Английский язык

Белова Марина Викторовна



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Предварительный просмотр:

English Speaking Countries in Questions and Puzzles

English speaking countries in questions and puzzles


1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

2. What is the area of the United Kingdom?

3. What countries does it consist of?

4. What is the highest mountain on the British Isles?

5. What is the longest river?

6. What is the highest mountain in Wales?

7. What is the northern part of Scotland called?

8. What is the population of the United Kingdom?

9. How many people live in London?

10. What industry is developed in South Wales?

11. What kind of state is the United Kingdom?

12. What houses does the British parliament consist of?

13. What are the main political parties?

14. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers?

15. What is the flag of the United Kingdom called?





1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What area has the USA?

3. What mountains are there in the country?

4. What is situated between the Cordilleras and the Appalachian mountains?

5. What are the main rivers?

6. What kind of climate is there in the USA?

7. What is the population of the USA?

8. How many states are there in the USA?

9. What kind of state is the USA?

10. Who is the head of the state?

11. What is the capital of the USA?

12. What are the main parties?

13. What is the financial & business centre of the country?

14. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

15. When is Independence Day celebrated?





1. What is the capital of Canada?

2. What is the area of Canada?

3. Where is Canada situated?

4. What is Canada rich in?

5. What is the population of Canada?

6. What are the most important cities?

7. What are Canada’s largest ports?

8. What are the largest lakes in Canada?

9. What mountains are there in Canada?

10. What are the longest rivers?

11. What is the largest island in the north of Canada?

12. What kind of state is Canada?

13. How many provinces and territories does it consist of?

14. What houses does the Federal Parliament consist of?

15. What are Canada’s main agricultural products?



1. What is the official name of Australia?

2. What territories are there in the Commonwealth of Australia?

3. What area has Australia?

4. What is the capital of Australia?

5. In what hemisphere is Australia situated?

6. What is the population of Australia?

7. What are the biggest cities in Australia?

8. What is the main occupation in Australia?

9. What agricultural product is Australia famous for?

10. What are the longest rivers?

11. What mountains are there in Australia?

12. What does Australia consist of?

13. What houses does the Federal Parliament consist of ?

14. Who is formally the head of the state?

15. Who represents the Queen of England?



1. Where is New Zealand situated?

2. What islands does it consist of?

3. On which island are there many lakes?

4. What sea washes the western coast of New Zealand?

5. What is the highest mountainous range?

6. What is the national emblem of New Zealand?

7. What is the capital?

8. What are the main cities?

9. What is the nickname of New Zealand?

10. Which city resembles Edinburgh?

11. What is the population of New Zealand?

12. Who are the Maoris?

13. What are they famous for?

14. What houses does the Parliament consist of?

15. Who represents the Queen of England?




1. On the British Isles.

2. Over 244,000 square kilometres.

3. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

4. Ben Nevis.

5. The Severn.

6. Snowdon.

7. Highlands.

8. Over 57 million people.

9. More than 9 million.

10. Coal-mining.

11. Constitutional monarchy.

12. The House of Lords and the House of Commons.

13. The Conservative and Labour Parties.

14. The Prime Minister.

15. The Union Jack.


1. In the central part of the North American Continent.

2. Over nine million square kilometres.

3. The Cordillera, the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian.

4. The prairie and the Mississippi valley.

5. The Mississippi, the Colorado, the Columbia.

6. Several different climatic regions.

7. More than 236 million people.

8. Fifty states.

9. A federal republic.

10. The president.

11. Washington, D.C.

12. The Democratic and Republican Parties.

13. New York.

14. The fourth Thursday in November.

15. The fourth of July.


1. Ottawa.

2. Nearly 10 million square kilometres.

3. In the northern part of the North American continent.

4. Metal ores, oil and gas.

5. Over 24 million people.

6. Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Quebec.

7. Vancouver, Montreal, Halifax.

8. The Great Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and Lake Winnipeg.

9. The Rocky Mountains.

10. The Mackenzie, Yukon, St. Lawrence River.

11. Baffin Island.

12. A federal state and a member of the Commonwealth.

13. Ten provinces and two territories.

14. The Senate and the House of Commons.

15. Wheat, meat, some kinds of fruit and dairy products.


1. The Commonwealth of Australia.

2. The Continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands.

3. About 8 million square kilometres.

4. Canberra.

5. The South hemisphere.

6. About 15 million people.

7. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane.

