Контрольная работа № 3 по английскому языку в 4 классе по учебнику Forward
учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Орлова Дарья Леонидовна

Контрольная работа № 3 по английскому языку в 4 классе по учебнику Forward


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name, Surname,________________________________________ Form _4____ Date__________

1, Degrees  of comparison of Adjectives

hot - _________________ - _________________

sweet - ________________ - _________________

happy - ________________ - _________________

large – _________________ - _________________

4. Translate

1 look for

2 short

3 be afraid of

4 old

5 kind

6 hot

7 hungry

2. Open brackets in Past Simple

1 Jack __________ (live) in Moscow in 2020.

2 My friends __________ (be) in Spain.

3 I _________ (clean) my room yesterday.

4 Ann ________ (be) in the park.


  1. Fill in the gaps with the words

Sweet - footprint - silly – hungry - lovely

1, A rose smells_________.

2, An ice-cream tastes________.

3, May be, it`s a dinosaur`s ________

4 Don`t be ________!

5 Let`s have some burgers. I`m ______

3 Write the Verbs in three columns

played, arrived, crossed, pointed, reached, landed, walked, talked, followed, needed, visited, passed




6, Read the text. Write True (T) or False (F) for sentences below the text

Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in a small village near Vyatka. He lived his family house with his father, mother and five brothers. When he was a boy, he liked drawing and painting pictures. In 1867 Vasnetsov moved to St. Petersburg. He

studied at the Academy of Arts. He visited France in 1877 and Italy in 1885. We can see many paintings by Vasnetsov in the famous Tretyakov Art Gallery in Moscow. Vasnetsov did the architectural design for the building of the gallery. This is Vasnetsov's house in Moscow. He did the

architectural design of this house. In 1926 he died here. Now it's the Vasnetsov House Museum.

1, Vasnetsov was born in 1884 ____

2, There were  two brothers and one sister in Vasnetsov's family. _____

3, He visited Spain in 1877. ______

4 Vasnetsov did the architectural design for the Tretyakov Art Gallery. ______

5 There are many of his paintings in this gallery.___

6 the Vasnetsov House Museum is in Vyatka _____

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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