Урок домашнего чтения в 7 классе "Helping hand"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Дивеева Ольга Николаевна

Урок направлен на развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся. Такой подход обеспечивает более эффективное усвоение языка, развивает познавательный интерес учащихся.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

« A helping hand » Урок домашнего чтения в 7 классе Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №494 Дивеева Ольга Николаевна

Слайд 3

Answer the questions 1.Do you think this is an adventure story ? 2.Is it a mystery story? 3.What is important in this story ? 4.What is in the pictures- people or other events?

Слайд 4

Try to find their meanings Cheerfully Cheerfulness Come round Concentrate Concerned Embarrass Enquire Glance Modestly Occasion Opportunity Pause Regain Suggest Talent - Tremendous

Слайд 5

New vocabulary Cheerfully - радостно Cheerfulness - весёлость, жизнерадостность; общительность Come round - приходить в гости Concentrate - концентрировать, сосредоточивать; Concerned - заинтересованный; увлечённый, Embarrass - смущать, ставить в неудобное положение Enquire - запрашивать; расследовать Glance - бросить взгляд; взглянуть мельком, одним глазом Modestly - скромно, сдержано Occasion - случай, шанс Opportunity - возможность 2) удобный случай Pause - пауза, перерыв; остановка; интервал, промежуток Regain - восстановление; возвращение ( утраченного ) Suggest - предлагать, советовать Talent - дар, дарование, талант; способность, склонность Tremendous - разг. огромный, гигантский, громадный

Слайд 6

answer the following questions 1.Why was Grandma in hospital? 2. Why did the family want to cheer her up 3. What was Sadie good at 4. What was Annette good at? 5. What did Grandma encourage Annette to do? 6. Did she win it? 7. Was she pleased?

Слайд 7

True or false 1. Grandma had to stay in hospital to rest. 2. Sadie was looking at her biology textbook when mum came in. 3. After lunch the next day, everyone suggested ideas to cheer Grandma up. 4. Annette had to concentrate on her project for her photography exam. 5. Sadie and her friends stood under the lemon tree on the balcony. 6. Mum bought some new material from a stall in the market. 7. Annette told Grandma about the photography competition. 8. Everyone was impressed, because Annette won the competition. 9. Annette decided she would like to go to Art College. 10. Annette gave Grandma confidence.

Слайд 8

write the summary Plan 1. What is the title of the story ? 2. Who is the main character (characters )? 3. What is this story about? 4. Do you like it? 4. Would you recommend it to read to your friends? Why?

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок  домашнего чтения в 7 классе «A helping hand»

Цель: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся

Задачи: практиковать учащихся в умении

  1. извлекать определённую информацию;
  2. кратко передавать содержание прочитанного с опорой на текст;
  3. характеризовать персонажей

Учебные пособия и оборудование:

Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация Power Point, раздаточный материал

Ход урока

T. Today we’re having a home reading lesson look at the pictures and say:

(Слайд1, 2) Приложение1.


1.Do you think this is an adventure story? (Not)(Слайд 3)

2. Is it a mystery story? (Not)

3. What is important in this story? (People)

4. What is in the pictures- people or other events?

 T. There are some new words in the story. Try to find their meanings without consulting the dictionary. What are they? (Слайд 4, 5)

New vocabulary

Cheerfully- радостно

Cheerfulness- весёлость, жизнерадостность; общительность

Come round- приходить в гости

Concentrate- концентрировать, сосредоточивать;

Concerned- заинтересованный; увлечённый, 

Embarrass- смущать, ставить в неудобное положение

Enquire- запрашивать; расследовать

Glance- бросить взгляд; взглянуть мельком, одним глазом

Miss- упустить, пропустить

Modestly- скромно, сдержано

Occasion-   случайшанс

Opportunity- возможность2) удобный случай

Pause- пауза, перерывостановкаинтервалпромежуток

Regain- восстановлениевозвращение (утраченного)

Suggest- предлагать, советовать

Talent- дардарованиеталантспособностьсклонность

Tremendous- разг. огромныйгигантскийгромадный

3   Now, let’s read the story. After reading you should be able to answer the following questions:

(Слайд 6)

1.Why was Grandma in hospital? (She had had an operation)

2. Why did the family want to cheer her up? (She was feeling sad, lonely, depressed)

3. What was Sadie good at? (Studying, science, passing exams)

4. What was Annette good at? (Taking photographs)

5. What did Grandma encourage Annette to do? (Enter a photography competition)

6. Did she win it? (She got third prize)

7. Was she pleased? (Yes, because it gave her the confidence to study photography the next year)

Reading practice

 I divide you into groups of five. You should take turns to read a paragraph each while the others in the group. (I ask students if there are any sentences or phrases they haven’t understood.)

