
Белова Марина Викторовна

Тесты 5-10 классы


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тест Английский язык 7 класс

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. Could you tell me where the bank is?

Б. Do you know what animal is it?

В. Where can meet I her?

Г. When she did come back?

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. Last year Sam and Jim visit Siberia and climb the mountains.

Б. Last year Sam and Jim are visiting Siberia and climbing the mountains.

В. Last year Sam and Jim visited Siberia and climbed the mountains.

Г. Last year Sam and Jim visits Siberia and climbs the mountains.

  1. Укажите лишнее

А. excitement;

Б. blood;

В. paper;

Г. friendship.

  1. Most of my schoolmates have gone ___________ with flu.

А. up;

Б. down;

В. into;

Г. off.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. Do you clean every week-end the house?

Б. Everybody enjoyed very much the party.

В. You really shouldn't go so late to bed.

Г. I probably won't see you.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. I see someone through the window, but I’m not hearing what they're said.

Б. I am seeing someone through the window, but I can't to hear what they say.

В. I can see someone through the window, but I can't hear what they're saying.

Г. I can to see someone through the window, but I can't hearing what they saying.

  1. Укажите верный перевод «play for time»

А. тянуть резину;

Б. играть на руку;

В. идти на риск;

Г. прогуливать уроки.

  1. The news ___________ good today.

А. ----;

Б. is;

В. are;

Г. were.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. at work;

Б. at hospital;

В. at an airport;

Г. at the seaside.

  1. The population of the world _____________ very fast.

А. rise;

Б. rises;

В. is rising;

Г. has rising.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. If you’ll miss this train, you'll be late for your work.

Б. If you miss this train, you'll be late for your work.

В. If you’ll miss this train, you are late for your work.

Г. If you miss this train, you be late for your work.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. He leave the room an hour ago.

Б. He leaves the room an hour ago.

В. He left the room an hour ago.

Г. He leaved the room an hour ago.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. much luck;

Б. little energy;

В. many money;

Г. a lot of milk.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. Someone wants to talk with you.

Б. Can I have some of those vegetables?

В. Are anybody home?

Г. She refused to do anything.

  1. Укажите лишнее

А. trousers;

Б. jeans;

В. tights;

Г. skirts.

Предварительный просмотр:

Тест Английский язык 9 класс

  1. Укажите лишнее

А. believe

Б. watch

В. prefer

Г. deserve

  1. I should have studied___________ more last night.

А. some

Б. any

В. few

Г. less

  1. Укажите неверный вариант.

А. I haven't seen her for such a long time.

Б. I didn't know it was so a long way.

В. Why did you buy so much food?

Г. He wears such nice clothes.

  1. Преобразуйте активную форму в пассивную. We will arrange some excursions.

А. Some excursions will arranged.

Б. Some excursions be arrange.

В. Some excursions will be arranged.

Г. Some excursions will have arranging.

  1. Чтобы понять эту зависимость, посмотрите на график.

А. For see a dependence, looking to the graph.

Б. То seeing the dependences, look on a graph.

В. То see the dependence, look at the graph.

Г. То seen dependences, to look for the graph.

  1. От какого слова не образуется наречие с суффиксом  – ly?

А. smart

Б. good

В. electric

Г. public

  1. Укажите антоним к слову «cowardly»

А. vague

Б. dispensable

В. fearless

Г. subsidiary

  1. На вкус и цвет товарищей нет.

А. The devil take the hindmost.

Б. One good turn deserves another.

В. Different strokes for different folks.

Г. Do as you would be done by.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. There's little milk leave I expected.

Б. There's leaved more little milk as I expected.

В. There's the least milk left so I expected.

Г. There's less milk left than I expected.

  1. __________ you wish to know details about your flight, you must look at the flight-information board.

А. Since

Б. When

В. If

Г. Although

  1. Употребите глагол в отрицательной форме в страдательном залоге. You can't use a vacuum cleaner here.

А. A vacuum cleaner isn't be used here.

Б. A vacuum cleaner hasn't using here.

В. A vacuum cleaner can't be used here.

Г. A vacuum cleaner doesn't use here.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. The equipment seemed cheaply when we bought it, but it eventually proved expensive.

Б. The equipment seemed cheap when we bought it, but it eventual proved expensively.

В. The equipment seemed cheaply when we bought it, but it eventually proved expensively.

Г. The equipment seemed cheap when we bought it, but it eventually proved expensive.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. I have such little money. I even can afford this dress.

Б. I have so little money. I even can’t afford this dress.

В. I haven’t so little money. I can’t even afford this dress.

Г. I have so a little money. I even can’t afford these dress.

  1. Обвиняемого посадили в тюрьму для его же безопасности.

А. The accused man was locked up for his own safety.

Б. The accused man was locking down by his own safety.

В. The accused man is locked off to his own safety.

Г. The accused man has locked for after his own safety.

  1. Укажите верный вариант.

А. When I’ll have money, we’ll go shopping.

Б. When I have money, we go shopping.

В. When I had money, we went shopping.

Г. When I have money, we’ll go shopping.

