презентации для 8, 10 классов по Биболетовой
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Аминева Гюзель Рафаэловна

презентации по теме "косвенная речь", "Экологические проблемы", "Subjunctive I"


Файл subjunctive_i_wishdlya_10_klassa-moya.pptx250.88 КБ
Office presentation icon social_welfare_0.ppt2.24 МБ
Файл kosvennaya_rech.pptx81.35 КБ
Office presentation icon ekologicheskie_problemy.ppt1.62 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Subjunctive I (I wish) 1

Слайд 2

I wish ( жаль, что... не... ) I 2 Subject V2 hadV3 Could V Would V

Слайд 3

I wish I had a dog. (But I don’t have a dog)- Present I wish I had learnt French at school. Then I would have enjoyed my trip to Paris much more.- Past (But I didn’t learn French at school so I didn’t enjoy my trip to Paris to the full ) I wish it would rain (would be rainy) tomorrow . (it will be dry tomorrow) 3

Слайд 4

4 1. You are late for school because you missed the bus. What do you say? a) I wish I were at school on time. –Present b) I wish I hadn’t missed the bus.-Past

Слайд 5

1. You can’t cook. I wish Mum (be) here! I wish Mum were here! 2. You argued with your mother yesterday and now you are sorry about it. I wish I (not argue) with my mother yesterday. I wish I hadn’t argued with my mother yesterday. 3. The thief is running from the policeman. (use could) I wish I (run) faster. I wish I could run faster. 4. You didn’t go to the cinema yesterday. I wish (be) to the cinema. 5

Слайд 6

I wish I had been to the cinema. 5. You don’t remember your friend’s telephone number. I wish I ( remember ) my friend’s number. I wish I remembered my friend’s number! 6

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Welfare state To receive a pension To accept help A waste of money To deprive Regardless of their income To provide with an income A degree of dignity

Слайд 3

1. He is ___ as a programmist for a company. a) employed b) employment c) employee 2. The lowest__ rate is in the UK. a) Unemployment b) employee c) employment

Слайд 4

3. ___ people are usually reduced to begging. jobless b) job c) joblessness 4) His long –term __ made his family be in despair. jobless b) job c) joblessness 5) She was ___ very well at her company. pay b) paid c) payment 6) ___ help is very important for those whose income is below poverty level. a) finance b) financial c) financee

Слайд 6

State pensions Retirement pensions Unemployed benefit Maternity pay Widows pensions Child benefit

Слайд 7

Housing benefit scheme Invalidity pensions Mobility allowance

Слайд 8

There are a lot of elderly people. How do elderly people live?

Слайд 9

Do not have to go to work Get wiser, have more experience, and the ability to help with advice Have a lot of time to meet with friends

Слайд 10

Become ill and disabled Suffer the fear of death Have financial problems

Слайд 11

State/retirement Pensions: 350 rubles Free medical care Housing, telephone, etc. without going on a waiting list

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она была произнесена, называется прямой речью ( direct speech ) . Речь, передаваемая не слово в слово, а только по содержанию, в виде дополнительных придаточных предложений, называется косвенной речью ( reported speech ).

Слайд 3

Прямая речь может представлять собой: 1.повествовательное предложение 2.вопросительное предложение 3.повелительное предложение

Слайд 4

Present Simple Past Simple Present Progressive Past Progressive Past Simple Past Perfect Present Perfect Past Perfect Present Perfect Progressive Past Perfect Progressive Future Simple Future-in-the-past

Слайд 5

go/goes went am/is/are going was/were going went had gone have / has gone had gone have/has been going had been going shall/will go should/would go

Слайд 6

John said: “I live in New York.” John said (that) he lived in New York

Слайд 7

Bob said: “I am learning French.” Bob said he was learning French

Слайд 8

Ann said:”Jack went home.” Ann said Jack had gone home.

Слайд 9

Fred said:”I have done it.” Fred explained he had done it.

Слайд 10

Kevin said: “I have been coughing for a week.” Kevin explained he had been coughing for a week.

Слайд 11

We said: “We shall win the game.” We said we should win the game

Слайд 12

here there this that today that day ago before now then these those yesterday the day before last week the previous week tomorrow the next day

Слайд 13

1. He said:”I can’t translate this article.” He said he couldn’t translate that article. 2. He said:”I was here yesterday .” He said that he had been there the day before.

Слайд 14

Если прямая речь является вопросительным предложением ( прямым вопросом ), то при обращении в косвенную она становится дополнительным придаточным предложением ( косвенным вопросом )

Слайд 15

2 типа прямых вопросов Специальные вопросы , начинающиеся с who , which, whose, when, why, how, how many, how much, how long, … Общие вопросы, начинающиеся с вспомогательного или модального глагола

Слайд 16

Когда прямой вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова или группы слов, то при обращении его в косвенный вопрос производятся следующие изменения: вопросительный знак опускается , и вопросительный порядок слов в прямом вопросе заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения с теми же изменениями, как и в повествовательных предложениях . Вопросительное слово служит для присоединения косвенного вопроса к главному предложению.

