Урок английского языка в 8 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Урок английского языка в 8 классе


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Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Баекова К.А., учитель английского языка школы-гимназии №17 г.Актобе

The theme: Food.


  1. practice new words;
  2. read and learn cuisines;
  3. talk about cuisines;
  4. talk about food and health;
  5. learn about comparative and superlative adjectives.

Equipment:  interactive board, pictures, cards, placards, cassettes.            



  1. Org. moment
  2. Video (all’s well that ends with a good meal)
  3. Talk about cuisines
  4. Talking about Kazakh cuisine
  5. Collage (healthy and unhealthy food)
  6. Grammar (comparatives and superlatives)
  7. The scene in the restaurant and café
  8. Conclusion

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organ. Moment

T=Ch. Good morning. Nice to meet you. I hope  everybody is fine. Now have a look at the screen. So, I think you understand  that the theme of our lesson is “Food”. And you know that people cannot live  without food.

II. P1:    Nastya: - May I say, I know the saying all’s well  that ends with a good meal. And I want  to show video.

T: Thank you. So every nation has its own cuisine and what cuisines do you know?

P1,P2,P3,P.: British, American, Chinese, French,  Greek,  Indian, Italian,   Mexican, Kazakh, Russian.

T: So, we see that there are many cuisines all over the world. Many  restaurants represent them and it is your choice to prefer one. What national  cuisine do you know?


  1. Talking about Kazakh cuisine.

T=Ch. Laura and Akkerke like eating Kazakh national food  and like eating outside.  

  1. T=Ch    What sayings, proverbs about food do you know?

P1: Eat to live but not live to eat.

P2: Too much food makes you fat too little food makes you dead.

P3: An  apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  1. Collage of healthy and unhealthy food.

T=Ch. So, Let’s see what food is healthy and unhealthy. Let’s divide into two groups .

-Your task is to make a collage of health  and unhealthy  food. I’ll Give you 2 minutes.


Thank you. Nowadays people want to the strong and  healthy. And we must (have to) know. What we should eat and what we shouldn’t  eat. Let’s begin….

The 1st group +

The 2nd group –

  1. Grammar.  


Thank you. Look at the screen you can see  two restaurants compare the two places.  Use our adjectives :










Gordon Ramsays restaurant

Café Asean

Let’s compare


  1. The scene in the restaurant and in the café.


– Do you want to go to these places and what do people eat?

  1. Let’s go
  1. T=Ch.            

Thank you very much. We remember what we should eat and we shouldn’t eat. We have known a lot  about healthy and unhealthy food. And of course we remember all’s well ends with a good meal and good meal makes us friendly, hospitable and happy. And now we invite to try our baursak

At a restaurant

  1. Hi! Let’s take a seat! Where is our table?
  2. Our table is reserved and its number 7.
  3. May I help you please? Our restaurant offers you a big variety of French cuisine.
  4. Of course. Where is table number?
  5. Near the window. Here is the menu.
  6. Thank you. I would like to order salmon in garlic  sauce.
  7. It may be spicy.
  8. But not as spicy as prawns with cheese.
  9. It is better choice.
  10. I agree. And what do want to order?
  11. I would like to order an onion soup. Will it be hot?
  12. Hotter than the prawns.
  13. I recommend this meal. I think it is tasty.
  14. I think you are right. It seems to be delicious.
  15.  Do  want something to drink?
  16. We shall take 2 lemon teas
  17. I think  this is it.
  18. Wait 20 minutes, please
  19. Thank you.

At a cafe

  1. Let’s go to this café. It seems to be cheap.
  2. It is cheaper than many restaurants around. You don’t have to wait and reserve a table.
  3. That sounds  good.
  4. Can I help you? (протягивает меню)
  5. Yes, I would like to have  a hamburger and a vegetable salad. What about you?
  6. I want some trends frier and fried chicken.
  7. Do you want something to drink?
  8. I want cola. And you?
  9. Some orange juice, please.
  10. Shall we take some pizza too?
  11. It will be longer to wait. You can take it away.
  12. Ok, I’ll take a cheese pizza with me.
  13. Any desert?
  14. One ice-cream. And I think it’s all.
  15. Ok, wait about 5 minutes.
  16. Thank you!
  17. Thank you!    

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