Writing a postcard
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Дивеева Ольга Николаевна

Данная презентация полезна при обучении навыкам письменной речи.


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Слайд 1

Writing a postcard ВЫПОЛНИЛА: ДИВЕЕВА О.Н

Слайд 2

Read the postcard

Слайд 3

Answer the questions Where are they staying? What are their plans for tomorrow? When is their holiday going to finish? How much do you think Mike is really enjoying the holiday?

Слайд 4

Find the paragraph which gives details of these things When Mike is coming back Information about the place they are staying What they have spent their time doing Where they are on holiday What else they are planning to do

Слайд 5

Steps to better writing

Слайд 6

Follow the instructions You are having the holiday and think everything is perfect. Rewrite Mike’s postcard, replacing the underlined adjectives with some of the ones below. Really lovely, absolutely fantastic, brilliant, delicious, marvelous, very hot and sunny, perfect, great You are having a terrible holiday, and everything is going wrong. Rewrite Mike’s postcard, replacing the underlined adjectives with some of the ones below. Absolutely awful, very stressful, disgusting, dark, smelly, aggressive, rude, small, cold and wet, miserable

Слайд 7

Sentence building Use and , but , so or because 1.In the day we go swimming and water- skiing___ a t night we go off to the hotel disco. 2. It’s hot and sunny today, ____ last week the weather was terrible. 3. Katie’s got to stay inside today____ she got badly sunburned yesterday. 4. The sea was really rough yesterday, ____ we couldn’t take the boat out. 5. I’m not really enjoying myself ___ I miss you so much. 6. Beach holidays are OK,__ they’re a bit boring.

Слайд 8

Use the correct form of the verbs

Слайд 9

Writing a postcard Imagine you are on holiday. You are going to write a postcard to a friend. 1. Who would you choose to write to? 2. What would they want to know about your holiday? 3. How formal or informal should your postcard be?

Слайд 10

Writing an address Izabela Hoffman 16 Barcombe Avenue London SW 3AY England

Слайд 11

Number this notes in the correct order a) Finish the postcard in a suitable way.___ b ) Give a few details about who is with you and what is the place like.___ c ) Open the postcard in the correct way.___ d ) Describe how you spend your time and some of the things you have done.____ e ) Tell your friend about any plans for other trips or visits you are going to make before you leave._____

Слайд 12

Writing Write your postcard. Remember to use informal language. Use adjectives to make your postcard more interesting.

Слайд 13

C hecking Read through your postcard and check that you have: - used tenses correctly - spelled words correctly - used an informal, friendly style

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