8. Agriculture.

9. Sheep.

10. The Murray and the Darling.

11. The Australian Alps, the Blue Mountains.

12. Six states and two territories.

13. The Senate and the House of Representatives.

14. The Queen of England.

15. The governor-general.


1. South-east of Australia.

2. North Island, South Island and Stewart Island, and also many small islands.

3. North Island.

4. The Tasman sea.

5. The Southern Alps.

6. Kiwi.

7. Wellington.

8. Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin.

9. The Britain of the Pacific.

10. Dunedin.

11. Over 3 million people.

12. The aboriginal Polynesian inhabitants of New Zealand.

13. Folk songs, music, dances and wood work.

14. The House of Representatives.

15. The governor-general.










Предварительный просмотр:

Путешествие по Лондону

Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона.

Развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательный аспект – привитие навыков объективной оценки и самооценки участия в проектной работе; воспитание уважения к чужому труду.

Учебный аспект – контроль навыков устной речи. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся, развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения детальной информации


1. Good morning! I hope all of you are fine and you are ready to talk about one of the ancient city in the world, about London. We’ve spoken and read about London a lot and at home you have to find some interesting facts about it. So now we are going to watch and listen to your projects. Our lesson is divided into two parts: the first one is the projects about London’s history. After all projects you have to answer some questions. Well, I think you are ready to listen.

The first period is Roman London, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval London (приложение №1).

The next period is the time of the first Tudor (приложение №2).

In the history of London was the difficult period which is connected with the death and disaster. It was the time of the Civil War and the first Stuart (приложение №3).

The most important period of London is the period of 18th century and Victorian London. By this time London had been the heart of powerful Empire (приложение №4 приложение №5).

The last history period of London is the period of 20th century and Millennium (приложение №6).

2. Well, we’ve listened to all projects and let’s divide into groups of four, each group has got some questions you have to discuss all these questions and after that answer them.

  1. Who established a port called Londinium?
  2. How did Romans call London?
  3. When was the first St. Paul’s Cathedral built?
  4. When was London attacked by Danish Vikings?
  5. What were houses made of in the Medieval London?
  6. Who was the Last Tudor?
  7. When did Henry VII become the King?
  8. Who was the first Stuart king?
  9. When was the Civil war?
  10. When were the plague and the Great Fire of London?
  11. Name the famous painters in 18th century London?
  12. When was the world’s first Underground railway opened in London?
  13. What is the population of London now?
  14. What is the riverside walk between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge?
  15. What does the Millennium Bridge link?

(Вопросы раздать каждой группе, после обсуждении-презентация с вопросами, приложение №7).

3. So we’ve just spoken about the history of London and now I want you to visit some interesting places of this beautiful city. The students who have prepared the projects about sightseeing of London will be our guides. And we start our excursion from the Westminster Abbey (приложение №8).

Across the road of Westminster Abbey is the Palace of Westminster more usually famous for as The Houses of Parliament (приложение №9).

The next part is the oldest one – the City. If you want to know about London’s history you will find many interesting historic places here (приложение №10).

The first among the historic building of the city is the Tower of London (приложение №11).

20 minutes walking from the Tower will take you to another historic building – St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches (приложение №12).

The Londoners are proud of their museums and now we are visiting some of them (приложение №13).

4. Well, we’ve visited some interesting places of London and I think you are ready to answer on the questions of the quiz (приложение №14).

После ответов на вопросы викторины учащиеся сами выбирают лучшие работы по следующим критериям: содержательность, оформление, интересную презентацию, научность и т.д.

Учитель: Thank you. All the projects are very interesting. Tell me please, which project is the most interesting (well-designed …)?

Ученик: Project “The museum of London” is the most interesting. I would like to go to London and visit some of them, especially Madame Tussaud’s. 

5. Оценка и самооценка проектных работ

Вначале ребята сами оценивают вклад в работу и ставят оценки каждому, работавшему в этих парах и группах. После этого учитель подводит итоги и объявляет оценки за работу.

Учитель: Now, give marks to each student of your group. Do you agree or not? I agree with you (I don’t agree with you).

All of you have done a lot of work and work hard at the lesson, so I think you get excellent for your projects. Thank you for all projects. The lesson is over. Good-bye. 

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Roman London.

Слайд 3

People have lived in the London area for more than 5.000 years, but there used to be forests and marshes instead of a city. London itself was begun by the Romans about 2.000 years ago. They called their town Londinium.

Слайд 4

Soldiers and settlers. In the first century, Roman soldiers came to take over Britain. Some of them settled by the Thames and built Londinium. This was the beginning of London. Roman ships sailed up the Thames, bringing supplies. The Romans built a bridge over the Thames, and there has been a bridge in the same area ever since.

