олимпиадные задания
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Платицына Валентина Владимировна

данные задания были предложены управлением образования и науки для 7-8 классо. Надеюсь, что они помогут коллегам в подготовке детей к олимпиадам.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Olympiad for the 7−8 form

Part I Reading

Task 1 Read the articles below to find the texts that mention:

a.        a popular hobby in Russia        |

b.        people who do unusual things

c.        an extreme activity

d.        the person who is famous for his intellect

e.        the man who believes everything he sees on TV

f.        exotic animals

g.        the person who learns foreign languages from TV

h.        people living in Great Britain

1  Fishermen 'catch hippos'

A pair of fishermen got a bigger catch than they planned when their lines snagged two hippos that had escaped from a nearby zoo. The two men had fallen asleep in the sun as they fished in a river in the Omsk region. But they woke up to the sight of two huge hippos coming out of the water when they felt a massive pull on their fishing lines.

The pair panicked and ran for miles to the nearest town where they informed authorities. The hippos, which were later found eating grass in a field, were identified as Kengis and Malvina, who had escaped a few days earlier from the nearby Bolsherechensk Zoo.


Mary Poppins stunt lands

man in hospital

A man in China ended up in hospital after he tried to use his umbrella as a parachute. The man, from Chonqing, western China, is believed to have suffered two broken legs, reports West China City News. He told police he jumped out of the window because he thought his microwave oven was about to explode. He had thought that the umbrella would enable him to land safely — like Mary Poppins in the Disney children's film.

2     Four-year-old in Mensa

A four-year-old boy has reportedly joined Mensa, the organisation for people with high IQs. Matthew Harrison had a vocabulary of 70 words when he was just a year old. He now has an IQ of 130, equal for his age to the 146 that adults need to get to enter the society. But his parents, both of whom left school after their GCSEs, say Matthew, who has also learned Spanish watching satellite TV, is just a normal boy who likes comic books.

Task 2. Read the text and say whether statements 4-9 are True (T), False (F), or Not Said (N.S.) .

A Record-Breaking Book

People have always been interested in knowing about world records. They want to know the biggest, smallest, fastest, slowest, longest, shortest, oldest, and youngest. However, until 1955 there was no single reference book that contained comparative information on world records. The first book of this kind was the Guinness Book of World Records.

The idea for this book came from Hugh Beaver, who was an executive of Arthur Guinness Son and Co., Ltd. One day, after seeing some birds flying, he told his friends that he thought that those birds were probably the fastest birds in Britain. Several of his friends disagreed with him. However, when they tried to settle the argument by looking in various reference books, they found out that none of them contained the information that they were looking for. As a result, the executive decided that his company ought to put out a book that would contain all sorts of superlatives and world records.

Hugh Beaver began to look for authors. Soon he heard of Norris and Ross McWhirter. They had a small fact and figure agency in London. They worked finding and checking facts for people and had a large collection of information from newspapers, magazines, reference books, and other sources. The executive interviewed the two brothers in order to test their knowledge of records and unusual facts. He found their knowledge amazing, and gave them jobs. On August 27, 1955, the Guinness Book of Superlatives went on sale in bookstores. In four months it became a best seller. Later, the name of the book was changed to the Guinness Book of World Records.

 The Guinness Book of World Records has fascinated people ever since it first came out. The public continues to buy new versions of the book every year. In fact, since 1988, the book has had average sales of 60 million copies a year in 25 languages. This number equals 168 stacks of books each as tall as Mount Everest. Even today, this book continues to break its own record as the fastest-selling book in the world.

4. The first Guinness Book of Superlatives was published in eighteen fifty five.

5. Hugh Beaver and his friends wanted to know which were the fastest birds in Britain, but couldn't find the answer in any book.

6. Arthur Guinness Son and Co. had a small fact and figure agency in London.

7. Most people feel that reference books are an important part of a library.

8. The Guinness Book of Superlatives became a best seller in four months.

9. Norris and Ross McWhirter were interviewed in order to test their knowledge of unusual facts.

Task 3 Put the sentences in this story in the correct order. Mark the letters A−I on your answer sheet.

