Modern Turnip
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Стеванович Оксана Павловна

Сказка про репку на новый лад для 4-5 классов.


Файл modern.docx.docx14.16 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Modern «turnip».

Story-teller: Meet our Nick. He likes to play computer games and he can’t stop playing them. His family often pulls him out like a turnip from the famous fairy tale.

Mum: Nicky, dinner is ready. Come on!

Nick: Oh no, mum! I’m not hungry.

Mum: You must eat. Come on!

Nick: No, no! I didn’t finish the game.

Story-teller: And she pulls him and pulls but she can’t pull him out.

Dad: Nick, it’s time to do your homework.

Nick: Oh no, dad! I haven’t got any homework.

Story-teller: And they pull him pull but they can’t pull him out.

Granny: Nicky, my dear! Help me please. Go to the shop and buy some bread and an ice cream for yourself.

Nick: Oh no, Granny! I will do my homework in a minute when I kill all the monsters.

Story-teller: And they pull him pull but they can’t pull him out.

Grandpa: Nick, will you help me? I repair your bike.

Nick: No, no. I’m very busy.

Story-teller: And they pull him pull but they can’t pull him out.

Little sister: Nicky, please, read me a fairy-tail. You know I can’t read.

Nick: Oh, no, Jane. Go away! Play with your dolls. I must finish my game.

Story-teller: And they pull him pull but they can’t pull him out.

Nick’s friend: Nick, come on! Let’s play football. It’s warm and sunny.

Nick: But I’m playing football. I’m Arshavin and my team wins. Goal!!!

Story-teller: And they pull him pull but they can’t pull him out.

Nick’ dog: Bow-wow, Nick. Let’s go for a walk. I want to the park. I will run and play there.

Nick: Oh, no, Spot. I’m driving my car. I want to win a race.

Story-teller: And they pull him pull but they can’t pull him out.

Nick’s cat: Mew-mew, Nick. I’m hungry. Give me some milk, please.

Nick: No, no, Fluffy. Ask mum. She will feed you. I’m busy.

Story-teller: And they pull him and pull but they can’t pull him out. Then they open the cage and let their mouse Jerry out.

Mouse: Who needs my help? Oh, you can’t pull our Nick out. I can do it. (It nibbles the cable)

All together: Hurrah!


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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