Учебно-методический комплект к уроку английского языка на тему: "Parts of the body" (конспект+презентация) - 3 класс
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

Куракова Мария Евгеньевна

Цель урока: Формирование лексического навыка



1.      отработать звук [h];

2.      вторично закрепить лексику: morning, evening, afternoon, head, hair, nose, eye, fair, long, dark, kind, night, help, say, eleven, twelve.

3.      тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме в речи.

4.      Введение и первичное закрепление лексики: arm, hand, leg, foot, feet, little, parents, whose.

5.      Проверить понимание прочитанного текста.


1.      создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности;

2.      развивать у учащихся навыки общения, формировать опыт сопереживания;

3.      способствовать развитию умения общаться на иностранном языке.


  •           формировать у детей положительное отношение к иностранному языку как учебному предмету.

Оборудование урока: учебник Тер-Минасова С.Г. 3класс;  видеозапись с физкультминуткой, учебная презентация.


Microsoft Office document icon parts_of_the_body.doc73 КБ
Office presentation icon parts_of_the_body.ppt2.89 МБ
Microsoft Office document icon spelling_quiz.doc252.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Дата: 15.09.2015 г.

Класс: 3 «А»

Тема: «»

Цель урока: Формирование лексического навыка



  1. отработать звук [h];
  2. вторично закрепить лексику: morning, evening, afternoon, head, hair, nose, eye, fair, long, dark, kind, night, help, say, eleven, twelve.
  3. тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме в речи.
  4. Введение и первичное закрепление лексики: arm, hand, leg, foot, feet, little, parents, whose.
  5. Проверить понимание прочитанного текста.
  1. создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности;
  2. развивать у учащихся навыки общения, формировать опыт сопереживания;
  3. способствовать развитию умения общаться на иностранном языке.


  1. формировать у детей положительное отношение к иностранному языку как учебному предмету.

Учитель: Кульмухаметова З.З.

Методист: Учарова Н.М.

Студентка:Куракова Мария, 43 группа

Фотография доски

Оборудование урока: учебник Тер-Минасова С.Г. 3класс;  видеозапись с физкультминуткой, учебная презентация.

Этапы урока

Содержание урока

Приемы работы

Режим работы


ТСО, наглядность



Орг. Момент

Мотивационный этап

Stand up. Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. My name is Maria Evgen’evna and today I will be your teacher. Today we are going to learn some new words and do some exercises on the text you have read at home.

 Now answer my questions. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Look through the window. What season is it now? It is autumn now. Do you like the weather today?



4 мин



Фон. зарядка

Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill.

Today, children will practice the sound [h]. Look at me and repeat after me [h]. Look at the blackboard, here you can see a poem. Listen to my reading.

I have a hello in my hand and it is just for you

I have a hello in my hand, my hello comes to you

I have a hello in my arms and it is just for you

I have a hello in my arms, my hello comes to you

Now repeat after me the words with the sound [h]: have, hello, hand. Now repeat after me sentence by sentence. Ok, read sentence by sentence one by one. Repeat after me the whole poem. Read the whole poem one by one.

Okay, children. Good job!

Хоровая работа





Р1      Р2

6 мин

Стихотворение для отработки звука


Проверка домашнего задания

Самостоятельная работа учащихся

Today we will write a spelling quiz. We will do some exercises on the text that you have read at home, and we will learn some new words.

And now we are going to write a spelling quiz.  I will give you cards. There are two tasks. The first task is to match the numbers to the pictures. The second task is to write the translation. You have 7 minutes. Ok, your time is up. Hand in your cards.

And now let’s check your home task.  At home you haver read the text “Wanted”.  And now let’s play a game. I have a ball and it will help me. Listen to the rules. When I throw a ball to someone you are to read the question and throw it to another classmate. And he or she will have to answer this question. And then he will read another question and throw the ball to someone else to answer another question. Let’s start our game.

  1. Who is tall?
  2. Who likes to play basketball and take pictures?
  3. Who has got a small head and a long nose?
  4. Who has got a big funny nose?
  5. Who likes to play football and computer games?

Good for you, children.





Р1      Р2

Р1      Р2


Р1, Р2, Р3

15 мин





I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Repeat after heroes.

