would you care for (a glass of lemonade)?

     Would you care to (meet my friend)?

7) Soppose we go to the theatre?  –  А если мы пойдем в театр?

8) Have you got anything to do on Sunday?  –  У вас есть дела в воскресенье?

9) Are you engaged? –  Вы заняты?

10) Where do we meet? –  Когда встречаемся?

11) Does it suit you? – Вас это устраивает? (Удобно)

12) Will it be all right for you if I pick you up at your office?  –  Вас устроит, если я заеду за вами на работу?

13) Let`s mark the occasion – Давайте отметим это событие

+ Acceptance (Согласие, одобрение)

1) I`d like to very much – С удовольствием

2) I would. Thank you.

3) If you like – Как вам угодно

4) Fine!

5) That`s settled  - Решено!

6) As you say – Как хотите (Пусть будет по вашему)

7) That suit me perfectly – Мне это подходит (Удобно)

8) A good idea! – Прекрасная мысль!

9) I`m all for it – Я за это (Целиком)

-Refusal (Отказ)

1) I`m afraid I can’t

2) Sorry, I`m engaged – К сожалению, я занят

3) No thank(s) (you)

4) I`d better not

5) I`d rather not

6) I`d like to, but… Я хотела бы но…

Encouragement, sympathy, regret

(Ободрение, сочувствие (взаимопонимание), сожаление)

1) Don`t get upset (about it) – Не расстраивайтесь (из-за этого)

2) Things happen – Всякое случается

3) Don`t worry! – Не беспокойтесь!

4) It can`t be helped – Ничего не поделаешь

5)  I`m sorry – Я сожалею

6) Too bad – Очень плохо (= очень жаль)

7) I sympathise  with you. – Я вам сочувствую

8) Tell her (him) she (he) has my sympathies – Передайте ей (ему) мои соболезнования (мое сочувствие)

9) Take it easy – Не принимайте это близко к сердцу

10) Everything will be all right – Все будет в порядке

11) Let`s hope for the best – Будем надеяться на лучшее

12) You`ll get over it – Все это переживете (Все пройдет)

13) Cheer up! – Не унывайте!

14) Pull yourself together! – Возьмите себя в руки!

15) Could I help you in any way? – Не мог бы я вам чем-нибудь помочь?

16) Good for you! – Тем лучше для вас. (Молодец! / Хорошо!)

17) Good! - Хорошо!