Тест по английскому языку.
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

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Pierre Renoir was a famous French artist. His paintings are very popular today because they show colourful, happy scenes, often in bright sunlight. He liked to show the good things in life because he thought there were many bad things around.

 He was born in central France in 1841. His father was a tailor and his mother was a dressmaker. The family was poor. They moved to Paris when Pierre was three. As he grew older he showed a talent for drawing. He started work at the age of thirteen, learning how to decorate plates, cups and dishes.Later he studied at the Paris art school and became an artist.

 Renoir liked to paint outdoor scenes of everyday life, for example, children on the beach or a young woman at the seaside. A hundred years ago, French children did not swim in the sea. They did not have special clothes for the beach and they usually wore hats and gloves, even in summer.

  Renoir loved family life. He often painted pictures of families.Some of his paintings are of his own children. One of his sons, Jean, was also very artistic. He became a world- famous film director.

  Pierre Renoir continued working to the end of his life, even when he became ill. He was seventy- eight when he died in 1919.

 You can see his pictures in museums and art galleries all over the world. Art collectors pay a lot of money for a painting by Renoir. In 2003 his picture of  a woman sitting in her garden was sold for $ 23.5 million.

   Choose the best answer:

  1. Why are his paintings popular today?

a)They are painted in bright colours.

b) They are not very expensive.

c) They make us feel happy.

2 . How did Pierre learn to paint?

a) He painted poor people.

b) He worked at a pottery.

c) He decorated kitchens.

3. Why did not French children swim in the sea?

a) There were no swimsuits.

b) They did not like cold water.

c) They liked to play on the beach.

4. Why did Renoir paint pictures of families?

a) He did not have his own children.

b) He did not like lonely people.

c) He loved children.

5.Where can you see his pictures?

a) In private collections.

b) In many countries.

True or False.

1.Renoir’s father was a dressmaker.

2. Pierre liked to paint scenes of everyday life.

3.Many years ago, children didn’t swim in the sea.

4. Renoir became a world – famous film director.

5. Pierre died in 1919.

6. Renoir’s picture was sold in 2003.

Choose the right variant:

1Jack ------ the carpet with the vacuum cleaner every day.

a) cleaned        b) cleans          c) has cleaned

2.I think she ----- pancakes next Sunday.

a) cooks          b)will cook            c) cooked

3.The Browns probably ------- to the new flat next month.

a) moved               b) is moving           c) will move

4.Ann ----- a camera last winter.

a) will  buy            b) bought            c) buys

5.Everyone who was born in Britain is-------

a) Scottish             b) English          c) British

6. The Union Jack is------ of the UK.

a) the capital             b) the flag      c) the patron saint.

7.Kate: “ Bill likes Polly”.

a)Kate said me Bill liked Polly.  

b) Kate told me Bill like Polly.

c) Kate told me Bill liked Polly.

7.Kate thinks ---- has not seen us.

a) her       b) she     c) herself

8. Bob and Tom are ------ cousins.



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