Итоговый тесты 4, 7, 9 классы к учебнику spotlight
тест по английскому языку по теме

 Николаева Майя Александровна

Предварительный просмотр:



143400 Московская область, г. Красногорск, ул. Чайковского 12-А

тел/факс 562-30-08

Итоговая контрольная работа

Класс: 4

Учебник: «Английский в фокусе 4»

Авторы: В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина

Издательство: «Просвещение» 2010


Николаева Майя Александровна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ гимназии № 7г Красногорска


NAME/SURNAME______________________________          DATE__________________________________                                                  

CLASS________________________________________           MARK_____________                                                    

A. Read and match








sixty seven


seventeen seventy four






twelve thirty four

B. Read and complete the sentences

clever, loud, shy, angry, strong, sad, scared, tired

1. I was _______________ yesterday because I didn't visit my grandmother at the hospital.

2. My brother is the best student in the class. He is very _______________ .

3. - Why were you so_______________ last Monday?

    -  I missed the bus and was late for work.

4. My father works 12 hours a day and often comes home very _______________ .

5. He never goes to the parties and often stays home because he is quiet _______________ .

6. This man has to carry big bags, fix cars and bikes. That's why he is very _______________ .  

7. He often plays _______________ music and has problems with his neighbours.

8. She was alone in the dark wood and really _______________ .

C. Read and choose

1. Emma _______________ guitar lessons twice a week.

a. has                                            b. had

2. My uncle at the hospital _______________ six days a week.

a. thinks                                        b. works

3. Steve is a waiter. He _______________ be polite and wear a uniform.

a. don't have to                              b. has to

4. There is _______________ sugar in the cake.

a. much                                         b. many

5. Look! She _______________ the piano.

a. plays                                          b. is playing

6. A dolphin is _______________ than a giraffe.

a. cleverer                                      b. the cleverest

7. She always _______________ lunch at 1 o'clock.

a. is having                                     b. has

8. He is the _______________ student in our school. He always gets only good and excellent marks.

a. best                                              b. better

9. You _______________ play loud music late in the evening.

a. don't have to                                 b. mustn't

10. Max and Maya _______________ at the zoo last Sunday.

a. went                                              b. were

D. Read and choose the correct response

1. What does your sister look like?

A. She's friendly.

B. She's tall and slim with short fair hair.

2. Where's my hairbrush?

A. It's on the shelf.

B. I've got long dark hair.

3. How old is your father?

A. My father is quiet plump.

B. He's forty-five.

4. What's your cousin like?

A. My cousin is from Australia.

B. He is very kind and funny.

5. What's Rose doing?

A. She's skating.

B. She likes skating in her free time.

6. Where was Paco two days ago?

A. Paco was in the garden an hour ago.

B. He was at the hospital with his grandmother.

7. What time is it?

A. It's quarter to ten.

B. I like playing soccer in my free time.

8. What do you do?

A. We sometimes go to the park.

B. I'm a nurse. I help sick people.

9. Can you pass me the lemon?

A. Yes, here you are.

B. Look, it's ready.

10. How often do they play tennis?

A. At the hospital.

B. Three times a week.

E. Listen and choose the correct answer

1.What does Liza like for breakfast?

a. porridge  and coffee      b. fruit salad with honey    c. a bar of chocolate and juice

2. Where is Steve's watch?

a. on the table                     b. under the bed                   c. behind the armchair

3. What is Chris going to do on holiday?

a. He's going to spend summer in Italy.

b. He's going to travel to Portugal with his friends.

c. He's going to go to the seaside.

Предварительный просмотр:



143400 Московская область, г. Красногорск, ул. Чайковского 12-А

тел/факс 562-30-08

Итоговая контрольная работа

Класс: 7

Учебник: «Английский в фокусе 7»

Авторы: В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина

Издательство: «Просвещение» 2010


Николаева Майя Александровна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ гимназии № 7г Красногорска



NAME/SURNAME______________________________          DATE__________________________________                                                  

CLASS________________________________________           MARK_____________                                                    

A. Complete the sentences with the following words

successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring, scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded, reserve, convenient

1. I don't mind the peace and __________ of  the country, but I can't stand feeling __________ .

2. __________ public transport and __________ streets are very important to me.

