Стартовые работы

Белова Марина Викторовна

Стартовые работы по английскому языку 3-10 классы


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Стартовые (входные)

контрольные работы

 по английскому языку

Составлены учителем английского языка

I квалификационной категории

Беловой Марины Викторовны

Стартовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся 3 класса

Учитель: Белова М.В.

Цель работы – контроль навыков аудирования на основе материала, пройденного во 2 классе, контроль лексических навыков на основе материала 2 класса, контроль умения соотносить вопрос с ответом, используя грамматические навыки 2 класса

Содержание работы

Часть I. Аудирование

Прослушай текст и выполни задания.

      Текст для аудирования


Betty is a nice kitten. She has got a mother and four brothers. They live in a big house. Betty and her brothers like to jump and play. They have got friends: pink pigs, yellow ducks, grey rabbits and one red fox. Pink pigs and yellow ducks are funny. Grey rabbits are sad. They are not strong.

A red fox is slim. We can see her in the forest.

1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос: "What friends have Betty and her brothers got?"

    A. Pink pigs and green crocodiles.

    B. Pink pigs, yellow ducks, grey rabbits and one red fox.

    C. A mouse and a monkey.

2. Закончи предложение в соответствии с прослушанным текстом.

           Betty and her friends like to …

 A.… skip and run.

 B.… sing and skate.

 C.… jump and play.

3. Выбери неправильное предложение в соответствии с прослушанным текстом.

    A. They have got friends.

    B. They live on a farm.

    С. We can see a red fox in the forest.

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.

    a) I, you, he, my, she

    b) red, grey, blue, brave, black

    c) can, jump, sing, swim

    d) long, slim, nice, five, strong

2. Найди для каждого вопроса подходящий ответ.

    1)  Can you swim?                                            a) Yes, he can.

    2)  Is his duck fat?                                             b) Yes, she can.

    3)  Is Ben's fox slim?                                         c) Yes, it is.

    4)  Can Ann jump?                                            d)  No, it isn't.

    5)  Can Nick sing?                                             e) No, I can't.        


Правильные ответы.

I. 1 – B   2 – C   3 – B

II. 1. a) my  b) brave c) can  d) five

     2. 1) – e)   2) – c)/d)    3) – d)/c)   4) - b)    5) – a)

Шкала оценивания

Количество баллов


11 - 12


8 - 10


6 - 7


< 6


Стартовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся 4 класса

Учитель: Белова М.В.

Цель работы – контроль навыков чтения на материале, изученном в 3 классе, контроль лексических навыков по темам «Числительные», «Еда», «Части тела», «Дни недели»,

контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present Simple», «Исчисляемые / неисчисляемые существительные»

Содержание работы

Часть I. Чтение

Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

Tad and Fred

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды)  they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

1. Fred has got

    a) a dog   b) a puppy   c) a cat.

2. Tad is

    a) black   b) grey    c) white.

3. One day they play hide-and-seek

    a) in the park   b) in the house   c) in the forest

4. Fred wants to find

    a) his house   b) Tad   c) the park

5. "Where is …?" the puppy says.

    a) my house   b) your house   c) Fred

6. His house is

    a) green   b) blue   c)red.

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.

    a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty

    b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball

    c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake

    d) nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm

    e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.

2. Выбери нужное слово.

    a) Have you got  many/much friends.

    b) He eats many/much bread for breakfast.

    c) His friend live/lives in the forest.

    d) Cats like/likes milk and fish.

    e) They go/goes to the park every day.

Правильные ответы.

I. 1 – b   2 – c   3 – a   4 – b    5 – c   6 – a

II. 1. a) tea  b) corn c) breakfast  d) rabbit  e) Ben

     2. a) many  b)much  c)lives  d)like  e)go

Шкала оценивания

Количество баллов


14 – 16


11  - 13


8 – 10


< 8


Стартовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся  5 класса

Учитель: Белова М.В.

Цель работы – контроль навыков чтения по теме «Семья», контроль лексических навыков по темам «Одежда», «Животные, их места обитания», «Семья», «Школа», контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present / Past / Future Simple», «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

Содержание работы

Часть I. Чтение

Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

  Yesterday afternoon John’s mother was at work. John was at home with his father. They watched TV together. Then his father said: “Let’s cook dinner for Mum and we can all have dinner!” And they went to the kitchen. The father wanted to have some soup but John didn’t like it. They decided to have fish. The father took the fish and they started cooking it together.

  Then John went to his bedroom to do his homework. His father went to his room to read a book. They didn’t go to the kitchen again.

  After an hour, John’s mother came home. She was tired. But when she opened the door, she ran to the kitchen and cried: “Oh, no!” The kitchen was very dirty. They couldn’t eat the fish because it was black! John’s mother wasn’t happy. John and his father were sad, too.

  But then, John and his father cleaned the kitchen and cooked a pizza for dinner.

Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

1. Yesterday John was at home …

    a) with his mother

    b) with his father

    c) with his mother and father

2. Yesterday John’s father said:

    a) “Let’s cook dinner for Mum together”.

    b) “Let’s do your homework together”.

    c) “Let’s watch TV together”.

