Present Simple Passive (test)
тренажёр (8 класс)

Родичев Марк Эдуардович

Тест по пассивному залогу в Present Simple


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The United Kin gdom of G reat B ritain and N orthern I reland

Слайд 2

United Kin gdom The United Kin gdom of G reat B ritain and N orthern I reland is the official name of the state which (to situate) on the British Isles .

Слайд 3

The state (to make up) of four countries : England , Scotland , Wales and N orthern I reland

Слайд 4

United Kin gdom The official language of the United Kingdom is English . It (to speak) on the whole territory of the country.

Слайд 5

England England is the largest part of Great Britain. The capital of England is London. The population of England (to consider) to be more than 50 million people.

Слайд 6

England The red rose (to choose) to be the symbol of England in 15 th century. The National Day is the twenty-third of April.

Слайд 7

Scotland The national flag of Scotland is called the St Andrew’s Cross. The national flower is the thistle. On their national day kilts (to wear) by the Scotts.

Слайд 8

Scotland Scotland is famous for its beautiful lakes. The most well-known is Loch Ness. A monster (to say) to live there.

Слайд 9

Wales Wales (to join) to England in 1536. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The population is over three million people.

Слайд 10

Wales The symbol of Wales is the Red Dragon. The national flower is the daffodil. The national day (to celebrate) on the first of March.

Слайд 11

N orthern I reland N orthern I reland (to locate) on the island of I reland . The capital of N orthern I reland is Belfast. The population is over one million people.

Слайд 12

N orthern I reland The national symbol of Northern Ireland is the clover. And the flag (to call) the St Patrick’s Cross

Слайд 13

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