Контрольная работа по итогам III четверти, 4 класс
материал по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Зюбанова Ольга Алексеевна

Контрольная работа по итогам III четверти для 4 класса (5 грамматических времён, I,II вариант, примерный вариант контрольной) к учебнику Верещагиной И.Н. и Афанасьевой О.В.


Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar test (3rd term (2), 1st variant)

Open the brackets.

  1. She (to begin) to go to school at the age of six.
  2. She (to take) part in the performance at her school tomorrow.
  3. She already (to see) this new film.
  4. Carol (not to join) us for lunch this morning.
  5. I (to write) a letter to my cousin at the moment.
  6. Jenny (to play) the violin at the school concert next week.
  7. Emily (not to wash) the windows in her flat last month.
  8. My Granddad (to be) a scientist many years ago?
  9. Bob (to like) to go to different museums?
  10. You (to phone) me in an hour?
  11. Carol plays tennis for school club every Saturday?
  12. Sasha (to drink) mineral water now.
  13. Lily (to make) meat salad in the kitchen at the moment.

Choose the correct item.

  1. I … in time at work tomorrow.                         a)was                b)am                c)shall be
  2. Mark … born on the 31st of May in 1980.        a)was                b)will be        c)is
  3. He … a good student next year.                        a)is                 b)will be        c)was
  4. My mother always … her time.                        a)is planning        b)plans                 c)will plan
  5. David … upstairs several minutes ago.                a)is coming        b)came                c)will come
  6. I … some more days in your town.                a) stayed        b)shall stay         c)am staying
  7. Our friends often … to the country for the weekend. a)went        b)go                c)will go
  8. I … just … coffee.                                a)makes        b)made         c)have made
  9. The lesson … already ….                        a)has begun        b)begins        c)began
  10. Look! The boys … about in the garden.                a)run                b)ran                c)are running
  11. In the evening I often … to visit my friends.        a)shall go        b)went                c)go
  12. I … my favourite film at the moment.                a)enjoy                b)am enjoying        c) enjoyed

Ask special question.

  1. The children are washing their dog in the river now. (what)
  2. I waited for you at the station yesterday evening. (whom, who)
  3. They go to the stadium four times a week. (how many times a week)
  4. Susan learns Russian every day. (who, how often)
  5. We have spent 200$ this month. (how much money, who)
  6. His wife hasn’t cooked supper yet. (why)
  7. They arrived from Paris at 12 o’clock yesterday. (what time)
  8. My sisters went to the Bolshoi Theatre last week (who, what theatre)
  9. Alice likes to watch cartoons. (what kind of films, who)
  10. He hasn’t washed up yet. (why)
  11. My friend has just phoned to me. (who)
  12. Molly has written two letters to her friend this month. (how many letters)
  13. His mother never translates such difficult articles. (why)
  14. We shall be busy the day after tomorrow. (why, who)

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar test (3rd term (2), 2nd variant)

Open the brackets.

  1. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the doctor’s now.
  2. She (to help) her mother yesterday?
  3. Eric (to talk) about his holidays plans, but Kenny (not to listen) to him. He (to think) about his new car at the moment.
  4. He (not to spend) last summer in the country.
  5. My mother (to work) in a factory.
  6. You (to go) to the South next summer?
  7. Last Tuesday he (not to be) happy and (to have) no idea where to go.
  8. Look at the sky! The clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer.
  9. Henry usually (to wear) glasses, now he (to wear) sunglasses.
  10. We (to grow) tomatoes next summer.

Choose the correct item.

  1. Kelly … her friend last Tuesday.                a)visits                b)visited        c)is visiting
  2. I … just… lunch with my friend.                a)had                b)have                c) have had
  3. Henry … the sofa an hour ago.                a)is vacuuming   b)vacuumed        c)has vacuumed
  4. A teacher … her some questions now.    a) has asked          b)is asking         c)asks
  5. Kate … her friend from Novgorod at the railway station yesterday. a)met b)meets c)has met
  6. She… the cat yesterday evening.          a)doesn’t feed   b)didn’t feed    c)hasn’t fed
  7. The boy … just … his finger.                  a) has cut           b)cut                  c)cuts
  8. My parents … at home yesterday evening. a)have stayed  b)stayed          c)stay
  9. Molly … her composition tomorrow morning. a)writes            b)wrote           c)will write
  10. My friends … al lot of fish in the lake last week. a)will catch b)caught           c)are catching

Ask special questions.

