материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Тематическая викторина, которая поможет проверить знания учеников по географии, истории, культуре Великобритании.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1.Which river runs through London?

a) the Thames

b) the Severn

c) the Seine

2. Where are the British monarchs crowned?

a) St Paul’s Cathedral

b) Buckingham Palace

c) Westminster Abbey

d) Houses of Parliament

3. What is the family name of the present royal family?

a) Smith

b) Tudor

c) Stuart

d) Windsor

4.What is the London Eye?

a) a telescope

b) an observation wheel

c) a newspaper         

5. How is the British flag called?

a) the Union Jack

b) the Stars and Stripes

c) the Maple Leaf

6. What is the “the Globe” in London?

a) the largest department store in Europe

b) the famous British newspaper

c) a Shakespearean theatre

7. How is the London Underground often called?

a) the box

b) the channel

c) the tube

8. Which is the oldest part of London?

a) Westminster

b) the City

c) the West End

9. What colour is the traditional London taxi?

a) taxi

b) black

c) green

10. Where are British kings and queens crowned?

a) Westminster Abbey

b) St Paul’s Cathedral

c) Buckingham Palace

11. What is a “double-decker”?

a) a bus

b) a lorry

c) a ship

12. How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace?

a) 100

b) 200

c) 600

13. Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park?

a) Poet’s Corner

b) Speaker’s Corner

c) Writer’s Corner

14. What is the highest mountain in the UK?

a) Ben Nevis

b) Mont Blanc

c) Mount McKinley

15. When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated?

a) 24th of December

b) 31st of October

c) 5th of November

16. Which birds,according to legend,protect the Tower of London?

a) pigeons

b) ravens

c) swans

17. What is the famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper?

a) The Times

b) The Guardian

c) The Financial Times

18. Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street?

a) Tate Modern

b) Madam Tussaud’s

c) Sherlock Holmes Museum

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