Слайд 5

Soldiers and settlers. A native people called the Iceni, led by Queen Boudicca, set fire to Londinium and killed everyone in the town. In the end, the Romans defeated Boudicca and Londinium was built again. A wall was built around the new town. You can still see parts of the wall today.

Слайд 6

Inside Londinium. Inside the wall, Londinium had houses, bath houses temples, shops and markets. Nowadays, this area is a business district, known as the City.

Слайд 7

Anglo- Saxon

Слайд 8

At the end of the fourth century, the Roman Empire began to fall apart and the Romans left Britain. People called Angles, Saxons and Jutes then came to Britain from Holland, Germany and Denmark. Together, these peoples are called the Anglo-Saxons.

Слайд 9

Roman ruins. After the Romans left, Londinium probably lay in ruins. The city grew up again, however, because it was a useful port.

Слайд 10

Saint Pauls. Many people became Christians. In 604, the first Saint Paul's Cathedral was built. There is still a Saint Paul's on this site today.

Слайд 11

Viking attack. In the ninth and tenth centuries, London was attacked by Danish Viking who sailed up the river to the city and settled there.

Слайд 12

London Bridge is falling down. In 1014, Anglo-Saxons and Norwegian Vikings attacked the Danish Vikings in London. The Danish Vikings threw spears at them from the old London Bridge. The attackers used roofs to protect their boats. They tied ropes to the bridge and pulled it down. This led to the song «London Bridge is falling down». Viking attacks on London ended when Canute became King in 1016. he united the invaders and the Anglo-Saxons. Peace came and London grew wealthy.

Слайд 13

Edwards Abbey. Seven years after Canute died, Edward the Confessor became king. He built Westminster Abbey. The Abbey was finished in 1065, just before Edward died. Edward was buried in the Abbey. After his death, Edwards was made a saint. His Abbey no longer stands. The Abbey you see today was built by Henry III.

Слайд 14

Medieval London.

Слайд 15

In 1066, after Edward the Confessors death, William the Conqueror invaded England from France. The centuries from the invasion up until 1485 are known as the medieval period in English history.

Слайд 16

The medieval city. Medieval London was much smaller than today's London. The streets would have looked very different, too. The houses were made mainly of wood, and the roads were covered in stones called cobbles .

Слайд 17

Merchants and craftsmen. There were many merchants and craftsmen. Street were named after them, for example, bread was sold on Bread Street. Merchants and craftsmen joined together to form powerful groups called Guilds, which still exist today. Each Guild had a coat-of-arms.

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Слайд 1

Henry VII became king in 1485, followed by Henry VIII. They were the first Tudor kings (Tudor was their family name). Henry VIII’s daughter, Elizabeth I, was the last Tudor; the time when she was queen is called the Elizabethan period. Under the Tudors, London grew wealthier and bigger, spreading beyond the old City walls. By 1600, it had a population of about 200,000 people . Tudor end Elizabethan London

Слайд 2

The first London theatres were built in Elizabethan times. The Globe Theatre was the most famous. Shakespeare owned part of the Globe and his plays were performed there. The theatre was built in a ring. It had no roof in the middle. Wealthy people could watch from seats in the galleries. It was cheapest to stand in front of the stage and watch. People who stood here were called “groundlings”. The stage stuck out into the middle of the theatre Elizabethan Theatre and Shakespeare's Globe.

Слайд 3

The modern Globe The modern Globe opened in 1997. A copy of the Globe has been built by the Thames. There are performances of Shakespeare’s plays here in the summer.

Слайд 4

The Tudors built lots of ships, including magnificent sailing ships, or “galleons” like the Golden Hinde. They can visit a copy of the Golden Hinde, a famous Elizabethan galleon, which he is moored at Saint Mary Overie Dock in London. Some Tudor ships left London to explore new parts of the world, such as America and India. The best way to travel around Tudor in London was by boat along the Thames. You can still travel up and down the Thames by boat today, although modern boats look rather different from Tudor ones. Ships and Boats.

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Dead and disaster London

Слайд 2

Dead and disaster After Elizabeth I died, James I became king. He was the first Stuart king, followed by Charles I. During the time of the Stuarts, there was a civil war and London was hit by disasters. In 1665, plague killed thousands of Londoners, and in 1666, fire destroyed much of the city. Historians know a lot about Stuart London because a man called Samuel Pepys wrote about it in his diaries.

Слайд 3

Civil war In the 1640s, civil war broke out between King Charles I and Parliament. The king lost and he was executed in London. His son later became King Charles II.

Слайд 4

Plague In the 1665, plague killed about 100,000 people in London – one in three of those who stayed in the city. Many people escaped to the countryside.

