Методическое пособие для учителей иностранного языка
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме

Черевкова Елена Викторовна

Тема - Фразы классного обихода на уроке английского языка


Предварительный просмотр:

Методическое пособие

для учителей английского языка

«Лексика классного обихода» 

Цель: систематизировать общеупотребительную лексику классного обихода.


Задачи: совершенствовать лексический запас не только учителя, молодых специалистов, но и учащихся; развивать навыки устной речи.


Работа предназначена для всех возрастных категорий.


Данный ресурс предполагается использовать систематически на каждом уроке.

Составитель – учитель английского языка ЧЕРЕВКОВА ЕЛЕНА ВИКТОРОВНА,

ГБОУ школа № 371

 Московского района

г. Санкт-Петербурга

Используемый интернет ресурс - https://myelt.heinle.com

Санкт-Петербург, 2013г.

Beginning of the lesson

Greeting students

Hi, everyone

Hello, everyone

Good morning, everyone

Good afternoon, class. How are you?

How are you doing?

How is everybody today?

Good to see you?

How was your vacation?

Reviewing students’ homework

Let’s check your homework

Let’s go over your homework together

Please take out your homework

Please hand in your papers

Please put your homework on my desk

Bring your homework next time

Please pass your papers to me

Does everyone have your homework?

Discussing the date

What day is today?

What’s the month?

What’s the weather like?

What season is it?

What’s the date today?

How is the weather today?

Taking attendance

Where is Ann?

Is everyone here?

Is Pedro here today?

Who’s absent today?

Who’s not here today?

I’m going to take attendance now.

Please say “HERE” when I call your name.

Raise your hand when I call your name.

Is Paula sick today?

Is she present?

Making announcements

I have something to tell you

I have an announcement to make

I have some important information for you

Please listen carefully

Please write down

Please copy from the board

We are going to do a project

You will do a project on…

This project is due on Monday

Work on your own

There’s a new due date for the project

You should finish this report by Friday.

Explaining new material

Explaining content

This means…

Today we’re going to learn

Let’s turn to page23

This is how you end a sentence

You use this to talk about the future

We say “is sleeping” when we talk about what is happening now.

When we want to say “You’re welcome” we say “Don’t mention it”.

Communicating lessons goals

Today we will practice writing a paragraph

Finally we are going to write a sentence

Engaging in the topic

Think about…

What do you know about?

Look at the picture!

What do you see?

What words do you know…?

Can you tell other animals?

Find the answer in the letter and highlight it.

Have you ever seen…?

What's missing?

What is wrong with this sentence?

Does this word look right?

Check spelling.

Try another verb.

Please look at this example again.

Compare the difference between "like" and "likes"

This sentence is off topic.

Pay attention to the instructions.

Please revise this sentence.

Pay attention to the verbs

Remember the irregular form

Check spelling

Please revise this sentence

Does that sound right?

Modeling and examples

Who remembers what we talked about last class?

Can you tell me some sentences we learned?

What other phrases do you know?

Find a classmate

Take turn reading a dialog

Check your paper with a partner

Count off by four

Work in group of four

Please repeat after me

Can you give me an example of a greeting?

Practice saying that

Does anyone know the answer?

Who can tell me what happened?

Let’s discuss

Managing the classroom

Is that clear?

Is everything clear?

Please read the instructions

Do you understand the instructions?

I’ll repeat the instructions

I’ll reread the instructions

Let’s review the instructions

Are there any questions?

If you have a question, raise your hand.

Let me give you an example

Do you want another example?

Please ask me in English

Repeat after me

You can say, “Can you repeat that, please?”

You can say, “Can you write that on the board, please?”

You can say, “Can you speak more slowly?”

You can say, “May I go to the bathroom, please?”

When you don’t understand, ask “What does it mean?”

When you want to know a word, say, “How do you say this in English?”

When you want to write a word, say, “How do you spell that?”

Stand up

Line up

Clean up

Please sit down

Go to your seats

Push in your chairs

Please speak louder

Copy the words from the board

Get ready for lunch

Get ready for the quiz

Be quiet

Motivating students

Good job!

Keep trying!

Don’t give up!

You can do it!

