Презентация "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Дмитрук Лариса Евгеньевна

Презентация создана к учебнику "Click On" (Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sallivan) как обобщающий урок по теме "Американская литература".  Урок призван обобщить и расширить знания уч-ся 7 класса (общеобразовательной школы) по теме и содержит информацию как о Марке Твене, авторе известного приключенского романа, так и викторину по самому произведению, которое уч-ся изучали в течение нескольких уроков. На данном уроке предполагается контроль умений уч-ся читать незнакомый текст, умение понимать прочитанное с первого предъявления (заполние пропусков в тексте на основе выбора), умение слушать (аудирование короткого рассказа и ответы на вопросы), умение работать с текстом (подбор картинки к вопросу), контроль знания текста (ответы на вопросы по тексту). В качестве домашнего задания уч-ся предложено подготовить сообщение о Марке Твене (на выбор из предложенных периодов его жизни).


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Click On Virginia Evans – Neil O’Sullivan

Слайд 2

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn EPISODE 1 How It All Started “ All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn… . There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since”. Ernest Hemingway

Слайд 3

1835 - 1910 Mark Twain Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Born in 1835 in Missouri, USA, he drew up in Hannibal, a small town on the Mississippi River. 1) his father died in 1847, Samuel left school to start work as a printer. 2) , he began work on the Mississippi riverboats, and became a riverboat pilot. 3) began in 1861, the riverboats stopped running, and Clemens tried many different jobs. He also started writing humorous stories for various newspapers, and 4) he was well known as a writer. He wrote his first book in 1869, and got married 5) . He published Tom Sawyer in 1876 and Huckleberry Finn in 1884. He was still famous and very popular, both in the USA and Europe, 6) of his death in 1910. Huckleberry Finn is set in about 1845-1850, and begins in a small town just 7) Hannibal. In other words, Mark Twain was writing about the time and place of his own childhood. Many of the characters and events in the story are taken from his boyhood and his life 8) a riverboat pilot. When At the age of 20 After the Civil War before long a year later at the time like as

Слайд 4

Listen and write Yes or No . 1. Huck’s best friend is Tom Sawyer. 2. Huck’s lives with his father. 3. Widow Douglas wants Huck to live with her. 4. Everyone says Huck’s father has come back. 5. Huck and his father are very happy to see each other. Yes No Yes No No

Слайд 5

Which pictures shows: My name’s Huckleberry Finn – but everyone just calls me “ Huck ” – and this is the story of my adventures. It all started with my best friend, Tom Sawyer … 1. Huck wearing a straw hat? 2. Tom and Huck at school, wearing smart clothes? It’s hard, Tom! Wearing smart clothes, going to school… and the widow’s sister, Miss Watson, makes lots of rules. I like Jim, though - he‘s Miss Watson’s slave. 1

Слайд 6

Which pictures shows: 3. a footprint in the snow? Well, everyone’s wrong, then. See – that mark is from Pap’s boot! 4. Huck’s father, with dirty clothes and long hair? You think you’re better than me, don’t you? Going to school, sleeping in a fancy bed … and people say you’re rich! Ow! Please, Pap – don’t! Widow Douglas has got something to say, Huck … Huck, no one has seen your father… … you live in the woods like a wild animal, and don’t go to school…

Слайд 7

Which pictures shows: 5. Tom holding lots of gold coins? Gold coins, Tom! We’re rich! We can ask Judge Thatcher to look after the money for us. 6. a woman, wearing black because her husband is dead? Widow Douglas has got something to say, Huck … Huck, no one has seen your father… … you live in the woods like a wild animal, and don’t go to school… You need a real home, Huck. I want you to come and live with me like my son .

Слайд 8

Which pictures shows: 7. Huck walking with Miss Watson’s slave, Jim? 8. Huck’s father beating him? Jim, I’m scared! My pap has come back! But Huck, everyone says that your father’s dead. You think you’re better than me, don’t you? Going to school, sleeping in a fancy bed … and people say you’re rich! Ow! Please, Pap – don’t!

Слайд 9

Which pictures shows: 9. Judge Thatcher’s library? Here you are, boys – a dollar each, every day of your lives! Thank you, Judge Thatcher. Widow Douglas has got something to say, Huck … Huck, no one has seen your father… … you live in the woods like a wild animal, and don’t go to school… You need a real home, Huck. I want you to come and live with me like my son.

Слайд 10

Answer the questions using one to three words: 1. How much money do Huck and Tom get every day? 2. Where does Huck live at the start of his story? 3. Who is Miss Watson? 4. Who is Jim? A dollar (each) In the woods The widow’s sister Miss Watson’s slave

Слайд 11

homework: "The true citizenship is to protect the flag from dishonor -- to make it the emblem of a nation that is known to all nations as true and honest and honorable. And we should forever forget that old phrase -- 'My country, right or wrong, my country! ’’ Bachelor Years 1835-1870 -- birth, childhood, steamboat piloting, Western journalism, Sam Clemens becomes Mark Twain, trips to Hawaii and the Holy Land, first lectures, first book, and marriage to Olivia Langdon. Family Man and Author 1870-1885 -- first years of married life, work on the Buffalo Express and Galaxy, books from Roughing It to Huckleberry Finn, trips to Europe, and his fiftieth birthday. Tragedies and Celebrity 1885-1905 -- meets Rudyard Kipling, writes A Connecticut Yankee and other books, bankruptcy, a world tour, the death of Susy, celebrated homecoming, and experiences in political movements. Final Years 1906-1910 -- Helen Keller and Maxim Gorky, What Is Man? and the autobiography, Captain Stormfield, Is Shakespeare Dead?, deaths of Jean Clemens and Mark Twain, religious views.

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