  1. She is sitting in the corner with a magazine now. (who, where)                
  2. His grandfather collected stamps many years ago. (who, what)        
  3. She always wears little glasses.        (what, who)
  4. My father usually drives me to school. (who)
  5. They visited the Russian Museum last month. (who, when)        
  6. Tony didn’t answer the teacher’s questions five minutes ago. (why)
  7. They are going to the stadium now. (where, who)
  8. He will go to Mexico in a month. (where)

Ask tag-questions.

  1. They go on a trip every summer holidays,………………………………………….?
  2. The boy isn’t playing the drums now, ……………………………………….?
  3. He doesn’t like to take pictures at home,…………………………………………?
  4. Sue will take books from the library tomorrow,……………………………………?
  5. We are travelling about Europe now,…………………………………………..?
  6. Tony doesn’t do his homework every day,………………………………………?
  7. He has never been to the UK,………………………………………….?

Предварительный просмотр:

 Примерный вариант контрольной работы (грамматика, 3 четверть (2) - февраль)

Open the brackets.

  1. You ever (to be) to the Hermitage?
  2. Why she (to sleep) now? It (to be) too early. She never (to sleep) at this time.
  3. You (to go) to the library tomorrow? – No, I already (to be) there this week. I (to be) there on Monday. As a rule, I (to take) books from the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I (not to go) there, because I (not to read) the book yet. I (to read) it now. I (to go) to the library on Saturday.
  4. Hello! Where you (to go)? – Nowhere in particular. I just (to take) a walk.
  5. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.
  6. He (to write) the book in the 19th century.
  7. Teachers usually (to make) corrections in red ink.
  8. I (not to translate) the article yet.
  9. She always (to invite) me to her dinner parties.
  10. You usually (to spend) your holidays in the South?

Choose the correct item.

  1. I always … my coffee at breakfast-time.                a)enjoy                b)shall enjoy         c)enjoyed
  2. They … in the garden next summer.                a) worked        b)are working     c)will work
  3.  We … it tomorrow.                                a)did                b)are doing           c)shall do
  4. Mary … many new friends at the camp next summer. a)made     b)will make          c) makes
  5. They … art galleries every month.                a)will visit         b)visited           c)visit
  6. I … him money the day after tomorrow.         a)didn’t give           b)shan’t give            c)don’t give
  7. It often … in St. Petersburg in winter.                 a)rains                 b)is raining            c)will rain
  8. The children … at the monkeys at the Zoo last time.  a)will laugh b)are laughing     c)laughed
  9. Liz … a new blouse next month.                          a) will buy          b)bought             c)buys
  10.  Helen … the date on the blackboard now.           a)is writing          b)wrote             c)will write

Ask special questions.

  1. Carol will visit the museum next Monday. (when)
  2. We always eat meat soup for dinner. (who, what)
  3. They decorate the room every holiday. (who, how)
  4. Cliff is playing leapfrog with his friends now. (what game, who)
  5. Kate is dancing with Paul at the party now. (where, with whom)
  6. I shall meet my friend the day after tomorrow. (whom)
  7. Cliff usually plants some new flowers in the garden every summer. (who)
  8. My friends have just arrived at the airport. (who)

Ask tag-questions.

  1. My cousin was sixteen last year, …...........................?
  2. We shan’t go to Turkey next week, ………………………….?
  3. Your sister sometimes drinks coffee in the morning,………………………….?
  4. He hasn’t been to the USA this year, ………………………?
  5. She is cooking cabbage pies now, ……………………..?
  6. Her friends came to the party at seven o’clock yesterday evening, …………………………….?

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