Контрольная работа 3 класс
тест по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Елисеева Светлана Геннадьевна

Модуль 5


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Предварительный просмотр:

                          Spotlight 3      module 5             TEST                   variant  1                                      

1. Underline the right word:

                e. g. She can dance like a frog\ a ballerina.

1. He can climb like a fish\ a monkey.

2. Lulu can sing like a bird\ a rabbit.

3. Ben can swim like a chimp\ a fish.

4. Kate  can jump like a tortoise\ a frog.

5. Tom can crawl like a bird\ a spider.

2. Write plural forms of the following words:e. g. a cat – cats                 

1.a woman - ________                2. a spider - ________

3.a man - ___________        4.a sheep - ________               5.a chair - __________                    6.a   foot - ___________        7.a  -child _______________      


3. Write the numbers:

                e. g. forty-five - 45

1)forty-five - _____                 3) sixty-three - _____               5)  fifty-three - _____              2)twenty-two - ____               4)forty-seven - ______             6)thirty -one ______                    

4. Answer the questions:

e. g. How many ears has it got? - One ear

1)How many eyes has it got? -

2)How many heads has it got?

3)How many teeth has it got?

4)How many legs  has it got?

5)How many tails  has it got?

5. Fill in the gaps. Use have got  \ has got.

1. We __________ a rabbit.

2. Ann __________ a dog.

3. Helen and Peter ____________ a fish.

4. Boys _______________ two tortoises.

5. My sisters ___________________ blue eyes.

          6. Look, read and complete: can, can`t, has got, hasn`t got.

                           Spotlight 3      module 5             TEST                   variant  2                                      

1. Underline the right word:

                      e. g. She can dance like a frog\ a ballerina.

1. Lulu can jump like a bird\ a frog.

2. Nanny Shine can sing like a bird\ a rabbit.

3. Larry can swim like a horse\ a fish.

4. He can climb like a fish\ a monkey.

5. Tom can crawl like a bird\ a spider.

2. Write plural forms of the following words:     e. g. a cat – cats                       

 1. a woman - _____________  

2. a  tortoise - ________________  3. a  tooth  - ____________    4. a mouse - __________  

 5. an elephant - _______________     6.  a   man - ___________    7. a child - __________

3. Write the numbers:

1)thirty-four - _____                 3) forty-three - _____               5)  fifty-six - _____               2)sixty-two - ____                     4)twenty-seven - ______         6)thirty -eight ______                    

4. Answer the questions:

e. g. How many ears has it got? - One ear

1)How many eyes has it got? -

2)How many heads has it got?

3)How many teeth has it got?

4)How many hands  (рук) has it got?

5)How many bodies has it got?

5. Fill in the gaps. Use have got  \ has got.

 1. We a ________rabbit.

2. Ann __________ a dog.

3. Helen and Peter ____________ a fish.

4. Boys _______________ two tortoises.

5. My sisters ___________________ blue eyes.

6. Look, read and complete: can, can`t, has got, hasn`t got.

7. Read and correct.https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/472427/9342e6af-ba52-4d67-a4a1-9760197d5b86/s1200?webp=false

e.g.                       He’s got a short nose. – He’s got a long nose.


1.                                                                       2.

It’s got a thin body.                                               He’s got small ears.

………………………………………..                …………………………………….https://png.pngtree.com/element_origin_min_pic/16/11/03/76ce4a73f85184f00e595ef6a1e300b1.jpghttp://xn--56-slcmimaco.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Zaychik.jpg

3.                       It’s got fat legs.                      4.                          It’s got a long

                         ………………………….                                    ………………………..

                         ………………………….                                    ……………………….

8. Read and complete.https://zabavnik.club/wp-content/uploads/Kartinki_dlya_detey_Popugay_4_01043122.jpg

I’ve got a pet parrot. Her name is Beauty. She’s three. She’s got a small yellow head, a fat body and a long green tail. Beauty can fly and she can talk, too. But she can’t swim. She’s lovely!

    My pet: e.g. parrot

                             Name: 1) ……………………………….

                             How old: 2) …………………………….

                             Has got: 3) ……………………………..

                                           4) ………………………………

                                           5) ………………………………

                             Can: 6) ……………. and 7) …………….

                             Can’t: 8) …………………………………

    VI. Translate.

1. У меня есть маленькая черепаха. - …………………………………………………

2. У кроликов длинные уши. - …………………………………………………………

3. Мыши умеют плавать. - ……………………………………………………………..

4. У птиц нет зубов. –  ………………………………………………………………….

5. Морские коньки не умеют бегать. - …………………………………………………

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