классный час по английскому языку по теме

Рогалина Галина Павловна

Сценарий постановки "THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER" по мотивам басни И.А. Крылова.


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                                THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER.






Grasshopper.                                   SCENE I.


Storry-teller:   It is summer now. The day is hot and sunny. An Ant is working near its little house.

Ant :     Oh, how  hot it is !    I am very tired.


Grasshopper: Hello, Ant ! What are you doing?


Ant :   Hello, Grasshopper! I am working.


Grasshopper: Why are you working? The day is hot. Stop working.


Ant: No,no. Winter will come soon. Where shall I get food then?


Grasshopper: I don’t like winter. I like summer. Look how I can dance. (dancing).

                       I don’t like to work in summer.

Ant: But you must ! What will you eat in winter?


Grasshopper: I don’t want to think of winter. Good-bye, Ant! I shall sing and dance  (goes away,dancing).  

         SCENE II.


Story-teller :   It is winter now. It is very cold. The sun doesn’t shine. The grasshopper is cold and hungry.


Grasshopper: Oh, how cold it is ! I am cold and hungry. What can I do? ....Oh, here is the Ant’s house.    ( he knocks at the door)


Ant: (comes out) Who is there?


Grasshopper: It’s me , the Grasshopper.


Ant: What do you want?


Grasshopper: I am cold and hungry. Give me something to eat.


 Ant: You danced and sang all summer, Grasshopper. Now dance and sing all winter.


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