Неличные формы глагола в английском языке
материал по английскому языку по теме

Кудимова Екатерина Владимировна

Упражения на отработку употребления неличных форм глагола.


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Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund, adding on, for or from if necessary.

1. Petrarch is given credit (perfect) the sonnet.

2. I appreciate (you be) so patient with me.

3. I abstained (vote) in the election.

4. He claimed damages (lose) the use of his right arm in that accident.

5. During his lifetime Shakespeare was well-known (be) a brilliant conversationalist.

6. She prides herself (be) a really good driver.

7. He counted (get) home before his wife.

8. Does the death penalty really deter people (commit) murder?

9. He spent his time (hang) around street corners.

10. Some people shrink (do) what they know to be their duty.

11. Some people have a flair (make) a room look homely.

12. My friend was banned (drive) for three years.

13. It looks like (be) fine for our picnic tomorrow.

14. She never envisaged (find) herself faced with such poverty.

15. Florence Nightingale had set her heart (become) a nurse and no-one was able to dissuade her (put) her ambition into practice. She found an excuse (make) herself useful in the Crimean War.

16. What do you deduce (look) over these figures?

17. Don't delay (get) that bad tooth seen to.

18. The Prime Minister focused attention (improve) the standard of living in the country.

19. Most people enjoy (hear) a good bit of gossip.

20. He was exempted (do) military service on compassionate grounds.

21. He could not account (be) found in possession of the stolen articles.

22. He abandoned (teach) and set up in business.

23. Why do you insist (treat) me like an idiot?

24. As soon as you have finished (read) that book, please lend it to me.

25. 1 am not in the mood (play) tennis today.

26. How I detest (have) my teeth drilled!

27. I sympathized with him (have) such a shrewish wife.

28. Most people attempt to justify themselves (do) what they really want to do.

29. She needs (reprimand) (treat) her daughter so unfeelingly.

30. When are you going to make a start (construct) shelves for this alcove?

31. The magistrate commended him (risk) his life in an attempt to save the drowning man.

32. You must make allowances (he be) very young and silly.

33. She spends a great deal of money (buy) clothes.

34. Why did you suggest (come) to this cinema?

35. Thank you (give) me such a wonderful weekend.

36. He is contemplating (become) a Buddhist.

37. That newspaper was had up (libel) my friend last week.

38. I have not much opportunity (play) the piano these days.

39. Her children hindered her (hurry).

40. He was arrested (be) drunk and disorderly in the street.

41. Why do you waste so much time (daydream)?

42. I wish everyone would renounce (manufacture) nuclear weapons.

43. 1 am depending (get) a cheque very soon.

44. I do not blame you (ask) for more time to consider the offer.

45. Kindly refrain (smoke) in the auditorium.

Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund, adding of, into or about if necessary.

1. He has been deceived so often that now he is chary (trust) anyone.

2. Few women these days will tolerate (be) bossed about.

3. The miser was shamed (give) something to the collection.

4. Naturally she is proud (win) that competition.

5. Anything that involves (concentrate) on what he is doing is anathema to him

6. She never really got over the shock (hear) that her son had been killed in a mining accident.

7. Sometimes criminals are betrayed (give) the police information by a clever form of bluff.

8. She was so busy (argue) with her husband that she did not hear me knock.

9. Do you deny (work) for the Communist Party?

10. The likelihood (you win) a football pool is extremely remote.

11. The doctor swore to find a means (cure) his patient.

12. She was very upset (fail) in that examination.

13. You must not risk (offend) her by talking (vote) socialist. You know she is an out-and-out Tory.

14. Why do you disapprove (Igo) out With Mary? It's only a 'Platonic friendship' you know, though Pluto never envisaged (have) his theory of love so distorted.

