урок по английскому языку "Мы живем на одной планете"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Арзуманян Ануш Арнодиковна

данный урок  "We live on the same PLANET" для 7-8 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Цели урока:

 Формирование устойчивого познавательного интереса к изучению иностранных языков, в том числе английского.

Задачи урока:


формирование представления о языковой карте мира, актуализация имеющихся в опыте учащихся знаний.

2. Развивающая:

Развитие  языковой компетенции


воспитание толерантного отношения к другим странам, языкам, людям.

Педагогическая цель- поиск оптимального варианта включения в учебный процесс современного оборудования: лингафонного кабинета и интерактивной доски

Оснащение урока:

Интерактивная доска, учебник, аудирование с помощью лингафонного кабинета, индивидуальные карточки. УМК “Enjoy English” 7 класс.

Режим взаимодействия.

Учитель – класс, учитель – ученик; ученик -ученик

План урока:

1. Организационная беседа.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

3. Речевая разминка.

4. Актуализация грамматических навыков.

5. Развитие навыков аудирования.

6.Систематизация изученного материала с использованием  презентации.

7. Закрепление учебного материала.

8.Объяснения д/з

9.Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Ход урока

1) Приветствие:

Good morning  children. Sit down please. Dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you.

2) Речевая разминка:

Today we have an unusual lesson .Звучит музыка.(беседа о песне).

  What do you think  about this song?

Yes of course, about children and the world and of course our planet.

And the theme of our lesson is: “We all Live on the Same Planet».

1.What is the name of the planet we live on?

 What day is it today on our planet? What season is it now?

2. What will you be able to see if you look at the Earth from space?

3. What oceans are there on our planet?                    Слайд океаны, реки.

4. There are many countries our planet, do you agree with me? What countries do you know?

5. What is the largest country in the world?

  As you know We all live on the Earth, it is our home!

3. And every country has own capital. Do you know what is ….

Answer my questions:

1. The capital of Great Britain is…(London)

3.What is the capital of  Finland? (Helsinki)

 4.What is the capital of  England? (London)

 5.What is the capital of Italy? (Rome)

6.What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)

7.What is the capital of  the USA? (Washington)

10.What is the capital of  Canada? (Ottawa)

12.What is the capital of  Russia? (Moscow)

1.What is the capital of  Spain? (Madrid)

 2.What is the capital of  France? (Paris)

Very well. Well done.

Работа по учебнику. Аудирование.

There are a lot of countries on our planet and it means that they have own languages. Let’s listen to the languages people speak in different countries.

 Работа по упр.12. аудирование.( ответы детей)

And now say me please   What foreign languages do you learn in your school?

How do you think why we must learn English? (ответы детей).

we can say that the English language is the International language. English-speaking countries have a lot in common. Let’s read the text and learn what  professions  need English. (чтение упр. 42)

Работа по учебнику. Чтение текста с извлечением информации.

Now look at the screen and read sentences, then you will  agree/disagree.  

Put  + or  -

  • English is the most popular language all over the world +
  • Every 7th person in the world speaks English +
  • Pupils in Russia learn only English as a foreign language -
  • People don’t use English in tourism-
  • The best way of learning English is to practice a lot+
  • English is the language of politicians.+
  • English isn’t the language of rock and pop music.-
  • English is called the language of the sky and the sea.+
  • 90% of all international business letters are written in English.-
  • Every pilot and ship’s captain must not speak English to communicate with each other. -

Вывод.English is the International language. It’s the language for all people of our Planet.

And we need learning English to understand each other better.

 And what do you know about English-speaking countries?

Работа с интерактивной доской  (столица, флаги, достопримеч, политики)

Children as you know there are 2 hundred  countries on our Planet. And in every country people speak their own languages. But we have our mutual home. It is our planet, the Earth. And the future of our planet depends on you. What would you like to see it in 10 years?

4) Проектная работа

I give you 2 paper hands.  Write your opinion on one of them. Leave another one in the envelope.

Song “We’re the world, we are the people”.


 We are the world, we are the children

 We are the ones who make a brighter day

 So lets start giving

 There’s a choice we're making

 We're saving out own lives

 its true we'll make a better day

 Just you and me

(Let’s complete  our project work and every pupil will go to the blackboard and fix the paper hands on the poster.

And now you see that the Earth is in your children’s hands. And our planet depends from you. you must  do everything that your life will be happy and merry.

III. .Заключительный этап урока.

 Объяснение домашнего задания:

Your home task for the next lesson is to write 5 adjectives describing your planet.

Подведение итогов урока. Объявления оценок.

You’ve worked hard today. I’ll give you “good” and “excellent” marks.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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