Предварительный просмотр:

Тест Английский язык 10 класс

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. Someone is surprised if he finds something surprising.

Б. If someone is surprising he find surprising something.

В. Someone is surprising if something he finds surprised.

Г. Someone is surprises if he something find surprise.

  1. They speak English _____________.

А. fluent;

Б. fluenty;

В. fluently;

Г. fluentely.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. I was so tired that I went to bed at seven o'clock.

Б. She worked so hard that she made herself ill.

В. Why did you buy such a lot of food?

Г. The book was such good that I couldn't put it down.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. Hardly anybody came to the meeting .

Б. You are lately, as usual.

В. I hardly know her.

Г. Have you been to the cinema lately?

  1. Укажите верный вариант.

А. Dung beetles fly around looking for the dung of large animals, especially mammals.

Б. Dung beetles fly looking around the dung to large animals, mammals especially.

В. Dung flies around beetles looking of the large animals, especially mammal.

Г. Dung beetles fly looking to the dung around of large animals, mammal especially.

  1. Укажите лишнее

А. account;

Б. fired;

В. earn money;

Г. salary.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант.

А. much time;

Б. many friends;

В. little work;

Г. few snow.

  1. Укажите верный вариант. Don't wait outside! Come __________the house.

А. in;

Б. into;

В. on;

Г. for.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. I didn't get the job despite of my qualifications.

Б. I couldn't sleep although I was very tired.

В. In spite of the traffic, I arrived on time.

Г. The house isn't very nice. I like the garden though.

  1. Укажите неверный вариант

А. She has always been very kind with me.

Б. I'm not very good at repairing things.

В. What are you so annoyed about?

Г. Everybody was surprised by the news.

  1. I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting________________.

А. coldest and coldest;

Б. worse and worse;

В. more and more;

Г. further and further.

  1. Укажите верный вариант

А. I'm not tired in spite of working hard all day.

Б. I don’t tired of spite in working hard all the day.

В. I did not tires on spite to work hard all days.

Г. I'm not tire to spite of working whole day hardly.

  1. Укажите вопрос к ответу «What's the problem?».

А. Would you pass the butter, please?

Б. May I have a glass of water, please?

В. Could I see you for a minute, John?

Г. A cup of coffee and a cheese sandwich, please.

  1. Укажите верный вариант.

А. The mother said that a little hard work never hurt anyone and asked her son to clean the kitchen.

Б. The mother says that hard a little work never hurt anyone and asked her son clean the kitchen.

В. The mother said little hardly works hurt never anyone and asks her son cleaning the kitchen.

Г. The mother that a hard little work hurt never sais anyone and asked her son the kitchen to clean.

  1. Укажите верный вариант.

А. He is difficult to understand him.

Б. Gagarin was the first man travel in a spacecraft.

В. Why am I always the last to get the news?

Г. This is a very difficult question to answer it.

Предварительный просмотр:






Отметьте верный вариант ответа. Время выполнения работы - 90 минут.

  1. Complete the sentence: D is the … letter in the English alphabet.







  1. Choose the right transcription for the word square







aɪs ˈkriːm






  1. Find Past Simple of the verb eat







  1. Choose the right variant: Sally is the … singer in her class. She can’t sing at all.







  1. What’s the time?


It’s half past two.


It’s a quarter past eight.


It’s a quarter to nine.

  1. Find the answer for this question: What does a kitten need?
  1. Grass and some seed, I think.
  2. A bowl, a place to sleep and some food for young cats.
  3. A lot of people have them.







  1. Complete the sentence with the preposition: You often go … the cinema, don’t you?







  1. Find the ‘city’ words in the line. Put another letters into a word. What is it?








  1. Look at the map and choose the true statement.

  1. Dmitrov is to the south of Moscow.
  2. Chekov is to the west of Dmitrov.
  3. Moscow is in the middle of the map.







  1. Complete the sentence: Lake Baikal is famous for the fact that it has a lot of … in it.


healthy climate


fresh water


rich scientists

  1. Read the definition and choose the right variant for it: A place where people keep their cars.


a circus


a garden


a garage

  1. Put the lines of the dialogue in the right order.

  1. You can take a bus or you can walk.
  2. Is it a long walk?
  3. Excuse me, how can I get to the City Museum?
  4. I’d like to walk then.
  5. I don’t think so. Five or ten minutes.


3, 1, 2, 5, 4


3, 4, 5, 1, 2


3, 2, 4, 1, 5

  1. Guess the riddle.

I wear a uniform.

I travel a lot.

People call me captain.

I fly planes. Who am I?


a postman


a sportsman


a pilot

  1. Match the words in two columns.


to become


the magazines


to grow


apple trees in the garden


to read


a businessman


to stay


a long life


to live


at the hotel


1-в, 2-б, 3-а, 4-д, 5-г


1-г, 2-д, 3-б, 4-а, 5-в


1-в, 2-а, 3-б, 4-г, 5-д

  1. Read what the boy says and match it with his statement about holidays: I’m Denis. My parents like travelling and I often go to different places with them. Last summer we went abroad and visited some big cities in Great Britain. I liked Liverpool best of all. Liverpool is the place where The Beatles were born. I like their songs. There is a museum of The Beatles in Liverpool. I went there on the second day of our visit. It was very interesting.


