Проверочная работа на косвенную речь. 8 класс.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Левина Ольга Борисовна

Проверочная работа на перевод прямой речи в косвенную. Учебник " Английский в фокусе" 8 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Цель данной работы:

 проверить у учащихся умение правильно переводить прямую речь в косвенную.

Работа составлялась к учебнику  В.Эванс, Дж. Дули «Английский язык»                      (« Английский в фокусе») 8 класс, но возможно использование данного теста и с другим учебным пособием.

                                                                                        Левина О.Б.


Rewrite the statements in reported speech.

1 “ We’re meeting Tom today”, they said.

2 “ You must call the office to check it”, she said to her son.

3 “ We didn’t take photos during our trip”, they told me.

4 “ This has been my best chance ever!” the boy told his friends.

5  “ I spent last summer travelling”, she said.

6 “ You can collect your books tomorrow”, he told me.

7 “ Mary will return from Paris next week”, he said.

8 “ You are not allowed to park here”, the policeman said.

9 “ I’m reading to find more information”, she said.

9 “ How old is the Sphinx?” the man asked.

10 “ Call me from your office when you arrive”, she said to me.

11 “ Do not forget to take your umbrella”, Kate said to Mike.

12 “ What time are we leaving tomorrow?” John asked.

13 “ Send me a letter”, Nick said to Jane.

15 “ Excuse me, what time does the next bus leave?” he asked.

Rewrite the statements in reported speech.

1 “ We’re meeting Tom today”, they said.

2 “ You must call the office to check it”, she said to her son.

3 “ We didn’t take photos during our trip”, they told me.

4 “ This has been my best chance ever!” the boy told his friends.

5  “ I spent last summer travelling”, she said.

6 “ You can collect your books tomorrow”, he told me.

7 “ Mary will return from Paris next week”, he said.

8 “ You are not allowed to park here”, the policeman said.

9 “ I’m reading to find more information”, she said.

9 “ How old is the Sphinx?” the man asked.

10 “ Call me from your office when you arrive”, she said to me.

11 “ Do not forget to take your umbrella”, Kate said to Mike.

12 “ What time are we leaving tomorrow?” John asked.

13 “ Send me a letter”, Nick said to Jane.

15 “ Excuse me, what time does the next bus leave?” he asked.

Rewrite the statements in reported speech.

1 “ We’re meeting Tom today”, they said.

2 “ You must call the office to check it”, she said to her son.

3 “ We didn’t take photos during our trip”, they told me.

4 “ This has been my best chance ever!” the boy told his friends.

5  “ I spent last summer travelling”, she said.

6 “ You can collect your books tomorrow”, he told me.

7 “ Mary will return from Paris next week”, he said.

8 “ You are not allowed to park here”, the policeman said.

9 “ I’m reading to find more information”, she said.

9 “ How old is the Sphinx?” the man asked.

10 “ Call me from your office when you arrive”, she said to me.

11 “ Do not forget to take your umbrella”, Kate said to Mike.

12 “ What time are we leaving tomorrow?” John asked.

13 “ Send me a letter”, Nick said to Jane.

15 “ Excuse me, what time does the next bus leave?” he asked.

Rewrite the statements in reported speech.

1 “ We’re meeting Tom today”, they said.

2 “ You must call the office to check it”, she said to her son.

3 “ We didn’t take photos during our trip”, they told me.

4 “ This has been my best chance ever!” the boy told his friends.

5  “ I spent last summer travelling”, she said.

6 “ You can collect your books tomorrow”, he told me.

7 “ Mary will return from Paris next week”, he said.

8 “ You are not allowed to park here”, the policeman said.

9 “ I’m reading to find more information”, she said.

9 “ How old is the Sphinx?” the man asked.

10 “ Call me from your office when you arrive”, she said to me.

11 “ Do not forget to take your umbrella”, Kate said to Mike.

12 “ What time are we leaving tomorrow?” John asked.

13 “ Send me a letter”, Nick said to Jane.

15 “ Excuse me, what time does the next bus leave?” he asked.

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