Reading Test 2
тест по английскому языку по теме

Одним из способов получения обективной оценки уровня обученности учащихся является измерение обученности с помощью специальных стандартных тестов. Эти тесты составляютя точно по программе, по учебнику или по пройденному материалу. Данные тесты были составлены и апробированы коллегами из разных школ.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Read the following which has a number of gaps in it. The letters A-F list the possible sentences to fill the gaps. Answer each question by choosing from the list A -F and writing the correct letter in each of the numbered spaces. One of the suggested answers does not fit at all.  The example is given at the beginning. (0)

It was the psychologists Yerkes and Dodson who first demonstrated that high levels of anxiety cause disorganized behaviour and have a negative affect on performance.(O) .. D ..

While reviewing several books for this article we chose only one, 'Maximizing Exam Performance: A Psychological Approach' by Don Davis who looked at the question of why performance in exams is not necessarily related to ability and why good students occasionally do badly.

(1)... He does not offer substitute for knowing your subject, only practical suggestions for those who know they react badly to stressful competitive situations.

The outcome of his book is extremely encouraging. (2)... A technique proposed by Davis is to learn 'positive self-talk'. He suggests replacing such sentences as' I never have any luck with the question' and 'I'm hopeless at exams' with' Now I know how to relax. I shall do better'.

Every time you hear yourself making one of those negative statements in your mind, he says, replace it with a positive one, until it becomes an automatic response.

David also suggests that as uncertainty can cause anxiety, we should keep uncertainty about the event to a minimum. As well as checking the date, time and duration of the exam, check out the location of the exam and become familiar with the place, if possible. (3)... Doing your own practice tests, sticking rigidly to actual procedures, particularly time limits, makes exams lose of their strangeness and therefore their stress.

(4)... They may not be a substitute for study but they do offer a more positive approach to overcoming exam nerves than simply watching television. And if this book helps just one of our readers to improve their exam performance, then the money we spent on this book was well worth it!

A. As far as study is concerned, the more skilled you become at answering exam questions, the less likelihood there is of your performance breaking on the Big Day.

B. Another book that we looked at recommended taking part in various sport activities.

C. Before progressing any further, it is worth saying that the advice Davis offers is only useful for overcoming anxiety about exams.

D. Some 80 years later, it seems incredible, therefore, that students are still not emotionally prepared for exams.

E. These and other techniques, including simple methods of relaxation, are described in detail in Davis's book.

F. As anxiety reactions are learned from past experiences, he says, so they can be unlearned. Ability to perform well under pressure is a skill that can be acquired.

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