Сценарий новогодней сказки на английском языке для начальной школы "The Christmas cub" by Justin Korman Fontes
материал (3 класс)

Горькова Яна Олеговна

Сценарий новогодней сказки для инсценировки в начальной школе по мотивам  сказки "The Christmas cub" американской писательницы Justin Korman Fontes.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                              The Christmas cub





Pip`s mum


People in the cabin

Narrator A long time ago there was a cub named Pip. He was curious about everything. Pip lived in a big cave with his mother and father.

Pip`s mum It`s time to go to sleep dear. Winter is nearly here.

Nar. But pip was too curious to sleep.

Pip What is it «winter»? I have to find out.

Nar. So he crept out of the cave and followed his nose until he came to a cabin.

Pip What is this?

Evergreen That’s a cabin.

Pip Who are you? (to Evergreen)

Evergreen I’m Evergreen. And they’re people. (pointed with the branch toward the cabin)

Pip I haven’t seen people before. They are very interesting. They have got no fur. And they walked on two legs instead of four.

Evergreen I’m the only tree that stays awake. I get to see all the winter! The ice! The snow! And the best of all….Christmas!

Pip What is «Christmas» ?

Evergreen (sighs) Christmas is beautiful! The people decorate their cabin.

Pip (peeked from the window) I’m glad I stayed awake for Christmas!

Evergreen But Christmas gets even better! The people sing special songs.

Pip I love the music. I’m so glad I didn’t miss Christmas.

Evergreen But Christmas gets even better! The people bake cookies!

Pip (eat some cookies when people went) I love Christmas!

Evergreen But Christmas gets even better! The people give each other gifts. And it makes them feel Christmas happy.

Pip ( sighs) I wish I could feel Christmas.

Evergreen I wish you could too.

Nar. The next day Pip found a present under Evergreen`s branches.

Pip For me? (unwrapping) It`s beautiful!

Evergreen The birds helped me make it for you.

Pip Now I know what Christmas is. (hugging his doll tightly)

Nar. But the next day Pip realized he was wrong.

Pip I must find a gift for Evergreen! What could I give to the tree?

Appearing a rainbow

Pip That would be a perfect present for Evergreen! (catching the rainbow)

Nar. Pip found it shimmering in a puddle. The puddle turned to ice.

Pip (picking the rainbow out of the icy puddle. He can’t wait and run to the Evergreen. But falls and drops the rainbow.) I broke your gift!

Evergreen but it’s still beautiful!

Pip ( put on the small pieces of rainbow on the Evergreen`s branches) Now you’re the most colorful tree in the world.

Santa What a beautiful tree! I believe you’re a Christmas tree!

Nar. From then on all evergreens have been Christmas trees-and cuddly teddy bears have been Santa’s favorite gift to give!

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