(To check the understanding I read sentences and ask students to correct any false once)

(Слайд 7)

1. Grandma had to stay in hospital to rest. (T)

2. Sadie was looking at her biology textbook when mum came in. F (chemistry)

3. After lunch the next day, everyone suggested ideas to cheer Grandma up. F (At lunch the next day.)

4. Annette had to concentrate on her project for her photography exam. F (Art exam)

5. Sadie and her friends stood under the lemon tree on the balcony. F (next to the lemon tree)

6. Mum bought some new material from a stall in the market. T

7. Annette told Grandma about the photography competition. T

8. Everyone was impressed, because Annette won the competition. F (won a prize in the competition)

9. Annette decided she would like to go to Art College. T

10. Annette gave Grandma сonfidence. F (Grandma gave Annette confidence.)

The end of the lesson

 Your home task is to write the summary of the chapter, be ready with the retelling.

(Слайд 8)


1. What is the title of the story?

2. Who is the main character (characters)?

3. What is this story about?

4. Would you recommend it to read to your friends? Why?

Приложение 1

                             A helping hand 
"Tremendous news!" Mum sighed with relief as she put down the phone. "Grandma's
operation was successful but she has to stay in hospital to rest for a while. I' ll go and see
her tomorrow."
   When Mum came back the next evening, she looked concerned. "Isn't Grandma all
right?" asked Sadie, glancing up from her chemistry text book.
  "She feels lonely," Mum said. "She misses us and she doesn't know what we' re all
   "Didn't you tell her that I' ve been revising hard for my exams since she went into
hospital?" asked Sadie. "Did you tell her my teacher has chosen my report on the Centre
for Biological Sciences for the school magazine?"
Annette didn't say anything. She had no news that Mum could tell Grandma.
  "Yes, I did," said Mum, "but she seems really depressed. She says she's no use to
anyone anymore."
  At lunch the next day, everyone suggested ideas to cheer Grandma up.
Sadie said, "I could take her to the university and show her where I' ll be studying
next year."
   Dad said, "Grandma's favourite opera is at the theatre next month.  I 'll get tickets."
Mum said, "I' ll make new curtains for Grandma's bedroom. She hasn't had new
curtains for years."
  Annette wished she had something exciting for Grandma but she needed to
concentrate on her photography project for her art exam and she didn't have time to think
of anything else.
   Over the next few weeks, Annette kept her camera with her all the time, ready for
every opportunity. She was ready when Sadie got her exam results in a crisp, white
envelope early one morning and ready again half an hour later when Sadie's friends came
round and they stood next to Mum's little lemon tree on the balcony, crying, laughing
and hugging each other. She had her camera when Mum was choosing curtain material
at the stall in the market. She had it on a number of other occasions, too. Eventually, she
had plenty of pictures for her project arid she knew what to do for Grandma.

    Four weeks later, Grandma was pleased to see the medical faculty at the university
where Sadie would be starting in a few weeks. She enjoyed her visit to the opera and she
thanked Mum for the new curtains in her bedroom but she had not regained her usual
cheerfulness. One afternoon, Annette gave her an album of photographs. Grandma spent
a long time looking at the pictures: Sadie's radiant face above a large sheet of white
paper, Sadie and her friends beaming in front of the lemon tree, Mum leaning over the
material stall surrounded by a rainbow of translucent silks and satins, shimmering gently
in the breeze.
          "Have you ever realized, Annette," said Grandma, "what a marvelous  talent you have?"
Annette sighed. I' ve never been good at  exams, like Sadie. I got terrible marks last year. I probably won't get a good grade this year and anyway, art isn't an important subject."
"Isn't it? Isn't it important to notice things that are beautiful and interesting?" enquired Grandma.
"It's not as important as being able to make people well, like a doctor," Annette answered with
       "Doctors can make your body better, but it takes more than a doctor to inspire people with
beauty and to make them think, Annette. Not everyone can do what you can do." Grandma
paused for a moment then she said, "There's a photography competition at the art gallery. Why don't you enter one of your pictures?"
      Annette just laughed and shook her head hut she went on thinking about Grandma's suggestion.
Was her work good enough'? She didn't know. She wasn’t sure that Grandma knew, either. She didn' t want to be embarrassed. She went on thinking all the same.
       A month later, it was Annette who got an envelope early one morning. Inside was a Ietter  and a cheque. Everyone looked at Annette enquiringly.  'I entered a photography competition. I didn't win. I got third prize," said Annette, modestly.
       Everyone was pleased and impressed. Later that day, Annette told her grandmother that she had decided to study photography next year. Ultimately, she would like to go to art college.
     "Have you made that decision since you got the prize?" asked Grandma.
     "No, I' ve been thinking about it for weeks — since we last talked, in fact. You gave
me confidence."
      "I'm glad you found our chat useful," said Grandma cheerfully.
Mum, listening from the doorway, breathed another sigh of relief.

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