Слайд 5

Plague Plague was spread by fleas carried by black rats from ships. People with plague were shut in their houses. Their doors were marked with warning crosses.

Слайд 6

Plague Nobody knew how to cure plague. People who caught in got black marks on their skin and soon died. Their bodies were collected in carts and buried in pits.

Слайд 7

The Great Fire in London In 1666, a huge fire swept across London. It began in a baker’s kitchen in Pudding Lane and lasted four days. The fire destroyed four-fifths of the City, including the old Saint Paul’s Cathedral, which was later rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren.

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THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY In 1714,George I became king. He began a line of kings and queens called the Hanovers. At this time, Britain was one of the most powerful countries in the world, with London at the heart of its trade and art.

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London art Writers, painters and actors gathered in eighteenth-century London. Two painters called Hogarth and Canaletto became famous for painting London scenes.

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Pleasure gardens Pleasure gardens started to become popular in eighteenth-century London. They were like early amusement parks, with stalls and entertainers to amuse the crowds.

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Finance Financial business began to develop in London. A lot of business was done in coffee houses, especially in a street called Exchange Alley (where the Stock Exchange stands today).

Слайд 5

Town houses In the eighteenth century, many new town houses were built. These houses were tall and their windows were wide. They had arched doorways, with a window above called a fanlight. You can still see this kind of house today.

Слайд 6

River business Ships brought goods like coffee and silk to London. The goods were unloaded in the port and checked by inspectors. Some goods were unloaded in secret to avoid inspection.

Слайд 7

London life The streets of London were badly lit and full of beggars and thieves. If thieves were caught, they were put « pillory » , where people threw things and then thieves were hanged.

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Victorian London In 1837, Victoria became queen at the age of 18. The time while she was queen is called the Victorian era. At this time, London was the heart of a powerful Empire. The city was busy with trade and industry, and it grew fast. Better lighting, plumbing and transport developed, too. By the time Victoria died in 1901, London was a very different city.

Слайд 2

Ships on the Thames In Victorian times, the River Thames was crowded with ships. Sailing ships were replaced by new steam-powered ships or “steamers”, many of which were built in London. People took trips in “penny steamers” along the river. Other ships brought goods to London from all over the Empire. Huge new docks were built for them. Nowadays, these docks are used by pleasure boats. The old dock buildings have been turned into offices and apartments .

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New buildings Much of modern London was built in Victorian times. Hundreds of new houses were built as the city grew. Many grand buildings, such as Saint Pancras Station, date from Victorian times, too.

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Slum houses Poor people often had to live in run-down “slum” houses. Children had to make money by begging or sweeping chimneys. In 1870, a law was passed saying all children had to go to school.

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Railways The railways changed London forever. Journeys became much quicker, bringing many parts of Britain within reach of the capital. People could live outside London and travel to work in the city by train.

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The Underground In 1863, the world’s first Underground railway opened in London. It was powered by steam and ran between Paddington and Farrington. This was the start of the Underground system we use today.

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THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND MILLENNIUM LONDON. London grew even bigger in the twentieth century. Many more people went to live in the city suburbs and traveled to work train, bus or car. The city changed too, with new building replacing those damaged by bombs during the Second World War.

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In this period the first motor buses were introduced.

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In the early part of the century many hotels, theatres, shops were opened. The Ritz Hotel.

Слайд 4

During the War London was hit by hundreds of bombs. After the war all the building were repaired or replaced.

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In the 1960s London was the fashion larder of the world. Mary Quant was the famous designer not only in Great Britain but all over the world.

Слайд 6

Later New airports were built to link London with the rest of the world.

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At the start of the new millennium London continuous to grow. It now has a population of about ten million, making it by far the biggest city in Britain. A lot of new attractions and exhibitions has been built in this period.

Слайд 9

The Dome at Greenwich is the biggest enclosed space in the world.

Слайд 10

The Millennium Bridge is the first new bridge to be build in central London for more than 100 years. It links St. Paul’s Cathedral to the Tate Gallery.

Слайд 11

The Millennium Mile is a riverside walk between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge.

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 2

Who established a port called Londinium? Romans established a port about 2000 years ago.

Слайд 3

How did Romans call London? They called it Londinium.

Слайд 4

When was the first St. Paul’s Cathedral built? In 604, the first St. Paul's Cathedral was built.

Слайд 5

When was London attacked by Danish Vikings? In the ninth and tenth centuries London was attacked by Danish Vikings.

Слайд 6

What were houses made of in the Medieval London? The houses were made mainly of wood.