Слайд 17

1.He asked me:”Why have you come so late?” He asked me why I had come so late. 2. He asked me:”Where do you live?” He asked me where I lived .

Слайд 18

Когда прямой вопрос начинается с вспомогательного или модального глагола , то косвенный вопрос присоединяется к главному предложению при помощи союзов whether или if , имеющих значение частицы ли . Далее производятся те же изменения, как и при обращении в косвенную речь вопроса, начинающегося с вопросительного слова.

Слайд 19

1. She asked:”Did John read the book?” She asked if John had read the book. 2. He asked me: ’’Will you be here tomorrow?” He asked me whether I should be there the next day .

Слайд 20

Когда прямая речь представляет собой повелительное предложение, то при обращении её в косвенную производятся следующие изменения: 1. Если прямая речь – приказание , то глагол to say сказать в словах, вводящих прямую речь, заменяется глаголом to tell велеть , to order приказывать . Если прямая речь – просьба , то глагол to say заменяется глаголом to ask просить . 2. Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом . Отрицательная форма заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.

Слайд 21

1.She said to him:” Come at five o’clock.” She told him to come at five o’clock. 2. I said to her:”Please bring me a glass of water.” I asked her to bring me a glass of water.

Слайд 22

Choose the correct verb form 1. The doctor said to me that I (shall/should) rest for a week. 2. He said that he (is going/was going) to learn Spanish. 3. He said that they (were/ had been) friends at school. 4. She asked if her knowledge of French (is/was) good. 5. The teacher asked who (is/was) present (that day/today) 6. He asked me where I (study/studied). 7. Mother ordered (not to play/to not play) in the street.

Слайд 23

1. The doctor said to me that I should rest for a week. 2. He said that he was going to learn Spanish. 3. He said that they had been friends at school. 4. She asked if her knowledge of French was good. 5. The teacher asked who was present that day . 6. He asked me where I studied. 7. Mother ordered not to play in the street.

Слайд 24

Put them into Reported speech 1. “I’m going to the seaside soon,” she said. 2. “Does this bus stop next station?” asked Helen. 3. He asked her:”Are you working now?” 4. The teacher asked:”Can you play the piano?” 5. I asked her:”Why are you late?” 6. “Who has broken the window?” the teacher asked. 7. “Look at this paper” he said. 8. “Don’t go alone in the evening,” she said.

Слайд 25

Put them into Reported speech Yesterday a group of students from Britain visited Kate’s school. Kate asked them some questions . Where are you from? What places in Russia have you visited? What in Russia impressed you most? Where do you want to go? Do you like Russia? How

Слайд 26

Turn these sentences into direct speech. The teacher said that a new uniform was going to be introduced in our the following year. He told us that a discussion was planned to decide what it would look like. He suggested that we would take part in it if we wanted our opinions to be heard. He thought students had a lot of ideas that would help make a new uniform look nice and fashionable. Prezentacii.com

Слайд 27

Turn the following sentences into reported speech using the words in brackets . “I don’t care what you say! I’m going to wear this dress and that’s that.” (girl/insist) “Put your hands up.”(soldier/command) “That’s great news! Let’s have a party to celebrate.”(student’s/ suggest) “Don’t sit on that chair, it’s broken.” (granny/warn) “You should go to the doctor.”(mum/advise) “We are organizing a New Year party. Will you come?”(friends/invite) You mustn’t go out late.” (dad/forbid) “Give me all your money!” (mugger/demand) “Why don’t you take a taxi ?” (Mike/recommend )

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Environmental Problems

Слайд 2

The aim of our lesson To learn to describe the ecological problems and ways of their solving: Revise the words Name ecological problems Name ways of solution of environmental problems.

Слайд 3

prohibited allowed should create national recycle laws fire junk food cut down signs nature saying take care of reduce electricity station pollution

Слайд 4

People pollute…

Слайд 5

People pollute…

Слайд 6

People pollute themselves with…

Слайд 7

Millions of animals … because …

Слайд 8

What should people do to protect nature?

Слайд 9

To solve ecological problems people should/shouldn’t Create national parcs Pass antipollution laws Recycle wastes Leave fire in forests Smoke, take alcohol, junk food Cut down trees

Слайд 10

To solve ecological problems people should/shouldn’t Display signs saying “Protect nature!” Take care of nature Drop litter Reduce air and water pollution Leave food for birds in winter Kill animals Save electricity and water

Слайд 11

Plan The ecological problem is that people … It’s very dangerous for … To solve this problem people should … people shouldn’t…

Слайд 12

Play “Guess” The sign says … It’s strictly prohibited to You are not allowed to Stop …ing ( … ) Keep away from the …ing

Слайд 13

Home task Wb. p.27-28, ex.3

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