Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме "Развитие диалогической и монологической речи. Путешествие по США"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Устинова Ирина Александровна

Урок был подготовлен с помощью наших друзей по переписке, которые прислали нам видео со своими советами для путешественников.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок  в 6 классе по теме «Развитие монологической и диалогической речи. Путешествие по Америке ».

Школа с углубленным изучением английского языка  №510 Московского района.

Учитель Устинова Ирина Александровна.

План  урока.

  1. Орг. момент.  Дата. Отсутствующие. Погода.
  2. Погода в Нью-Йорке. Объявление темы.
  3. Проверка д\з .
  4. Упражнение – на умение задавать вопросы.
  5. Музыкальная пауза- физкультминутка.
  6.  Работа над составлением диалога.
  7. Инсценировка диалогов.
  8. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия. Д\З.

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


  1. Орг. момент.  Дата. Отсутствующие. Погода.  (фронтальный опрос)

Hello boys and girls! Let’s start our lesson! As you see we are having a lot of guests today. So let’s greet them. Well, sit down everybody! I Who is absent? Is he coming? Is he ill? Who is his friend? When will he come back to school?

Gosha   is absent. He is ill. He will come back to school next week.

Nikita is taking part in a sport competition in Moscow. He will come back to school the 5th of March.

Слайд №1

What is the date today? Today is the 27th of February. What’s the weather like today? Were you cold on your way to school?

What is the temperature today? Who has seen the weather forecast for today?

It’s rather cold today. The weather is nasty.

It is  ___ degrees below zero.

It isn’t windy.

No weather is ill, if the wind is still.

Объявление темы урока.  Погода в Америке. (работа с картой,  интернет-сайтом)


At our lesson we are going to take a  virtual trip around the USA so it is very important to find out what  the weather is like in The USA. Have a look at the weather map.  

Where is New York situated?  Who can find it on the map?

We should click the location to find out the local weather.

Come to your seat.

We’ve got the full information on the weather in New York.  

Could you describe the weather?



New York is situated in the North West of The USA. On the eastern coast of the USA.

What a nice day! The weather is fine.

It’s going to be windy and snowy and rather cold.

Weather map



We’ve got pen friends from America (North Caroline).

Well , what about our friends  in Charlotte? Have you been in touch with them  lately? What is the weather like in North Caroline? What are they writing?

Дети рассказывают

Boys and girls! Here  we have a video message from our pen friend, Aisha. Let’s watch it.

Video message 1  - Aisha

So we have got an invitation to visit the USA and we have to make a plan of our trip. This is the main task of our lesson.

 We will watch and listen to your presentations  and discuss the best way of getting  from New York to Washington.

What do you think about?

It’s great!

That’s incredible!


Видео №1

Фонетическая зарядка.

Let’s improve your pronunciation skills.

Look at the screen. Could you repeat the words, please. Ready?

The Statue of Liberty - ['stæʧuː  lɪbətɪ ],

New York Harbour - [nju 'jɔːk 'hɑːbə

Auguste Bartoldi   [  əˈgəstə

 Pennsylvania [ˌpen(t)sɪl'veɪnɪə] Avenue ['ævən(j)uː]

Washington ['wɔʃɪŋtən]

James Hoban [ˈhōbən]

Anaheim [ˈanəhʌɪm]

California [ˌkælɪ'fɔːnɪə]

Adventureland - [əd'venʧə]

Frontierland - [frʌn'tɪə]

Tomorrowland - [tə'mɔrəu]

Слайд 4

Проверка домашнего задания.  Монологические высказывания с опорой на ключевые слова и презентацию.

What did I ask you  to do  for this lesson?

So I would like to see how  you coped with it.

Let’s listen to the presentations by our students.

Are there any volunteers to speak ?

Come out! Who is your partner?

The first presentation is going to be about  The White House where the American president lives. Boys will tell us about it.

Everybody I ask you to be attentive . There will be questions.

Who is going to be the next?

Ann and Gosha will continue. Their presentation is about the Statue of Liberty which is the symbol of the USA. Are you ready to listen to  Ann?

And  the last presentation is about Disneyland. Listen to them carefully it is very interesting and informative.

Remarkable job! You’ve  made me happy!

Great! Nice work! I’m proud of you!

Hooray for you! Creative job!

Our home work was to make presentation about the places in America to visit.

May I be the first to speak?

Good morning! I ‘m Denis Smirnov. I’m Stas Vasilyev. We will tell you about the White House.

Now answer my question.

I’d like to ask you something

In the end listen to my question.

Thank you for your attention.


Проверка понимания  монологических высказываний. Дети задаю вопросы по своим презентациям.

  • 1.What country gave The Statue of Liberty to the Americans?
  • (France did.)
  • Who was the first president who lived in The White House? He was John Adams.
  • What can you see in the)  Frontierland  [fr۸n′tıə] ?
  • Frontierland  [fr۸n′tıə]  represents the history of the United States.  Visitors can see puppet Native Indians and the first settlers from Europe

  • What country gave The Statue of Liberty to Americans?
  • (France did.)
  • What was the original colour of the White House?
  • What can you see in Main Street? (Sleeping beauty castle.)

