План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 3 классе
план-конспект по английскому языку по теме

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 3 классе "В" ГБОУ СОШ №1368

Тема урока "Мой дом"

Грамматическая тема "Оборот There is/there ara"

Учитель Гвоздецкая Р. М


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Предварительный просмотр:

План - конспект

открытого урока

по английскому языку

в 3 классе «В» ГОУ СОШ №1368

Тема урока «Мой дом»

Грамматическая тема «Оборот There is/ there are»

Учитель: Гвоздецкая  Р.М.

Дата проведения 19.02.09.

            Цель урока: закрепление полученных лексических и грамматических навыков  по теме «My home», отработка умений и навыков по их применению.

            Образовательная задача: закрепить пройденный грамматический материал, а именно, употребление оборота There is/ there are, продолжать формировать у учащихся навыки общения в рамках речевой ситуации  «Мой дом».

            Развивающая задача: развивать у учащихся навыки монологической и диалогической речи и умение систематизировать полученные знания по данной теме.

            Воспитательная задача: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к английскому языку, уважение к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе и слушать друг друга.


I. Приветствие, сообщение темы урока.

-Good morning, dear guests. Good morning, boys and girls.

 Our theme today is «My home». We`ll review the words on this theme and do some exersices with the turn there is/ there are. Now let`s start.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

 Let`s do some phonetic exersices. Please, repeat after me : ( dz)- large,  (w)- we, when, (o)- with, mother, father, together.  O.K. Now let`s recite the poem «Our flat».

Our large family

Has a nice flat.

We live there happily

With a kitten and a cat.

My sister and brother

All go to school.

We help one another,

 It`s a good rule.

We help our mother

When she washes and cooks.

Together with father

We like to read books.

III. Лексическая зарядка.

 a)You know many words on our theme. Let`s review them and play a little . (Работа с магнитными картинками).  Find the right words to the pictures as quickly as you can.


b) Look at the picture for a moment and  name all the things you can remember.

    Now let`s check them.

c) Let`s see if you know the names of the rooms in the flat.

   (a living room, a dinning room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom).

d) Let`s check your knowledge one more. Complete the sentences.

We cook in the...

We sleep in the...

We watch TV in the...

We eat in the...

We wash our hands in the...

We take off our overcoat in the...

e) Now look at the picture and put in the necessary words. (Картинка с изображением комнаты).

IV. Повторение грамматики.

Now let`s review our grammar rule. You know when we want to point at the place where an object or a subject is situated, we use the turn  There is/ there are.

You should use there is in singular, when you speak about one thing, and there are in plural, when you speak about many things.

a) Now let`s do the exersice, look at the smart-board and put  is or are.


  1. There........ a bed in the bedroom.
  2. What........ there on the desk?
  3. On the wall there .......... two pictures.
  4. There .........a cat and two dogs in the room.
  5. There .........three chairs and an armchair in the living room.
  6. How many books ......... there on the shelf?
  7. ........ there a toilet in the flat?
  8. ........ there boys in the park?

b) The next exersice: choose and the right sentence.


1.a) There is no a table in the room.

   b) There is no table in the room.

2.a) There are four computers in the office.

   b) There are no four computers in the office.

3.a) There is a monster in the picture?

   b) Is there a monster in the picture?  и т. д.

V. Физ. минутка.

Are you tired? Then let`s do the exersices. Stand up, please.

VI. Работа по картинкам. Диалогическая и монологическая речь.

  1. Now look at the picture and ask each other about the things in this room. Make up short dialogues. Begin them with  Is there...? and What is there...?


 -What is there in the picture?

 -There is a room in the picture.

 -Is there a sofa in the room?

 -No, there isn`t. Is there a bookcase in the room?

 -Yes,there is.

  -What is there in the bookcase?

 -There are many books in the bookcase.  И т.д.


  1. Can you describe the picture? Look at this picture and tell us  what can you see there.

VII. Исполнение песни «Animal House».

     Today we talk about our house . Do you like to sing? Let`s sing a comic song «Animal House».