2 мин

Видео с физминуткой

“Head and shoulders”.


 Контроль понимания прочитанного текста


«Throw the ball”

Игра “True or False”

Введение и первчиное закрепление лексики

Good job boys and girls! Do you want to play another game?

The name of this game is True or False. Что переводится на русский язык как правда или ложь. Т.е. в этой игре вам нужно определить верное ли утверждение.

So look at the pictures, read the sentence and say true or false. When I throw you a ball you are to read the sentence and say true or false. And then you are to say the right sentence.

  1. Dave is short.
  2. Dave’s eyes are kind.
  3. Pete has got a small head and funny eyes.
  4. Dave likes to play football.
  5. Pete has got long fait hair.
  6. Dave’s hair is short and dark.

Good job!

Today children we shall learn some new words. First, listen to my story.

This is Pete. He  has got many friends –  Fox, Grizzly, Frog, Mouse and a Rabbit. Friends love to draw.  

Pete drew parts of the body. Pete asked Fox: Whose leg did I draw? Fox answered: a fox’s leg.

Pete asked Grizzly: Whose arm did I draw? Grizzly answered a rabbit’s arm.

Pete asked Mouse: Whose foot did I draw? Frog answered: a Grizzly’s foot.

Pete asked Frog: Whose little hands did I draw?

Frog answered: You draw a mouse’s little hands.

Friends, look at my last picture. Do you know them?

Friends said: Yes, these are your parents.

Repeat the words after me arm, hand, leg, foot, feet, little, parents, whose.

Open your student’s book at page 13. Find the text “Museum of Childhood”.  Have you ever been in the “Museum of Childhood?” What do you think you can see there? So, let’s read the text and we will find this out.

Thank you very much. Good job.














Презентация, мяч

Презентация, мяч.


Дача домашнего задания

Open your record books and write down your homework. Your first task is to learn the words. The second task is to do ex. 2 on page 7 and ex. 3 on page 8 in your cope book.  And the last task is to read and translate the text “Museum of Childhood”.



2 мин

Слайд с домашним заданием



Thank you very much for your job. Today you did a great job! I wish you good luck children.

Stand up. The lesson is over. Goodbye.



3 мин

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Good Morning!

Слайд 2

Today we are going to Write a spelling quiz Do some exercises on the text that you have read at home Learn some new words

Слайд 3

Phonetic Drill I have a hello in my hand and it is just for you I have a hello in my hand , my hello comes to you I have a hello in my arms and it is just for you I have a hello in my arms, my hello comes to you

Слайд 4

True or False Dave is short. Dave has got kind eyes. Dave has got clever eyes. Pete has got a small head and funny nose. Pete has got a small head and long nose. Dave likes to play football and computer games. Pete has got long fair hair. Dave has got short dark hair. T F F T T T

Слайд 5

Answer the Questions. Who is tall? Who likes to play basketball and take pictures? Who has got a small head and a long nose? Who has got a big funny nose? Who likes to play football and computer games?

Слайд 7


Слайд 8


Слайд 9


Слайд 10

Little hands

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

Arm Hand Leg Foot Feet Little Parents Whose

Слайд 13

leg arm hand

Слайд 14

feet parents

Слайд 15

Home task learn the words. do ex. 2 on page 7 and ex. 3 on page 8 in your work books. read and translate the text “Museum of Childhood”.

Слайд 16

Have a nice day!

Предварительный просмотр:

Spelling Quiz

  1. Match the numbers to the pictures.


_____________      ____________      ______       ______              __________       __________

  1. Write the translation.              

From English in to Russian                                            From Russian in  to English

Morning –                                                                      Длинный -              

Evening –                                                                       Темный -

Afternoon –                                                                    Добрый -

Fair –                                                                              Ночь -

Say –                                                                               Помощь -

            Spelling Quiz

  1. Match the numbers to the pictures.


_____________      ____________      ______       ______              __________       __________

  1. Write the translation.              

From English in to Russian                                            From Russian in  to English

Morning –                                                                      Длинный -              

Evening –                                                                       Темный -

Afternoon –                                                                    Добрый -

Fair –                                                                              Ночь -

Say –                                                                               Помощь -                                            

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