15. That document has no validity at all because I was browbeaten (sign) it.

16. Do you make a habit (snap) people's head off? (colloquial)

17. At least he is sincere; he makes no bones (sponge) on the kinder-hearted of his friends.

18. Coming face to face with her in the street like that, I couldn't very well avoid (say) a few words to her.

19. There is no (know) what may happen if a woman becomes Prime Minister.

20. Most children are afraid (be) left alone in the dark.

21. It is a case (do) as you are told or (be) sacked.

22. Would you mind (light) the candles? Dinner is ready.

23. I will overlook (you be) so rude to my sister this time but don't let it happen again.

24. He blackmailed her (hand) over a considerable sum of money.

25. He made no secret 16e) in love with her.

26. I won't hear ('you go) home alone at this time of night.

27. I really cannot postpone (write) that letter any longer.

28 The thought (commit) murder even in wartime is abhorrent to some people.

29. Why do you make such a fuss (do) such a simple thing?

30. When he went to prison Mr Pickwick had no intention (pay) a penny of the fine imposed on him for breach of promise.

31. The Government concerned failed to reach agreement (partition) the country.

32. It is easy for a 'gilded youth' to become blast! (do) everything.

33. Mary wheedled her mother (buy) that doll.

34. The prospect (spend) some of the best years of his life in prison appalled him

35. It is not easy for a playwright to coerce people (accept) his philosophy

of life: if he wishes to proselytize, it is a question (make) people think that the idea was their own.

36. If you want me to look after your cat while you are on holiday please

be more explicit (feed) it.

37. Profiteers have no scruples (take) advantage of shortages.

38. Why did you mislead me (think) you were rich?

39. She is optimistic (get) the part after her audition.

40. What is the use (make) yourself miserable about it now?

41. Haven't I had the pleasure (meet) you before?

42. He escaped (be) punished by resorting to cunning.

43. I tricked him (admit) his guilt.

44. 'If a thing is worth (do) at all, it is worth (do) well.'


Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund, adding with, against, in or at

if necessary.

1. She is quite clever (knit) rather shapeless things.

2. There is no harm (drink) in moderation.

3. I advised him to guard (be) too sure of succeeding in the examination.

4. It is no good (make) yourself miserable and hankering after the

impossible. Content yourself (make) life as pleasant for yourself and

others as possible.

5. I have always been incredibly dense (do) mathematics.

6. He celebrated (get) married by getting drunk.

7. Why don't you try your hand (write) a play instead of criticizing

what others have attempted?

8. I really credited her (have) a little more common sense.

9. Boys love playing (be) cowboys and Indians; girls prefer to play

(be) mother.

10. She frowned (be) asked such a personal question.

11. Some animals chafe (live) in captivity.

12. I do not hold (give) children too much pocket money.

13. Do you think I was justified (intervene) in that dispute?

14. I am so sorry; I was engrossed (read) this novel and did not hear you come in.

15. She did not feel that she was making any progress (learn) to cook.

16. There is no merit (not do) something if you have no temptation to doit.

17. He was charged (embezzle) money from his employers.

18. Young people have always rebelled (be) expected to follow convention

19. He persists (deny) (have) anything to do with that bank raid.

20. You are quite mistaken (think) that I had no difficulty (earn) French.

21. Some film stars delight (have) their photographs in the newspapers.

22. I draw the line (be) expected to polish the floors after office hours.

23. 1 have always regretted (not spend) longer abroad when I was young.

24. She was put off (go) to Greece by her friend who had been upset by the rich food there.

25. Stop (play) (be) so naive and try to understand.

26. It is difficult to find time to practise (play) the piano.

27. I recollect (be) introduced to you in India some years ago.

28. The police are barking up the wrong tree (think) that the crime was committed by an outsider.

29. She will not put up (be) treated like that much longer.

30. I do not see any point (apologise) now; it is too late.

31. They aimed (raise) the standard of living of all classes.

32. The Prime Minister took the initiative (open) negotiations.

33. Unfortunately intelligent children are indefatigable (ask) questions.

34. Aren't you being rather optimistic (take) that examination?

35. Do you believe (educate) everyone in state schools?

36. 1 appreciate (be) allowed to do it in my own way.

37. He was plunged into despair (have) to start all over again.

38. You are quite right (think) him a fool: he is!

39. Lady Dedlock was very bored (do) nothing all day at Chesney Wold.

40. Few people joined (sing) 'God Save the Queen'.


a. Replace the italicised noun with a gerundive phrase of basically the same meaning, though possibly of greater precision.

1. He testified to my qualifications.

2. Dr Schweitzer devoted himself to the Africans.

3. What do you say to an aperitif!

4. He made no reference to the affair.

5. The evidence points to his guilt.

6. He soon got acclimatized to the tropics.

7. She easily adapts herself to life abroad.

8. In addition to wealth she has beauty.

9. Even thieves do not stoop to theft from their friends.

10. Please confine yourself to the subject set.

11. I soon brought him round to my point of view.

12. She attaches a lot of importance to elegance.

13. Your wit contributed to the success of the party.

14. I am naturally opposed to unnecessary violence.

15. She came here with a view to marriage.

16. Excuse me: I must see to the dinner.

17. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

18. Most people resign themselves to a humdrum life.

19. He is given to violent fits of temper.

20. That is tantamount to insubordination.

b. Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund adding any prepositions

that may be necessary.

