Разработка инсценировки для учащихся второго/третьего класса на грамматическом материале Настоящее длительное время глагола и текстов учебника «Флоп» и «Утром» . УМК Верещагиной И.Н Английский язык 2 класс
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2 класс) по теме

Артемихина Наталья Сергеевна

Тексты инсценировок для учащихся на основе учебных материалов для работы в классе или для внеклассных мероприятий. 


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Разработка инсценировки для учащихся второго/третьего класса на грамматическом материале Настоящее длительное время глагола и текстов учебника  «Флоп» и «Утром» .

УМК Верещагиной И.Н Английский язык 2 класс

Characters: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Flop, Birds: Polly and Chat, Big Ben the Clock.

ACT 1   Near the lake.

Narrator 1: This is a frog. His name is Flop. He lives in the lake.

Narrator 2: Flop has got two friends, two big white birds. Their names are Polly and Chat.

    The song: Now it’s six o’clock. (the first part)

Narrator 1: Now it’s six o’clock. Look at Flop!

Narrator 2: He is getting up now.

Flop: It’s morning now. What’s the time? (He looks at the clock) Oh! I cant tell the time!

Narrator 1: Flop wants to ask his friends.

Flop: Hi, Polly! Can you tell the time?

Polly: Of course, I can.

Flop: What’s the time?

Polly: It’s seven o’clock.

Flop: It’s time to do morning exercises!

    The song: Now it’s seven o’clock.(the second part)Children sing and do some actions.

Narrator 2: Look! Flop is doing morning exercises.

Flop: What’s the time?

Chat: It’s eight o’clock.

Flop: It’s time to take a shower!

The song: Now it’s eight o’clock.(the third part) Children sing and do some actions.

Narrator 1: Now Flop is taking a shower.

Flop: Let’s swim in the lake!

Chat: No, I don’t want to swim.

Polly: Let’s wash our hands and faces and have breakfast.

Narrator 1: Look! Flop is swimming in the lake!

Narrator 2: Look! Polly and Chat are washing their hands and faces.

Polly: It’s nine o’clock! Let’s have breakfast!

The song: Now it’s nine o’clock.( the fourth part) Children sing and do some actions.

Narrator 1: Look! They are having breakfast.        

Flop: I want to play. Let’s play games!

Polly: I want to play hopscotch!

Flop and Chat: We want to play leapfrog.

The song: Now it’s ten o’clock.( the fifth part) Children sing and do some actions.

Narrator 2: Look! Flop and Chat are playing leapfrog.

Narrator 1: Look! Polly is playing hopscotch.

Narrator 2: They are having a good time.

Narrator 1: But look at Flop! He is sad!

Polly: Why are you so sad?

Chat: What happened, Flop?

Flop: Oh, my dear friends! I can’t tell the time. Who can help me? Who can teach me?

Polly: I have an idea! Let’s go to London!

Chat: To London? Why?

Polly: Big Ben is in London.

Flop: What is Big Ben?

Chat: Big Ben is a clock. It can teach you to tell the time.

Flop: It’s a good idea but how can I go to London? I can’t fly!

Polly: But WE can!

Chat: We can help you.

Polly: Can you see this stick?

Flop: Of course, I can.

Polly: Put the middle of the stick into your mouth. I take one end of the stick.

Chat: And I take the other. But you must not speak!

Flop: OK.

Narrator 1:   So Polly takes one end of the stick...

Narrator 2:  ...and Chat takes the other...

Narrator 1:  ...and they fly to London.

Narrator 2: Look, they are flying!

Narrator 1: They are flying to London.

ACT 2     In London

Polly: Look, Flop.

 Chat: Look, Flop.

Polly: This is Big Ben.

Chat: Big Ben is a clock.

Polly and  Chat: Day and night with all its might

                          Big Ben the clock says “Tick-tock”.

Flop: Hello, Big Ben! I’m Flop.

Big Ben: Hello, Flop.

Flop: Help me, please! I can’t tell the time.

Big Ben: It’s easy. Look, Flop! It’s twelve o’clock.

Flop: It’s twelve o’clock.

Big Ben: It’s one o’clock.

Flop: It’s one o’clock.

Big Ben: It’s two o’clock.

Flop: It’s two o’clock. I can! I can tell the time! Thank you Big Ben!

Polly: It’s time to go home.

Flop, Chat: Let’s go!

Narrator 1: Look, they are flying!

Narrator 2: Now they are at home.

Narrator 1: Flop is happy.

Flop: I’m happy. Now I can tell the time. Thank you my friends. And now look at the clock:

      it’s time to say Good bye!


Characters: the Clock, Mother Fox and her Children(2-4)

Clock :      Tick-tock,  tick-tock.

                It’s morning now.  It’s seven o’clock.

Mother Fox:  Children, my dear! Get up! Get up! It’s time to go to school!

Children:  F1:   Oh, no!

                 F2:  It’s morning again!

                 F3:  Well mummy, we are getting up!

                 F4: Look! We are getting up!

Mother Fox: Good children! Do your morning exercises!

Children (together):   Hands up! Hands down! Clap your hands and turn around!

                                Hands on hips!  Hands aside! Bend left! Bend right!

Mother Fox:  Well done, children! Now wash your faces and hands, don’t forget to wash your ears!

Children:  F 1: Look mummy! I’m washing my face!

                 F 2: Look mummy! I’m washing my ears!

                 F 3: We always wash our hands before we have breakfast!

                 F 4: We always wash our hands before lunch, dinner  and supper!

Clock :       Tick-tock, tick-tock!

                 Look at me! It’s eight  o’clock!              

Mother Fox:  Very good children.  It’s eight o’clock. It’s time to have breakfast!

Children:   F1: Look mummy! I’m sitting at the table!

                  F2: Look mummy!  I’m eating porridge!

                  F3: It’s tasty!

                  F4: I’m drinking milk.

                  F1: I’m eating a banana.

Clock :      Tick-tock, tick-tock!

                It’s half past eight. Look at the clock!

Mother Fox:  Children, what’s the time?

Children:   It’s half  past eight. It’s time to go to school !

Mother Fox:   Do you know the good rule?

Children:   F1: Yes, of course!

                  F2: Of course, we do!

              Together:  Mind the clock and keep the rule:

                                 Try to come in time to school!

Mother Fox :    Raise your heads,

                          Jump up high,

                          Wave  your hands  and say:

Children:    Good bye!

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