3. At first they decided to…

    a) cook fish for dinner.

    b) cook soup for lunch.

    c) cook a pizza for dinner.

4. They started cooking fish and …

    a) John went to his bedroom to read a book.

    b) John went to his bedroom to watch TV.

    c) John went to his bedroom to do his homework.

5. John’s mother was unhappy because…

    a) John didn’t do his homework.

    b) the kitchen was dirty.

    c) John and his father cooked a pizza for dinner.

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.  

   a) boots, shoes, trainers, trousers                                                            

   b) ocean, river, lake, desert, sea  

  c) granny, postman, grandpa, dad, brother                                                        

   d) sheep, horse, cow, camel, whale                                                                    

   e) Maths, PE, Thursday, Reading, Russian                                                                                                                                                 2. Выберите правильное слово.

   1) Last year they … study English.                                                      

      a) began     b) begins     c) will begin                                                      

   2) In winter my grandmother doesn’t … her flowers every day.                      

      a) watered   b) water    c) waters                                                      

   3) He … London next summer.                                                            

      a) visits    b) visited    c) will visit

   4) … the children play snowballs in the park yesterday?                                          

      a) Do    b) Will     c) Did                                                                

   5) In summer the days are … than in winter.                                

      a) long    b) longer    c) the longest                                                              

Правильные ответы.       

I. 1- b)   2 – a)   3 – b)     4 – c)     5– b)

II. 1.   a) trousers  

           b) desert  

           c) postman  

           d) whale

           e) Thursday

III. 1) – a)  2) – b)  3) – c)  4) – c)  5) – b)

Шкала оценивания       

Количество баллов


14 – 15


11 – 13


8 – 10


> 8




                                                Стартовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся  6 класса

Учитель: Белова М.В.

Цель работы – контроль лексических навыков по темам  «Школа», «Путешествуя по городу»,  контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present / Past / Future Simple», «Present Continuous»

Содержание работы

      I. Put in the words: play, speak, exchange, taught, take, hobbies, an interview, stay.

Denis Korolev is a ten-year old student. His 1)_______  are sport and music. He can  2)______ the guitar well. He likes to 3)______ pictures of his friends. Denis can  4)_______ and read English. Last year Barbara Grey from Great Britain 5)______ him and his friends. She is going to arrange a students' 6)_______ . Yesterday Denis gave 7)________ to a youth magazine about the Russian-English student exchange. Denis is going to 8)_______ with his pen-friend's family.

    II. Make up the dialogue. Put the phrases in the correct order.

A. – You are welcome. Have a nice day.

B. – Excuse me, am I far from Trafalgar Square?

С. – How can I get there?

D. -  I'm afraid you are.

E. -  It's very easy. Take bus No.64 and you'll be there in ten minutes.

F. – Thank you very much. 


    III. Choose the correct translation.

1. Сейчас ему необходим только горячий чай.

    a) He is needing only a cup of hot tea at the moment.

    b) He needs only a cup of hot tea at the moment.

2. Что Вы хотите?

    a) What do you want?

    b) What are you wanting?

3. Тише! Он пишет статью о Москве.

    a) Keep silence! He is writing an article about Moscow.

    b) Silence! He writes an article about Moscow.

4. Have you ever been to an ancient castle?

    a) Вы бывали когда-нибудь в старинном замке?

    b) Вы собираетесь побывать когда-нибудь в старинном замке?

5. This book is worth reading.

    а) Эту книгу следует прочитать.

    b) Эту книгу стоит прочитать.

Правильные ответы

I. 1)hobbies  2)play  3)takes  4)speak  5)taught  6)exchange  7)an interview  8)stay

II. 1 – B  2 – D  3 – C  4 –E  5 – F  6 – A

III. 1 – b)  2 – a)  3 – a)  4 – a)  5 – b)

Шкала оценивания

Количество баллов


18 – 19


13  - 17


9 – 12


< 9


Стартовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся  7 класса

Учитель: Белова М.В.

Цель работы – контроль навыков аудирования по теме «Праздники», контроль лексических навыков по теме «Животные», контроль грамматических навыков по темам «Present / Past / Future Simple», «Present Continuous», «Present Perfect»

Содержание работы

I. You will hear some short texts about holidays in Great Britain. Guess what holiday is described in each text.

   Christmas, Hallowe'en, Mother's Day, St.Valentine's Day, New Year's Day, Easter

  1. On this day people visit their mothers and give them flowers and small presents. Husbands and children help with the meals and washing up.

  2. On this day people usually visit their friends. They try to be the first person to wish good luck to their friends in the new year. There is a lot of dancing and eating. At midnight everybody joins hands and sings a special song.

  3. On this day people send cards to their friends, parents and relatives. People put trees in their rooms and decorate them with toys and coloured lights. On this day children get up early in the morning. They want to see a stocking full of small presents on their beds. A traditional dinner on this holiday is roast turkey, roast potatoes and pudding.

  4. People send special cards to people they love. They shouldn't write their names on the cards. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.