1. You are capable (do) much better than that.

2. Try to get the maximum benefit (live) in England.

3. Don't despair (meet) the right girl some day.

4. The job (clear) away the slums in London is a hard one.

5. He came near (die) of pneumonia,

6. Most people are scared (get) up in public and (make) a speech.

7. I am by no means averse (have) drink. but I prefer (drink) with n meal (pub crawl).

8. One learns a language (make) mistakes and (he) corrected.

9. It takes courage to own up (steal)  money.

10. The Government is committed (help) a number of under-developed countries.

11. My wife does not approve (I be) out late at night.

12. He is a nice person but he is rather given (moralise).

13. The old lady was nonplussed (be) spoken to so rudely.

14. She beguiled me (buy) her the brooch.

15. Why are you thinking (emigrate) to South Africa?

16. When I was a child I was far (think) that I should now be living in London.

17. Most women enjoy (furnish) their first house, though only a small proportion make a real success (do) so.

18. (Be) married is not all beer and skittles--or even love-making and nappies. There is more (make) a success of it than this.

19. He tried to make an impression (wear) outrageous clothes.

20. She made a great show (be) quite indifferent to him.

21. Did you have any difficulty (find) the house?

22. He certainly lost no time (ask) for a loan!

23. The girls fell (discuss) their boyfriends.

24. I attribute Dickens' sympathy for the poorer classes (he work) and (live) among them in his youth.

25. (Say) that the Minister laid himself open (be) attacked.

26. She was very annoyed (not receive) an invitation.

27. Are you in favour (lower) the age at which people can vote?

28. Am I right (think) that I have met you before?

29. She is very excited (go) home to Italy next week.

30. Her parents dissuaded her (accept) his proposal.

a. Do what is necessary to the verb in brackets. It will be either in the infinitive or the gerund. Add any prepositions that may be necessary.

1. She omitted (tell) me that she was already married.

2. You had better (leave) now before my wife gets home.

3. Can you blame anyone (want) (make) a success of his career?

4. I forbid (you say) such things.

5. He said he would rather (beg) than (starve).

6. He was made (publish) an official apology.

7. I wasted the whole afternoon (go) through piles of old letters.

8. The captain exhorted everyone (keep) calm.

9. Let me (show) you how (do) it properly.

10. He is bound (put) in an appearance sooner or later.

11. Are you serious (want) (marry) my aunt?

12. He intends (his son become) a doctor.

13. I pressed him (tell) me the latest news.

14. Can you forgive (he treat) you like that?

15. He has no idea (attempt) (make) himself agreeable.

16. She was understandably annoyed (not receive) an invitation to that early.

17. (Speak) bluntly: will you pay or shall I hand the matter over to my solicitors?

18. I will not have you (use) language like that.

19. If you persist (treat) your friends so casually, you risk (lose) them altogether.

20. He is prone (be) lazy and rather given (moralise), but one can't help (like) him all the same.

21. Some people are very stupid (do) practical things.

22. I cannot give my mind (read) with all that noise (go) en.

23. I was taken aback (be) asked (make) an extempore speech.

24. I promise (make) no mention (see) you there.

25. He owned up (make) the prisoner (scrub) the poor on his hands and knees.

26. The man guaranteed (finish) (repair) the roof that afternoon.

27. She endeavoured (maintain) that it was all my fault.

28. They compelled (I give) them the names of the people concerned.

29. I resent (be) talked to like a child.

30. Whatever induced (you take) him into your confidence?

31. I feel like (go') for a long walk today.

32. I disapprove (join) a union just because everyone else does so.

33. I absolutely refuse (allow) myself (be) browbeaten (agree) (you marry) such a creature as that.

34. I arranged (meet) her here but so far she has failed (turn) up.

35. I helped (she put) on her coat.

36. I will not consider (you live) by yourself at your age.

37. Let me (give) you some advice (buy) houses.

38. Why do you disagree (I try) to get into Parliament?

39. He testified (I be) a graduate of Oxford.

40. What prompted (you take) such a drastic step?

41. Dr Schweitzer spent his life (help) the Africans.

42. I did not make allowances (he be) so hot-headed as to get himself into such a scrape

43. (They leave) all their money to that hospital rather surprised the family.

44. Everyone urged (he show) a little more flexibility.

45. The police ought to be ashamed (stoop) (use) such methods. I would hesitate (use) them myself.

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