You’re doing great!

Just do your best!

You can say that in English!

Try it in English!

Don’t worry! Take your time!

Don’t worry! I’ll explain it again.

Encouraging participation

Please raise your hand

Speak louder

read aloud

Who wants a volunteer?

Do you want to try number 2?

Who knows the answer?

Do you know the answer to question 2?

I need a volunteer to read the dialog. Can you read?

Who can help me?

Can you do number 1 on the worksheet?

Pass out papers

Who wants to come to the board?

You’re doing great

Please take turns

Giving positive feedback


Good job!

Very good!



Nice work!

Well done!



That’s right!

Encouraging self-correction

That’s incorrect!

That’s not quite right!

These are extra words here.

Something is missing.

This word is wrong.

What does it mean?

Do you mean…?

There’s a problem with this paragraph

This word is not clean.

Don’t forget to follow the example

This sentence is incomplete

Use another word

Don’t add another word

Giving instructions

Instructions for writing a test

Check your answers with your partner

Check the following words in your dictionary

Ask your partner about his family

Fill in the blanks using new vocabulary

Practice the dialog

Practice saying new vocabulary

Give examples

Underline the vocabulary

Draw a picture in your notebook

Circle the correct verb

Match the questions with the answers

Answer the questions

Answer with complete sentences

Choose one of the following activities

Give each paragraph a title

Draw lines in your notebook

Use the vocabulary to write sentences

Use the chart to answer the questions

Repeat the sentences

Guess the word

Take turns reading dialog

Take notes about your partner

Work in pairs

Work with your partner

Changing activities


All right

Please listen

Pay Attention

Attention, please

Can you pay attention?

Let’s get started

Turn to page 31

OK, everybody. Let’s start an exercise in Unit 5

Let’s look at the picture on page 37

Now, let’s move on to the next activity

We will now start a different activity

Now we will learn something new

Help me collect the worksheet


Please listen

Please be quiet

Please stop talking

Please take turns

One at a time

Please pay attention

Please get to work

please raise your hand

sit down please

please look at your own paper

Giving test instructions

Now, we’re going to have a quiz on family words

You need a pencil

Put away your books

Clean your desks

I’m going to read the instructions aloud

Pay attention to the instructions

Listen to the instructions

Remember to read the instructions carefully

Write your name on the test

You may use your dictionary

Do your own work

No talking

Don’t talk

You have 5 minutes to complete the task

Check your responses

Please finish up

Time’s up

Stop writing

Put your pencils down

Don’t forget to check your work again

Are there any questions?

Write clearly

When you finished, raise your hands

Using classroom materials

Do you have a pencil?

Please take out your book

Open your books

Please turn to page 27

Please look at the handout

Write your name on your paper

Hand in your papers

The exercise is at the top of the page 28

Please come to the front

Close your books

Put away your notebooks

Turn over your page

Use the flashcards to review

Use the dictionary to check new words

Do the exercise at the bottom of page 23

The exercise is in the middle of page 27

Read the example at the top of page 17

Does everyone have books?

Is everyone ready?


Announcing schedule change

There’s a change in a schedule

We are going to finish class earlier tomorrow

There will not be a recess today

Recess will be shorter today

There will not be recess today

We will not have a break today

I have some announcements to make

Giving extracurricular activities

There will be a parent meeting on Monday

We’re going to have a visitor on Tuesday

Tell your parents about a parent meeting tomorrow

Give this notice to your parents

The ending of the lesson

Assigning homework.

Please look at the board. This is your hometask.

Complete grammar worksheet.

Is that clear?

Your assignment is on page 16

Your homework is due next class.

Review the vocabulary for the quiz

Practice conversation on page 19

Write 5 sentences using the vocabulary

For homework, complete the exercise on page 7 in the workbook

For our next class, please listen to the dialog on page 20.

Now listen to the phrases with substitutions

Dismissing the class


See you tomorrow

Class is finished

You can go now

Have a good day

Good job today

It’s time to clean up

Please clean up your area

Please put away your books

See you on Friday

See you next class

You can finish this exercise at home

You can finish this activity for next class

Did everyone finish?

 Pedro, will you collect your papers?

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