Разработка урока по теме "Праздники" 8 класс
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Бекленищева Лариса Юрьевна

Разработка урока по теме "Праздники", УМК Кузовлев "The World of English" 8 класс. Обобщающий урок по теме.


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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект урока.

Программа Е. И.  Пассов   «Программа – концепция коммуникативного иноязычного образования 5-11 классы “

УМК “The World of English” 8 автор Кузовлев и другие.

Вид урока: обобщающий урок по теме.

Тема: “Traditions,  manners.”  (подтема: Holidays)

Формы  организации деятельности учащихся: групповая, индивидуальная, фронтальная.

Цели: Учебный аспект:                                     Уметь обобщать изученную информацию; уметь формулировать выводы;

Уметь высказать свое мнение по проблеме урока.

Воспитательный аспект: Умение осознавать уникальность каждой страны, ее традиций.


Название этапа

Речь учителя

Речь учащихся

Запись на доске











Орг. Момент

Фонетическая  зарядка

Речевая зарядка

Обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Монологические высказывания учащихся

Минутка отдыха


Речь по теме.

Игра – соревнование

‘How well do you know the holidays?’



Презентация проекта

Итоги урока

Good morning , young  ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to see you! Sit down , please. Let’s begin our lesson.

First of all   let’s do phonetic exercises

(Образец чтения


Look through the rhyme once more

And say in one word what we are going to talk about

At our lesson.

Right you are . We are going to speak about  holidays  , we must review all, we have learnt about them.

1.Do you like holidays?


2. What are the most

Popular holidays in your  country?

3. What is your favourite holiday?


4. Have you got any special celebrations in your family?

What are they?

What do you usually do on These days?

5. Do you agree with the statement that holidays and celebrations can unite members of the family?

6. What local celebrations do you have?

7. Can religious holidays become national ones?

Look at the blackboard, here you can see  The Tree of Holidays. It is a kind of a scheme , looking at which  we can make a conclusion.

But let’s make it together. So, name , please the parts of the tree.

What can these parts symbolize?

And what about holidays?

So, right you are .

Connect the words on our scheme.

I want you to illustrate your words. Give your examples , please.

Do you know any Christmas songs?

Let’s sing it.

Give more examples.

Do the Russians have a similar tradition?

And what do you know about a Chinese tradition observed  in Britain?

There are a lot of strange places in Britain and strange customs are connected with them. If you were a correspondent  and you wanted to write an article about one of such places  what questions would you ask.?  So, one of you will be an English guide and another one  will be a Russian correspondent.

Now let’s play.

I want you to divide into two teams. I’ll give you a card  with words and expressions to every team . your task is to make up a story in order your opponents can guess what holiday is meant.

So you know a lot about holidays in Russia and in England. But life is constantly changing . Some holidays have become history .

New holidays have appeared.

And what new holidays would you like to establish?

Let’s listen to  Ksyusha’s project.

Any questions?

What’s your impression of the project?

Do you like it?

Do you want this holiday to become a national one?

Thank you for the project. I think that  at the next lesson we’ll listen to other interesting ideas on this question.

You have worked very hard. Your marks are:…


Good morning, good morning, good morning to you

We are glad to see you!

(чтение хором,



1Yes, I do.

I like holidays very much. Celebrating is my joy.  I like the perfect atmosphere of the arrangements.

But the best moment is when the guests arrive.

2. The most popular holidays in my country are

New Year, Christmas, Epiphany, Shrovetide,  M other’s day, and so on.

3.My favourite holiday is Mother’s day, because I love my mother very much. This day makes us think about our mothers.

4. In our family we celebrate not only  birthdays but also Name-  days. My birthday is on the 4th of January. But my name-day is on the 25th of January. It is The memory day of the saint with my name, because my name is Tatyana. On this day  I go to the church and stay for a  service , because on this day the church prays  for the memory of St. Tatyana.

5. Yes, I do. I agree with this statement.

Family reunion…

Sometimes , it seems to me that holidays unite  the whole nation.and what’s more , many nations into one family.

6.The birthday of our region, the day of the village,

The birthday of T.  S. Maltsev and so on.

7. I think, some of them have become national ones. For example , Christmas . On this day people don’t go to work, they write and send beautiful postcards, they cook dinner for

the whole family

The parts of the tree are: a trunk, branches, roots, leaves.

I think, that a trunk symbolizes traditions, roots symbolize the connection with the history of a country, because every tradition  has deep historical roots, that’s why traditions make a nation special.

I suppose that branches  symbolize holidays, because they are closely connected  with the traditions and customs of a country.

And leaves, no doubt, are the activities of people connected with this holidays.

For example;

Christmas. It is a great religious holiday, connected with the birth of Jesus Christ. People go to the church and stay for a service. People cook dinner for the whole family,

They eat special food: a roast turkey with potatoes, a pudding , they write and send beautiful postcards. They give gifts to their relatives and friends.

On Christmas people decorate fir-trees with tinsels , baubles, and fairy-lights.

In Russia people eat  a roast goose, syrchiki.

They have a lot of fun. At Christmas- tide  people have a carnival, tell fortunes, make a snowman, ride a troika, play snowballs, build a townlet, climb a pole for a gift ,wear fancy costumes, sing carols.