The boy would like to


The boy was abroad in


The boy did some things

travel abroad.


together with his friends.

  1. There are some mistakes in the sentences. Find the correct one. а) She yesterday travelled by plane to New York.


We arrived in Japan at 6 o’clock in the morning.


We’ll must buy a new car soon.







  1. Choose the answer for the following polite request: Could you take our dog out?


No, I’m sorry. My


Yes, here you are.


Yes, of course. I’m free.

computer’s broken.

  1. Complete the title of the famous book: ‘The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of …, of York,

Mariner: Who Lived Eight and Twenty Years, All Alone in an Un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, Near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having Been Cast on Shore by Shipwreck, Wherein all the Men Perished but Himself. With an Account How He Was at Last as Strangely

Delivered by Pirates.’


Robinson Crusoe


Harry Potter


Huckleberry Finn

  1. Read the phrases and choose what is good for your health.


to eat a lot for supper


not to walk outdoors


to keep regular hours

  1. Read the definition and choose the right word for it: All the words in a particular language.







Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения для 5 класса

Тема: «Разделительный вопрос»

Закончите вопросы

  1. It’s a fine day, …?
  2. You are studying English, …?
  3. Ann has a new car,…?
  4. You were in England last year, …?
  5. He can speak English, …?
  6. You could understand me, …?
  7. They must do the work, …?
  8. You will write to me, …?
  9. He gives a lesson every day, …?
  10. You read modern writers, …?
  11. They gave her a clock, …?
  12. You went to the theatre, …?
  13. I wrote to you, …?
  14. He speaks English, …?
  15. She has done her homework, …?
  16. Hob must work harder, …?
  17. My friend plays football, …?
  18. Bob sang a song, …?
  19. She doesn’t like coffee, …?
  20. He enjoys reading, … ?
  21. You can play the guitar, … ?
  22. They travelled a lot last summer, …?
  23. Those women are doctors, … ?
  24. We can have a party on Sunday, … ?
  25. The children are not at home, … ?
  26. Mrs Adams speaks German, … ?
  27. Tom spent his holidays in France, … ?

Предварительный просмотр:

                             Test     Unit 1                                                          

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Tim had her best holidays last month.                          

2. Tom  thinks Spanish beaches are wonderful.                

3. In Spain Tim’s mother cooked Spanish food.              

4. Tim’s brother is older than she is.                                

5. Tom stayed in Spain for more than a week.                  

6. Tim took part in a dancing competition in Spain.        

II. Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами.

1. When the architects _____ this old school, it will look like a modern sports centre. a)build  b)rebuild  c)building

2. Kings and queens usually live in big _____ 

a)cathedrals  b)monuments  c)palaces

3. My friend is as ____ as my elder brother. 

a) high  b) tall  c) big

4. It’s not easy to ______ huge stone castles.

a)appear  b)turn into  c) defend

5. My dad often ____ to the news.  

a)watches  b)hears  c)listens

III.Соотнесите города и их достопримечательности.

Moscow _____________________________

St Petersburg _________________________

1.The Pushkin Museum       2.The Summer Garden     3.Nevsky Prospekt  4.St Basil’s Cathedral       5.Spasskaya Tower       6.The Bolshoi Theatre 7. Dvortsovaya Square

IV. Заполните пропуски неопределёнными местоимениями.

anything, everybody, something, anybody, somebody

1. Ask ... else to help you.

2. Is there ... in the bathroom?

3. Let’s have dinner. ... is hungry.

4. There wasn’t ... worth reading.

5. I know ____ interesting about this book.

V.Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами.

1. There are a lot of ___ beaches in Spain.

a)sand       b)sandy          c)resort

2. ____ our English lessons we read a lot of interesting texts.

a)On         b)With            c)During

3. Moscow and St Petersburg are big ____ centres.

a)culture         b)cultured            c)cultural

4. About 8 ____ people live in London.

a)million        b)millions        c)millions of

5. I have friends from Moscow and I ____have a pen friend from France.

a)also         b)as well as          c)too

VI.Определите, являются ли эти высказывания верными или нет (True/False)

1) The Tower of London is a cathedral.

2) Great Britain has four parts.

3) The head of the UK is the President

4) The tower of London is a museum now.

5) London is the capital of the UK.

6) Great Britain has a lot of resorts.

7) The weather in Great Britain is very hot.

VII.Переведите словосочетания

1) плавать в море, 2)Соединённое Королевство, 3)два больших острова, 4)древний город, 5)музыкальная школа, 6)ужасная погода, 7)ловить рыбу

V. Поставьте в пропуски предлоги in/on/at/of

1) We are very busy ___New Year’s Eve.

2) I come home late _____ the evening.

3) The film started _____ six o’clock.

4) He was born ____ the 10th ____ March.

5)___ 2010 they finished the school.

6) I am fond ___ music, painting and the English language.

7)___ Christmas British pupils have got holidays.