Слайд 7

When did Henry VII become the King? Henry VII became the King in 1485.

Слайд 8

Who was the Last Tudor? Henry VII’s daughter, Elizabeth was the last Tudor.

Слайд 9

Who was the first Stuart king? James I was the first Stuart king.

Слайд 10

When was the Civil war? The Civil war was in the 1640s.

Слайд 11

When were the plague and the Great Fire of London? The plague was in 1665 and the Great Fire was in 1666.

Слайд 12

Name the famous painters in 18 th century London? Hogarth and Canaletto were the famous painters in the 18 th century.

Слайд 13

When was the world’s first Underground railway opened in London? The first Underground was opened in 1863.

Слайд 14

What is the population of London now? It is about ten million people.

Слайд 15

What is the riverside walk between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge? It is the Millennium Mile.

Слайд 16

What does the Millennium Bridge link? It links St. Paul’s Cathedral to the Tate Modern.

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

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The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 2

The houses of parliament are the home of the British Government . Government business is divided between the two Houses. MPs, or Members of Parliament, are elected to sit in the House of Commons, where laws are made. The laws are discussed and amended in the Upper House. You can go in the buildings , if you make arrangement.

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Medieval Palace The Parliament buildings are called the Palace of Westminster. The Palace dates from medieval times. In 1834, a fire destroyed most of the old Palace. Sir Charles Barry rebuilt it in a medieval style called Gothic.

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Guy Fawkes On November 4, 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes was found in a Palace cellar. He was about to set fire to some barrels of gunpowder. His capture is celebrated with bonfires and fireworks every year on November 5.

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Inside the Palace The Palace of Westminster has over 1000 rooms and 3km (2 miles) corridors.

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Victoria Tower Millions of government documents are kept here, including copies of every law passed by Parliament since the 1400s. A flag flies on the tower when Parliament is sitting during the day.

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Central Lobby The Central Lobby is the main reception area. It is decorated with mosaics. The Speaker (who is in charge of the Commons) walks through here on the way to debates, carrying the Mace, the symbol of royal authority.

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Westminster Hall Westminster Hall is one of the few remaining parts of the old medieval Palace. The Hall has a huge wooden roof decorated with carved angels. If has been used for Royal banquets and State trials.

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Big Ben Big Ben is the huge bell in the Clock Tower. The bell may have been named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who supervised the rebuilding of Parliament, or after a famous boxer.

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House of Commons The House of Commons is divided into two sides. Government MPs sit on one side. MPs who are not part of the Government sit on the other side; they are called the Opposition. The distance between the two sides is the length of two drawn swords.

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Слайд 2

The City. The City’s the oldest part of London. Here most of the streets are narrow, and traffic is very slow. The City’s also London’s commercial and financial center with a number of offices and banks, with the Bank of England among them. it’s also a market for goods, from all parts of the word. The City of London is very small part of Great London. The number people who live in the City’s about ten thousand.

Слайд 3

BANK OF ENGLAND. The Bank of England keeps the British government’s money. In its museum, you can see gold bars, and guns once used to defend the bank. The Bank has vaults full of gold. In the nineteenth century, a workman found a sewer tunnel that led to the vaults. He didn’t take any gold but told the Bank about the tunnel, and was rewarded for his honesty.

Слайд 4

GUILDS AND THE GUILDHALL The City Guilds were set up by medieval merchants and craftsmen to look after their trades. The Guilds once controlled all City business but now they work mainly for charity. The Guildhall is one of the City’s oldest buildings. You can see statues of the legendary giants God and Magog there.

Слайд 5

OLD AND NEW. The Lloyds Building is one of the most dramatic modern buildings in the City. Saint Bride’s is a famous old City church. Its tower inspired a baker to make the first tiered wedding cake. THE MONUMENT was built in 1677 in memory of the Great Fire of London. It’s 62m from the shop where the Fire began, and 62m high. LORD MAYOR. A new Mayor is chosen each year from among the City Guilds. In November, the new Mayor travel through the City in a golden coach. At the other times, you can see the coach at the Museum of London. The procession is called the Lord Mayor’s Show.

Слайд 6

Ceremonies in the City. Many ceremonies are held each year in the City. A few ceremonies are listed below. June the company of Waterman and Lightermen give the Mayor a rose. In December, the Butcher’s Company gives the Mayor a boar’s head on a silver plate. It’s payment for land given to them in the 1300s. Every year, the City pays rent to the king or queen for two properties. The rent is a billhook, a hatchet, six horseshoes and 61 nails.

