Сценарий отрывка из сказки Snow White
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Коновалова Тамара Анатолиевна

эпизод из знаменитой сказки "Белоснежка"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Narrator: (Лукаш Сергей)

A long time ago a king lived with his beautiful queen. One day, the beautiful queen made a picture with a needle and thread. Suddenly she pricked her finger and cried.

Queen: (Лукаш Ульяна)

Oh, I pricked my finger, I see blood. Soon I will have a baby and it will be a little girl. I will call her Snow White.

Narrator: (Лукаш Сергей)

When the baby came, they called her Snow White, her skin was as white as snow, her lips were as red as blood and her hair was as black as the night. But the queen became very ill and she died. The king married a new queen. Every day she said:

Queen: (Лукаш Ульяна)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?

Mirror: (Уханов Миша)

You are the prettiest it’s true. Nobody is prettier than you.

Queen: (Лукаш Ульяна) (смеется, танцует и снова спрашивает)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?

Mirror: (Уханов Миша)

You my queen are pretty it’s true. But Snow White is prettier than you.

Queen: (Лукаш Ульяна)

I don’t want poor Snow White to live. Huntsman, take Snow White into the forest. Kill her and bring me her heart, and I will know that she is dead.

Narrator: (Лукаш Сергей)

But the huntsman was very kind and he killed a deer and brought its heart to the queen. He left Snow White all alone in the forest.

Snow White: (Рабиева Фира)

I am afraid, I can’t go back to the castle. I don’t know what to do. (идет по лесу оглядываясь)

Oh, what a nice little wooden house! (заходит в дом)

I see 7 little chairs

I see 7 little plates

I see 7 little pies

And 7  little ports of yogurt.

Oh, there are 7 knives

                         7 little forks

                         7 little spoons

                         7 little mugs of milk.

Who lives in this house?

There must be 7 people and they must be very small.

I am hungry (начинает есть)

And now I want to sleep.

Идут гномы и поют хором:

Heigh-ho, heigh-go

It’s home from work we go,

Dada dum, dum, dum

Heigh-go, heigh-ho

1 гном (Мельник Игорь)

I am so tired. It’s hard work to dig all day.

Who came into our house?

Who sat on my chair?

2 гном (Мабруки Адель)

Who ate my pie?

3 гном (Алексеев Илья)

Who cut with my knife?

4 гном ( Резаев Данил)

Who ate with my fork?

5 гном (Украинец Кирилл)

Who ate my yogurt?

6 гном (Саидов Макс)

Who drank my milk from my mug?

7гном (Уханов Миша)

Who is sleeping in my bed?

1 гном (Мельник Игорь)

It is a girl.

2 гном (Мабруки Адель)

She is pretty.

3 гном (Алексеев Илья)

She is very tired.

7гном (Уханов Миша)

She can stay in my bed. I will sleep on the mat.

Snow White: (Рабиева Фира)

Проснулась, потягивается, встает, оглядывается.

I am sorry I sat on your chair ate your pie.

I am sorry I used your knife and fork.

I am sorry I used your spoon and ate your yogurt.

I am sorry I drank your milk. And I’m sorry I slept in your bed.

The queen wanted to kill me.

1 гном (Мельник Игорь)

You can stay here with us. We work hard and dig all day. We need someone to look after us.

2 гном (Мабруки Адель)

We need someone to make our beds and clean our house and wash our clothes and cook our food.

(остальные танцуют и хлопают в ладоши.)

3 гном (Алексеев Илья)

Stay here Snow White. Please make our beds, clean our house, wash our clothes and cook our dinner. But you must not open the door.

все вместе: (гномы уходят S.W. машет им)

Heigh-ho, heigh-go

It’s home from work we go,

Dada dum, dum, dum

Heigh-go, heigh-ho

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