тест для 9 класса
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Ефимова Инесса Евгеньевна

Вводный тест по грамматике английского языка для учащихся 9 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 9th form

Entrance Test (Variant I)

I. Choose the correct form of the verb

1. His grandfather______from his job a year ago.

a) has retired  b) was retiring  c) retires  d) retired

2. We______from her since June.

a) have heard  b) haven't heard  c) had heard  d) weren't hearing

3.______he______about the opera before?

a) had spoken   b) was speaking   c) has spoken  d) did speak

4.What ………… you ……………at 7 o’clock yesterday?

a) did, do   b)are, doing    c) were, doing  d) have, done

5. …………. you often ……….. with your friends?

a) Do, argue    b) Will, argue   c) Have, argued b)  Are, argued                


1. She … (go) home by 5 p.m. yesterday.

2. We … (dance) a lot at the disco last Saturday.

3. It … (snow) all day yesterday.

4. When the teacher … (come) into the classroom, Steven … (make) fun of Ann.

5. She couldn’t phone her because he … (forget) her phone number.

III. Read the text and answer the questions

A driver who was going in his car at a great speed through the country road saw a man crossing the road and a dog following him. As the car drew near them the dog suddenly stopped, was hit by the car and killed. The driver stopped his car and came up to the man. "I am very sorry for what has happened," he said. "Will 50 dollars be enough for the killed dog?" — "Oh, yes," said the man, "50 dollars will be quite enough." The man put the money in his pocket and when the driver disappeared in the distance, looked at the dog and thought, "I wonder whose dog it was."

1. Did the man feel very unhappy that the dog had been killed?  2. Why was he happy to get 50 dollars?

IV. Open the brackets using the verbs into the correct form

I (1 — tell) you a true story. It (2 — happen) to a friend of mine a year ago. While my friend George (3 — to read) in bed two thieves (4 — climb) into his kitchen and  (5 — go) into the dining room. It (6 — be) very dark, so they (7 — turn) on a torch (фонарь). Suddenly they (8 — hear) a voice behind them. "What (9 — be) up?" someone (10 — call). The thieves (11— run) away. George (12 — hear) the noise and (13— come) downstairs quickly. He couldn't see anything. By that time the thieves already (14 — go). But George's parrot Henry (15 – be) still there. "What (16— be) up?" he (17 — call). "Nothing," George (18 – say). "If something (19— happen) you (20 -  know)." And George (21 — leave) the room.

V. Correct the mistakes

1. My grandparents worked in the garden the whole morning. 2.  I waited for you for more than one hour.

3. He will  do his homework before I came. 4.  —Does he already see the doctor by that time? 5. She is finished her work already.

The 9th form

Entrance Test (Variant II)

I. Choose the correct form of the verb

1. When I______it______yesterday.

a) wake up, was raining     b) woke up, rained    c) woke up, was raining   d) 've woken up, was raining

2. When they …………. at the cinema, the film ………… already ………….

a) came, had begun  b)  come, has begun  c)  will came, had begun  d) are coming, is beginning

3.  Last night I______home at 11. I______supper and then______to bed.

a) have come, had,  went   b) came, had, went    c) came, have had, went   d) came, had, have gone

4. We ……….. …………….. in the country since Saturday.

a) has been   b) will be    c) had been   d) have been

5. They______for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

a) talked   b) were talking    c) have talked   d) had been talking


1. The pupils … (translate) the text by the end of the lesson.

2. He …. (buy) a present a week ago.

3. I … (watch) TV at 3 o’clock yesterday.

4. While I … (work) in the garden I … (find) a puppy.

5. When they came, the party … (begin) already.

III. Read the text and answer the questions

Once Mark Twain was invited to the opera. All through the opera his friend's wife was talking to her husband. She talked so much and so loudly that Mark Twain could hardly hear anything. After the performance she said to Mark Twain, "Dear Mark Twain, may I invite you to the opera again next Friday? The opera will be 'Carmen' you are sure to like it." — "Thank you very much," said Mark Twain, "that will be fine. I haven't heard you in 'Carmen' yet."

1. Why couldn't Mark Twain enjoy the opera? 2. Was the lady going to sing in "Carmen"?

IV. Open the brackets using the verbs into the correct form

Mr Sherlock Holmes (I — sit) one morning at the breakfast table in his room in Baker Street. His friend Dr Watson (2 — stand) near the window (3 — examine) a walking stick which a visitor (4 — leave) the day before. "To Dr Mortimer, from his friend," (5 — write) upon it, the date (6 — be) 1884. Sherlock Holmes suddenly (7— turn) to Watson and (8 — say), "The owner of this stick (9 — have) a dog which (10 — be) larger than a terrier and smaller than a mastiff." Watson (11 – surprise). He (12 – ask), "How you (13 – know)?"

"I (14 — examine) that stick carefully and (15 — notice) the marks of a dog's teeth on it," (16 — answer) Holmes. "They (17 — be) too broad for a terrier and not broad enough for a mastiff. I (18 — suppose) the dog often (19 — carry) the stick behind its master. I (20 — suppose) it (21 — be) a spaniel."

V. Correct the mistakes

1. The room looks very clean. Do you clean it?

2. Next year is my parents' tenth wedding anniversary. They have been married for 10 years.

3. Next week he went to Paris on business.

4. They will translate this article by 5 p.m. yesterday.

5. While he plays tennis, he hurt his arm.


Variant I

  1. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. a
  2. 1. had gone 2. danced 3. was snowing 4. came, was making 5 had forgotten
  3. 1. No, he didn’t. 2. He was happy because he got the money for nothing
  4. 1. shall tell 2. happened 3. was reading 4. climbed 5. went 6. was 7. turned 8. heard 9 is 10. called

11. ran 12. heard 13. came 14. had gone 15. was 16. is 17. called 18. said 19. happens 20. will know 21. left

  1. 1. were working 2. have been waiting 3. had done 4. had he already  seen 5. has finished

35-39 баллов – «5»

30-34 – «4»

20-29 – «3»

Variant II

  1. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. d
  2. 1. had translated 2. bought 3. was watching 4. was working, found 5. had already begun
  3. 1. He couldn’t enjoy the opera because the lady was talking loudly. 2. No, he wasn’t.
  4. 1. was sitting 2. was standing 3.  examining 4. had left 5. was written 6. was 7. turned 8. said 9. has 10. is 11. was surprised 12. asked 13. do you know 14. have examined 15. (have) noticed

16. answered 17. are 18. suppose 19. carries 20. suppose 21. is

  1. 1. have … cleaned 2. will have been married 3. is going 4. had translated 5. was playing

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