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The Tower of London

Слайд 2

The Tower of London was build in the 11th century. It was planned by William the Conqueror to keep London under the control of his government and to defend the city. The oldest part of the Tower is the Square building called the White Tower.

Слайд 3

There are other towers-St.Thomas, the Bloody Tower, the Tower Green. Once it was a royal residence, a strong fortress and a state prison and even a royal zoo.

Слайд 4

Nowadays the Tower is guarded by the Yeomen warders, the famous “Beefeaters”, dressed up in traditional medieval clothes. But this can’t make us forget the cruel bloody past of the Tower.

Слайд 5

Kings mostly came to the Tower water, in daylight. They often came accompanied by beautiful ladies and musicians, in boats decorated with silk and flowers. But there were a lot of boats sailing by night Traitors’ Gate. No music, no flowers, just a dink of swords, a sound of chains on the poor victims’ hands and infamous people were kept there.

Слайд 6

Among them there was Queen Elizabeth, who was sent there, by Mary Tudor, the children of King Edward were strangled there, Richard II and Henry VI were murdered, Henry VIII sent to the Tower- and to their death- two of his six wives; lady Jane Gray- she was only 16, was beheaded there.

Слайд 7

At present many people visit the Tower as a museum. They can see the dungeons and the torture chambers there. There are always ravens at the Tower. There are six of them now and they are kept there because there’s a legend which dates from long ago that as long as there are ravens at the Tower, Britain will continue to exist. The ravens are fed twice a day, they are under the special care of the Raven Master.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Saint Paul’s is the cathedral of the City of London. Up to three million people visit Saint Paul’s each year, and its dome has become a symbol of London throughout the world. Old Saint Paul’s was founded in Anglo-Saxon times. Later, it fell into neglect. People took sheep to market through the nave.

Слайд 2

Old Saint Paul’s was destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666. The fire was so hot, it melted the cathedral bells. After the fire, Sir Christopher Wren designed a new Saint Paul’s. There is some Latin writing about Wren on the floor under the dome. It says: “If you seek his monument, look around you”. During World War Two, a lot of bombs hit the buildings around Saint Paul’s, but the cathedral survived.

Слайд 3

The two bells in the clock tower are called Great Paul and Great Tom. Great Paul is the biggest bell in England. It rings every day at 1pm to let people know it is lunchtime. Great Tom rings when a king or queen dies. The bells in the tower are rung on Sunday and special occasions.

Слайд 4

The dome of Saint Paul’s is 111m (364 ft) high. It is actually made of two domes, one inside the other. The inner dome is decorated with pictures of Saint Paul. The Whispering Gallery runs around the inner dome, 259 steps above the ground. It gets its name because even a whisper can be heard all around it.

Слайд 5

The American Memorial Chapel is dedicated to Americans who died in the Second World War. Their names are in a list in a glass case. Carvings of American animals decorate the chapel. The main hall is called the nave. On one side of the nave, there is a huge monument to the Duke of Wellington. On the top, there is a statue of the Duke on his horse, Copenhagen.

Слайд 6

The ceiling of the choir is covered with pictures called mosaics, made up of thousands of tiny bits of glass. The mosaics show angels, animals and birds. The choir has wooden stalls carved by a craftsman called Grinling Gibbons. A modern craftsman works full-time restoring the carvings. You can spot new carvings because the wood is lighter.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Who founded Westminster Abbey? Henry VII William the Conqueror Edward the Confessor

Слайд 2

The Parliament Buildings are called… Buckingham Palace Westminster Hall The Palace of Westminster

Слайд 3

What famous building is situated in the City? a. The Bank of England b. The Houses of Parliament c. Buckingham Palace

Слайд 4

On one side of the main hall of St. Paul's Cathedral is a huge monument to… Edward the Confessor The Duke of Wellington William the Conqueror

Слайд 5

What is the oldest building in the Tower of London? The Chapel The Broad arrow Tower The White Tower

Слайд 6

What Gallery is situated in the Trafalgar Square? a. The Tate Gallery b. The Tretyakov Gallery c. The National Gallery

Слайд 7

The Queen and Prince Philip have their private rooms in… Buckingham Palace Tower The Palace of Westminster

Слайд 8

You can see historic objects from many cultures in … The Museum of Childhood The National History Museum The British Museum

Слайд 9

What part of London is called “Theatre Land”? The East End The City The West End

Предварительный просмотр:

Путешествие-конкурс по Великобритании

Путешествие-конкурс проводится в рамках Фестиваля знаний в 5-х классах на русском языке, в 10-11 классах - на английском.


5 класс.

Познавательный аспект: создать условия для более глубокого знакомства со страной изучаемого языка.

