Урок - обучение чтению с полным пониманием прочитанного.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Антипина Ирина Альбертовна

Этапы работы с текстом и формирование различных технологий извлечения информации из текста.


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Этапы работы с текстом и формирование различных технологий извлечения информации из текста.

1 этап – дотекстовый.

Read the first part of the text and answer the questions:

1. Who came to Britain from Europe?

2. When did the Romans first attack The Britons?

3. Who led the first Roman army?


        More than two thousand seven hundred years ago Celts came to Britain from Europe. They mixed in with the people who were already there. All who lived in Britons. They divided into groups called tribes. Each tribe had its king or queen. The Romans attacked Britain in 55 BC.  Consul Julius Caesar had brought the army of 10,000 men. The Britons fought desperately, but they were much weaker than the well trained Romans, and soon fled. After the victory Julius Caesar soon left Britain. The real invasion took place only in AD 43, when the Roman Emperor, Claudius decided to make Britain part of the Roman Empire. An army of 40,000 Roman soldiers landed in Britain. Britain became part of a huge Roman Empire, which stretched from what is now the north of England to the Red Sea. Many Britons had to accept the Roman way of life, though some of them tried to resist the enemies. The fighting continued for almost twenty years after the Roman invasion. The Romans won many victories, and it was clear that nothing could stop them. But, in AD 60, the Iceni tribe led by their queen, Boadicea, revolted.

        Of course the Roman soldiers were much better equipped than Boadicea`s men, and they were much better trained too. But she led her soldiers into the battle herself, and when the military situation was almost hopeless she encouraged her men to fight. She had a lot of success at first. Her army burned some Roman cities and even London. They destroyed an entire legion. Other tribes joined Boadicea and soon she had a huge army of 100,000 soldiers. The Romans wanted to catch her, because she led the resistance to their conquest of England. In the end the Roman army was too strong for her rather wild and ragged band of men. They were surrounded, and had to give in. Queen Boadicea had to face the prospect of becoming a prisoner of the Romans. She was a brave woman, and a great war leader, and she didn`t like the prospect at all.  She also had two daughters who had been with her during the fighting, and she knew they couldn`t expect much mercy from the Roman soldiers when they were caught.

        She decided that death would be better for her daughters than the dishonor and bad treatment. The history books tell us that first she gave them poison and then took it herself, and when the Romans soldiers reached her, she was dead. There is a monument to queen Boadicea in London.

2 этап – текстовый.

Ex 1. Answer the questions:

1. Boadicea was a queen, wasn`t she?

2. Whom did Boadicea fight against?

3. Did she lead her soldiers into the battle herself?

4. Why did the Romans want to catch her?

5. What can we read in history books about Boadicea`s death?

Ex 2. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. She had a lot of success at first.

2. Other tribes joined Boadicea and soon she had a huge army of 100,000 soldiers.

3. She decided that death would be better for her daughters than the dishonor and bad treatment.

4. More than two thousand seven hundred years ago Celts came to Britain from Europe.

5. The history books tell us that first she gave them poison and then took it herself, and when the Romans soldiers reached her, she was dead.

6. The Romans attacked Britain in 55 BC.  

7. The Romans won many victories, and it was clear that nothing could stop them.

8. Other tribes joined Boadicea and soon she had a huge army of 100,000 soldiers.

9. But, in AD 60, the Iceni tribe led by their queen, Boadicea, revolted.

10. The real invasion took place only in AD 43, when the Roman Emperor, Claudius decided to make Britain part of the Roman Empire.

3  этап – послетекстовый.

1. Retell the text.

2. Give the name to the text.

3. Make up the new ending to the story.

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