3. The __________ are stealing things from people's houses.

4. Edinburg Castle is built on an __________ volcano.

5. The children were scared when they heard the noise coming from the  __________ .

6. Penny was and the zoo and __________ she hears people screaming.

7. She can __________  the most mysterious crimes and put criminals behind bars.

8. How was your flight? - It was __________ .

9. I'm __________ of spiders.

10. She's a __________ designer. She succeeds in making her own clothes and jewellers.

11. I'd like to __________ a place at your camp.

12. Swimming in the pool can be great but also very dangerous, so you must __________ the lifeguards.

13. Plushenko E. is the most __________ figure skater in Russia.

14. We are using __________ to build nesting boxes.

B. Choose the correct form

1. You __________ leave expensive items in your car for all to see.

a. can't             b. shouldn't

2. I __________  watch cartoons when I was six.

 a. used to        b. was used to

3. I __________  drive a car when I was six.

a. wasn't use to               b. didn't use to

4. They decided to search for treasures __________ they found a map.

a. until                       b. as soon as

5. This is the house __________ he was born.

a. which                  b. where

6. I have __________ seen this film twice. Let's  watch something else.

a. never                   b. already

7. You __________ to send a deposit  in order to reserve your place.

a. must                     b. need

8. She has known him __________ 1996.

a. since                    b. from

9. He has been an actor __________ twenty years.

a. last                   b. for

10. I haven't finished my project __________ .

a. just                     b. yet

11. It's the __________ film I've ever seen.

a. funniest                  b. funnier

12. Hvorostovsky D. is one of the __________ opera singer.

a. most talented          b. more talented

13. He __________ go tho school. He's ill.

a. mustn't                    b. doesn't have to

14. You __________ do it tonight. It's urgent.

a. has to                        b. have to

15. She can't drive, __________?

a. isn't she                     b. can she

16. He didn't go to the party yesterday, __________?

a. didn't he                     b. did he

C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

1. Why __________ (he\arrive) so late last Monday?

2. __________ (you/ever/explore) a haunted mansion?

3. My parents __________ (cook) breakfast while I __________ (tidy) my room.

4. I _________ (take) the plane tomorrow morning.

5. Few minutes later he __________ (decide) to call the police and report about the incident.

6. If you _________ (study) hard, you __________ (pass) your exams successfully.

7. Mark __________ (listen) to music until 11 pm last night.

8. I'm sure our life __________ (be) very different in 2050.

9. Liza __________ (watch) TV when her father arrived.

10. If I __________ (go) to Spain, I __________ (take) lots of amazing photos.

11. She __________ (work) as a teacher for ten years.

12. Unless Jim pay the electricity bill, it __________ (get) cut off.

13. Max __________ (read) a newspaper when he __________ a loud noise in the garden.

14. __________ (people\live) in underwater cities?

15. I __________ (learn) English since 1998.

16.If the weather __________ (be) good, we __________ (go) for a walk.

17. If people__________ (invent) new fuel, cars __________ (not\pollute) the air.


D. Fill in the following sentences

behind, off (2), of, with, into, for, forward to, up, out of, back, across, out, away, out with, after

1. If a burglar breaks in, don't put a fight and never run __________ him.

2. He gave __________ smoking last year.

3. My alarm clock went __________ at 7 o'clock.

4. They came __________ this antique book at the market yesterday.

5. He had to stay in hospital for several weeks, so he fell __________ with his lesson.

6. Our teacher was very proud __________ her students.

7. We ran __________ bread, so we went to buy some.

8. She is looking __________ her holidays. She is going to spend this summer in Italy.  

9. He can't cope __________ his problems alone. I suppose he needs psychologist's help and support of his relatives.

10. The new hit of Rolling Stones is coming __________ next week.

11.Suddenly I ran __________ my old friend in the street.