Развивающий аспект: развивать умения сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, обобщать изученный и новый материал.

Воспитательный аспект: повысить интерес к стране изучаемого языка, ее культуре. Реализовать творческие возможности учащихся.

Учебный аспект: научить соотносить содержание новой информации со своим собственным опытом, творчески применить приобретенные ранее знания.

Сопутствующая задача: скрытый контроль знаний о стране изучаемого языка.

10-11 класс.

Познавательный аспект: обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме, углубить и расширить знания о стране изучаемого языка.

Развивающий аспект: развивать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся на английском языке в процессе коммуникативно-мотивированного общения, развивать умения сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, обобщать изученный и новый материал.

Воспитательный аспект: формировать потребность и способность к осознанию образа жизни людей других стран, воспитывать толерантное отношение к их культуре, повысить интерес к стране изучаемого языка. Реализовать творческие возможности учащихся.

Учебный аспект: научить соотносить содержание новой информации со своим собственным опытом, творчески применить приобретенные ранее знания, совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком.

Сопутствующая задача: скрытый контроль знаний о стране изучаемого языка и навыков и умений в устной речи по данной теме.

Ход мероприятия:

  1. Целевая установка, приветствие гостей.

Good afternoon, everybody!

We are happy to see you. Welcome to our trip-competition. It is devoted to the UK. Respected judges, the teachers of yours will judge it. The participants of the competition! I’m sure you’ve read a lot of books and got much information about the UK. I hope, my friends, you do your best to be the winners. You’ll show good knowledge of the UK. Let’s start. I wish you good luck.

Здравствуйте дорогие ребята и гости! Сегодня мы проводим путешествие-конкурс по Соединенному Королевству Великобритании. Об этой стране вы уже много слышали, читали, узнали с уроков английского языка. И сегодняшний конкурс поможет нам повторить, обобщить полученные сведения о географии, климате, символах, знаменитых людях, культуре и достопримечательностях Великобритании. Мы посмотрим театрализованное представление и послушаем стихи на английском языке. Позвольте представить жюри – это учителя английского языка и ваши классные руководители. Мы уверены, что вы покажете хорошие знания. Желаю удачи!

  1. Проведение конкурса с использованием мультимедийной презентации (см. Прило
    ение 1
    . Приложение 2. Приложение 3. Приложение 4)
  2. Инсценировки на английском языке, стихи о стране изучаемого языка используются в рекламных паузах между турами. (Приложение 5). 

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Gentleman is… А) a wealthy person Б) an Englishman В) a polite person Г) an Irishman

Слайд 3

Lady is… А) an Englishwoman Б) a rich woman В) an aristocratic woman Г) a woman with good manners

Слайд 4

The ABC has…. letters А) 26 Б) 31 В) 28 Г) 24

Слайд 5

The man of which country wears a skirt? А) Wales Б) Ireland В) England Г) Scotland

Слайд 6

The capital of the UK… А) Birmingham Б) Glasgow В) London Г) Manchester

Слайд 7

The UK consists of … countries А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

Слайд 8

The UK is situated on the … А) islands Б) peninsula В) continent Г) space

Слайд 9

Who rules the country? А) Tsar Б) Queen В) Princess Г) Sultan

Слайд 10

The biggest clock in the world А) the Kremlin Chime Б) Big Ben В) Liverpool clock Г) Manchester clock

Слайд 11

The name of the first Queen of the UK is… А) Elisabeth Б) Mary В) Victoria Г) Virginia

Слайд 12

The traditional Scottish clothes is… А) a kilt Б) jeans В) waistcoat Г) sarafan

Слайд 13

The head of the government is .. А) King Б) Queen В) Prime Minister Г) President

Слайд 14

The motherland of football is… А) England Б) Canada В) Australia Г) Germany

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The residence of the Queen А) Buckingham Palace Б) a flat В) summer house Г) White House

Слайд 2

Lord Chancellor sits on… А) a pillow Б) a woolsack В) a chair Г) a sand sack

Слайд 3

The nickname of the British flag is … А) Michael Jackson Б) Union Jack В) Union John Г) Jack London

Слайд 4

London is situated on the river… А) Missouri Б) Avon В) Thames Г) Hudson

Слайд 5

Shakespeare founded… А) the Academy theatre Б) the Shakespeare theatre В) the King theatre Г) the Globe

Слайд 6

In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to А) Queen Victoria Б) Admiral Nelson В) Queen Elisabeth Г) R. Burns

Слайд 7

The oldest university in the UK is… А) Edinburg Б) Cambridge В) Manchester Г) Oxford