£5 jacket had £600 in pocket

A.   Mrs Gates gave Ms Heenan a £50 reward.

B.   Ms Heenan asked the owner of the store to contact the family that had brought in the jacket.

C.   "I thought, 'Oh, my god! I found $1,100,'" said Ms Heenan, who runs a pet-sitting service.

D.        The charity shop was selling clothes to raise funds for a group that buys protective vests or police dogs.

E.   A Chicago woman bought a jacket from a charity shop for £5 — and found £600 in the pocket.

F.   But she knew immediately she had to return the money: "I would have wanted someone to do that for me," she said.

G.  When the owner called back, Mrs Gates didn't remember losing any money at first.

H. But, finally, she worked out her husband had taken the coat without realising her emergency

    "stash" was in the pocket.

I   Yvette Heenan took the money back and returned it to its owner, reports the Chicago Sun-Times.











Part II

Use of English

Task 1

The two verbs make and do are commonly confused in English. Use the correct form of do or make in each of these sentences:

1. Would you like me to … you a cup of coffee?

2. She is studying hard because she wants to … well in her examination.

3. He is very indecisive- he always finds it difficult to… up his mind.

4. This cake is delicious- did you … it yourself?

5. He’s just started … an interesting new job.

6. You’ve done this work very carelessly – you’ve … a lot of mistakes.

7. I must … an appointment to see the dentist soon.

8. Those children are … a lot of noise in the garden. What are they …?

9. I enjoy cooking, but I hate … housework every day.

10. He is working very hard at the moment because he wants to … a success of his new job.

Task 2

Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

Astronauts have to be physically and mentally ready for the stress and strain of a space mission. To prepare them, astronauts are given 11) ………….. (intense) training, which includes years of classroom study on 12)……………(vary) technical subjects, and working in a model spaceship where they can practise 13)……………. (complicate) flight operations and become used to all the 14)………(equip) on board.

Apart from high 15)………… (intelligent), good qualifications and an excellent level of fitness, astronauts must have a strong character. They also have tо be very 16)………… (courage) in order to accept high risks involved.

Astronauts also have to face other, more ordinary problems in space. What can be very 17)………..(annoy) is the limited variety of food, but the greatest challenge is getting along with other members of their team as they often come from different countries, with different backgrounds and habits.

Therefore they must be very 18)…………. (patience) with each other, since the lack of privacy can become 19)…………….(irritate). All in all, it seems that being an astronaut is one of the most 20)………… (challenge) jobs in the world.

Task 3

Odd Man Out

In each of these lists, there is one word that should not be here. Can you find it?

21. butcher   greengrocer    baker    newsagent;

22. orange   potato    apple     grape

23. slow   go    now    though

24. once   soon   past   ago

25. football   chess    tennis   cricket

26. metre   mile   hour    foot

27. France   Wales     England     Scotland

28. huge   little   large   great

Part IV

Sociocultural Competence

Task 1

English contains a lot of similes which refer to animals. Complete the sentences below with words from the box.

bee, ice, clockwork, feather, peacock, mule, beetroot, rake, sheet, toast

1. She was so embarrassed that she went as red as a….

2. I can carry the suitcase easily− it’s as light as a ….

3. This room is as warm as….

4. My sister does so many things that she’s always as busy as a ….

5. He’s as proud as a….. of his new car.

6. It’s as cold as …. .

7. Once he’s made up his mind he’ll never change it− he’s as stubborn as a…. .

8. She was so frightened that her face went as white as a …. .

9. The postman always calls at 8 o’clock.- he’s as regular as …. .

10. However much he eats, he’s always as thin as a …. .


Write a letter to a friend.

Describe a trip in a hot air balloon. Remember to write your address and the date.

Write your letter in three parts. These questions can help you.

  1. When did you make the trip? Who went with you? Why did you make the trip?
  2. Where did you sit (or stand)? Where did you take off from? How long was the flight? Where did you land?
  3. How did you feel? What could you see from the basket? Did you enjoy yourself? Would you like to do it again?


Secondary Student English Language Contest 2011

7-8 кл,

Answer Sheet

Surname:         (in English)_____________

First Name:        (in English)___________

School:(in English)_________________

City/Village:(in English)_________________

Rayon:(in English)___________________

(in Russian)___________________________

in Russian)____________________________

(in Russian)___________________________

(in Russian)___________________________

(in Russian)___________________________



































Use of English



Sociocultural awareness




















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