12. It's hot! Take __________ your jumper.

13. She is looking __________ a well-paid job in the city, as there is a high level of unemployment in the country.

14. She has fallen __________ Max because he lied to her.

15. Can you give me __________ my book, please?

16. A burger and fries to take __________ , please.

 E. Choose the correct response

1. Do you fancy coming with me?

a. No, I haven't                       b. Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't

2. Two tickets for King Kong at 6 pm, please.

a. I'm afraid it's sold out          b. Here is your change

3.Try it on and see if it fits.

a. OK! Hang on a second         b. Really? Thank you very much.

4. I hate reality shows. Can't we watch the news?

a. I suppose so.                       b. Sure, I really like documentaries

5. Can you help me send an e-mail?

a. No problem. First of all turn on your computer.        b. Access your e-mail account.

6. Would you like to go on a picnic?

a. That sounds great!                       b. What's that all about?

7. Can you send me an e-mail with the details?

a. That's fine!                       b. Certainly.

8. I find sitting exams the most stressful.

a. Don't mention!                  b. I don't agree!

F. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

1. What happened to Max?

a. Max and his friends found a snake on the floor in the living room.

b. They saw a ghost on the second floor.

c. Max couldn't find his friend who vanished quietly.

- Hi, Max!

- Hi, John! You'll never guess what happened to me.

- Really? What was going on?

- My friends and i spent our last weekend in my uncle's big, old house in the country.

- That sounds great! But you look a little upset.

- I had quiet a shock!

- Really? Why?

- We were in the living room downstairs when we heard a loud noise from the second floor.

- What on earth was it?

- When we went upstairs we saw a long orange snake with black stripes on the floor and started shouting and screaming.

- Oh dear! Was anyone hurt?

- No! My uncle caught it quickly.

- Oh my goodness! You don't see that every day, do you?

- No, certainly don't!

2. What Eco-club has she joined?        

a. Volunteers club          b. Eco-helpers club

What has she been doing for a month and for a week?

a. She's been recycling cans and reading about ecology.

b. She's been collecting rubbish and building nesting boxes.

c. She's been watering flowers and teaching the cycle of life.

d. She's been planting trees and cleaning out a pond.

- Hi, Tim!

- Hi, Sally! What are you doing here?

- Oh, I've joined the Eco-helpers Club. I've been collecting rubbish for recycling in the park and I've been building nesting boxes.

- What else have you been doing?

- I've been planting trees and cleaning out ponds for a week.

- Your club sounds wonderful. I could join as well, couldn't I?

- Of course you could. We really need volunteers.

- Sounds great!

Предварительный просмотр:



143400 Московская область, г. Красногорск, ул. Чайковского 12-А

тел/факс 562-30-08

Итоговая контрольная работа

Класс: 9

Учебник: «Английский в фокусе 9»

Авторы: В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина

Издательство: «Просвещение» 2010


Николаева Майя Александровна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ гимназии № 7г Красногорска



NAME/SURNAME______________________________          DATE__________________________________                                                  

CLASS________________________________________           MARK_____________                                                    

Fill in the missing words

Shallow, takes place, charities, annual, stunning, the icing on the cake, species, sociable, experience, rubbish, extinct, exist

Unfortunately, humans are destroying the habitats of wildlife __________ and they become __________.

La Tomatina is a (n) __________ festival that takes place in the Spanish town of Bunol in Valencia.

On the night of Hogmanay you can see fabulous carnivals and __________ fireworks display which is__________.

Wildlife __________ are organizations that save the habitats which are in danger.

In my opinion, some of the characters were a bit __________.

The Pirates week festival in Georgetown, the Cayman Islands, let you __________ an adventure life from the past.

I think superstitions are all a load of __________.

Remembrance Day, or Poppy Day __________ each year on 11 November to remember the millions who died for their country.

How many millions of wildlife __________ on Earth?

 My next-door neighbour is very __________. She often visits us for chat.

The festival March of the Scarecrows in Belgium raises money for local _________ .