Слайд 8

Now the Tower of London is… А) a fortress Б) a palace Г) a prison

Слайд 9

The author of the ”Jungle book” А) Jack London Б) John Swift В) R. Kipling Г) A. Milne

Слайд 10

Guy Fawkes Night is on … А) November,5 Б) October,5 В) October,31 Г) December,25

Слайд 11

Scottish national music instrument А) balalaika Б) pipe В) guitar Г) bagpipe

Слайд 12

What competition takes place in Wimbledon? А) tennis Б) football В) volleyball Г) running

Слайд 13

The legislative brunch of the UK А) Parliament Б) government В) House of Lords Г) House of Commons

Слайд 14

The author of the book about Winnie-the-Pooh is… А) R. Kipling Б A. Milne В) J. R. R. Tolkien Г) Jack London

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Where is Hyde Park? А) City Б) West-End В) East-End Г) North-End

Слайд 2

What is the capital of Scotland? А) Edinburgh Б) Glasgow В) London Г) Cardiff

Слайд 3

The nearest country to the UK is …? А) Russia Б) Spain В) Italy Г) France

Слайд 4

The poorest part of London is… А) West End Б) East End В) City Г) North End

Слайд 5

How many people live in the UK? А) 60 million Б) 75 million В) 50 million Г) 80 million

Слайд 6

Whitehall is… А) Queen’s residence Б) a white palace В) a street Г) a white hall in the center of London

Слайд 7

What is in the center of the UK ? А) England Б) Wales В) N. Ireland Г) Scotland

Слайд 8

Christopher Wren built… А) Tower Б) British museum В) St. Paul’s Cathedral Г) Westminster Abbey

Слайд 9

The Great fire of London was in… А) 1666 Б) 1556 В) 1766 Г) 1158

Слайд 10

The largest city of Wales is… А) Edinburgh Б) Oxford В) Cardiff Г) Cambridge

Слайд 11

Double-decker is a … А) meal Б) bus В) bed Г) house

Слайд 12

The most popular drink in the UK is…. А) Coca Cola Б) juice В) yogurt Г) tea

Слайд 13

In the UK children go to school at … А) 5-16 Б) 6 -17 В) 7-17 Г) 5-20

Слайд 14

What river is connected with Shakespeare ? А) Nil Б) Thames В) Avon Г) Volga

Слайд 15

How many parts are there in London ? А) 2 Б) 5 В) 3 Г) 4

Предварительный просмотр:

Read the dialogue and think of a title for it.

It's seven o'clock in the morning. Robert is in bed. He doesn't

want to get up. His mother comes in.

Mother: Morning, dear! It's seven o'clock. And you are in bed! Get up! Get up! Do your exercises and take a shower. It's time to have breakfast and go to school. Come on!

Robert: Oh, Mum, I can't go to school today.

Mother: Why?

Robert: I'm ill.

Mother: Are you?

Robert: I am. I would like to read now. Could you give me the book that I'm reading now?

Mother: Here it is.

Robert: Thanks. ... and my toys, please.

Mother: Here you are. And what do you want for breakfast? Do you want porridge?

Robert: No, I don't.

Mother: Would you like to have a glass of milk?

Robert: No.

Mother: Have a cup of tea with milk then.

Robert: I don't want porridge! I don't want milk, I don't want tea!

Mother: What do you want then?

Robert: I want three ice-creams and juice. And for dinner I want bananas, apples and sweets.

Mother: Oh, Robert, now I see that you are not ill. You don't want to go to school!!!

A Poem

By Ma.se/ield

One road leads to London,

One road runs to Wales,

 My road leads me seaward

s To the white dipping sails.

 One road leads to the river

 As it goes singing slow,

 My road leads to shipping

 Where the bronzed sailors go.

 My road calls me, lures me

 West, east, south and north.

Most roads lead men homewards.

 My road leads me forth.

Heart's in the Highlands

By R. Burns

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart

is not here,

My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing

the deer,

A-chasing the wild deer and following

the roc —

My heart's in the Highlands, wherever

                                                        I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to

the North,

The birthplace of valour, the country

                                                 of worth!

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The Hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart

    is not here,

My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing

    the deer,

A-chasing the wild deer and following

                                              the roe —

My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.


I like to ride in a bright red tram

 On a fine and sunny day

And hear it going clang! clang! clang!

When some one is in the way.

I like to ride in a railway train

Through tunnels dark and Wide,

 Over the bridges crossing the  river.

 I feel so safe inside.

But an airplane is the best of all,

 It flies so very high

That people look like tiny dots,

And clouds go sailing by.