What can we do to help people and animals?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Долгих Людмила Валерьевна
Мне нравится работать с учащимися на уроках «Защита проектов». Такие уроки способствуют развитию мышления, внимания, памяти и воображения, а также предполагают самостоятельности учащихся в выборе формы выполнения своих проектов. Работа учащихся на таких уроках способствует развитию иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности в совокупности с ее составляющими. Учащимся нравится высказываться по увиденному или услышанному на уроке, оценить работу своих сверстников. Проект предполагает рефлексию совместной или индивидуальной работы, анализ творческого вклада каждого.


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Предварительный просмотр:

В.П. Кузовлев «English 7», Unit 3 “Can people do without you?”

Lesson 7 p.67 “Can you make a difference?”

Presentation of pupils’ projects

“What can we do to help people and animals?”

Цели урока:

Образовательные: - совершенствовать коммуникативные умения и навыки учащихся;

- практиковать в употреблении лексических единиц по теме;

- формировать навыки аудирования.

Развивающие: - развивать мышление, память речь, внимание учащихся;

- научить ставить проблему и находить способы ее решения;

 - развивать творческую активность учащихся;

- учить доказывать свою точку зрения;

- учить аргументировать точку зрения, используя речевые клише;

- прививать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку.

Воспитательные: воспитывать толерантное, уважительное отношение к окружающим;

- воспитывать трудолюбие и готовность работать в команде (группе);

- воспитывать готовность к сотрудничеству.

Ход урока:

  1. Greeting. Introduction to the lesson

T – Cl

T. Good morning, dear friends. I’m glad to see you today. How are you today? I think everything is O.K. Let’s make a start.

But I wonder who is on duty today?

What is date today?

Who is absent today? What is wrong with them (her/him)?

  1. Warming up.

T. All right, pupils. Let’s get down to work.

Last time we were talking about voluntary work in Britain.

There are some voluntary organizations in Britain, aren’t there?

What do the members of PTA do?

What do the members of RSPCA do?

What do the members of “Save the children” do?

Which activities do you find interesting/important/useful?

What jobs are the most popular among British/ American/Russian young people? What makes these children do their jobs?

What charity organizations are there in our town? Do you want to be a member of these organizations? Why?

T. Today we have unusual lesson. You’ll present your projects to classmates. Discuss your projects with classmates and decide which project is the most interesting/original/funny/creative/well-illustrated.

T –CL.

T. Open you student’s books at page 67.

III. Practice.

T. Are you ready to present your projects? Did you work in group or alone?

T. –CL.

T. Listen carefully to each other. Think of suitable questions to ask your partner (pupils of this/that group).

a) Listening to pupils.

b) Questions: What can you do to help people and animals in your town?

There are some animals (homeless animals) that need your help, aren’t there?

There are some people around you who need your help, aren’t there?

There are some places that need your attention, aren’t there?

How can you help homeless people in our town?

IV. Summing up.

T. Well done! I wonder what you think of projects. Whose project is the most interesting/the best? Why?

T. – CL.

T – P1, P2….

Expressing of opinions:

1)….’s project is about...(how to help…)

I like it because it is interesting




                        creative [krı΄eıtıv] – творческий




There are no (not so many) mistakes in it.

Besides, the idea of project is very interesting for me.

I don’t like …’s project because it isn’t interesting






Besides, it is boring


not serious.

There are some (many) mistakes there. (He/she has made some (many) mistakes in his/her project).

2) I think that …’s project is better than …’s project because it is more interesting, more well-illustrated, more important.

Besides, there are not so many mistakes there.

3) I agree with …because …

I don’t agree with …because …

4) I think that …’s project is the best project because it is the most interesting, well-illustrated, useful.

I think that …’s project isn’t the best because it is less interesting, less important than …’s project.

As for me I think that

In my opinion…

I don’t think that …’s project is the best because…

5) I give “5”. Thank you, for you project.

My mark is “4”.

Very well done! – Молодец

Excellent work – отлично

Very good – очень хорошо

6) I have one (some) question(s) to …

7) To my mind…

T. Your work today was good, your marks are… Give your projects in at the end of our lesson.

V. Home Assignment.

T. Your home task will be to be ready to write test. That’s all for today's lesson. See you soon. Bye.

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