VIII. Работа на Macbook.

 Now take the Macbooks. I have a little test for you. Do the exersices. Work on your own, please. You have 5 min.

IX. Подведение итогов.

You have worked very good today. Your marks for the lesson are...

Now write down your hometask.... Thank you very much. The lesson is over. Good buy.  

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Home, Sweet Home...

Слайд 2

Our Flat Our large family Has a nice flat We live there happily With a kitten and a cat. My sister and brother All go to school We help one another It’s a good rule. We help our mother When she washes and cooks. Together with father We like to read books.

Слайд 3

Look at the picture for a moment. Name all things you can remember seeing. picture, sofa, mirror, candle, clock, fireplace, fire, carpet, armchair, shelf, TV, lamp, door

Слайд 4

flat house a hall a dinning room a living room a bathroom a bedroom a kitchen

Слайд 5

Let’s see if you know the names of the rooms in the flat? Compl et е the sentences. We cook in the ….. We sleep in the ….. We watch TV in the ….. We eat in the ….. We wash our hands in the ... . . We take off our overcoat in the …..

Слайд 6

Look at the picture and complete the sentences: There is a … in the picture . There are two … in the… There is a … on the floor . There is a … at the wall . You can see a … on the table There is a ... on the wall. There is a … at the window . There is a n … at the table . You can see … in the vase . There are no … in the room .

Слайд 7

There is / There are Оборот there is / there are употребляется для того, чтобы указать на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо предмета или лица в определённом месте. Предложения с оборотом there is / there are переводятся с конца (сам оборот отдельно не переносится). Оборот there is употребляется, если за ним следует существительное в единственном числе ( исчисляемое существительное употребляется с неопределённым артиклем ) . Оборот there are употребляется , если за ним следует существительное во множественном числе ( существительное во множественном числе употребляется без артикля). Если в предложении несколько существительных, то оборот выбирается по существительному, стоящему сразу после него. There is w hat? w here?

Слайд 8

Вставь нужные глаголы-связки: is или are ? There ____ a bed in the room. What ____ there on the desk? On the wall there ____ two pictures. There ____ a cat and two dogs in the room. There ____ three chairs and an armchair in the living room. How many books ____ there on the shelf? ____ there a toilet in the flat? ____ there boys in the park?

Слайд 9

Выбери правильное предложение в каждой группе: 1. a) There is no a table in the room. b) There is no table in the room. 2. a) There are four computers in the office. b) There are no four computers in the office. 3. a) There is a monster in the picture? b) Is there a monster in the picture? 4. a) There are 2 beds in the bedroom. b) There are in the bedroom 2 beds. 5. a) At the table two chairs. b) There are two chairs at the table.

Слайд 10

Check yourself a) There is no a table in the room. b) There is no table in the room. a) There are four computers in the office. b) There are no four computers in the office. 3. a) There is a monster in the picture? b) Is there a monster in the picture? 4. a) There are 2 beds in the bedroom. b) There are in the bedroom 2 beds. 5. a) At the table two chairs. b) There are two chairs at the table .

Слайд 11

Look at the picture and ask your classmate: Is there… ? What is there… ?

Слайд 12

What is this? What can you see in the picture? What is there in the room?

Слайд 13

The lesson is over. Goodbye

Предварительный просмотр:

Animal House

There's a kangaroo in my kitchen

There's a hippo in my hall

There's a dinosaur in my dining room

A hundred metres tall!

My house is full of animals

I don't know what to do

I think I'm going crazy –

I'm living in a zoo!

There's a bison in my bathroom

There's a beetle in my bed

There's a tortoise in my toilet

With a hamster on his head!

My house is full of animals

I don't know what to do

I think I'm going crazy –

I'm living in a zoo!

There's a gopher in my garden

There's a tiger in my tree

There's a lion in my living room

He's watching my TV!

My house is full of animals

I don't know what to do

I think I'm going crazy –

I'm living in a zoo!

My house is full of animals

I don't know what to do

I think I'm going crazy –

I'm living in a zoo!

I think I'm going crazy –

I'm living in a zoo!

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Так же в открытый урок входит песня Animal House