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

I __________ (already\finish) Maths and I __________ (write) an essay, but I __________ (not\study \yet).

Jennifer __________ (think) Shakira is the most talented and successful singer and actress.  

It __________ (not\be) to a party since last year.

Tim __________ (look) exhausted. He __________ (think) of taking a day off.

They __________ (get married) on Monday at 10:30.

He __________ (know) Sally for six years.

It __________ (rain) for hours.

When __________ (the film\start) on Tuesdays? – It __________ (start) at 11 o’clock.

If I had known about your birthday, I __________ (buy) you a present.

I can’t stand __________ (wait).

 It’s not worth __________ (argue) with your parents.

 I __________ tired yesterday. I __________ (type) letters since morning.  

 If I were you, I __________ (tell) him the truth.

She looks forward to __________ (travel) abroad.

 She __________ (be) angry because she __________ (wait) for the bus for over an hour before it arrived.

 Would you like __________ (stay) with me and my family in Italy?

 If you __________ (study) hard, you will get good grades.

Choose the correct item

You can organize the party. It will be a piece of cake\the icing on the cake for you.

When I was young I used to go\went for long walks in the countryside with my family.

First of all, teachers need a lot of patient\patience to work with children.

Thank you for all your kind\kindness and hospitality.

May I speak to Mr Smith? It’s very urgent\urgency.

John is the most\more hardworking student in the class.

The new school will open\will be opened by the mayor on the 1st of June.

All the concert tickets have already been sold\has already been sell.

Fill in the gaps with

To, across, up with, down with, in (3), of (3), with (2), up for, out, through

They got tired __________ waiting for her sister.

She is interested __________ learning foreign languages.

All my relatives believe __________ superstitions except my father.

The Oxford Street is always crowded __________ people.

He wanted to make __________ his rude behavior.  So he bought her an expensive present and an amazing bouquet of flowers.

What is the reason __________ Earth Day celebration?

 Everyone was pleased __________ the success __________ Notting Hill Carnival.

It was dark that we couldn’t make __________ the face of the burglar.

I came __________ this old photos in the attic.

Let’s run __________ the dance one more time!

He didn’t succeed __________ passing the entrance exams.

I came __________ an idea of going into the Chillingham Castle in Northumberland, the most haunted castle in Britain.  

I prefer action films __________ romance.

She came __________ a terrible cold.

Match to form exchanges

What’s the matter?

Ambulance, please.

You leave the kitchen in a mess every time you make something to eat.

I can’t make it, I’m afraid.

I think someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning!

If I were you, I’d join a gym.

I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to see Rihanna.

I’m a bit anxious that I’ve killed a spider.

Do you fancy going to that new jazz club tonight?

Certainly! How much?

How about a science fiction tonight?

I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.

Do you know how I can get to the nearest hotel?

Well, to be honest, I’m not keen on pop music.

I’d like to withdraw some money from my account.

Go to the end of the street and turn right at the traffic lights.

Which service do you require?

I’d prefer to watch romance rather then watch a science fiction.

I don’t exercise regularly.

I had a horrible nightmare last night.

Listen to the text and answer the questions

The Superstitions in Britain

There are many superstitions in Britain. But one of the most widely-held is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house. It will either bring misfortune to the person that opened it or to the household. The person who opens an umbrella in fine weather is very unpopular.

It's very unlucky to walk under a ladder. If you must pass under a ladder you can avoid bad luck by crossing your finger and keeping them crossed until you've seen a dog.

The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some. And when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, most of the people prefer to stay at home.

The worst misfortune that can befall you is breaking a mirror. That will bring you seven years of bad luck. This superstition is supposed to have originated in ancient times, because mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.

And at last there is a superstition of touching wood for luck. This measure is most often taken if you have said or done something wrong or stupid.

1.    Are there many superstitions in Britain?

 2.    What is the most widely-held superstition?

3.    Is number 13 unlucky for people in Britain?

4.    Why is it dangerous to break a mirror?

 5.    Why do British people touch wood?

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