Основная часть- совершенствование навыка диалогической речи

Зад.1 Тренировка умения задавать вопросы с опорой на вопросительное слово.

Move ahead. We have another video message from Aisha. Are you ready to watch?

Video message 2  - Aisha –

You should begin your trip from New York. You will be arriving at the Kennedy airport, New York, New York (first NY- city, second - state). In New York you should visit

We send you a few leaflet  with information about these places

I ‘ve got a few leaflets but not enough for everybody. So I will give  leaflets  to Ann, Denis and Gosha. The rest of the group should get the necessary information.

So I will give each person a card. One card is a leaflet. The other card has some words on it to make four questions form.

The person with the question card asks their questions. The other person uses the information to answer the questions.

Afterwards, the person with question card tell us what he or she has learnt.

Work in group of two.

Use the prompts to help you make full questions.

Listen to your partner and give answers in full sentences.

Don’t just read the words from the card.

If you don’t understand your partner, say, Can you repeat that, please,

You have  2 min. Let’s  start.

Your time’s up.

What have you learnt about  ?

I should read the leaflet and answer___ questions.

I should ask some questions to get the information.

I’ve learnt


I think now we can have some time for fun.  Rout 66  is a popular old American song . What do you know about the Rout 66?

. Let’s sing and move to the music with Rolling Stones.

Girls are very good dancers. So come ahead! Are you ready?

Wonderful!  Lovely! Thank you girls. Go to your seats


It is the first American highway.

Обсуждаем  расписание- достоинства и недостатки различных видов транспорта.

Let’s get down to business!

Well, at the moment we’ve   got the complete information about places of interest in New York and I’m sure  the days in New York will be great.

It’s time to discuss the trip to Washington.

Dear friends! Let’s watch another video message from Aisha.

Attention, please!

Video message -#3- Aisha give the  advice to go on our trip by bus or by train. We should choose.

Aisha’s sent a schedule to help us to choose the best way of getting from NY to W.

Let’s analyze it.   What kinds of transport does she recommend?

She recommends to get there by “Greyhound express”  or by Northeast Regional Coach .

“Greyhound” is the famous transportation company with a long history.

The Northeast Regional  is an intercity rail service . There are two levels  Business and Coach (economy).  

 Which is faster a bus or a train?

How long does it take to cover the distance to Washington by train?

How long does it take to get to W by bus?

What is the best time to start?

What is the most comfortable time to arrive in Washington?

So they don’t  leave us any time to see the sights.

Well. Let’s talk about the ticket price.

How much is the highest fare?

The highest fare is the train fare. It’s $57.

How much is the lowest fare?

The lowest fare is $19. It ‘s the earliest bus price.

Which kind of transport is the most comfortable?

The train is the most comfortable kind of transport.

So Aisha  thinks that the best way to travel to Washington is by bus or by train.

The train is the fastest means of transport.


It takes 3 hours 35 min.

It vary from 4 to 7 hours.

The early bus is the slowest. The travel time is about 7 hours.

I think 8:30 is the best time to start, we can sleep all night.

I don’t think so. It doesn’t leave us any time to see the sights.

The bus arrives in Washington at one o’clock in the afternoon. It’s too late. In my opinion it’s very to have enough time to see the sights.

Расписание на экране.

Картинка Greyhound \Northeast Regional Coach

Постановка учебной задачи и выделение структуры диалога.

I would like you to  make up a dialogue. You should discuss advantages and disadvantages  and come to a conclusion what way is the most suitable for us.

Could you say what we should discuss in the dialogue?

So you will discuss

  1. What time it leaves and arrives
  2. How long the trip is\ travel time
  3. Ticket price
  4. Additional  service

How to start  -to focus on the shedule

How to finish  -to come to conclusion.

What time it leaves and


Travel time

Ticket price

Additional  service

 Задания на составление диалогов разного уровня сложности.  Инсценировка диалогов.

There are  three types of cards in my hand. They consist  of the instruction how  to make up  your own dialogue.  

Yellow is the easiest way to make a dialogue -  to

Red is a more complicated way.

And Green is the high level.  You should choose  your own level.

So you have set in groups. You may start. You have 3 min.

Excellent !  Good for you!

 You do your best! Well done!

Creative job! I knew you could do it!

As I see everybody has decided to travel by train. That’s a great idea! It’s the most expensive but the most comfortable kind of transport.

Финальное сообщение от Аиши. Рефлексия. Установка на домашнее задание.

Let’s watch the final video from Aisha.

We really must say Thank you to Aisha.

Are you on target? Complete the chart how well you do these things. Tick in the right place.

Please write down your homework.

SB page 218 Read the dialogue A trip to the USA and ask the questions to find out more.  Ex. 6, 7 follow the instruction.

Extra work – read the history about the  company at greyhound.com

Have you got written that down? So the lesson is over. That’s all for today. You may go.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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