  5. At this holiday schools close for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden and children look for them.

  6. On this day they say ghosts and witches come out. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have parties and dress as witches and ghosts. It is celebrated on the 31st of October. Children walk from house to house and ask "Trick or treat?"


II. Put in the words: feeding time, full of fun, so, fight, shared, last Sunday, watch, jumped out, looked.

Have you ever been to the zoo at 1)______? I was there 2)______. It was 3)______ interesting to 4)_______ the animals. As usual the monkeys were 5)_____. Big birds were stretching their wings and flying down to their food. Two dolphins 6)_____ of the water to catch their fish. Baby lions had a 7)______ for their meat. The elephant 8)________ hungry and I 9)_______ my orange with him.

III. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. The town … founded in 1368.

    a) is    b)was    c)were

2. They … already … Christmas presents for all their relatives. Now they are decorating the house.

    a) will … buy   b) are going … to buy    c) have … bought

3. What … your sister … at the moment?

    a) is … doing   b) has … done   c) does … do

4. Look! She … our pudding.

    a) is liking    b) likes   c) like

5. Next month I … in France.

    a) am    b) will be     c) have been

Правильные ответы

I. 1 - Mother's Day  2 - New Year's Day  3 – Christmas   4 - St.Valentine's Day   5 – Easter  

    6 - Hallowe'en

II. 1) - feeding time   2) - last Sunday   3) – so   4) – watch   5) - full of fun   6) - jumped out  

    7) – fight      8) – looked     9)- shared

III. 1 – b    2 – с   3 – a    4 – b    5 – b


Шкала оценивания

Количество баллов


19 – 20


15  - 18


10 – 14


< 10


Стартовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся  10 класса

Учитель: Белова М.В.

Цель работы – контроль навыков чтения с полным пониманием содержания по теме «Проблемы молодежи»

Содержание работы

Read the article and complete its summary. Fill in the words from the text. Don’t write more than two words in each gaps.


Is it easy to be young in the 21st century?

   There is an opinion that youth is the best part of a person’s life. What is it – a fact or a stereotype? Happy Youth supporters’ arguments sound very convincing. According to them, when you are fifteen or sixteen, the future seems cloudless, the world around you is beautiful and friendly, and you feel strong and optimistic. Neither health nor other problems trouble you yet. You have the parents who protect and support you. You have friends who never betray you. Conflicts are certainly unavoidable, but they don’t last long, and it’s usually not a problem to survive through them. This is a conventional idea about young people. But is it true?

    Psychologists insist that they have lots of work with teenagers. In their “happiest” years they have too many problems, and in most cases they don’t know how to solve them. They lack life experience and are not self-confident enough. They are often too categoric and can’t forgive other people’s faults and mistakes. A quarrel or misunderstanding can lead to serious suffering. “I don’t feel happy at all”, says Jack Green, 14. “I have no friends. It always works the same. At first it seems that I’ve found a real friend, but then I feel very disappointed because he betrays me – tells silly stories about me in the school, or doesn’t help when I need help. It has happened many times.”

    “The thing which worries me a lot is my future job”, says Helen Carter, 15. “To have a good life in the future, I have to find a good job. If I want to find a good job, I have to get a good education first. But how am I supposed to choose my career line?! I don’t know what’s good and what’s bad for me. I cannot make an informal choice. I need to make some decision about my education very soon and I feel awfully scared. What if I make a mistake and get an education for a wrong job? This means that I’ll have to do the job which I don’t like or even hate. This makes me feel sick.”

    On reading these words we, adults, realize that being young is not so easy. It’s rather challenging to be a teenager of the 21st century, when the world changes so rapidly and people have to work very hard to keep pace with it  (успевать за ним). Who can help young people feel less stressed out and more self-confident? Who can provide them with information and advice? The answer, I suppose, is evident.


The author of the article thinks that the opinion that the youth is the best of human life may be true. He presents rather (1)_____________ arguments for the idea. The strongest argument is that teenagers have fewer

(2) _____________ in comparison with adult people, let along the elderly. And it goes without saying that healthy people feel stronger, more energetic, more optimistic and consequently happier than people in poor health.

     However, the author also presents some facts which do not go with the (3) _____________ idea that “youth” and “happiness” are synonyms. Psychologists say that teenagers do have problems. Most of them are caused by their lack of  (4) _____________ and lack of self-confidence Another typical teenage problem is that they cannot compromise. Looking for an ideal relationship they often feel bitterly (5) _____________ with their friends who are not able to meet high requirements.

      Worries about the future career add up to the teenager syndrome. It’s extremely difficult for a 15-16 year old person to make an (6) _____________, as they don’t have enough information yet. At the end of the article the author concludes that being a teenager in our dynamic world is rather (7)   _____________. Adults should realize that teenagers often need their support and advice.  

Правильные ответы.

1) convincing        2) problems       3) convential        4) life experience      5) disappointed    

                  6) informed choice                  7) challenging


      Шкала оценивания

Количество баллов




6 – 5




< 4


* На выполнение данных работ отводится от 20 до 25 минут.