Silent  Night.

(дети поют песню )

Silent Night.

Silent night, Holy night, all is calm,

All is bright.

Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child,

Holy  Infant, so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly  peace.

Silent night ,Holy Night ,Shepherds quake

at the sight.

Glory streams from Heaven afar.

Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah

Christ the Savior is born,

Christ the Savior is born.

Silent night, Holy night , Son of God,

Love’s pure light.

Radiant beams from Thy holy face.

With the dawn of redeeming grace,

Jesus, Lord ,at Thy birth,

Jesus, Lord,

at Thy birth

Shrovetide is a Russian winter  festival. It has deep pagan roots.  But nowadays people hardly remember about them. They just have fun, say good-bye to winter and welcome spring.

On Shrovetide people eat pan-cakes with cream, jam and butter.

The New Year in Russia.is very popular.  And in Britain  it is not as widely celebrated  as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time.

There is a funny tradition connected with the New Year : the First Foot. It is the first visitor to enter a house on New Year’s morning. He is a person of great  importance. The First Foot must be a ,man, because it is believed that a woman brings bad luck.

The First visitor  may be a chance caller or a person who comes on purpose to let the New Year  into the house and bring good luck to the family.The First Foot must bring food, drink, coal into the house…


I am  not sure , but I think, they don’t.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated in Early February.

It is a time when people chase away the evil spirits by setting off fire-crackers.

A huge cloth dragon sways back and forth around the street corners chasing a red sunball or a white pearl-ball.

Following the dragon people are dancing and playing drums and gongs.

Will you answer a few questions , please ?

-With great pleasure!

  • I have heard that  in Britain there is a lot .of strange places.
  • Is that so?

  • You are quite right. In Britain there are  many strange places and strange people are connected with them. For example : Stonehenge.

  • -- Where is it ?

  • - It is in Wiltshire, England. On  the 24th of June  every year a very old custom is observed there.

  • -Is it still living custom?

There are Druids In Britain today and every June they attend Stonehenge.

  • What for ?
  • On the morning of the24th of June   the sun shines on the one famous  stone the Hill Stone  ,this is the most important moment of the year for the Druids. The sun and the stones at Stonehenge let the Druids know when the months and
  • asons start.
  • -- Sorry, I didn’t  catch, who are the Druids?
  • - They are Priests.
  • - And what is Stonehenge like? – It is one of the Europe’s biggest stone circles that is 10 or 12 metres high.
  • - And How old is it?
  • -The earliest part of Stonehenge is approximately 5000 years old .
  • -Thank you for the interesting information.  I’ll write an  article about it my all means.

Дети составляют

Рассказ – загадку для другой команды


The Chinese New Year

Guy Fawkes Night



Project. “The Day of Happiness.”

 Medvedeva Kseniya.

There are a lot of holidays in the world. They are very different, but every has its own charm. At different celebrations people are involved in different activities. They have fun, they are in high spirits.

Russia is rich in holidays too, but I  would  like to establish one more. It  will be be The Day of Happiness. On this day  people will not go to work. They  won’t  think about problems.  They will think that life is wonderful , they will visit their friends and relatives and  have heartfelt talks.

Nobody will be allowed to be angry, nervous. Everyone will go to walk  and greet people politely. Everybody will have a smile on his face. All the people will get a chance  to eat tasty dishes without money, children will play games and pleasant music will be heard everywhere. In the evening there will be carnivals, firecrackers ,parades  of costumes. The symbol of this holiday will be forget – me – nots  , because they are as blue  as  the cloudless sky. And  the blue sky is the symbol  of peace  in the world.

This holiday will be  in spring , in May, when it is warm and  when  all the trees are  in pink and  white blossom.

In my opinion, it will be a remarkable holiday. I am sure, it will become a favourite holiday  for all people.

The song of the day of happiness.

In every life we have some trouble

When you .were  you’d make it double.

Don’t worry, be happy .

In angle place to lay your head

Somebody cared and took your bed

Don’t worry! Be happy!

If your life expect some trouble

When you were you’d make it double

Don’t worry !Be happy!

I like this project very much.

I want this holiday to become a national one.


[æ]happy,glad ,Valentine’s  Day

[ei] celebrate, congratulate, gay, day.

[e]  friends, relatives, everyone

[I ] Christmas, is ,holidays

[i: ]  Easter

New Year, Christmas, Easter, St. Valentine’s day


Everyone is happy and gay !

Everyone is glad

Holidays to celebrate

Relatives and friends

To congratulate.

The Tree of Holidays.(рисунок- схема с подписями частей  дерева)

Слова: traditions,

Holidays,  connection with the history of the country.

Дети соеденяют  слова:

A trunk-traditions;

Roots- connection with

the history


leaves- activities.


in early February

to chase away

evil spirits

to follow a dragon

a huge cloth dragon

a red sunball

to play drums and gongs


To light fireworks,

To burn a guy

 A bonfire

In memory of

To destroy

The historical meaning


To dye eggs

In сommemoration

The resurrection of Jesus

 no fixed date

The date of the full moon

To be risen

 A symbol of eternal life


A Christian holly day

the three kings from the East

go to the church

to bring holly water

 to chase away evil spirits

to bathe in the river

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